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Vicente D.

Trinidad High School

Ajat, Iguig, Cagayan
Fourth Periodic Test in ENGLISH IX S.Y. 2017-2018

I. Vocabulary
A. Context Clues: Read the passage carefully. Then, write the letter of your answer to each item.

The worker who upon retirement-can face the mirror, look himself in the eye and proudly say he has
been a successful worker, is not necessarily the one who has accomplished the most or who has earned the
highest but the one who has done his job guided by the Spirit of truth.
You could be the core of truthfulness in the workplace and yet remain anxious about so many things. 3
Everybody could elect you to be the most popular or valuable worker-you could even win awards for those
traits and yet you could still be restless within.
Your being perceived as the most truthful worker in the industry doesn’t mean you have done your
job in the most honorable way a human being can. 5Nor can it give you deep and lasting satisfaction. 6You
could have been truthful out of fear. 7But if you are guided by the spirit of truth, you would know that you are
the most diligent, honest, truthful and honorable worker around not because you fear to be otherwise, but
because you know and believe the truth. 8What truth? 9The truth that you are a child of God created in God’s
image, and can do all those things only out of love. 10Don ‘t wait till retirement day to stand before the mirror
and find out the truth.
Phil. Daily Inquirer, May 30, 2017
1. In the selection, what word is synonymous to worried?
A. successful B. valuable C. anxious D. truthful
2. Which word shares the same meaning with “very useful”?
A. valuable B. truthful C. honest D. diligent
3. Which word in the paragraph also means “center or heart”?
A. truth B. mirror C. core D. love
4. What word in the paragraph is the synonym of “anxious”?
A. restless B. valuable C. truthful D. diligent
5. What word is most nearly synonymous to “noticed”?
A. earned B. perceived C. created D. accomplished
6. Which sentence in the paragraph contains the antonym of “discontent”?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
7. Which of these words is the antonym of the word “fabrication”?
A. truth B. satisfaction C. retirement D. industry

II. Grammar
Using Direct and Indirect Discourse: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate verb.
8. He said the he____ a toothache.(has got, had got, have got)
9. Manny said that he_____ very busy then.(is, was,had been)
10. She told us______.(that hurry up, to hurry up)
11. He asked her ______him a cup of water.(give, giving, to give)
12. She said that she___going to college. (is, was, had been)
A. Using Conjunctions: Instructions: Use appropriate conjunction to show the cause and effect relationship in the
following sentences. Choose from the pool of words.

Because Also but and for since

I went on another trip last week. Few have visited the park I saw 13.) _____ everyone visits Yellowstone. 14)____, I
saw something moving in the woods,15)_____ could not see it clearly. Then there was more movement 16)____ everybody
saw it. Either could have been a bear or both were just the wind. Nobody could figure it out, but we had many guesses. The
scenery there was gorgeous; one could see 17)____ miles. Anybody would love that one view of the valley because nothing is
more beautiful.
III. Reading Comprehension

Read passages A and B and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer.

A young lady was given a large box of chocolates, which she loves to eat constantly. But being on a
diet, she asked her sister to put them in the freezer to “save her from herself”. As the longing for the sweets
increased, she asked her sister to let her have some. Her sister removed the box from the freezer and gave it to
her. When she opened it, she found a book frozen from solid.
18. By asking her sister to put the box in the freezer, what does the young lady want to imply?
A. To save money C. To maintain her figure
B. To freeze her chocolates D. To give away chocolates to others

19. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Frozen Book C. Look Before You Keep
B. A Frozen Chocolate D. Open First Before Freezing

20. Based on the young lady’s attitude, what can we infer?

A. She is funny. B. She is generous. C. She loves books. D. She is tricky.
The life of an individual is like a road map with a beginning and an end. This is true. There are more
milestones that mark what he or she has accomplished. It is important therefore for it to have a purposeful
beginning in order to ensure a successful ending.

