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Disbelief as 'most wanted'

Indonesia politician hospitalized

A top Indonesian politician embroiled in a scandal involving an epic theft of

public money has been hospitalized after a car crash that is being widely
mocked online as another tactic to avoid arrest.

Indonesians were hardly surprised that their Donald Trump-admiring speaker

of parliament Setya Novanto was nowhere to be found this week when police
went to arrest him. But the car crash has unleashed a wave of incredulity
among a public often indifferent to the slippery moves of Indonesian

Images swept across social media Thursday night showing a black SUV with
a dented grill resting against a power pole, and Novanto apparently
unconscious in a hospital bed with a bandage on his head. Jakarta police
have yet to reach a conclusion in their accident investigation, but Novanto's
lawyer said the politician was injured and anyone who calls the incident fake
should be reported to police. Some aren't buying it, calling the crash
Novanto's most outrageous move yet to stymie the investigation and
comparing it to a plot twist in one of the homegrown TV melodramas that
regularly captivate millions.

Novanto, once hailed by Trump as one of Indonesia's most powerful men, has
for months been using every political, medical and legal maneuver available to
avoid questioning after being named a suspect in the $170 million corruption
scandal. In recent weeks he'd been unable to respond to summons for
questioning, citing a variety of health problems that required hospital
treatment, though earlier this month had apparently gathered enough strength
to be a guest at the wedding of the daughter of Indonesia's president. "Setya
Novanto and his team of lawyers must think we Indonesians are all fools,"
said Rina Amelia, a 29-year-old barista at a Jakarta cafe. "This accident?

The Corruption Eradication Commission had said it would declare Novanto a

most-wanted fugitive within 24 hours after he avoided arrest during a
Wednesday night raid by commission officials and paramilitary police on his
Jakarta home. A day later Novanto was being driven to an appointment in
Jakarta when the accident happened. Novanto's lawyer, Fredrich Yunadi, said
the politician was sitting in the back of the car and the driver was turning his
head to talk to Novanto when he drove into the power pole. The driver, a
reporter from a local TV station, only suffered light injuries but Novanto, who
wasn't wearing a seatbelt, was "badly injured" with symptoms of a concussion,
according to Yunadi. Officials from the anti-corruption commission have been
at the hospital since Thursday night, Yunadi said. "I and hospital officials have
told them that such a situation was not good for other patients, but they did
not care," he said.

Mocking memes on social media using a hashtag that translates as "Save the
power pole" quickly went viral. Some predicted that the next twist in the drama
would be Novanto claiming to have lost his memory and therefore unable to
answer any questions about the corruption scandal. "Sit back and grab your
popcorn, this ain't over yet," said human rights lawyer Veronica Koman on

Jakarta police spokesman Argo Yuwono said police have not yet reached any
conclusion about whether the collision was purely an accident or otherwise.
Yuwono said the MetroTV reporter who was driving the car would be
prosecuted and faces up to three months in prison if convicted of negligent

Anti-corruption police allege that Novanto was among about 80 people, mostly
officials and legislators, and several companies used the introduction of a
$440 million electronic identity card system in 2011 and 2012 to steal more
than a third of the funds.

Novanto, also chairman of the Golkar party, which is part of Indonesia's

governing coalition, has denied any wrongdoing.
A Trump admirer, Novanto made an unexpected appearance at the future
president's news conference at Trump Tower in New York in September 2015
along with another Indonesian lawmaker, Fadli Zon. Novanto was introduced
by Trump as one of Indonesia's most powerful men who would do great things
for the U.S.

Associated Press writer Ali Kotarumalos contributed.

1. What is the news about?
a. Economy
b. Politics
c. Education
d. Corruption
e. Global warming
2. From the text we can conclude that ...
a. Setya Novanto is a honest politician in Indonesia
b. The news about Setya Novanto tried to avoid Corruption Eradication
Commission’s arrest is still in controversy
c. The Corruption Eradication Commission has arrested Setya Novanto
d. Jakarta police has taken conclusion about Novanto’s case
e. In this case, Setya Novanto isn’t culpable
3. Look at the Fourth pharagraph. The main pharagraph issue the text is

a. Setya Novanto has used some maneuver to avoid The Corruption
Eradication Commission
b. Setya Novanto was named a suspect in the $160 million corruption
c. In recent weeks he'd been able to respond to summons for questioning
d. Setya Novanto needs hospital treatment
e. He had apparently gathered enough strength to be a guest at the
wedding of the daughter of Indonesia's president
4. “…though earlier this month had apparently gathered enough strength to
be a guest at the wedding of…)
From the underline word (Paragraph 4 ), the synonims of the word is …
a. Attended
b. Appreciated
c. Cared
d. Depended
e. Assembled
5. Novanto, once hailed by Trump as one of Indonesia's most powerful men,
has for months been using every political, medical and legal maneuver
available to avoid questioning after being named a suspect in the $170
million corruption scandal
From the underline sentences we can conclude that …
a. Setya Novanto didn’t avoid questioning
b. Setya Novanto used some maneuver to avoid questioning
c. Setya Novanto is honest politician
d. Trump is a suspect in the $170 million corruption scandal
e. Trump avoided questioning

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