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Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309

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Annual performances of reversible air-to-water heat pumps in small

residential buildings
Francesco Madonna ∗ , Francesca Bazzocchi
RSE S.p.A., Power System Development Department, via Rubattino 54, 20134 Milano, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heat pumps are considered one of the most efficient heating and cooling systems and, according to the
Received 8 May 2012 Directive 28/2009/EC, the aerothermal, geothermal or hydrothermal energy captured by these appliances
Received in revised form 15 April 2013 is considered energy from renewable sources. For these reasons, they will play a key role in reducing
Accepted 9 June 2013
greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to reach the target of nearly zero energy buildings.
However, there is still a great deal of uncertainty on the actual performances of heat pumps in real
life: indeed, the same unit can have very different consumptions depending on local climate, settings and
Air source heat pumps
building characteristics. The aim of this article is to investigate these effects, focusing on the application
Reversible heat pumps
Systems simulation
in residential buildings where a single device provides both space heating and cooling.
Field trial A model that simulates the hourly efficiency of air-to-water heat pumps is developed based on ther-
Modelling modynamic considerations and on data coming from a field trial monitoring campaign. The model is
Energy efficiency used to predict the behaviour of air source heat pumps installed in a set of residential buildings located
Residential buildings in different Italian cities, in both heating and cooling mode. The obtained results show that the climate
Weather compensation strategy plays the leading role on annual performance. The ratio between heating and cooling peak load is equally
important because in buildings where heating load is very different from cooling load, or vice versa, the
unit has recourse to excessive cycling in the less severe season, causing a seasonal efficiency reduction up
to 25%. Moreover, the benefits coming from a weather compensation strategy are investigated, showing
an annual performance improvement up to 19%.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the efficiency of systems such as heating, cooling, ventilation and

Energy efficiency is at the heart of the European Union’s strat- Within heating and cooling systems, heat pumps are one of the
egy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth [1]. Last year, the most interesting solutions and they can represent a valid alterna-
Commission declared that energy efficiency can be considered as tive to conventional systems, because they use less primary energy.
Europe’s greatest energy resource and it is the key element to In fact, in the last decades, continuous technical developments have
combat climate change reducing greenhouse gas emissions while contributed in improving their seasonal performances and reliabil-
contributing to energy security [2]. Nevertheless, the ambitious tar- ity, even in extreme conditions. However, there is still a great deal of
get of 20% primary energy savings in 2020 is a clear indication of uncertainty on their consumptions and, as matter of fact, on field
the track that must be followed. measurements of real installations often show efficiencies lower
Buildings account for 40% of total energy consumption in the than expected [5].
European Union [3] and there is a huge potential for cost-effective Heat pumps performance is strongly influenced by boundary
energy savings in this sector. In order to achieve these savings, and operating conditions, namely heat source temperature, outlet
especially after the adoption of the Directive 2002/91/EC [4], local fluid temperature and thermal load. For this reason the European
authorities have introduced new and more stringent requirements Committee for Standardization developed a standard [6] specifying
in building regulations. Particularly, the focus consists in reduc- test conditions and methods to allow for a fair comparison of differ-
ing the thermal energy need working on the building envelope ent units. However, rating performance is obtained in steady state
and using passive techniques and, at the same time, in improving conditions (in laboratories) and so it could be very different from
that obtained in a real installation. Furthermore, seasonal perfor-
mance is influenced by climate and the specific application where
the unit is installed.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 02 3992 5787; fax: +39 02 3992 5597. When evaluating annual performances of a reversible heat
E-mail address: (F. Madonna). pump, all these aspects should be taken into account, but data

0378-7788/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
300 F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309

are illustrated, highlighting the aspects that mostly influence both

Nomenclature seasonal and annual performances.

