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1.Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants.

2.Discuss how well you know the applicant.

3.Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
4.In discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she
demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible
5.Try to quantify the student's strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have
6.Avoid generalities and platitudes.
7.Include some mild criticism, typically the flip-side of a strength.
8.Discuss the applicant's potential in his or her chosen field.

Dear the University of….

To Whom It May Concern,

I’m Herbert Yonathan, a concert pianist, a choral conductor and adjudicator, vocal clinician, music
composer and arranger. This email is a recommendation letter of Daniel Chen, my former music student
at Suzhou North America High School. I would describe him as thus below.

I have known Mr.Daniel Chen for more or less 2 years since the time I met him. He is one of the most
talented students of mine in the music sphere both in the class learning, in practice and in behavior.
could recall the first time I meet him in the class. I well aware that he is such an expressive student, one
if not the most responsive student during the first meeting. He is so sharply focus at my teaching
throughout the lesson. I then never forget too, that every after that first meeting, he is, always, be the
first to arrive at the class if necessary by his speedy running. After his always fast arrival, he too, is
always ask my permission to use the piano while waiting for his friends to arrive. Since it’s so interesting
trait on how he came often by his speedy running to get the piano before the class time, I once asked
him on what makes him always comes first to the class, even by running. He answered that he likes
music the most in his life. Music is something he will never be tired of.
Daniel Chen is also a very distinct student in his music class subject. His understanding toward music is
remarkable. He understand the class subject so fast, and more than that, he seems to have the gift to
relate all the theories into a practical application, performing the music itself. He is adaptable to the
learning instruction. He is a very creative person especially on things pertaining to music. I could
remember on how creative he was in making an improvisational music, deriving one music subject and
creating his own variations versions. One of the most remarkable ability of him for me, is when he
performs music. He has such an ability and musical drive to connect to his audience. I could recall the
time when he performs in the School’s Music Competition. Despite of his not yet trained vocal singing,
he could memorize a difficult music and performs it so musically, passionately and well connected to the
heart of the evaluator, including me as the adjudicator. He is a very well self-trained person. From that
moment of performance, I always encourage him to learn music much seriously, to have his careers on
music as well as majoring in it at the university due to his distinctive musicality.
Aside of music, I’m so aware to note that Daniel is an active person. He has a natural dexterity in almost
any physical doing. He is actively involved in any school’s social activities, often be the leaders and
coordinators of those programs he involved in. He has a very sociable skills too.. What I admired best
from him, is that, he is a teachable person. He loves to learn even from his own mistake. He doesn’t
cover up his deficiencies, insufficiency, and sometimes his misbehave conduct, but he truly regrets,
always learn from his past mistake and then take a fast decisive action to change, all without any
repulsive feeling, a trait that’s seldom to be seen among many youth in his age even among adult.
Despite of his positive abilities and traits, I’m well ware that Daniel is also need to develop a more solid
musical foundation. He may need a proper mentor that could guide and help him to rise up more
despite of his innate musical gift. In the beginning of knowing him, I aware that he needs more
determination to focus in one instead of doing it all, but yet he now already proves that he is an entirely
new different far much positive student than the first time I met. He is a very focus student in every duty
he may be required both in the class or outside.

From the above information I have noted, I believe fully believe the bright future of Daniel Chen
especially in taking music as his major at….. With such positive innate abilities and characters, Daniel
Chen would be a very useful person in society and anywhere he may be at especially in the field of
music. Hereby, I sincerely recommend Daniel Chen to be accepted in your university music program.
Thank you for taking a necessary consideration of Daniel Chen as the prospective student at your

I aware the truthfulness of this recommendation letter as my personal observation on Daniel Chen.

Sincerely Yours,

Herbert Yonathan
Pianist, Choral Conductor, Vocal Clinician, Composer

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