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Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 41 (1990) 253-267 253

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam--Printed in The Netherlands

Casabianca Formation: a Colombian example of

volcanism-induced aggradation in a fluvial basin


Facultad de Geologfa y Minas, Universidad de Caldas, P.O. Box 1729 Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

(Received for publiciaton December 1, 1989)


Borrero P., C.A. and Naranjo H., J.L., 1990. Casabianca Formation: a Colombian example of volcanism-
induced aggradation in a fluvial basin. In: S.N. Williams (Editor), Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia,
I. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 41: 253-267.

The Upper Pliocene to Pleistocene Casabianca Formation is an assemblage of coarse-grained

volcanogenic sediments derived from the Ruiz-Cerro Bravo volcanic axis, which were deposited on the
west and east flanks of the middle Colombian Central Cordillera (5 ° -5o30 ' N Lat.; 74°30'-76°W Long.).
Facies assemblages, paleocurrent data, and geomorphic expression define four depositional settings: (1)
an alluvial fan with debris-flow lobes represented by the Manizales fan in the western sector and the
Fresno fan in the eastern sector, characterized by the facies assemblage of Gms, Gp and Gt; (2) valley fill
deposits represented by the Arauca section at the west sector, characterized by the facies assemblage of
Gms and Gi; (3) deposits produced by the diversion of the debris-flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow
deposits from the main channels into narrow effluent channels; represented by the Delgaditas and
Manzanares-Marquetalia sections, in the eastern sector and characterized by the facies assemblage Gms
and Gm(a); and (4) lateral accretion in gravelly, medium to high-sinuosity rivers, represented by the
Casabianca-Villa Hermosa, Palo Cabildo-Falan, Lagunillas and Guali sections of the eastern sector,
characterized by the facies assemblage Gms, Gp and Gt.
Casabianca Formation deposition records the response of a semi-arid to tropical fluvial system to large,
volcanism-induced sediment loads.

Introduction rero, 1988). On t h e east f l a n k of the C e n t r a l

Cordillera, t h e C a s a b l a n c a F o r m a t i o n lies u p o n
This p a p e r addresses volcanic influences on the 8 to 4 Ma M e s a F o r m a t i o n (Duefias a n d
t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of fluvial sequences by Castro, 1981). T h o u r e t et al. (1985) proposed an
describing the U p p e r Pliocene to Pleistocene age of 4 to 1.2 Ma for t h e C a s a b i a n c a F o r m a t i o n
C a s a b i a n c a F o r m a t i o n , derived from the nor- t a k e n into account the s t r a t i g r a p h i c r e l a t i o n s
t h e r n end of the R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic c h a i n f o u n d by t h e m .
(Fig. 1). T h e sequences were deposited on the Studies n e a r M o u n t St. H e l e n s ( H a r r i s o n and
west a n d east f l a n k s of t h e middle C o l o m b i a n Fritz, 1982; P i e r s o n a n d Scott, 1985), in t h e
C e n t r a l Cordillera (Fig. 1). forearc of G u a t e m a l a (Davies et al., 1978;
On t h e west f l a n k of the C e n t r a l Cordillera, Vessell and Davies, 1981) a n d at Volc~n
t h e C a s a b i a n c a F o r m a t i o n overlies t h e 8 to 4 N e v a d o del Rulz (Lowe et al., 1986) e v a l u a t e d
M a M a n i z a l e s F o r m a t i o n (Naranjo a n d Bor- t h e effects of explosive v o l c a n i s m on m o d e r n

0377-0273/89/$03.50 © 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

o i , 15Kin

I Metamorphic and igneous basemen~ 7 Volcaniciaslic Monizaies formation ( 8 ~o 4m.y.}

2 Volcanic terrains of the Pre-Quoternury basement of 8 Volcaniclastic Mesa formation (B Io 4 m.y.) ~o
ths RUIZ-TOLIMA range~ covered by moraines and 9 Vo~¢anictostic CosalManca f o r m o l i o n (4 t o l - 2 m.y.) 1=
thick tephro . _ IO Voicano,detritol and Alluvia-torrential fans ofl~ddle (~Joternor)
3 Recenl Ands sitic tovo-fLows of recent Qua~ercx~(O~to Q CSmy.) I| Votcane-detrita[ oral AlluvK>-torrential fans of i~ecarrt Quolernor)' ©
4 Presumed volcano-tectonic depressions and colderos._ 12 Regional Faulls = Romeral, Polestino~ etc._
5 AndlesHic and Docitic block-lava fk~sf~bou~ OO~n¥, to 4.700 13 E a s t e r n border of the C e n t r a l C o r d i l l e r a . _
y. B P . )
16Pyroclastic deposits~ pumic4 and osh-ftows(glow~P~o ~ , ~ )

