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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Sarah Soderberg Date of Activity:2/26/2020 Faculty name: Mark

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role):

I attended an ACLS class with some other peers from class. The purpose of this class was to

teach healthcare workers about what to do in emergency situations involving cardiac arrest,

stroke, respiratory arrest, and myocardial infarction. Specifically, we learned the different

protocols to follow during these emergency situations, and how we can be prepared to handle

them in the best way possible. We learned about ways we can be prepared to work as a team

during emergency situations in order to increase the success of emergency interventions.

Where was this held and what was program/activity length?

This was held at the ACLS Eclipse office on speedway. The pre-test took me about an hour to

complete, and the class itself was about 4 hours. It was also about 20 minutes from my house.

During the class we spent an hour going over rhythms and BLS, and an hour for each of the main

algorithms. We discussed the steps of checking a rhythm, shocking, deciding what medications

to give, and how to navigate the protocol for different situations.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

This experience made me feel much more relaxed about being in an emergency situation in the

hospital. I have never experienced a code before, and I was so worried that I would not be useful

or helpful during an emergency situation because I wouldn’t know what to do. After taking this

course I feel so much more comfortable about the flow of a code, what drugs to administer for

what scenarios, how frequently to shock patients, what rhythms to look for, and how to
communicate as a team. I truly believe these skills will help me when I enter my first code

situation as a nurse, as I already feel more prepared.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?

As I enter the nursing field, I will continue to use this knowledge when I encounter emergency

situations. As I become involved in more and more emergency situations, I will become more

and more comfortable with the flow of a code, and I will be able to expand and apply what I

learned in this class.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/ professional experience in the future;

why or why not? (Describe)

I actually think this course should be a requirement for all students to take. It is expensive which

could be an issue for some students. However, I do not think that the code simulation from third

prepared me adequately. We are not really taught about what to do during emergencies and we

do not learn the steps you are expected to take during a code. I have to talked to several students

and we all agree that it is extremely stressful as a student to go into the nursing field not knowing

what to do in a code situation. I am so glad I took this course because it helped a big fear of

mine: freezing and messing up during an emergency situation.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Signature on validation of clinical

hours form obtained?

I did get my sheet signed by the instructor.

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