Indra: Marine Transportation Management Plan

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Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Contractor Doc. No.

Complex Project
Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical S-000-1654-0302V
Nghi Son, Vietnam
Limited Liability Company
Rev. 0 Page 1 of 14

Employer Contract No.: , Contractor JOB Code: 0-6495-20 Date: 01/JUL/13



Unit No.: Not Applicable

Document Class: Z

Issue Purpose For Construction

Rev Date Page Description Prep'd Chk'd App'd

0 01/JUL/2013 All Issued for Construction J.F. M.K. Y.O.
E 18/JUN/2013 All Following Lender Meeting Results J.F. M.K. Y.O.
D 05/JUN/2013 All Following the comments J.F. M.K. Y.O.
C 23/APR/2013 All Following the comments J.F. M.K. Y.O.
B 16/APR/2013 All Following the comments J.F. M.K. Y.O.
A 16/MAR/2013 All First issue J.F. M.K. Y.O.

Operation Centre JOB Code: Operation Centre Doc. No.:

Responsible Company Prepared by Checked by Approved by
JVD J.Furumoto M.Kano Y.Okazaki

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Contractor Doc. No.

Title: Marine Transportation Management Plan Page 2 of 14


1. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Abbreviations.............................................................................................................................. 4
4. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................. 4
5. RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 CONTRACTOR Responsibilities ............................................................................................... 5
5.2 Subcontractors Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 6
6. MARINE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 7
6.1 Nghi Son Port Authority (NSPA) Guidelines ........................................................................... 7
6.2 Safety Assurance Management Plans ..................................................................................... 7
6.3 Communications ........................................................................................................................ 8
6.4 Traffic Separation ....................................................................................................................... 8
6.5 Marine Traffic Management Procedure .................................................................................... 9
7. MONITORING AND AUDITING .............................................................................................................. 9
8. DELIVERABLES ..................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Reports and records .................................................................................................................. 9
8.2 Report and Document Management ....................................................................................... 10
9. MANAGEMENT REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 10
10. ATTACHMENTS.................................................................................................................................... 10
Attachment 1 Vietnam Maritime Code ............................................................................................ 11
Attachment 2 Maritime Safety Management Plan ........................................................................ 12
Attachment 3 Contact Information .................................................................................................. 14

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The purpose of providing an offshore traffic management plan is to improve the safety of navigation
in all project marine areas, during the construction phase of the marine jetty, harbor works and
access channel due to activities of construction and other vessels going in and out of the construction
The objectives is to prevent accidents or minimize the harm to people the environment and to the
business in case of accidents, with regard to offshore transportation of equipment and materials
during the construction phase.
This plan is restricted to the construction phase only and not to operations of the completed facilities
which will be controlled and managed by Nghi Son Port Authority..
Implementation of these guidelines allows for the proper performance levels and measures that are
acceptable to the Project for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound marine operations.

These guidelines apply to CONTRACTOR and Subcontractors engaged on any portion of the works
associated with the Project where CONTRACTOR has a prevailing influence and responsibility over
the performance of the works.
These basic guidelines are to assist CONTRACTOR in developing the required documentation.
The required deliverables must include all applicable national and international procedures.


3.1 Definitions
CONTRACTOR JGC/Chiyoda GS & SK Joint Venture
Corrective Action Request Process used to initiate a fix for any non-compliance with the
project specifications of work and assign the action in order to
complete the work in-spec
Competent Person A person who has acquired through training, qualifications or
experience, or a combination of those things, the knowledge
and skills required to perform specified duties competently.
Complement The maximum number of crew and passengers the vessel is
permitted to carry for its service category
IMO The International Maritime Organizations (IMO)'s primary
purpose is to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory
framework for shipping and includes safety, environmental
concerns, legal matters, technical co-operation, maritime
security and the efficiency of shipping.
Notice to Mariners a document issued and announced by a competent agency to
provide information and instructions for mariners and related
organisations and individuals for the purpose of assuring
maritime safety and security and environmental pollution
Responsible Person A competent individual trained in the execution of a process and
who has responsibilities for an assigned area, facility, or specific
project, as well as permitted work performed within that area.
Examples include facility manager, operator or CONTRACTOR

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Seaport channel a delimited water area from the sea to a port marked by a
system of navigation aids and other aids to ensure safe
navigation of seagoing vessels and other crafts into and out of
the seaport.
Sub-channel a delimited water area from the seaport channel to a harbour
marked by a system of navigation aids and other aids to ensure
safe navigation of seagoing vessels and other crafts into and
out of the harbour.
Subcontractor Any firm to whom CONTRACTOR has subcontracted any part
of the works

Maritime Safety A documented, methodical approach to maritime safety that

Management System manages risks to safety. A MSMS details the policies, practices
(MSMS) and procedures for operating a commercial vessel.