APF annual performance factor

cd degradation coefficient due to cycling 2. Field trial data collection
cp specific heat capacity (kJ/kg/K)
CDD cooling degree days with base 20 ◦ C (◦ C/days) RSE1 is conducting several field trials of heat pump systems
COP coefficient of performance [7–9] in order to investigate their overall efficiency when operating
CSF climatic severity factor in real buildings. The results of a field trial data collection concern-
DOF defrost operations factor ing a reversible heat pump are presented in this article. The machine
E electric energy (kWh) is an air source hydronic heat pump with a rated capacity of 7.2 kW
EER energy efficiency ratio in heating mode and 5.8 kW in cooling mode. The compressor is a
f objective function variable speed twin rotary which allows to modulate the capacity
HDD heating degree days with base 20 ◦ C (◦ C/days) supplied, the refrigerant is the R410A and the defrost method is the
ndef number of defrost events per hour reverse-cycle defrost.
P capacity, thermal power (kW) The unit is installed in a laboratory consisting of a prefabricated
PLF part load factor house with a heated floor area of 60 m2 divided in four rooms sim-
PLR part load ratio ulating a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. The
Q thermal energy (kWh) house is located in Milan and is equipped with five fan coils used
rh relative humidity for space heating and cooling. The opaque walls are of glass wool
SPF seasonal performance factor and wood with an U-value of 0.59 W/m2 K. The U-values of the floor
T temperature (K or ◦ C) and of the ceiling are of 0.58 W/m2 K and 0.54 W/m2 K, respectively.
t time (h) The windows are double glazing with metal frames and covers a
v̇ volumetric flow rate (l/h) total surface of 5 m2 .
A schematic representation of the system is shown in Fig. 1;
Greek symbols it refers to the heating mode where the heat pump supplies the
˛ parameter related to full load performance building with the heat taken from the outdoor air. The switch from
ˇ parameter related to part load performance heating mode to cooling mode is made by reversing the machine
 parameter related to defrost operations internal cycle, so that the condenser becomes evaporator and vice
 density (kg/l) versa.
The recorded quantities and the measuring instruments are
Subscripts listed in Table 1. Data were acquired every three seconds and
c cooling recorded at 1 min interval.
cold cold reservoir In addition to the measurements reported in Table 1, also com-
def defrost operations pressor frequency was acquired at 1 min interval.
fl full load Starting from these quantities, it is possible to obtain the deliv-
h heating ered thermal energy (Q) and the efficiency (COP in heating or EER
hot hot reservoir in cooling) as:
m mean
Q =  · v̇ · cp · (Tw,out − Tw,in ) · t (1)
max maximum
min minimum Q
COP (EER) = (2)
out outdoor air E
s seasonal
where  and cp are the density and the specific heat capacity of
th threshold
water, v̇ is the volumetric flow rate, Tw,out and Tw,in are inlet and out-
w,in inlet water
let water temperatures, t is the time interval, and E is the electric
w,out outlet water
energy consumption.
wm weighted mean
This article reports the results of a monitoring campaign subdi-
vided into three sessions: the first lasted from the 14th of January
2010 until the 15th of April 2010 (heating mode), the second from
the 12th of June 2010 until the 15th of September 2010 (cooling
reported on catalogues do not allow to make this kind of con- mode) and the third from the 15th of October 2010 until the 31st
siderations. For this purpose, using data collected in a field trial of January 2011 (heating mode).
monitoring campaign, a mathematical model that simulates hourly The operation set point was 22 ◦ C, both in heating and cool-
performances of a small size air-to-water unit is developed. The ing mode, automatically controlled via a wall-mounted thermostat.
model is coupled with a spreadsheet which calculates, through The outlet water temperature was set:
a simple hourly dynamic method, the building’s thermal energy
need. The resulting tool simulates the behaviour, in both heating • from the 14th of January 2010 till the 23rd of March 2010 at 42 ◦ C;
and cooling, of air-source heat pumps installed in a set of residential • from the 24th of March 2010 till the 14th of April 2010 at 35 ◦ C;
buildings, both new and old, located in different Italian cities. • from the 12th of June 2010 till the 7th of July 2010 at 7.5 ◦ C;
This work is undertaken with the aim of highlighting the • from the 8th of July 2010 till the 15th of September 2010 at 8.5 ◦ C;
relationship between heat pumps’ performances and the build-
ing where they are installed, thanks to the integrated approach
building-heating/cooling system. 1
RSE carries out research into the field of electrical energy with special focus
In the following paragraphs, firstly the monitoring campaign is on national strategic projects funded through the Fund for Research into Electrical
summarized, then the mathematical model is described in detail Systems. The activity covers the entire supply system with an application-oriented,
and reference buildings are presented. Finally, simulation results experimental and system-based approach.
F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309 301

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the system (heating mode).

• from the 15th of October 2010 till the 31st of January 2011 a In this article the model is applied to reversible air source
weather compensation strategy was employed. It means that a hydronic heat pumps (air-to-water units) that have one small size
controller measures the temperature outside the building and variable speed compressor.
varies the temperature of the water supplied to the heating sys-
tems accordingly. The water temperature was set at 45 ◦ C if
outdoor air temperature was below −2 ◦ C, while if the outdoor
3.1. Full load efficiency
air temperature increased, the outlet water temperature was
reduced by 0.625 ◦ C per each degree.
Usually, models built on a general thermodynamic approach are
based on correlations between the real refrigeration cycle and a
When not explicitly stated, the heat pump consumptions Carnot refrigeration cycle (ideal cycle) operating at the same tem-
include also the circulating pump (80 W): it was always on during peratures [10]. The assumption of constant exergy efficiency, i.e.
the heating period, while in cooling mode it worked only concur- the ratio between real performance and Carnot cycle performance,
rently with the compressor. The system worked with a constant is very common. The proposed model, instead, uses a linear rela-
water flow rate of 1000 l/h during heating, and of 800 l/h during tionship adding the condition that COPfl should be greater then one,
cooling. The consumption of the circulation pump was 12% of the as it happens for ideal COP. So:
total energy consumption during the first winter, 11% during the
summer and 10% during the second winter. The results of the three
COPfl = 1 + ˛h · (COPCarnot − 1) (4)
monitoring campaigns are shown in Table 2.

Thot Tw,out
3. Mathematical model COPCarnot = ≈ (5)
Thot − Tcold Tw,out − Tout

The model expresses the COP as a product of three terms: the

full load efficiency (COPfl ), the part load factor (PLF) which takes where ˛h is a parameter that resumes the performance decrease
into account the influence of thermal load and the degradation consequent to irreversibilities and, to express COPCarnot as a
coefficient due to defrost operations (DOF): function of known quantities, outdoor air temperature (Tout )
approximates cold reservoir temperature (Tcold ) and outlet water
COP = COPfl · PLF · DOF (3) temperature (Tw,out ) approximates hot reservoir temperature (Thot )
(temperatures are expressed in Kelvin).
In Sections 3.1–3.3 these three terms are described, while the Fig. 2 shows how the model simulates the experimental data.
overall picture of heating mode is provided in Section 3.4, which The fitting is good (R2 = 0.855), and, particularly, it is better than
describes the model calibration and validation. The extension to what it would be obtained with a proportional relation between full
cooling mode is dealt in Section 3.5. Finally, the maximum thermal load and ideal COP (R2 = 0.781). Besides, Ertesvag [11] also showed
energy that the unit can provide in a hour is evaluated in Section that exergy efficiency has a slight negative gradient with outdoor
3.6. air temperature, confirmed by our on field measurements (Fig. 3).

