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Friday, December 10, 2010

1. General Ledgers

How to enter into System:

Double click on SAP Logon on desktop

Click on Log on

Client                                                 : 800

User                                                   : SAPUSER

Password                                           : india123

Language                                         : EN (English)


Note: SAP Package was developed in 41 languages

Note: If you don't enter language, Default language is English

Home screen of SAP is SAP Easy Access

SAP Package was developed in screen wise. Each screen has its own name that is called
Transaction code (Tcode)

Menu bar, Name bar and Application tool bar will be changed screen to screen.

Standard tool bar is same in every screen, but based on the screen requirement some
buttons are active and some buttons are disabled.

SAP has given two screens

            1. End user screen (SAP Easy Access)

            2. Consultant screen (Tcode: SPRO)

1.    Define Company (Group Company)

Definition: Company is an independent organizational unit, which is registered under

commercial law. Under company, we can generate consolidated financial statements.
Financial statements mean profit and loss account and balance sheet.

Ex: TATA Group, Birla Group, Relience Group etc.

Path: SPRO - SAP Reference IMG- Enterprise Structure- Definition- Financial Accounting -
Define Company (Tcode: OX15)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Company                                          :

Company name                               :

Street                                               :

Postal code                                       :

City                                                  :

Country                                           : IN (India)

Language key                                 : EN (English)

Currency                                         : INR (Indian Rupees)

Save (Ctrl+S) and enter

2.    Define Company Code

Definition: Company code is an independent organizational unit, which is registered under
Companies Act, 1956. Under company code, we can generate Financial Statements.
Financial statements mean profit and loss account and balance sheet.

Ex: TATA Motors, TATA Steel, TATA Chemicals, TATA Power etc.

Path: SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Enterprise Structure- Definition- Financial Accounting- Edit,
copy, Delete, check Company Code (Tcode:OX02)


Double click on Edit Company Code Data

Click on New Entries (F5)

Company Code                                :

Company Name                              :

City                                                    :

Country                                             : IN (India)

Currency                                           : INR (Indian rupees)

Language                                         : EN (English)

Save (Ctrl+S)

Title                                                   : Company

Name                                                 :

Street                                                 :

House number                                 :

Postal code                                        :

City                                                    :

Country                                             : IN (India)

Enter and enter

3.    Define Business Area

Definition: Business area nothing but branch. Under business area, we can generate Branch
Financial statements. Financial statements mean profit and loss account and balance sheet.
Branch Financial statements will be useful for internal reporting.

Path: SPRO - SAP Reference IMG- Enterprise Structure- Definition- Financial Accounting-
Define Business Area (Tcode: OX03)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Business Area          Description

______                        Hyderabad Branch

______                        Mumbai Branch

______                        Bangalore Branch

______                        Chennai Branch

Save and enter

4.    Assign Company Code to Company

Path: SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Enterprise Structure- Assignment- Financial Accounting -
Assign Company Code to Company (Tcode: OX16)


Go to position button

Company Code                                :


Company                                          :

Save and enter

5.    Define Fiscal Year Variant

Definition: Fiscal year means financial year.  It consists of 12 months and 4 Special periods.
Special periods mean Adjustment accounts after closing the financial year. System can't
understand other than calendar year. For Ex: 2009-2010. We need to convert to one year. 9
months will come under 2009 year (April to Dec) and 3 months will come under 2010 (Jan to
March). 3 months of 2010 to 2009, this is called year shift.

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG-Financial Accounting (New) - Financial Accounting Global
Settings (New) – Ledgers- Fiscal Year and Posting Periods- Maintain Fiscal Year Variant
(Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year) (Tcode: OB29)


Click on New Entries (F5)

FV                                                      :

Description                                       : April to March

Number of posting periods            : 12

No. of special periods                      : 4


Select SK

Double click on Periods

Click on New Entries (F5)

Month            Day     Period            Year shift

4                      30        1                      0

5                      31        2                      0

6                      30        3                      0

7                      31        4                      0

8                      31        5                      0

9                      30        6                      0

10                    31        7                      0

11                    30        8                      0

12                    31        9                      0

1                      31        10                    -1

2                      28        11                    -1

3                      31        12                    -1

Double click on Period texts

Click on New Entries (F5)

