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PAPER – 03

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Part A

Total: 80

Q 1 to 6 carry 1 mark each.

Q 1. Classify the following items as “Capital Receipt” or “Revenue Receipt”

a) Special Donations b) Sale of “Old Newspaper”

c) Sale proceeds of fixed assets d) Subscription

Q 2. Explain the term “Surplus”?

Q 3. When do we show current account of partners on the asset side?

Q 4. Calculate interest on drawings of Mr. Malik @ 10% p.a. for the year ended 31st

March 2008 if he withdraws Rs.6,000 in the beginning of each quarter.

Q 5. A firm earned net profits during the last three years as follows:

Year : I II III

Profit (Rs.) : 18,000 20,000 22,000

The capital investment of the firm is Rs.60,000. A fair return on the capital having regard to the risk involved
is 10%. Calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of three year’s purchase of the super profits for the last
3 years.

Q 6. A company purchased assets of the book value of 99,000 from another firm. It was agreed that the
purchase consideration be paid by issuing 11% debentures of Rs.100 each at par.

Q 7 to 10 carry 3 marks each.

Q 7. Mohan, Vijay and Anil are partners, the balances of their capital accounts being Rs.30,000, Rs.25,000
and Rs.20,000 respectively. In arriving at these figures, the profit for the year ended March 31, 2007,
Rs.24,000 had already been credited to partners in the proportion in their profit share and ratio.

Drawings : Mohan – 5,000

Vijay – 4,000

Anil – 3,000

Subsequently following omission noticed:

a) Interest on capital at 10% p.a.

b) Interest on drawings:

Mohan – Rs.250

Vijay – Rs.250

Anil – Rs.150

Make necessary corrections through Journal entry.

Q 8. What adjustments are required at the time of change in profit sharing ratio?

Q 9. Ram and Kabir invested Rs.3,00,000 & 1,50,000 respectively. A new partner Prabhu contributes
Rs.2,00,000 for 1/5th share in profits. Old partners Ram and Kabir were sharing profits and losses in the
ratio 3:2. At the time of admission of Prabhu loss of revaluation calculated as Rs.7,000.

Calculate the amount for premium and goodwill brought in by Prabhu.

Q 10. A, B and C are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 1:2:3, C retires and his capital, after making
adjustments for reserves and profit on revaluation stands at Rs.1,20,000. A and B agreed to pay him
Rs.1,50,000 in full settlement of his claim. Record necessary Journal entry for the treatment of goodwill if the
new profit sharing ratio is decided at 1:3.

4 marks questions.

Q 11. The following was the balance sheet of Anurag and Bhawna, who were sharing profits in the ratio of
2/3 and 1/3 on 31st December 2008:

Creditors 65,900 Cash 1,200

Capitals: Sundry Debtors 9,700

Anurag : 30,000 Stock 20,000

Bhawna : 20,000 Plant & Machinery 35,000

Building 50,000

1,15,900 1,15,900

They agreed to admit Monika into partnership on the following terms:

a) Monika was to be given 1/3 share in profits and was to bring Rs.15,000 as capital & Rs.6,000 as premium
of goodwill.

b) Value of stock and Plant & Machinery were to be reduced by 10%.

c) Provision of 5% was to be created for Doubtful debts.

d) Buildings were to be appreciated by 20%.

e) Investment worth Rs.1,400 (not mentioned in Balance Sheet) were to be taken into account.

f) Amount of premium was to be withdrawn by the old partners.

Prepare Revaluation account, Partners Capital Account & Balance Sheet for new form.

Q 12. Y Ltd. Issued 10,000 shares of Rs.10 each at par amounts were due as follows:

Rs.2.50 on Applicatiion, Rs.2.50 on Allotment, Rs.3.00 on First Call & Rs.2.00 on Final Call. A, holding 200
shares did not pay the amount due on allotment & first call and his shares were forfeited. Final call was
made after the forfeiture, B holding 500 shares failed to pay the amount due on final call and his shares
were also forfeited.

Give Journal entries.

Q 13. Pass Journal entries:

i) C Ltd. forfeited 600 shares of Rs.10 each fully called up for non-payment of allotment money
of Rs.3 per share, first call of Rs.2 per share and final call of Rs.2 per share. 400 of these shares were re-
issued at Rs.9 per share fully paid up.

ii) D Ltd. forfeited 800 shares of Rs.10 each fully called up. On with the holder was

paid only the application money of Rs.3 per share. Out of these, 500 shares were re-

issued at Rs.11 per share fully paid up.

Q 14. Journalize

a) A debenture issued at Rs.95, repayable at Rs.100

b) A debenture issued at Rs.95, repayable at Rs.110

c) A debenture issued at Rs.100, repayable at Rs.110

d) A debenture issued at Rs.106, repayable at Rs.100

6 marks questions.

Q 15. Explain the meaning of debentures and bond. Also write any three types of debentures.

Q 16. Mahesh, Baldev and Davinder were in partnership sharing profits and losses equally. Devender died
on the 30th of June 2008. The balance sheet on 31.3.2008 stood as follows:

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Creditors 12,900 Cash 5,000

General Reserve 6,000 Debtors 10,000

Capital Account Stock 10,000

Mahesh : 30,000 Investment 5,000

Baldev : 20,000 Freehold Property 40,000

Davinder : 20,000 Goodwill 18,900

88,900 88,900

Additional information:

1) On the date of death, freehold property is valued at Rs.58,000, Investment at Rs.4,700 & Stock at

2) Goodwill valued at one year’s purchase of average profit of the past 5 years.

3) Devender’s share of profit to the date of his death is to be calculated on average profits of preceding three

Profits for Rs.

2003 – 04 11,500

2004 – 05 14,000

2005 – 06 9,000

2006 – 07 8,000

2007 – 08 10,000

Prepare capital account of Devender.

Q 17. A company issued for public subscription on 40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.2
per share payable as under:

On Application Rs.2 per share

On Allotment Rs.5 per share (Including Premium)

On I Call Rs.2 per share

On II Call Rs.3 per share

Applications were received for 60,000 shares, allotment was made pro rata to the applicants for 48,000
shares. The remaining applications being refused. Money overpaid on application was utilized towards sum
due on allotment. Girdhari to whom 1,600 shares were allotted failed to pay the allotment money and
Krishna to whom 2,000 shares were allotted failed to pay the two calls. These shares were subsequently
forfeited after second call was made. All forfeited shares were re-issued as fully paid at Rs.8 per share.

Give Journal entries.

8 marks question.

Q 18. The “Receipts and Payments Account” of “Delhi Football Club” for the year ending 31st March 2008
was as under:

Receipt Rs. Payment Rs.

Balance B/d (01/04/2007) 48,000 Purchase of Balls 80,000

Subscription 2,46,000 Tournament Fees 10,000

Interest 2,000 Affiliation Fees 2,000

Sale of Furniture 10,000 Rent of Playground 5,000

Donations for Club 60,000 Refreshment Expenses 4,000

Travelling Expenses 30,000

Investment 1,00,000

Salaries 12,000

Miscellaneous Exp 8,000

Bal C/d (31/03/2008) 1,15,000

3,66,000 3,66,000

Prepare clubs “Income & Expenditure Account” for the year ending 31st March 2008 and

“Balance Sheet” as on the date after taking the following information into account:

i) Subscription received include Rs.10,000 for the year 2006-07 and Rs.8,000 for the year 2008-09 and
Rs.16,000 are still outstanding as Subscriptions for the year 2007-08.

ii) The book value of furniture sold was Rs.14,000.

iii) Interest earned but not paid amounted to Rs.500.

iv) Rent of playground due but not paid for the current year amounted to Rs.6,000,

Rs.1,000 was paid for the year 2006-07

v) Salary outstanding for the year 2007-08 was Rs.5,000.

vi) Stock of balls on 31st Match 2008 was Rs.4,000.

Part B

Q 19. What are the major heads which appear at the Asset side of the Balance Sheet?

Q 20. Define Profit and Loss Account / Income Statement.

Q 21. From the following balance sheets, prepare a comparative balance sheet of D Ltd:

Liabilities Rs. (2000) Rs.(2001) Assets Rs. (2000) Rs.(2001)

Equity Share Capital 7,50,000 9,00,000 Fixed Assets 12,45,000 11,55,000

General Reserves 1,50,000 2,25,000 Current Assets 6,15,000 7,95,000

12% Debentures 2,70,000 1,80,000 Preliminary Exp 45,000 30,000

Unsecured Loans 1,80,000 1,20,000

Current Liabilities 3,75,000 4,20,000

Profit & Loss A/c 1,80,000 1,35,000

19,05,000 19,80,000 19,05,000 19,80,000

Q 22. The following Ledger balances were extracted from the books of Varun Ltd. as on 31sr March 2002.
Calculate Stock Turnover Ratio, Operating Ratio, Gross Profit Ratio:

Particulars Rs.

Opening Stock 28,000

Closing Stock 22,000

Purchases 46,000

Sales 90,000

Sales Returns 10,000

Carriage Inwards 4,000

Office Expenses 4,000

Selling & Distribution Expenses 2,000

Capital Employed 2,00,000

Q 23. From the following information, prepare the Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March
Particulars Rs.

Opening Cash Balance 10,000

Closing Cash Balance 12,000

Decrease in Debtors 5,000

Increase in Creditors 7,000

Sale of Fixed Assets 20,000

Redemption of Debentures 50,000

Net Profit for the Year 20,000

Marking Scheme

Sol. 1. Capital Receipts : Special Donations, Sale Proceeds of Fixed Assets ½

Revenue Receipts : Sale of Old News Paper, Subscriptions ½

Sol. 2. Excess of income over expenditure is called surplus 1

Sol. 3. If it has debit balance 1

Sol. 4. Rs.1,500

Sol. 5. Average Profits = Rs. 20,000

Normal Profits = Rs. 6,000 ½

Super Profit = Rs. 14,000

Goodwill = Rs. 42,000 ½

Sol. 6.a) Asset 99,000

To Vendor 99,000

b) Vendor 99,000

To 11% Debentures A/c 99,000

(990 Debentures of Rs.100) 1

Sol. 7. Anil A/c Dr 550

To Mohan 550

Sol. 8.

i) Adjustment of Goodwill

ii) Adjustments of Profit/Losses from the re-valuation and assessment

iii)Adjustments of the accumulated profits 3 3

Sol. 9. Total capital value of firm on the basis of new partners contribution= 2,00,000 X 5/1 =Rs.10,00,000 ½

Actual capital of the firm= (Ram + Kabir)’s capital of the adjustment of revaluation +

Prabhu’s Capital

{3,00,000 + 1,50,000 – 7,000} + 2,00,000 = Rs.6,43,000

Hidden Goodwill = 10,00,000 – 6,43,000 = Rs.3,57,000 ½

Prabhu’s Share = 3,57,000 X 1/5 = Rs.71,400


Sol. 10. A gain 1/4 – 1/6 = 1/12 (1:5)

B gain 3/4 – 2/6 = 5/12 1

Amount agreed to be paid in the full settlement 1,50,000

(-) C’s Capital 1,20,000

(After all adjustments)

Rs.30,000 Hidden Goodwill

A’s Capital A/c Dr

B’s Capital A/c Dr

To C’s Capital A/c 3

Sol. 11. Profit of revaluation – 5,415

Capital Account:

Anurag – 33,610

Bhavna – 21,805
Monika – 15,000

Balance Sheet Total = Rs.1,36,315 4

Sol. 12.

1) For recording application money

2) For Allotment

3) For I Call

4) Forfeiture

5) Final Call

6) Forfeiture

Sol. 13.

(i) a) Share Capital Dr 6,000

To Share Allotment A/c 1,800

To Share First Call A/c 1,200

To Share Final Call A/c 1,200

To Share Forfeiture A/c 1,800

b) Bank A/c Dr 3,600

Share Forfeiture A/c Dr 400

To Share Capital 4,000

c) Share Forfeiture A/c Dr 800

To Capital Reserve 800

(ii) a) Share Capital A/c Dr 8,000

To Calls Unpaid 5,600

To Share Forfeiture 2,400

b) Bank A/c Dr 5,500

To Share Capital 5,000

To Sec Premium 500

c) Share Forfeiture A/c Dr 1,500

To Capital Reserve 1,500

Sol. 16. Profits on rev. 17,100

Devinder’s Capital 25,650 6

Sol. 17. Capital Reserve: 6,640 6

Sol. 18. Surplus – 85,500

Opening Capital Fund – 71,000

Balance Sheet Total – 2,35,500 8

Sol. 19. For any four correct major heads 1

Sol. 21. Change in % Fixed Assets 7.23%

Current Assets 29.27%

P/E 33.33%

Share Capital 20.00%

G.R. 50.00%

Debentures 33.33%

Loans 33.33%

Current Liabilities 12.00%

P&L A/c 25.00%

Total 3.93%

Sol. 22. STR = 2.24 Time 2

OR = 77.5% 2

GP = 30% 2

Sol. 23. Net cash flow from operating activities 32,000 2

Net cash flow from investing activities 20,000 2

Net cash flow used in financing activities 50,000 2

Net income in cash —-

(+) Opening Balance —- 2

—- End of document —-

PAPER – 04
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Time : 3 hrs Max Marks: 80

General Instructions:

(i)This question paper contains parts A & B

(ii) Part A & part B should be attempted at the place


Partnership and company Accounts

1. Give any one difference between Cash book and Receipts and Payment
account (1)
2. Amit and Sumit are partners in a firm without having partnership deed what should be done in the
following case

(i) Amit wants to introduce his son Raju into the business. Sumit objects it

(ii) Amit spends more time then Sumit in business the wants a salary of Rs 3000 per month for
extra time be denotes (1)

3. What do you mean by ‘Goodwill’? (1)

4. In which ratio goodwill will be treated at the of retirement of a partner?


5. What do you understand by preferential allotment?


6. Ramananda Orphanage Society receipts and payment account shows that it received Rs 3,50,000 as
subscription in the year ending 31st Dec 2007.Account shows that Rs 21,000 were outstanding at the
beginning of the year out of which only Rs15,000 were received during the year. Subscriptions in advance
were Rs 2000 Rs 5000 respectively at the beginning and end of the year 2007 . Subscriptions in arrear at
the end of year of 2007 were Rs 23,000 Show how would you deal with these in income and expenditure
account and balance sheet as at 31st December 2007

7. 20,000 shares of Rs. 10 each were issued for public subscription at a premium of 10% . Full amount was
payable on application. Application were received for 30,000 shares and the board decided to allot the
shares on a pro-rata basis Pass followed entries

8. Journalise

A ltd Company issued 2000, 12%debentures of Rs 100 each at a discount of 10% redeemable at par
after 5 years.

(a) If they were converted into 14% debentures of Rs 100 each issued at a premium of 25% before maturity.

(b) If they were converted into 14% debenture of Rs 100 each issued at a discount of 20% before maturity.


9. A man , Babu and Chaman were in partnership with there fixed Capitals of Rs 48,000 ; Rs 40,000 and
Rs.32,000 respectively. It was agreed that they will set interest on capital @ 8% p.a. the profit sharing ratio

2001 — 1:1:1

2002 — 2:2:1

2003 — 4:3:1 and

2004 — 3:2:1

It was found that interest on capital was omitted for these four years.

You are required to make an adjusting entry for the above omission.


10. A , B and C were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1

The Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2003 was as follows

Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Creditors 4000 Buildings 20000
Reserve 6000 Plant &Machinery 16000

A’s Capital 24000 Stocks 5100

B’s Capital 12000 Debtors 6000

C’s Capital 8000 Cash at Bank 6900

54000 54000

A died on 30-9-2003 ,under the partnership agreement ,the executors of a deceased partner were entitled

(a) Amount standing to the Credit of partners Capital account.

(b) Interest on Capital @ 12 % p.a.

(c) Share of goodwill on the basis of four years purchase of last three years average profit.

(d) Share of profit from the closing of the last financial year to the date of death on the basis of last years
profit profit for the year 2001,2002 and 2003 were Rs 8000, Rs 12,000 and Rs7000 respectively.

Prepare A’s Account


11. Chandra Ltd was registered with Capital of Rs 3,00,000 shares of RS 100 each. It issued 2000 shares
payable Rs 20 per share on application , Rs 30 on application, Rs 20 on first call and the balance as and
when required.

All the money due on application and allotments was duly received except first call of Rs 20 per share
on 100 shares. But a shareholder holding 200 shares paid them in full.

Show the Balance Sheet

12. Given below is the Receipts and Payments Account of a club for the year ending 31stDecember,1995

Receipts Amount Payments Account

To Balance b/d Rs Rs
To Subscriptions Rs 1025 By Salaries 600

1994 40 2150 By Expenses 75

1995 2050 540 By Drama Expenses 450

1996 60 950 By Newspaper 150

To Donations 45 By Municipal Taxes 40

To Sale of Drama Tickets By Charity 350

By Investments 2000
To Sale of Waste Paper By Electric Charges 145

By Balance c/d 900

4710 4710

Prepare the Club Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st December ,1995 and its Balance
Sheet as on that date after taking the following informations into account:

(i) There are 500 members each paying an annual subscription of Rs 5; 50 being in arrears for
1994 at the beginning of this year

(ii) Municipal Taxes amounting Rs 40 per annum have been paid upto 31st March ,1996 and Rs.50
for salaries is outstanding

(iii) Building stood in the books at Rs 5,000

(iv) 6% interest has accrued on investments for five months

P, Q and R were partners in the ratio of 5:3:2 Their Balance Sheet was as follows:

Balance Sheet

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Capitals: Rs Buildings Rs

P – 8,64,000 17,76,000 Hand 4,56,000

Q – 4,98,000 2,16,000 Machinery 4,80,000

R – 4,14,000 1,68,000 Furniture 5,58,000

Reserve Fund Stock 92,400

Sundry Creditors Debtors 2,22,000

Cash in hand 2,06,400


21,60,000 21,60,000

Q. retires

(1) Stock was valued at Rs 2,06,400

(2) Furniture were valued at Rs 96,000

(3)Rs 12,000 was made provision for doubtful debts.

(4) Goodwill of the firm is valued at Rs 2,40,000

(5) Q was paid Rs 48,000 immediately and the balance was transferred to his Loan account.

(6) Future profit sharing ratio was decided as 3:2

you are required to prepare revaluation a/c partners capital a/c and Balance Sheet of the new firm.


13. A and B were partners in the ratio of 7:5 C was admitted for 1/6th share . The new ratio was decided as
13:7:4 respectively C brings Rs 2,00,000 as his share of capital but was not able to bring any cash for his
share of goodwill. The firms goodwill at the time of c’s admission was valued at Rs 1,92,000 Pass
necessary journal entries.

1. Pass necessary journal entries.

(i) On 1st January 2002 , a limited Company issued 12% debentures of Rs 4,00,000 at a discount
of 10 % repayable at the end of 4 years (Pass only issue journal entry)

(ii) Mohan ltd , purchased assets of Sohan ltd, for Rs 4,20,000 and also took over the liabilities of
Rs 40,000 at an agreed value of Rs 3,60,000 Mohan ltd issued 11 % debentures of Rs 100 each at 20 %
discount in full satisfactions. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Mohan ltd.

(iii) Meena ltd took a loan of Rs 4,20,000 from the Bank and issued 500 ,10 % debentures of Rs
1000 each as a collateral security. Prepare Balance sheet of the company.

1. X and Y sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 had the following Balance Sheet as on March 31,2008

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Creditors 15,000 Cash 5,000
General reserve 12,000 Debtors 20000 1,92,00

Capital A/c 90,000 Less: Provision for Doubtful 800 14,800

X 54000 Debts Patents 8,000

Y 36000 Investments 72,000

Current A/c 12,000

X 10000

Y 2000 Machinery 10,000

1,29,000 Goodwill 1,29,000

On April 1, 2008 , they decided to admit Z on the following terms:

(i) A provided of 5% is to be created on debtors.

(ii) Accrued income of Rs.1500 does not appear in the books and Rs 5000 are outstanding for

(iii) The present market value of investments is Rs 6000 x takes over the investments at this value.

(iv) The new profit sharing ratio of partners will be 4:3:2

(v) Z will bring in Rs 20,000 as his capital

(vi) Z is to pay in cash an amount equal to his share in the firm’s goodwill valued at twise the
average profits of the last 3 years which were 25,000; Rs 26,000and 30,000 respectively.

(vii) Half the amount of goodwill is withdrawn by the old partners.

You are required to pass the journal entries . Prepare the Revolutions Account , the Partners Capital
accounts, the current Accounts and the opening Balance Sheet of the new firm.


1. Krishna ltd issued Rs 15,00,000 new capital divided into Rs 100 shares at a premium of Rs 20 per
share payable as follows: Rs 10 per share on application Rs 40 per share and Rs 10 premium
allotment and Rs 50 per share and 10 premium on final payment.

Over payments on application were to be applied towards sums due on allotment and over
payments on application exceeding sums due an allotment were to be returned where no allotment was
made money was to be returned in full. The shares were over subscribed to the extent of 19500 shares.

Applicants for 18,000 shares were allotted only 1500 shares and applicants for 3000 shares were sent
letters of regret and application deposit were returned to them. All the money due on allotment and final call
was duly received . Make the journal entries & show the companies Balance Sheet.


Ram Ltd. Issued 100000 shares of Rs. 10 each, payable 3 on application, 4 on allotment, 2 on first call & the
balance on final call. Rita the holder of 200 shares failed to pay allotment & first call money & her shares
were forfeited. After this forfeiture, the final call was made & Anju the holder of 2000 shares failed to pay the
final call & her shares were forfeited.

Pass the necessary journal entries & show Balance Sheet also.




17.Assuming that the current ratio is 2:1 , state giving reason whether the ratio will improve, decline (or) will
have no change in cash a bill receivable is dishonoured.

18. State whether cash deposited in bank will result inflow , outflow(or) no flow of cash.

19. Interest received by a finance company is classified under which kind of activity while preparing a cash
flow statement.

20. Give the heading under which the following will be shown in a company Balance Sheet as per Schedule

Part I

(i) 10% debentures

(ii) Preliminary expenses

(iii) Goodwill

(iv) Securities premium

(v) Bills payable

(vi) Discount an issue of debentures

1. Prepare a Comparative Income statement with the help of the following information;

Particulars 2006 2007

Rs Rs

Sales 20,000 30,00,000

Gross profit 40 % 30 %

Indirect expenses 50% of GP 40% of GP

Income Tax 50 % 50 %

1. Profit before tax-Rs 20,00,000

Tax rate-40 %

Proposed dividence-Rs.5,00,000


(a) Equity shares 25000 shares of Rs 100 each- Rs 25,00,000

(b) 10 % preference shares-Rs 10,00,000 f rom the above calculate for equity shares.

(i) Earning per share

(ii) Divident per share

(iii) Price earning ratio

1. From the following Balance Sheet of ABC ltd , find act cash from oprating activities only

Liabilities 31.3.06 31.3.07 Assets 31.3.06 31.3.07

(Rs) (Rs)

Share capital 30000 35000 Goodwill 10000 8000

General reserve 10000 15000 Machinery 41000 54000

Profit&loss a/c - 7000 10% investment 3000 8000

10% debenture 21000 25000 Stock 6000 24500

Sundry creditors 8500 12000 Cash and bank 12000 13000

Positon for depreciation as 9000 13000 Discount 500 -

On debentures 6000 -

Profit & cash a/c

78500 107500 78500 107500

Additional Information:

1) Debentures were issued on 31.3.2007

2) Investments were made on 31.3.2007


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1 Any one difference 1

2(1) Amit can not introduced his son.

(2) Amit can not claim Salary as per partnership deed.

3 Meaning of goodwill 1

4 Joining Ratio . 1

5. Meaning of preferencial allotment 1

6. Amount to be shown in Income and Expenditure account Rs 3,55,000 3

½ a mark for each Add & Less and a 1 mark for the right answer.Shown

In Income & Expenditure a/c and Balance Sheet.

