The Great Farting King ?

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The Great Farting King

By Liam Ugarte-xu 
A long long time ago, there was a small smelly man who 
wanted to be a king, but he didn’t mind to be a farting king 

or any other type, but there was a farting country, which 
was only 11 kilometers long and the small boy was only 
7 years old and his birthday is only in 1 month. He lived 
near the farting country which people call FC-LVPOE which 
stands for Farting Country- Less Visited Place On Earth. 
Know he was bullied and people said that he’d never be one 
☝ at . Tha d i t ha r, bu w o s . Al  
the king's techniques are too hard to do for him (especially 
when he is younger than the other people) and he could only 
do 1 technique that is a race. It is the farting technique 
that you will have an issue...​ ​EMBARRASSMENT.
Well it is better than nothing he thought. At last there was 
the farting race: who could fart the most in 10 minutes. 
Who? We don’t know yet.  
After the little guy had his break, (which was supposed to 
be a good one, but it wasn’t, because of the other people 
said that was bad and said he’d never will be one) they set 
up in lines and this is what the lines looked like: 

11.5 min later… 
There was a head start for the big people in their own 
lanes and there were 10 people in the lanes. The little boy 
caught up and he won!!! His family (just mum and 
dad(parents)) was proud of him for being a farting king. 
Well he thought it was better than nothing. So every time 
you see a person fart you say ta those people “are ya tha 
fartin king?” Well if you actually say to those people that 
what l said for you to say they will be mad and say trash. 
Bofrjthwe they will say. Yhrteduj, will they just stop? So do 
not say that. That was a joke.  
So back to the story 
If you just turn a page there will be a picture that’ll catch 
your eye for some reason, but you’ll have to see the next 
page! It’ll be continued.  
The little boy (the farting king) had to verse the king that 
used to be one. Their track looked like this:

It was my chance. People kept on bullyingm me and l didn’t 
like it, but they still bullied me. Even adults (some) did it. 20 
min later, “ME WON! WIN! WIN! WIN!” I said even 
though it didn’t make sense. After that l demanded to make 
something and give me the money and best stuff cuz I’m a 
The end!!! 

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