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1.a ) Explain Ethernet MAC sub layer protocol with frame formats and also analyze its performance.

Ans- The medium access control mechanisms of these protocols, which are responsible for satisfying
both the time-critical/real-time response requirement over the network and the quality and reliability of
communication between devices on the network. These timing parameters, which will ultimately
influence control applications, are affected by the network data rate, the period of messages, the data or
message size of the information, and the communication protocol. For each protocol, we studied the key
performance parameters of the corresponding network when used in a control situation, including
network utilization, magnitude of the expected time delay, and characteristics of time delays. Simulation
results were presented for several different scenarios. The timing analyses and comparisons of
message time delay given in this article will be useful for anyone designing a networked control system.
The evaluation study described here is based on the characteristics and requirements of control
systems. The characteristics are small data sizes and periodic messages, and the requirements include
guaranteed transmission and bounded time delay. The suitability of network protocols for use in control
systems is greatly influenced by these two criteria. Although Ethernet has seen widespread use in many
data transmission applications and can support high data rates up to 1 Gbps, it may not be suitable as
the communication medium for some control systems when compared with deterministic network
systems. However, 19 because of its high data rate, Ethernet can be used for a periodic /non-time-
critical and large data size communication, such as communication between workstations or machine
cells. For intra-workstation cell communication with controller, sensors, and actuators, deterministic
network systems are generally more suitable for meeting the characteristics and requirements of control
systems. For control systems with short and/or prioritized messages, DeviceNet demonstrates better
performance. The scheduled and unscheduled messaging capabilities in ControlNet make it suitable for
time-critical and non-time-critical messages. ControlNet is also suitable for large data size message
transmission. Our future efforts will focus on controller design for networked control systems, which can
differ significantly from the design of traditional centralized control systems. This work will include
conducting experimental studies of control networks for control applications. We plan to use this
analysis, along with performance evaluation of candidate control networks presented here, as the basis
for future message scheduling and control algorithm designs for networked control systems.

b) Given an IP address

i. What is the binary equivalent of second octet?
ii. What is the class of this address?
iii. What is the network address of the given IP address?

Ans i. 
  The first, and probably most important step, is to put down this row of values:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

In order to remember these values start with the number 1, go from right to left, and double that number
seven times. For example, start with 1 on the right side. For your next number, double the 1 (1 x 2 = 2).
So, 2 is your next number (remembering to go from right to left). For your third number, double the 2 (2
x 2 = 4); to continue the sequence, double the 4 (4 x 2 = 8). Repeat this process until you've doubled
your original number, seven times. The key to this is that every single one of the values we put in that
row are going to have either number 1 or number 0 assigned to it. To convert the IP address we will
take that string of numbers and start from left to right this time. For each value we ask this question:
“Can I subtract this value from the decimal remaining?” If the answer is “NO” then you put a “0” under
the binary value, and if the answer is “YES” then you put “1” there

 We take the IP address: and the binary equivalent of second octet 168 is .
 Question: Can I subtract 128 from 168? Answer: YES. So we assign 1 to 128.

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1


a. Question: Can I subtract 64 from 40? Answer: NO. So we assign 0 to 64.  

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1
1    0

b. Question: Can I subtract 32 from 40? Answer: YES. So we assign 1 to 32.  

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

1         0      1

That will give us a remainder of 8. (40-32=8).

c. Question: Can I subtract 16 from 8? Answer: NO. So we assign 0 to 16.  

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

1         0      1       0

d. Question: Can I subtract 8 from 8? Answer: YES. So we assign 1 to 8.

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

1         0      1       0     1

e. That will give us a remainder of 0. So for the rest of the values in our row, we can assign 0.  

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

1         0      1       0     1    0    0    0

f. So now we know that a decimal number 168 is 10101000 converted to binary form. To double check,
we take the values assigned with 1 and add them together: 

Ans ii. Class- C


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