Cr(Rs) Cr(Rs)

7. (1) Bank a/c or 3,30,000

To share application and allotment a/c 3,30,000

Share application & allotment a/c 3,30,000

To Share Capital 2,00,000

To securities premium 20,000

To Bank 1,10,000

(1+2)=3 marks

8.Each entry 1 mark

(a) For premium ( debentures+ premium)

Rs.1,60,000 Rs 40,000

(b) For discount ( debentures(-) discount )

Rs 2,50,000 Rs 50,000

9. Aman’s current a/c Or 1280

Batries current a/c Or 1040

To Chaman’s current a/c 2320

(3 marks for correct working + 1 mark for journal entry)

10. To as executes a/ c 48190 1 Mark

By balance b/d 24000 ½ mark

G.R 3000 ½ mark

Interest on Capital 1440 ½ mark

By C’s Capital a/c 12000 ½ mark

By C’s Capital a/c 6000 ½ mark By

suspense a/c 1750 ½ mark

1. Balance Sheet

Liabilities Assets Rs
Share Capital 3,00,000 Current Assets 1,44,000

Authorised 3000shares of Rs 100 each 2,00,000 Cash at Bank

Issued and subscribed 2000 shares of Rs 100 1,38,000

Called up and paid up2000
Shares of rs 100 each

Rs 70 called up 1,40,000

Less ; arrear 2000

Calls in advance

1,44,000 1,44,000

Authorised share capital-1/2 mark

Other each - 1 mark

Credit in advance - ½ mark

1. Surplus – Rs 2235

Capital fund- Rs 6075

Total of closing B/S- Rs 8420

13. A’s Sacrifice= 7/12-13/24=1/24 ½ mark

B’s Sacrifice= 3/24 ½ mark

C,s Share of goodwill= Rs 32000 1 mark

Each entry 1 ½ mark

6 mark

14. (i) Each entry 1 mark =2 marks

(ii) Capital Reserve- Rs 20,000

Each journal entry 1 ½ mark – 2 marks

(iii) Preparation of Balance Sheet – 1 mark


1. Revolution a/c loss transferred to

X’s current a/c 3/5th – 3420

Y’s current a/c 2/5th – 2280

Capital a/c closing ( 54,000 , 36,0000 and 20,000)

(or) Rs

Revolution a/c loss P – 12,000

Q – 7200

R – 4800 24000

Capital a/c (closing b/s) P- 9,36,000

Qs loan 5,79,600

R 4,04,400

Balance Sheet total = 20,88,000

1. Share allotment money receives Rs 6,75,000

Each entry – ½ mark

Application money transfer – 1mark

Balance sheet – 1 mark


200 shares – to shares forfeited a/c – Rs 600

2000 shares – to shares forfeited – Rs 18,000

Each journal entry – 1/2 mark & balance sheet -2

17. No change – because are current asset will be replaced by another current asset
debtors. ½ mark

18. Neither inflow (or) cash inflow of cash.

19. Opreting activity.

20. 10 % debentures = secured loan

Preliminary expenses= miscellaneous expenditure

Goodwill = Fixed Assets

Reserve & surplus= Reserve & Surplus

Particulars Percentage Change
Sales 50%
Cen: Cost of sales 75%

G.P. 12.50%

Cen: Indirect expenditure (-)10%

Net profit before tax(b) 35%

Cen: Income Tax 35%

N.P. after Tax 35%


(i) EPS = Rs 44 Rs 11,00,000



(ii) DPS= Rs 20 Rs 5,00,000



(iii) Price Earning Ratio = 5 times 220



23. Cash flow from operating Rs

Activity 11,800

( interest on investment)=(300)

Interest on debentures 2100

PAPER – 05
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Sample Paper V

Accountancy – XII

Max Time – 3 hours Max. Marks – 80


1. Why depreciation on Fixed Assets is not recorded in Receipt and Payments Account? (1)

2. Ravi, a partner, in the Firm has advanced a loan of Rs. 1,00,000 to the firm and has demand an interest
@ 9% p.a. The Partnership deed is silent on the matter. How will you deal with it?

3. Distinguish between firm’s guarantee and Personal guarantee. (1)

4. What is hidden good will? (1)

5. State the ratio on which profit or loss on revaluation will be shared by the partners when a partner
retires. (1)

6. Show the following information in financial statements of a ‘Non-for-Profit’ Organization:


Match Expenses 8,00,000

Match fund 4,00,000

Donation for Match Found 2,40,000

Sale of Match Tickets 3,60,000 (3)

7. L, M and N are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:3:5. Their Fixed capitals were.
Rs. 15,00,000, Rs. 30,00,000 and Rs. 60,00,000 respectively. For the year 2007 interest on capital was
credited to them @ 12% instead of 10%. Pass the necessary adjustment entry. (3)

8. JCM Ltd. Invited applications for issuing 20,000 equiry shares of Rs. 20 each at a discount of 10%. The
whole amount was payable on application. The issue was fully subscribed Pass necessary Journal
Entries. (3)
9. E and F were partners in a Firm, sharing profits in the ratio of 3:1. They admitted G as a new partner on
1.3.2007 for 1/3rd share. It was decided that E, F and G will share future profits equally. G brought Rs.
50,000 in cash and machinery worth Rs. 70,000 for his share of profit as premium for goodwill. Showing
your calculations clearly, pass necessary journal entries in the books of the firm. (4)

10. D Ltd. Forfeited 800 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called up, on which the holder has paid only the
application money of Rs. 3 per share. Out of these, 500 shares were re-issued at Rs. 11 per share, fully paid
up. (4)

11.X Ltd. Purchased assets of Y Ltd. As under:

Plant and Machinery of Rs. 20,00,000 at Rs. 18,00,000; Land and Building of Rs. 30,00,000 at Rs.
42,00,000 For purchase consideration of Rs. 55,00,000 and paid Rs. 10,00,000 in cash and remaining by
issue of 8% debenture of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 20%. Record necessary Journal entries in the books
of X Ltd. (4)

12. Extract of Receipts and Payment account for the year ended March 31, 2006 are given below:


2004-05 3,000

2005-06 96,000

2006-07 2,500

Subscriptions Outstanding as on March 31, 2005 Rs. 5,000

Total Subscriptions Outstanding as on March 31, 2006 Rs. 12,000

Subscriptions received in Advance as on March 31, 2005 Rs. 2,800

Calculate the amount of subscription to be shown on the income side of Income and Expenditure A/c and
show the relevant data in the balance sheet on 31st March 2005 and 2006.

13. Bakul and Gokul were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the Ratio of 2:1 with capitals of Rs.
40,000 and Rs. 30,000 respectivley. They decide to admit Nakul into partnership on conditions that he would
bring in Rs. 20,000 as his capital and Rs. 6,000 for his share of Goodwill for 1/4th share of profit. Half of the
amount of goodwill was withdrawn by the existing partners. The capital of the partners in the New Firm were
to be arranged in profit sharing ratio on the basis of Nakul’s capital and excess or deficit capital to be
adjusted in cash. Show the capital Accounts of the Partners. (6)

14. Surya Ltd. Was formed with a nominal share capital of Rs. 20,00,000 divided into 20,000 shares of Rs.
100 each. Out of these 3,000 shares were issued to the vendors as fully paid up as purchase consideration
for a building acquired. The company offers 13,000 shares to the public payable Rs. 30 per share on
Application, Rs. 30 per shares on allotment and the balance on first and final call applications were received
for 12,000 shares. All money payable on allotment was duly received, except on 100 shars held by X. First
and final call was not made by the company. (6)

How would you show the relevant items in the Balance sheet of Surya Ltd?

15. A, B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1 on April, 2007, D is
admitted into the firm with 1/4th share in the profits, which he gets 1/8th from A and 1/8th from B. Other terms
of Agreement are as under:

(i) D will introduce Rs. 60,000 as his capital and Pay Rs. 18,000 as his share of goodwill.

(ii) 20% of the reserve is to remain as a provision against bad and doubtful debts.

(iii) A liability to the extent of Rs. 1000 is created in respect of a claim for damages against the firm.

(iv) An item of Rs. 4000 included in sundry creditors in not likely to be claimed.

(v) Stock is to be reduced by 30% and patents to be written off in full.

(vi) A is to pay off the Bank overdraft.

After making the above adjustment the capital accounts of old partners be adjusted on the Basis of D’s
capital to his share in the business, i.e., actual cash to be paid off to, or brought in by the old partners, as the
case may be.

Their balance sheet as on 31st March, 2007 is as follow:

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Creditors 36,000 Cash 14,000

Bank Overdraft 20,000 Debtors 50,000

Reserve 15,000 Less: Prov. 2,500 47,500

Capital Accounts: Stock 60,000

A. 60,000 Patents 6,000

B. 60,000 Fixed Assets 98,500

C. 50,000 170,000 Goodwill 15,000

241,000 241,000

Prepare Revaluation A/c, Capital Accounts and the balance sheet of the new firm. (8)


On 31st December 2007, the Balance Sheet of P, Q and R who were partners in a firm, is under:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Creditors 25,000 Building 26,000
Reserve Fund 20,000 Investment 15,000
Capital: Debtors 15,000
P 15,000 35,000 B/R 6,000

Q 10,000 Stock 12,000

R 10,000 Cash 6,000

The partnership Deed provides that the profits he shard in the ratio of 2:1:1 and in the event of death of any
partner, his executors will be entitles to be paid out:

(a) The capital to his credit at the date of last Balance Sheet.

(b) His proportion of Reserve at the last Balance Sheet.

(c) His proportion of profits to the date of death on the average profits of the last thre completed years,
plus 10% and

(d) By way of Goodwill, his proportion of the total profits for the three preceding years.

(e) The net profits for the last three years were:

2005 Rs. 16,000

2006 Rs. 16,000

2007 Rs. 15,400

R died on 1st April, 2004. He had withdrawn Rs. 5,000 to the date of his death. The investments were sold at
par and R’s executors were paid off.

Prepare Partner’s Capital Accounts, R’s Executor’s account and Balance Sheet of the surviving partners P
and Q.

16. AB Ltd. Invited applications for 1,00,00 equity shares of Rs. 10 each, payable as Rs. 2 on application,
Rs. 3 on allotment and the balance on first and final call. Applications were received for 3,00,000 shares and
the shares were allotted on pro-rata basis. The excess application money was to be adjusted against
allotment money only. M, a shareholder, who had applied for 3,000 shares, failed to pay the call money and
his shares were accordingly forfeited and reissued at Rs. 8 per share as fully paid. (8)

A company redeemed 1,000, 15% debentures of Rs. 100 each by converting them into 12% preference
shares of Rs. 100 each at 25% premium and 500, 15% debentures of Rs. 100 each by purchasing from
market for immediate cancellation at Rs. 95 a debenture. Give journal entires.

Part – B

17. Which are the final accounts of a company? (1)

18. What is meant by cash equivalents? (1)

19. Mention any one limitation of cash flow statement. (1)

20. From the following information, calculate Average collection period:

Opening Debtors : Rs. 37,000

Closing Debtors : Rs. 43,000

Sales : Rs. 6,00,000

Cash Sales : Rs. 80,000 (3)

21. Opening Stock Rs. 29,000; closing stock Rs. 31,000; Sales Rs. 3,20,000; Gross Profit Ratio = 25% on

Calculate (i) Stock turnover Ratio (ii) Purchases (4)

22. Prepare comparative Balance Sheet of XY Ltd. (4)

Liabilities 2006 2007 Assets 2006 2007

Share Capital 30,000 36,000 Fixed Assets 60,000 75,000
Reserve & 12,000 15,000 Current Assets 14,000 13,500
Loans 17,000 25,500
Current 15,000 12,000
74,000 88,500 74,000 88,500

23. From the following balance Sheets, Prepare Cash Flow Statement:

Liabilities 2006 2007 Assets 2006 2007

Equity Capital 3,00,000 3,00,000 Goodwill 36,000 36,000
General 52,000 54,000 Land 1,20,000 108,000
Profit & Loss 38,000 39,000 Building 1,11,000 108,000
Creditors 27,600 18,600 Stock 90,000 70,200
Prof. For Tax 48,000 54,000 Debtors 60,000 66,600
Prof. for D. 1,200 1,800 Bank 19,800 45,600
Short Term 30,000 33,000
4,66,800 4,67,400 4,66,800 4,67,400

Additional Information:

(a) A piece of land has been sold for Rs. 12,000.

(b) Depreciation of Rs. 21,000 had been chared to building.