Fig. 1. Geologic map of the northernmost Ruiz Totima volcanic complex, which shows lithologicai units f~'om Precambrian to Present~
Symbots denote distribution of volcanic rocks and volcaniclastic deposits only.

fluvial systems. When eruptions at Volc~n tion. Herd (1974) inferred they have reached
Fuego (Guatemala) eject a critical volume of their present size before the last glaciation.
tephra, a gemorphic threshold is crossed and The R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic complex is com-
the rivers are transformed from incised, posed of an extensive sequence of andesitic and
meandering channels to rapidly aggrading, dacitic lava flows mantled with andesitic
braided streams for a period of 20 to 30 years pyroclastic deposits. These volcanics overlie a
following an eruption (Vessel and Davies, basement of Precambrian and Paleozoic
1981). Similar events at Mount St. Helens (Har- metamorphic rocks that is intruded with late
rison and Fritz, 1982) and at Volc~n Nevado del Mesozoic quartz-dioritic stocks and a
Ruiz, Colombia (Lowe et al., 1986) show the ex- granodioritic batholith of early Cenozoic age
tent to which such short-term aggradation is (Herd, 1974).
recorded in the geological record. Late Cenozoic volcanism occurred along the
Early Tertiary volcaniclastic deposits of the crest of the Central Cordillera during the later
Northern Rocky Mountains (Fritz and Har- stages of uplift of the massif. The linear align-
rison, 1985), and the Neogene Deschutes For- ment of the volcanoes indicates that volcanism
mation in Central Oregon (Smith, 1987) are ex- in the R u i z - T o l i m a complex has been controll-
amples of volcaniclastic deposits associated ed by a major fracture system trending
with larger volcanic terranes, rather than a N N E - S S W along the crest of the Central Cor-
single volcano, as is the case for the Casabianca dillera and possibly coincident with the
Formation. Palestina fault (Fig. 2). Thouret et al. (1985)
Our purpose in writing this paper is to pro- dated lavas at the bottom of Nevado del Ruiz as
vide an introduction to volcaniclastic sedimen- 1.5 ± 0.8 and 1.2 +_ 0.2 Ma. Although the focus
tary rocks in the Northern Andes. of this volcanism was beneath the present
The study of the Casabianca Formation also Nevado del Ruiz, the lavas extended 1 5 - 2 0 km
will help to determine the eruptive magnitude to the northwest. A more recent phase of lava
necessary to trigger massive debris flows, production, which is located at the crest of
floods, and changing channel morphology on Nevado del Ruiz, has ages of 0.76 _+ 0.05 and
the flanks of the R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic com- 0.68 +_ 0.15 Ma. Thouret et al. (1985) suggested
plex which would improve the existing volcanic an explosive episode between 0.4 and 0.2 Ma
hazzard maps. which produced pyroclastic flows to the west of
the volcanic complex (Fig. 1). The upper part of
Geologic setting the volcanic edifice is composed of andesitic and
dacitic lavas with an approximate age of 0.1 Ma
The Casabianca Formation is an Upper (Thouret et al., 1985). The crest is mantled with
Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene volcaniclastic se- wind-blown tephra. Based on the relationship
quence related to the northernmost activity of of the radiocarbon dates with the pyroclastic
the R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic complex, Central units and buried soils within the tephra se-
Cordillera, Colombia (Fig. 1). This complex is quence, pyroclastic eruptions appear to have oc-
an arcuate line of seven volcanoes, which form curred, on average, once every 250 to 500 years
the crest of the Central Cordillera of Colombia. in the R u i z - T o l i m a area (Herd, 1974).
Hall and Wood (1985) locate this volcanic group
as the northern segment in their proposed Facies of the Casabianca Formation
volcano-tectonic segmentation of the Septen-
trional Andes. Miall (1977, 1978) and Rust (1978) introduced
All but two of the volcanoes, including Cerro a set of facies codes based on descriptive
Bravo, were glaciated during the last glacia- classification of lithologies and sedimentary

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Fig'. 2. M a p of t h e o u t c r o p s of t h e C a s a b i a n c a F o r m a t i o n s h o w i n g l o c a t i o n s of t h e n i n e m e a s u r e d s e c t i o n s .