21. What could be the author’s purpose for comparing the road map to the life of an individual?
A. To entertain B. To persuade C. To explain D. To inform
22. What does the author want to tell us?
A. To prepare for sad endings C. To achieve goals at all times
B. To end our life with success D. To set meaningful goals in life
23. What do the life of an individual and the road map have in common? Both have________
A. Direction C. beginning and an end
B. a successful ending D. milestone which mark accomplishments

Read and interpret the employment section table below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Comparison of Jobs Held by Men and Women in Percentages

Professional Executive Farmers

Technical Administrative Clerical Sales Laborers
Related Jobs Managerial

Men 39.4 80.3 49.3 39 66

Women 60.6 19.7 50.7 50.3 24

Source: Employment Rate Index, 2005

24. How many jobs are compared in the table?
25. In which job are men and women employees almost equal?
26. Which job has the least number of women employed?
27. In which job do men outnumber women the most?
28. Which job has the most number of women employed?
29. What is the source of the table?

Instructions: Read the following dialog then complete the diagrams below with an appropriate word.

Rosa: Do you know the principal cause of famine?

Grace: It’s drought, or the continuous lack of rainfall. It might also result from other
natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and plague of pests.
Portia: Famine can lead to hunger and malnutrition.
Rosa: What are signs of malnutrition?
Portia: Diarrhea and other symptoms like swollen faces and bloated stomachs. In
addition, malnourished children have frail arms and legs that look like sticks.
Grace: Do you think these diseases can cause death?
Portia: Of course! That’s why our government should adopt a nutrition program for

30. diseases

Famine Death
malnutrition 31.
Natural Disasters

drought hurricane 32. Plague of pests

A. Instructions: The following statements are taken from the dialog. Which of these are facts? Copy the statements. ( 33-
A. It’s drought or continuous lack of rainfall.
B. Our government should adopt a nutrition program for children.
C. Famine can lead to hunger and malnutrition.
D. It might also result from other natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and plagues of pests
Read the poem carefully. Then answer each of the questions by writing the letter of the correct answer.

1 Life has loneliness to sell

2 All beautiful and splendid things

3 Blue waves, whitened of a cliff

4 Soaring fire that sways and sings

5 And children’s faces looking up

6 Holding wonder like a cup

35. What sensory image is employed in line 3?
A. sight B. hearing C. touch D. smell
36. To what sense does the 4 line appeal?
A. touch B. smell C. hearing D. sight
37. Which line appeals to the sense of touch?
A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 6th D. 5th
38. What does the poet want to convey in his poem?
A. A good life is not for free. C. The good things in life can be bought.
B. Children’s faces are lovely. D. There are many beautiful and splendid things that life
39. What is the tone evoked in the poem?
A. bitterness B. solitude C. sarcasm D. loneliness
40. What could be the author’s purpose in writing the poem?
A. to entertain B. to persuade C. to inform D. to explain
41. In line 1, what figure of speech was used?
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Hyperbole D. Personification
42. In lines 3 and 4, what figure of speech was employed?
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Hyperbole D.Personification

(For items 53-57) Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer.
1 Dear God,
2 I read your advertisement in the churches
3 And I should like to have
4 A catalogue of virtues that
5 I might possibly wish to own
6 And which will finally entitle me
7 To live with you
8 In heaven.
9 It is understood that
10 This will not oblige me in any way.
11 Yours very sincerely,
12 The Sinner.

13 P.S. I am now living at

14 Hotel D’Evil
15 But wish that
16 The catalogue be addressed
17 C/O the village priest.

43. What attitude of the persona can be inferred in the poem?

A. He is friendly. B. He is open-minded. C. He is realistic. D. He is merry and original.

44. Who would let the sinner know the virtues God expects him to have?
A. God B. Friend C. Church D. Village Priest
45. What line tells that the man does not have the required virtues?
A. line 5 B. line 6 C. line 7 D. line 8

46. What can we conclude about the man based on the 10 th line?
A. The man planned to live up to God’s standards.
B. The man promised to live up to God’s expectations.
C. The man was reluctant to live in God’s expectations
D. The man promised nor rejected to live in God’s standards.

47. Based on the P.S.(postscript), what conclusion could be made of the village priest?
A. He is responsible. C. He shares the same qualities with the sinner.
B. He is virtuous. D. He serves as a good example to people.

IV. Writing: ( For items 48-50 ) Complete the outline that follows after reading the paragraph.

There are four types of thoughts our mind can create and can redirect for a better quality of life and relationships.
First, necessary thoughts are about our everyday needs and requirements. They deal with our daily routine.
Wasteful thoughts are those that are of no use, neither constructive nor particularly negative. They deal with things of
the past like “If this did not happen” or “If only I had done it this way”.
Negative thoughts are most harmful, especially to ourselves. Irrespective of the impact they have on others, negative
thoughts are based on materialistic desires, anger, lust etc.
Positive thoughts allow us to accumulate inner strengths and enable us to be creative and constructive. It gives us the
feeling of contentment within and looking into the solutions to a problem.

I. Necessary thoughts
A. These thoughts are about our everyday needs and requirements.
B. They deal with our (48)__________________________________________
II. Wasteful thoughts
A.These thoughts are neither constructive nor (49)____________________
B.They deal with things of the past like “if this did not happen.”
III. Negative thoughts
A. These thoughts are most (50)__________________________________
B. They are based on materialistic desires, anger, lust etc
IV. Positive thoughts
A. Allow us to accumulate inner strengths and enable us to be creative and constructive.
B. It gives us the feeling of contentment within and looking into the solutions to a

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III Master Teacher II
Vicente D. Trinidad High School
Ajat, Iguig, Cagayan
Fourth Periodic Test in ENGLISH IX S.Y. 2018-2019

Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer.

Passage 1

As a university professor, I taught during the day and did research at night, I would usually take a break
from work around nine and play the battle-strategy game Warcraft over the internet with different on-line teams.
One night, I was paired with a game veteran, who was a master strategist. With him at the helm, our
troops crushed opponent after opponent, and after six games we were undefeated. Suddenly, my fearless leader
informed me that he had to leave as his mother wanted him to go to bed.
“How old are you?” I asked.
“Twelve,” he replied. “How old are you?”
Feeling my face redden, I answered,”Eight.”

1. Who is speaking in the selection?

A. a boy B. the professor C. an on-line gamer D. a game veteran

2. According to the selection, who is the master strategist?

A. the professor B. the boy C. the mother D. the student
3. How old is the game veteran?
A. twelve B. eight C. ten D. twenty
4. What does the phrase, “with him at the helm” mean? The professor and his partner are _____ of the game.
A. at the edge B. on the wheel C. too excited D. taking control
5. What word in the passage means the same as the phrase,”crushed opponent from opponent”?
A. fearless B. undefeated C. veteran D. strategist
6. What is the meaning of the expression, “feeling mg face redden”?
A. anxious B. fearful C. embarrassed D. reluctant
7. What can be inferred about the professor in the last sentence of the passage,”Feeling my face redden, I answered, “Eight.”?
A. master of the game B. ashamed of his real age C. admired the boy D. afraid of the mother of the boy
8. What kind of text is the selection?
A. journalistic B. academic C. narrative D. scientific
9. What is the correct transformation of the sentence-“my fearless leader informed me that he had to leave as his mother
wanted him to go to bed.”- into its direct speech form?
A. My fearless leader informed me, “He had to leave as his mother wanted him to go to bed”.
B. My fearless leader informed me, “He has to leave as his mother wanted him to go to bed”.
C. My fearless leader informed me,” I have to leave as my mother wants me to go to bed”.
D. My fearless leader informed me, “I have to leave as my mother want me to go to bed”.
10. What is the correct transformation of the direct speech in the passage-“How old are you?”I asked”?
A. He asked how old I am. C. He asked how old was he.
B. He asked if how old was I. D. He asked if how old he was.

Passage 2

A man walked into a credit office to pay the final installment on a baby crib. “Thank you”. The manager said, “And
how’s the baby?”
“Oh, “the man replied, I’m fine”.

11. What does the article tell? The payor is probably…

A. the friend B. the stranger C. the baby D. the father
12. What can be inferred from the text?
A. The man forgot his debt. C. The manager is kind.
B. The man waited till he grew up. D. The term of payment is long.
13. What is the correct transformation of the underlined direct speech in the passage?
A. The man replied he is fine. C. The man replied I’m fine.
B. The man replied that he was fine. D. The man replied that he is fine.
Passage 3
Have you ever seen a plant with its leaves curled up? Have you watered it and watched its leaves spread out again?
Like a plant, a child responds to a teacher who knows how to nourish him or her.

