6a Coach Observation - Gould - 2019-12

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Educator Robert Rigo

Observer Robert Gould
Observation Type LEAP Formal Full
Framework LEAP Framework for Effective Teaching
Observation Date Monday, December 9, 2019
Location PREP Academy HS
Grade 12
Course Career and Technology

LE.1: Demonstrates knowledge of, interest in, and respect for diverse students’ communities and
cultures* in a manner that increases equity
5 - Effective

Summary of Feedback Conversation
AREA OF STRENGTH: LE4 Classroom materials and I3 Instructional Methods: Ss were provided with a self
paced inventory regarding their vocational interests. Students were then asked to read and analyze the results
from their survey to determine which career possibilities they would want to further research. Utilizing google
slides to respond to questions and prompts supported students if they were absent from the day(s) instruction
to access the content at their pace.

AREA OF GROWTH/NEXT STEPS:    Thinking about planning.... adding  values needs and wants between my
interest and Jobs/Careers. Research on O*Net and My next move... databases that tell about the viability of
the job. Present to the teachers who they are...

During the feedback conference we discussed some of the dif culty that you have with student absences. We
brainstormed looking into screencasting with the schoology or google classroom platforms in order to create
virtual directions for students when they are absent so that they might access the content upon their return.


T- presents work place scenario  for student to respond to as a warm up task; t- adapts scenario to be similar to
student’s report during greeting from staying up on the phone with friend…

 S- this chick gave me some lotion… I remember that she was turning red (allergic to the lotion) … t- what
would you say to her about the work scenario? S- I would tell her that she needs to get some gloves. S- I would
tell her to get some gloves and then to take it up with management or corporate. T- so then would you do it

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now? S- no, because I think that if you did it this time then they would likely have you do it again the next.

T- provides Ss with results from an interest inventory around vocational interests. Ss review the scoring and
suggestions of the survey.

T- by the way, I didn’t ask this yet… do you agree with the results? Ss- yes. T- do you want me to send the
electronic version? T- if I were you, I would keep it so that you can go back to it.


• Basedonindividualstudentpro les,bodylanguageand/orderogatoryspeechmaynotbeindicativeof

safety or engagement in class. Teacher responds to and engages individual students accordingly.


Consistently facilitates students’ equitable access to rigorous content, participation, peer interaction and
teacher attention and language of instruction.(E)
High level of student participation and engagement (body language, attention, interest) indicates that
students feel comfortable and safe in this classroom.(E)
Interacts with students in ways that validate, respect and encourage their cultural preferences and native
languages that may be different from teacher’s own.(E)

LE.2: Fosters a motivational and respectful classroom environment

5 - Effective


9:10- S- get nervous for losing headphones on bus. S- those were $100. T- do you want to check your bag, I
know those are important to you. S- requests to go to last class to check. S- comes back 2 mins later. T- do you
think you can work with me?

t- see I1: adapts scenario to be similar to student’s report from staying up on the phone with friend…

9:38- s3- enters class. T- sets S up with signing in and getting started on page.


Regularly solicits, values and acknowledges input from students (including students of color, linguistically
diverse students, those with disabilities and those identi ed as gifted and talented).(E)
Models encouragement and enthusiasm (e.g., verbal support, gestures, smiles) so students feel supported.
Most students engage in lesson or become engaged when prompted by teacher.(E)

LE.3: Implements high, clear expectations for students' behavior and routines
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6 - Effective


SS- have access to google les, email and other classroom tools through class chromebooks.

9:27- s2 female enters the room.

T- assigns s1 to sig into google… t- then I  am going to have s1 sign in… there were some parts that you didn’t

T- supports S to nd current materials for class. S3- we don’t have that part (on the PPP) s1- no you do have it,
it is at the bottom.


Focuses on the positive behavior of students and intentionally recognizes positive behavior to reinforce
Clear rituals and routines make transitions and handling of resources ef cient, maximizing instructional
Students’ misbehavior rarely detracts from others’ learning.(E)

LE.4: Classroom resources* and physical environment** support students and their learning
5 - Effective

SS- have access to google les, email and other classroom tools through class chromebooks. SS- can access the
agenda, lesson and progress given their attendance within the classroom.

