ASME A13.1-1996 Scheme For The Identification of Piping Systems

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OB meron n Society of cal Engineers AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD SCHEME FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS Reproduce ty Gb Eninsng Doct Peraison ASME Under Roja y Agree DS cou neomrocacer ASME A13.1-1996 (vision of ASME A13.1-1981) Date of lssuance: January 31, 1997 This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There will be no addenda issued to ASME A13.1-1996. ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of tech- ical aspects of this document. The interpretations are not part of the doc- ument. A13.1-1996 is being issued with an automatic subscription service to the interpretations that will be issued to it up to the publication of the next edition. ASME i the registered trademark of The Americen Society of Mechanical Engineers. “This Code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for ‘American National Standards. The Consensus Committae that approved the code or standard Was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests hava had an ‘opportunity to participate, The proposed code or standard was made available for public re- view and comment which provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, ‘academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large. ‘ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights esserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure any- ‘one utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable Letters Patent, nor ‘assume any such lability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that the deterri- ration of the validity of eny such petent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, Is ‘own responsibility. tion by federal agency representativels) or person(s) affiliated with industry be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard, "ASME accepts responsibility for only these interpretations issued in accordence with gov- ‘erning ASME procedures and policies which preclude the issuanco of intarpretations by indi- vidual volunteers. not to No part ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or atherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 Copyright © 1997 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 7 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA. ASME A13.1-1996 Following approval by the ASME A13 Committee and ASME, after public review, this ASME A13.1-1996 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on August 13, 1996. SUMMARY OF CHANGES: ASME A13.1-1996 consists of A13.1-1981, as well as the following additional changes. ‘The changes given below are identified on the page by « margin note (96), placed on the affeced area, The pages not listed do not contain changes Page Location Change : iti Foreword (G) First paragraph revised (2) Fifth paragraph revised ) Sixth paragraph deleted (4) