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Review Article

Intramedullary Nailing of
Periarticular Fractures

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Walter W. Virkus, MD Plate fixation has historically been the preferred surgical treatment
Laurence B. Kempton, MD method for periarticular fractures of the lower extremity. This trend has
stemmed from difficulties with fracture reduction and concerns of
Anthony T. Sorkin, MD
inadequate fixation with intramedullary implants. However, the body of
Greg E. Gaski, MD literature on management of periarticular fractures of the lower
extremities has expanded in recent years, indicating that
intramedullary nailing of distal femur, proximal tibia, and distal tibia
fractures may be the preferred method of treatment in some cases.
Intramedullary nailing reliably leads to excellent outcomes when
performed for appropriate indications and when potential difficulties
are recognized and addressed.

From the Department of Orthopaedic

Surgery, Indiana University School of
Medicine, Indiana University Health
I ntramedullary nailing (IMN) has
numerous advantages for fracture
fixation, including its potential for
clustered near the ends of nails,
facilitating improved purchase in
epiphyseal segments. Many modern
Methodist Hospital (Dr. Virkus,
Dr. Sorkin, and Dr. Gaski), and the minimally invasive exposure, bio- implants have the ability to lock the
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, logically friendly implant insertion, interlocks to the nail, creating a fixed-
Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, longer implants to span more com- angle construct and theoretically
NC (Dr. Kempton).
plex fractures, and load-sharing fix- improving stability. In many cases,
Dr. Virkus or an immediate family ation to allow earlier weight bearing. these implants provide stability simi-
member is a member of a speakers’
bureau or has made paid
These clinical advantages and recent lar to that of plate fixation.1 PIMN is
presentations on behalf of Stryker; is improvements in implant design particularly advantageous for patients
an employee of Novartis; and serves have generated interest in expanding at increased risk for wound compli-
as a paid consultant to Stryker. the indications for IMN. As IMN cations, such as those with diabetes,
Dr. Sorkin or an immediate family
member is a member of a speakers’
is used for more metaphyseal and morbid obesity, peripheral vascular
bureau or has made paid periarticular fractures, technique- disease, thin skin, and compromised
presentations on behalf of and serves related complications have been soft tissue (eg, open fractures).2 Nails
as an unpaid consultant to Stryker, identified. Malreduction often occurs offer certain mechanical advantages
and has stock or stock options held in
Johnson & Johnson and Stryker.
because nails do not inherently align over plates in spanning long segments
Neither of the following authors nor metaphyseal segments as they do of comminution and are thus an
any immediate family member has with simple diaphyseal fractures. In attractive option for periarticular
received anything of value from or has this article, we discuss indications for fractures with diaphyseal extension
stock or stock options held in a
commercial company or institution
periarticular IMN (PIMN), tech- and segmental injuries.3,4 Fractures
related directly or indirectly to the niques to achieve optimal results, and with intra-articular extension can be
subject of this article: Dr. Kempton the supporting literature. managed with PIMN after anatomic
and Dr. Gaski. articular reduction has been obtained,
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26: provided all supplemental plates and
629-639 Indications and screws are kept outside the planned
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00849 Contraindications nail trajectory. Patients with proximal
tibia fractures with separate tibial
Copyright 2018 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Recent advances in the implant tuberosity fragments are poor candi-
design include multiplanar interlocks dates for PIMN because the nail

September 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 18 629

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Intramedullary Nailing of Periarticular Fractures