Lang  Period            Txt      Text

EN      1                      APR   April

EN      2                      MAY   May

EN      3                      JUN   June

EN      4                      JUL    July

EN      5                      AUG   August

EN      6                      SEP    September

EN      7                      OCT   October

EN      8                      NOV   November

EN      9                      DEC   December

EN      10                    JAN    January

EN      11                    FEB   February

EN      12                    MAR  March

Save and enter

6.    Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant

Path:  Same path (Tcode: OB37)


Go to Position button

Ignore warning messages

Company Code                                :


Fiscal year variant                         :


Ignore warning messages


7.    Define Variants for Open Posting Periods

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- Financial Accounting Global
Settings (New)- Ledgers- Fiscal Year and Posting Periods-Posting Periods- Define Variants for
Open Posting Periods (Tcode: OBBO)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Variant                                              :

Name                                                 : Variant for

Save and enter

8.    Assign Variants to Company Code

Path:  Same path (Tcode: OBBP)


Go to Position button

Company Code                                :


Variant                                              :

Save and enter

9.    Open and Close Posting Periods

Path: Same path (Tcode: OB52)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Var.                                                    :

A                                                         : +

From per.1                                        : 1

Year                                                   :

To period                                           : 12

Year                                                   :

Save and enter


10. Define Document Types

Definition: Document type means to differentiate business transactions. Business

transactions are Customer invoice, Vendor Invoice, Customer incoming payment, Vendor
outgoing payments, General posting, etc. Document type controls Number ranges and
account types.

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- Financial Accounting Global
Settings (New)- Document- Define Document Types - Define Document Types for Entry View


Go to Position button

Document type                                : SA


Select SA

Click on Details (Ctrl+Shift+F2)

Click on Number range information

Company Code                                :

Note:  Display Interval- It shows what intervals we created

            Status button- we can see, how many numbers we used

            Change intervals- Create new interval and Change existing intervals

Click on Change Interval

Click on Insert Interval (Shift+F1)

No                                                       : 01

Year                                                   : 2009

From number                                   : 0100000000

To Number                                       : 0199999999


Save and enter

Note: Number ranges can’t be transferred to production client

11. Define Field Status Variants

Definition: Field status variant controls transactional data. Field status variant consists of
Field status groups. Field status groups consist of Fields. Field status variant assigned to
company code. Field status group is assigned to General ledger master record

At the time entry the system gives 70 fields

Ex: Quantity, Business area, value date

You can make any field as

1. Suppress field – Field will not be visible.

2. Required field – To enter the values.

3. Optional field – Choice to enter or not enter.

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- Financial Accounting Global
Settings (New)- Ledgers- Fields - Define Field Status Variants (Tcode:OBC4)


Select 0001

Click on Copy as (F6)

Replace 0001 to ______


Click on Copy All


Save and enter

Select ______

Double click on field status Groups

Double click on G001

Double click on General data

Observe fields and don’t disturb the fields

12. Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants

Path:  Same path (Tcode: OBC5)


Go to position button

Company Code                                : ______


Fld.stat.var.                                      : ______

Save and enter

13. Edit Chart of Accounts List

Definition: Chart of Accounts means list of G/L Accounts.

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- General Ledger Accounting
(New) - Master Data- - G/L Accounts - Preparations- Edit Chart of Accounts List (Tcode:OB13)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Chart of accounts                            : ______

Description                                       : Chart of Accounts for

Maint.language                               : EN English

Length of G/L Account number   : 6

Save and enter

14. Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- G/L
Accounts- Master Data- Preparations- Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts


Go to position button

Company Code                                :


Chrt/Accts                                         :

Save and enter

15. Define Account Group

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- General Ledger Accounting
(New)- Master Data- G/L Accounts-   Preparations- Define Account Group (Tcode: OBD4)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Chrt/Accts  Acct    Group Name        From acct     To Account         

______            LIAB     Liabilities              100000             199999

______            ASST    Assets                     200000             299999

______            INCO    Incomes                  300000             399999

______            EXPN               Expenses                400000             499999

Save and enter

16. Define Retained Earnings Account

Definition: It is a bridge to flow the profit or loss to the balance sheet.

Path:  Same path (Tcode: OB53)


Chart of accounts                            :______


P&L statmt acct type                     : X

Account                                             : 100100

It gives the Message, Account 100100 not created in chart of Accounts ______

Ignore warning messages


17. Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

Definition: Tolerance Groups means authorizations to post transactions.

