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Condo  Communications  
Q1  -­‐  CY  2014  
Condo  5  –  YRVLCC  1193  
Welcome   to   the   “Condo   Communications”   section   of   Condo   5/YRVLCC   1193’s  
website.   Our   objective   in   this   section   is   to   provide   timely   communications   on  
subjects   of   interest   exclusively   pertaining   to   Condo   5   to   our   residents.   You   are  
encouraged  to  view  for  information  of  a  general  nature  
for   all   of   BG&CC.   We   hope   you   find   this   information   helpful.   Your   suggestions   on  
how  this  section  can  be  continuously  improved  are  welcomed.  
Notifications  distributed  by  email  are  in  chronological  order  and  appear  below:  

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  


Subject: Safety Message (Email Dated 20 March 2014)

Good morning Condo 5 residents......the past few days have definitely given us an
indication that Spring is on the way. There is a lot of snow to melt away and there will be
challenges associated. Below is a message from the 967 Board (Ring Road) regarding a
related safety issue.  
Have a great day!  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)  

To all Ballantrae residents.

Notice from the Board of YRCECC967 (The Ring Road)
The sidewalks and mailbox pads on the ring road are heaving in places due
to the frost and the changing temperatures. There are also areas where
ponding is occurring as the snow melts but is trapped by the banks on the
sides of the sidewalks. While Melfer is being diligent about trying to mark
areas of concern it is impossible to find each one as it seems to be
changing daily. We would like to make all residents aware of the uneven
walking surfaces and advise you to be careful when out walking so as to
avoid tripping or slipping. We suspect this will be an ongoing and
unavoidable issue for the next while as the frost starts coming out of the
ground. Thank you for your understanding.

Subject: Recreation Centre Update (Email Dated 2 March 2014)

Good afternoon Condo 5 residents.......the 1202 Board for the Recreation Centre has
confirmed that the Recreation Centre will be open as of March 3, 2014 commencing at 6
am for access and use by the residents of Ballantrae. All facilities are available with the
exception of the whirlpool/spa which they anticipate will be available as of March 15,
The various renovations undertaken are outlined in the December 18, 2013 notice sent
to our residents. It is also posted on the Condo 1193 web site for your reference.  
The patience and understanding of our residents is appreciated as this work was
undertaken. We trust you will find the renovations have created an improved facility for
the various activities and uses it provides.  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)  

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  

Subject: FSR Organizational Update (Email Dated 28 February 2014)

Good morning Condo 5 residents.......attached is a letter from Mark Hopkins, VP -

Operations FSR, announcing an update to the FSR organization structure at Ballantrae
effective March 3, 2014. Elena Schneider will be assuming other responsibilities with
FSR as a Regional Manager and Ada Clarke will be re-joining the Ballantrae FSR team.
As previously announced, Samit Hazra will be leaving to take on a new position with
FSR and Adam Hassan joins the team as Assistant Property Manager reporting to Lloyd
Moses, our Property Manager.  
Your Board will work with our FSR Team as always in the best interests of the Condo
1193 Corporation and our residents.  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  


Subject: Snow Hauling Off-Site (Email Dated 11 February 2014)

Good afternoon Condo 5 residents...............Mother Nature has shared a higher amount

than usual of snow this year and although we were able to do some relocating to ease
the piles at the corners, the additional snow that we have received since then requires
us to take the approach of hauling snow off-site. This will alleviate the height of the piles
currently throughout the community as well as put us in a better position for snow
removal activities to come. And based on the long range forecast.....there is more to
As in the past years, The Board made a provision in the budget for snow hauling costs
and therefore, we are in a good position to fund this activity. MPS has indicated that they
will commence the snow hauling as of 6 am tomorrow - Wednesday, February 12.
Please be aware that a variety of equipment will be on-site and we ask residents to
exercise caution when driving or walking within the area.  
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation during this activity.  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of The Board (Condo 1193)

Subject: FSR Organization Update (Email Dated 6 Feb 2014)