causes a substantial anteriorly di- placement.6 Bone hooks, Cobb ele- path. Minifragment plates with uni-
rected deforming force. Periprosthetic vators, and colinear reduction for- cortical screws can help appose cortical
distal femoral fractures are usually ceps can also be applied through surfaces to maintain reduction without
amenable to retrograde nailing because limited incisions to effect reduction. interfering with nail placement.
most modern total knee arthroplasty Another commonly applied tech-
(TKA) implants have an open box in nique is the placement of blocking
the femoral implant. drill bits or screws.7 This requires a Distal Femoral Fractures
The amount of fixation required segment without comminution for
through the nail in the epiphyseal bicortical stabilization. In general, Positional Reduction
segment is a critical question without a the blocking bits or screws are placed Retrograde nailing of distal femur
data-driven answer. We have gener- in the concavity of an angular fractures is performed with the patient
ally observed successful outcomes if a deformity. They are always placed supine on a radiolucent table. This
minimum of two bicortical interlocks in a location where the nail must be position facilitates the use of strategi-
can be inserted into the epiphyseal redirected. For example, a blocking cally placed bumps or triangles in
segment. Results of early weight screw placed posterior to the guide- varying positions for creating flexion
bearing after nailing of periarticular wire will direct the nail anteriorly or extension of the fracture to obtain
fractures are unknown. We are aware and avoid an apex-anterior defor- reduction.6 A large periarticular clamp
of only one study that commented mity. Using drill bits (.4 mm) rather placed across the femoral condyles
on weight bearing after periarticular than screws allows for quick posi- can provide a direct “handle” on the
nailing, and those authors did not tional adjustments without commit- distal fragment, and manual trac-
allow weight bearing until radio- ting to a particular location. Care tion through this clamp can provide
graphic evidence of complete union should be taken when reaming additional assistance with reduction.
was seen.5 Our typical practice is to around drills bits because the spin- Applying the clamp more anteriorly
allow weight-bearing as tolerated for ning of the reamer can advance the or posteriorly provides a flexion
nonarticular fractures and protected drill bit through the bone into the or extension moment to the distal
weight bearing for articular fractures. soft tissue. When using drill bits as femur to counteract sagittal plane
Patient and injury factors, such as blocking devices, the surgeon must deformity. Restoration of the length
obesity, comminution, and bone ensure that the nail is locked both and coronal plane alignment can be
quality, can influence this decision proximally and distally before easily achieved with one hand on the
on a case-by-case basis. removal. If the intention is to defin- clamp while reaming with the other
itively leave a blocking device in hand. This traction clamp is partic-
place after nail insertion, separate ularly helpful in comminuted frac-
General Periarticular blocking screws should be placed tures for which direct clamping and
Nailing Techniques before removal of blocking drill bits; blocking screws can be impossible.
the potential deforming forces seen Judging proper rotation is facili-
PIMN relies heavily on a variety of by the drill bit may not allow re- tated by assessing the rotational
techniques intended to influence the insertion of the screw in the same profile of the contralateral extremity
reduction of the short segment during bicortical path. The farther a before draping and then matching
reaming and nail insertion. The first blocking drill bit is positioned from this during reaming and nail inser-
and most important technique is ob- the interlocks, the greater the likeli- tion. Alignment should be checked
taining the appropriate starting hood that the drill bit will need to be repeatedly on AP and lateral fluo-
point. Malreduction secondary to a replaced by a blocking screw to roscopic views during reaming and
poor starting point can often be cor- maintain reduction. nail placement. Rotation and length
rected with one or more of the other A fourth technique used in extreme should be rechecked both radiograph-
techniques described in this section. nailing is the application of adjunctive ically and clinically after one proximal
Obtaining and maintaining reduc- plates through a small incision at locking drill bit is placed.
tion throughout reaming, nail inser- the fracture site.8,9 The plates vary in
tion, and interlocking are critical size depending on the location and
for successful PIMN. Reduction intended mode for use. Buttress fixa- Percutaneous Manipulation
and maintenance of reduction can tion of metaphyseal shear fractures is of the Fracture
be achieved with reduction clamps best achieved with 3.5-mm recon- Spiral or long oblique fracture reduc-
placed percutaneously through stab struction or one-third tubular plates tions are amenable to percutaneous
incisions before reaming and nail with bicortical screws out of the nail clamp placement. The medial tine of

630 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Walter W. Virkus, MD, et al

Figure 1

AP (A) and lateral (B through D) fluoroscopic images demonstrating reduction and fixation of distal femur fractures. A
percutaneously placed clamp (A), ball spike (B), or bone hook on the anterior flange of a total knee arthroplasty (TKA)
implant (C) is useful for maintaining reduction during intramedullary nailing of distal femur fractures. D, Seating the nail so
that the distal-most interlock is in contact with the TKA pegs or cement mantle increases fixation stability.

