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ICSE Board

Class X Physics
Gold Series
Sample Paper - 3
Time: 1½ hrs Total Marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in
reading the question paper.
3. The time given at the head of paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.
4. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
5. The intended marks of questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

Section 1 (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this section

Question 1 [10]
(a) A thread with a stone tied to its one end is whirled in a horizontal circle. What is
responsible for the centripetal force?
(b) A train is travelling on a one-level track at a speed of 72 km/h. It is pulled by an
engine which exerts a force of 12,000 N. Calculate the power of the engine in
(c) What is an inclined plane? Give two examples of its use in daily life.
(d) A load of 800 N is lifted through a height of 2 m by an effort of 40 N applied at a
distance of 50 m. Calculate the efficiency.
(e) A ball of mass 8 kg is dropped from a height of 10 m. What is the velocity with which
it strikes the ground?

Question 2 [10]
(a) When a bird looks at a fish in water, does it appear raised or deeper than it actually
is? Similarly, when a fish looks at a bird, does it appear nearer or further away?
(b) Complete the diagram by drawing the corresponding incident ray.

(c) State four uses of a hand lens.

(d) Two convex lenses each of focal length f are separated by an equal distance of 2f.
With the help of a ray diagram show that a parallel beam of light remains parallel
after refraction through both lenses.
(e) Write two uses of ultraviolet radiation.

Question 3 [10]
(a) PQ is the incident ray as shown on Prism ABC. Show the corresponding refracted
and emergent rays.

(b) Which of these quantities; (i) frequency, (ii) wavelength and (iii) amplitude
determine the loudness of a sound wave? How is loudness related to the above
mentioned quantity?
(c) 1080 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 1080 g of water at 80°C. Calculate the final
temperature of the mixture.
(d) Which molecules, ice at 0°C or water at 0°C, have greater potential energy? Why?
(e) Which lamp has greater resistance, a 40-W lamp or a 60-W lamp, when connected to
the same supply?

Question 4 [10]
(a) Can you connect resistors of 2  , 3  and 6  to produce an effective resistance of
4  ? If yes, how?
(b) State the factors on which the e.m.f. of a cell depends.
(c) A DC motor is rotating in the anticlockwise direction. How can you reverse the
direction of the motor?
i. What is the purpose of using C-14 dating?
ii. Name the two wires of a household wiring circuit which are of the same
(e) Complete the following reaction by inserting the appropriate quantity in the spaces
marked by asterisks.
235 U + * n * Nb + 41 n +*
92 0 s1 0
Section 2 (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this section

Question 5 [10]
i. Why isn’t a machine 100% efficient?
ii. Why do we use a bicycle in spite of it being a mechanical disadvantage?
(b) Two forces each of magnitude 3 N act vertically upwards and downwards on the
two ends of a uniform rod of length 1 m freely pivoted at its centre. Determine the
resultant moment of the forces about the midpoint of the rod.
(c) A pulley system lifts a load of 600 N by an effort of 200 N. If the resistance due to the
movable parts of the machine is 400 N, find
i. MA
ii. VR
iii. Number of pulleys
iv. Efficiency

Question 6 [10]
(a) How will you experimentally determine the focal length of a convex lens by the
distant object method?
(b) Give the list of seven types of radiations, in the order of their increasing wavelength,
which make up the complete electromagnetic spectrum.

The above diagram shows a small linear object AB placed at the principal focus F ₁ of
a diverging lens. Points O and F₂ are the optical centre and the first focus of the lens.
Using two rays, draw a ray diagram to locate the image formed in the lens. Mention
two characteristics of this image.
Question 7 [10]
(a) Give reasons for the following
i. The sound of a kettle drum is unmusical.
ii. The rattling of a factory is unpleasant.
(b) What is the function of the wooden box in a sonometer? Does it increase or decrease
the duration of emission?
i. Is fire extinguished more effectively using hot water or cold water?
ii. In a calorimeter box, the calorimeter is surrounded by a coaxial shining
cylindrical vessel. Why?
Question 8 [10]
(a) An arrow-shaped object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from a convex lens of focal
length 200 mm. Draw a ray diagram showing how the image of this object is formed.
What is the nature of this image?
i. What is the power of a converging lens of focal length 0.25 m?
ii. What is the focal length of lens of power –5D?
iii. If lenses (i) and (ii) are put together, what is the power of this combination?
(c) What is an echo? An observer situated between two parallel cliffs emits an intense
sound. Two successive echoes are then heard after 5 s and 7 s, respectively.
Calculate the distance between the cliffs. Take the velocity of sound as 332 m/s.

Question 9 [10]
(a) Describe the ring main system of distribution of power (Only diagram is required).
(b) In the circuit given below, find the potential difference between points A and B.
Assume that both batteries have zero internal resistance.

i. Find the effective resistance across (1) A and B, and (2) A and C in the network
shown below:

ii. Draw magnetic field lines created due to a current-carrying circular ring.
Question 10 [10]
(a) Give the reason for the energy release in a nuclear fission reaction.
(b) In the following nuclear fusion reaction equations, replace a, b, c, d with proper
mass number or atomic symbol:
1𝐻 + 21𝐻 → 𝑎2𝐻𝑒 + 10𝑏 + 3.3 𝑀𝑒𝑉
2𝐻𝑒 + 21𝐻 → 2𝑐 𝐻𝑒 + 11𝑑 + 18.3 𝑀𝑒𝑉

(c) Why does nuclear fusion require high temperature and high pressure?
(d) Give one constructive and destructive use of the nuclear fission reaction.

(e) What is the difference between:

i. A β-particle and an electron
ii. An α-particle and a helium nucleus
iii. Give two equations of each representing α-decay and β-decay.
ICSE Board
Class X Physics
Gold Series
Sample Paper – 3 Solution

Section 1
Answer 1
(a) The tension in the string created while whirling the thread which has a stone tied to its
one end in a horizontal circle is responsible for the centripetal force.

(b) Given:
Speed, v = 72 km/ h
Force, F = 12000 N
Work F  S  V
Power= =
Time S
= 12000 N  72 km/h
=12000 N  72  m/s
= 240000 W
=240 kW
Power of the engine is 240 kW.

(c) Inclined plane: It is a simple machine which makes it easier to elevate a heavy object. Its
two end points are at different heights, and hence, it reduces the amount of force
needed to lift the object. Two daily life examples are (i) Ramp and (ii) Chisel.

Efficiency, η =
800  2
=  100 = 80%
40  50
Efficiency is 80%.

(e) Mass, m = 8kg

Height, s = 10 m
Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s
We know that v2 – u2 = 2as
Therefore, v2 − 0 = 2 × 9.8 × 10
v2 = 196
v = 14 m/s
The velocity with which a ball strikes the ground is 14 m/s.
Answer 2
(a) When a bird looks at a fish in the water, it appears raised. However, when a fish looks at
a bird, it appears farther away from where it actually is.


(c) Four uses of hand lenses:

i. To see minute parts of the machinery by watch mechanics
ii. To read lines by palmists
iii. To inspect precious stones and jewellery by jewellers
iv. To take readings of the vernier in a travelling microscope


(e) Two uses of ultraviolet radiation:

i. To detect the purity of gems, eggs, ghee etc.
ii. To produce Vitamin D in the food of plants and animals.
Answer 3

(b) Amplitude determines the loudness of a sound wave. Loudness corresponds to a wave
of larger amplitude.

(c) Let the temperature of the mixture be t°C.

Mass of water = 1.08 kg
Mass of ice = 1.08 kg
Specific heat capacity of water = C
Change in the temperature of hot water = change in the temperature of ice
Heat lost by hot water = Heat gained by ice
1.08 × C × (80 − t) = 1.08 × C × (t − 0)
80 = 2t
t = 40°C

(d) 0°C of water has higher potential energy than 0°C of ice because when a solid changes
to a liquid without a change in the temperature, the average kinetic energy of the
molecules does not change, but the potential energy increases as the distance between
the molecules on an average increases.

40 W = 2
60 W = 2
40R = 60R
1 2
R 4
R > R
1 2
The 40 W lamp will have greater resistance
Answer 4
(a) Yes, we can connect the resistors of 2  , 3  and 6  to give an effective resistance of 4
 . Connect the 3  and 6  resistors in parallel which will give a resultant resistance
of 2  and then connect the other 2  resistance with this resultant 2Ω resistance in
series which will give an effective resistance of 4  .

(b) The e.m.f. of a cell depends on the following two factors:

i. Material of the electrodes
ii. Electrolyte used in the cell

(c) The direction of rotation of the motor can be reversed by interchanging the terminals of
the battery.

i. The purpose of C-14 dating is to estimate the age of organic materials, rocks, wood,
charcoal, marine and freshwater shells, bones etc. C-14 dating can also be used to
determine the age of the earth.
ii. The neutral and earth wires are of the same potential at zero volt.

(e) 235 U +1 n 133 Sb+ 99Nb+41 n+binding energy

92 0 51 41 0
Section 2
Answer 5
i. Efficiency of a machine cannot be 100% because of the following reasons:
o The moving parts in it are not perfectly smooth (or frictionless).
o The string in it (if any) is not perfectly elastic.
o Its different parts are not perfectly rigid.
o Its moving parts are not weightless.
Due to these factors, there is always some loss of energy in the machine. Thus,
output energy from a machine is always less than input energy. Therefore, no
machine is 100% efficient.
ii. Bicycles normally have a large gear wheel with a pedal. When the pedal is revolved,
the chain pulls around the gear wheel at the back. This enables one to convert a slow
motion at some point to a more rapid motion at some other desired point. In a
bicycle, we are interested in increasing the velocity ratio, and a decreased
mechanical advantage is the price we pay for it.

(b) According to the principle of moment of force,

Sum of anticlockwise moments = Sum of clockwise moments
As the rod is pivoted by its centre, the moment on both sides is 5 m.
3 N × 0.5 m = 3 N × 0.5 m
Hence, the moment of force about the mid-point of the rod is
(3 × 0.5) + (3 × 0.5) = 3 Nm

(c) L = 600 N E =200 N F = 400 N

L 600
i. M.A = = 3
E 200
ii. M.A = V.R. -
3 =V.R. – 2
 V.R =5
iii. No. of pulleys = VR = 5
η=  100
=  100 = 60%
∴ Efficiency = 60%
Answer 6
(a) Estimation of focal length by distant object method: The approximate focal length of
a convex lens can be determined by using the principle that a beam of parallel rays
incident from a distant object converges in the focal plane of the lens.
For this, a metre scale is placed against a white wall with its 0 cm end touching the wall.
An illuminated object is placed at a very large distance in front of the wall and is
focused on the wall by moving the convex lens towards the other end of the scale.

Because the light rays are incident from a distant object and nearly parallel, the image
of it formed on the wall is read directly by the metre scale. This gives the approximate
focal length of the scale.

The complete electromagnetic spectrum in increasing order of their wavelengths is
(1) Gamma rays, (2) X-rays, (3) Ultraviolet rays, (4) Visible light, (5)
Infrared radiations, (6) Microwaves and (7) Radio waves

At the end, the image will be smaller, virtual and erect.

Answer 7
i. The sound of a kettle drum is unmusical because it is produced by the kettle’s
irregular successions of disturbances and is discontinuous.
ii. Rattling of a factory is unpleasant because it does not produce a periodic and
uniform sound but a harsh sound.

(b) A sonometer is provided with a wooden box which has a column of air in it. This air
column is set into forced vibrations when the strings vibrate. This box does not increase
or decrease the duration of emission. However, it increases the loudness of the sound.

i. Hot water is better than cold water because its absorption of heat and conversion to
steam while extinguishing a fire is more efficient than cold water. Cold water takes
longer to turn into hot water while absorbing heat.
ii. In a calorimeter box, the calorimeter is surrounded by a coaxial shining cylindrical
vessel because the polish (shine) reduces the loss of heat due to radiation.