Good afternoon Condo 5 residents.........FirstService Residential (FSR) has confirmed a

change in their organization for the Ballantrae Community. Recently Mark
Hopkins joined the FSR team in the position of Vice President - Operations and his
portfolio includes the Ballantrae Community. Elena Schneider, Regional Director, reports
to Mark and continues to support the Ballantrae Community.  
Our on site FSR team continues to include Lloyd Moses as Property Manager, however,
there will be a change at the Assistant Property Manager level. Congratulations to Samit
Hazra on his promotion to Property Manager of a high rise condo which FSR manages.
Adam Hassan has been selected for promotion to Assistant Property Manager. Many of
you will know Adam as a familiar face at the Recreation Centre.  
The change at the Assistant Property Manager level will take effect March 3, 2014 and
until that time, Adam will be shadowing Samit in addition to his Recreation Centre duties.
FSR will continue the training and development of Adam as he assumes this new role
and he will receive direct support from the on site Property Managers.  
Please see the attached notice from FSR regarding this news. FSR will also be posting
this on the BGCC web site.  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)  

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  


February 5, 2014

To All Owners/Residents of Ballantrae Community

Dear Owners/Residents:

FirstService Residential would like to take this opportunity to advise all residents of some changes to our
Property Management team. We are extremely pleased to announce that Samit Hazra has been promoted to the
position of Property Manager at another FirstService Residential community. Please join us in wishing Sam
continued success and congratulations on his well-deserved promotion. Sam will be starting this new chapter of
his career on March 3, 2014.

We would also like to advise all residents that Adam Hassan has been promoted to Assistant Property Manager.
Adam is a familiar face, as he has worked on the Recreation Centre team for the past three years. This position
will continue to report into the two Property Managers, Lloyd Moses and Paul Camm. Adam will officially take on
his new role as of March 3, 2014. He is looking forward to his new role and deserves recognition for his
promotion as well. As of March 3 , you will be able to reach Adam by e-mail at

Additionally, we wanted to take this opportunity to introduce Mark Hopkins. Mark recently joined the FirstService
Residential team in the position of Vice President, Operations. Mark is looking forward to supporting the
Ballantrae management team and community.

As a friendly reminder, you may obtain assistance with emergencies during the day or after hours by calling our
main number 416-293-5900 or the emergency line at 1-855-244-8854. The Ballantrae Community Information
Line 416-847-8350 is updated daily and/or as required providing information on weather and maintenance status.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at 416-847-7290.

Yours truly,

FirstService Residential

Elena Schneider, RCM

Regional Director


YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  

Subject: Snow Relocation (Email Dated 29 January 2014)

Good evening Condo 5 residents........ it will come as no surprise that we need to

relocate snow that has accumulated at the corners of streets in order to provide for
better line of sight for both motorists and those out walking. We appreciate your attention
to safety as you have navigated the area during this high volume of snow accumulation.  

MPS expects to be on site Thursday, January 30 and/or Friday, January 31 to undertake

this process. They expect to be able to relocate snow within the Condo 5 area as there
are some spaces where additional snow can be placed. Through the relocation process,
MPS will be conscious of the trees to avoid any damage.

This approach is more cost efficient than trucking off site and will achieve the same
result considering we have space to accommodate some snow relocation. These costs
have been included in the budget as a precaution should the need arise.....and so it has
this year! Should we be faced with significant accumulation again, we may need to
consider trucking snow off-site ..........hopefully we will not be faced with that situation.

Your understanding as MPS undertakes this work is appreciated. It has been a

challenging January with a new environment for MPS to get accustomed to......although
there have been some ups and downs, it has not been limited to Condo 5 as all service
providers have had to manage through ice storms, snow accumulation, blowing snow
and severe low temperatures. So you are aware, the other Condo phases in Ballantrae
are also undertaking snow relocation.

Some milder winter weather would be very welcome by all!

Sandy Brown
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)  

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  

Subject: Salt Shortage (Email Dated 26 January 2014)

Good evening Condo 5 will find attached a notice from FSR with respect
to the salt shortage in Southern Ontario. Please review and consider the suggestion to
take precautions when travelling within the community either on foot or by car.  
Your understanding is appreciated.  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)


YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  


Subject: Come Chill Out With Neighbours on March 8th! (Email Dated 20 Jan 2014)

Good afternoon Condo 5 residents.......with the Recreation Centre closed for February
and knowing that residents will not have an opportunity to see posted notices, the Social
Committee wanted to get the message out about this up-coming activity on March after dinner dessert lounge event! There will be music, dancing, drinks and
dessert......please see the attached notice for more information or refer to the Events
section of the BGCC web site.