the clamp should be kept on the Distal femoral fractures typically removed to ensure that the nail is not
anterior half of the distal femur to result in extension and valgus de- prominent.
avoid injury to the femoral artery in formities. Therefore, blocking screws
the adductor hiatus. Most distal femur placed lateral to medial in the ante- Distal Locking, Nail
fractures occur distal to this location, rior half and anterior to posterior in Impaction, and Backslapping
making clamp placement relatively the lateral half of the distal segment
Distal femoral fractures often shorten
safe. If there is concern about clamp can improve alignment. Occasion-
as the retrograde nail is impacted.
proximity to the artery, a 3-cm split in ally, varus fractures require place-
Comminuted fractures are particularly
the quadriceps muscle enables safe ment of blocking screws on the
prone to shortening, and they lack
clamp placement (eg, lobster claw or medial side of the nail path. Multiple
radiographic landmarks for determin-
collinear clamp depending on the AP screws placed on the medial and
ing the length. This pitfall is best han-
fracture orientation). Joystick manip- lateral sides of the nail can add
dled by placing the distal locks in
ulation of an anterior-to-posterior stability to constructs with minimal
the nail followed by gentle back-
Steinmann pin placed out of the contact between the nail and distal
slapping to restore proper femoral
planned path of the nail can reduce metaphysis by preventing excessive
length. If cortical landmarks are
sagittal plane deformities. Placing the varus/valgus motion (Figure 2).
lacking, a contralateral fluoroscopic
pin on the concave side of coronal
ruler measurement from the greater
plane angulation (ie, lateral for valgus
Maximal Distal Locking trochanter to the notch can be used
and medial for varus) can correct this
Purchase as a reference for establishing the
deformity concomitantly when flex-
length on the injured side. Fluoroscopy
ion and extension are corrected. A Final nail seating should be assessed
with a Bovie cord with clamps applied
percutaneously placed ball spike can with lateral fluoroscopy imaging or
at the trochanter and notch can be used
be used to correct sagittal malalign- direct visualization of the joint sur-
as a substitute.
ment (Figure 1). face. The ideal nail position is seated
just deep to subchondral bone to
maximize screw purchase in the distal Reduction of Articular
Blocking Screws segment. Any mechanism inherent to Fractures Before Nailing
If percutaneous reduction leads to the brand of the nail that can “lock” All the techniques described earlier
unacceptable reduction after nail the interlocking screws to the nail can be used to manage intra-articular
placement, blocking screws are the should be used. Digital or visual distal femur fractures after articular
best salvage option barring commi- inspection of the knee should be fractures are reduced and stabilized.
nution in the planned screw location. performed after the insertion jig is Reduction should be done under

September 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 18 631

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Intramedullary Nailing of Periarticular Fractures

