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Origami is the art of paper folding. The name "origami" is

Japanese—ori meaning "folding" and kami meaning "paper".
Origami began in the 17th century with the creative folding of
Origami started out as an unusual hobby. Since then it
has become much more popular. That's mostly because it is
easy to learn. After following a few simple instructions, most people can make a
basic animal or a pretty object. Also, you don't need much to make origami. All
you need is a piece of paper and your hands.
Most origami folders believe no tools should be used to make origami. They
think you should use only your hands. However, a couple of tools can help,
especially when making complex shapes. For example, a ruler can be used to
make sharp creases. Paper clips can act as extra pairs of fingers. And tweezers
can be used to make small folds.

Which of the following questions are answered in this passage?

I.     How does the use of tools help to make origami? 

II.    Why did origami gain in popularity over time? 
III.   What does the word "origami" mean in English?

Every person needs sleep. Sleep helps the body heal
when it is sick or injured. Sleep helps the mind learn faster
and remember more. Healthy adults need between 7 and 9
hours of sleep per night. Children should get at least 10

According to the passage, sleep helps people do each of the

following things EXCEPT

A. learn faster
B. feel younger
C. remember more
D. heal from sickness
E. heal from injury
An Ancient Toy
Yo-yos are one of the world’s oldest toys. We know
that ancient Greek children played with yo-yos. Greek
vases from 500 B.C.E. have pictures of boys playing with
yo-yos on them. This means that yo-yos are at least 2500
years old! Ancient Greek yo-yos were made out of wood,
metal, or pottery. Today, yo-yos are most often made out of

According to the passage, we know that Ancient Greeks played with yo-yos
A. Ancient Greek mythology references the yo-yo
B. yo-yos made out of rocks have been found dating back to 500 B.C.E.
C. Ancient Greek yo-yos were made out of wood, metal, or pottery
D. Ancient Greek poems make mention of yo-yos
E. Ancient Greek vases have pictures of yo-yos on them

The Boy King

In 1922, Howard Carter and George Herbert
made a startling discovery: the tomb of King
Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun—also known as King
Tut—ruled Egypt from 1334 B.C.E. to 1324 B.C.E. He
became king when he was only nine years old.
Because of this, he was commonly called the "Boy
King" by his people. King Tut died when he was
nineteen. He was buried in a golden coffin. His tomb
was filled with treasure.

Based on the information in the passage, the reader can conclude that
A. King Tut was poor when he died
B. most Egyptian kings were older than Tut
C. King Tut was a kind and wise ruler
D. no one knows exactly how King Tut died
E. King Tut lived an extravagant lifestyle

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