Table 1
Recorded quantities, measuring instruments and uncertainties.

Quantity Type Uncertainties

Outlet water flow temperature (Tw,out ) RTD Pt100 (1/5DIN) ± 0.06 ◦ C (at 0 ◦ C)
Inlet water flow temperature (Tw,in ). RTD Pt100 (1/5DIN) ± 0.06 ◦ C (at 0 ◦ C)
Water volumetric flow rate (v̇) Electromagnetic flow meter ± 0.5% r.v.

Electrical consumption of the heat Multifunction power and energy meter ± 0.2%
pump and power Transducer ± 0.5%

Outdoor air temperature RTD Pt100 (Class A) ± 0.15 ◦ C (at 0 ◦ C)

Outdoor relative air humidity Humidity transmitter ± 1% r.h.
Indoor air temperature RTD Pt100 (1/5DIN) ± 0.06 ◦ C (at 0 ◦ C)
302 F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309

Table 2
Field trial data and comparison with simulation results.

Tout (◦ C) Days Average hourly load (kW) Experimental COP/EER Simulated COP/EER

1st session
January 1.1 18 3.0 2.81 2.80
February 4.5 28 2.4 2.99 3.01
March 8.9 29 1.6 3.03 3.05
April 11.9 15 1.0 3.49 3.44
Total 6.5 90 2.0 2.98 2.99

2nd session
June 22.6 16 0.9 2.58 2.63
July 27.7 31 1.8 2.68 2.68
August 24.0 31 1.1 2.92 2.86
September 20.1 15 0.5 2.62 2.93
Total 24.3 93 1.2 2.73 2.74

3rd session
October 9.8 13 1.3 3.22 3.29
November 8.7 30 1.7 3.26 3.31
December 1.7 31 3.1 2.71 2.69
January 2.4 30 2.9 2.87 2.86
Total 5.0 104 2.4 2.90 2.90

Test at high load (heating) 18.0 18 2.2 5.65 5.49

experimental data proposed model proporonal relaon The proposed model expresses part load performance multi-
5.0 plying full load performance for a part load factor (PLF) defined

4.0 PLR
PLF = (6)
ˇh · PLR + 1 − ˇh


PLR = (7)
2.5 Qh,max
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
where ˇh is a parameter linked to the ratio between off-cycle and
on-cycle power (some authors use b = 1 − ˇh instead of ˇh ) and PLR
Fig. 2. COPfl as a function of COPCarnot . Experimental data (only points corresponding
(part load ratio) is the ratio between the thermal energy supplied
to hours without defrost cycles and with a delivered energy of at least 2 kWh have in 1 h (Qh ) and maximum thermal energy which could be supplied
been shown), proposed model and proportional relation. in the same time step (Qh,max ). To be noted that if PLR = 1 then
PLF = 1.The same approach is found in several authors [13–15] and
3.2. Part load factor standards [16,17].
Currently, especially for small size heat pumps, variable speed
Partial load operation strongly affects heat pump performance. compressors with inverter are used in order to reduce cycling and
The simplest way to adapt unit capacity to the required ther- thus to improve efficiency. An inverter works varying the speed
mal load is to cycle on/off. Cycling causes an efficiency decrease of the compressor, reducing its load, thermal output and power
because, when the unit restarts, the compressor has to re-establish requirement. In such a way it is possible to avoid on/off cycling till
the pressures. Moreover, energy is used during the off-cycle for the minimum speed is attained. Accordingly, if the unit is provided
crankcase heaters, controls, pumps or other parasitic uses. Hender- with a variable speed compressor, Eq. (7) is substituted with Eq.
son et al. [12] showed that even a small amount of off-cycle power (8):
has a dramatic impact on efficiency at low load conditions.

⎨ 1 if Qh ≥ Qh,min
0.50 PLR = (8)
⎩ Qh if Qh < Qh,min
0.45 Qh,min
Exergy efficiency

where Qh,min is the thermal energy which could be supplied with the
compressor continuously running at the minimum speed. Qh,min is a
0.30 parameter that depends on condensation and evaporation temper-
atures. For the sake of simplicity, the proposed model neglects these
dependences and assumes that Qh,min corresponds to the energy
0.20 delivered in 1 h with the unit running at one third of the rated
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 capacity (2.33 kWh for the monitored unit).
Outdoor air temperature [°C] In Fig. 4 the proposed model is compared with test data (the
case of a unit with inverter). Experimental PLF is obtained as the
Fig. 3. Exergy efficiency as a function of outdoor temperature (only points corre-
sponding to hours without defrost cycles and with a delivered energy of at least
average of the ratio between measured COP and full load COP (only
2 kWh have been shown). hours without defrost operations are considered).
F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309 303

Test data Model 1.6

1.2 1.4

Defrost cycles per hour


0.6 0.6

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Outdoor air temperature [°C]
Load [kW]
Fig. 6. Defrost cycles per hour as a function of outdoor air temperature.
Fig. 4. PLF as a function of thermal load.

where  h is a parameter that depends on the unit characteristics,

no defrost cycles 1 defrost cycle 2 defrost cycles particularly on the heat exchanger design and on the defrost sys-
3.6 tem performance. CSF is a number between 0 and 1 that reports how
3.4 frost accumulation is affected by outdoor air temperature and rel-
3.2 ative humidity. So, indirectly, CSF is related to the event of defrost
3.0 operations. It means that, if CSF = 0 no defrost cycles are expected
COP [-]

2.8 in the hour, while if CSF = 1 the maximum number of defrost cycles
2.6 are expected to occur. Particularly, for the monitored unit, it is pos-
2.4 sible to express the number of expected defrost cycles in the hour
2.2 (ndef ) as a function of CSF:
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 ndef = 2 · CSF (10)
Outdoor air temperature [°C]
The proposed formulation of CSF is the following:
Fig. 5. COP as a function of outdoor air temperature and number of defrost cycles.
CSF(T, rh) = CSF(T ) · CSF(rh) (11)

⎪ 1 if Tout ≤ Tdef
3.3. Defrost cycles ⎪

Tth − Tout
CSF(T ) = if Tdef < Tout < Tth (12)
When an air source heat pump operates in heating mode, frost ⎪
⎪ T −T
can be formed on the outdoor heat exchanger (evaporator) coil ⎩ th def
0 if Tout ≥ Tth
surfaces. This phenomenon occurs when the surface temperature

is both below the freezing point of water and the dew point of ⎨0 if rhout ≤ rhth
the moist air. Acting as a thermal insulator and reducing air-
CSF(rh) = (13)
flow passage area, the accumulated frost leads to a performance ⎩ rhout − rhth if rhout > rhth
degradation and, particularly, to a lower evaporation tempera- 100 − rhth
ture that could damage the compressor: so, a periodic defrosting where Tth and rhth are the thresholds at which frost accumulation
is necessary. Nowadays, the most widespread defrost method is starts and Tdef is the temperature corresponding to the maximum
reverse-cycle defrost [18]: the refrigerant flow is reversed and hot level of frost accumulation. For the sake of simplicity, the influence
gas from compressor flows through the outdoor coil melting the of temperature and relative humidity is decoupled. This formula-
frost.2 It implies a drop of hourly COP because of compressor con- tion follows the results of the field test showed in Figs. 6 and 7. It can
sumptions while no space heating is provided. This behaviour is be observed that: (1) frost accumulation is unlikely with low rela-
reported in Fig. 5 referring to the monitored unit: the hourly COP tive humidity or with high outdoor air temperature; (2) the number
is shown as a function of outdoor air temperature and the number of defrost events per hour grows with raising relative humidity; (3)
of defrost cycles during the hour is specified. Note that the maxi- the number of defrost events per hour increases with decreasing
mum number of defrost cycles per hour is 2 and COP decreases by temperature, reaches a maximum and then remains quite constant.
13% and 23% in case of 1 or 2 defrost cycles per hour respectively
(these percentages are calculated comparing the average values at
the temperature of 0 ◦ C). Field trials also show that all the defrost

cycles are quite similar: the average duration is 0.075 h (i.e. 269 s) 0.6
and during each cycle the unit absorbs 0.03 kWh from the grid and
Defrost cycles per hour

takes 0.31 kWh of thermal energy from inside the building.
The proposed model expresses performance degradation due to 0.4

defrost operations (DOF) as a function of a climatic severity factor 0.3

DOF = 1 − h · CSF (9) 0.1

40 50 60 70 80 90 100
During a defrost cycle heat is taken from the inside of the building to defrost Outdoor air relave humidity [%]
the outdoor coil, as a consequence, when defrost cycles occurs, the hourly thermal
energy that a unit can provide is reduced. This aspect is analysed in Section 3.6. Fig. 7. Defrost cycles per hour as a function of relative humidity.
304 F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309

simulaon experimental data simulaon experimental data

4.5 4.5
3.5 3.0

COP [-]
COP [-]

2.5 1.5
1.5 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time [days] Time [hours]

Fig. 8. Comparison of experimental COP (daily average) with simulation results. 1st Fig. 9. Comparison of experimental COP (hourly average) with simulation results.
monitoring campaign session. One day of 1st monitoring campaign session.

This behaviour is completely explained theoretically. Firstly, comparison between measured and simulated performances: the
moisture condenses on coil surfaces only if relative humidity is high model estimates a seasonal COP equal to 2.90, equivalent to the
enough and then there can be frost formation only when outdoor value measured in the field trial. This is undoubtedly an excellent
coil temperature is below zero: usually, cycle reversing starts at result, confirmed by the fact that the objective function reaches the
an evaporation temperature of about −3 ◦ C [14] and so, depend- same value (0.96) of the previous year.
ing on the heat exchanger characteristics and operating conditions Note that, during the second winter, the outlet water tempera-
(particularly the thermal load), cycle reversing does not occur until ture was controlled according to a weather compensation strategy,
outdoor air temperature drops below the range 3–7 ◦ C [19]. Fur- i.e. it varied as a function of outdoor air temperature. Therefore
thermore, the humidity ratio is also important and, as it can be the unit worked at different temperature levels from those of the
deduced from a psychrometric chart [20], the lower the outdoor previous year. In addition, because of bad weather conditions, the
air temperature, the less the condensate. These considerations are thermal load was higher than the previous year, and, consequently,
coherent with Vio et al. [21], who stated that, at full load, the the compressor operated at high frequencies for longer times. This
most critical operating conditions correspond to relative humidity allows us to test the model out of the range of operations on which
greater than 80% and air temperature above 0 ◦ C. Lastly, outdoor air it was built. Furthermore, another field trial was performed: in a
temperature is strongly coupled with thermal load in such a way warm period the unit was forced to work with a high thermal load.
that the higher the outdoor air temperature, the lower the thermal Also this test gives good results as shown in the last line of Table 2.
load, the higher the coil temperature, the lower the probability of A problem apart is the calibration of CSF. The parameters Tth ,
frost formation. In the formulation of CSF the influence of thermal Tdef and rhth are determined comparing the real defrost events with
load is considered indirectly via outdoor air temperature. the expected ones (this analysis is conducted using test data with
a time resolution of 1 min). The resulting values are: Tth = 2.8 ◦ C,
3.4. Model calibration and validation Tdef = −0.5 ◦ C and rhth = 72%.

Summing up, Eq. (3) could be rewritten as: 3.5. Cooling season
The model is extended to the cooling season eliminating the
PLR degradation coefficient due to defrost operation and slightly modi-
=[1+˛h · (COPCarnot − 1)] · · (1 − h · CSF) (14)
ˇh · PLR + 1 − ˇh fying the term related to full load performance. So Eq. (14) is revised
in this way:
The unit is characterized by its rated capacity and by the three
parameters ˛h , ˇh and  h and, as boundary conditions, the model EER = EERfl · PLF = ˛c · EERCarnot · (16)
ˇc · PLR + 1 − ˇc
needs the outdoor air temperature (Tout ), the outdoor air rela-
tive humidity (rhout ), the outlet water temperature (Tw,out ) and the Tcold Tw,out
EERCarnot = ≈ (17)
hourly thermal energy need (Qh ). Thot − Tcold Tout − Tw,out
The calibration of the model is performed using the data of
the first session of the monitoring campaign and it consists of the
numerical determination of three parameters through the opti- simulaon experimental data

mization of an objective function defined as: 4.5

  (COPi − COP  i )
2 4.0
f ˛h , ˇh , h = 1 − i 2
i (COPi
− COPm ) 3.5
COP [-]

where COPi is the measured daily COP, COPi is the daily average of 3.0

the simulated hourly COP, COPm is the mean of the measured COP. 2.5
The set of parameters ˛h = 0.31, ˇh = 0.73 and  h = 0.22 gives the
maximum value of the objective function (f = 0.96). In Figs. 8 and 9
and Table 2 the application of the model is compared with mea- 1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
sured data.
Time [days]
The model validation is performed on the third session of the
measurement campaign (winter 2011) using the same values of Fig. 10. Comparison of experimental COP (daily average) with simulation results.
˛h , ˇh and  h previously obtained. Fig. 10 and Table 2 show the 3rd monitoring campaign session.
F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309 305

simulaon experimental data where tdef is the average duration of a defrost cycle (h). Qdef is the
average heat subtracted from the building during a defrost cycle
4.0 (kWh).
3.5 As shown in Section 3.3, for the monitored unit, the expected
3.0 number of defrost cycles in the hour (ndef ) is equal to 2CSF, tdef is
0.075 h and Qdef is 0.31 kWh. Note that Ph,max and CSF are function
EER [-]

2.0 of outdoor air temperature and humidity.
1.5 In cooling mode, unfortunately, field data are not helpful since
1.0 high compressor speed never occurred. On the basis of catalogue
data, the maximum hourly thermal energy that the unit can provide
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
is assumed equal to the energy delivered in 1 h with the unit run-
Time [days]
ning at 105% of the rated capacity.

Fig. 11. Comparison of experimental EER (daily average) with simulation results.
4. Case study
2nd monitoring campaign session.

As a case study, the heat pump model is combined with a tool

where, to express EERCarnot as a function of known quantities, that evaluates buildings thermal energy needs in order to simulate
outdoor air temperature (Tout ) approximates hot reservoir tem- the behaviour of air-source heat pumps installed in a set of small
perature (Thot ) and outlet water temperature (Tw,out ) approximates residential buildings. This study allows to understand how system
cold reservoir temperature (Tcold ) (temperatures are expressed in performance is influenced by building characteristic and climate.
Kelvin). To be noted that there is no dependence on outdoor air The focus is not only on seasonal performance but on annual per-
relative humidity and there are only two parameters, ˛c and ˇc . formance too. Actually, in small residential buildings it is likely, and
The calibration is performed with same approach of heating profitable too, that a single heat pump satisfies both space heating
mode: the resulting values of ˛c and ˇc are, respectively, 0.23 and and cooling; in fact, in 2011, 68% of small size air-to-water units sold
0.83. In Fig. 11 and in Table 2 a comparison between the model and in Italy were reversible.3 So, an evaluation of annual performance
the test is shown. becomes interesting.