Figure 2 the side of the fracture. Lag screws fractures, it is important to carefully
should be placed across articular align the most distal hole in the nail so
fractures before nailing because that the distal interlock rests near the
clamped fractures tend to displace pegs or cement of the femoral implant
during reaming and nail insertion. (Figure 1). This precise distal nail
Lag screws for sagittal fractures can position affords better purchase for
be easily placed anterior and/or the distal interlocking screw and im-
posterior to the planned path of proves axial stability.
the nail. Anterior-to-posterior screws
for Hoffa fractures can potentially
Outcomes of Distal Femoral
interfere with the critical nail-locking
screws and may need to be reposi-
tioned should this occur (Figure 3). Literature comparing IMN and open
After fixation of the articular frac- reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)
tures, reaming and nail placement for management of distal femoral
should be done carefully to avoid fractures is sparse. Most published
displacing fragments, and the artic- studies are small retrospective cases.
ular reduction should be rechecked Additionally, most studies used
after the nail is fully seated. implants that would no longer
be considered state-of-the-art. Few
studies have compared IMN and
Periprosthetic Fractures ORIF techniques. Meneghini et al10
Around Total Knee reported on a series of 95 fractures,
Arthroplasty Implants of which 29 were managed with
IMN and 66 with locked plating.
Starting Point The nonunion rate was 9% in the
nail group and 19% in the plate
Most modern-day TKA femoral im-
group. In a retrospective review of
plants have an open box that facili-
297 patients, of whom 195 were
tates retrograde nailing. The starting
treated with locked plating and 102
point is just posterior to the flange
with IMN, Hoskins et al11 reported
and often cannot be assessed until the
that IMN led to improved quality of
guidewire is advanced well into the
life scores at 6 months and slightly
distal fragment. Although techniques
less deformity compared with locked
similar to those described for man-
plating. Beltran et al6 described
agement of extra-articular fractures
the technical pitfalls and pearls and
can be used for these fractures, the
compared the outcomes of modern
flange can make manipulation of the
plates and nails. Hou et al12 reported
fracture more difficult; it will often
on fractures adjacent to TKA man-
intussuscept into the canal of the
aged with either IMN or ORIF. They
AP radiograph of a healed femoral shaft segment. In this circumstance, a
found no significant differences in
fracture managed with intramedullary bone hook can be placed through a
nailing (IMN) demonstrating multiple fracture alignment and union between
small anterior incision in the quadri-
screws placed abutting the nail to the two groups; however, patient
provide additional stability to the IMN ceps, and the flange can be pulled out
numbers were small. They noticed a
construct. of the canal and maintained in the
trend toward higher malunion and
proper sagittal alignment (Figure 1).
nonunion rates in the ORIF group.
This reduction must be held until the
direct visualization because rota- distal locking screws are placed.
tional malreduction of the condyles
can be difficult to see on fluoroscopy. Proximal Tibia Fractures
Simple sagittal split fractures can be Distal Locking Screws
visualized with a small supero- Abutting the Femoral Implant Semiextended Positioning
medial arthrotomy. Hoffa fractures Similar to maximal distal locking pur- There has been extensive focus on
require a larger arthrotomy placed on chase described earlier, in periprosthetic tibial nailing in the semiextended

632 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Walter W. Virkus, MD, et al

position in recent years.13-17 Main- Figure 3

taining the knee semiextended rather
than flexed helps with fluoroscopic
visualization of the fracture and
maintenance of reduction. In this
position, the starting point can be
accessed with a medial or lateral
parapatellar approach or with a
suprapatellar (or retropatellar) ap-
proach. Each approach has advan-
tages and disadvantages.
The parapatellar approach can be
performed from either the medial or
lateral side of the patella depending
on surgeon preference and the ease
with which the patella subluxates
either direction.13 A full arthrotomy
can be performed for better mobili-
zation of the patella and easier access
to the starting point of the proxi-
mal tibia.14 Alternatively, an extra-
articular technique can be used with a
limited fascial incision through the
extensor retinaculum while leaving
the synovium intact.13
Suprapatellar nailing is performed
through a longitudinal incision
approximately 2 cm proximal to the
superior pole of the patella.17 Access
to the proximal tibia is achieved
through a specialized cannula that is
placed between the patella and
trochlea. Clear advantages of the
suprapatellar approach are reduced
soft-tissue dissection and incisions
farther from the zone of injury.
Disadvantages are possible limited
nail diameter due to the size of
the cannula and the need for
technique-specific instrumentation.
The potential for articular cartilage
injury has been studied with both
suprapatellar and parapatellar nail- Preoperative coronal (A) and sagittal (B) CT and postoperative AP (C) and
ing. Both approaches have a low risk lateral (D) radiographs of a distal femoral fracture with intra-articular sagittal and
of articular cartilage injury as long as coronal fractures that were managed with lag screws and intramedullary nailing.
the surgeon is mindful.14,16 Note the position of Hoffa lag screws, which were positioned to avoid the nail
interlocking screws.
A technical difference between
the suprapatellar approach and
parapatellar approaches arises from guidewire at the level of the trochlea riorly, which may lead to anterior
the need to obtain both an ideal start- because the guidewire is centered translation of the starting point and
ing point and trajectory. The cannula within the cannula. This limited free- increased reaming of the anterior tibial
used for suprapatellar nailing limits dom of movement leads either to the cortex,18 or to the trajectory being
posterior translation of the starting guidewire entry site being forced ante- forced posteriorly, which may lead