Path: SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- General Ledger Accounting
(New)- Business Transactions- Open Item Clearing- Clearing Differences- Define Tolerance
Groups for G/L Accounts (Tcode:OBA0)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Company Code                                : ______

Save and enter

18. Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

Path: Same path (Tcode: OBA4)


Click on New Entries (F5)


Company Code                                            : ______

Amount per document                               : 99999999

Amount per open item account item       : 99999999

Cash discount per line item                      : 3

Save and enter

19.  Creation of G/L Master Records

Path: Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Master Records - G/L Accounts -
Individual Processing - FS00 - Centrally (Tcode:FS00)

Double click on FS00 - Centrally

19.1.             Share Capital A/C

G/L Account                                     : 100000

Company Code                                :______

Click on Create

Go to Type/Description Tab

Account Group                                 : LIAB Liabilities

Select Balance Sheet Account

Short Text                                        : Share Capital A/C

G/L Acct Long Text                                    : Share Capital Account

Go to Control Data Tab

Select Only Balances in local crcy

Select Line item display

Sort Key                                            : 001

Go to Create/bank/interest Tab

Field Status Group                         : G001

19.2.             Bank Account

G/L Account                                     : 290100

Company Code                                : ______

Click on Create

Go to Type/Description Tab

Account Group                                 : ASST Assets

Select Balance Sheet Account

Short Text                                        : Bank A/C

G/L Acct Long Text                                    : Bank Account

Go to Control Data Tab

Select Only Balances in local crcy

Select Line item display

Sort Key                                            : 001

Go to Create/bank/interest Tab

Field Status Group                         : G005

Posting key controls whether it is debit or credit, account types and fields

Note: In general ledger component, Posting keys are,

            Posting Key 40: Debit

            Posting key 50: Credit

20. General Posting

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Posting - F-02 - General Posting
(Tcode: F-02)

Double click on F-02 - General Posting

Enter header data (Type SA)

PstKy                                                 : 40

Account                                             : 290100 (Bank A/C)


Amount                                             : 25000

Business Area                                  : TCSH

Value Date                                       :

PstKy                                                 : 50

Account                                             : 100000 (Share Capital A/C)


Amount                                             : *

Click on More

Business area                                  : TCSH


Go to Menu bar

Document - Simulate

20.1.             Document Display

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Document - FB03 - Display

(Tcode: FB03)

Double click on FB03 - Display

Click on Document list (Shift+F8)

Company Code                                :______

Document type                                :SA

Execute (F8)

Double click on document no.

20.2.             Display ledger balances

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Account - FS10N - Display

Balances (Tcode: FS10N)

Double click on FS10N - Display Balances

G/L Account                                     : 290100

Company Code                                : ______

Fiscal year                                        : 2009

Execute (F8)

21. Hold Documents
If you don't have time to verify document or any hesitations with Document, discuss with
senior and confirm it is called Hold document.

21.1.             Create Hold Document (Tcode:F-02)

Enter header data (Type SA)

PstKy                                                 : 40 (Debit)

Account                                             : 290100 (Bank A/C)


Amount                                             : 25000

Business Area                                  : TCSH

Value date                                        :

PstKy                                                 : 50 (Credit)

Account                                             : 100000 (Share Capital A/C)


Amount                                             :*

Click on More

Business area                                  : TCSH


Go to Menu bar

Document - Hold

Temporary Document number    : Venkat


21.2.             Post held Documents (Tcode:F-02)

Click on Held Document (F5)

Temporary Document number    : Venkat

User                                                   : SAPUSER



22. Parking document

Definition: If you don't have authorization to post the document, just park the document
before your superior.

22.1.             Creation of Park Document (Tcode:F-02)

Enter header data (Type SA)

PstKy                                                 : 40

Account                                             : 290100 (Bank A/C)


Amount                                             : 30000

Value date                                        :

PstKy                                                 : 50

Account                                             : 100000


Amount                                             :*

Go to Menu bar

Document – Park

22.2.             Post/Delete/Change parked documents

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Document - Parked Documents -
FBV0 - Post/Delete (Tcode: FBV0)

Double click on FBV0 - Post/Delete

22.2.1.        Post Parked Documents

Company Code                                :

Doc.Number                                     :

Fiscal year                                        :



22.2.2. Delete parked Documents

Company Code                                :

Doc.Number                                     :

Fiscal year                                        :


Go to Menu bar

Document – Delete

22.2.3. Change parked Documents

Company Code                                :

Doc.Number                                     :

Fiscal year                                        :


Double click on Line item

Amount                                             : 24000

22.2.4. Again park document before his superior

Company Code                                :

Doc.Number                                     :

