Integration: Class #4

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Class #4​ ​Integration

Welcome! We practice Who with, Where, When, Why, How often, What (o sea, las preguntas de las
clases anteriores).

Hello everybody! Today we read Katya’s story, OK?

Katya’s life 
Katya  is  an  artist.  She’s  25.  She  lives  in  a  small house in the country. She usually 
gets  up  in  the  morning,  has  a  white  coffee  and  then  she  goes  for  a  walk  with  her dog. 
They  walk  in  the  park,  or  on  the  beach,  they  like  walking  and  listening  to  music.  She 
works  in  a  supermarket,  and  she  plays  the  piano  at  night.  She  loves  romance  movies, 
and  drinking  beer  with  her  friends.  She  always  visits  her  parents  at  the  weekend.She 
paints in her studio; she paints for hours. She wants to be famous in the future.  

Activity 1. Answer the questions

Questions: Answers
1 Where does Katya live? …lives in a small house in the country …
2 What coffee does she drink? …have a coffee with milk …
3 Who does she walk with? …Selling walking with your dog….
4 Where do they walk? …they walk in the park or on the beach ….

Activity 2. You invent 4 questions. Formula:

Formula: Wh​-questions DO the person activity ​?

W​here does Katya live?
W​ho does she walk with​?

Questions Answers

1)What do you like to do in the park? he likes to walk and listen to music

2)Where does Katya work? She works in a supermarket

3)who does she drink beer with? drink beer with his friends

4)where does the kathya fines go? He always visits his parents on the weekends.

Nota: DOES se usa cuando la persona de la que preguntamos es una sola, o sea ​singular.​ DO es lo
mismo, pero para las personas en ​plural​ o si hablamos de ​yo.​

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