Ethernet/Ip User'S Manual: Version: V1.00 (September 2009) Model No.: Maeip-Eng

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User's Manual

Version: V1.00 (September 2009)

Model no.: MAEIP-ENG

All information contained in this manual is current as of its creation/publication. We reserve the right to change
the contents of this manual without warning. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of
the date of publication; however, Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. makes no warranty,
expressed or implied, with regard to the products or the documentation contained within this book. In addition,
Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. shall not be liable in the event of incidental or
consequential damages in connection with or resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of these
products. The software names, hardware names, and trademarks used in this document are registered by the
respective companies.
EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 1
Table of contents

1 Table of contents
1 Table of contents ........................................................................................................2

2 Organization of safety notices ..................................................................................4

3 An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088 ........................................................5

3.1 General information ..............................................................................................................................5
3.2 Configuration of the input/output modules and data connections ........................................................5
3.2.1 Multi-function modules .................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 B&R FieldbusDESIGNER .....................................................................................................................5
3.4 Additional services ................................................................................................................................6
3.5 Order data .............................................................................................................................................6
3.6 Technical data.......................................................................................................................................6
3.7 Additional technical data .......................................................................................................................7
3.8 Functionality ..........................................................................................................................................7
3.9 Performance .........................................................................................................................................7
3.10 Supported CIP and manufacturer-specific classes.............................................................................8
3.11 LED signaling......................................................................................................................................9
3.11.1 Mod status .................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.11.2 Net status...................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.12 Operating and connection elements .................................................................................................10
3.12.1 RJ45 ports................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.12.2 Network address switches .......................................................................................................................... 11

4 Commissioning.........................................................................................................12
4.1 Connection to bus controller via Ethernet...........................................................................................12
4.2 Start-up ...............................................................................................................................................13
4.2.1 Blink codes for boot procedure ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Force boot from default area......................................................................................................................... 13

5 Configuration of the network settings ....................................................................14

5.1 Factory defined IP address (default value) .........................................................................................14
5.2 Automatic IP assignment from a DHCP server...................................................................................14
5.3 Manually setting the network parameters ...........................................................................................15
5.4 Changing the IP address with the network address switch ................................................................15
5.5 Overview of network address switch functionality ..............................................................................16
5.6 Information about NetBIOS names.....................................................................................................17

6 Configuring the I/O modules ...................................................................................18

6.1 Automatic configuration ......................................................................................................................19
6.1.1 Configuration of multi-function modules ........................................................................................................ 19
6.1.2 Empty module slots....................................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Full configuration.................................................................................................................................20
6.2.1 Auto Mode..................................................................................................................................................... 20

7 Assembly object and bus controller process image .............................................21

7.1 Static output assemblies .....................................................................................................................22
7.2 Static input assemblies .......................................................................................................................22
7.3 Non-exclusive input assemblies .........................................................................................................22
7.3.1 Static "Input Only" assembly ......................................................................................................................... 22
7.3.2 Static "Listen Only" assembly ....................................................................................................................... 23
7.4 X2X "Network Status" assembly .........................................................................................................23
7.5 Output status assembly ......................................................................................................................24
7.6 Changes to the I/O assemblies...........................................................................................................24
7.7 Configuration assembly ......................................................................................................................24
7.7.1 Connection-based (default) configuration assembly ..................................................................................... 24
7.7.2 Extended configuration assemblies .............................................................................................................. 25
7.8 Example of a process image using automatic configuration mode ....................................................26

2 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Table of contents

8 Adapter actions ........................................................................................................28

8.1 Available adapter states......................................................................................................................28
8.1.1 Communication Loss .................................................................................................................................... 28
8.1.2 Program mode .............................................................................................................................................. 28
8.1.3 Module failed................................................................................................................................................. 29
8.1.4 Module missing at power-up ......................................................................................................................... 29
8.1.5 Module mismatch at power-up ...................................................................................................................... 29
8.2 Available actions .................................................................................................................................29
8.3 Hierarchy of actions ............................................................................................................................30
8.3.1 Practical example - hierarchy of actions:....................................................................................................... 30
8.4 Action scope .......................................................................................................................................30

9 Supported CIP objects .............................................................................................31

9.1 Identity object (CIP class 0x1) ............................................................................................................31
9.1.1 Class attributes ............................................................................................................................................. 31
9.1.2 Instance attributes......................................................................................................................................... 31
9.1.3 Services of identity object ............................................................................................................................. 33
9.2 Message router object (CIP class 0x2)...............................................................................................33
9.3 Assembly object (CIP class 0x4) ........................................................................................................33
9.4 Connection manager object (CIP class 0x6) ......................................................................................33
9.5 Port object (CIP class 0xF4) ...............................................................................................................33
9.6 TCP/IP interface object (CIP class 0xF5) ...........................................................................................34
9.6.1 Class attributes ............................................................................................................................................. 34
9.6.2 Instance attributes......................................................................................................................................... 34
9.6.3 Services of TCP/IP object ............................................................................................................................. 36
9.7 Ethernet link object (CIP class 0xF6)..................................................................................................36

10 B&R-specific objects..............................................................................................37
10.1 Bus controller object (CIP class 0x64)..............................................................................................37
10.1.1 Class attributes ........................................................................................................................................... 37
10.1.2 Instance attributes....................................................................................................................................... 38
10.1.3 Common services ....................................................................................................................................... 52
10.1.4 B&R-specific services ................................................................................................................................. 52
10.2 I/O module object (CIP class 0x65) ..................................................................................................53
10.2.1 Class attributes ........................................................................................................................................... 53
10.2.2 Instance attributes....................................................................................................................................... 53
10.2.3 CIP common services ................................................................................................................................. 58
10.2.4 B&R-specific services ................................................................................................................................. 58

11 Diagnostic options .................................................................................................59

11.1 Product data......................................................................................................................................59
11.1.1 Bus controller .............................................................................................................................................. 59
11.1.2 I/O modules................................................................................................................................................. 59
11.2 Operating states................................................................................................................................60
11.2.1 Bus controller .............................................................................................................................................. 60
11.2.2 I/O modules................................................................................................................................................. 60

12 Web Interface ..........................................................................................................61

13 The Telnet interface................................................................................................62

13.1 Structure of Telnet command line.....................................................................................................63

14 Application examples.............................................................................................64
14.1 Assigning an IP address ...................................................................................................................64
14.2 Resetting the factory settings (deleting flash memory).....................................................................64
14.3 Querying the I/O assembly lengths...................................................................................................65

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 3

Organization of safety notices

2 Organization of safety notices

Safety guidelines in this document are organized as follows:

Safety notice Description

Danger! Disregarding the safety regulations and guidelines can be life-threatening.
Warning! Disregarding the safety regulations and guidelines can result in severe injury or major damage to
Caution! Disregarding the safety regulations and guidelines can result in injury or damage to material.
Information: Important information for preventing errors.

4 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3 An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.1 General information

EtherNet/IP is a fieldbus based on Ethernet. EtherNet/IP was developed by Allen-Bradley® (Rockwell

Automation) and later transferred to the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA) as open standard. In
1998 a ControlNet International working group designed a procedure to set the already released application
protocol, Common Industrial Protocol, to Ethernet. EtherNet/IP was released in March 2000 as open industry
standard based on this procedure.

The B&R bus controllers for EtherNet/IP make it possible to connect B&R input and output modules to
EtherNet/IP. The bus controller is operated via the corresponding B&R X20 interface module (scanner
module) or with scanners from external systems that support the EtherNet/IP standard from the ODVA.

• Fieldbus: EtherNet/IP
• Integrated 3-port switch for efficient cabling (2 external ports: IF1, IF2)
• Automatic configuration of I/O modules
• Can be configured by the scanner using EtherNet/IP Configuration Assembly
• DHCP support
• Configurable I/O cycle (0.5 - 4 ms)
• Minimum fieldbus cycle time (also Request Packet Interval or RPI): 1 ms

3.2 Configuration of the input/output modules and data connections

After starting up, the EtherNet/IP bus controller boots all connected I/O modules (also referred to as
"terminals" or "slices") via the B&R X2X bus and generates a local process image. In addition to this
automatic configuration (factory setting), manual configuration is also supported; to do this, configuration
data must be created and transferred to the bus controller. Additional information about configuration options
can be found in chapter 6.

Depending on the data type, I/O data is split up among different assemblies (CIP "Assembly Object", class
These (base-) assemblies contain the data points (I/O channels) of the I/O modules in their order, i.e. by
increasing X2X station number (I/O modules from "left" to "right").
Combination input- and output assemblies combine the various base assemblies and are generally used for
I/O communication (data connections, Class1 connection). See chapter 7 for more details.

3.2.1 Multi-function modules

Only the default function model is supported (see respective module description), when the bus controller
operates I/O modules in automatic configuration mode.
All other function models are supported if these modules are configured accordingly by B&R’s
FieldbusDESIGNER (see next chapter).
Additional information about module configuration can be found in chapter 6.

3.3 B&R FieldbusDESIGNER

The B&R FieldbusDESIGNER can be used for configuring the EtherNet/IP bus controller and the connected
I/O modules. This tool is available for free download from the B&R web portal:
All supported I/O modules can be easily integrated on the bus controller and configured using the selection
menus. Variables can be defined in the I/O mapping as usual. Users without B&R experience are provided
with an extensive help system.
When the project is compiled, configuration files are generated that can either be directly implemented in a
3rd party development environment or manually transferred to the bus controller.
The FieldbusDESIGNER generates a full configuration (see chapter 6.2).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 5

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.4 Additional services

An integrated web interface (see chapter 12) as well as a Telnet service (see chapter 13) are available for
system management and diagnostics (bus controller including connected I/O modules).

3.5 Order data

3.6 Technical data

6 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.7 Additional technical data

3.8 Functionality

• UCMM (unconnected) Message Server

• Class 3 (connected) Message Server
• Class 1 (connected) I/O Server

Corresponds to the following functionality level

• Level 1 (Explicit Message Server)

• Level 2 (I/O Message Server)

3.9 Performance

• Supports a maximum of 128 encapsulation protocol sessions

• Supports up to 128 Class 1 / Class 3 connections (combined)

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 7

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.10 Supported CIP and manufacturer-specific classes

Class ID Name
0x1 Identity
0x2 Message router
0x4 Assembly
0x6 Connection manager
0xF4 Port object
0xF5 TCP/IP interface object
0xF6 Ethernet link object
0x64 Bus controller object
0x65 I/O module object

See chapter 9 for more details.

8 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.11 LED signaling

The LINK LEDs L/A ("Link/Access") IF1 and IF2 signal the physical connection status.
If no physical Ethernet connection is present, both LEDs are off.
When network activity takes place, the corresponding LINK LED blinks green.

The module status LED "Mod Status" and the network status LED "Net Status" can be
either green or red.
Error-free states are indicated with green signals. Errors are indicated by a series of red

3.11.1 Mod status

LED signal Description

Green (blinking) Bus controller not yet configured
Permanently green Bus controller working properly
Green (flickering) HTTP file upload (firmware and configuration data)
Red (blinking) Major recoverable fault
Permanently red Major unrecoverable fault
Red/green blinking Initialization / self test

Details about error states are provided in the adapter status (bus controller object, class 0x64, instance 1,
attribute 1 – see chapter

3.11.2 Net status

LED signal Description

Permanently off IP address not yet assigned to the adapter
Green (blinking) No I/O connection
Permanently green There is at least one I/O connection
Red (blinking) Timeout occurred on one or more connections.
Permanently red An IP address is being used more than once
Red/green blinking Initialization / self test

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 9

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.12 Operating and connection elements

3.12.1 RJ45 ports

10 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

An overview of the bus controller X20BC0088

3.12.2 Network address switches

The network address switch has multiple functions:

• Adopt configured IP address (between $01 and $7F)
• Enable operation on a DHCP server (between $80 and $EF)
• Initialization of all bus controller parameters with default values ($FE)
• Initialization of communication parameters with default values ($FF)

An overview of the network address switch functions can be found in chapter 5.5.

Please note that for all switching positions not equal to $00, the IP address configured in the bus
controller is only partially used (between $01 and $7F) or not used at all.