14. What is the theme of the selection?

A. If a child is not educated, he will not survive.
B. If a plant is not watered, it will wither and die.
C. A plant and a child need an equal amount of attention.
D. A good teacher nourishes a child’s yearning for knowledge.
15. What value was given emphasis in the passage?
A. love and care B. understanding C. friendship D. humility
16. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to praise D. to persuade

Passage 3

On duty as patrol officer, I was dispatched to a non-jury involving recently retired teacher who had run a red light. She
understood that she is at fault, and offered no resistance when I wrote up a ticket and handed it to her. After she signed and
returned it, I noticed that she had put a D on top of the citation. “That’s for your penmanship,” she told me.
17. What can be inferred on the attitude of the speaker in the passage?
A. He was strict. B. She was honest. C. He was impatient. D. She was a law-abider.
18. Based on the passage, what was the violation of the teacher?
A. She did not wear a helmet. C. She was over speeding.
B. She did not follow traffic rules. D. She did not have a driver’s license.
19. What did the teacher do with the ticket handed to her by the officer?
A. She tore it. B. She signed it. C. She returned it to the officer. D. She signed and returned it to the officer
20. What is the meaning of the word dispatched as used in the first sentence of the passage?
A. sent B. defeated C. killed D. transported
21. What does the word resistance in the second sentence of the passage mean?
A. effort made to stop B. refusal to accept C. ability to prevent D. capacity to survive
22. What type of text is the selection?
A. literary B. journalistic C. scientific D. narrative
23. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A. to educate B. to entertain C. to praise D. to inform
24. What is the main idea of the selection?
A. a teacher in her driving speed C. a patrol officer and his penmanship
B. a patrol officer implementing traffic rules D. a teacher marking D on the citation

For Items 25-27, choose the statement that best interprets each of the given lines of a poem.

25. “If you can wait and be tired of waiting.”

A. Learn to wait for your turn C. Patience is a good virtue to develop.
B. You must learn to fall in line. D. While waiting, you must sit down so you won’t get tired.
26. “And never breathe a word about your loss.”
A. Be silent about everything. C. Keep your misfortune to yourself.
B. Stop breathing when you lose. D. When misfortune strikes, let know about it.
27. “…lose and start at beginnings.”
A. Strive to win always. C. Give yourself another chance.
B. Get up every time you fall. D. Work and save for rainy days.

Critical Thinking Skills: Read the passages that follow. Then, answer items 28-33.
The Philippine Constitution guarantees the right to due process of law to every Filipino citizen.
28. A. Only deserving Filipino citizens are guaranteed the right to due process of law.
B. Not all Filipino citizens are guaranteed the right to due process of law.
C. All Filipino citizens are guaranteed the right to due process of law.
D. Some of the Filipino citizens need due process of law.

All teachers are advocates of pro-education. Teachers devote their whole life teaching students.
29. A. Luisa is self-centered. C. Luisa is students’ advocate.
B. Luisa loves her teacher. D. Luisa is an advocate of pro education.

The K-12 Program focuses on the 21st century learner as a global learner who learns together with the peoples of the
world. Anna is skillful in using hypermedia resources like the internet.
30. A. Anna is a 21st century learner. C. A 21st century learner is skillful in the internet.
B. Anna is dependent on hypermedia resources. D. A 21st century learner interacts with other people.

All drug users who undergo rehabilitation eventually recover. Reden, who leads a healthy lifestyle, did not undergo

31. A. Reden is a drug user. C. Reden will not recover.

B. Reden is not a drug user. D. Reden will eventually recover.
Gee and Lee are both members of the Language Club., though they are not in good terms and refuse to work with
each other, Wena, the Language Club coordinator, is appointing members to the fundraising committee, but she will appoint
anyone without the consent of the appointee.
Gee tells John, “I will not consent to an appointment in that committee if Lee will be a member of it.”
And Lee says,” I will not consent to be a member of that committee if Gee will also be appointed to it.”