3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
HSSE Health Safety Security & Environment
IPMT Integrated Project Management Team
ISM International Safety Management Code
JSA Job Safety Analysis
MARPOL Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from ships
NM Nautical miles
NSPA Nghi Son Port Authority
NSPM Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Project Management
PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
SPM Single Point Mooring
SWMS Safe Work Method Statement

S-000-1140-0006V Mandatory Vietnamese codes and standards
S-000-1654-0130V Emergency Response Plan
S-000-1654-0160V Spill Contingency Plan
S-000-1654-0200V Permit to Work Procedure,
S-000-1654-0916V Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal
S-000-1654-0920V Waste Management Plan
S-000-1654-0972V Surface Water (Offshore) Management Plan
S-000-1654-0120V Incident Management Plan

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S-000-1654-0301V Traffic Management Plan

NSRP Traffic Management Plan (Construction Phase)
IFC, Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines, Ports, Harbours, and Terminals

4.1 Applicable Standards and Legislation

 Vietnam Maritime Code, 2005
 International guidelines including those produced by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO), Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PINAC), The
Convention for Safety of Life at Seas (SOLAS), and International Maritime Dangerous Goods
 Vietnam Codes including
- Circular No. 27/2011/TT-BGTVT on applying SOLAS 1974;
- Circular No. 54/2011/TT-BGTVT on marine signalling and marine notification;
- Circular No. 27/2012/TT-BGTVT on maritime accident reporting and investigation;
- Decree No. 21/2012/ND-CP on management of seaports and navigable channels;
- Decision No. 707/QD-BGTVT on implementation of SAR 79;
- Decision No. 28/2007/QD-BGTVT amending Points a and b, Section 8, Appendix I to the
International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea, promulgated together with
the Transport Minister’s Decision No. 49/2005/QD-BGTVT of October 4,2005;
- Decision No. 49/2005/QD-BGTVT on the application of the international Regulations for
preventing collisions at sea; Decision N0. 103/2007/QD-TTg promulgating the Regulation on
coordinated search and rescue at sea.

The Site HSSE&S organization shall be referred to HSSE&S Management system
(S-000-1654-0004V) attachment 5.
5.1 CONTRACTOR Responsibilities

5.1.2 CONTRACTOR Site Manager

 CONTRACTOR Site Manager will ensure full compliance with the requirements of this
document for construction areas under their direct control.
 Ensure adequate resources are provided for the implementation of this management plan
 be responsible for the preparation and submission of the maritime safety management plan as
required under Decree No. 21/2012/ND-CP for harbour and port construction works

5.1.3 CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager

CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager will:
 Monitor and audit compliance with this plan including the marine traffic management procedures,
and submit monitoring report monthly and auditing report semiannually through IPMT to NSRP
HSE Division.
 Ensure that marine subcontractors have developed and provided for the CONTRACTOR for
review adequate safety assurance systems for the maritime safety management plan

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 Ensure that operators of sea going vessels have a documented maritime Safety Management
Plan (IMO)
 Identify remedial corrective actions required to meet this plan.
 Report immediately through IPMT to NSRP HSE Division any incident occurrence information.
 Lead the reporting and investigation of all incidents involving the marine transport operations to
ensure actions are identified to preclude a recurrence.

5.1.4 CONTRACTOR Social Manager

CONTRACTOR Social Manager will:
 The focal point of CONTRACTOR side for communication with local authorities.
 Following up the Communication which will be required by IPMT