Changes to the network address switch are only applied after a restart (power cycle). A restart can
also take place via the web interface (see chapter 12), the Telnet interface ("restart" command,
chapter 13.1) or the fieldbus (service "Reset" 0x5 of the "Identity object" class 0x1, chapter 9.1).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 11


4 Commissioning

An IP address must be assigned for communication with the bus controller. Two types are possible here:
• Fixed IP address
• Operation on a DHCP server

In addition to the attributes from the TCP/IP object (CIP class 0xF5, see chapter 9.6), the network address
switch can also be used to configure the two options (see chapter 5.5).

If the network address switch is set to $FF, the bus controller is assigned the fixed IP address
following a restart (power cycle); these methods can then be used to define a new IP address:

1. Via the web interface (see chapter 12)

2. Via the fieldbus (see chapter 5.3)
3. Via the Telnet interface (see chapter 14.1)

For operation on a DHCP server, the network address switch must be assigned a value between
$80 and $EF, where the host name of the controller depends on the network address switch value
(see chapter 5.2). Therefore, you must make sure that two bus controllers are not operated in the
same network with the same network address switch value (with the exception of the value $00,
see below).

Operation on a DHCP server can also be configured using the "Configuration Control" attribute
(TCP/IP object, class 0xF5, instance 1, attribute 3, bit1 set). The network address switch must be
set to the value $00 in order to use this setting. In this case, the parameter from attribute 6 (TCP/IP
object, class 0xF5) is used as host name.

Details about the TCP/IP object can be found in the EtherNet/IP specification or chapter 9.6.

4.1 Connection to bus controller via Ethernet

The connection between the EtherNet/IP scanner (master) and the bus controller (adapter) takes place via
Ethernet cable or network. If a PC is used for commissioning (configuration), it must have network access to
the controller to be managed (or to several controllers at the same time). The simplest method for connection
is a direct connection between the PC network connection and the bus controller using a patch cable. A
straight or crossed Ethernet cable can be used here. Whether Ethernet interface IF1 or IF2 is used on the
bus controller does not matter either.
The default subnet mask for the controller is (class C network), so the first 3 octets of the IP
address (Net ID) for the PC must match the address of the bus controller.
The bus controller has the IP (default setting). The PC must be set to (with
xxx between 2 and 254).

The EtherNet/IP bus controller X20BC0088 can be addressed in two different ways:
• Via its IP address (see chapter 5.1)
• Via its host name (NetBIOS service, see chapter 5.6)

The controller's IP address can be changed using its network address switch; when in position $00, the
communication parameters - see CIP class 0xF5 - that are stored (configured) in the controller's Flash
memory are used (e.g. IP address, startup configuration, etc).
If the network address switch is set to $FF, then the controller is assigned the IP address
Details regarding the network address switch can be found in the following chapter 5.

12 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00


4.2 Start-up
Initialization takes place once the supply voltage is switched on. The bus controller determines the input and
output data size of the individual I/O modules, accounts for any saved configurations and generates the
process image.
If there is a problem at startup, the bus controller outputs a blink code with the module status LED "Mod
Status" (see chapter 3.11). It is also possible to determine which of the two firmware blocks is being used for
booting. Details about the active boot block can be found in chapter; further details about the
respective blink codes are provided in the following chapter.

An existing configuration can be used by deleting the flash memory, either via the integrated web
interface (see chapter 12), the Telnet interface (command "flash erase", see chapter 13.1) or the
fieldbus (service 0x35 of the bus controller class 0x64). This will reset the bus controller to the
factory settings.

The manufacturer-specific service 0x35 of the bus controller class 0x64 does not require any
attributes (see chapter 10.1.4).

If the configuration data should remain unchanged in the flash, then a restart can be executed via the service
"Reset" 0x5 of the "Identity object" class 0x1 with the USINT attribute "1" (loads factory default values
including factory communication parameters) or attribute "2" (loads default values without communication
parameters). See chapter 9.1 for more details.

4.2.1 Blink codes for boot procedure

The boot loader signals the following states on the module status LED, "Mod Status":

If a reboot is executed due to an error of the firmware in the flash memory, then “another" boot block is tried
the next time the system is started.
This means: if an error occurs in the upgrade area, then the system is automatically booted from the default
area (Boot from 0).

4.2.2 Force boot from default area

This is necessary in the event that a firmware is saved in the upgrade area that properly operates the
watchdog but otherwise does not function correctly. The boot loader would start the defective firmware,
leaving the user with no possibility to reload an update.

To force a boot from the default area, one of the network address switches must be moved constantly during
the boot procedure. The boot loader detects this and starts flashing red rapidly with the module status LED
"Mod Status". As soon as the network address switch is not changed over a time frame of 1 second, the bus
controller is restarted with the default boot block and the currently set network address switch.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 13

Configuration of the network settings

5 Configuration of the network settings

Changes to the network settings or network address switch are only applied after a restart (power cycle). A
restart can also be initiated via the web interface (see chapter 12), the Telnet interface ("restart" command,
chapter 13.1) or the fieldbus (service "Reset" 0x5 of the "Identity object" class 0x1, chapter 9.1).

5.1 Factory defined IP address (default value)

If the bus controller is restarted with the network address switch $FF, it is
initialized with the IP address This address is also the factory set
(default) address upon delivery (when address switch value is $00).
This IP can be used to establish a connection to the bus controller.

The internationally unique MAC address is listed on the housing side of the bus
controller. The combination of "br" and the MAC address results in a unique name
(primary NetBIOS name) that also makes it possible to access the bus controller.
Example for the primary NetBIOS names:

MAC address: 00-60-65-00-49-02

Resulting NetBIOS name: br006065004902

Without additional parameter changes, the default IP address or the NetBIOS name
"br"+MAC can be used to communicate with the controller. The bus controller can only be accessed via this
name if there are no intermediary routers or gateways because the NetBIOS method is used (see chapter

5.2 Automatic IP assignment from a DHCP server

At a network address switch value between $80 and $EF, the bus controller attempts to request an IP
address from the DHCP server. To query this IP address, simply run a "ping" command with the host name.
The bus controller registers this host name on the DHCP server, which should forward it to a DNS server.

The host name (DNS name) is made up of three elements:

"br" + "eip" + network address switch (three decimal places)

The following host name is generated for a network address switch value of $D7 (dec. 215): "breip215"

You must ensure that two bus controllers are not operated in the same network with the same
network address switch value (with the exception of the value $00, see below).

Operation on a DHCP server can also be configured using the "Configuration Control" attribute
(TCP/IP object, class 0xF5, instance 1, attribute 3, bit1 set). The network address switch must be
set to the value $00 in order to use this setting. In this case, the parameter from attribute 6 (TCP/IP
object, class 0xF5) is used as host name.

Details about the TCP/IP object can be found in the EtherNet/IP specification or chapter 9.6.

If DNS service is not available on the network, the bus controller's two NetBIOS names can also be
accessed. The secondary NetBIOS name is identical to the host name, except for at network address switch
value $00 (see chapter 5.6).

14 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Configuration of the network settings

5.3 Manually setting the network parameters

The network parameters can be changed using the integrated web interface (see chapter 12), the Telnet
interface (chapter 14.1) or the fieldbus (TCP/IP object, class 0xF5, see chapter 9.6).
If the IP address should be set via the TCP/IP object, then the new address is only saved in the flash if
attribute 3 (Configuration Control) of the TCP/IP object is set at 0 (see CIP specification).

Changes to attributes in the TCP/IP object are immediately saved to the flash memory and do not
have to be saved explicitly. They are applied when the bus controller is restarted as long as a
different setting is not being forced by the network address switch.

5.4 Changing the IP address with the network address switch

The network address switch can be used to change the last position (octet) in the IP address that was
configured in the bus controller. The IP address saved in the flash memory is not changed. If the network
address switch is set to $00, the bus controller applies the IP address last saved to flash memory.
Network address switch values between $01 and $7F cause the last position of the IP address (the lowest
byte) to be overwritten by the value of the network address switch. This gives the user a simple and quick
way to address a large number of bus controllers. This basically means that the IP address of a bus
controller can be selected between and using the network address switch
without needing any additional configuration (default IP address setting).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 15

Configuration of the network settings

5.5 Overview of network address switch functionality

Switch position Description

$00 This is the switch setting defined upon delivery. The network address switch
doesn't have any effect on the system parameters.
The communication parameters – see TCP/IP interface object 0xF5 – (IP
address, etc.) that are stored (configured) in the controller's flash memory are
used. The adapter is started via DHCP if attribute 3 (configuration control) was
set to DHCP. The bus controller is started with factory default values (see
switch setting $FF) if valid flash data is not present.

$01 to $7F The lowest value byte of the IP address stored in the flash memory (last
object) is adjusted using the network address switch value (e.g.
192.168.100.***, whereby *** corresponds to the decimal value of the network
address switch value).
All other bus controller parameters are read from the flash memory and are
used without being changed (except for Configuration Control).

$80 to $EF The bus controller runs in this range in DHCP mode. A host name is generated
according to the setting of the network address switch.
Example: The generated host name is made up of three elements: "br" + "eip"
+ network address switch (three decimal places)
This means that a network address switch of e.g. $D7
(dec. 215) would result in the following host name: "breip215"

$F0 to $FD Reserved (same function as the position $FF, i.e. all communication
parameters are initialized with default values)

$FE All bus controller parameters are initialized with default values during the boot
procedure. No values are read from the flash. The communication parameters
are equal to the values as with the switch setting $FF.

$FF All communication parameters are initialized with default values. All other bus
controller parameters are read from the flash.

The default parameters:

• IP address:
• Network mask:
• Gateway:
• Primary NetBIOS name: "br" + MAC address
• Secondary NetBIOS name: "breip"+network addr. switches (dec)
• X2X bus configuration: 1 ms cycle time
• X2X bus cable length: 0m

16 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Configuration of the network settings

5.6 Information about NetBIOS names

In addition to the host name, needed for registration on the DHCP server (see chapter 5.2), the bus
controller also has NetBIOS names. These are used to address the bus controller from a PC using a name
(as opposed to an IP address); this is only possible if no routers or gateways are in the way.

The primary NetBIOS name is always composed of the prefix "br" and the MAC address from the bus
controller (see chapter 5.1).

The secondary NetBIOS name corresponds to the primary NetBIOS name at the network address switch
position $00; this is necessary because there may be several bus controllers with the network address
switch $00 in a network segment (in this case, the IP address is used from the flash memory).
For all other network address switch positions, the secondary NetBIOS name is generated from the network
address switch value (as in DHCP mode); see chapter 5.2: "br" + "eip" + network address switch (3 decimal

This allows addressing the bus controller using the NetBIOS name based on the network address switch.
This is also possible if the controller is not configured to DHCP (network address switch value between $01
and $7F).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 17

Configuring the I/O modules

6 Configuring the I/O modules

When the EtherNet/IP bus controller is started (after a power cycle), it detects and then starts all of the
connected I/O modules (X2X bus modules, terminals), and generates an internal image of the input and
output data (also see the following chapter 7).

There are two ways to configure connected I/O modules:

• Automatic configuration
• Manual configuration (full configuration)

If configuration data for the I/O modules is stored in the flash memory of the bus controller (manual
configuration), the respective modules are configured at start up. The configuration data is stored in the
assembly object (class 0x4) in the manufacturer-specific instances 100 (0x64) or 130 (0x82) to 139 (0x8B).
Further details can be found in the chapter 7.7.

If there is no configuration data, then the I/O modules will be started using default settings; this operating
mode is also called "automatic configuration".