structures, t h a t is applicable to most fluvial plutonic and metamorphic clasts derived from
deposits, and has received wide usage. Smith the Paleozoic-Mesozoic basement also occur.
(1987) modified these codes and added others to The Gm(a) facies code describes coarse-
describe volcaniclastic facies in the Deschutes grained hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits.
Formation (Central Oregon). These lithofacies Turbulence is an important, if not dominant,
codes, with minor modification, were applied to sediment support mechanism. Because of high
the Casabianca Formation (Table 1). sediment concentration, grain interactions and
In the Casabianca Formation, clasts are fluid buoyancy also contribute to supporting
dominantly andesitic. Accessory basaltic- the grains during flow (Smith, 1986, 1987).
andesitic and dacitic clasts and less t h a n 5%, Rapid deposition of a variety of clast sizes ac-


Facies nomenclature for the Casabianca Formation

Facies identifier Lithofacies Sedimentary structures Interpretation

Gm General identifier for

massive, clast-support
gravel; generalizes the main
facies for the Casabianca
Gm(a) Gravel, massive or crudely Gravel clasts oriented with Coarse-grained hyperconcen-
bedded; abundant sand both a- and b-axes, transver- trated flood-flow deposits;
matrix, largely clast-sup- se to flow direction; poorly rapid deposition both from
port; poorly sorted; subangu- imbrication suspension and by traction
lar to rounded clasts
Gms massive, matrix supported Possible reverse grading Debris-flow deposits
gravel, very poorly sorted, throughout or only at base.
clasts may be angular to
Gt Gravel, stratified Trough cross-beds Transverse bars, or channel
Gp Gravel, stratified Planar-tabular cross-bed- Straight-crested transverse
ding, solitary or grouped bars, linguoid bars or deltaic
growths from older bar rem-
nants, cross-bedded chute
Gi Gravel, stratified Low-angle inclined strati- Lateral accretion surfaces
Ta, La Ash or lapilli, well sorted, Massive or horizontal bed- Air-fall pyroclastics
angular grains ding, may show evidence of
burrowing or root distur-
Tr, Lr Ash or lapilli; poorly to Massive or stratified Reworked air-fall pyroclastics
well sorted, rounded grains;
abundant lithic grains

Modified from Smith, 1987.


counts for the poor sorting, absence of sand- When such channels flow into pools they
stone lenses, and preservation of some flow- develop cross-bedded chute bars represented by
parallel clast orientation. The limited traction lithofacies Gp. These lithofacies are intimately
reworking is notable. One of the main associated with Gm(a) in the Casabianca For-
characteristics of Casabianca deposits is the mation, and have an average thickness of 1.5
clast support. In some cases relict normal m. They are rarely found because the preserva-
grading and horizontal bedding was observed tion potential is very low due to the sudden
despite a high degree of diage~etic alteration to peak flows, changing water velocity, and the
clay. The space between framework cobbles and depth of the channels. Another factor that
boulders in facies Gm(a) is occupied by a poorly limits the recognition of Gp of Gt is the deep,
sorted matrix of very coarse sand to pebbles. In extensive weathering that has affected the
some measured sections, coarse-grained lapilli Casabianca Formation.
form up to 30% of the matrix. These com- Facies code Gi describes gravel characterized
ponents are too coarse to represent infiltration by low-angle, inclined (5 ° to 20 ° ) stratification
between the larger clasts. The beds of Gm(a) in sets up to 2.5 m thick. Sets have erosional
have a thickness ranging from 0.5 to 3 m. bases and are tabular or lenticular in shape
The Gms facies code for debris-flow deposits with concave-up bases. Clast imbrications yield
describes massive, matrix-supported gravel. paleocurrent directions which differ from the
Both clasts and matrix are characterized by dip azimuth of the stratification by 30 ° or more.
very poor sorting. The main characteristics of Gi is interpreted to have been produced by
the Gms lithofacies in the Casabianca Forma- lateral accretion of gravel point bars and occur
tion are extremely poor sorting, lack of internal with channetized debris flow facies. It is pre-
stratification, and support of the largest clasts sent in some of the sequences and is identified
by a finer grained matrix. by its stratification style.
Debris flows are water-saturated flows with In the Casabianca Formation, facies contain-
plastic properties that deposit sediments en ing sand are totally absent. This absence is one
masse when shear stress decreases below the of the main characteristics of these deposits.
yield strength of the debris (Lowe, 1979). Sup- Probably the absence of sandy facies is due to
port of large clasts in subaerial debris flows is the lack of sand in the source area, the con-
a combination of cohesive matrix strength, tinuous movement of great amounts of gravel
buoyancy and dispersive pressure (Hampton, at the top of the source area, R u i z - C e r r o Bravo
1979; Lowe, 1979). In the measured sections of ridge (Fig. 2), the minimal transport of the
the Casabianca Formation there is no coarsest material, and the dominant flow type
downstream decrease in the mean or m a x i m u m (debris flow) t h a t impeded the breaking-up of'
grain size; the sorting is similar in all of' the the coarsest material during the deposition.
outcrops. These observations indicate a narrow Gravel in the Casabianca Formation does not
range in the flow character in debris flows, and exhibit a pronounced decrease in mean size
probably there were not important variations with the increasing transport distance. This
in yield strength with the distance of flow. The suggests sustained high flow competence
beds of Gms have a thickness ranging from 1.5 rather t h a n abrasion is primarily responsible
to 30 m. for the observed constant mean grain size with
Subordinate facies found in the Casablanca respect to the increasing transport distance, the
Formation are Gt and Gp. Lithofacies Gt abrasion is insignificant during transport.
represents migration of transverse bars, or the Another possibility is t h a t the finer fraction
fill of minor channels, and it is formed during was always reworked and washed out after the
episodes of high water and sediment discharge. deposition of the coarsest fraction.