(c) An Interim Dividend paid during the year Rs. 15,000. (6)

Adjustment for working capital

Increase in provision for Bad Debts 600
Decrease in stock 19800
Increase in debtors 6600
Income tax paid 48000
Decrease in creditors 9000 49800
Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Sale of land 12000
Purchase of Building 18000 60000
Cash flow from financing activities
Dividend paid 15000 15000
Net Cash Inflow 28800
Add: op. cash & cash equivalent 49800
Closing cash & cash equivalent 78600

3 Marks for Op. Activities 1 Marks for format

1 marks for investing Activities

1 Mark for financing Activities

Building A/c

To Bal B/D 1,11,000 By Dep. A/c 21000

To cash A/c 18,000 By Balance C/D 108000

129000 129000

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Solution Sample Paper -V

Marking Scheme of Accountancy

1. Because depreciation is non-cash expenditure [1]

2. Ravi is entitled to interest @6% p.a. [1]
3. Firm’s guarantee : This is given by the firms i.e. by all the partners of the firm. The deficiency
arising from guarantee is borne by all the partners.

Personal guarantee: This guarantee is given by some particulars partners. The deficiency arising if
any will be borne by the guaranteeing partners only. [1]

4. Hidden goodwill is the excess of desired total capital of the firm over the actual combined capital of
all partners.
5. Old profit sharing ratio (including retiring partners).

1. Balance Sheet

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Math Fund 4,00,000

Add: Donation 2,40,000 —-à1 mark


Add: Sales of match tickets 3,60,000 —– 1 mark


Less : Match Exps. 8,00,000 —- 1 mark


Table Showing Adjustment

L M N Total

Interest already credited @12 %

180000 360000 720000 1260000

Interest that should be credited @ 10%

150000 300000 600000 1050000

Partners over credited with

30000 60000 120000 210000

Profit on adjustment for interest (in their

42000 63000 105000 210000
PSR) 2:3:5

+ 12000 + 3000 -15000 -

Adjustment Entry :

C’s current A/C Dr. 15000

To A’s current A/c 12000

To B’s current A/c 3000 (3 marks)

(Interest Excessive charged now rectified)


Bank A/c Dr. 360000

To equity share application & all A/C 360000 (1.5 marks)

Equity share application & All A/C Dr. 360000

Shares discount A/C Dr. 40000

To Equity shares capital A/C 400000 (1.5 marks)


Cash A/C Dr. 50000

Machinery A/C Dr. 70000

To premium for goodwill A/C 120000 (2 marks)

Premium for goodwill A/C Dr. 120000

F’s Capital A/C Dr. 30000

To E’s capital A/C 150000 (2 marks)

Working note:

Old ratio of E and F = 3:1

New ratio of E, F & G = 1:1:1

Sacrifice or Gain:

E= 3 - 1 = 9 - 4 = 5 (Sac.)

4 3 12 12

F= 1 - 1 = 3 - 4 = 1 (Sac.)

4 3 12 12

Since F is gaining equal to ½ in the profits, therefore, he will also have to compensate E proportionately.

Firm’s goodwill on the basis of g’s share in Profit

=120000 x 3 = Rs. 360000


Share capital A/C 8000

To Calls in Arrears A/C 5600

To Share Forfeited A/C (800×3) 2400 (2 marks)

Bank A/C Dr. (500 x 11) 5500

Share Forfeited A/C Dr. (500 x 3) 1500

To share Capital A/C (500 x10) 5000

To. Sec. Premium A/C (500 x 1) 500

To Capital Reserve A/C 1500 (2 marks)


Plant and Machinery A/C Dr. 1800000

Land and building A/C Dr. 4200000

To Capital Reserve A/C 500000

To Y Ltd. 5500000 (2 marks)

Y ltd. A/C Dr. 55,00,000

To Bank A/C 10,00,000

To 8 % Debentures A/C 37,50,000

To security premium A/C 7,50,000 (2 marks)

Working Note :

No. of Debenture issued = 4500000 = 37500 Debenture’s


1. Income and Expenditure A/C. For the ending March 31, 2006.

Expenditure Amount Income Amount

By Subscription 96,000 108800

Add: O/S For (2005-06) 10,000


Add: Advance for 2005-06 2,800

(3 marks)

(Balance Sheet as on 31 st march , 2005)

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Sub. Recd. In Advance 2,800 Subs. O/S 5,000

(1.5 marks)

Balance Sheets as on st March, 2005

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Sub. Recd. In advance 2,500 For 2004-05 2,000

2005-06 10,000

(1.5marks )

13. Capital Accounts

Pariculars Bank Gokul Nakul Paticulars Bakul Gokul Nakul

To cash A/c 2000 1000 - By balance bd 20000 30000 -

To balance 42000 31000 20000 By cash bd - - 20000

By prem for
Goodwill 4000 2000 -

44000 32000 20000 44000 32000 20000

To cash A/c 2000 11000 - By balance 42000 31000 20000

To balance c/d 40000 20000

42000 31000 20000 42000 31000 20000

2 marks for each partners ‘s cap . a/c [2 X3]


Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

Share capital 2000000 Fixed assets 300000

Authorised Capital 1600000 Building 717000

20000 share s @ Rs -100 each 300000 Current assets

Issued capital Cash at bank

16000 share od Rs each

Subscribed capital

3000 share @ Rs 100 each (paid for

Consideration other than cash )

12000 share @ Rs 100 each Rs 60

P.S. Called up 720000 717000

Less CIA (100 x 30) 3000

1017000 1017000

1 Mark of each entry. (1 x 6)

15. Revaluation A/C [2]

To claim for Damages 1000 By Creditors 4000

To Stock A/C 18000 By A’s Cap. 10500 21000

To patents A/C 6000 B’s Cap. 7000

C’s Cap. 3500

25000 25000

Capital A/c s [4]

To Revaluation 10500 7000 3500 - By balance B/d 60000 60000 50000 -
To Goodwill A/c 7500 5000 2500 - By Reserve 6000 4000 2000 -

To balance C/d. 77000 61000 46000 60000 By Bank C/d 29000 - - -

By Cash 9000 9000 - 60000

By Premium -

95000 73000 52000 60000 95000 73000 52000 60000

To Cash A/c - 11000 6000 - By Balance B/d 77000 61000 46000 60000
To Balance C/d 90000 50000 40000 60000 By Cash 13000 - - -

90000 61000 46000 60000 90000 61000 46000 60000

Balance Sheet

Sundry Creditors 32000 Cash 88000

Claim for Damage 1000 Debtors 50000

Capital A/c s (-) prov. 5500 44500

A 90000 Stock 42000

B 50000 Fixed Assets 98500

C 40000

D 60000


273000 273000

Bank A/c Dr. 600000

To Eq. Shares application A/c 600000

Eq. shares Application A/c 600000

To Eq. Shares Capital A/c 20000

To Eq. Shares Allotment A/c 300000

To bank A/c 100000

Equity shares allotment A/c 300000

To Share Capital A/c 300000

Bank A/c Dr. -

To Eq. Share Allotment A/c -

Eq, Share first & final call A/c Dr. 500000

To Eq. Shares capital A/c 500000

Bank A/c Dr. 495000

To Eq. Share Fist & Final Call A/c 495000

Eq. Share Capital A/c Dr. 10000

To Eq. Share First & Final Call A/c 5000

To Share Forfeited A/c 5000

Balance Sheet 1 ½ Marks

1. These are short term highly liquid investment that are readily convertible into known amount of
cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value i.e. –Bank overdraft, cash
credit, marketable see. Treasury bills, comm.,. papers etc. (1 marks)
2. Ignore accounting concept of Accrual basis 1 marks
3. Average collection Period = Average Deb x 365 1 ½ marks

Credit Sales during the year

= (37000 + 43000)/2 x 365 = 28 DAYS 1 ½ Marks

( 6,00,000 – 80,000)

1. (i) Calculation of stock turnover ratio :

Cost of sales = Sales – CP

= 320000 – (320000 * 25/100)

= 240000

Av. Stock = (29000 + 31000 )/ 2 = 30000

STR = COS /AS = 240000/30000

= 8 times 2 Marks

(ii) Calculation of purchases.

Purchases 32000 31000 29000 80000

242000 2 Marks

22. Comparative Balance Sheet

Particulars 2006 2007 Absolute % Change


Fixed A 60000 75000 15000 25

Working Capital :

Current Assets 14000 13500 500 3.57

Less: Current Liabilities 15000 12000 30000 20.00

B 1000 1500 2500 250

Total Assets / Cap. Employed 59000 76500 17500 29.67

Less : Loans 17000 25500 8500 50

Shareholder’s fund 42000 51000 9000 21.43

Represented by

Share Capital 30000 36000 6000 20.00

Reserve and Surplus 12000 15000 3000 25.00

42000 51000 9000 21.43

2 Marks 2 marks

23. Cash Flow Statement

As per AS – 3

Cash flow from operating Activities

Profit HF to B/s (39000 – 38000) 1000

Add: General Reserve 2000

Interim Dividend paid 15000

Prov. For Tax 54000

Depreciation 21000
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Accountancy XII

Sample Paper I

Time 3 hrs M.M-80

Part A

Q1. List any two contents of a partner ship deed? (1)

Q2. Why should a new partner contribute towards Goodwill on his admission? (1)

Q3. Give two circumstances in which sacrificing ratio may be applied. (1)

Q4. Can a company issue a share having face value of Rs 10 at Rs 8 (1)

Q5. Give two examples of ‘Capital receipts’. (1)

Q6. Show how would you deal with the following items in the final accounts of a club:

Debit credit

Prize fund

Prize fund Investments 1,20,000 1,20,000

Income from Prize fund Investments 12000

Prizes awarded 9000

Q7. Raghav limited purchased a running business from Krishna traders for a sum of Rs. 15,00,000
payble Rs 3,00,000 by cheque and for the balance issued 9% debentures of Rs. 100 each at
par. (3)
The assets and Liabilities consisted of the following:


Plant and Machinery 400000

Buildings 600000

Stock 500000

Sundry Debtors 300000

Sundry Creditors 200000

Record necessary journal entries in the books of Raghav Limited.

Q8. A,B and C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 1 : 2: 3. They have omitted interest
on capital @ 8% p.a. for two years ended 31st March, 2008. Their fixed capitals were Rs. 400000, Rs
600000 and Rs 800000 respectively. Pass the necessary adjusting
entry. (3)

Q9. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 7:5. On April 1,2004 they admit C as a
new partner for (1/6)th share. The new ratio will be 13:7:4. C contributed the following assets towards his
capital and for his share of Goodwill.

Stock Rs. 60000; debtors RS 80000; Land 20000; Plant and Machinery Rs 120000. On the date of
admission of C, the Goodwill of the firm was valued at Rs 750000. Record necessary journal entries in the
books of the firm on C’s admission and prepare C’s capital account.

Q10. X and Y are partners in a firm sharing profits in 3:2 ratio. They admitted Z as a new partner and the
new profit- sharing ratio will be 2:1:1.

Z brought Rs 10000 for the share of Goodwill. Goodwill appeared in the books of X and Rs. 5000.

Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of the new firm for the above
transactions. (4)

Q11. CMC Ltd. Invited applications for issuing 100000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs 3
per share. The whole amount was payable on application. The issue was over subscribed by 30000 shares
and allotment was made on pro-rata basis. Pass journal
entries. (4)

Q12. X Ltd. Made on issue of 2000. 15% debentures of Rs. 100 each of these, debentures of the face
value of Rs. 50000 are to be redeemed annually commencing from 1996, either by drawings at par or by
purchase in the open market at the company’s option.

During 1996, the company purchased for cancellation of Rs 40000 debentures at Rs 95 and Rs 10000
debentures of Rs. 98. The expenses of purchases amounted to Rs. 500
Make necessary journal entries to be passed 1996.

Q13. From the following receipts and payments Account of Sonic club and from the given additional
information prepare the expenditure on account of salaries for the year ending 31st December,2006 and
show the salaries item in the income and expenditure Account and the balance sheet as on 31stDecember,


For the year ending 31st December, 2006

Receipts Rs Payments Rs
By salaries:
2005 20000

2006 280000

2007 18000

Additional Information Rs.

(i) Salaries outstanding on 31st Dec,2005 25000

(ii) Salaries outstanding on 31st Dec,2006 45000

(iii) Salaries paid in advance on 31st Dec,2005 10000 (6)

Q14. A,B and C were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:2. On 31st March, 2003 their
Balance sheet was as under:

Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Creditors 11000 Buildings 20000
Reserves 6000 Machinery 30000

A’s capital 30000 70000 Stock 10000

B’s capital 25000 87000 Patents 11000

C’s capital 150000 Debtors 8000

Cash 8000


A died on 1st October, 2003. It was agreed between his executors and the remaining
Partners that:

a) Goodwill to be valued at 2and a half years purchase of the average profit of the previous four years,
which were :

2000:Rs.13, 000; 2001:Rs.12000; 2002:Rs.20, 000 and 2003:Rs.15, 000.

b) Patents be valued at Rs.8000 ; Machinery at Rs.28000; and buildings at Rs.25000.

c) Profit for the year 2003 to 2004 be taken as having accrued at the same rate as that of previous year.

d) Interest on capital be provided at ten percent p.a.

e) Half of the amount to A to be paid immediately to the executor and the balance transferred to his loan

Prepare A’s capital A/c as on 1st October, 2003.

