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The Holocaust as "pinnacle of human" Evil;

- The holocaust is not even particularly unique in human history. The Rawandan
Genocide, Amerminan Genocide, Holodomor, Khazak Genocide, and Cambodian Genocide
all occured within a few decades or even nearly contemporarily. It is not unique in
scope nor cruelty, the narrative that it is, is purely political, used as a
founding crutch of the neo-liberal world order. It's used to demonize the idea of
national sentiment, pride, and soverginity. It is quitessentially globalist.
Perhaps the only argument to be made about its uniqueness is scale of fatalities,
however even that is debatable, however even if offical numbers are accepted you
are forced in to a situation of arguing that "evil" is quantifiable by number and
then are forced in to making the issue a macabre contest.

Fascism, Identitarianism, and Traditionalism;

- To deny that there is differences between right wing ideologies is as
preposterous as saying there is no difference between anarchism and communism. This
is merely a disengenous dismissal, a thought terminating cliche designed to end
conversationa and trap dialouge in a dialectic between liberalism and leftism. To
decry right wing ideologies as somehow uniquely based on emotion over reason is to
vastly overestimate the power of human reason as well as the role of emotion in
leftis and liberal thoughts. No political position, nor any human thought endavor
at all is free from emotional influence. To appeal to progress against tradition is
to deny the value of our ancestors thoughts, the repitions of failures and the way
we learn from them, and most dangerously of all it is to assume that progress is in
itself intrinsically valuable and benefical and that it has no limit.

The idea that a communist struggle built the american dream through labor unions;
- At best it can be said that the American labor movements provided a simple reform
to the then current norms of liberal capitalism. But to claim it as a success for
communism is again disenginous, for it did not result in communism, in fact it
drained the wind from the sails of American communism as liberal reforms typically
do. To say that it was a united inter-racial struggle again ignores that the vast
majority of white american workers at the time in no way supported integration and
acted out of self interest, and being as they were the overwhelming majority of
workers it was only the threat of their non participation in the work force that
made the unions impactful in the first place.

The idea that fascism or third positionism is inherently captialist;

- Again this is a simple excersise in false dialectic, simply because the ideas of
these groups on reform or control of capitalism are different from those of the
left do not mean they do not exist.

The idea of China as a success for communism;

- Chinese "communism" has at its core always been a Han Chauvanist movement, and
it's greatest period of prosperity has come as it has embraced state capitalism.

The idea that race isn't real and therefore whites have no right to collective
- This one is most simply dealt with by pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of the
current system. Blacks are allowed to have groups such as the NAACP, Congressional
Black Cacus, Black Entertainment venues, etc. Hispanics have La Raza and other
ogranizations. Jews have a myriad of advocacy groups. If the fact that race doesn't
exist precludes the idea of ogranization based on racial line why are these groups
acceptable? The truth is that the system is hypocritcal and reserves group identity
status only for perceived minorites or victim groups. At the moment this is used to
weaponize minority populations agains western ethnic majorities for purposes of
weakening them against a globalizing agenda that seeks to reduce all populations to
consumer status/groups.

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