3.6. Maximum hourly thermal energy 4.1. Reference buildings

The aim of this study is to simulate, in different contexts, the To simulate heat pump’s efficiency in different contexts, a set of
performance of a heat pump similar to the monitored unit. As reference buildings is selected combining 2 building categories, 3
explained before, part load conditions have a strong influence on locations and 3 age classes. These buildings have to be suitable for
the efficiency and for this reason system sizing is a crucial assess- a small size heat pump, so only small building categories are taken
ment for which the knowledge of the maximum hourly thermal into account, namely single-family and two-flat buildings (having
energy that the unit can provide, both in heating and in cooling, at least two building categories allows us to test the role of com-
is necessary. Data collected from the monitoring campaign shows pactness ratio). Note that these categories are the most developed
(Fig. 12) that, in heating mode, unit capacity with the compressor market segment according to EHPA [22] and represent about the
at maximum speed (Ph,max ) can be expressed as: 82% of the Italian residential buildings stock [23]. Some character-
istics of the reference buildings are illustrated in Table 3.
Ph,max = 6.45 + 0.17 · Tout (18) The location is the second criterion used to select reference
buildings, thus allowing to take into account the influence of differ-
Furthermore, if defrost events occur, the thermal energy that
ent climates. The climate strongly affects the energy performance
the unit can provide in a hour (Qh,max ) has to take into account that
of buildings and technical systems and, as a consequence, building
during defrost operation the unit does not provide space heating
techniques and materials are usually adapted to the local con-
and heat is subtracted from the building. So:
ditions. Italy experiences a variety of climates and, especially in
Qh,max = Ph,max · 1 − ndef · tdef − ndef · Qdef winter, temperatures are very different between the North and the
  South of the country. The local legislation reflects these differences,
= Ph,max · 1 − 2 · CSF · tdef − 2 · CSF · Qdef (19) splits the country into six heating climate zones depending on heat-
ing degree days (HDD) and provides different requirements for each
zone. So, to adequately represent the building stock, the following
experimental data model locations are selected: Milan (climate zone E, 2404 HDD), Rome
(climate zone D, 1415 HDD) and Palermo (climate zone B, 751 HDD).
The age is another important parameter to classify the Ital-
ian building stock because a large amount of buildings has not
Heang capacity [kW]

undergone refurbishment and the original age of a building still
constitutes a good proxy for its energy performance. Age classes
4 are defined according to the evolution of the national legislation,
3 so:
1 • Class 1: buildings representative of the ‘80s (complying with the
0 law 373/76 [24]).
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Outdoor air temperature [°C]

Fig. 12. Heating capacity at the maximum speed of the compressor as a function of Private communication from COAER (Italian heat pump manufacturers associ-
outdoor air temperature. ation).
306 F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309

Table 3
Number of storeys, useful floor area and window area of reference buildings.

Building category Number of storeys Useful floor area (m2 ) Window area (m2 )


Single family 1 90 1.8 3.6 3.6 3.6

Two-flat 2 180 3.6 7.2 7.2 7.2

Table 4
Thermal characteristics of reference buildings’ envelope.

Class of age Location External wall Floor thermal Window Glazing solar Shading device Infiltration rate
thermal insulation thermal transmittance solar
insulation insulation transmittance
U-value (W/m2 K) U-value (W/m2 K) U-value (W/m2 K) gn -value g-value Air change per
hour (h−1 )

1 Rome, Palermo 1.11 1.31 5.06 0.87 0.80 0.5

1 Milan 0.77 0.88 5.06 0.87 0.80 0.5
2 Palermo 1.11 1.31 2.98 0.77 0.80 0.3
2 Rome 0.77 0.88 2.98 0.77 0.80 0.3
2 Milan 0.57 0.66 2.98 0.77 0.80 0.3
3 Palermo 0.48 0.49 2.98 0.77 0.57 0.3
3 Rome 0.35 0.36 2.31 0.63 0.57 0.3
3 Milan 0.33 0.33 2.18 0.63 0.57 0.3

Table 5
Net thermal energy need, unit capacity (at rating conditions) and oversizing.

Location Building category Class of age Thermal energy need Unit capacity (kW) Oversizing
(kWh/m2 /year)

Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling

Milan Single family 1 181 11 20 16.1 0% 60%

2 117 11 15 12.1 0% 47%
3 58 13 11 8.9 0% 45%
Two-flat 3 43 15 17 13.7 0% 29%

Rome Single family 1 115 14 16 12.9 0% 63%

2 70 15 13 10.5 0% 54%
3 24 18 8 6.4 0% 25%
Two-flat 3 15 21 12 9.7 0% 8%

Palermo Single family 1 43 25 10 8.1 0% 0%

2 38 23 9 7.2 0% 0%
3 9 27 8 6.4 25% 0%
Two-flat 1 30 28 19 15.3 11% 0%
2 25 26 18 14.5 17% 0%
3 5 29 15 12.1 47% 0%

• Class 2: buildings representative of the ‘90s (complying with the temperatures are 20 ◦ C for heating and 26 ◦ C for cooling; during
law 10/91 [25]). the winter also a set-back temperature of 17 ◦ C is scheduled. The
• Class 3: new buildings (complying with the law 192/05 [26]). lengths of the heating and cooling seasons are indicated in Table 6.
To be noted that the heating period is regulated by the Italian leg-
In such a scheme, thermal insulation and materials used for islation.
walls and windows vary according to the location and the age class;
some characteristics are resumed in Table 4. 4.3. Heat pump sizing and setting

Each building is equipped with a single reversible heat pump

4.2. Buildings net thermal energy need
for space heating and cooling without any back-up system. Sizing
is based on peak load: for the selected buildings it occurs during the
The calculation of the buildings net thermal energy needs is per-
formed with the “three-node” hourly dynamic calculation method
described in International Standards [27]. Using an hourly model Table 6
requires weather data in the form of a typical year: for this purpose Length of heating and cooling seasons.