The facies codes Ta, La, Tr and Lr were immobilized and caused relief inversion. Sec-
modified from Smith (1987) and are used for tion E, Fresno alluvial fan. Finally, Sections F,
primary air-fall tufts (Ta), lapillistones (La), G, H, and I (Fig. 2) were produced by lateral ac-
reworked air-fall tufts (Tr), and reworked cretion in gravelly medium to high-sinuosity
lapillistones (Lr). Primary air-fall facies con- rivers.
tain angular lapilli and shards. Crude
stratification may have been destroyed by Western sector
weathering. Air-falls reworked by eolian pro-
cesses are often composed almost entirely of The wedge of volcanogenic sediments
pumice lapilli, ash shards, or both, but these deposited on the west flank of the middle Cen-
fragments are rounded, reflecting traction tral Cordillera, in the northernmost part of the
transport. Primary tufts and lapillistones up to R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic complex, represents ag-
5 m thick, are always present at the top of the gradation during periods when streams were
Casabianca Formation, and uncommonly occur choked with debris. The geomorphic form of an
with cogenetic ignimbrites. These beds may alluvial fan, which was structurally controlled
correspond to more recent explosive volcanic ac- by the E1 Perro fault, is apparent in the
tivities of the R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic complex. Manizales area where section A was described
Radiometric dates do not exist to confirm this (Fig. 2); a similar pattern to the older
premise. volcaniclastic Manizales Formation (Naranjo
and Borrero, 1988). It is an alluvial fan even
Depositional environments o f the though there is not changing facies from east to
Casabianca Formation west, which is typical of fans. Debris flows and
to a lesser extent flood-flow deposits persist for
The Casabianca Formation sediments were more than 30 km to the west of the R u i z - C e r r o
distributed by the Pliocene drainage pattern, Bravo ridge (Fig. 2). This extension is greater
which is similar to the present drainage pat- than what has been found on typical arid
tern. Two sectors in the Casabianca Formation alluvial fans, which have an average radius of
have been defined, the western and eastern sec- 10 km (Nielsen, 1982). Although no lateral
tors (Fig. 2). facies changes, all of the Casabianca Formation
Western sector deposits were controlled by debris-flow facies extend more than 40 k m from
the Chinchin~i river drainage net, a tributary of the probable source area. The steady con-
the Cauca river (Fig. 2). This formed the prox- glomerate grain size trends are more similar to
imal alluvial-fan deposits with debris-flow what should be expected for an alluvial plain
lobes in the Manizales section, and the deposits than for an alluvial fan (Rust and Koster,
of gravelly medium- to high-sinuosity rivers 1984). This can be explained by the deposition
(Miall, 1985) of the Arauca section. en masse of the fan constituents and the short-
Eastern sector deposits of the Casabianca time duration of the phenomena.
Formation were deposited by the Perillo- Figure 3 shows the stratigraphic sequence of
Guarino, Guali and Azufrado-Lagunilla Rivers, the Manizales section, which includes Gms
all of which are tributaries to the Magdalena facies, and minor Gm(a), Gt and Gp facies. The
River (Fig. 2). The eastern sector was described Gins facies represents 70% of the total
into seven measured sections. Sections C and D thickness in all of the measured sections in this
(Fig. 2) were produced by the diversion of the sector. Massive and poorly sorted beds range in
debris-flows and hyperconcentrated flood-flow thickness from 5 to 25 m; the recognition of dif-
deposits from the main channels into narrow af- ferent pulses in the beds is very hard because
fluent channels, when they were trapped and they do not have erosive bases. The m a x i m u m

they do not have erosive bases. The m a x i m u m In the matrix it is possible to distinguish the
measured clast size is 2.2 m, the average clast fragments of lapilli (about 20% of the total
size is 0.2 m and the average roundness is 0.5. matrix) by the white and the light yellow color,
Beds consist of 90% unaltered andesitic clasts coarse weathered sand consisting of andesitic
with basaltic-andesitic and dacitic fragments. fragments and red to brownish red clay.