(6 marks)

Q.15)Y Ltd.issued 10000 shares of Rs. 10 each at par.Amounts were due as follows :

Rs. 2.50 on application, Rs. 2.50 on allotment;

Rs. 3 on first call and Rs. 2 on final call.

A, holding 200 shares did not pay the amount due on allotment and first call;and his shares were forfeited .

Final call was made after the forfeiture.B,holding 500shares failed to pay the amount due
on final call and his shares were also forfeited. Show the in the Journal of the company. Also prepare the
balance sheet.

(8 marks)

Pass necessary journal enteries in the books of Roman Ltd. For the following transactions:

(1) 400 equity shares of Rs.100 each issued at a discount of 10% were forfeited for the non-payment of
final call of Rs. 20 per share .The forfeited shares wre reissuied for Rs.38000 fully paid up.

(2) 300 equity shares of Rs.100 each were forfeited for the non- payment of the allotment money of Rs. 40
per share.The first and final call of Rs. 20 per share was not paid . The forfeited shares were reissued for
Rs. 29000 fully paid up.

(8 marks)

Q16) X&Y share profits in the ratio of 3:1.Their balance sheet as on 31st December,1996,was as under :

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Outstanding Expenses 5000 Cash 7800
Sundry Creditors 36000 Sundry Debtors 24000 23200

Capital Accounts: 68000 Less provision 800 5000

X 31000 Stock 80000

Y 140000 Fixed Assets 8000

Goodwill 16000

D & L A/c 140000

Z is admitted into partenership on the following terms:-

(i) Fixed assets are to be depreciated by 20 % .

(ii)Provision for doubtful debts should remain at 5% on debtors.

(iii)The new profit sharing ratio will be 5:3:2.

(iv)Z will pay Rs. 20,000 as capital and the capitals of old partner will be adjusted on the basis of new
partners capital and his share in the business, actual cash to be brought in oo withdrawn by old partners, as
the case may be .

(v)Goodwill of the form is valued at Rs. 20000. Prepare capital Accounts and the balance sheet of the new
firm. (8 marks)


P,Q and R sharing profits and losses equally with effect from 1st April,2008. Following is an extract of their
Balancs sheet as at 31st March,2007:

Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Investment fluctuation 30000 Investments(At last) 500000

Show the accounting treatment under the following alternative cases:-

Case(i) If there is no other information

Case(ii) If the market value of Investment is: Rs 500000

Case(iii) If the market value of investment is Rs. 488000.

(8 marks)

Q17 State the two advantage of financial statement analysis. (1)

Q18. Give two examples of non-cash transactions. (1)

Q19 define cash equivalents. (1)

1. The following figures use extracted from the trial balance of x Ltd:

Share capital: 10,000 Equity share of Rs.10 each fully paid.

Securities premium Rs.10,000

12% Debentures Rs.50,000

Fixed Deposits Rs.25,000

Creditors Rs. 5,000

You are required to draw up the liability side of the Balance sheet according requirement of the
companies Act. (3)

1. Prepare a comman size Balance sheet of x Ltd.& Y Ltd as on 31st March 2007; The Balance sheet
of Kewal Ltd. As on 31st ,2006 and 31st Decmber ,2006 were as follows:

Liabilities X Ltd(Rs) Y Ltd(Rs) Assets X Ltd (Rs) Y Ltd.(Rs)

Share capital 9,00,000 12,00,000 Fixed Asset 10,00,000 16,00,000

Reserves 4,00,000 3,50,000 Current Asset 5,00,000 2,00,000

Current liabilities 2,00,000 2,50,000

15,00,000 18,00,000 15,00,000 18,00,000

1. calculate Debtors turnover ratio : (4)

(in Rs)

Opening Debtors 30,000

Received from Debtors 2,10,000

Closing Debtors 45,000

Sales return 15,000

1. The following balance appeared in the balance sheet of P.K.Ltd. (6)

31.03.06(Rs) 31.03.07(Rs)

Plant and Machinery 48,00,000 65,40,000

Accumulated Depreciates 14,05,000 22,10,000
Proposed Divided 80,000 90,000

Additional Information :

(i)Plant and Machinery costing Rs 12,80,000 accumulated depreciation there on Rs 5,30,000 was sold at a
loss of Rs 2,60,000.

(ii) Dividend provided during the year Rs 95,000.

You are required to compute :

(a) The amount of plant and Machinery purchased, sold and depreciation charged for the year.

(b) Dividend paid during the year.

(c) How each of the item related to plant & machinery and dividend will be recorded in the cash flow

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Accountancy Sample paper I solution

Part A
Ans.1 Two contents of a partnership deed are following:-

(1) Interest on capitals :- Whether interest is to be allowed on capitals. If so, the rate of interest.

(2) Drawings:- How much amount the partners are entitled to withdraw for personal use.

Ans.2 Since a new partner gets his share of profits from old partner’s, he must compensate
the old partners for the share sacrificed by them. The amount of compensation given by the new partner is
known as good will.

Ans.3 Two circumstances in which sacrificing ratio may be applied are following:-

(1) At the time of admission of a new partner.

(2) At the time of change in profit sharing ratio of existing partner.

Ans.4 No, a company can not issue a share having face value of Rs.10 at Rs.8 because under section 79 of
the Companies Act, 1956, the rate of discount must not exceed 10% of the value of the share.

Ans.5 Following are the examples of capital receipts :-

(1) Life Membership Fees .

(2)Donation for building.


Liabilities Amt(Rs.) Assets Amt(Rs.)

Prize fund 1,20,000 Prize fund investments 1,20,000
Income from prize (+) 12,000 1,23,000

Fund investments


Price awarded (-) 9,000

Ans.7 Books of Raghav Limited


Date Particulars L.F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.

Plant & Machinery A/C Dr. 4,00,000
Building A/C Dr. 6,00,000 2,00,000

Stock A/C Dr. 5,00,000 15,00,000

Sundry Creditor A/C Dr. 3,00,000 1,00,000

To Sundry creditor A/C 3,00.000 3,00,000

To Krishna Traders A/C 12,00,000 12,00,000

To Capital Reserve A/C

(Purchase of assets & liabilities )

Krishna Traders A/C Dr.

To Bank A/C

(Payment made through cheque )

Krishna Traders A/C Dr.

To 9% Debentures A/C

(Balance of Rs 1200000 discharged by issue of 12000

debentures of Rs. 100 each at par)

Ans 8.

C’s current A/C Dr 16000

To A’s current A/C 16000

Ans 9.


Date Particular Amt Amt

Dr (Rs.) Rs (Cr.)

2004 Stock A/C Dr 60000

April 1.) Debators A/C Dr 80000 335000

Land A/C Dr 200000 125000

Plant and Machinery A/C Dr 120000

To c’s capital A/C

To Premium goodwill A/C (Assets

contributed by c on his admission as his capital
and his share of goodwill premium)

April 2.) Premium for goodwill A/C Dr 125000

To A’s capital A/C 31250

To B’s capital A/C 93750

(Goodwill premium transferred to the capital

A/C of A and B in sacrificing ratio 1:3)

C’s Capital Accounts

Date Particular Amt. (Rs.) Date Particular Amt(Rs)

2004 To balance c/d335000 2004 By Sunday 335000
April 1) 335000 April 1 Assets A/C 335000

Working Note:-

(i) C’s share of goodwill = 750000 x 1/6 = Rs. 125000

(ii) Calculation of sacrificing Ratio =



Thus sacrificing Ratio= 1:3

Ans 10 Journal

Date Particulars Dr(Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

X’s Capital A/C Dr 3000
Y’s Capital A/C Dr 2000 5000

To Goodwill A/C 10000 10000

(Goodwill already appearing in the books, now 10000 4000

written off in old ratio)
Bank A/C Dr 6000

To premium for Goodwill A/C

(The amount of Goodwill/Premium brought in cash

by Z)

Premium for Goodwill A/C Dr.

To X’s Capital A/C

To Y’s capital A/C

(The amount of Goodwill/ Premium transferred to old

Partner’s in sacrificing ratio)

Working Note:-

Calculation of sacrificing Ratio = Old Ratio – New Ratio

X’s sacrificed =

Y’s sacrificed =

Ans 11.)

CMC Ltd.


Date Particular Dr(Rs) Cr(Rs.)

Bank A/C 1690000
To equity share Application A/C 1690000 1690000

(Application money received on 130000 shares @ Rs 1000000

13 per share)
Equity share Application A/C Dr
To equity share Capital A/C (100000 x Rs 10)
To securities Premium A/C

(100000 x Rs 3)

To Bank A/C (30000 shares x Rs 13.)

(Application money adjusted)

Ans 12


Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
Date Particulars
1996 Own Debentures A/c Dr 48300
Dec 31 To Bank A/c 50000 48300

Dec31 (purchase of own debentures 400 @ 95 and 100 @ 98 plus 1700 48300
Rs 500 expenses for purchase)
Dec 31 1700
15% Debentures A/c Dr
To own debentures

To profit on redemption of debentures A/c

(Cancellation of own debentures)

Profit on Redemption of debentures A/c Dr

To capital reserve A/c

(Transfer of profit on redemption to capital Reserve A/c)

Working Note:-

(i) Amount paid for the purchase of debentures:- Rs.

400 debentures x Rs. 95 per debentures 38000

100 debentures x Rs. 98 per debentures 9,800


Add Expenses 500

Total payment 48300

Ans 13

Income and expenditure A/c

For the year ended 31st Dec 2006

Expenditure Amt Income Amt(Rs)

To salaries 280000
Add Salaries paid in Advance on 3,30,000
31.12.2005 10000/290000

Add outstanding for 2006


Balance Sheet

As on 31st December, 2005

Liabilities Amt(rs) Assets Amt(rs)

Outstanding salaries 25000 Prepaid salaries 10000

Balance Sheet

As on 31st December, 2006

Liabilities Amt(rs) Assets Amt(rs)

Outstanding salaries :- Prepaid salaries 10000
For 2005 45000

(25000-20000) 5000

For 2006
(45000-5000) 40000

Ans 14

(i) Valuation of Goodwill :-

Total profit = 13000 + 12000 + 20000 + 15000 = Rs 60000

Average profit = 60000/4 = Rs. 15000

Hence Goodwill at 21/2 years purchased = 15000 x 21/2

Rs. 37500

A’s share of Goodwill = 37500 x 5/10= 18,750

It will be adjusted into the capital Accounts of B & C in the gaining ratio of 3:2

(ii) Share of profit payble to A (upto the date of death) :-

15000 x 6/12 x 5/10 = Rs. 3,750

(iii) Revaluation Account

Particulars Amt(Rs) Particulars Amt(Rs)

To patents A/c 3000 By building A/c 5000
To machinery A/c 2000 5000


There is neither profit nor loss due to revaluation of assets.

