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Pangasinan State University

Professional Education Department

Bayambang, Pangasinan

March 30, 2020

Online Learning Activity 2 for Teaching GMRC

1. Written Report

Go online and search salient data about GMRC Theme IV (Love of GOD) such as Religiosity, Holiness,
Godliness and Piety. Then make a written report about the theme. Follow the format in making the
written report.

2. Answering Questions
Answer the following questions which are based from the topics given. Write your answer below the
“reference” of your written report.

A. How would you differentiate Religiosity from Holiness?

B. What traits/qualities pertaining to Love of God should you possess as a would-be teacher in
GMRC? Substantiate your answer.

C. How would you teach and enforce Love of God in the classroom?

D. In classroom teaching, it is important to motivate your students first, how would you
motivate your students in teaching “Religiosity”?

E. What are some issues, concerns and problems concerning “Love of God” that you think are
affecting the Filipino student today? Substantiate your answer.

Be reminded that you should maintain strict individuality of your written report. Finally, submit your
output via add-file in our FB group page. Thank you and good luck.

Note: Submission should not be later than midnight of Saturday

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