5.2 Subcontractors Responsibilities

5.2.1 Subcontractor Project Manager
 Ensure control measures in accordance with this procedure are implemented for all work under
his control.
 Audit and monitor compliance with this procedure and record the results.
 Ensure personnel are competent to perform their assigned role and provided with adequate
training and tools to perform their job scope.
 Coordination and informing the activity of the work related to Marine construction work to the
relevant authorities following instruction from IPMT through CONTRACTOR.
5.2.2 Subcontractor Supervisors
 Conduct regular workplace inspections and ensure compliance with this procedure
 Conduct daily pre start meetings as required
 Verify the daily operations are in accordance with Project specifications and CONTRACTOR site
 Verify that pre-start check sheets are being completed, and where necessary equipment is
 Verify that all non-conforming items are identified and removed from service
 Arranging competency and verification of competency training for personnel
 Report immediately to CONTRACTOR Site HSSE manager any incident occurrence information
 Report and investigate all incidents in cooperation with CONTRACTOR Site HSSE manager
 Implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence
5.2.3 Subcontractor Personnel
 Comply with the requirements of this procedure and prepared SWMS or JSA.
 Conduct daily pre start inspections and periodic inspections of all equipment and work places to
ensure efficient and safe daily operations and record all inspection results
 Apply “Stop Work” authority if any conditions are observed to not be safe/compliant and report
any deficiencies to their supervisor.

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It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to ensure that all marine transportation work is carried
out in a safe and efficient manner, adhering to the approved standards and the requirements of this
plan and those of national and applicable international regulations.
Subcontractor shall ensure that mobilization and bringing to Site and operation of vessels in Vietnam
coastal water, and harbor area complies with Vietnam Marine Standards, IMO Standards and
MARPOL regulations and as appropriate International Navigation Association (PIANAC), SOLAS,
and International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.
Vessels must be inspected, classified and granted technical certificates of marine navigation safety,
marine navigation security and prevention of environmental pollution by all applicable international
regulations as well as the registries authorized by the Transport Ministry of Vietnam according to
applicable treaties.
Subcontractor shall ensure that all vessels have correct and up to date insurances as required by
Vietnam Authorities and International Conventions.
The Vietnam Maritime Code is a primary reference and included as Attachment 1.

6.1 Nghi Son Port Authority (NSPA) Guidelines

CONTRACTOR shall make reference to and apply NSPA guidelines for all shipping and anchoring
activities within the offshore project area.

6.2 Safety Assurance Management Plans

6.2.1 Marine Risk Assessments and Planning
Subcontractors involved in the marine construction phase of the works, using vessels for their
operations shall have prepared Maritime Safety Management Plans (SMP) including Marine
Emergency Response for their vessels operating in the harbor area and offshore for pipeline
construction and Single Point Mooring (SPM) installation.The requirements for the SMP as defined in
International Maritime Organisations (IMO), International Safety Management Code (ISM) which
provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of vessels and for
pollution prevention.
An abridged scope for the SMP is provided in Attachment 2 for guidance and may be adapted for
local operations. Each Subcontractors shall prepare their Safety Management Plans for approval of
the CONTRACTOR and submit not less than 3 months prior to vessel mobilisation.

6.2.2 Insurance
Under General Conditions of EPC Contract there is a requirement for insurance of the works
(Clause 18’6) which shall apply to marine operations and will apply to subcontractors on back-to back
contract conditions namely.
“The Employer shall effect from the Commencement Date and keep in force at its Own expense the
following insurance in the joint names of the Contractor and the Employer,and the Contractor shall
ensure that Subcontractors and Vendors effect and keep in force similar insurance to the extent that
they are not protected by the insurance effected by the Employer under this Sub-Clause 18,6
[Marine Transit Insurance]”
(a) Adequate marine and other transit insurance on an “all risks" basis (by reference to normal
industry standards) against loss or damage to Plant and Materials, Temporary Works from the
commencement of loading at the manufacturers' premises until delivery to Site including intermediate
storage. Such insurance shall obtain a sum insured that will provide 110% of the full replacement
value at the time of a transit casualty. The Employer and the Contractor shall jointly agree the terms
and conditions of the insurance policy. The Contractor,Subcontractors and Vendors shall comply

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with and be subject to the terms, exceptions,Conditions and limitations of the insurances affected
by the Employer pursuant to this Sub-Clause 18.6 [Marine Transit Insurance]”

Subcontractors shall also refer to insurance requirements in Vietnam Maritime Code, 2005 (Chapter
XVI) to ensure insurance cover as above is adequate.