the IWEC files (International Weather for Energy Calculation) [28] Milan Rome Palermo
are used. However, these typical years seem cold: the number of
Heating season
HDD and CDD are, respectively, 2706 and 211 in Milan, 1711 and Beginning 15th of October 1st of November 1st of December
340 in Rome, 849 and 598 in Palermo. It means that these typical End 15th of April 15th of April 31st of March
years have between 13% and 21% more HDD then those indicated Hours per day 14 12 8
in the Italian legislation (mentioned above). Cooling season
Buildings net thermal energy needs for space heating and Beginning 1st of June 15th of May 1st of May
cooling are shown in Table 5. The calculation is performed assum- End 15th of September 30th of September 30th of September
Hours per day 10 10 10
ing that the buildings have a single thermal zone and set-point
F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309 307

Table 7
Seasonal and annual performances.

Location Building category Class of age Fixed outlet water temperature Weather compensation strategy


Milan Single family 1 2.49 2.52 2.03 2.68 2.70 2.37

2 2.49 2.52 2.27 2.69 2.69 2.69
3 2.44 2.42 2.55 2.65 2.58 3.08
Two-flat 3 2.55 2.43 2.93 2.78 2.58 3.58

Rome Single family 1 2.87 2.96 2.30 3.25 3.33 2.72

2 2.80 2.89 2.44 3.18 3.24 2.92
3 2.81 2.71 2.94 3.24 3.02 3.59
Two-flat 3 2.99 2.70 3.23 3.47 2.96 3.96

Palermo Single family 1 3.18 3.39 2.87 3.74 4.03 3.33

2 3.19 3.41 2.89 3.76 4.06 3.35
3 2.98 2.84 3.03 3.53 3.35 3.59
Two-flat 1 3.16 3.39 2.95 3.72 4.03 3.44
2 3.13 3.36 2.94 3.69 4.00 3.44
3 3.03 2.52 3.12 3.60 2.94 3.73

heating period in Milan and Rome and during the cooling period in Qh,s + Qc,s
APF = (22)
Palermo. This aspect must not be overlooked because a heat pump Eh,s + Ec,s
perfectly sized for the heating mode could result oversized for the
cooling mode, or vice versa, producing an efficiency deterioration where Q is the delivered thermal energy, E is the electric energy
due to excessive cycling. In Table 5 the amount of this oversizing input4 and the subscripts h, c and s mean respectively heating,
is indicated for each building. Heat pumps with a rated capacity cooling and seasonal.
up to 20 kW in heating are considered and, as a consequence, four Seasonal performances are strongly affected by climate, but also
buildings are not suitable for such a system, namely the two-flat the ratio between heating and cooling peak load plays an impor-
buildings belonging to the age classes 1 and 2 and located in Milan tant role, because during the less severe season the unit could result
and Rome. oversized. This is evident in cooling mode: average temperatures in
According to our experience, in Italy, when an air-source heat the hottest months are quite similar in all the considered locations
pump is installed in a small residential building, storage tanks are and so SPFc s should be similar. But, because of the strong influence
sometime used. To point out the effect of excessive cycling any of unit sizing, the real behaviour is completely different. In fact, in
storage tank is considered in this article. Milan and in Rome, where the heat pump sizing is based on heating
All the buildings are equipped with fan-coils and the global effi- load, SPFc s are depressed compared to Palermo’s ones because cool-
ciency of the distribution, emission and control systems is assumed ing capacities are about the double of real needs. Considering more
equal to 0.9. The assumption made is that when a reversible heat recent and compact buildings, it can be noticed that performance
pump is installed in an existing building the whole heating system rise and oversizing decrease go hand in hand, mainly because heat-
is renovated. Then, it is plausible to have the same heat distribution ing peak load decreases. In Palermo, instead, unit sizing is based on
and emission systems in all the buildings and thus the same water cooling peak load and so heat pumps could result oversized in heat-
temperatures. Terminal units capacities vary according to building ing. Actually, for buildings belonging to the age classes 1 and 2, the
characteristics. oversizing is very small (between 0% and 17%) while for new build-
Outlet water temperatures are set according to two hypotheses. ings it is more pronounced (25% and 47%). Consequently, in heating
In the former, temperatures are fixed to 45 ◦ C in heating and 7 ◦ C mode, except new buildings in Palermo, SPFh s are not affected by
in cooling. In the latter a weather compensation strategy is consid- oversizing and are mainly driven by climate. The highest SPFh is
ered: during the heating season the minimum water temperature recorded in Palermo that has the warmer winter; on the contrary,
is set at 35 ◦ C in correspondence of an outdoor air temperature of Milan is the coldest location and efficiencies are about 25% less
15 ◦ C or more, and the maximum is set at 45 ◦ C in correspondence of the Palermo’s one, while Rome has an intermediate situation
of an outdoor air temperature equal to the design temperature (i.e. (−13%).
−5 ◦ C for Milan, 0 ◦ C for Rome and 5 ◦ C for Palermo). Note that in In order to quantify the efficiency reduction due to oversizing, a
Milan there are 157 h with an outdoor air temperature lower than set of simulations is run with heat pumps perfectly sized for cool-
the design temperature, in Rome only 28 h and no hours at all in ing in Milan and Rome and for heating in Palermo. In other words, a
Palermo. During the cooling season the outlet water temperature dedicated unit for the less severe season is assumed. In such cases,
range is set between 7 ◦ C and 12 ◦ C, in correspondence, respectively, higher seasonal performance factors are obtained as it is illustrated
of an outdoor air temperature of 35 ◦ C and of 20 ◦ C. in Fig. 13. It follows that the use of a single heat pump for heat-
ing and cooling is unfavourable in case of a considerable difference
between winter and summer loads.
4.4. Results and discussion However, it is possible to exploit building thermal inertia in
order to improve performance, reducing heat pump cycling. The
Simulation results are summarized by seasonal performance control strategy consists in keeping the heating/cooling operat-
factors in heating and cooling mode (SPFh and SPFc ) and by annual ing for an extended period before the system cycles off. In such
performance factors (APF) shown in Table 7 and defined as: a way the system delivers more heat/cool than necessary, heat-
Qh,s ing/cooling beyond the set point in order to be more efficient. Part
SPFh = (20) of the heat/cool stored by the building reduces the heating/cooling