September 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 18 633

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Intramedullary Nailing of Periarticular Fractures

Figure 4 Figure 5 source of this common mistake is

usually assessing the starting point
location on a rotationally incorrect
AP view. The resultant translation of
the starting point is poorly tolerated
in proximal fractures. A line drawn
inferiorly from the lateral tibial pla-
teau should pass through the center
of the fibular head on a properly
rotated knee20 (Figure 5).
On the lateral view, the starting
point should be located just posterior
to the anterior edge of the tibial pla-
teau (Figure 4). An anterior starting
point can lead to excessive reaming
of the anterior cortex and also in-
creases the risk of a procurvatum
deformity. Once the starting point is
Lateral fluoroscopic image of the established, it is important to main-
knee demonstrating a starting point tain its position by avoiding reaming
obtained through a suprapatellar
while passing the reamer into or out
approach for management of a
proximal tibia fracture. The circle of the starting hole.
AP fluoroscopic image of the
represents the ideal starting point.
proximal tibia demonstrating the
The dashed line represents the ideal
starting point. Visualizing the starting
trajectory through the starting point
point on the AP view requires proper Adjunctive Reduction
that could be obtained with slightly Techniques
rotation of the leg so that the lateral
more knee flexion and a parapatellar
condyle of the tibial plateau is
arthrotomy. The dotted line
superimposed over 50% of the width
The most common deformities re-
represents the trajectory that the sulting from nailing proximal tibia
of the fibular head. Proper trajectory
suprapatellar approach provides with
of the guidewire is along the lateral fractures are valgus, procurvatum,
the ideal starting point (too posterior)
side of the diaphysis; the final nail and posterior translation of the
unless the tibia can be translated
position will be against the lateral
more anteriorly.
cortex because of the triangular
distal segment.14,20 These deform-
cross section of the isthmus. The ities can be avoided by maintaining
larger line represents the ideal path fracture reduction throughout the
to the nail displacing the fracture of the nail. The three thinner lines entire procedure. Percutaneous clamp
represent the medial and lateral
(Figure 4). A simple solution to application, plates with unicortical
edges of the fibula (arrowheads) and
address this issue is to flex the knee the resultant midline of the fibula, screws, and blocking screws as
more to better expose the starting which should be aligned with the described earlier should be used
point.17 Knee flexion may be limited lateral tibial plateau on a properly as needed. Percutaneous clamps
rotated AP image.
as a result of patellofemoral tight- are particularly effective for short
ness, but this often can be addressed oblique fractures that often occur in
with a partial (superomedial) para- the proximal tibia. Blocking screws
patellar arthrotomy. Alternative tech- Proper Starting Point can prevent malreduction of a
niques to improve suprapatellar A good starting point in the proximal proximal tibia fracture or restore
guidewire positioning are to perform tibia is required to prevent fracture reduction that is lost during initial
an anterior drawer maneuver, which malreduction. The proper location nail passage. Blocking screws are
results in 3 to 5 mm of physiologic on the AP fluoroscopic image is just placed where one is trying to prevent
anterior tibial translation and to place medial to the lateral tibial spine the nail from coursing, usually in the
the starting wire using only the outer because this point is in line with the proximal segment.21 For far proxi-
cannula of the telescoping cannula intramedullary canal in the sagittal mal fractures, screws in the distal
system. Removing the inner cannula plane19 (Figure 5). Placing the segment may be useful. An anterior-
before wire placement allows for more starting point too medial or lateral to-posterior screw medial to the in-
freedom with both starting point and on the AP view will risk a valgus or tended nail path can prevent valgus,
trajectory. varus deformity, respectively. The and a medial-to-lateral screw placed

634 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Walter W. Virkus, MD, et al