Automatic configuration Manual configuration

Use of simple I/O modules (digital
Area of application I/Os, analog I/Os when using default Use of simple and/or complex I/O modules
Generating a Via the B&R FieldbusDESIGNER (see
Not required
configuration file chapter 3.3)
Module documentation or menu "I/O From the text file created by the
Information via I/O data
Assembly Mapping" of the web FieldbusDESIGNER or from the web
points (I/O mapping)
interface (see chapter 12) interface menu "I/O Assembly Mapping"
Only "Bus Controller" function model
All function models, I/O data points can be
(model 254, see module
Configuring the I/O added or removed in configuration,
documentation), no options for
modules configuration registers are configured with
intervening in the I/O data, default
pre-defined values upon startup
settings of the configuration register
Current boot config
100 (connection-based configuration
assembly ID (attribute
assembly, see chapter 7.7.1)
0xE4 of the bus 0
130..139 (extended configuration
controller object, see
assemblies, see chapter 7.7.2)

The B&R tool FieldbusDESIGNER (see chapter 3.3) can be used for configuring the EtherNet/IP bus
controller and the connected I/O modules.
This generates a full configuration as binary files (see chapter 7.7), which can be downloaded to the bus
controller manually using the integrated web interface (see chapter 12) or using the application option
"Explicit Messaging" (assembly object, class 0x4). In the event of servicing, configuration download via the
controller or application is beneficial because the bus controller can be replaced without having to manually
transfer the configuration again.
Furthermore, the position of the I/O data points (I/O mapping) is described in a text file in the respective I/O

A complete project is generated by FieldbusDESIGNER for the Allen-Bradley® programming environment

RSLogix™; this contains the configuration for the bus controller and I/O modules, as well as the assignment
of the I/O data points to the I/O data. Allen-Bradley® controllers support automatic transfer of configuration
data (from the configuration assembly, assembly object, class 0x4, instance 100) while the I/O connection is
being established. This requires that the configuration data is a maximum of 400 bytes and the bus controller
parameter "Configuration Assembly Type" is set to "Connection based configuration assembly" in
FieldbusDESIGNER (connection-based configurations assembly, see chapter 7.7.1). More details can be
found in FieldbusDESIGNER's help system.

18 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Configuring the I/O modules

6.1 Automatic configuration

If there is no valid data present or enabled in the configuration assemblies when booted (see chapter 7.7),
then the connected I/O modules are configured automatically. In this case, the attribute "Current boot config
assembly ID" (0xE4) of the bus controller object (class 0x64) holds the value 0; this can also be queried
using the "Advanced Configuration" menu item in the web interface.

When automatic configuration occurs, each module is operated in the "Bus Controller" function model (model
254, see module documentation).
When booting, each module reports the length of the synchronous input and output register to the bus
controller, which then uses this information to create the I/O process image (see chapter 7). Fixed registers
are reported by the bus controller just as they were reported by the module. Dynamic registers are
automatically mapped on the X2X bus by the bus controller.

Bus modules with node number switches (e.g. X20BM15, X67DM9321) cannot be used in the
"Automatic configuration" operating mode (see chapter 6.1.2).

6.1.1 Configuration of multi-function modules

Some I/O modules support other function models in addition to the default function (default function model).

A full configuration must be made in order to operate this sort of module in an alternative model.

6.1.2 Empty module slots

If bus modules are left empty in the X2X bus or if bus modules with a node number switch are used (e.g.
X20BM15), then the subsequent I/O modules will not be started; they stay in "pre-operational" mode (I/O
module status = 0x50 or 0x70 – see attribute 0xFD in the respective instances of the I/O module object,
class 0x65). Further details can be found in the chapter 10.2.2.

When working with automatic configuration, the I/O modules following empty slots (modules with
higher X2X station numbers) will not be started!

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 19

Configuring the I/O modules

6.2 Full configuration

With a full configuration, the bus controller configures the I/O modules using the data in the configuration
assemblies (see chapter 7.7). No register information is queried from the modules.
If configuration data does not match the actual connected I/O modules, this is indicated on the bus controller
as well as on the corresponding I/O modules. The bus controller also enters an error state, which can trigger
specific pre-configured reactions (e.g. setting the output states).

If an I/O module is missing or the hardware ID is different, then an error is triggered (see chapter 3.11 "LED
signaling" or chapter "Adapter status").
When working with a full configuration, the I/O modules following on one or more faulty I/O modules
(modules with higher X2X station numbers) will be started. These will have the I/O module status 0x52
("operational"), as long as no other errors occur.

6.2.1 Auto Mode

Auto Mode is when, in addition to the I/O modules configured in the full configuration, other modules with
higher X2X station numbers than the ones configured are connected to the bus controller.
These modules are automatically configured, as described in the section 6.1.
In order for this to happen, all modules with lower station numbers in the X2X bus must be thoroughly
configured (grouped together in a block), as is necessary for the full configuration.

20 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Assembly object and bus controller process image

7 Assembly object and bus controller process image

Depending on the data type, the I/O data of the individual I/O modules is split up among different assemblies
(CIP "Assembly Object", class 0x4). These base assemblies contain the data points (I/O channels) with
modules in order, i.e. by increasing X2X station number (input/output modules from "left" to "right").

All analog and complex I/O registers are mapped in the analog base assemblies:

• Analog output (instance 110 or 0x6E)

• Analog input (instance 120 or 0x78)

Keep in mind that EtherNet/IP uses the Little Endian format and therefore the lowest value byte is mapped
first. Example: an integer value of 0x1234 will be transmitted as 0x34 12.

In the digital assemblies, the first digital data point of each module is assigned to a new, unused byte (bit
offset = 0).

If the number of digital I/O channels in a module do not completely fill one byte,
then the remaining bits are filled with zeros, i.e. the smallest mapped data unit per module is one
byte (see following examples).

The following digital base assemblies are used:

• Digital output (instance 111 or 0x6F)

• Digital input (instance 121 or 0x79)

In addition to the analog and digital I/O data, there are also the following input assemblies:

• X2X network status (instance 122 or 0x7A)

• Output status (instance 123 or 0x7B)

The network status assembly (see chapter 7.4) supplies one byte of status information for each X2X station
(in the case of the X20 system, this is the bus module, e.g. X20BM11 and in the case of the X67, the ASIC
block integrated in the I/O module). The states of the output channels that have a response (I/O register
addresses 30 and 31 on digital modules) are located in the output status assembly as input data.

In addition to these six base assemblies, there are two combination assemblies that combine the data of the
respective base assemblies; accordingly, these combination assemblies have a length, which is a total of the
individual base assembly lengths. The combination assemblies are generally used for I/O communication
(data connections, Class1 connection):

• Combination output assembly, combo output (instance 112 or 0x70)

• Combination input assembly, combo input (instance 124 or 0x7C)

The attributes 0x40 to 0x46 of the bus controller object (class 0x64) can be used to read out and to
set the lengths of the individual base assemblies and to configure the grouping of the
combination input assemblies (see chapter

In the event that additional I/O modules are added during operation, the process image is automatically
updated without changing the parameters of the individual assemblies (attribute 0x40 to 0x46 of the bus
controller object, class 0x64 - see chapter In this case, the attributes 0x20 to 0x27 (I/O data length)
of the bus controller object will be updated.
Information about changes to the assemblies can be found in chapter 7.6.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 21

Assembly object and bus controller process image

7.1 Static output assemblies

The following table provides an overview of the individual output assemblies:

Instance Type Description Default size in bytes

110, 0x6E Base Analog output (AO) 120
111, 0x6F Base Digital output (DO) 120
112, 0x70 Combo Analog + digital output (AO + DO) 240

7.2 Static input assemblies

The following table provides an overview of the individual input assemblies:

Instance Type Description Default size in bytes

120, 0x78 Base Analog input (AI) 120
121, 0x79 Base Digital input (DI) 120
122, 0x7A Base Network status (NS) 120
123, 0x7B Base Output status (OS) 120
AI + DI + NS + OS (grouping can be set via the attribute
124, 0x7C Combo 480
0x46 of the bus controller object, see chapter

7.3 Non-exclusive input assemblies

Input and output assemblies as well as configuration assemblies are referred to as Exclusive Owner
assemblies (i.e. there can only be one active connection with the respective assembly at any given time).
Shared access to the same I/O data is theoretically possible because the combination assemblies are only
references to the standard assembly I/O data. If this sort of combination is used, then measures must be
taken in the application to manage this shared I/O data access.

Unlike the Exclusive Owner assembly connection, the Input and Listen Only assemblies allow read access to
an existing Exclusive Owner connection.
The difference between the two types of access has to do with the dependency to the respective
Exclusive Owner assembly. All Listen Only connections are automatically interrupted if the corresponding
Exclusive Owner connection has ended.

A typical application example would be if more than one controller (scanner) needed to access one adapter.
Only the scanner with the Exclusive Owner connection can set outputs.
On the other scanners, either the "Input Only" instance 254 or the "Listen Only" instance 255 must be
specified as Consuming Assembly (Originator → Target Connection Point) instead of an output assembly;
whose size is then 0 bytes. In this case the scanner is the origin and the target is the bus controller.
The input assembly of the respective Exclusive Owner connection must be configured as input assembly
(Producing Assembly or Target → Originator Connection Point).

It is also important that the packet interval (Packet Rate or RPI) of the connection "Target → Originator" is
equal to that of the Exclusive Owner connection; the RPI of the connection "Originator → Target" plays no
role here.

7.3.1 Static "Input Only" assembly

Connection Instance Type Description Default size in bytes

Output to Target Device
OÆT 254, 0xFE Base 0 byte
(Consuming Assembly)
Respective Depending on the The assembly size is
Input from Target Device
TÆO Exclusive Exclusive Owner based on the Exclusive
(Producing Assembly)
Owner ID connection type Owner connection

22 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Assembly object and bus controller process image

7.3.2 Static "Listen Only" assembly

Connection Instance Type Description Default size in bytes

Output to Target Device
OÆT 255, 0xFF Base 0 byte
(Consuming Assembly)
Respective Depending on the The assembly size is
Input from Target Device
TÆO Exclusive Exclusive Owner based on the Exclusive
(Producing Assembly)
Owner ID connection type Owner connection

7.4 X2X "Network Status" assembly

The X2X network status provides information about the operating status of the individual X2X bus stations
(bus modules of respective I/O modules). The operating status of the I/O modules (electronic modules, as
opposed to the bus modules) can be requested via the module-specific parameters (I/O module status,
attribute 0xFD of the respective instance of the I/O module object, class 0x65 - see chapter 10.2.2).
Each module (each station) on the X2X bus occupies one byte in the X2X network status assembly. In the
case of the X20BC0088 bus controller, the first byte belongs to the supply module (power supply, X2X
station number 1).
Each X2X bus station is equipped with a hardware block (ASIC), which reports its status in every X2X bus
cycle to the X2X bus master (in this case, the bus controller).

Each network status byte is structured as follows:

Bit Value Description

0 0x01 X2X bus supply voltage - OK
1 0x02 Reserved (always 0)
2 0x04 Communication between ASIC and electronics module OK
(requirement for validity of bits 3 to 7)
3 0x08 I/O data invalid (void)
4 0x10 Reserved (always 1)
5 0x20 Reserved (always 1)
6 0x40 Reserved (always 1)
7 0x80 Reserved (always 1)

This results in the following values:

Description Value Value

X2X station inactive (e.g. no X2X bus supply) 0x00 0000 0000
No communication with electronic module (bits 7 to 3 are invalid) 0x01 0000 0001
Everything OK (I/O data valid) 0xF5 1111 0101
No communication with electronic module (bits 7 to 3 are invalid); 0xF9 1111 1001
identically with 0x01
I/O data invalid, communication between X2X ASIC and electronic 0xFD 1111 1101
module - OK (ASIC carried out a valid "Sync In" transfer with the
electronic module in the last X2X cycle)

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 23

Assembly object and bus controller process image

7.5 Output status assembly

In the output status assembly, the status of digital (output) channels, which have a response, are provided as
input data. Examples of this include digital modules, which show the status "short-circuit or overload" for
each channel with a set bit (register addresses 30 and 31 on digital modules).
Some analog modules also provide input registers that are used for status response. Examples of this
include analog input modules that have registers with names like "StatusInput". In this case, 2 bits per
channel are used to indicate whether a wire break has occurred or if a value falls outside the measurement
Details about these special input registers for status response can be taken from the respective module
Please note that by using FieldbusDESIGNER for configuration, analog registers will not be mapped to the
output status assembly, but in the analog input assembly instead. Detailed mapping information can be
taken from the text file generated by FieldbusDESIGNER. Operating the bus controller in automatic
configuration mode (see chapter 6.1) will result in these registers being mapped to the output status
assembly as described above.

7.6 Changes to the I/O assemblies

If attributes 0x40 to 0x46 of the bus controller object (class 0x64) are used to make changes to the size or
grouping of one or more I/O assemblies (see chapter, then the bus controller service 0x36 (see
chapter 10.1.4) must be subsequently called to re-initialize the assemblies.
These changes cannot be applied if an I/O connection (Class1 connection) is active and the service will
return an error (permission/privilege check failed).
Note that the assembly sizes configured in the scan list (on the scanner) must exactly match the settings on
the device (bus controller), otherwise no I/O connection can be established (CIP Forward Open error 0x315).