A’s Capital Account

Date Particular Amt Date Particular Amt

By balance b/d 30000
57000 By reserves (6000 x 5/10) 3000

By B’s capital A/c 11250

(Goodwill)=(18750 x 3/5)
By C’s capital A/c 3750

Goodwill)=(18750 x 2/5) 1500

By p/l Suspense A/c (Share of 57000


By Int on capital (30000 x 10/100

x 6/12)

Ans 15

Cash Book

Particular Amt Particulars Amt(Rs)

25000 By balance c/d 97500
To share application A/c 24500 97500

To share allotment A/c 29400

To share first call A/c 18600

To share final call A/c 97500

(Rs. 19600-Rs 1000)


Particular Amt(Rs) Amt(Rs)

Share application A/c Dr 25000
To share capital A/c 25000 25000

(Application money transferred to share capital A/c) 1600 25000

Share allotment A/c Dr 19600 500

To share capital A/c 5000 600

(Amount due on allotment) 500

Share capital A/c Dr 19600

To share allotment A/c 1000

To share first call A/c 4000

To share forfeiture A/c

(200 shares forfeiture for non-payment of Allotment and first call)

Share final call A/c Dr

To share capital A/c

(final call due on 9800 shares @ Rs 2 per share)

Share capital A/c Dr

To share final call A/c

To share forfeiture A/c

(500 shares forfeited for non payment of final call)

Balance sheet

Liabilities Amt(Rs) Assets Amt(Rs)

Issued share capital: Current Assets:-
10000 shares of Rs. 10 each 100000 Cash at Bank 97500

Subscribed and paid up capital:- 97500

9300 shares of Rs. 10 each 97500

93000 97500

Add : Share Forfieture A/c


Ans 16

Capital Accounts
Particulars X Y Z particulars X Y Z
To P & L A/c 12000 4000 BY Bal c/d 68000 31000
To revaluation 12300 4100 4000 By Y’s capital A/c 1000 4100 20000

To Goodwill 6000 2000 16000 By z’s capital A/c 4000 35100 20000

To X’s capital A/c 2700 1000 20000 By cash 73000

To cash 40000 24000 By cash

To Bal c/d 73000 35100

Balance Sheet

Liabilities Amt(Rs) Assets Amt(Rs)

Outstanding expenses 5000 Cash 29200
Sundry creditors 36000 Sundry Debtors 24000 22800

Capital Accounts: 80000 Less: Provision 1200 5000

X 40000 121000 Stock 64000

Y 24000 Fixed Assets 121000

Z 16000

Working Note:-

(i) Calculation of sacrificing and gaining ratio:-

(ii) Old ratio of X & Y =

New ratio of X,Y & Z=

X= (sacrifice)

Y= (gain)

Z= (gain)

(2) After adjustment for goodwill, z’s capital is reduced by Rs. 4000 to Rs. 16000. The profit sharing ratio
is 5:3:2. Therefore, based on z’s capital, the total capital of the new firm will be;

16000 x 10/2=Rs. 80000

\ X’s capital in the new firm= 80000 x 5/10= Rs. 40000

Y’s capital in the new firm = 80000 x 3/10= Rs. 24,000

Z’s capital in the new firm = 80000 x 2/10= Rs. 16000

Hence, X will be returned Rs. 42,700 – Rs. 40000=Rs. 2,700

Y will bring in Rs. 24000 – Rs. 19000 = Rs. 4,100

(3) Cash balance = Rs. 7,800 + Rs. 20,000- Rs. 2,700 + Rs 4,100

= Rs. 29,200



Date Particulars Dr. Cr.

April 1) Case (i) 30000 15000

Investment fluctuation reserve A/C Dr. 30000 10000

To P’s Capital A/C 30000 5000

To Q’s Capital A/C 15000

To R’s capital A/C 10000

(Transfer of excess Investment Fluctuation Reserve to 5000

Partner’s Capital accounts in their old profit sharing ratio )
Case II
Investment fluctuation reserve A/C Dr.
To P’s Capital A/C
To Q’s Capital A/C

To R’s capital A/C

(Transfer of excess Investment Fluctuation Reserve to

Partner’s Capital accounts in their old profit sharing ratio )

Case III

Investment fluctuation reserve A/C Dr.

To Investment A/C (500000-488000)

To P’s Capital A/C

To Q’s Capital A/C

To R’s capital A/C

(Transfer of excess Investment Fluctuation Reserve to

Partner’s Capital accounts in their old profit sharing ratio )


A.17 Two advantages of financial statement analysis are following:-

1. Help judging the earning capacity or profitability of the business

2. Measuring short term and long tern financial position of the company.

A.18 Two examples non-cash transaction:-

1. Description charged
2. Good will write of.

A.19 Cash Equivalents: – Cash equivalents are shorts term highly liquidly investments that carry in
significant risk of change in value.

A.20 Balance sheet of X Ltd.

Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt (Rs)

1) Share capital
• Authorised capital

10,000% share @ 10-


• Issued capital 10,000

shares @ 10/-
• Subscribed capital
10,000 @ 10/-
2) Reserve and surplus
• Security Premium
3) Secured Loans
• 12% debentures
4) Unsecured Loans
• Fixed deposit
5) Current liabilities
• Current liabilities


Particulars 2006 2007 Absolute Percentage

change change
Fixed assets 10,00,000 16,00,000 6,00,000 60
Currents assets 5,00,000 2,00,000 (3,00,000) (60)
15,00,000 18,00,000 3,00,000 20
Share capital 9,00,000 12,00,000 3,00,000 33.33
Reserves Surplus 4,00,000 3,50,000 (50,000) (2.5)
Currents 2,00,000 2,50,000 50,000 25
15,00,000 18,00,000 3,00,000 20

Ans 22.

Calculation of Debtors turnover Ratio:-

Gross Credit Sales = Cash received from Debtors + Sales Returns + Closing Debtors – Opening Debtors.

=Rs 210000 + Rs. 15000 + Rs. 45000 – Rs. 30000

= Rs. 240000

Net Credit Sales = Gross credit sales – Sales Returns

= Rs. 240000 – Rs. 15000 = Rs. 225000

Average Debators = (opening Debators + Closing Debators) % 2

= (30000 + 45000) % 2

= Rs. 37500

Debators Turnover Ratio =

= 6 times

Ans 23

(i) Plant and Machinery purchased = Rs 3020000

Plant and Machinery sold= Rs 490000

And depreciation charged during the year = Rs. 1335000

(ii) Dividend paid during the year = Rs. 85000


leave a response

67/1/1 67/1/2 67/1/3 DELHI-67/1/1-2-3


(Not for profit organisations, partnership firms and company accounts)

1 - 4 Q. Give two main sources of income of a not for profit organisation.

Ans. Two main sources of income of a not for profit organisation are: (any two)

(a) Subscriptions

(b) Membership fees/ admission fees/ entrance fees

(c) Donations

2 - 5 Q. A and B are partners………………..valid or not.

Ans. A’s claim is not valid as in the absence of a partnership deed, no salary is allowed to any partner.

3 - 3 Q. Define gaining ratio.

Ans. Gaining ratio is the ratio in which the remaining/ continuing partners acquire the share of the outgoing partner.

4 - 2 Q. State any two ……………………takes place.

Ans. Occasions when reconstitution of a partnership firm takes place are: (Any two)

(a) Admission of a partner.

(b) Retirement of a partner

(c) Death of a partner.

(d) Change in the profit sharing ratio amongst existing partners.

5 - - Q. Give the meaning of ‘Calls in arrears’.

Ans. If a shareholder makes a default in sending the call amount due on allotment or on any calls, the amount not so se
unpaid amount on calls due.

Note: Only an entry without any explanation shall not be accepted.

6 - 8 Q. On the basis …………………………31st March 2007.

Ans. Calculation of Stationery debited to Income and Expenditure A/c :

opening stock of stationery 8,000

+Stationery purchased during the year 47,000

– closing stock of stationery 6,000


Alternate solution:

Dr. Stock of stationery A/c Cr.

Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars

Balance b/d 8,000 Income & Expenditure A/c –
Creditors-(Purchases) 47,000 stationery consumed

Balance c/d


7 - 6 Q. PS Ltd. forfeited……………………company.

Ans. Journal of PS Ltd.

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

Share capital A/c Dr. 45,000
Share Forfeited A/c 30,000
Share first call A/c 15,000

(500 share forfeited due to non-payment of first


Bank A/c Dr. 65,000

Share Capital A/c 50,000

Securities Premium A/c 15,000

(500 shares reissued fully paid)

Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 30,000

Capital Reserve A/c 30,000

(Share Forfeited transferred to capital reserve)

8 - 7 Q. X Ltd. purchased …………………company.

Ans. Journal of X Ltd.

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

Machinery A/c Dr. 5,50,000
Y Ltd. A/c 5,50,000

(Machinery purchased from Y Ltd.)

Y Ltd A/c Dr. 55,000

Cash A/c 55,000

(Payment paid through cash)

Y Ltd. A/c Dr. 4,95,000

9% Debentures A/c 4,50,000

Securities Premium A/c 45,000

(Issue of debentures at 10% premium)

9 Q. Ravi and Mohan ………………………..adjustment entry.

Ans. Journal

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

Mohan’s current A/c Dr. 38,000
Ravi’s current A/c 38,000

(wrong distribution of profit and omission of

interest on capital and salary, now adjusted)

Note: No marks should be given for the journal entry if the examinee has written capital accounts instead of cur

Working notes:

Partners Cr. interest on Cr. salary Dr. profits Cr. profits Net Effect
capital Dr.

Ravi 1,20,000 72,000 2,52,000 98,000 -

Mohan 84,000 60,000 2,52,000 70,000 38,000

2,04,000 1,32,000 5,04,000 1,68,000 38,000

10 11 9 Q. A, B and C were partners ………………time of his death.

Ans. B’s share of profit = 1,50,000 x 2/6 x 73/365 = 90,000

B’s share of profit = 1,50,000 x 2/6 x 2.4/12 = 90,000


Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

Profit and loss suspense A/c Dr. 10,000
B’s Capital A/c 10,000

(B’s share of profit credited to his capital A/c)

A’s Capital A/c Dr. 15,000

C’s Capital A/c Dr. 5,000 20,000

B’s Capital A/c

(B’s share of goodwill credited to his capital A/c

in the gaining ratio)

Note: If the goodwill entry is wrong but the goodwill is calculated correctly, 1 mark should be given.

11 10 10 Q. S Ltd was registered……………….share capital.

Ans. Balance Sheet of S Ltd. as on ……

Liabilities Amount Assets


Authorised Capital 4,00,000

40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each ========

Issued Capital 3,00,000

30,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each ========


Subscribed capital

28,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, fully called up 2,80,000

Less calls in arrears 400



. Balance Sheet of S Ltd. as on ……

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount(Rs.)


Authorised Capital 4,00,000

40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each ========

Issued Capital 3,00,000

30,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each ========

Subscribed capital 2,80,000

28,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each ========

Called up and paid up Capital 2,79,600

28,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, fully called up


Less calls in arrears 400


Note: If the Issued Capital is taken as Rs.2,80,000, full credit is to be given.

12 13 - Q. Following is the ……………… on 31. 3.2005.

Ans. Balance Sheet of A, B and C as on 31.3.2005

Liabilities Amount(Rs.) Assets Amount(Rs.)

Capital fund 43,550 Cash 19,550
Subscriptions 2,000

43,550 43,550

Dr. Income and Expenditure A/c for the year ended 31st March 2006 Cr.

Expenditure Amount Income


Loss on sale of Subscriptions 26,500

furniture 1,300 + o/s for 05-06 1,700
Salary 3,000
3,600 Sale of old newspapers
(+)outstanding 600
2,050 Government grants
1,000 Interest on fixed deposit
Electricity bill
Rent 6,800 450
(+)outstanding 1,200 (+)outstanding 900


Note : If an examinee has capitalized Government Grants by giving a note, full credit is to be given and the Surp
13 Q. A and B were partners……………….on C’s admission.

Ans. A sacrifices = 5/8 x 1/3 = 5/24

B sacrifices = 3/8 x ¼ = 3/32

Sacrificing ratio = 20 : 9

A’s new share = 5/8 – 5/24 = 40/96

B’s new share= 3/8 – 3/32 =27/96

C’s new share = 5/24 + 3/32 = 29/96

New ratio = 40 : 27 : 29


Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.)

Cash A/c Dr. 2,08,000
C’s Capital a/c

Premium A/c
(Cash brought in by C as his share of capital and goodwill)

Premium A/c Dr. 58,000

A’s Capital A/c

B’s Capital A/c

(C’s share of goodwill credited to A and B in the sacrificing ratio)

14 12 - Q. Pass the necessary ……………….…………of 25%.

Ans. Journal

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.)

Bank A/c Dr. 60,00,000

Debenture Application and

allotment A/c

(Debenture application money received)

Debenture Application and 60,00,000

allotment A/c Dr.

