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Springer - Universal Access in the Information Society - UAIS

Call for Papers - Special Issue: Newmethods and technologies for enhancing
usability and accessibility of educational data
Guests Editors:
David Fonseca, Full Professor, Main Researcher of GRETEL: Research Group in Technology Enhanced Learning, and
Professor at Ramon Llull University, Spain

Francisco José Garcia-Peñalvo, Full Professor, Main Researcher of GRIAL: Research Group in Interaction and
eLearning, and Professor at University of Salamanca, Spain

Jorge D. Camba, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Graphics Technology, Purdue University, USA.

About the UAIS Journal

The UAIS Journal solicits original research contributions addressing the accessibility, usability and acceptability of
Information Society Technologies by anyone, anywhere, at any time, and through any media and device.
The Journal's unique focus is on theoretical, methodological, and empirical research, of both technological and non-
technological nature, that addresses equitable access and active participation of potentially all citizens in the Information
Society. For further information, please, refer to the "Aims and scope" section on the Website of the UAIS Journal.

Aims and scope of this special issue

Recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have fostered the development of new
methods and tools for exploring the increasingly large amounts of data that come from pedagogical domains. These data
have the potential to transform education into a personalized experience that meets the needs of each individual student.

There are many types of data that can support student learning, but the type and nature of the data, how they can be
accessed, and who can access them, vary significantly. Whether educational data is collected from collaborative learning
environments, course management systems, gamified training applications, or administrative systems from schools and
universities, valuable properties, patterns, and insights often emerge which, when combined with others factors such as
timing and context, play an important role in the understanding of how students learn, the settings in which they learn,
and the effectiveness of the educational approaches. Extracting information from data to ultimately turn it into
knowledge can contribute to drawing a complete picture of student learning which can empower students, parents and
educators as well as education stakeholders and policymakers.

This special issue emphasizes the transformation of education through data. We welcome original contributions that
focus on the management of the various types of educational data, particularly new technological approaches and tools
to gather, organize, visualize, and analyze these data as well as methods for improving its accessibility, availability,
usability, and understanding.

For papers presented at the above-mentioned conference sessions, the updated version must significantly extend the
original one, comprising at least 70% new, and previously unpublished material. A typical length for a long paper is
between 20 and 30 pages. Please also note that 20-30 pages unformatted ordinary MS Word text would typically result
in a shorter document of 12-20 pages, formatted according to the Springer guidelines.

Main Topics
 New technologies and associated data in educational contexts
o Artificial Intelligent systems
o Robotics
o Augmented and Virtual Reality
o Educational data integration and management
 The role of data in the digital transformation and future of higher education
o Personal Learning Environments (PLE)
o Mobile PLE
o Stealth Assessment
o Technology-supported collaboration and teamwork in educational environments
o Student engagement and interactions
 User and Case studies on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education
 Educational data in serious games and gamification
o Gamification design
o Serious game mechanics for education
o Ubiquitous/pervasive gaming
o Game-based learning and teaching programming
 Educational Data Visualization and Data Mining
o Learning Analytics
o Knowledge Discovery
o User Experience
o Social Impact
o Good Practices
o Accessibility

Important dates and information

Deadline for submission of papers: January 15th, 2020.
Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2020.
Deadline for submission of camera-ready version of accepted papers: March 31st, 2020.

Submission guidelines
Submissions should be prepared according to the author instructions available at the journal page: Please see the link entitled “Instructions for Authors”.

Initial manuscripts must be submitted electronically in the form of PDF file through the Springer Editorial Management
System available at During the submission process:


2.- Submit your files in the ATTACH FILES section
3.- Select the classifications tags in the GENERAL INFORMATION section
4.- In the ADITTIONAL INFORMATION section, is the place to select that your paper is for a Special Issue:
New methods and technologies for enhancing usability and accessibility of educational data”.

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