S3- we don’t have that part (on the PPP) s1- no you do have it, it is at the bottom.

T- helps S3 to nd the correct page. S- nds.. s- OK I am ready now.. T- has created folders for all Ss in class.

t- I want you to see this in color so that you can tell…

T- hands out binders for Ss to save their inventories.

See additional notes in I2 and I6


Classroom arrangement promotes learning and student interaction for all (including students with

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Resources (including clear academic language supports***) are readily accessible to students and are
utilized as needed throughout the class in support of objective(s).(E)
Most students use resources for intended purposes.(E)

I.1: Clearly communicates the standards-based* content-language objective(s)** for the lesson,
connecting to larger rationale(s)
5 - Effective

T- why are we doing this…? (referring to question task and class objective)  s1- to sell ourselves, to tell our

T- gives s- choice of color for question; Questions  are differentiated by job skill: S1- I want to practice this

T- which color? S- dark blue… t- this is management skills. S- chooses a question to answer. S1- so like today I
was running late today…
Tws1- what about the work place? S- I am mostly on time there.

9:26- t- If I were doing this chart… then how is this coming together? S- the interest inventory is helping us

9:29- Computer task… looking at interest inventory.

t- thinking about your top interest survey result.. what are the top 5 careers that you think you would want to
do? [before you got to your results]
T- I am going to give you the results then work with Carmen… T- models recording on board. S- a carpenter…
T- OK plug that in… s- records…  welder, construction, carpenter.

S- on shared google drive example… T- those are examples, they can delete or play with… t- do you like lecture
or do you like examples. T- does this make sense what we are doing? S- yes.

t- while you are doing this, I am going to show Carmen… T- supports S that entered class late; S has been
absent for 2 weeks prior.

9:43- s3 reads clo… t- do you think there is an interest in your occupation. T- that would be the ideal…s3- it
may be the ideal, but it may not be the one that you end up with.


Clearly communicates the CLO(s), the content the students will learn and how they will demonstrate
content using language, throughout the lesson (using Spanish when applicable and appropriate).(E)
CLO(s) are standards-based** and appropriately rigorous for grade-level content and student needs.(E)
Most students demonstrate progress toward mastering the objective(s).(E)

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I.2: Provides rigorous tasks* that require critical thinking with appropriate digital and other supports
to ensure students' success
5 - Effective

Yellow question: T- communication skills: Do you take part in group discussions… S1- yes, I do, I am not always
the one that starts them off but I will often contribute. T- are you a follower? S1- it depends… when we were
doing debates, I would wait until someone tell something… then jump. In.

T- extension question: t- what are your communication skills from 1-10… T- do you think that body language is
more important or verbal? S-I think verbal… T- I think I will teach you more... t- give example… s0 o…

T- presents work-place scenario for student to respond to as a warm up task; t- adapts scenario to be similar to
student’s report during greeting from staying up on the phone with friend…

S- this chick gave me some lotion… I remember that she was turning red… t- what would you say to her? S- I
would tell her that she needs to get some gloves. S- I would tell her to get some gloves and then to take it up
with management or corporate. T- so then would you do it now? S- no, because I think that if you did it this time
then they would likely have you do it again the next.

9:48- T- hands out results. T- did your results meet your prediction of yourself? S3 mostly 2/3. S1- yes, that is
similar… 2/3.

t- you are going to analyze this… and I will help you to analyze, you will have the same thing… you are going to
put the 3 things. T- if you put AIS… t- then you will analyze the 3 themes… who you are.. t- points to the
different codes..

t- I need 2-3 examples for each of that… t- you can copy the title and then add…
T- you can delete or add to all of these on your PPP depending upon what you nd or want to add.

Ss- are ‘analyzing” their result codes. Ss- record their highest themes on their PPP. SS- Record information
from results.

10:07- S- reads the 10 suggestions for each… Ss- edit the list… crossing out any that are not interesting.

