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Lesson Plan in MTB -1

I. Objectives

-Express ideas through a variety of symbols (e.g. drawings and invented spelling)
- Give the beginning letter/sound of the name of each picture. MT1PWRIb-i-1.2
- Match words with pictures and objects. MT1PWRIb-i-4.1
-Give the name and sound of each letter MT1PWRIb-i-1.1
-Identify upper and lower case letters. MT1PWRIb-i-2.1

II. Subject matter

Giving letter sound /Mm/
Identifying letter Mm
Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide p.
Materials: laminated pictures, power point presentation, whiteboard pen, chart of the
Strategies: Explicit teaching, cooperative learning, picture study, TPR (Total Physical
Values: Cooperation, Collaboration)

III. Procedure

A. 1. Review: Previous Lesson

1. Drill
Animal sound. Show each animal picture and let the pupils imitate the sound of the
animal being shown. Tell pupils that the sound of these animals have /Mm/ sound.

B. I. Presentation:
TEACHER: Class we are going to learn the following:
- express ideas through a variety of symbols (e.g. drawings and invented spelling)
- give the beginning letter/sound of the name of each picture. MT1PWRIb-i-1.2
- match words with pictures and objects. MT1PWRIb-i-4.1
- give the name and sound of each letter MT1PWRIb-i-1.1
-identify upper and lower case letters. MT1PWRIb-i-2.1

2. Motivation
Show picture of Maya bird and mango fruit. Ask what is in the picture.
Tell pupils that Maya and mango have /Mm/ sound.
Tell pupils that there is a song about Maya bird and mango fruit and let pupils know that
the song has many /Mm/ sound.
Maya-maya nganong malipay ka?
Malipay ko kay mamunga na
Kinsa ba gyu’y dili malipay
Mamunga na ang mga mangga.

Who is happy in the song?
Why Maya is happy?
Where this events happened?
3. Discussion

a. Unlocking of Difficult Words

(Through picture)
Tell the pupils that there is a new word to learn.

-Teacher reads the word 3x. Mamunga, mamunga, mamunga

-Let pupils read the word 3x Mamunga, mamunga, mamunga
Ang manga mamunga. (Meaning mangunod).

b. Modelling ( I DO)

T- Show each picture to pupils and tell them the name of the picture. The teacher
match the pictures and say the beginning sound of /Mm 3x for emphasis.

After all the pictures have shown, the teacher will demonstrate how to write letter Mm
using Total Physical response.

(During “I Do”, there will be no interruption like questioning and others, the teacher will
exclusively model the lesson. (Just let pupils imitate, if they will imitate you silently.)

c. Guided Practice ( We Do)

Activity 1-

After teacher’s modelling, sounding and writing /Mm/, the teacher will now show
the pictures again, repeat saying and writing on air the sound/ letter of /Mm/, 3x, and
then the teacher will ask pupils to repeat after 3x.
Let pupils write /Mm/ in the air, in the chair, classmate’s back, using body
language and others. (Teachers can add and modify)

Activity 2- Grouping

Each group will have a picture, say the name, sound the beginning letter, write
sound of /Mm/ on the laminated paper using whiteboard pen, write in the air and writing
using body language.
(During the group activity the teacher will check the work of every group and just select
2 or 3 groups to present in front of the class depending on the availability of time.)

d. Independent Practice (You Do)

Treasure Hunting (Hunting Pictures)

Prepare a surprise activity for pupils, hide pictures under their tables or chairs, give
prize to pupils who were able to hunt a picture, and let each of them present the picture
in front of the class. Let them say the name of the picture, sound the beginning letter,
and write in the air using body language TPR in demonstration of writing on air. Let
them emphasize big letter M and small letter m.
4. Application/Values Integration

What good traits / values did you learn from our lesson?
What did you do during group work?
Is the sound of /Mm/ important? Why?

5. Generalization
What did you learn today?
What was our lesson all about?

IV. Evaluation:
Oral Test
1. Let each pupil match the picture and give the beginning sound /Mm/.
(One picture each pupil)
2. Identify and write on upper and lower case letter Mm

V. Assignment

Write the big and small letter /Mm/ in a one whole sheet of paper.

(Don’t forget to prepare small tokens like smileys and the like to be given to pupils for
their participation during the entire teaching-learning process. Don’t say “very good” only,
give them tokens every time they answer.
This lesson plan can be used in teaching all the letter sounds, with the same pattern
you will only modify drill and motivation song.)

VI. Remarks

VII. Reflection

Prepared by: LINDY J. OCOT, T- III

Division of Misamis Oriental

Reviewed and checked:

Division of Misamis Oriental

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