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NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

National Academy of Sciences (US), National Academy of Engineering (US), Institute of Medicine (US),
Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy. Evaluating Federal Research Programs: Research
and the Government Performance and Results Act. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1999.

CHAPTER 3 Measuring and Evaluating Federally Funded


Measuring Research
The unique characteristics of research activities, particularly those whose ultimate practical
outcomes cannot be known, present challenges to research agencies seeking to implement
GPRA, but COSEPUP believes that research programs, no matter what their character and goals,
can be evaluated meaningfully on a regular basis in accordance with the spirit and intent of
GPRA. To accomplish that evaluation, methods must be chosen to match the character of the
research. Results of applied research can often be evaluated in quantitative terms according to
specific timelines; basic research in science and engineering cannot always be evaluated in
quantitative terms but can be assessed against carefully designed measures that serve as guides to
research direction, funding allocations, and policy decisions.

In applied research programs of mission agencies, specific practical outcomes can be

documented and progress evaluated annually. For example, if the Department of Energy (DOE)
adopted the goal of producing cheaper solar energy, it could measure the results of research
designed to decrease the cost of solar cells. In this situation, an applied research program can be
evaluated against specific measurable milestones annually. Other programs that could be
evaluated in similar fashion are efforts to build an optical computer, breed drought-resistant or
saline-tolerant crops, assemble a prototype for a walking robot, devise a prototype DNA-
sequencing machine, use vitrification for storage of nuclear and hazardous waste, and adapt
fiber-optic laser surgery for treatment of prostatic cancer.

Speech Recognition

Many long-term research programs proceed in the anticipation of a known, desired

outcome. In the case of speech recognition, for example, the known, desired outcome is the
development of computers that can “understand” and act on the spoken word with a high
degree of accuracy. It is impossible to predict when the goal will be reached, partly because
of the many technical hurdles that must be overcome: people have different accents, words
can be slurred or mispronounced; languages contain hidden grammatical traps, and the
voices of multiple speakers need to be differentiated.

In measuring the results of speech-recognition research, it is important to understand the

step-by-step process by which hurdles must be overcome. The long-term achievement of
desired outcomes can be divided into separate research efforts, each of which has its own
performance level that can be targeted and measured annually to demonstrate progress. For
example, in regard to speech recognition, all the following can be quantified: the size and
extent of a program’s vocabulary; the rate at which a speaker must talk, the length of pauses
needed between words; accuracy rates for different accents and pronunciations; and the
ability to punctuate, choose between homonyms, and spell unknown words. 1/5
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Basic research programs can be evaluated meaningfully on a regular basis, but as explained in
Chapter 2, ultimate outcomes of research into fundamental processes are seldom predictable or
quantifiable in advance. It is normal and necessary for basic research investigators to modify
their goals, change course, and test competing hypotheses as they move closer to the
fundamental understandings that justify public investment in their work. Therefore, it is
necessary to evaluate the performance of basic-research programs by using measures not of
practical outcomes but of performance, such as the generation of new knowledge, the quality of
research, the attainment of leadership in the field, and the development of human resources.

Historical evidence shows us unmistakably that by any measure, the benefit of leadership in
science and engineering to the United States is extremely high. Many agree on this point.10
History also shows us how often basic research leads to outcomes that were unexpected or whose
emergence took place over many years or even decades after the basic research was performed.
For example, pre-World War II basic studies of research on atomic structure contributed, after
decades of work, to today’s Global Positioning System, an outcome of great practical and
economic value. Attempts to evaluate a year’s worth of that early research would have contained
no hint of this particular outcome, but annual evaluations would have demonstrated the
continuing high quality of the research being performed and continuing U.S. leadership in the
field—a result that is traditionally followed by great practical, intellectual, and economic

Investing in Basic Research: Atomic Physics

Federal investments in basic research can sustain long-term work that can lead to
technologies unimagined when the research was initiated. It was impossible to guess the far-
reaching ramifications of I.I. Rabi’s research on molecular-beam magnetic resonance in the
late 1930s or Norman Ramsey’s invention of a separated oscillatory-field resonance method
in 1949. Yet the research of Rabi and Ramsey constitute the scientific basis for modern-day
atomic clocks (accurate to within 1 second in 100,000 years) and global positioning systems

With the declassification of the GPS in 1993, this grandchild of atomic physics has become
an innovation of great economic and practical importance. Installed in automobiles, GPS
can tell drivers not only where they are, but how to get to their destination. Thanks to the
GPS, soldiers stranded behind enemy lines can be rescued with surgical precision;
backpackers, firefighters, and people in sailboats, crop-dusters, and automobiles can all be
confident of their exact location. The worldwide market for positioning systems is expected
to surpass $30 billion in the next decade.

Annual evaluations of quality and leadership give a strong indication of the likelihood of
important long-term practical outcomes of basic research, but a historical review can provide
reality. Not every specific basic research program can be expected to have a practical outcome,
so the backward look must extend over a diverse array of programs. Also, because the interval
between basic research progress and practical outcomes can be decades, the view back must also
be long. It should not consist of asking for the practical outcomes of research conducted in the
previous year.

Federal agencies support a great number of long-term investigations that have extremely valuable
outcomes that are unknown at the start of the investigations. These projects include explorations
of the evolution of the universe, of the chemistry of photosynthesis, of the dynamics of plate 2/5
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tectonics, of the composition of Earth’s core, and of how language is acquired. The appropriate
measure of each such programs is the quality, relevance, and leadership of the research.