Answer 8

The image will be of the same size, real and inverted.

i. Power of the lens is given by
∴ p= = 4D
ii. Focal length of the lens is given as
1 1
F= =
p 5
F = 0.2m
iii. If both lenses are put together, then the focus will be
1 1 1
= +
1 2
But as one of the lenses is diverging, it will have a negative focal length.
1 1 1 1
 = - =-
F 25 20 100
 F=100cm
1 100
Now the power will be P = = =-1D
F(in cm) 100

(c) Sound heard on reflection from a distant obstacle such as a cliff, edge of forest etc. after
the original sound has ceased is called an echo.
The first echo was heard after 5 s.
Distance = Speed of sound × Time
2d₁ = 332 m/s  5s
So, d₁ = 332  5/2 = 830 m
The second echo was heard after 7 s.
So, d₂ = 332  7/2 = 1162 m
So, the total distance between the two cliffs is
D = (830 + 1162) m = 1192 m

Answer 9
(a) Ring main system: Various types of domestic appliances which are of relatively low
power are connected in this system. They may therefore be connected at the same time
in one circuit using different socket outlets.

(b) The potential difference between A and B is given as

e.m.f. = 20 − 8
= 12 V
Total resistance = 4 
Current in the circuit = I =V/R = 12/4 = 3 A
So, potential difference across R₁ = 3 × 3 = 9 V
Potential difference across A and B = 20 – 9 = 11 V
i. The effective resistance between A and B
We have a network of four resistances each placed in the four sides of a square.
The effective resistance of this network is connected in series with two 10
resistors. The resistance network can be seen as a 10 resistor parallel to three
10 resistors connected in series. In effect, the network has a 10 resistor parallel
to a 30 resistor; hence, the effective resistance is 10 × 30/(10 + 30) = 7.5. Hence,
the effective resistance between A and B is 10 + 7.5 + 10 = 27.5.
ii. The effective resistance between A and C
We have a network of four resistances each placed in the four sides of a square.
The effective resistance of this network is connected in series with two 10
resistors. The resistance network can be seen as two 10 resistors connected in
series are parallel to a similar two 10 resistors connected in series. In effect, the
network has a 20 resistor parallel to another 20 resistor; hence, the effective
resistance is 20 × 20/(20 + 20) = 10. Hence, the effective resistance between A and
C is 10 + 10 + 10 = 30.
Answer 10
(a) The reason for the release of energy in nuclear fission reaction is that the sum of masses
of the product nuclei is less than the sum of masses of parent nuclei and neutron. Hence,
there is a loss of mass in this reaction. This loss in mass is converted to energy by
Einstein’s mass–energy relation E = (m)c2.

(b) 21𝐻 + 21𝐻 → 32𝐻𝑒 + 10𝑛 + 3.3 𝑀𝑒𝑉

(c) 32𝐻𝑒 + 21𝐻 → 42𝐻𝑒 + 11𝐻 + 18.3 𝑀𝑒𝑉

(d) When two nuclei approach each other due to their positive charges, the electrostatic
force of repulsion between them becomes so strong that they do not fuse. Hence, to
make fusion possible, high temperature (~ 107 K) and high pressure are required.

(e) The nuclear fission reaction is utilised in a nuclear reactor and the energy from this
reaction is used for conversion to electrical energy. The nuclear fission process is
exploited to make nuclear weapons.

i. Basically, there is no major difference between an electron and a β particle. The β
particle is the name given to an electron which is emitted from the nucleus.
ii. An α particle is equivalent to a helium nucleus. It is a helium atom which has lost its
two electrons, i.e. it is a doubly ionised helium atom.
Alpha decay can be represented as
A 4
z X Z 2 Y 2 H4  Q

Beta decay can be represented as

z X Z 1 Y  1 e  Q
A A 0

(where Q is energy)

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