Sandy Brown
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  


Subject: Waste and Recycling Pickup (Email Dated 7 Jan 2013)

Good evening Condo 5 residents.......unfortunately the good intentions of the

municipality to re-schedule waste and recycling pick-up due to the extreme weather
conditions over the past few days did not materialize. It is noted that there are some
municipalities within the province who cancelled waste collection entirely this week.  
There is a new notice on the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville web site and also on the
BGCC web site that outlines the situation and also indicates that our normal Friday
pick-up will be re-scheduled to Saturday, January 11, 2014. The following
information was also offered:  

"Please ensure materials are curbside by 7:00 am on the revised collection day. In the
event of non-collection, please leave materials at the curb and crews will retrieve them
as soon as possible. Residents are reminded to not put blue boxes and green bins on
top of snow banks. For safety reason crews cannot climb a snow bank to retrieve these
bins and this also provides a greater chance of the bins being blown over by strong
winds. Residents are asked to leave bins in their driveway until collected. The Town of
Whitchurch-Stouffville apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciates
your patience and understanding. We are working with GFL to resolve the logistical
issues that have arisen this past week."

Your understanding is appreciated.

Sandy Brown
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193


YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  

Subject: Green Bin and Recycling Pickup (Email Dated 5 Jan 2014)

Good afternoon Condo 5 residents:  

We have been notified that GFL, who handles the collection of green bin and recycling
material and was re-scheduled to Saturday pick-up this week, has delayed the pick-up
until Monday, Jan 6th. With the forecasted snow storm today and early tomorrow,
residents may choose to delay and wait until the normal pick-up on Friday, Jan. 10th.
Whether you choose to put it out for Monday or not, it would be appreciated if the bins
be removed from the curb so as not to interfere with the snow removal activities
underway. This is a request that has been shared with all residents of all Condos in
Ballantrae (see the BGCC web site).  
Residents are also reminded that Christmas Tree collection is only scheduled for
Monday, Jan. 6. If we are notified that this date will be changed....we will update you.  
As mentioned in a recent message, please take care in backing out of driveways as
snow piles begin to increase.....and watch driving speed on slippery roads especially
where there are curves and turns.  
We also appreciate your understanding as MPS commences their contract with Condo
5. FSR will be working with MPS and if you have any questions, FSR would be pleased
to respond.  
Sandy Brown  
on behalf of the Board (Condo 1193)  

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  


Subject: Winter Challenges and Considerations (Email Dated 3 January 2014)

Good afternoon Condo 5 residents:

The deep freeze has been a challenge in many ways and there have been many issues
that individual residents and the community have had to address. More seasonal
temperatures are expected over the weekend but it will be interesting to see what is in
store for the rest of the winter.

A number of residents have reported roof leaks apparently related to ice damming and
we understand that these residents have undertaken actions to remedy the issue. We
have inquired and FSR has indicated that they have not received reports of roof leaks
from residents in any of the other phases of Ballantrae.

We have recently been contacted by a resident who would like to offer to be a contact
point for any residents who wish to share information about their experience. As this type
of situation related to individual units within our community does not fall within the
mandate of the Board but rather is a matter that individual residents must address either
personally, through a service provider or other sources of their choosing, we are happy
to share the contact information for residents who may wish to engage in this initiative.
Please contact Uno Jaason by e-mail at or by phone at 905-
640-3066 if you wish. loo

For residents who may be away for the season, you may wish to ask someone to
specifically check for roof leaks when they drop by to check on your home.

Another challenge at any time of the year is navigating our streets where line of sight
may be impacted by twists, turns and curves. This is further complicated when there
may be snowy or icy conditions. All residents are reminded to drive with care and to
watch their speed at all times but even more so during these winter driving conditions.
As snow piles increase, take care when backing out or taking curves in the roadway
where visibility is reduced.

Over the next few days our Condo 5 (aka Condo 1193) web site section on the web site will be have several sections updated to reflect
current information including contact information for FSR and our new grounds
maintenance supplier......Markham Property Services (MPS). As new or updated
information develops, we endeavor to update the web site so all residents have accurate
and current information available for reference. Please visit the site from time to
time.......just follow the link under Condo News to the Condo 1193 section.

Keep warm!

Sandy Brown
on behalf of the Board ( Condo 1193)

YRVLCC  1193  –  030514  

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