7% Debentures a/c

Securities premium a/c

(Debentures issued at a premium)

Own Debentures A/c Dr. 2,91,000

Bank A/c

(Purchase of 3,000 own debentures @Rs.97)

9% Debentures A/c 3,00,000

Own Debentures A/c

Profit on cancellation of

debentures A/c

(Cancellation of 3,000 own debentures)

Profit on cancellation of debentures Dr. 9,000

Capital reserve A/c

(Gain on cancellation transferred to capital reserve)

9% Debentures A/c Dr. 1,80,000

Debentureholders A/c

(Amount due to the Debentureholders)

Debentureholders A/c Dr. 1,80,000

12% Debentures A/c

Securities premium A/c

(Issue of shares at a premium of 25%)

15 Q. X and Y are partners………………….of the new firm.

Ans. Revaluation A/c

Particulars Amount(Rs.) Particulars

Plant & Machinery 5,000 Land and building
Profit transferred to 6,400 Provision for doubtful debts

X capital 4,000 Creditors

Y capital 2,400


Dr. Capital accounts Cr.

Particulars X Y Z Particulars X Y Z
Balance c/d 66,500 44,900 20,000 Bal b/d 50,000 35,000 -
G Reserve 10,000 6,000 -

Cash A/c - - 20,000

Revaluation A/c 4,000 2,400

Z’s current A/c 2,500 1,500

66,500 44,900 20,000 66,500 44,900 20,000

Current a/c –transfer 41,500 29,900 - Balance b/d 66,500 44,900 20,000
Balance c/d 25,000 15,000 20000

66,500 44,900 20,000 66,500 44,900 20,000

Balance Sheet of X, Y and Z as on 1.4.2007

Liabilities Amount Assets A

(Rs.) (

Capitals: Land and building 3

X 25,000 60,000 Plant and Machinery 2

Y 15,000 71,400 Investment 2

Z 20,000 26,000 Stock 1

Current A/c Debtors 20,000 1

X 41,500 Less provision 1,100 3

Y 29,900 Cash 4

Creditors Z’s current A/c

1,57,400 1
Note: if an examinee has calculated the adjusted capitals as:
X Rs.20,000; Y Rs.12,000 and Z Rs.16,000 and the total of the Balance Sheet is Rs.1,53,400, only ½ mark is to be


Dr. Revaluation a/c Cr.

Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars Amt(Rs.)

Stock 2,300 Loss transferred to capitals:
Furniture 500 A 4,200 8,400

Plant and Machinery 750 B 2,800

Building 4,000 C 1,400

Provision for doubtful debts 850

8,400 8,400

Dr. Capital Accounts Cr.

Particulars A(Rs.) B(Rs.) C(Rs.) Particulars A(Rs.) B(Rs.) C(Rs.)

Reval –loss 4,200 2,800 1,400 Balance b/d 40,000 25,000 20,000
A’s capital - 2,000 1,000 P & L A/c 2,250 1,500 750

Cash A/c 11,500 - - B’capital 2,000 - -

A’s loan 29,550 - - C’capital 1,000 - -

Balance c/d - 21,700 18,350

45,250 26,500 20,750 45,250 26,500 20,750

Dr. A’s loan A/c Cr.

Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars

A’s Capital A/c
16 Q. X Ltd. invited applications ……………………fully paid.

Ans. Journal

Date Particulars

Bank A/c Dr
Share application A/c

(amount received on application)

Share Application A/c Dr.

Share Capital A/c

Securities premium A/c

Share allotment A/c

Bank A/c

(Application money adjusted)

Share allotment A/c Dr.

Share capital A/c

(Amount due on allotment)

Bank A/c Dr.

Share Allotment A/c
(The amount received on allotment)


Bank A/c Dr.

Calls in arrears A/c

Share allotment A/c

(The amount received on allotment)

Share first and final call A/c Dr.

Share Capital A/c

(The amount due on first and final call)

Bank A/c Dr.

Share first and final call a/c

(The amount received on first and final call)


Bank A/c Dr.

Calls-in-arrears A/c Dr.

Share first and final call

(The amount received on first and final call

Share Capital A/c Dr.

Share Forfeited A/c

Share allotment A/c

Share first call A/c

(1,600 shares forfeited)


Share Capital A/c Dr.

Share Forfeited A/c

Calls in arrears A/c

(1,600 shares forfeited)

Bank a/c Dr.

Share Capital a/c

Securities Premium A/c

(1,600 shares re-issued)

Share Forfeited a/c Dr.

Capital reserve a/c

(Balance in share Forfeited transferred to capital reserve)


Q. Y Ltd. invited applications………………..books of the company.

Ans. Journal

Date Particulars

Bank A/c Dr
Share application A/c

(amount received on application)

Share Application A/c Dr.

Share Capital A/c

Share allotment A/c

Bank A/c

(Application money adjusted)

Share allotment A/c Dr.

Discount on issue of shares A/c

Share capital A/c

(Amount due on allotment)

Bank A/c Dr.

Share Allotment A/c

(The amount received on allotment)


Bank A/c Dr.

Calls in arrears A/c

Share allotment A/c

(Amount received on allotment)

Share first and final call A/c Dr.

Share Capital A/c

(Amount due on first and final call)

Bank A/c Dr.

Share first and final call a/c

(Amount received on first and final call)


Bank A/c Dr.

Calls-in-arrears A/c Dr.

Share first and final call

(Amount received on first and final call

Share Capital A/c Dr.

Share Forfeited A/c

Share allotment A/c

Share first call A/c

Discount on issue of shares A/c

(200 shares forfeited)


Share Capital A/c Dr.

Share Forfeited A/c

Calls in arrears A/c

Discount on issue of shares A/c

(200 shares forfeited)

Bank a/c Dr.

Share Capital a/c

Securities Premium A/c

(200 shares re-issued)

Share Forfeited a/c Dr.

Capital reserve a/c

(Balance in share Forfeited transferred to capital reserve)

Part B
(Analysis of Financial Statements)

17 18 19 Q. Quick ratio of a company…………….by the company.

Ans. Ratio will increase as both the current assets and current liabilities will decrease.

18 19 17 Q. State whether…………………………no flow of cash.

Ans. No Flow.

19 17 18 Q. Dividend paid by ………………….cash flow statement.

Ans. Financing activity
20 20 20 Q. List the major ……………………Companies Act 1956.

Ans. Major headings on the asset side are:

• Fixed Assets
• Investments
• Current Assets, loans and advances

(a) Current assets

(b) Loans and advances

• Miscellaneous Expenditure

• Profit and Loss A/c (Dr. balance)

21 22 21 Q. From the following…………………………Statement.

Ans. Comparative Income Statement

For the years ended on 31.12.06 & 31.12.07

2006 2007 Percentage
Particulars Increase/
(Rs.) (Rs.) increase/ decrease

Sales 6,00,000 8,00,000 2,00,000 33.3

Less: cost of goods sold 4,50,000 4,80,000 30,000 6.6

Gross profit 1,50,000 3,20,000 1,70,000 113.3

Less: Indirect expenses 15,000 64,000 49,000 326.6

Net profit before tax 1,35,000 2,56,000 1,21,000 89.6

Less :tax 54,000 1,02,500 48,400 89.6

Net profit after tax 81,000 1,53,600 72,600 89.6

22 21 - Q. From the following……………….ratio.

Ans. Any two ratios

(a) Credit sales = Rs. 3,00,000

Cash sales = 75% of credit sales =3/4 x 3,00,000=2,25,000

Total Sales = Cash sales + Credit Sales

= 2,25,000 + 3,00,000

= 5,25,000

Gross Profit = Net Sales – Cost of goods sold

= 5,25,000 – 6,80,000

= – 1,55,000

Hence, Gross Loss = 1,55,000

Gross Loss Ratio = Gross Loss/ Net Sales x 100

= (1,55,000/5,25,000) x 100

= 29.52%
OR Gross Profit Ratio = Gross profit x 100

Net Sales

= – 1,55,000 x 100


= - 29.52%

(b) Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

= 5,00,000 – 2,90,000 = 2,10,000

Working Capital turnover ratio = Net Sales/ Working Capital

= 5,25,000


= 2.5 times


Working Capital turnover ratio = Cost of goods sold/ Working Capital

= 6,80,000


= 3.24 times

(c) Proprietary ratio = Proprietors funds/ Total assets

= 8,00,000/ 14,30,000

= 80 : 143 or 55.94%

Calculation of proprietors funds:

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

(Rs.) (Rs.)

Paid up capital 8,00,000 Current Assets 5,00,000

9% debentures 3,40,000 Fixed Assets (bal fig) 9,30,000

Current Liabilities 2,90,000

14,30,000 14,30,000
23 - - Q. From the following ……………..Cash Flow Statement.


Calculation of NP before tax

Net loss (50,000)

Add dividend 80,000

Less transfer from reserve (20,000)

Net profit before tax 10,000

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2007

Particulars (Rs.)
Cash flows from operating activities
Net profit before tax 20,000

Add interest on debentures 30,000

Add loss on sale of machinery

Operating profit before Working Capital changes

Increase in Debtors
Increase in Stock
Cash used in operating activities

Cash flows from investing activities 3,50,000

Purchase of fixed assets 40,000

Sale of machinery (20,000)


Cash used in investing activities

Cash flows from financing activities

Issue of equity shares

Issue of preference shares

Redemption of Debentures

Dividend paid

Interest paid on Debentures

Cash generated from financing activities

Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars
Net increase in cash and Cash Equivalents
Balance b/d 5,00,000 Bank-sale
Bank -purchase
Add opening balance of Cash and Cash equivalents 2,80,000 Loss on sale

Closing balance of Cash and Cash equivalents Balance c/d

Working Notes:
Note 1: Full credit to be given to an examinee if he/she has taken preference dividend separately. The answers w
Dr. Fixed assets A/c Cr.
Net Profit before tax = Rs.14,800

Cash used in operating activities = Rs.(25,200)

Cash used in investing activities = Rs.(2,30,000)

Cash generated from financing activities = Rs.2,65,200

Note 2: In case, interest on debentures and dividend on preference shares has been calculated on the closing balances, n
67/1/1 67/1/2 67/1/3 67/1/2 BUTION


(Not for profit organisations, Partnership firms and Company accounts)

- 1 Q. State any two…….organisation.

Ans. (Any two) ½ x2

(a) Motive is providing service. =

(b) Main sources of income are: Subscriptions from members, donations, grants etc.

(c) They have a separate entity of their own. 1 mark

(d) They are in the form of charitable societies, trusts, clubs etc.

- 2 Q. Suresh and Ramesh ………valid. ½+½


Ans. No, Ramesh’s claim is not valid as in the absence of a partnership deed, profit are to be 1 mark
shared equally.

- 3 Q. What is ‘sacrificing ratio’?

1 mark

Ans. Sacrificing ratio is the ratio in which the existing partners sacrifice their share in favour of
the incoming partner.

- 4 Q. State any ……………..acquires in the firm.

Ans. Right acquired by a newly admitted partner: (Any one) 1 mark

(a) Right to share in the assets of the firm.

(b) Right to share in the profits of the firm.

- 5 Q. Give the meaning of ‘calls in advance’.

Ans. Calls-in-Advance means the amount received by a company from its shareholders in excess 1 mark
of the amount due from them.

Note: Only an entry without any explanation shall not be accepted.

- 6 Q. On the basis of the …………..for the year ended 31.3.2007

Ans. Stationery debited to Income and Expenditure A/c


Opening stock of stationery 1,75,750 ½ mark

+ Stationery purchased during the year 60,80,700 1 mark

– closing stock of stationery 1,44,650 1 mark

Rs. 61,11,800 ½ mark for

the answer

(1/2 + 1+ 1+

3 marks)

Alternative solution:


Dr. Stock of stationery A/c Cr. 1 mark for

Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars Amt(Rs.) opening

Balance b/d 1,75,750 Income & expenditure A/c
Creditors (Purchases) 60,80,700 ( stationery consumed) 61,11,800 balance +

Balance c/d
1,44,650 1 mark for

62,56,450 62,56,450 closing

balance +

½ mark for
purchases +

½ mark for
the answer

=(1+ 1+ ½ +
½ =3 marks)

- 7 Q. Poonam Ltd…………………reissue of shares.

Ans. Journal of Poonam Ltd.

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

8%Preference Share capital A/cDr. 32,000
Share Forfeited A/c 32,000 20,000

Preference Share first call A/c 8,000

Discount on issue of shares A/c 4,000

(400 share forfeited due to non-payment of first 20,000

8%Preference Share capital A/cDr.

Share Forfeited A/c

Calls in arrears A/c

Discount on issue of shares A/c

(400 share forfeited due to non-payment of first


Bank A/c Dr. 44,000

8% Preference Share Capital A/c 40,000

Securities Premium A/c 4,000

(400 shares reissued fully paid)

Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 20,000
Capital Reserve A/c 20,000

(Share Forfeited transferred to capital reserve)


3 marks

- 8 Q. Y Ltd. purchased …………………books of Y Ltd.