Gm(o) Gin(a)

Gins Grns


M s G

G+ ~ Tuff
~ eworked Tuff
Gp ~ Matrix- suppqrt
~ Cretaceous Pillow Lava
,11 lilr I
M S G ~ Cretaceous
_ Quebragrande Formation

Gins • Facies Identifier (Table 1 )


Fig. 3. Stratigraphic columns of the Casabianca Formation measured in the western sector; facies identifiers
are located at the left side of the column.

The Gin(a) facies represents 20% of the total sinuous system.

thickness of the sequence in this sector. The rarity of hyperconcentrated flood-flow
Massive beds range in thickness from 1.5 to 10 deposits in the western sector Casabianca For-
m. Only in sectors where the proportion of san- mation probably reflects the inability of a
dy matrix is about 60% it is possible to minor river to dilute debris flows to hyper-
distinguish a crude horizontal bedding. The concentrated flood-flows in spite of the long
m a x i m u m clast size is I m and there is a distances from the source area. Another
bimodality in the clast size: 0.4 and 0.7. Their possibility is if the debris flows contained much
average roundness is 0.6. The composition of original clay it would have been difficult for
the clasts is dominantly andesitic, with only 5% them to mix with water and be diluted to hyper-
plutonic and I to 2% metamorphic fragments. concentrated flows.
Only in the upper third part of the section are
the clasts and matrix of Gins and Gm(a) facies E a s t e r n sector
totally weathered, which is characteristic in
the Casabianca Formation for most sections. The first depositional environment in the
Subordinate Gp and Gt facies in the Manizales eastern sector which is recorded on sections C:
section represent 5% of this sequence. Delgaditas and D: M a n z a n a r e s - M a r q u e t a l i a
The Arauca section of the Casabianca Forma- (Fig. 2) was produced where some debris flows
tion is located on the western part of the Chin- and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits were
chin~i river (Fig. 2). The stratigraphic sequence diverted from the main channel and were
includes Gms, Gi and minor Gin(a) facies which preserved in minor narrow affluent channels.
suggest valley fill deposits on the ancient Chin- Due to the great amount of debris deposited
china river (Fig. 2). The Gms facies represent almost instantly, a relief inversion was produc-
60% of the total thickness in this sector. The ed. Today these deposits occupy topographic
thickness of massive and totally weathered sets heights with respect to the base level of the pre-
ranges from 7 to 12 m. In spite of this, it is sent drainage net.
possible to recognize the andesitic porphyritic The Gms facies, massive matrix supported
texture in the gravels of these deposits. The gravel deposits are associated with crudely
matrix is completely clayey because the coarse stratified clast supported conglomerates, Gin(a)
lapilli and the < 2 cm andesitic fragments are facies (Fig. 4). Due to the narrowness and the
totally weathered. The present survey in the depth of the tributary channels it was impossi-
Casabianca Formation tries to explain this ble to develop floodplain facies. The Gms facies
weathering which must be related with the in- represents the 70% of the total thickness of the
itiation mechanism of the flows, because the sequence in this section. Bed thicknesses range
overlying deposits in the most of the sections do from 3 to 15 m. The gravel proportion is about
not show almost any weathering. In the Gi 75% with a m a x i m u m clast size of 0.80 m and
facies, sets range from 1 to 2.5 m; the average an average clast size of 0.4 m. The composition
azimuth of the inclined strata is N290 and their is gray and pink andesites and they are fairly
dips are varying between 7 ° and 15 ° to the weathered. The matrix is composed of 50% of
west. The clasts are unaltered andesites with clay and coarse lapilli and andesitic fragments
an average roundness of 0.6, a m a x i m u m clast of medium to coarse sand size. The beds of
size of 0.8 m and average clast size of 0.08 m. In Gin(a) facies range from 1.8 to 5 m. The max-
the sandy matrix, the proportion of clay is less i m u m clast size is 1.2 m and the average clast
t h a n 5%. The occurrence of low-angle inclined size is 0.25 m. The sandy matrix there is a 15%
strata (Gi) confirms t h a t some of the con- of coarse lapilli. In M a r q u e t a l i a - M a n z a n a r e s
glomerates were deposited on point bars in a section was found t h a t the La facies overlies the