Figure 6

A, Intraoperative lateral fluoroscopic image demonstrating a proximal tibial metaphyseal fracture secondary to a gunshot
wound with posterior comminution and risk for apex-anterior deformity. A medial-to-lateral drill bit is inserted into the proximal
segment posterior to the planned path of the nail and a starting point at the anterior edge of the articular surface to help
maintain sagittal plane alignment. The drill bit helps to keep the nail anterior in the proximal segment as it passes distally. B,
Intraoperative lateral fluoroscopic image of the knee demonstrating a bend in the drill bit that facilitates the force transfer from
the nail through the drill bit to the bone to push the proximal segment posterior and avoid a procurvatum and/or translational
(distal posterior) deformity. C, Lateral radiograph of the knee showing that fracture reduction is maintained after the
interlocks are in place and the drill bit is removed.

posteriorly can prevent procurvatum screws (eg, because of the patella, that the articular block must be re-
(Figure 6). femur, or soft-tissue limiting re- constructed before IMN. To achieve
positioning), the wire can be this, standard reduction and fixation
advanced just proximal to the block- techniques for tibial plateau fractures
Anterior Canal Trajectory in ing screw. A medial unicortical are used.9 However, the surgeon must
the Proximal Segment Steinmann pin directed just posterior be mindful to avoid placement of
Throughout the procedure, the to the guidewire can be placed screws in the eventual path of the nail.
guidewire, reamers, and nail must percutaneously. The guidewire can This means placing proximal screws
maintain an anterior trajectory in the be manipulated anteriorly by the posteriorly (Figure 7).
proximal segment (Figure 4). If the Steinmann pin within the intra- Simple medial or lateral articular
guidewire hits the posterior cortex medullary canal by pushing the splits that do not communicate with
before the isthmus, the nail will also external portion of the pin posteriorly, separate extra-articular fractures can
follow this improper path. As the nail using the intact medial cortex as a be fixed with buttress plates or screws
is passed down the intramedullary fulcrum. Once the guidewire position alone.9 If the split communicates
canal, it will deflect off the posterior is corrected, it can be advanced with the metaphyseal or diaphyseal
cortex and force the proximal segment anterior to the blocking screws. implant of the fracture, screws alone
into procurvatum as it passes into the can be used to fix the proximal
isthmus. Medial-to-lateral blocking segment before IMN; however, this
screws placed in the metaphysis just
Posterior Supplemental may lead to difficulty maintaining
posterior to the anticipated path of the Fixation for Intra-articular length and alignment of the meta-
nail can prevent a posterior trajectory Fractures physeal portion of the fracture.
of the guidewire (Figure 6). If the All techniques described here apply to Provisional fixation with a bridge
guidewire persistently passes posterior intra-articular proximal tibia fracture plate or multiple smaller plates can be
even after placement of blocking nailing. The difference in these cases is used before nailing8 (Figure 7).

September 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 18 635

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Intramedullary Nailing of Periarticular Fractures