32. A. The Language Club president can determine what to do.

B. Neither of them can be appointed to the committee.
C. Either one or the other will be appointed.
D. Both will be appointed by the committee.
The rich and poor can obtain approximately equal justice from the courts; although, this may not be true in all
33. A. Yes, the poor seldom know their rights. C. Yes, the rich and the poor can have equal rights.
B. No, the rich win cases some of the time. D. No, the rich can hire better lawyers and can pursue cases in higher courts.

Complete the following paragraph with appropriate modals to show degrees of certainty. Write the letter of your choice.

I’m in a hotel lobby. I’m looking at a man who is wearing a brown suit and carrying a briefcase. He is talking to a man at
the registration desk. He (34)_____ be registering to stay in the hotel. Or he (35)_______ his clothes, he (36)_______ be a
businessman. He is (37)_________be a doctor or a professor. He has salt-and-pepper and not too many wrinkles. He (38)_____
be about 5’0 or 5’3” tall. He doesn’t have any luggage with him. The porter has taken his suitcase. The hotel clerk is handing
the man a key. Aha! I was right. He has registered to stay in the hotel.

A. Must B. Can C. Might D. Should E. will F. Shall G. May H. Could

DISCOURSE: Directions: Write the letter of the answer which best fits the expression in the indirect discourse.
39. “Scientific discoveries give comfort to men,” she remarked.
She remarked that_____________________________.
A. Scientific discoveries give comfort to men.
B. Scientific discoveries gave comfort to men.
C. Scientific discoveries are giving comfort to men.
D. Scientific discoveries had given comfort to men.

40. “Simplify this report, ”the leader says.

The leader says___________________________.
A. tells us to simplify the report.
B. asks us to simplify the report.
C. said something about the report.
D. told to simplify the report.

41. The teacher asks, “Who made the report?” The teacher asked ____________
A. who makes the report.
B. who makes this report.
C. who made the report.
D. who made that report.

ACTIVE AND PASSIVE SENTENCE: Directions: Choose the correct transformation of the statements in the passive construction.
42. He sings a song.
A. A song is being sung by him. C. A song is sang by him.
B. A song is sung by him. D. A song is being sang by him.

43. Edison invented the light bulb.

A. The light bulb is invented by Edison. C. The light bulb is being invented by Edison.
B. The light bulb was invented by Edison. D. The light bulb was being invented by Edison.

44. We do not permit smoking in the kitchen.

A. Smoking in the kitchen is not permitted. C. Smoking in the kitchen was not permitted.
B. Smoking in the kitchen will not be permitted. D. Smoking in the kitchen is not being permitted.

45. I have sold my old car.

A. My old car has been sold. C. My old car have been sold.
B. My old car had been sold. D. My old car will have been sold.
46. The boy teased the girls.
A. The girls was teased by the boy C. The girls are being teased by the boy.
B. The girls are teased by the boy. D. The girls were teased by the boy.

Writing: ( For items 48-50 ) Complete the outline that follows after reading the paragraph.

There are four types of thoughts our mind can create and can redirect for a better quality of life and relationships.
First, necessary thoughts are about our everyday needs and requirements. They deal with our daily routine. Wasteful thoughts
are those that are of no use, neither constructive nor particularly negative. They deal with things of the past like “If this did not
happen” or “If only I had done it this way”.

Negative thoughts are most harmful, especially to ourselves. Irrespective of the impact they have on others, negative
thoughts are based on materialistic desires, anger, lust etc. Positive thoughts allow us to accumulate inner strengths and
enable us to be creative and constructive. It gives us the feeling of contentment within and looking into the solutions to a

I. Necessary thoughts
A. These thoughts are about our everyday needs and requirements.
B. They deal with our (47)__________________________________________
II. Wasteful thoughts
A.These thoughts are neither constructive nor (48)____________________
B.They deal with things of the past like (49)__________________________.
III. Negative thoughts
A. These thoughts are most (50)__________________________________
B. They are based on materialistic desires, anger, lust etc
IV. Positive thoughts
A. Allow us to accumulate inner strengths and enable us to be creative and constructive.
B. It gives us the feeling of contentment within and looking into the solutions to a problem.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher III MT II Head Teacher III

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