6.2.3 Safety Assurance (Port, Harbour, Channel Construction)

In accordance with Decree No. 21/2012/ND-CP of March 21, 2012, the Subcontractor is required to
submit a maritime safety assurance plan to CONTRACTOR so that CONTRACTOR can submit the
plan to a competent agency prior to construction. The plan shall include construction methods
and details of safety measures to be undertaken and safety in marine traffic management during the
harbour and channel construction works. The Plan will take into account the safety Assurance Plan
of NSPM for initial dredging.
Subcontractors shall submit to CONTRACTOR at least 3 months prior to mobilisation detailed work
method statements and details of their safety management systems to enable CONTRACTOR to
review properly the safety assurance plan.
The plan shall also take into account
 Identified safety risks arising from marine construction works and required control measures
 safety issues relating to SIMOPS where external contractors are also operating in the same
 Vessel movements including loading and unloading of materials/equipment etc. for the refinery
construction when temporary jetties have been constructed.
 Traffic flow management
 Temporary navigation systems installed during construction works
 Communications methods

In preparation of the Safety Assurance Plan the Subcontractor shall take account of any plans
developed by NSPM, who will operate within the same area

6.3 Communications
CONTRACTOR shall arrange a communication system in corporation with the IPMT and NSRP HSE
Division for notifying the Community and in particular fisherman of offshore activities, the location of,
and when operations are taking place to minimise the risk of collisions and other accidents.
CONTRACTOR shall inform fisherman of the time schedule and established restricted area for the
construction of the marine facilities to avoid accidents.
CONTRACTOR Social Manager shall be responsible for such communication with the Community.
Consideration should also be given to having Subcontractor’s Project Manager on-board the pipe
lay/trenching vessel to ensure the local fishing community is kept informed of activities which may
affect them.

6.4 Traffic Separation

For construction operations, the Subcontractor shall arrange for channels to be indicated by buoys.
Where vessels movements or night operations are likely to take place channel marking shall include
The Subcontractor shall manage, operate and take responsibility for the safety of maritime signs
established by themselves.

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Buoying and lighting systems shall comply with the NSPA guidelines or those of Thanh Hoa Port
Authority, whichever has the jurisdiction over the work site.

6.5 Marine Traffic Management Procedure

The Subcontractor shall prepare detailed maps showing traffic separation schemes and details of
buoying/lighting systems and ensure these are issued through CONTRACTOR to NSPA for approval
three months prior to mobilization. NSPA will issue this information as a Notice to Mariners..
 Subcontractor shall prepare detailed Marine Traffic Management Procedure and instructions
which will be issued by NSPA as Notice to Mariners and shall include for Notification to the
proper port control office and vessels in harbor area of Subcontractor vessels’
 All vessels proceeding in the appropriate lane in the direction of traffic flow for that lane;
 Keeping clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone;
 Navigating with particular caution in areas where traffic lanes terminate or where there is a
precautionary area.
 Prohibition of vessels
o anchoring in access channel area, at or near its termination;
o entering a separation zone or cross a separation line except in case of emergency or to
avoid immediate danger;
o Impede the safe passage of a large vessel following the traffic lane.

CONTRACTOR shall continually review the vessel traffic conditions and update the vessel
management planning to ensure safe navigation to avoid and minimise the environmental
consequences of marine accidents, including groundings, collisions and the increased risks resulting
from higher traffic levels and congested waters.


The CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager shall methodically monitor the CONTRACTOR’s and
Subcontractors’ activities as required within this Marine Traffic Management Plan and keep accurate
record via checklists, and inspections

The monitoring programme shall include:

 Vessel movement through daily patrols for compliance with navigation requirements
 Movement of local fishermen and compliance with requirements to avoid navigational channels
 Fishermen’s use of explosives
 Conditions of installed buoys and lights

CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager shall carryout internal audit every 6 months in accordance with
Site HSSE Monitoring and Audit Plan (S-000-1654-0002V) and submit through IPMT to NSRP HSE
Division by the Site Manager.

8.1 Reports and records

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CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager shall provide the following through IPMT to NSRP HSE
 Maritime Safety Management Plan including Marine Emergency Response
 Marine Traffic Management Procedure
 Notification to the appropriate port control office
 Copies of drafted Notification to Mariners
 Records of compliance monitoring of the traffic management procedures(monthly
 Records of information provided to community and local fisherman
 Record of patrol by checklist - whether the offshore traffic management procedure is kept
 Any incident investigation reports (ref. Incident Management Plan S-000-1654-0120V)

Monitoring records and reports shall be submitted on a monthly basis

8.2 Report and Document Management

The procedure for internal and external reporting, reviewing, commenting and finalisation etc. will be
carried out in accordance with CONTRACTOR quality assurance programme and defined in
CONTRACTOR Quality Manual for Joint Venture Directorate (S-000-1139-0002V).

All records obtained through implementation of this plan will be managed in accordance with the
CONTRACTOR’s records management procedure. All records will be kept as electronic and hard
copies within the Construction HSSE Department and archived on an appropriate frequency.