7.7 Configuration assembly

Configuration data for the bus controller and the respectively connected I/O modules can be stored in the
configuration assemblies.
If no configuration data is stored, then the bus controller and the I/O modules use the default settings (e.g.
input and output lengths) in the "bus controller" function model. These default settings can be changed
during operation using explicit instructions (CIP Class 3 "Explicit Messaging"). However, a different I/O
function model cannot be selected during operation. Additional information default settings can be found in
chapter 6.1.
Configuration data for the EtherNet/IP bus controller is generated using the B&R FieldbusDESIGNER (see
chapter 3.3); this free tool can be downloaded under

7.7.1 Connection-based (default) configuration assembly

With the setting "Configuration based configuration assembly" for the parameter "Configuration assembly
type" in FieldbusDESIGNER, only one binary file is generated, which has a fixed size of 400 bytes (e.g.
EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_std.bin). A configuration assembly of this size can be automatically transferred
from Allen-Bradley® systems to the adapter (bus controller) when the connection is being established. Or
this file can be manually downloaded using "Explicit Messaging" in the application on the controller or using
the web interface integrated in the bus controller ("Configuration download" menu, see chapter 12).

Instance Type Description Size in bytes

Connection-based (standard) configuration assembly; used
100, 0x64 Base to configure the bus controller and the connected I/O 400

24 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Assembly object and bus controller process image

7.7.2 Extended configuration assemblies

The setting "Extended configuration assemblies" for the parameter "Configuration assembly type" in the
FieldbusDESIGNER generates "extended" configuration data for large configurations (data >400 bytes). The
binary file generated by FieldbusDESIGNER with a size of 4500 bytes (e.g.
EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext.bin) contains the entire configuration and can be downloaded to the device
using the web interface integrated in the bus controller ("Configuration download" menu, see chapter 12).

Instance Type Description Size in bytes

130, 0x82 Base 1st extended configuration assembly 450
131, 0x83 Base 2nd extended configuration assembly 450
132, 0x84 Base 3rd extended configuration assembly 450
133, 0x85 Base 4th extended configuration assembly 450
134, 0x86 Base 5th extended configuration assembly 450
135, 0x87 Base 6th extended configuration assembly 450
136, 0x88 Base 7th extended configuration assembly 450
137, 0x89 Base 8th extended configuration assembly 450
138, 0x8A Base 9th extended configuration assembly 450
139, 0x8B Base 10th extended configuration assembly 450

Another option is manual downloading of the individual configuration files using "Explicit Messaging" in the
application on the PLC (the 450 byte large files are used for this, e.g. EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext_0.bin,
EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext_1.bin, etc.).
The binary file with the size of 4500 bytes fills all 10 extended configuration assemblies (130 to 139); when
transferring to the bus controller via the web interface, all existing configuration data is also overwritten in the
extended assemblies.

To store more than one configuration in the B&R bus controller, use the "Advanced configuration" menu of its
web interface or the "Explicit Messaging" function in the application on the controller.
Here you can group the files (e.g. EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext_0.bin,
EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext_1.bin, etc.) in the ten extended configuration assemblies (instances 130 to
139 or 0x82 to 0x8B).
If a configuration is larger than 450 bytes, then the configuration block consists of an according number of
binary files with a size of 450 bytes; these must be stored consecutively.

Example: A configuration with a size of 600 bytes consists of the files EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext_0.bin
and EthernetIP_CPU1_IF1_ST1_ext_1.bin. In this example the first two extended configuration assemblies
on the bus controller already contain other configuration data, so the first file has to be stored in the third
extended configuration assembly (instance 132) and the second is stored in the fourth (instance 133).

A particular configuration can be activated by running service 0x37 (bus controller object, class 0x64). The
service must be provided with the start assembly ID as parameter (UINT) (see chapter 10.1.4). The
parameter value 0x0084 must be used for the example mentioned above.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 25

Assembly object and bus controller process image

7.8 Example of a process image using automatic configuration mode

Module name Module type Output Input

X20PS9400 Supply module 3 analog channels (6 byte AI)
X20AI4622 Analog input 4 analog channels (8 byte AI)
module + 1 byte status register (OS)
X20DI9371 Digital inputs 12 digital channels (2 byte DI)
X20DI4371 Digital inputs 4 digital channels (1 byte DI)
X20AO4622 Analog outputs 4 analog channels (8 byte AO)
X20DO9321 Digital outputs 12 digital channels (2 byte DO) 2 byte status register (OS)
X20DO4322 Digital outputs 4 digital channels (1 byte DO) 1 byte status register (OS)

The menu item "I/O Assembly Mapping" in the bus controller's integrated web interface (see chapter 12) can
be used to view the lengths and offsets of the individual I/O module data types in the two combination

In this graphic, the value in front of the forward slash specifies the byte offset in the output and input
combination assembly, while the value after the forward slash specifies the length of the respective data in

In this example, the default settings for the length of the base assemblies were each left at 120 bytes.
Therefore, the output combination assembly contains 8 bytes of analog output data (AO) for the module
X20AO4622 at offset 0 (at the beginning of the data). Byte 0 is the LSB, byte 1 is the MSB of the first
channel (EtherNet/IP uses the Little Endian format), byte 2 is the LSB of channel 2, etc.

This is followed by 112 bytes of unused data due to the default length of the AO base assembly (see text
Byte 120 contains the digital output data (DO) for the channels 1 to 8 of the module X20DO9321 and byte
121 the channels 9 to 12 on the bits 0 to 3.
Byte 122 contains the digital output data for the channels 1 to 4 of the module X20DO4322 (bit 0 to 3).

The input combination assembly contains 6 bytes of analog input data (AI) of the power supply X20PS9400;
these are the 3 (word) channels “status”, “current” and “voltage”. This is followed by (with an offset of 6
bytes) 8 bytes for the 4 analog inputs of X20AI4622. The remaining 108 bytes (120 minus 6 minus 8) are
unused and return zero data. The data for the digital input base assembly (DI) begins at byte 120 with a total
of 3 bytes of data for both DI modules.
With default settings, the input combination assembly contains one byte for each X2X station with the
network status (NS) at offset 240; details about this can be found in chapter 7.4.
The data for the output status (OS) assembly is located at offset 360; in this case, the module X20AI4622
returns 1 byte of data (2 bits per channel for the states short-circuit and overflow). The two DO modules

26 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Assembly object and bus controller process image

return 1 bit of status information (short-circuit or overload) for each output channel; byte 361 contains the
status for channel 1 on bit 0 and the status for channel 8 of the module X20DO9321 on bit 7. In the next byte
362, the states for the channels 9 to 12 are located on bit 0 to bit 3. The other bits are unused and return
zeros. In byte 363, the states for channels 1 to 4 of the module X20DO4322 are located on bit 0 to bit 3. The
other bits are unused.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 27

Adapter actions

8 Adapter actions

Defined adapter states (events) can be associated with specific actions.

Links between actions and corresponding states can be programmed using the bus controller object (CIP
class 0x64, see chapter or easily configured in the FieldbusDESIGNER (see chapter 3.3). An
action can be assigned to any state (see chapter 8.2). The state of the bus controller can be queried from
“Adapter status” attribute (class 0x64, instance 1, attribute 1 – see chapter

8.1 Available adapter states

The following states can be configured with actions:

States Description
Communication Loss The Class1 Exclusive Owner connection to the scanner has been lost (timeout).
The network status LED "Net Status" blinks red.
Program mode The scanner is in program mode; the adapter becomes idle.
No LED signaling.
Module failed An I/O module is removed or becomes defective during operation.
The module status LED "Mod Status" blinks red (Major Recoverable Fault)
Module missing at A missing module is detected during the boot phase.
power-up The module status LED "Mod Status" blinks red (Major Recoverable Fault)
Module mismatch at An incorrect module type is detected during the boot phase.
power-up The module status LED "Mod Status" blinks red (Major Recoverable Fault)

8.1.1 Communication Loss

This state occurs when the adapter doesn't detect any scanner activity during a specified time window
(Class1 connection timeout).
The timeout status is reset either when the connection that caused it is reestablished, or explicitly by the
service "Reset Timeout" 0x32 of the bus controller object (CIP classed 0x64, see chapter 10.1.4); the desired
behavior can be configured using the attribute 0x63 "Communication Loss (Timeout) Reset Mode" of the bus
controller object (class 0x64, instance 1 - see chapter
All timeout-specific parameters are defined using the forward open service, and are therefore permanently
linked to a class 1- or class 3-connection. There are different timeouts that correspond to different
connection types.

The following types of timeout can occur:

Timeout types Actions

Timeout of a Class1 Exclusive Indicated via the network status LED "Net Status"; only this timeout
Owner connection type triggers a timeout action
Timeout of a Class1 Input Only Indicated via the network status LED "Net Status"
connection No timeout action triggered
Timeout of a Class1 Listen Only Indicated via the network status LED "Net Status"
connection No timeout action triggered
Timeout of a Class3 connection Indicated via the network status LED "Net Status"
No timeout action triggered

8.1.2 Program mode

The adapter switches to idle mode when a scanner with an active connection is switched to idle mode. This
is usually the case if the corresponding PLC is switched to program mode.
Idle mode can only be reset by the scanner. The state is not indicated with an LED.

28 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Adapter actions

8.1.3 Module failed

This event occurs when an I/O module is removed or identified as defective during operation.
The status can be reset by reconnecting all I/O modules the way they were originally.
This state is indicated as Major Recoverable Fault with a red blinking module status LED "Mod Status".

8.1.4 Module missing at power-up

This state occurs during the boot phase when a missing module is detected.
If there is no module configuration data available, then missing modules can only be detected if there are
free slots between the connected modules. If the user has linked this event with an action, then this state is
indicated as Major Recoverable Fault with a red blinking module status LED "Mod Status" and can only be
reset by rebooting. If the event has not been linked with an action (i.e. with the dummy action No Action),
then there is no LED indication and the event is only reflected in the adapter status (class 0x64, instance 1,
attribute 1 – see chapter

8.1.5 Module mismatch at power-up

This state occurs during the boot phase when an incorrect module type is detected. Incorrect module types
can only be detected if the module configuration data is available. This state is indicated as Major
Recoverable Fault with a red blinking module status LED "Mod Status" and can only be reset by rebooting.

8.2 Available actions

Action type Description Parameter

No Action No action is performed 0
Set outputs to All outputs are set to zero. 1
Set default All outputs are set to defined values 2
This feature has not yet been implemented
Freeze outputs The status of the outputs stays the same and cannot be 3
Disable new The scanner can no longer establish a Class1 connection 4
Class1 (Forward Open no longer permitted on the adapter).
► If an adapter state occurs that has been linked with this
action (Disable forward open), then an automatic adapter
configuration is no longer possible via Config Assembly. To
undo this state, the cause of the adapter error must first be
corrected and the system then rebooted.
If the cause of error cannot be corrected, then it is possible to
boot the adapter with default settings. This default setting
causes all actions to be set to Set Outputs to Zero. The scanner
is then able to re-establish a Class1 connection and download
all adapter configuration data. This data is automatically saved
to the flash memory, which causes the adapter to restore its
original state.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 29

Adapter actions

8.3 Hierarchy of actions

If multiple adapter states occur at the same time, a pre-defined hierarchy determines which action will be
executed first. The action sequence is as follows:

Priority Action
1 Module mismatch
2 Module missing
3 Communication loss (Timeout)
4 Module failed
5 Program mode (Idle)

8.3.1 Practical example - hierarchy of actions:

First, a definition: An Event is something that causes the adapter state to change.
The Module Failed event occurs during operation. The Freeze Outputs action, which in this example is
connected with the Module Failed event, is executed (i.e. the output data of all I/O modules is "frozen" in the
present state). Another event occurs while the Module Failed state remains active: Communication loss
(Timeout). The action that is connected with the event Communication Loss is executed because the event
Communication Loss has a higher priority than Module Failed. In our example, this is the action Set Outputs
to Zero. All output data is set to 0. Both adapter states remain active (i.e. the adapter is currently in the state:
Communication Loss + Module Failed. The Communication Loss state is reset after the timed-out connection
has been re-established. If the scanner now attempts to set outputs using the re-established connection, this
action cannot be executed because the state Module Failed is still active and all outputs are blocked with the
action Freeze Outputs. The scanner can only update the I/O modules' output data after the state Module
Failed has been corrected by the user.