Lra facies (Table 1), its main characteristic is tuff deposits. The bed of Lr facies has a
the presence of bi-pyramidal quartz with thickness of 2.2 m. The weathering of these
broken borders produced by reworking of old reworked tufts is very similar to the Gms facies

•. ~i r;; ~5 .:~:~%,
Gm(a) Gins
Gm(a) %"~' <~
Gins ~ o.o
~ c>~,. . Gm s . ~ :i ::i ~i ii
Gm s
Greta) . ~ : a ~ ° . ~ °.-
Gins ~ Gms Gm (a)

~~-v[ T~"
Gm (a)
Gms : 0 . ~ © : , O :0 t,,a
G+ Gin(o) ~ " : ¢ ' " ~
Gms ms

Gms ~.:~.. o.'o,~2 Gms I;~:~J ~J

Gm (a)
Gp Gm(a) ~~'°'¢ . . . . "~"
-r-r- Vt--,T 1--~ ....

Gm In)
Gms ~ Bs .......
Gm ( a ) ~
~Tuff Gms ~
Gms ~ ~ .
Rev~orked Tuff
Tr7 ~l !-]-r
Matrix - Support
Io~ Gms" Facies Tdentifier
Ignirnbrite o--Jii (Table 1 )
Upper Miocene to Lower
Pliocene Mesa Formation
Poleozoic Metamorphic Rocks
c'.s w'i ]l:"

Precambriom Amphibolites MUD SAND GRAVEL

Fig. 4. Stratigraphic columns of the Casabianca Formation measured in the eastern sector; facies identifiers are
located at the left side of the column.

weathering. Due to this fact, Lr facies could cor- transverse bars. Gp facies is recorded by a
respond to a coeval event in the Casabianca 1.8-m-thick bed identified by the tabular cross-
Formation. bedding of the clasts with an average clast size
The Fresno section (Fig. 4) represents an of 0.10 m.
alluvial fan with debris-flow lobes, a model Sections F, G, H and I in the eastern sector
similar to the Manizales section in the western were produced by lateral accretion in gravelly,
sector. This fan was structurally controlled by medium to high-sinuosity rivers. The geomor-
the Palestina F a u l t (Fig. 2) and it has a length phology of these deposits was the main
of 13 km. The fan is up to 60 m thick in its mid- characteristic for their identification because in
dle part and thins eastward. The characteristic aerial photographs, these deposits can be easily
lithofacies assemblage is Gms, Gm(a) and, in interpreted as remainders of lightly dissected
lesser proportion, Gt and Gp. The Gms facies Guali, Azufrado and Lagunillas rivers "old ter-
represents 80% of the total thickness of the se- races" (Fig. 2) produced by lateral and vertical
quence in this sector. Homogeneously accretion throughout the drainage net especial-
weathered beds range from 5 to 12 m thick. In- ly in the main bends of the rivers following the
dividual flows and individual pulses within the contours of the ancient channels. The level dif-
flows observed in spite of the high weathering, ferences with respect to the present base level
have non-erosive bases and are massive with of the rivers never reach more t h a n 400 m.
little clast imbrication. In associated con- These differences are the result of the uplift
glomerates the m a x i m u m size is 0.70 m, the t h a t affected the eastern sector of the Central
average clast size is 0.15 m, and the average Cordillera during the last 4 Ma (Duefias and
roundness is 0.6. Beds consist of more t h a n 90% Castro, 1981).
clasts of a single lithology (dominantly In the Section F, C a s a b i a n c a - V i l l a Hermosa,
andesitic with basaltic-andesitic and dacitic the lithofacies assemblage is defined by Gins
fragments). Only in the matrix is it possible to and Gm(a) (Fig. 4). The Gms facies represents
distinguish the fragments of lapilli by their 60% of the total thickness of the sequence in
white color, and a few volcanic fragments of this sector. Bed thicknesses range from 5 to 20
less t h a n 2 cm where the porphyritic texture m. The upper half of this section has similar
has been preserved. The rest of the matrix is a characteristic to the Gms facies in the Fresno
red to yellowish red clay, which characterizes section; the matrix as well as the boulders of
the outcrops of the Casabianca Formation in the framework are totally weathered. In the
the field. lower half of the sequence the andesitic
The Gm(a) facies represents 15% of the total fragments are relatively fresh and only the 20%
thickness of the sequence in this sector. The of them have incipient onion weathering. In-
thicknesses of massive and totally weathered verse grading toward the top of the beds is
beds range from 3 to 10 m. The m a x i m u m clast characteristic, and in the boundary of the beds
size is 0.50 m and the average clast size is 0.08 are found the largest clasts: 2.0 m, the average
m. Their average roundness is 0.6. The com- clast size is 0.30 m. The average roundness for
position of the clasts is dominantly andesitic, the clasts smaller t h a n average size fragments
with only 5% welded pyroclastic-flow and 1 - 2 % is 0.4, and the average roundness for the larger
metamorphic fragments. The sandy clay matrix fragments t h a n average size is 0.6 which would
has up to 5% lapilli and 40% andesitic indicate a difference of transport and/or source
fragments smaller t h a n 2 cm. Subordinate Gt for each of the different sizes. Beds consist of
facies is recorded by a bed with a thickness of more t h a n 95% clasts of andesitic composition
1.2 m where the gravels show a slight cross- with gray, red and greenish gray colors. Only
stratification produced by deposition on 5% of the clasts are plutonic and metamorphic