Figure 7 Figure 8

A, Preoperative AP radiograph of the knee showing a Schatzker type VI tibial

plateau fracture with a split depressed medial condyle. Postoperative AP (B) and
lateral (C) radiographs of the knee after fracture fixation with buttress plating and
intramedullary nailing (IMN). The medial plateau was first reduced to the shaft Intraoperative AP fluoroscopic
and buttressed with all screws either unicortical or posterior to the nail. The image of a distal tibia fracture
screws also fixed the lateral condyle to the medial condyle. After the articular showing the use of a pointed
surface was fixed, the tibial shaft implant was stabilized with IMN. reduction clamp. These clamps are
useful in reducing spiral and oblique
metaphyseal fractures. Fibular
Outcomes (18.26 weeks versus 22.84 weeks). fixation facilitates reduction of the
distal tibia. An anterior-to-posterior
IMN is a well-established method Complications were similar between directed blocking screw was placed
for managing extra-articular proxi- groups. in the medial one third of the tibia to
mal tibia fractures.14,22,23 Ryan Yoon et al8 examined proximal prevent medial nail positioning and
tibia fractures managed with a com- valgus deformity and assist in
et al14 retrospectively reviewed centralization of the nail in the
semiextended nailing (partial medial bination of plate-and-screw fixation coronal and sagittal planes.
parapatellar arthrotomy) of proximal followed by intramedullary nail sta-
and distal metaphyseal fractures ver- bilization in a case series. Twenty-five
sus “standard nailing” with the knee of 27 fractures achieved union, and be used as needed. The triangular
in flexion. At the time of fracture no late fracture displacement was cross section of the tibia often leads
union, they found no significant reported. to percutaneously placed clamps
difference between the two groups slipping during fracture manipu-
in terms of the incidence of knee lation. Drilling precisely placed
pain or quality of reduction. It is not
Distal Tibia Fractures unicortical holes in which to seat
clear whether any clinically signifi- clamp tines on the medial and lateral
cant advantages to the suprapatellar Obtaining and Maintaining surfaces of the tibia resolves this
versus the parapatellar approach Reduction issue (Figure 8). The use of unicortical
exist. Valgus deformity is the most com- plates and/or screws may facilitate
Meena et al5 randomized 58 patients mon malalignment encountered reduction and provide temporary
with proximal metaphyseal tibia during nailing of distal tibia frac- stabilization.
fractures to lateral percutaneous tures, followed by recurvatum
locked plating versus intramedullary and varus.24-26 Reports of high
nail fixation. The intramedullary nail malunion rates demonstrate intra- Central Nail Position in the
group had a markedly shorter average operative malreductions rather than Metaphyseal Segment
hospital stay (4.1 days versus 5.3 late displacement.24,25,27 Previously Precise nail placement in the distal
days) and time to fracture union described reduction techniques should segment is critical to avoid deformity.

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Walter W. Virkus, MD, et al

Figure 9

Preoperative axial (A) and coronal (B) CT scans showing fracture involvement of the plafond and directionality. Preoperative
radiographs (not shown) depicted diaphyseal extension. Intraoperative AP (C) and lateral (D) fluoroscopic images showing
independent small-fragment fixation of the articular block before intramedullary nailing and placement of three multiplanar
interlocking screws. Postoperative AP (E) and lateral (F) radiographs demonstrating acceptable final alignment.

The center of the nail on the AP view Maximal Use of Interlocking Fibula Fixation
should rest in line with the tibia’s Screws Fixation of the fibula has been shown
anatomic axis, which intersects the in some series to facilitate reduction,
Fracture morphology should allow
center of the talar dome or just lat-
for the placement of at least two improve alignment, and prevent late
eral. Appropriately placed blocking
interlocking screws in the distal displacement.24,25,31 This fixation can
screws to create a “neo-cortex” and
segment.28 When possible, three be achieved with open reduction and
centralize the nail within the
metaphysis are useful in preventing interlocking screws should be in- plate fixation or closed versus percu-
malalignment. 21 An anterior to serted distally, with at least one taneous clamp reduction and retro-
posterior directed blocking screw in screw out of plane from the others29 grade intramedullary small-fragment
the medial one third of the distal (Figure 9). The use of only one distal screw fixation (Figures 8 and 9).
tibia prevents medial nail posi- interlocking screw is associated Improvement of tibia reduction with
tioning and subsequent valgus with increased rates of early fibular fixation is not an absolute
deformity (Figure 8). implant failure and nonunion.30 necessity, and injury, surgeon, or

September 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 18 637

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Intramedullary Nailing of Periarticular Fractures

