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Pravash Koirala

Section ‘B’

Amir Thapa – Saksham Traders Pvt. Ltd

Amir Thapa is a marketing assistant at Saksham

Traders Pvt. Ltd. He is currently studying bachelor
in business studies. He is a student of marketing too.
Saksham Traders Pvt. Ltd. is a trading company that
deals with liquors and beverages. They are one of
the top liquor dealers in Kathmandu valley.
Mr.Thapa has been working as a marketing assistant
for over a year. His job mainly deals with trying to
make as many new customers as possible. He rarely
works from desk. He usually works outside, making new customers.

According to Mr.Thapa, marketing is advertising at the highest level. He says,” Theories that
we study in the books may not work each time. Marketing cannot always be done by the
books. It is all about what works in that particular situation”. He believes in situational
approach.” Marketing means to promote or create value. We can do that by making them
realise they are missing something by not using my product. I deal with bars, restaurants,
hotels etc. in the regular basis. My job is to persuade them to discontinue their existing
product and buy what I am selling. You can’t learn that in classroom.

He is also a founding member of online shopping company. He says marketing in actual field
and in social media is quite different. In social media marketing is more “no nonsense” style.
“Nobody has the time to listen to your boring ideas. So, marketing can’t be “sugar-coated”
and should be straight to the point.”

I think Mr. Amir Thapa believes in more practical way of marketing. Even though he
believes in some theoretical aspects, he thinks marketing is all about improvising. I found that
even though a lot of things that we study in our class are used here, it is worthless until you
find your own way of selling products.

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