Twss- do you believe that there is a connection between your interest and your occupation? Ss- yes. t- so then
it has meaning?

t- I want you to see this in color so that you can tell… (referring to the interest inventory categories)


Tasks require students to extend their learning by analyzing increasingly complex texts/data, orally and
writing in response to increasingly complex texts and/or solving problems for real-world situations or multiple

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Tasks require students to justify their own reasoning, but do not require them to critique that of others.(A)
Students use relevant evidence to construct written and verbal positions that justify their conclusions.(E)

I.3: Intentionally uses instructional methods* and pacing to teach the content-language
6 - Effective

T- gives s- choice of color: Color coded strips of paper with questions on the papers questions geared towards
work skills.
T- has Warm-up questions: S- reads questions

9:22- t- we are always doing a scenario… T- I want you to come up with a solution. T- we are going to come up a
solution and then write it down. S- reads scenario…

t- adapts scenario to be similar to student’s report from staying up on the phone with friend…

T- points Ss to google for the next section of class.

9:29- Computer task… looking at interest inventory.

All 3 students are in different sections of the lesson due to absences on different days.
T- checks in with s2 with nding email. T- prompts to nd email from previous link, then gets s2 set to continue
with work.

9:48- T- hands out results.

T- explains… that means that you will be presenting this as part of their nal presentation at the end of the
semester… T- if you want to…


• Sequencing and/or instructional methodology will be dictated by the curriculum and/or the teacher’s focus
on speci c

students’ needs.
• Pacing ensures that multiple objectives can be addressed in short periods of time in order to nish the
course within
the accelerated time frame.


 Instructional method(s), activities and materials effectively build on students’ prior knowledge and support
students’ mastery of objective(s) and the use of language.(E)

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Demonstrates accurate knowledge of content areas, key concepts, structures, standards and content-
speci c terminology.(E)
Balance of teacher/student talk consistently contributes to students’ learning and is appropriate for chosen
teaching methodology.(E)
Use of media, technology and/or tools enhances the lesson.(E)

I.4: Ensures all students' active and appropriate use of academic language*
5 - Effective

T- blue question: t- interpersonal skills, can you answer a couple of questions… S1- tak about something else…
t- are you cautious about how you talk to people? S- yes, I think.

t- the next one is exible and adaptable… t- what do you think about being exible or adaptable? S- I think that
means like being able to do something… t- remember what we talked about changing jobs?

T- extension question: t- what are your communication skills from 1-10… T- do you think that body language is
more important or verbal? S-I think verbal… T- I think I will teach you more... t- give example…

S- reads question: then responds to question using academic language.

Yellow question: T- communication skills: Do you take part in group discussions… S1- yes, I do, I am not always
the one that starts them off but I will often contribute. T- are you a follower? S1- it depends… when we were
doing debates, I would wait until someone tell something… then jump In.

9:29- Computer task… looking at interest inventory.

t- thinking about your top interest survey result.. what are the top 5 careers that you think you would want to
do? [before you got to your results]
T- I am going to give you the results then work with Carmen… T- models recording on board. S- a carpenter…
T- OK plug that in… s- records…  welder, construction, carpenter.


Consistently and explicitly teaches and models precise academic language connected to the content-
language objective(s) using the target language** (students’ Language 1 or 2, as appropriate).(E)
Provides frequent opportunities within the content for students to use academic language in rigorous,
authentic ways through listening, speaking, reading and writing.(E)
Students are observed using target language, though use may not be context-embedded and/or cognitively
Students use academic language (in their native language or English) with the teacher, peers and in their

I.5: Checks for understanding of content-language objective(s)*

5 - Effective


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T- pulls up page… what do you think about the 3 theme codes… Artistic, realistic, investigative. T- what do you
think job wise. \
T- has s3- read portions of Power Point with reference… T- asks questions regarding vocabulary terms. S-
reads de nitions of terms.
T- I am going to have you read your results from the test and I will help you…
S- what does 50 and above mean?... s- na T- that means that the (teacher provides answer/context)
Tws3- you scored high on this one… did you ever play an instrument? S3- Ooh, yeah, I love that…

9:29- Computer task… looking at interest inventory.

t- thinking about your top interest survey result.. what are the top 5 careers that you think you would want to
do? [before you got to your results]
T- I am going to give you the results then work with Carmen… T- models recording on board. S- a carpenter…
T- OK plug that in… s- records…  welder, construction, carpenter.