SPFc = (21)
Ec,s 4
Heat pump consumption takes into account the circulation pump too.
308 F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309

cooling heang Milan Rome Palermo

Efficiency reducon


SPFc enhancement

10% 10%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0%
Oversizing 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28
Twm [°C]
Fig. 13. Efficiency reduction during the less severe season due to oversizing.
Fig. 16. Effect of the weather compensation strategy on SPFc as a function of Twm .

Milan Rome Palermo

compactness ratio plays the same role of the thermal insulation and
the situation is symmetrical in cooling mode.
3.40 APFs mainly depend on climate, while variations among build-
3.20 ings of the same location are less than 10%. The best efficiencies
3.00 are obtained in Palermo while in Rome and Milan performance

2.80 decreases of 8% and 20% respectively. So, although oversizing

2.60 strongly affects seasonal performances, it does not have the same
2.40 dramatic impact on annual performance; the reason is that elec-
2.20 tric consumptions during the oversized season are only a small
fraction of the annual ones. Furthermore there is a compensation
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 between the cooling and heating performances and this reduces
Twm [°C] APF variations.
The adoption of a weather compensation strategy allows to
Fig. 14. SPFh as a function of Twm . Only the cases with no oversizing are plotted. obtain better performances at least of 6% and up to 23%. In heat-
ing mode, the improvement varies a great deal according to the
need of the next hour. This strategy is tested in the most critical location: it is about 7% in Milan, 11% in Rome and 18% in Palermo.
case, i.e. single-family building belonging to class of age 1 in Milan. On the contrary, in cooling mode the differences among the loca-
The result is an improvement in SPFc of 15% but the energy con- tions are smaller: the advantage is, on average, 20% in Milan, 21%
sumption is unchanged (−0.5%). It means that this strategy does in Rome and 17% in Palermo. Regardless of the locations, newer
not fulfil the pursued goal of energy savings because it ultimately buildings and two-flat ones have greater improvement in cooling
consists in providing more thermal energy than necessary. So this and smaller in heating. These trends are well explained by Twm , as
strategy is neglected. shown in Figs. 15 and 16; the reason is that the weather compen-
Ceteris paribus, slightly lower SPFh s are registered in newer sation strategy enhances efficiency in favourable conditions (high
buildings (up to 5% in Milan and up to 9% in Rome). This occurs outdoor air temperature in winter and low outdoor air temperature
because the thermal energy need tends to zero in building with a in summer). On the whole year, APF improves of, on average, 8% in
better thermal insulation, when outdoor air temperature is above Milan, 15% in Rome and 18% in Palermo.
16 ◦ C, and so heat pumps work, on average, with lower outdoor air
temperatures. To point out this aspect, in Fig. 14 SPFh is plotted as 5. Conclusions
a function of the weighted mean of the hourly outdoor air temper-
ature (Twm ), the hourly thermal loads being the weights. Terminal A mathematical model that simulates reversible air-to-water
units with higher capacity are assumed for older buildings in order heat pump hourly efficiency is developed analysing data from a
to have the same supply flow temperature in all buildings. Other- field trial monitoring campaign. The variables of the model are
wise, an higher supply flow temperature would be necessary in old outdoor air temperature and relative humidity, outlet water tem-
buildings, implying a worsening in heat pumps performance. The perature and building energy need. Besides, the specificity of the
heat pump unit is expressed by three parameters, determined using
data acquired during a session of the monitoring campaign. This
Milan Rome Palermo
model relates unit full load performances to those of an ideal unit,
20% Carnot refrigeration cycle, and takes into account the influence of
part loads and defrost operations through two factors: PLF and DOF.
The model is then integrated into a building simulation tool
SPFh enhancement

in order to evaluate heat pump performance in different build-
10% ings and locations. Results presented in this article illustrate both
annual and seasonal performances in 14 cases allowing to evaluate
the influence of climate and building age and category. The main
considerations are:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
• Having a single reversible heat pump for space heating and cool-
Twm [°C]
ing is a spreading solution in small residential buildings in Italy.
System sizing has to be based on the most severe season, which
Fig. 15. Effect of the weather compensation strategy on SPFh as a function of Twm . consists, for the cases discussed, in winter for Milan and Rome,
F. Madonna, F. Bazzocchi / Energy and Buildings 65 (2013) 299–309 309

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