8.4 Action scope

In general, all actions are "Adapter global" (i.e. actions that affect the output data of all I/O modules).
However, the actions that are connected with the event Communication Loss (Timeout) or Program Mode
(Idle) can also be configured for a local scope of effectiveness. This would cause actions to only affect the
output data that is connected with the assemblies on which the events Communication Loss or Program
Mode have occurred.
Example: two (exclusive) I/O connections have been configured. One is using analog I/O assemblies only,
the other one digital I/O assemblies. If the I/O connection handling the digital I/Os for example is
experiencing a timeout or idle event, only the digital outputs will be affected by the action in case it is
configured as “local scope”. With “Adapter global” both the analog and the digital outputs would be affected.

The action scope can be configured (see chapter using the two attributes 0x62 "Communication
Loss (Timeout) scope" and 0x65 "Program Mode (Idle) scope" of the bus controller object (class 0x64,
instance 1) or with the corresponding parameters under “Adapter configuration” in FieldbusDESIGNER.

30 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Supported CIP objects

9 Supported CIP objects

9.1 Identity object (CIP class 0x1)
This object provides identification of and general information about the device. Only one instance of the
identity object exists.

Class attributes 1,2,3,6,7

Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Instance services 0x1,0x5,0xE

9.1.1 Class attributes

Attribute Access Data Description Default

ID type value
0x1 Get UINT Revision 0x0001
0x2 Get UINT Maximum instance number of an object currently created in 0x0001
this class level of the device
0x3 Get UINT Number of instances 0x0001
0x6 Get UINT Maximum ID number class attributes 0x0001
0x7 Get UINT Maximum ID number instance attributes 0x0001

9.1.2 Instance attributes

AttributeID Access Data Description Default value Semantics of values

[hex] type
0x1 Get UINT Vendor ID 0x0377 (887) Ident for B&R
0x2 Get UINT Device Type 0x000C (12) 12 = Adapter device
0x3 Get UINT Product Code 0x26D8 (9944) Hardware ID of
X20BC0088 BC; see first
four digits printed on
module enclosure
0x4 Get STRUCT 0xZZYY YY = Firmware Major rev.
of: ZZ = Firmware Minor rev.
USINT Major Revision
USINT Minor Revision
0x5 Get WORD Status 0x0000 See table below
0x6 Get UDINT Serial Number See seven digit number
printed on module
enclosure (next to HW ID)
0x7 Get SHORT_ Product Name 0x1C
STRING (length = 28)
plus hex
equivalent of
“B&R I/O
0x8 Get USINT State 0x03 0 = Nonexistent
1 = Device Self Testing
2 = Standby
3 = Operational
4 = Major Recoverable F.
5 = Major Unrecoverable
6-254 = reserved

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 31

Supported CIP objects Table for “Status”, attribute 5

32 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Supported CIP objects

9.1.3 Services of identity object

Service Supported by Service Name Description

0x1 Class / instance Get_Attribute_All Returns a predefined listing of this object
(see CIP specification, Vol. 1, Ch. 5)
0x5 Instance Reset Invokes the Reset service for the device;
this service has a USINT parameter named
0 = emulate cycling power (default)
1 = return to factory default configuration,
then emulate cycling power
2 = return to factory default configuration
with the exception of communication link
parameters, then emulate cycling power
3-255 = reserved
0xE Class / instance Get_Attribute_Single Supplies the contents of the corresponding

9.2 Message router object (CIP class 0x2)

Class attributes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 1,2
Instance services 0x1,0xE

9.3 Assembly object (CIP class 0x4)

Class attributes 1,2,3,6,7
Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 3
Instance services 0xE,0x10

9.4 Connection manager object (CIP class 0x6)

Class attributes 1,2,3,4,6,7
Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Instance services 0x1,0xE,0x4E,0x52,0x54

9.5 Port object (CIP class 0xF4)

Class attributes 1,2,3,6,7,8,9
Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 1,2,3,4,7
Instance services 0x1,0xE

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 33

Supported CIP objects

9.6 TCP/IP interface object (CIP class 0xF5)

The TCP/IP interface object provides the mechanism to configure the bus controller’s TCP/IP network
interface. Examples of configurable items include the device’s IP address, network mask, gateway
address, and host name.
The B&R EtherNet/IP bus controllers support one instance of the TCP/IP interface object, as there is only
one IEEE 802.3 communications interface available. The Ethernet link object (class 0xF6, see chapter
9.7) provides attributes for addressing the integrated three port switch.

Class attributes 1,2,3,6,7

Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 1,2,3,4,5,6
Instance services 0x1,0x2,0xE,0x10

9.6.1 Class attributes

Attribute ID Access Data type Description Default value

0x1 Get UINT Revision 0x0001
0x2 Get UINT Maximum number of instances 0x0001
0x3 Get UINT Number of instances 0x0001
0x6 Get UINT Maximum ID number class attributes 0x0001
0x7 Get UINT Maximum ID number instance attributes 0x0001

9.6.2 Instance attributes

AttributeID Access Data Description Default value Semantics of values

[hex] type
0x1 Get DWORD Interface status 0x00000002 See table below
0x2 Get DWORD Interface 0x0000001c Bit 0: BOOTP Client
capability flags (false)
(Configuration Bit 1: DNS Client (false)
Capability) Bit 2: DHCP Client (true)
Bit 3: DHCP-DNS Update
(true = device is capable
of sending it’s host name
in the DHCP request)
Bit 4: Configuration
Settable (true = Interface
control flags are settable,
see attribute 3)
Bit 5-31: reserved
0x3 Set DWORD Interface control 0x00000000 Bit 0-3: Startup
flags Configuration (0 = as
(Configuration stored in flash, 1= via
Control) BOOTP, 2 = via DHCP,
3-15 = reserved)
0x4 Get STRUCT Path to physical Identifies the object
of: link object associated with
underlying physical
communication object
UINT Size of path 0x0002 Number of 16 bit words in
Padded Logical segments Class = 0xF6 Path addresses internal
EPATH identifying the Instance = 3 port of the 3-port internal
physical link switch

34 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Supported CIP objects

0x5 Set STRUCT TCP/IP network Contains TCP/IP
of: interface configuration parameters.
configuration In order to prevent
configuration, the
parameters cannot be set
individually. The user
should first get this
attribute, change the
desired parameters then
set the attribute.
UDINT IP address 0x0164A8C0 Value of 0 indicates no IP
(corresponds to address has been configured. Otherwise a
valid Class A, B, or C
address shall be set.
UDINT Network mask 0x00FFFFFF Value of 0 indicates no
(corresponds to network mask has been configured.
UDINT Gateway address 0xFE64A8C0 Value of 0 indicates no IP
(corresponds to address has been configured. Otherwise a
valid Class A, B, or C
address shall be set.
UDINT Primary name 0x00000000 Value of 0 indicates no
server name server address has
been configured.
Otherwise a valid Class
A, B, or C address shall
be set.
UDINT Secondary name 0x00000000 Value of 0 indicates no
server secondary name server
address has been
configured. Otherwise a
valid Class A, B, or C
address shall be set.
STRING Domain name 0x0000 ASCII characters.
(length = 0, Maximum length is 48
empty STRING) characters. Shall be
padded to an even
number of characters
(pad not included in
length). A length of 0
indicates no domain
name is configured.
0x6 Set STRING Host name 0x000E ASCII characters.
(length = 14) Maximum length is 64
characters. Shall be
plus hex padded to an even
equivalent of number of characters
“br+MAC” (pad not included in
(2+12 digits) length). A length of 0
indicates no host name is

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 35

Supported CIP objects

9.6.3 Table for “Interface status”, attribute 1

9.6.4 Services of TCP/IP object

Service Supported by Service Name Description

0x1 Class / instance Get_Attribute_All Returns a predefined listing of this object
(see CIP specification, Vol. 2, Ch. 5)
0x2 Instance Set_Attribute_All Modifies all settable attributes
0xE Class / instance Get_Attribute_Single Supplies the contents of the corresponding
0x10 Instance Set_Attribute_Single Modifies a single attribute value

9.7 Ethernet link object (CIP class 0xF6)

Class attributes 1,2,3,6,7
Class services 0x1,0xE
Instance attributes 1,2,3
Instance services 0x1,0xE

36 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

10 B&R-specific objects
10.1 Bus controller object (CIP class 0x64)
The bus controller object is used to define all global bus controller parameters.
All I/O module parameters are managed separately via the I/O module object (CIP class 0x65, see chapter

10.1.1 Class attributes

Attribute ID Access Data type Description Default value

0x1 Get UINT Revision 0x0001
0x2 Get UINT Maximum number of instances 0x0001

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 37

B&R-specific objects

10.1.2 Instance attributes

AttributeID Access Data Description Group

[hex] type
0x1 Get UDINT Adapter status
0x2 Get UINT Hardware major revision
0x3 Get UINT Hardware minor revision
0x4 Get UINT FPGA hardware revision
0x5 Get UINT Active boot block Product data
0x6 Get UINT Default firmware major revision and
0x7 Get UINT Default Firmware minor revision Bus controller
0x8 Get UINT Update Firmware major revision Status
0x9 Get UINT Update Firmware minor revision
0xA Get UINT Default FPGA software revision
0xB Get UINT Update FPGA software revision

0x20 Get UINT Number of modules

0x21 Get UINT Length of the analog input data in bytes
0x22 Get UINT Length of the analog output data in bytes
0x23 Get UINT Length of the digital input data in bytes I/O Data
0x24 Get UINT Length of the digital analog output data in bytes
0x25 Get UINT Length of the X2X network status information in bytes
0x26 Get UINT Length of the output status information in bytes
0x27 Get UINT The highest X2X station number currently in use

0x40 Set / Get UINT Size of the analog input assembly in bytes (AI)
0x41 Set / Get UINT Size of the analog output assembly in bytes (AO)
0x42 Set / Get UINT Size of the digital input assembly in bytes (DI) Assembly
0x43 Set / Get UINT Size of the digital output assembly in bytes (DO) Sizes
0x44 Set / Get UINT Size of the X2X network status assembly in bytes (NS)
0x45 Set / Get UINT Size of the output status assembly in bytes (OS)
0x46 Set / Get UINT Composition of the combination input assembly

0x60 Set / Get UINT Global action delay time [ms]

0x61 Set / Get UINT Communication loss (Timeout) action
0x62 Set / Get UINT Communication loss (Timeout) scope
0x63 Set / Get UINT Communication loss (Timeout) reset mode
0x64 Set / Get UINT Program mode (Idle) action Actions
0x65 Set / Get UINT Program mode (Idle) scope
0x66 Set / Get UINT Action for defective or missing module in operating state
0x67 Set / Get UINT Action for missing module(s) during boot phase
0x68 Set / Get UINT Action for wrong module type(s) during boot phase

0x80 Set / Get UINT X2X bus configuration X2X bus

0x81 Set / Get UINT X2X bus cable length [m] Configuration

0xA0 Reserved up to 0xBF Reserved

0xC0 Reserved up to 0xDF Reserved

0xE0 Get UINT Reads out the network address switch

0xE1 Set / Get UINT Module initialization delay [ms]
0xE2 Set / Get UINT Activate or deactivate the Telnet password Miscellaneous
0xE3 Set / Get UINT IP MTU [Byte]
0xE4 Get UINT Current boot config assembly ID

38 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects Product data and bus controller status

Adapter status
AttributeID [hex] 0x1
Data type UDINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Reads the adapter status. 32 bits of information are available.
Bits 0 to 10 indicate error-free states, bits 11 to 31 faulty states. Individual states are also
indicated using the two status LEDs on the bus controller (see chapter 3.11).