This Marine Transportation Management Plan will be reviewed by appropriate senior management
as per Section 13 of HSSE&S Management System (S-000-1654-0004V) to ensure its effectiveness
and ability to deliver the required performance outcomes.

Attachment 1 Vietnam Maritime Code
Attachment 2 Maritime Safety Management Plan
Attachment 3 Contact Information

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Attachment 1 Vietnam Maritime Code

Article 5. – Principles of Maritime Shipping

“Maritime shipping must comply with the provisions of this Code, other provisions of Vietnamese law, and
treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party.

Maritime shipping must ensure marine navigation safety, defense and security; protect the interests, sovereignty,
sovereign rights and jurisdiction of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Maritime shipping must comply with the national socio-economic development strategy as well as strategies and
plans for transport for transport development.

Maritime shipping must ensure economic efficiency combined with protection, improvement and development of
the environment and natural landscapes in a sustainable manner.”

Article 26.-Certificates and documents of seagoing vessels:

“1. Seagoing vessels must have seagoing-vessel registration certificates, certificates of marine navigation safety,
marine navigation security and prevention of environmental pollution according to the provisions of Vietnamese
law and treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party.

Article 27.-Seagoing Vessel Tonnage Certificates

“1. Vietnamese seagoing vessels and foreign seagoing vessels, when operating in Vietnamese seaport waters
or seas, must have seagoing-vessel tonnage certificates granted by Vietnamese registry organizations or
competent foreign seagoing vessel tonnage measurement organizations. Seagoing-vessel tonnage certificates
must comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law and treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a
contracting party.
2. In case of doubting the authenticity of seagoing-vessel tonnage certificates specified in Clause 1 of this Article,
competent Vietnamese state agencies may decide on their own initiative or at the request of concerned
organizations or individuals to re-inspect the capacity of seagoing vessels. In case the inspection results are
incompatible with the seagoing vessel’s capacity certificates, the ship owner must incur expenses related to the
re-inspection. In case the inspection results are compatible with the seagoing vessel’s capacity certificates, the
competent state agencies which have decided on their own initiative on the inspection or the organizations or
individuals that have requested the inspection must incur expenses related to the re-inspection.

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Attachment 2 Maritime Safety Management Plan

Note: for full guidelines refer to International Safety Management (ISM) Code 2010.


The Company should establish procedures, plans and instructions, including checklists as appropriate, for key
shipboard operations concerning the safety of the personnel, ship and protection of the environment. The
various tasks should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel.

The Company should identify potential emergency shipboard situations, and establish procedures to respond to
The Company should establish programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions.
The safety management system should provide for measures ensuring that the Company's organization can
respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situations involving its ships.


The maritime safety management system should include procedures ensuring that non-conformities, accidents
and hazardous situations are reported to the Company, investigated and analysed with the objective of
improving safety and pollution prevention.

The Company should establish procedures for the implementation of corrective action, including measures
intended to prevent recurrence


The Company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the
provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with any additional requirements which may be established
by the Company
Company should ensure that:
1. inspections are held at appropriate intervals;
2. any non-conformity is reported, with its possible cause, if known;
3. appropriate corrective action is taken; and
4. Records of these activities are maintained.
The Company should identify equipment and technical systems for the sudden operational failure of which may
result in hazardous situations. The procedures should provide specific measures aimed at promoting the
reliability of such equipment or systems
Inspections above should be integrated into the ship's operational maintenance routine.

The Company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to
the maritime safety management system.

The Company should ensure that:

1. valid documents are available at all relevant locations;
2. changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel; and
3. Obsolete documents are promptly removed.
The documents used to describe and implement the maritime safety management system may be referred to as
the Safety Management Manual. Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship.


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The Company should carry out internal safety audits on board and ashore at intervals not exceeding six months
to verify whether safety and pollution-prevention activities comply with the maritime safety management system.
In exceptional circumstances, this interval may be exceeded by not more than twelve months.

The Company should periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the safety management system in accordance
with procedures established by the Company.
The audits and possible corrective actions should be carried out in accordance with documented procedures.
The results of the audits and reviews should be brought to the attention of all personnel having responsibility in
the area involved.

The management personnel responsible for the area involved should take timely corrective action on
deficiencies found.

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Attachment 3 Contact Information

[Table of Contact names, phone numbers and email addresses to be inserted here when available]

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