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Creating a blog for generating income

It is a great form of sharing knowledge, expressing and wining money; and the best part
is that you don’t need to invest money to start, you can do it yourself. To create a blog
you need a theme, one that passionate you, and that are interesting for others. An
example is that you can work as affiliate, selling information about products, offering
advisory, or working with Google Announcements. Any person can start with a blog,
you don’t need to be an expert.


The advantages of this business are that you can be creative, adaptable, and practical,
which helps you gaining more time to work. The best of this is that you don’t need to
send your curriculum vitae, don’t need to make a psychometric test, and best of all
,don’t need to assit to an interview.


One of the disadvantages is that you don’t receive the same salary each time. Also, the
business market is not reliable, and you must be objective with the products you sell.

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