Bit Value Description

0 0x00000001 The adapter was configured using configuration assemblies
1 0x00000002 At least one Class1 or Class3 connection is active
2 0x00000004 System boot or I/O module initialization active
3 0x00000008 Adapter is in Program mode (Idle)
4 0x00000010 A Firmware upload via the web interface is active
5 0x00000020 A Config data upload via the web interface is active
6 0x00000040 Reserved
7 0x00000080 Reserved
8 0x00000100 Reserved
9 0x00000200 Reserved
10 0x00000400 Reserved
11 0x00000800 Class1 Exclusive Owner timeout has occurred
12 0x00001000 Input Only, Listen Only or Class3 timeout has occurred
13 0x00002000 Faulty or missing module detected during runtime
14 0x00004000 Missing module detected during the boot phase
15 0x00008000 Incorrect module detected during the boot phase
16 0x00010000 IP address not yet assigned to the adapter via DHCP
17 0x00020000 Two or more of the same IP addresses are present in the network
18 0x00040000 General EIP stack error
19 0x00080000 Communication resources: Limit reached
20 0x00100000 Stack socket error has occurred
21 0x00200000 Out of memory
22 0x00400000 Error detected while reading the primary flash page
23 0x00800000 Faulty configuration assembly data
24 0x01000000 "Scanner Auto-Connect" error
25 0x02000000 Update Firmware error detected. BC booting with default FW.
26 0x04000000 Reserved
27 0x08000000 Reserved
28 0x10000000 Reserved
29 0x20000000 Reserved
30 0x40000000 Reserved
31 0x80000000 Reserved

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 39

B&R-specific objects

Hardware major revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x2
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Hardware major revision (number before the comma, e.g. v1.02 Æ 1).
The hardware revision indicates the hardware generation, and is related to the firmware
version in the revision information (e.g. “Rev. C0”) printed on the bus controller.

Hardware minor revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x3
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Hardware minor revision (number after the comma, e.g. v1.02 Æ 2), see also Major rev.

FPGA hardware revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x4
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description FPGA hardware revision
Identifies the hardware revision of the FPGA chip.

Active boot block

AttributeID [hex] 0x5
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value 1
Description This attribute can be used to determine the flash memory block where the firmware or
FPGA software was loaded from (see also chapter 4.2).

Flash block Explanation

0 Default firmware (factory firmware)
1 Update firmware

Default firmware major revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x6
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Default firmware major revision (factory firmware)

Default Firmware minor revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x7
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Default firmware minor revision (factory firmware)

40 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Update Firmware major revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x8
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Update firmware major revision

Update Firmware minor revision

AttributeID [hex] 0x9
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Update firmware minor revision

FPGA default software revision

AttributeID [hex] 0xA
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Factory FPGA software revision (default block, see "Active boot block")

FPGA software update revision

AttributeID [hex] 0xB
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description FPGA software revision of the update block (see "Active boot block")

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 41

B&R-specific objects I/O data

Number of modules
AttributeID [hex] 0x20
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Number of successfully started I/O modules; configured dummy modules are not
counted. This attribute is updated (incremented) if additional I/O modules are started
during operation. A module that fails or is removed during operation is evaluated as an
error (bit 13 in the adapter status, see chapter The attribute (number of
modules) is not changed in this situation.

Length of the analog input data in bytes

AttributeID [hex] 0x21
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Length of the analog input data (AI) in bytes; the sum of all configured (in the event of
automatic configuration, the sum of all successfully started) I/O modules is output.

Length of the analog output data in bytes

AttributeID [hex] 0x22
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Length of the analog output data (AO) in bytes; the sum of all configured (in the event of
automatic configuration, the sum of all successfully started) I/O modules is output.

Length of the digital input data in bytes

AttributeID [hex] 0x23
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Length of the digital input data (DI) in bytes; the sum of all configured (in the event of
automatic configuration, the sum of all successfully started) I/O modules is output.

Length of the digital analog output data in bytes

AttributeID [hex] 0x24
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Length of the digital output data (DO) in bytes; the sum of all configured (in the event of
automatic configuration, the sum of all successfully started) I/O modules is output.

42 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Length of the X2X network status information in bytes

AttributeID [hex] 0x25
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Length of the X2X network status information (NS) in bytes; the sum of all configured (in
the event of automatic configuration, the sum of all successfully started) I/O modules is
The X2X network status (see chapter 7.4) provides information about the operating
status of the individual X2X bus stations (bus modules of respective I/O modules). The
operating status of the I/O modules (electronic modules, as opposed to the bus modules)
can be requested via the module-specific parameters (attribute 0xFD of the I/O module
object, see chapter 10.2.2).

Length of the output status information in bytes

AttributeID [hex] 0x26
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Length of the output status information (OS) in bytes; the sum of all configured (in the
event of automatic configuration, the sum of all successfully started) I/O modules is
The output status contains input registers of I/O modules that are used for feedback of
status information (see chapter 7.5).

The highest X2X station number currently in use

AttributeID [hex] 0x27
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Returns the X2X station number of the I/O module with the highest station number
currently in use that is currently in the state "Operational" (i.e. the last I/O module that
was operated or configured on the X2X bus). If the number of configured I/O modules is
greater than this station number, then the number of configured I/O modules is returned.
If the system is still in the boot phase, then the index 0 is returned.
Value range: [0, 1..n with n<254]

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 43

B&R-specific objects Assembly sizes

B&R EtherNet/IP bus controllers provide different static assembly instances that can be used for I/O
communication (see chapter 7).
Combination assemblies are made up of several base assemblies. Accordingly, they have a total size based
on the sum of the individual base assemblies.
In the event that the total size of a combination assembly is configured larger than the maximum allowed
value of 502 bytes, then this assembly will not be created when a (subsequent) assembly re-initialization
takes place, which means that this assembly cannot be used for the I/O communication.

Changes to the assembly size are only applied after the bus controller service 0x36 has been
performed (see chapter 7.6).

The size of the standard assemblies is configured using the following attributes. The value range of the
assembly sizes is [0..502] bytes.

Size of the analog input assembly in bytes (AI)

AttributeID [hex] 0x40
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 120 byte
Description Allows reading and writing the size of the analog input assembly (AI, instance 120). The
size is specified in bytes.
The attribute 0x46 ("Composition of the combination input assembly", see below) can be
used to control whether this standard assembly is part of the combination input assembly
(instance 124).

Size of the analog output assembly in bytes (AO)

AttributeID [hex] 0x41
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 120 byte
Description Allows reading and writing the size of the analog output assembly (AO, instance 110).
The size is specified in bytes.
This standard assembly is a fixed part of the combination output assembly (instance

Size of the digital input assembly in bytes (DI)

AttributeID [hex] 0x42
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 120 byte
Description Allows reading and writing the size of the digital input assembly (DI, instance 121). The
size is specified in bytes.
The attribute 0x46 ("Composition of the combination input assembly", see below) can be
used to control whether this standard assembly is part of the combination input assembly
(instance 124).

Size of the digital output assembly in bytes (DO)

AttributeID [hex] 0x43
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 120 byte
Description Allows reading and writing the size of the digital output assembly (DO, instance 111).
The size is specified in bytes.
This standard assembly is a fixed part of the combination output assembly (instance

44 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Size of the X2X network status assembly in bytes (NS)

AttributeID [hex] 0x44
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 120 byte
Description Allows reading and writing the size of the X2X network status assembly (NS, instance
122). The size is specified in bytes.
The attribute 0x46 ("Composition of the combination input assembly", see below) can be
used to control whether this standard assembly is part of the combination input assembly
(instance 124).

Size of the output status assembly in bytes (OS)

AttributeID [hex] 0x45
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 120 byte
Description Allows reading and writing the size of the output status assembly (OS, instance 123).
The size is specified in bytes.
The attribute 0x46 ("Composition of the combination input assembly", see below) can be
used to control whether this standard assembly is part of the combination input assembly
(instance 124).

Composition of the combination input assembly

AttributeID [hex] 0x46
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 15 (all four base input assemblies activated)
Description The combination input assembly is basically made up of four base assemblies:
Analog input + digital input + X2X network status + output status (AI + DI + NS + OS)
This attribute is used to adjust the composition of the combination input assembly.
Individual base assemblies can be switched on and off.
The total size of the combination assembly is the sum of the active base assemblies.
The sequence of the base assemblies cannot be changed.

Bit Meaning
0 Analog input Bit set: Assembly active
1 Digital input Bit not set: Assembly not active.
2 Network status
3 Output status

A combination input assembly should be created with the following configuration:
Digital Input + Output Status
1. Define the size of the affected standard assemblies
2. Configure the composition of the combination input assemblies with 0xA
(binary 1010)
3. Scanner configuration: The size of the combination input assembly is the
sum of the sizes of the standard assemblies involved
4. Re-initialization of the adapter assemblies by calling the bus controller
service 0x36 (see chapter 10.1.4)

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 45

B&R-specific objects Actions

Global action delay time [ms]

AttributeID [hex] 0x60
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 0 ms
Description Delays the execution of an action. This delay is only applied when the adapter (bus
controller) changes from the "Operational" state to a state that is connected with an
action. If the adapter is already in a state that is not "Operational", then all other actions
are applied without delay.
The parameter is specified in milliseconds [ms]. The default setting is 0ms (no delay).

Communication loss (Timeout) action

AttributeID [hex] 0x61
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Set outputs to zero)
Description Configures the action for the state Communication loss (Timeout) – see chapter 8.1.1.
Possible actions can be found in the chapter 8.2 (Available Actions).

Communication loss (Timeout) scope

AttributeID [hex] 0x62
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Adapter global)
Description Defines whether the Communication Loss (Timeout) action is based on all outputs of the
I/O modules connected to the bus controller (Adapter global) or only the outputs that are
connected with the assemblies on which the event Communication loss has occurred
(Assembly local).

Value Scope
0 Local
1 Global

See also chapter 8.4 (Action Scope).

Communication loss (Timeout) reset mode

AttributeID [hex] 0x63
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (connection-oriented)
Description Defines whether an existing Communication loss (Timeout) state is reset by re-
establishment of the corresponding connection or explicitly by the
bus controller service 0x35 (see chapter 10.1.4).

Value Reset mode

0 Explicitly by the bus controller service 0x35
1 By the successful re-establishment of the I/O connection

46 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Program mode (Idle) action

AttributeID [hex] 0x64
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Set outputs to zero)
Description Configures the action for the state Program mode (Idle) – see chapter 8.1.2.
Possible actions can be found in chapter 8.2 (Available actions).

Program mode (Idle) scope

AttributeID [hex] 0x65
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Adapter global)
Description Defines whether the Program mode (Idle) action is based on all outputs of the I/O
modules connected to the bus controller (Adapter global) or only the outputs that are
connected with the assemblies on which the event Program mode has occurred
(Assembly local).

Value Scope
0 Local
1 Global

See also chapter 8.4 (Action scope).

Action for defective or missing module in operating state

AttributeID [hex] 0x66
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Set outputs to zero)
Description Configures the action for the state Module failed – see chapter 8.1.3.
Possible actions can be found in chapter 8.2 (Available actions).

Action for missing module(s) during boot phase

AttributeID [hex] 0x67
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Set outputs to zero)
Description Configures the action for the state Module missing at power-up – see chapter 8.1.4.
Possible actions can be found in chapter 8.2 (Available actions).

Action for wrong module type(s) during boot phase

AttributeID [hex] 0x68
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1 (Set outputs to zero)
Description Configures the action for the state Module mismatch at power-up – see chapter 8.1.5.
Possible actions can be found in chapter 8.2 (Available actions).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 47

B&R-specific objects X2X bus configuration

X2X bus configuration

AttributeID [hex] 0x80
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 6 (= 1 ms)
Description The X2X bus cycle time and the data width achieved are two system parameters that
cannot be configured separately in any range.
This value can be optimized depending on the required cycle time and the number of
connected I/O modules.

Value Cycle time Description

0 4ms Max. 253 I/O modules, max. 1400 bytes of sync. data
1 3.5 ms Max. 253 I/O modules, max. 1150 bytes of sync. data
2 3 ms Max. 253 I/O modules, max. 900 bytes of sync. data
3 2.5 ms Max. 200 I/O modules, max. 800 bytes of sync. data
4 2 ms Max. 200 I/O modules, max. 500 bytes of sync. data
5 1.5 ms Max. 100 I/O modules, max. 450 bytes of sync. data
6 1 ms Max. 80 I/O modules, max. 300 bytes of sync. data
7 0.5 ms Max. 40 I/O modules, max. 120 bytes of sync. data

Changes only take effect after a software or hardware reset (restart).

X2X bus cable length [m]

AttributeID [hex] 0x81
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 0 [m]
Description Allows optimizing the X2X bus timing with respect to low ESD emissions. The actual
entire length (in meters) of the X2X line starting from the bus controller should be
entered. The maximum length is determined by the maximum spacing between X2X bus
stations (100 m) and the maximum number of stations (253 modules), which makes it
25.3 km.
Changes only take effect after a software or hardware reset (restart).