S- on shared google drive example… T- those are examples, they can delete or play with… t- do you like lecture
or do you like examples. T- does this make sense what we are doing? S- yes.
t- while you are doing this, I am going to show Carmen…


Monitors all students’ progress toward the objective(s) throughout the lesson using varied, frequent
checks for understanding in content and language.(E)
Frequently adjusts instruction or supports in real time based on results of checks for understanding.(E)
Questions require most students to formulate responses and be accountable for their learning in both
verbal and written responses.(E) 
Most students respond to questions (with the use of communication devices, as needed).(E)

I.6: Provides differentiation* that addresses students' instructional needs and supports mastery of
content-language objective(s)**
6 - Effective

T- prompts s1- to continue working on section of the lesson while supporting s2 to nd her place within the
lesson format.
T- supports S to nd and access after being absent for 8 days: T- I would like you to punch in… strong interest
inventory… S- what? T- this by the way was the name of the person that came up with this…T- writes words
onto board… s- already done. 

T- helps S3 to nd the correct page. S- nds.. s- OK I am ready now.. T- has created folders for all Ss in class.

Tws- it is going to be a long one… it is about 15-20 question… t- when you are done, you will have this… t- it is
a print out… with job that you re looking for. S- requests support with getting started.

S1- continuing with notes from google.. tws- how are you doing? T- got the second page… it has the CLO. S3-
comes into class late and then access the task and the content at his own pace.

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• Additional scaffolds, expectations and opportunities may be needed to promote student questioning,
comments and


Supports access to and/or extension of grade-level content by adjusting content, lesson processes and/or
products to meet the diverse academic and linguistic needs of individual students (including students with
interrupted formal education).(E)
Questioning is consistently differentiated (including clear enunciation, language choice, additional wait
time, simpli ed sentence structures, slower pacing/ speech patterns, level) to meet the academic and linguistic
needs of individual students.(E)
>>>> Including Digital questions.
Students are able to make progress toward mastery of the objective(s) as evidenced by their questions,
comments, work products,verbal interactions, academic discussions and class participation.(E) 

I.7: Provides students with academically-focused descriptive feedback* aligned to content-language

5 - Effective


T- extension question: t- what are your communication skills from 1-10… T- do you think that body language is
more important or verbal? S-I think verbal… T- I think I will teach you more... t- give example… s0 o…

Tws1- you are writing the same one down 2x… it should be one realistic… Then the next. S- corrects based off
of feedback.

t- I need 2-3 examples for each of that… t- you can copy the title and then add…
T- you can delete or add to all of these on your PPP depending upon what you nd or want to add.

t- the next one is exible and adaptable… t- what do you think about being exible or adaptable? S- I think that
means like being able to do something… t- remember what we talked about changing jobs?


Provides academically-focused descriptive feedback to some students and/or during some parts of the
Provides academically-focused descriptive feedback to most students throughout the lesson.(E)
Clearly identi es students’ next steps, focusing on students’ strengths and areas for growth.(E)
Most students apply academically-focused descriptive feedback to their work in order to take next steps
and make corrections and/or revisions that support them in mastering content and language objective(s).(E) 
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I.8: Promotes students' communication* and collaboration** utilizing appropriate digital and other
No score

NA- For the majority of the class period only one student was in attendance. S2 entered the room midway
through the period after being absent for 8 days. The teacher supported the student to access the previously
taught content within the google le and google PPP. S3 entered the classroom during the independent work
period toward the end of the class.

While the teacher had ample opportunities for communication for students opportunity for collaboration was
limited due to student absence and late arrival on this day.

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