fragments. The matrix of the Gms facies is 50% characteristics of the matrix are very similar to
silty clay, and 5 - 1 5 % lapilli fragments; in im- the described in the C a s a b i a n c a - V i l l a Her-
pregnated thin sections of the matrix it was mosa section.
possible to distinguish up to 3~. of broken In the section H, Lagunillas section ~Fig. 2),
crystal fragments especially plagioclase, and in the lithofacies assemblage is dominated by
a minor proportion amphibole which cor- Gms, Gp and Gt facies (Fig. 4). The Gms fhcies
roborate the explosive activity of the represents 75% of the total thickness in all of"
R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic axis contemporaneous the mesaured sections in this sector. The
with the deposition of the Casabianca Forma- massive beds of Gms facies range in thickness
tion. The remaining percentage of the matrix from 2.5 to 7.2 m, the m a x i m u m measured clast
are < 2 cm andesitic fragments as is usual in size is 0.8 m, the average clast size is 0.07 m
the sections described above. and the average roundness is 0.6. Beds consist
The beds of Gm(a) facies in the C a s a b l a n c a - of 70% weathered andesitic and 30% metamor-
Villa Hermosa section are 1.5 to 7 m thick, the phic and plutonic fragments. In the red to
m a x i m u m clast size is 0.60 m, and the average yellowish red clayey matrix it is possible to
clast size is 0.20 m; the average roundness is distinguish the fragments of lapilli (about 5% of
0.6. The sandy matrix is composed almost en- the total matrix) by their white color.
tirely of andesitic fragments, and the propor- The Gp facies in the Lagunillas section is
tion of lapilli is less t h a n 5%. At the top of the represented by a bed of 2 m thick, the gravels
sequence (Fig. 4) was found a welded gray show a slight cross-stratification evidenced by
lithic-vitric tuff (ignimbrite), 2 m thick, t h a t is the elongated weathered andesitic fragments
fairly weathered and interbedded with beds of which have a m a x i m u m clast size of 0.30 m and
Gm(a). The La facies overlies all of the se- average clast size of 0.08 m. The clayey matrix
quences in this sector, and can reach up to 4 m is red in color. The Gt facies in this section is
thick; in this section it was possible to represented by a bed of 2.3 m thick, identified
distinguish two beds of tufts, the lower one by by the low angle of the inclined stratification:
its yellow color and the upper one by its 1 0 ° - 1 5 ° to the east which was developed in
yellowish gray color, but the two beds have the lateral accretion surfaces.
same andesitic composition. In the section I, Guali (Fig. 2), the lithofhcies
In the section G, Palo C a b i l d o - F a l a n (Fig. 2), assemblage is dominated by Gms and Gt (Fig.
the lithofacies assemblage is defined by Gm(a) 4). The Gms facies represents 75% of the total
and Gms (Fig. 4). All of this sequence, both thickness in all of the mesaured sections in this
matrix and boulders is totally weathered, and it sector. The thickness of massive beds ranges
is overlies the Upper Miocene to Lower from 2.5 to 7.2 m, the m a x i m u m measured clast
Pliocene Mesa Formation (Due~as and Castro, size is 0.8 m, the average clast size is 0.07 m
1981). The Gm(a) facies represents 60% of the and the average roundness is 0.6. Beds consist
total thickness of the sequence in this section of 70% weathered andesitic and 30% metamor-
(Fig. 4). The beds are 8 m thick, the m a x i m u m phic and plutonic fragments which would in-
clast size is 0.75 m, and the average clast size dicate t h a t the Guali section would represent
is 0.15. The clast composition is 75% andesitic, the first depositional events of the Casabianca
and 25% metamorphic fragments. In the com- Formation. In the red to yellowish red clayey
pletely clayey matrix it was possible to matrix is possible to distinguish the fragments
distinguish the lapilli fragments only. The beds of lapilli (about 5% of the total matrix) by their
of Gms facies are 5 - 8 m thick (Fig. 4), the max- white color. The Gt facies in this section is
imum clast size is 0.24 m, and the average clast represented by beds ranging from 0.8 to 1.5 m
size is 0.10 m, the average roundness is 0.6. The in thickness, identified by the low angle of the