48 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects Miscellaneous

Reads out the network address switch

AttributeID [hex] 0xE0
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value
Description Reads the two network address switches that are accessible on the front side of the bus
controller. The switch with the ID "x16" provides the upper digit of the hexadecimal value
"x1" provides the lower digit. The higher-value byte in the UINT data type remains empty.

Module initialization delay [ms]

AttributeID [hex] 0xE1
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 3000 ms
Description This attribute can be used to configure or read the module initialization delay. This delay
is specified in [ms].
The value is only stored in remanent memory after calling service 0x33 "Save system
data to flash" (see chapter 10.1.4) of the bus controller object (class 0x64, instance 1).
After restarting, the system goes into a module initialization phase. The initialization
delay extends this phase by the set value.
This makes it possible to react to initialization phases of the connected modules that vary
in length. The bus controller is forced to wait longer for the completion of module
initialization. In case a value smaller than 3000 is set, the default value of 3000 ms is
internally used.
The duration of the entire initialization phase is the sum of the boot duration of the I/O
modules in use and the specified I/O module initialization value.

Class1 and Class3 connections cannot be established during the module initialization
phase; the adapter is in initialization or self-test mode, which is indicated by the module
status LED "Mod Status" (see chapter 3.11).

Activate or deactivate the Telnet password

AttributeID [hex] 0xE2
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 0 (password deactivated)
Value Description
0 Password deactivated
1 Password activated

This feature has not yet been implemented.

The password protects against unauthorized access. The password cannot be changed.
Perpetrators who know that they're dealing with an EtherNet/IP node wouldn't be stopped
even by a complicated password, since communication with the bus controller is also
possible via the unprotected CIP protocol.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 49

B&R-specific objects

IP MTU [Byte]
AttributeID [hex] 0xE3
Data type UINT
Access Set / Get
Default value 1500
Description This feature has not yet been implemented.

MTU specifies the maximum size of the complete TCP/IP packet. The smaller the packet
size, the more the reference data is fragmented.
The default setting is 1500 bytes. Permitted value range: 100 to 1500.
Changes only take effect after a software or hardware reset (restart).

50 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Current boot config assembly ID

AttributeID [hex] 0xE4
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value 0
Description Reads the current boot config assembly ID. This attribute can assume the values 0, 100
and 130..139.

Value Description
0 The bus controller is operated in the mode "Automatic configuration", see
chapter 6.1
100 "Manual configuration" via configuration assembly instance 100
(connection-based configuration assembly, see chapter 7.7.1)
130..139 "Manual configuration" via extended configuration assembly (instance 130
to 139), extended configuration assemblies (see chapter 7.7.2).

The parameter Boot Config Assembly ID is updated under these conditions:

1. If a scanner opens a Class1 connection, causing a (connection-based)

configuration assembly to be sent whose data do not match the current
configuration (value: 100).

2. If an extended configuration assembly is explicitly activated via the bus

controller service 0x37 (see chapter 10.1.4) and causes a configuration
change (value: 130..139).

Example 1:
The bus controller is connected with a scanner that opens a Class1 connection, thereby
sending the configuration data. Since this is new data, the parameter Boot Config
Assembly ID is set to the ID of the transferred configuration assembly (usually 100). If the
same configuration data is now saved by the application in the extended configuration
assembly with the ID 130, and ID 130 is then activated via the service 0x37, then the bus
controller is not restarted and the parameter Boot Config Assembly ID remains
unchanged at its previous value (because in this case, the configuration data has not

Example 2:
New configuration data (that does not match the currently used configuration) is written
to one (or more) extended configuration assembly(ies) and then activated via the service
0x37. The bus controller automatically restarts and the parameter Boot Config Assembly
ID is reset (value: 130..139). A scanner then establishes a Class1 connection and sends
configuration data to the bus controller that is identical to the current configuration. In this
case, the parameter Boot Config Assembly ID is not changed (because the configuration
data has not changed).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 51

B&R-specific objects

10.1.3 Common services

Service Supported by Service Name Description

0xE Class / instance Get_Attribute_Single Supplies the contents of the corresponding
0x10 Instance Set_Attribute_Single Modifies an attribute value

10.1.4 B&R-specific services

Service code Description

0x32 Resets all pending timeouts ("Communication Loss" state); see chapter 8.1.1.
This service has no parameters.
0x33 Saving the system data to flash; this service has no parameters.
As a result, all changes in the volatile memory, which were not already automatically
stored in permanent memory by other services, are stored permanently in the flash
An example of a change that is automatically stored in permanent memory is the set
command to the "Configuration Control" attribute 0x3 of the TP/IP object (class 0xF5 –
see chapter 9.6).
0x34 Reads all system data from the flash; this service has no parameters.
All changes in the RAM are overwritten with the permanently stored settings.
0x35 Reads all system data from the flash; this service has no parameters.
The factory default settings are restored in the flash memory.
0x36 Re-initialization of all assemblies; see chapters 7.6 and
This service has no parameters.
0x37 Activation of one or more extended configuration assemblies
The service must have the start assembly ID as a parameter (2 Byte UINT, value range
[130... 139]). This makes it possible to store multiple separate configurations in the 10
Assemblies (see chapter 7.7.2) and to activate the desired configuration via the service
0x37 with the corresponding start assembly ID.
All 10 assemblies can also be used for one single configuration (use of the extended
combination configuration assembly file, *_ext.bin).


The configuration A is stored in the assemblies 130, 131, 132 (e.g. files *_ext_0.bin,
*_ext_1.bin and *_ext2.bin from the FieldbusDESIGNER)
Configuration B in the assembly 135
Configuration C in the assembly 136

The following service commands are now needed to activate the separate
For configuration A: Service: 0x37, data 0x82 00 (parameter: ID 130)
For configuration B: Service: 0x37, data 0x87 00 (parameter: ID 135)
For configuration C: Service: 0x37, data 0x88 00 (parameter: ID 136)

52 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

10.2 I/O module object (CIP class 0x65)

The I/O module object can be used to manage all I/O module relevant parameters.

Each instance of this I/O module object corresponds to the electronics module operated on this
X2X station; for example, the instance 0x1 stands for the first I/O module in the X2X bus.

On the B&R bus controller X20BC0088, instance 0x1 is always the supply module, also called the power
supply (e.g. X20PS9400 or X20PS9402).
Additionally, service functions enable asynchronous I/O module communication; this makes it possible to
access asynchronous I/O registers during operation (i.e. to change configurations during operation). Details
about these registers can be taken from the respective module documentation.

10.2.1 Class attributes

Attribute Access Data Description Default

ID type value
0x1 Get UINT Revision 0x0001
0x2 Get UINT Maximum number of instances = maximum number of 0x00FD
supported IO modules

10.2.2 Instance attributes

Attribute ID Access Data type Description

0x01 Get ARRAY [0..5] of BYTE Configured module hardware ID
0x02 Get ARRAY [0..5] of BYTE Currently present module hardware ID
0x03 Get USINT Total length of the input data in bytes
0x04 Reserved
0x05 Get USINT Total length of the output data in bytes
0x06 Reserved
0x82 Reserved
0xE0 Get UINT Analog input data length in bytes (AI)
0xE1 Get UINT Analog output data length in bytes (AO)
0xE2 Get UINT Digital input data length in bytes (DI)
0xE3 Get UINT Digital output data length in bytes (DO)
0xE4 Get UINT Network status data length in bytes (NS)
0xE5 Get UINT Output status data length in bytes (OS)

0xFA Get UINT Module firmware version

0xFB Get UINT Module hardware variant
0xFC Get UDINT Module serial number
0xFD Get UINT Module status

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 53

B&R-specific objects

Configured module hardware ID

AttributeID [hex] 0x01
Data type ARRAY [0..5] of BYTE
Access Get
Default value 0x0000, module hardware ID, 0x0000
Description Allows reading the configured module hardware ID.
In the event of automatic configuration (see chapter 6.1) or non-configured slots (Auto
mode, see chapter 6.2.1), the value 0x0000 is returned. Configured dummy slots (see
chapter 6.1.2) return the value 0xFFFF.
Byte[0,1]: Manufacturer ID (currently always 0x0000)
Byte[2.3]: Module hardware ID
Byte[4.5]: Reserved (always 0x0000)

Currently present module hardware ID

AttributeID [hex] 0x02
Data type ARRAY [0..5] of BYTE
Access Get
Default value 0x0000, module hardware ID, 0x0000
Description Allows reading the currently present module hardware ID.
If there is no I/O module connected to the addressed slot, then the value 0x0000 is
Byte[0,1]: Manufacturer ID (currently always 0x0000)
Byte[2.3]: Module hardware ID
Byte[4.5]: Reserved (always 0x0000)

The module hardware ID can be taken from the respective module documentation. Furthermore, a serial
number is printed on the electronic module; the module hardware ID corresponds with the first four digits of
this serial number (see figure):

The IDs up to 9999 are
printed as decimal numbers
and must be converted to
hex values for comparison!

54 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Total length of input data

AttributeID [hex] 0x03
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Specifies the total length of the respective I/O module's input data in bytes.
The sum of the following frames is calculated: AI, DI, NS, OS. The value 0 is output for
empty slots.

Total length of output data

AttributeID [hex] 0x05
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Specifies the total length of the respective I/O module's output data in bytes.
The sum of the following frames is calculated: AO, DO. The value 0 is output for empty

Analog input data length in bytes (AI)

AttributeID [hex] 0xE0
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Analog input (AI) data length of the respective I/O module in bytes. The value 0 is output
for empty slots.

Analog output data length in bytes (AO)

AttributeID [hex] 0xE1
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Analog output (AO) data length of the respective I/O module in bytes. The value 0 is
output for empty slots.

Digital input data length in bytes (DI)

AttributeID [hex] 0xE2
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Digital input (DI) data length of the respective I/O module in bytes. The value 0 is output
for empty slots.

Digital output data length in bytes (DO)

AttributeID [hex] 0xE3
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Digital output (DO) data length of the respective I/O module in bytes. The value 0 is
output for empty slots.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 55

B&R-specific objects

Network status data length in bytes (NS)

AttributeID [hex] 0xE4
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Reads the X2X network status (NS) data length of the respective I/O module in bytes.
The value 0 is output for non-existent X2X stations.

Output status data length in bytes (OS)

AttributeID [hex] 0xE5
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Reads the output status (OS) data length of the respective I/O module in bytes. The
value 0 is output for empty slots.

Module firmware version

AttributeID [hex] 0xFA
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Firmware version of the I/O module currently found on this slot. In contrast to bus
controller firmware versions, where the version specification is comprised of a major and
minor entry, I/O modules have just one entry (one number). The value 0 is output for
empty slots.

Module hardware variants

AttributeID [hex] 0xFB
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Hardware variants of the I/O module currently found on this slot. In contrast to bus
controller hardware revision, where the specification is comprised of a major and minor
entry, I/O modules have just one entry (one number).
The value 0 is output for empty slots.

Module serial number

AttributeID [hex] 0xFC
Data type UDINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Every B&R module has a unique serial number. This is printed on the housing (see
image above).
The full serial number consists of the module hardware ID (see attributes 0x1 and 0x2)
and the module serial number as follows:
Serial number = module hardware ID * 1E+7 + module serial number
The module serial number is printed in decimal form on the module housing.

56 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

B&R-specific objects

Module status
AttributeID [hex] 0xFD
Data type UINT
Access Get
Default value -
Description Reads module status of a connected I/O module.

Value Meaning
0x00 '0' No X2X station present for this instance (this slot)
0x42 'B' Boot process (OS loader test)
0x43 'C' Module being configured
0x44 'D' Firmware download active
0x4E 'N' X2X station present, but the I/O module cannot start for the
following reasons: No I/O power or the module is not connected to
the X2X ASIC module
0x50 'P' Pre-operational (module is ready for run mode)
0x52 'R' Run mode (operational)
0x55 'U' Boot process (uploading IDs)
0x70 'p' Pre-operational (module is ready for run mode)
0xE0 Error: Module firmware missing
0xE1 Error: Module firmware invalid
0xE2 Error: Configuration fault (module cannot be activated); potential
configuration error (incorrect function model, etc.)
0xE3 Error: Configuration fault (registers cannot be mapped, potential
configuration error, etc.)
0xE4 Error: Module not booted (internal error)
0xE5 Error: Module not booted (X2X frame is too small Æ increase X2X
cycle time if necessary)
0xE6 Error: Module not booted (incorrect module type configured for this

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 57

B&R-specific objects

10.2.3 CIP common services

Service Supported by Service Name Description

0xE Class / instance Get_Attribute_Single Supplies the contents of the corresponding
0x10 Instance Set_Attribute_Single Modifies an attribute value

10.2.4 B&R-specific services

Service ID Data type, parameter Description

0x32 Parameter: UINT (register address) Reads I/O module registers
Result: DINT (register value) Note: Little Endian
0x33 Parameter: UINT (register address) Writes asynchronous I/O module register
DINT (register value) Note: Little Endian
Result: - Reading I/O module registers

Service 0x32 of the I/O module object (class 0x65) enables read access to (synchronous and asynchronous)
I/O module registers from the application during operation. Each instance of the I/O module object
corresponds to the electronics module operated on this X2X station; for example, the instance 0x1 stands for
the first I/O module in the X2X bus.
Details about the I/O registers (addresses, values) can be taken from the respective module documentation.
The register address is sent as 16-bit value parameter to the service. The register value is provided as result
in the form of a 32-bit value (DINT).

