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Ref: WMA_01-0320

Location: KPC & PP (Online meeting)

Date: 19/03/20
Time: 7:00PM

Weekly Meeting Agenda No.01

Attendees: Yin Marady, Sor Munineath, Sous Oussa, Yin mazatine

I. Review of Previous Meeting

II. Progress of Work Report

Approval of minutes from last meeting

read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

III. Pending Issue

a) Open issue/summary of discussion

b) Open issue/summary of discussion

c) Open issue/summary of discussion

IV. New business

a) New business/summary of discussion

b) New business/summary of discussion

c) New business/summary of discussion

V. Adjournment

Facilitator Name adjourned the meeting at time.

Minutes submitted by: Name

Minutes approved by:

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