inclined stratification 1 0 ° - 2 0 ° to the east a 2.8-m.y. period according to Thouret et al.

which was developed in lateral accretion sur- (1985). Coarse sediment of this formation does
faces as in the Lagunillas section. not exhibit important changes in texture and
In spite of the present flat morphology of the composition that is closely related to massive
more eastern Casabianca Formation sections, flow which is dominant in the debris flow
at the time of the deposition the morphology facies, and impeded the development of finer
was characterized by narrow incised channels facies.
that did not permit the flood-plain facies The control of the pre-existing drainage net-
associations. Subsequent incision of tributary work was the key for the Casabianca Forma-
streams following rapid aggradation by debris tion sediments distribution on both of the
flows and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits flanks in the middle part of the Central Cor-
contributed large volumes of sediment to the dillera (Fig. 2).
lower-gradient, east-flowing rivers where In spite of the difficulties in establishing
deposition by stream-flow processes continued lateral continuity of the deposits because of the
until the sediment supply diminished. The high rate of weathering that affected the
stream-flow deposits were not preserved. Vessel deposits, the proposed depositional environ-
and Davies (1981) discuss aggradation continu- ments tend to show the facies relations for the
ing for 20 to 30 years following eruptions in Casabianca Formation. Because the facies
Volcan Fuego, Guatemala, where the tropical assemblages found were similar for both
climate should allow sediment stabilization by alluvial fan and valley depositional settings,
rapid revegetation. In the semi-arid sections of geomorphology was used to distinguish them.
the eastern sector of Casabianca Formation, The depositional environments of the Casa-
the depositional episodes may have had the bianca Formation can be summarized as
same duration. follows: Sections A and E, Manizales and
Fresno (Fig. 2) correspond to alluvial fans with
Conclusions debris flow lobes structurally controlled by
regional faults, E1 Perro and Palestina Faults
Copious volcanism in the Central Cordillera (Fig. 2); the deposits are characterized by the
is recorded in the upper part of the Miocene constant mean grain size as result of their
Honda Group (Van Houten and Travis, 1968) deposition en masse. Section B, Arauca (Fig. 2)
and the Upper M i o c e n e - L o w e r Miocene Mesa corresponds to valley fill deposits produced
Group of the Magdalena valley and Manizales when the main channel slope diminished. The
Formation (Naranjo and Borrero, 1988) in the deposits of Sections C and D, Delgaditas and
Cauca valley. Continuing the volcaniclastic M a n z a n a r e s - M a r q u e t a l i a (Fig. 2) are the
sedimentation, the Upper Pliocene to Pleis- result of the diversion of debris flows and
tocene Casabianca Formation was deposited on hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits from the
both of the flanks of the Central Cordillera (Fig. main channel and were preserved in minor nar-
3). All of these deposits confirm Miocene to row affluent channels; this phenomenon suc-
Pliocene volcanic activity in the vicinity of the ceeded only in the middle part of the drainage
R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic complex. network of the eastern sector due to the great
The Casabianca Formation illustrates length of these channels with respect to the
another example of volcanism-induced ag- western sector channels. Deposits of the Sec-
gradation in fluvial systems, the main cause of tions F, G, H and I, C a s a b i a n c a - V i l l a Her-
sedimentation was the introduction of large mosa, Palo C a b i l d o - F a l a n , Lagunillas and
volumes of debris flows from the northernmost GuaH (Fig. 2) were produced by lateral accre-
part of the R u i z - T o l i m a volcanic complex, over tion in gravelly medium- to high-sinuosity

rivers; these sections contain more basement- References

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Louisiana State University encouraged us to Manizales Formation: First record of
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