Example: Reading the input filter of a digital input module (e.g. X20DI9371) on slot 2 (X2X station 2).
The input filter is mapped in register 18 (hex 12). The command looks like this:

Service=0x32, class=0x65 (dec. 101), instance=2, attribute=<empty> or any, data=0x1200 (dec. 12, Little
Endian format)

By default, the input filter is set to 1ms (value=10, because specified as multiple of 100µs); the result is
output as 0x0A000000 (dec. 10, Little Endian format). Writing asynchronous I/O module register

Service 0x33 enables the writing of asynchronous module registers. The register address (as 16-bit value or
UINT) and the register value to be written (as 32-bit value or DINT) are transferred to the service as
parameter; i.e. 2+4=6 bytes of data are sent (each parameter respectively in Little Endian format).
The service does not provide a result (i.e. if a protocol error (CIP error) is not output, then the write
procedure was successful).
If synchronous registers are written via this service at the same time that an I/O connection is active
(Class1 connection), then these registers will usually be overwritten cyclically by I/O data.

Example: Switching an analog input module (X20AI4622) from default setting “voltage” to “current”
measurement; the module is connected to slot 11 (X2X station 11). The input channels 2-4 should continue
to be used for voltage measurement Æ configuration value = 0x01 (see module/register documentation). The
channel type for this module is mapped in register 18 (hex 12).

Service=0x33, class=0x65 (dec. 101), instance=0xB (dec. 11), attribute=<empty> or any,

data=0x120001000000 (Little Endian format)

58 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Diagnostic options

11 Diagnostic options

The X20BC0088 bus controller offers extensive diagnostics options on the controller as well as on the
connected modules.
Unless otherwise stated, these diagnostics parameters can only be read. Write access is answered with an
error code.

The diagnostics data is comprised of:

• Product data e.g. module serial numbers, hardware and firmware versions
• Operating states (e.g. IP address conflict, incorrect or missing I/O modules, module status)
• Statistics (EtherNet/IP protocol, network, X2X bus)

11.1 Product data

The bus controller and I/O module product data can only be read.

11.1.1 Bus controller

Class Instance Attribute Data Type
Product code (hardware ID) 0x1 0x1 0x3 UINT
Serial number 0x1 0x1 0x6 UDINT
Hardware major revision 0x64 0x1 0x2 UINT
Hardware minor revision 0x64 0x1 0x3 UINT
FPGA hardware revision 0x64 0x1 0x4 UINT
Active boot block 0x64 0x1 0x5 UINT
Default firmware major revision 0x64 0x1 0x6 UINT
Default Firmware minor revision 0x64 0x1 0x7 UINT
Update Firmware major revision 0x64 0x1 0x8 UINT
Update Firmware minor revision 0x64 0x1 0x9 UINT
Default FPGA software revision 0x64 0x1 0xA UINT
Update FPGA software revision 0x64 0x1 0xB UINT

Additional information about individual parameters can be found in chapter 9 and

11.1.2 I/O modules

Class Instance Attribute Data Type
Configured product code (hardware ID) 0x65 Corresponding slot 0x1 ARRAY [0..5]
Currently present product code 0x65 Corresponding slot 0x2 ARRAY [0..5]
(hardware ID) of BYTE
Firmware version 0x65 Corresponding slot 0xFA UINT
Hardware variants (hardware revision) 0x65 Corresponding slot 0xFB UINT
Serial number 0x65 Corresponding slot 0xFC UDINT

These parameters specify the data in the modules presently connected to this slot (except for "Configured
product code"). Additional information about individual parameters can be found in chapter 10.2.2. Firmware and hardware revision

In contrast to bus controller firmware versions and hardware variants, where the version specification is
comprised of a major and minor entry, I/O modules have just one entry (one number).

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 59

Diagnostic options

11.2 Operating states

11.2.1 Bus controller

Class Instance Attribute Data
Adapter status 0x64 0x1 0x1 UDINT
Number of modules 0x64 0x1 0x20 UINT
Length of the analog input data in bytes 0x64 0x1 0x21 UINT
Length of the analog output data in bytes 0x64 0x1 0x22 UINT
Length of the digital input data in bytes 0x64 0x1 0x23 UINT
Length of the digital analog output data in bytes 0x64 0x1 0x24 UINT
Length of the X2X network status information in bytes 0x64 0x1 0x25 UINT
Length of the output status information in bytes 0x64 0x1 0x26 UINT
The highest X2X station number currently in use 0x64 0x1 0x27 UINT

Additional information about individual parameters can be found in Chapter and

11.2.2 I/O modules

Class Instance Attribute Data Type

Module status 0x65 Corresponding slot 0xFD UINT

The operating status of the individual I/O modules can be read via attribute 0xFD of the I/O module object
(class 0x65). See chapter 10.2.2.

Value Meaning
0x00 '0' No X2X station present for this instance (this slot)
0x42 'B' Boot process (OS loader test)
0x43 'C' Module being configured
0x44 'D' Firmware download active
0x4E 'N' X2X station present, but the I/O module cannot start for the
following reasons: No I/O power or the module is not connected to
the X2X ASIC module
0x50 'P' Pre-operational (module is ready for run mode)
0x52 'R' Run mode (operational)
0x55 'U' Boot process (uploading IDs)
0x70 'p' Pre-operational (module is ready for run mode)
0xE0 Error: Module firmware missing
0xE1 Error: Module firmware invalid
0xE2 Error: Configuration fault (module cannot be activated); potential
configuration error (incorrect function model, etc.)
0xE3 Error: Configuration fault (registers cannot be mapped, potential
configuration error, etc.)
0xE4 Error: Module not booted (internal error)
0xE5 Error: Module not booted (X2X frame is too small Æ increase X2X
cycle time if necessary)
0xE6 Error: Module not booted (incorrect module type configured for this

Additional diagnostics information about the modules can be found in the X2X network status
assembly (class 0x4, instance 122 or 0x7A). See chapter 7.4. The X2X network status refers to the
bus modules (i.e. X2X controller) and not to the electronic module (the actual I/O module).

60 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Web Interface

12 Web Interface

The web interface integrated in the X20BC0088 from Rev. B4 upwards (Firmware V1.06) enables easy
configuration of the most common settings, the possibility to transfer configuration files (see B&R
FieldbusDESIGNER, chapter 3.3), offers extensive diagnostics possibilities and an overview of the
composition of the two combination assemblies (menu item "I/O Assembly Mapping", see chapter 7.8 for an
example) as well as the possibility of a firmware update.
It also contains a help system that can be opened using the "?" icon on every page.
The web server can be started from any browser (Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox were
tested) by calling the IP address or host name in the address bar (e.g. entering or
http://breip128 for network address switch values $FF or $80 respectively).

Pages permitting write access or the execution of services require authentication before giving access to
these functions. The default settings for the login data can be modified using the "Advanced" menu:

User name = admin

Password = X20BC0088
Both parameters are case-sensitive!

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 61

The Telnet interface

13 The Telnet interface

Telnet is a client/server protocol that uses TCP (normally on port 23) for data transfer.
The Telnet interface on the EtherNet/IP bus controller is a generic interface that can be used to change
network settings (IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway, DHCP setting) to read/write any CIP attribute or to call
services. The parameters can be output as hexadecimal (0x) or decimal.
In addition, the interface includes several shortcuts, e.g. for saving data to or deleting flash memory.

The syntax of the interface can be displayed via the "help" or "?" command. Any conventional Telnet client,
e.g. HyperTerminal or PuTTY can be used for Telnet communication.

In Windows, "telnet" it is followed by the IP address of the bus controller (e.g. "telnet") in the
command prompt (Windows "Start" Æ "Execute" Æ Open: "cmd").

Example of settings for the HyperTerminal client:

After entering "help" or "?", the following information is displayed:

62 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

The Telnet interface

13.1 Structure of Telnet command line

In addition to the shortcuts "ip get", "ip set", "dhcp on/off", "flash store", "flash erase", "reinit asm" and
"restart", it is also possible to read ("get c i a") or to write ("set c i a l d") any CIP attribute:

The following abbreviations are used:

"c" for class,
"i" for instance and
"a" for the CIP attribute

When using write access, the length "l" must be specified in bytes together with the data "d" to be written.
"cmd c i s" or “cmd c i s a l d” can be used to call services:

"s" stands for the CIP service code,

"a" optionally for the attribute (if not used, but parameter data is needed, then "0" must be specified),
"l" for the length of the service parameter in bytes and
"d" for the parameter data.

For the example from chapter To read the input filter of DI module, the command via Telnet
appears as follows:
cmd 0x65 2 0x32 0 2 0x12
and generally returns "0x0000000A (10)".

If the value is specified in hexadecimal notation, then "0x" must be used to introduce the value.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 63

Application examples

14 Application examples
14.1 Assigning an IP address
In addition to the options for assigning the bus controller an IP address described in chapter 5 and the
possibility to do this via the integrated web interface, the Telnet interface provides simple access without
having to use an additional tool, especially for commissioning.
An Ethernet connection to the bus controller is required (see chapter 4.1).
By setting the network address switch to $FF, the bus controller is assigned fixed IP address
following a restart (the supply voltage to the bus controller is momentarily interrupted; called a power cycle).
A Telnet connection can be established by opening "telnet" in the Windows command prompt.
In this example, a new IP address ( should be configured. In this example, the command
appears as follows because the IP address is stored together with the subnet mask and the default gateway
in one attribute (class 0xF5, instance 1, attribute 5):

ip set

This command terminates the Telnet connection. The new network settings are saved directly to the flash
memory; however, this only applies if the attribute 3 (configuration control) of the TCP/IP object is set to 0
(default setting).
The new settings are only applied after a restart ("Power Cycle"). However, you must keep in mind that
different network address switch values can change the settings (see chapter 5.5) and only the settings from
the flash are used exclusively for the value $00.

To activate the new IP address, the network address switch must be set to $00 and the bus
controller must be restarted. This can take place via the Telnet command "restart" or momentary
interruption of the supply voltage (power cycle).

14.2 Resetting the factory settings (deleting flash memory)

The easiest way to reset the bus controller back to the factory settings is to delete the flash memory.
When doing this, any saved configurations (configuration assemblies 100, 130 to 139) are also deleted and
the bus controller operates the connected I/O modules with default settings (automatic configuration – see
chapter 6.1).

The command via Telnet is:

flash erase

The Telnet console returns "Ok" as confirmation. A bus controller restart then loads the factory settings from
the flash to the RAM.

64 EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00

Application examples

14.3 Querying the I/O assembly lengths

The bus controller also supports reading of attribute 4 (size) of the assembly objects (class 0x4). This can be
used to query the lengths of the respective I/O assemblies.

Generally, the combination input and output assemblies are used for I/O communication; these are:
Combination output assembly: Instance 112 (hex 70)
Combination input assembly: Instance 124 (hex 7C)

The queries...
get 4 112 4 and
get 4 124 4

... are used to get the respective assembly lengths in bytes.

The default settings are:

get 4 112 4
> 0x00F0 (240)
get 4 124 4
> 0x01E0 (480)

These specifications are used to integrate the bus controller in the respective developing environment such
as "Generic Ethernet Module" (the data format "Comm Format" must be set to bytes, i.e. the data type
"SINT") – See corresponding “Getting Started” documents available for download on the B&R web portal for
more information.

EtherNet/IP User's Manual, V 1.00 65

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