Ans. Journal of Y Ltd.

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

Machinery A/c Dr. 55,000
Z Ltd. A/c 55,000

(Machinery purchased from Y Ltd.)

Z Ltd A/c Dr. 5,500
Bills Payable A/c 5,500 =

(Bills payable accepted)

Z Ltd. A/c Dr. 49,500 3 marks

9% Debentures A/c 49,500

(Issue of debentures at par)

- 9 Q. R and S were partners ………………adjusting entry for the
Ans. Journal

Date Particulars LF Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

1 mark
R’s current A/c Dr. 264
S’s current A/c 264 for

(Interest on drawings omitted, now adjusted) the


Note: No marks should be given for the journal entry if the examinee has written capital entry
accounts instead of current accounts.

Working notes:
3 marks
Partners Dr. Cr. Net Effect
for correct
interest profits Dr. Cr.
on working

in any

R 660 396 264 - form

S - 264 - 264

660 660 264 264

=(1+3 =

4 marks)

11 10 Same as Q 11 Set 1 4 marks

10 11 Same as Q 10 Set 1 4 marks
14 12 Same as Q 14 Set 1 6 marks
12 13 Same as Q 12 Set 1 6 marks
13 14 Same as Q 13 Set 1 6 marks
16 15 Same as Q 16 Set 1 8 marks
15 16 Same as Q 15 Set 1 8 marks
Part B
(Analysis of Financial Statements)

19 17 Same as Q 19 Set 1 1 mark

17 18 Same as Q 17 Set 1 1 mark
18 19 Same as Q 18 Set 1 1 mark
20 20 Same as Q 20 Set 1 3 marks
22 21 Same as Q 22 Set 1 4 marks
21 22 Same as Q 21 Set 1 4 marks
- 23 Q. From the following ……………..Cash Flow Statement.

Calculation of Net Profit before tax Net

Profit 75,000

Add dividend 20,000

Less transfer from reserve (10,000)

1 mark
Net profit before tax 85,000

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2007

Particulars Amount Amount

(Rs.) (Rs.)

Cash flows from operating activities

Net profit before tax 10,000 85,000

Add interest on debentures 35,000 45,000

Add loss on sale of machinery 1,30,000

(25,000) (45,000)
Operating profit before Working Capital changes
Increase in Debtors
Increase in Stock
1 mark



(20,000) 1 marks




Cash generated from operating activities 30,000

Cash flows from investing activities

2 marks
Purchase of fixed assets

Sale of machinery

Cash used in investing activities

½ mark
Cash flows from financing activities

Issue of equity shares

Issue of preference shares

Redemption of Debentures

Dividend paid
Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars Amt(Rs.)
Interest paid on Debentures
Balance b/d 2,50,000 Bank-sale 15,000
Cash -purchase 1,50,000
generated from financing activities Loss on sale 35,000
½ mark
Net increase in cash and Cash Equivalents Balance c/d 3,50,000

Add opening balance of Cash and Cash equivalents 4,00,000
Note 1: Full credit to be given to an examinee if he/she has taken preference dividend
Closing balance of Cash and Cash equivalents
separately. The answers would be: (1+ 1+ 1+ 2

Working +½+½
Net ProfitNotes:
before tax = Rs.87,400

Dr. generated from operating

Fixed activities
assets A/c= Rs.87,400 Cr. =
6 marks)
Cash used in investing activities = Rs.(1,35,000)
Cash generated from financing activities = Rs.52,600

Note 2: In case, interest on debentures and dividend on preference shares has been calculated on
the closing balances, no marks should be deducted.


67/1/1 67/1/2 67/1/3 67/1/3 BUTION


(Not for profit organisations, Partnership firms and Company accounts)

3 1 Same as Q 3 Set 1 1 mark

4 2 Same as Q 4 Set 1 1 mark
5 3 Same as Q 5 Set 1 1 mark
1 4 Same as Q 1 Set 1 1 mark
2 5 Same as Q 2 Set 1 1 mark
7 6 Same as Q 7 Set 1 3 marks
8 7 Same as Q 8 Set 1 3 marks
6 8 Same as Q 6 Set 1 3 marks
10 9 Same as Q 10 Set 1 4 marks
11 10 Same as Q 11 Set 1 4 marks
9 11 Same as Q 9 Set 1 4 marks
- 12 Q. B and C were partners …………..books of the firm.

Ans. Old ratio = 4:3

B sacrifices = 3/7 x ¼ = 3/28 ½ mark

C sacrifices = 4/7 x ¼ = 4/28 ½ mark

B’s new share = 4/7 – 3/28 = 13/28

C’s new share = 3/7 – 4/28 = 8/28 1 mark

New ratio = 13 : 8 : 7 1 mark

Journal = (½ + ½ + 1
+ 1=
Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)
Cash A/c Dr. 2,22,000 3 marks)
D’s Capital a/c 1,80,000

Premium A/c 42,000

(Cash brought in by D as his share of capital and
1 ½ marks
Premium A/c Dr. 42,000
B’s Capital A/c 18,000 for each

C’s Capital A/c 24,000 correct entry

(C’s share of goodwill credited to A and B in the 1½x2=

sacrificing ratio)
3 marks

(3 + 3 = 6

- 13 Q. Pass the necessary ……………….…………of 25%.

Ans. Journal

Date Particulars F Dr. (Rs.) Cr.(Rs.)

9% Debentures A/c Dr. 80,000 80,000

Debentureholders A/c
(Amount due to Debentureholders)

Debentureholders A/c 80,000

Dr. 64,000
Equity Share Capital A/c
Securities premium A/c

(Issue of shares at a premium of 25%)

Bank A/c 20,72,70,000 20,72,70,000

Debenture Application

and allotment A/c

(Debenture application money received)

Debenture Application and 20,72,70,000

allotment A/c Dr. 19,74,00,000

9% Debentures a/c 98,70,000

Securities premium a/c

(Debentures issued at a premium)

9% Debentures A/c Dr. 1,50,000 1,87,500

Premium on redemption 37,500


Debentureholders A/c

(Amount due to Debentureholders)

Debentureholders A/c Dr. 1,87,500

Bank A/c 1,87,500

(Paid to Debentureholders )

= 6 marks

- 14 Q. Following is the ……………… on 31. 3.2005.

Ans. Balance Sheet of A, B and C as on 31.3.2005

Liabilities Amount(Rs.) Assets Amount(Rs.)

Capital fund —- Cash 39,100
Subscriptions —-
outstanding 2 marks for
—– —–

Income and Expenditure A/c for the year ended 31st March 2006
Expenditure Amount Income Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)

Salary 6,000 Subscriptions ——-

(+)outstanding 1,200 7,200 Sale of old newspapers 2,500

Newspapers 4,100 Government grants 20,000

Electricity bill 2,000 Profit on sale of furniture 3,400

Rent 13,600 16,000 Interest on fixed deposit 2,700

(+)outstanding 2,400
(+)outstanding 1,800

Note 1: Any amount for subscriptions or capital fund is to be ignored.

½ mark for
each item
Note 2: Surplus/ deficit is to be ignored.

the Income


1/2 x 8 = 4



6 marks

15 15 Same as Q 15 Set 1 8 marks

16 16 Same as Q 16 Set 1 8 marks

Part B

(Analysis of Financial Statements)

18 17 Same as Q 18 Set 1 1 mark

19 18 Same as Q 19 Set 1 1 mark

17 19 Same as Q 17 Set 1 1 mark

20 20 Same as Q 20 Set 1 3 marks

21 21 Same as Q 21 Set 1 4 marks

22 22 Same as Q 22 Set 1 4 marks

- 23 Q. From the following ……………..Cash Flow Statement.


Calculation of NP before tax

Net profit 1,50,000

Add dividend 30,000

Add transfer to reserve 90,000

1 mark
Net profit before tax 2,70,000

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2007

Cash flows from operating activities

Net profit before tax 15,000 2,70,000

Add interest on debentures 20,000 35,000

Add loss on sale of machinery 3,05,000

(70,000) (1,40,000)
Operating profit before Working Capital changes
Increase in Debtors
Increase in Stock
Cash generated from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities 1,00,000 1 mark



(15,000) 1 marks



Purchase of fixed assets

Sale of machinery

Cash used in investing activities

2 marks
Cash flows from financing activities

Issue of equity shares

Issue of preference shares

½ mark
Redemption of Debentures

Dividend paid

Interest paid on Debentures

Particulars Amt(Rs.) Particulars Amt(Rs.)
Cash generated from financing activities
Balance b/d 3,00,000 Bank-sale 40,000
Bank -purchase
Net increase 2,60,000
in Cash and Cash Equivalents Loss on sale 20,000

Balance c/d
Add opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents 5,00,000

Closing balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents 5,60,000
Note 1: Full credit to be given to an examinee if he/she has taken preference dividend
Working Notes:
separately. The answers would be:

Dr. Profit before tax = Rs.2,73,200

Net Fixed assets A/c Cr.
½ mark

Cash generated from operating activities = Rs.1,68,200

Cash used in investing activities = Rs.(2,20,000) =

Cash generated from financing activities = Rs.61,800 (1+ 1+ 1+ 2 +

Note 2: In case, interest on debentures and dividend on preference shares has been calculated on
the closing balances, no marks should be deducted. =

6 marks)

Part –C

Computerised Accounting(Delhi 67/1/1-2-3)

24 24 24 List Any …………………………….Computerised Accounting System.

Ans: The basic requirements of a Computerised accounting System are: a) Operating Environment; b)
Front end interface; c) back end interface; d) Data processing & e) Reporting system

2 marks

25 - - Explain…………………….. (Data Definition language)

Ans:The commands which are used to create and maintain a database is called Data Definition language
(DDL). They represent the CREATE, ALTER & DROP

2 marks

26 26 26 Differentiate between Database & File?

Database is a collection of information available to many users. Files are used for storing, accessing &
manipulating data

2 marks

27 27 27 Compare the …………………………… Manual Accounting system.

Difference Manual Computerised

Recording Books of original entry Database
Classification By posting in Ledger Report form (any desired
Summarising Thro trial balance & Reports generated
Errors Error prone More accurate
3 marks

28 - - Q. What are the advantages of DBMS?

The advantages of DBMS: (a) Sharing of data; (b) Inconsistency is controlled; (c) Data redundancy is
reduced (d) Secured data is reduced (d) Secured data

4 marks

29 29 29 Q. Write the ………………………………..nearest Rupee.

Asset Opening values Depreciation Written down
Plant & machinery4,12,000 =Round(B2*0.10,0) =SUM(B2-C2)
Computers 6,15,000 =Round(B3*0.30,0) =SUM(B3-C3)
Furniture & 81,000 =Round(B4*0.15,0) =SUM(B4-C4)
Motor vehicles 3,08,000 =Round(B5*0.25,0) =SUM(B5-C5)

(4+3) 7 mark

Additional Questions of 67/1/2

24 24 - List Any …………………………….Computerised Accounting System

- 25 - Q. Explain the concept of D C L. (Data Control language)

Ans :The commands which are used to control the data stored in a database is called Data control
language (DCL). They represent the GRANT, REVOKE etc
2 marks

26 26 26 Differentiate between Database & File?

27 27 27 Compare the …………………………… Manual Accounting system.

28 Q. Differentiate between Physical & Logical Data Independence?

Ans hysical data independence means that the Physical structure of the data may be changed without
changing the logical structure, and Logical data independence means change at the logical level without
changing the Application programme

4 marks

29 29 29 Q. Write the ………………………………..nearest Rupee.

Additional Questions of 67/1/3

24 - 24 List Any …………………………….Computerised Accounting System

- - 25 Explain the concept of D M L. (Data Manipulation language)

Ans :The commands which are used to manipulate the data in a database are called Data manipulation
language (DML). They represent the SELECT, DELETE & UPDATE

2 marks

26 - 26 Differentiate between Database & File?

27 - 27 Compare the …………………………… Manual Accounting system.

- - 28 Q. 21 What are the disadvantages of DBMS?

Ans ;Lack of Flexibility, Cost, no back up in systems, Expensive hardware & soft ware, centralised
control & security breach

29 - 29 Q. Write the ………………………………..nearest Rupee.

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