Using Expert Review to Evaluate Research Programs

Because of the nature of the research process, assessing its results requires an evaluation
technique of breadth and flexibility. During the course of this study, COSEPUP assessed a
number of methods used to evaluate research, including economic-impact studies, citation
analyses, and patent analyses. Each of those methodologies might have merit, but COSEPUP
concluded that they do not provide the rigor of expert review (although when appropriate they
should be used by experts to complement their review). For example, economic-impact studies
conducted annually are useful for applied research but inappropriate for basic research, although
they can be useful in the retrospective review of the practical outcomes of basic research; citation
analyses require expert evaluation of the content, quality, and relevance of citations; patent
analyses also can provide useful information, especially in applied research programs, but require
expert evaluation of patent quality and relevance. COSEPUP recognizes the legitimate concerns
that have been raised about expert review (such as conflict of interest, independence, and elitism)
but believes that, when implemented with careful planning and design, various kinds of expert
review are the most rigorous and effective tools for evaluating basic and applied research.

The best-known form of expert review is peer review, developed from the premise that a
scientist’s or engineer’s peers have the essential knowledge and perspective to judge the quality
of research and are the best qualified people to do so. Peer review is commonly used to make
many kinds of judgments: about the careers of individual researchers, about the value of their
publications, about the standing of research institutions, and about the allocation of funds to
individuals and to fields of research (COSEPUP, 1982).

A second form of expert review is relevance review, in which a panel is composed of potential
users of the results of research, experts in fields related to the field of research, and scientists or
engineers from the field itself. The goal of relevance review is to judge whether an agency’s
research programs are relevant to its mission. Expert researchers are essential to this process
because of their perspective on the field and their knowledge of other research projects in the
field or in similar fields. Relevance review should not be confined to applied research, in which
desired outcomes are defined. Relevance review should also consider basic research projects
funded by federal agencies. Although the ultimate practical outcomes of basic research cannot be
predicted, it is important to ascertain whether a given line of research is likely to contribute to an
agency’s mission. For example, if a goal of DOE is to produce cheaper solar energy, it is
consistent with the agency’s mission to understand the physical properties that determine the
ability of materials to convert solar radiation into electrical energy. A careful relevance review
could indicate the most promising directions for future research, both basic and applied.

A third form of expert review is benchmarking, which evaluates the relative international
standing of U.S. research efforts. International benchmarking by panels of international experts
evaluates the relative leadership among nations in fields of science and engineering.
Benchmarking exercises have already been conducted by COSEPUP (in mathematics, material
science and engineering, and immunology) and by the National Science Foundation (in
mathematics). Those exercises have demonstrated that benchmarking can be an effective means
of determining leadership in a field. Although the principal reliance is on the judgment of
experts, quantitative measures can also be used for confirmation.

Leadership positions in fields of science and engineering are a result of substantial infrastructures
of people and facilities built over several years; they generally do not shift annually. Thus, 3/5
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international benchmarking reviews, every few years, can provide adequate information.
Agencies can still report annually on the U.S. leadership position by observing major discoveries
or other changes that have occurred in the preceding year. Important changes can occur whenever
programs are being dismantled or reduced. The impact of these reductions on U.S. leadership
positions should be noted in annual reports.

Assembling a panel of people who have sufficient breadth and depth to make sound assessments
is the responsibility of agency management. The competence and dedication of review managers
can substantially enhance the value of reviews. Expert review is not effective without proper
planning and guidance, and it should always be viewed as a management tool rather than as a
substitute for vision, planning, and decision-making.

Enhancing the Expert Review Process

Because of the great variation in structure and mission of federal agencies that support research,
the ways in which various agencies review their research will inevitably differ. Each agency must
develop the approach that serves best as a management and reporting vehicle. However,
additional actions can enhance the implementation of GPRA to the mutual benefit of agencies
and communities that provide or depend on agency funding.

It is common and useful for multiple agencies to approach similar fields of research from
different perspectives. Indeed, such pluralism is a major strength of the U.S. research enterprise.
However, better communication among agencies would enhance opportunities for collaboration,
help prevent important questions from being overlooked, and reduce instances of inefficient
duplication of effort. According to the comments in our workshops, present coordination
mechanisms need strengthening.

The review process could be made more effective through the greater involvement of the
research community at large. COSEPUP members, on the basis of their own experience and of
the workshops and research conducted for this report, have been struck by the small number of
researchers who are aware of the intent of GPRA and its relevance and importance both to their
work and to the procedures of federal agencies that support research. The researchers who work
in agency, university, and industrial laboratories are the people who perform and best understand
the research funded by the federal government. The research community should be involved in
developing the processes that agencies will use to measure and evaluate the results of research.
The agencies should encourage comment from the research community. Members of the research
community also must be part of the expert-review process of measuring and evaluating results of
research programs. The research community is essential to measuring and evaluating quality,
leadership, and, in some cases, relevance of research programs.

COSEPUP believes that results of federal research programs can be evaluated meaningfully on a
regular basis in accordance with the spirit and intent of GPRA. However, the methods of
evaluation must be chosen to match the character of research and its objectives. Furthermore, the
committee believes that expert review is the most effective mechanism for evaluating the quality,
leadership, and relevance of research (especially basic research) performed and funded by federal
agencies. Ultimately, decisions regarding the selection and funding of research programs must be
made by agency managers informed by expert review.

10 See Landau, Ralph, Technology, Economics, and Public Policy. In Landau, Ralph and Dale W. Jorgensen, eds. 4/5
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Technology and Economic Policy. Cambridge, Ballinger Publ. Co., 1986; Carnegie Commission on Science,
Technology, and Government. Enabling the Future: Linking Science and Technology to Societal Goals
(Carnegie Commission: New York, NY 1992); Nadiri, M. Ishaq. “Innovations and Technological Spillovers,”
Working Paper No. 4423 (National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA, August 1993).

Copyright 1999 by the National Academy of Sciences.

Bookshelf ID: NBK547316 5/5

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