Fiscal year                                        :


Go to Menu bar

Document - Park Document

23.  Account Assignment Model

Definition: This is a template to post the documents

23.1.             Create Account Assignment Model

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Posting - Reference Documents -

FKMT - Account Assignment Model (Tcode: FKMT)

Double click on FKMT - Account Assignment Model

Acct assignment model                  :

Click on Create (F5)

Currency                                           : INR

Click on Line items (Shift+F8)

PK      CoCd              Account         BusA

40        ______            290100           _______

50        ______            100000           _______

23.2.             Post with Account Assignment Model (Tcode:F-02)

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Posting - F-02 - General Posting
(Tcode: F-02)

Enter Header Data (Type SA)

Click on Acct Model (F7)

Acct assgnmnt model                     : Venkat


Amount                                             : 25000


24.  Fast Data Entry (Tcode:F-02)

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Posting - F-02 - General Posting
(Tcode: F-02)

Double click on F-02 - General Posting (Tcode: F-02)

Enter Header data (Type SA)

Click on Fast Data Entry (Shift+F8)

PK      Account         Amount         BusA

40        290100           25000             TCSH

50        100000           *                      TCSH



25.  Sample documents

25.1.             Maintain number ranges for Sample documents

Path: SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- Financial Accounting Global
Settings (New)- Document- Document Number Ranges- Documents in Entry View- Define
Document Number Ranges for Entry View (Tcode: FBN1)

Company Code                                :

Click on change interval

Click on Insert interval (Shift+F1)

No                                                       : X2

Year                                                   : 2009

From Number                                  : 0002000000

To Number                                       : 0002999999


Save and enter

25.2.             Create Sample documents

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Posting - Reference Documents -

F-01 - Sample Document (Tcode:F-01)

Enter header data (Type AB)

Double click on F-01 - Sample Document

PstKy                                                 : 40

Account                                             : 290100


Amount                                             : 30000

Business area                                  :

PstKy                                                 : 50

Account                                             : 100000


Amount                                             : *

Click on More

Business area                                  : TCSH



25.3.             Post Sample documents (Tcode: F-02)

Enter header data

Click on Post with reference (Shift+F9)

Document number                          : 2000000

Company code                                 :______

Enter and enter

Save and enter

26. Recurring Documents

Definition: Recurring documents means regular transactions.

26.1.             Maintain number ranges for recurring document

(Tcode: FBN1)

Company Code                                :______

Click on change interval

Click on Insert interval (Shift+F1)

No                                                       : X1
Year                                                   : 2009

From Number                                  : 0001000000

To Number                                       : 0001999999


Save and enter

26.2.             Create Recurring documents

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Posting - Reference Documents -

FBD1 - Recurring Document (Tcode: FBD1)

Company Code                                :

First run on                                      :

Last run on                                       :

Interval in months                         :1

Document type                                : SA

PstKy                                                 : 40

Account                                             : 290100


Amount                                             : 25000

PstKy                                                 : 50

Account                                             : 100000


Amount                                             : *


26.3.             Post recurring documents

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Periodic Processing - Recurring
Entries - F.14 - Execute (Tcode: F.14)

Company Code                                :

Document number                          : 1000000

Settlement period                           :

Batch input session name             : Venkat

Execute (F8)

Go to Menu bar

System - services - Batch Input - sessions

Select Venkat

Click on process (F8)

Select display errors

Select Extended log


Click on Exit Batch input

27.  Balance Interest Calculation

27.1.             Define Interest Calculation Types

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting(New)- General Ledger

Accounting(New)- Business Transactions- Bank Account Interest Calculation- Interest
Calculation Global Settings- Define Interest Calculation Types (Tcode:OB46)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Int ID                                                 :

Name                                                 : 10% Interest

Int calc.type                                     : S Balance Interest Calcula

Save and enter

27.2.             Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation

Path:  Same path (Tcode: OBAA)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Int.calc.Indicator                            :

Interest calc.freq.                            : 1

Calendar type                                  : G

Select Balance plus int

Save and enter

27.3.             Define Reference Interest Rates

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting(New)- General Ledger

Accounting(New)- Business Transactions- Bank Account Interest Calculation- Interest
Calculation- Define Reference Interest Rates

  (Tcode: OBAC)


Click on New Entries (F5)                                       :

Long Text                                         : 10% Interest

Description                                       : 10% Interest

Date from                                          :