patient factors that affect this relation- tibia fractures.27,36 Two RCTs 1. Mehling I, Hoehle P, Sternstein W, Blum J,
Rommens PM: Nailing versus plating for
ship may exist. Researchers found a demonstrated a lower rate of wound comminuted fractures of the distal femur: A
low malunion rate (3%) in a consecu- complications and superficial in- comparative biomechanical in vitro study
tive series of 122 patients with distal fection with IMN.27,37 Three RCTs of three implants. Eur J Trauma Emerg
Surg 2013;39:139-146.
tibia fractures without fibular fixa- reported no differences in infection
2. Casstevens C, Le T, Archdeacon MT,
tion.28 Furthermore, there is concern and wound healing.24,36,38 The most
Wyrick JD: Management of extra-
for increased risk of distal tibial non- significant discrepancy in the literature articular fractures of the distal tibia:
union after fibular stabilization.25 is the rate of primary (intraoperative) Intramedullary nailing versus plate
fixation. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20:
malalignment. The largest RCT and 675-683.
Semiextended Positioning several retrospective studies reported
3. Probe R: Semiextending nailing for
the incidence of malalignment after combined shaft and ankle injuries of the leg.
Although originally described for
IMN between 20% and 30% com- J Orthop Trauma 2016;30(suppl 2):
proximal tibial nailing, semiextended S37-S38.
positioning of the leg during IMN pared with ,10% with plate fixa-
tion.24,25,27 These nails were all placed 4. Nork SE, Schwartz AK, Agel J, Holt SK,
improves clinical and fluoroscopic Schrick JL, Winquist RA: Intramedullary
via an infrapatellar approach.
evaluation of the distal tibia, leading nailing of distal metaphyseal tibial
to low rates of malalignment.14,32 In contrast, the semiextended IMN fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2005;87:
technique has shown much more 1213-1221.
Various semiextended approaches
favorable results.15,28,32 A recent 5. Meena RC, Meena UK, Gupta GL,
were discussed previously in the Gahlot N, Gaba S: Intramedullary nailing
proximal tibia fractures section of retrospective review by Avilucea
versus proximal plating in the
et al32 demonstrated a 3.8% rate of management of closed extra-articular
this article.
malalignment in distal tibia fractures proximal tibial fracture: A randomized
controlled trial. J Orthop Traumatol
managed with a suprapatellar ap- 2015;16:203-208.
Independent Fixation of Intra- proach, compared with a 26.1% rate
articular Fractures 6. Beltran MJ, Gary JL, Collinge CA:
of malalignment in those treated with Management of distal femur fractures with
Identification and anatomic reduc- an infrapatellar approach. However, modern plates and nails: State of the art. J
Barcak and Collinge39 found a low rate Orthop Trauma 2015;29:165-172.
tion of intra-articular fractures should
precede intramedullary fixation of malalignment (3%) in patients with 7. Krettek C, Stephan C, Schandelmaier P,
Richter M, Pape HC, Miclau T: The use of
(Figure 9). CT is recommended for distal tibia fractures within 5 cm of the Poller screws as blocking screws in
all fractures extending to the distal joint managed by infrapatellar nailing. stabilising tibial fractures treated with small
diameter intramedullary nails. J Bone Joint
tibia metaphysis to delineate pilon
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fracture planes and determine opti-
Summary 8. Yoon RS, Bible J, Marcus MS, et al:
mal screw placement for fixation of Outcomes following combined
the articular block out of the future PIMN of tibia and distal femur frac- intramedullary nail and plate fixation for
nail pathway. Displaced posterior complex tibia fractures: A multi-centre
tures is a well-established treatment study. Injury 2015;46:1097-1101.
malleolar fractures can be reduced, that yields excellent outcomes. No
followed by stabilization with an 9. Kubiak EN, Camuso MR, Barei DP, Nork
studies have demonstrated that IMN SE: Operative treatment of ipsilateral
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or screws, or an anterior-to-posterior periarticular fractures to loss of
and shaft fractures: Combining plates and
nails. J Orthop Trauma 2008;22:560-565.
interlocking screw through the nail. reduction during the postoperative
There is no evidence to support rou- 10. Meneghini RM, Keyes BJ, Reddy KK, Maar
period, but many studies have DC: Modern retrograde intramedullary
tine fixation of small, nondisplaced reported on residual intraoperative nails versus periarticular locked plates for
posterior malleolar fragments. malalignment.4,14,24,25,28,32,39 There- supracondylar femur fractures after total
knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 2014;29:
fore, success with extreme nailing 1478-1481.
Outcomes hinges on the planning and execution 11. Hoskins W, Sheehy R, Edwards ER, et al:
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Meta-analyses and systematic re- femur? Data from the Victoria Orthopaedic
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yielded limited information to guide References 12. Hou Z, Bowen TR, Irgit K, et al: Locked
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between plates and nails for distal years. Extra-articular technique for semiextended

638 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Walter W. Virkus, MD, et al

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September 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 18 639

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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