Currency                                           : INR

Save and enter

27.4.             Define Time-Dependent Terms

Path:  Same path (Tcode: OB81)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Int.calc.indicator                             :

Currency key                                   : INR

Eff.from                                             :

Sequential number                         : 1

Term                                                  : Credit interest: balance interest                                   


Ref.interest rate                              : IM_USD_1

Save and enter

Click on Next Entry (F8)

Int.calc.indicator                             :

Currency key                                   : INR

Eff.from                                             :

Sequential number                         : 2

Term                                                  : Debit interest: balance interest                                    


Ref.interest rate                              : IM_USD_1

Save and enter


27.5.             Enter Interest Values

Path:  same path (Tcode: OB83)


Click on New Entries (F5)

Reference                                          :

Valid from                                         :

Int.rate                                              : 10

Save and enter

27.6.             Creation of G/L Accounts (Tcode:FS00)

27.6.1.Interest Expense A/C

G/L Account                                     : 400080

Company Code                                :

Click on Create

Go to Type/Description Tab

Account Group                                 : EXPN Expense

Select P&L statement acct

Short Text                                        : Interest Paid A/C

G/L Acct Long Text                                    : Interest Paid Account

Go to Control data Tab

Select only balances in local crcy

Select Line item display

Sort Key                                            : 001

Go to Create/Bank/Interest Tab

Field status group                           : G001


27.6.2.Loan Account

G/L Account                                     : 100500

Company Code                                :

Click on Create

Go to Type/Description Tab

Account Group                                 : LIAB Liabilities

Select Balance sheet Account

Short Text                                        : Loan A/C

G/L Acct Long Text                                    : Loan Account

Go to Control data Tab

Select only balances in local crcy

Select Line item display

Sort Key                                            : 001

Go to Create/Bank/Interest Tab

Field status group                           : G001

Interest Indicator                           : SK


27.7.             Assign G/L Accounts

Path:  SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting(New)- General Ledger

Accounting(New)- Business Transactions- Bank Account Interest Calculation- Interest
Posting- Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation (Tcode:OBV4)


Click on Accounts (F7)

Chart of accts                                   :


Acct symbol  Currency       G/L acct

0002               INR                400080

2000               INR                100500

Save and enter

27.8.             Post Loan Taken from bank (Tcode:F-02)

Enter Header data (Type SA)

PstKy                                     : 40

Account                                 : 290100 (Bank A/C)


Amount                                 : 100000

PstKy                                     : 50

Account                                 : 100500 (Loan A/C)


Amount                                 :*

Go to Menu bar

Document - simulate



27.9.             Interest calculation

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Periodic Processing - Interest

Calculation - F.52 - Balance Interest Calculation

  (Tcode: F.52)

Chart of accounts                            :

G/L Account                                     : 100500 (Loan Account)

Company Code                                :

Calculation period                          :_________     __________

Select post interest settlement

Select post also if in past

Select update master record

Session name                                   : Venkat


Go to Menu bar

System - services- batch input - sessions

Select Venkat

Click on process (F8)

Select display errors

Select Extended log


Click on Exit batch input

27.10.          Document display (Tcode: FB03)

27.11.          Display ledger (Tcode: FS10N)

27.12.          Define Reasons for Reversal

Path: SPRO- SAP Reference IMG- Financial Accounting (New)- General Ledger Accounting
(New)- Business Transactions- Adjustment Posting/Reversal- Define Reasons for Reversal


Click on New Entries (F5)

Reason                                               :

Name                                                 : Wrong Entry posted

Select Alt.pos.dt      

Save (Ctrl+S) and enter

28.  Reversal of Documents

Path:  Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger - Document - Reverse - FB08 -

Individual Reversal (Tcode: FB03)

Document number              : 100000000

Company Code                    :

Fiscal year                            : 2009

Reversal reason                   :


28.1.             Document display (Tcode: FB03)

29.  Report Layout and Sort filter Command (Tcode: FS10N)

29.1.             Report Layout

G/L Account                         : 290100

Company code                     :

Fiscal year                            :

Execute (F8)

Double click on Amount

Click on Change Layout (Ctrl+F8)

Select Posting date

Select Posting key

Click on Show Selected fields

29.2.             Sort filter Commands

G/L Account                         : 290100

Company code                     :

Fiscal year                            :

Execute (F8)

Double click on Amount

Click on Doc.Date

Click on Set Filter (Ctrl+Shift+F2)

Document date                    :


System will display only __________ Date transactions

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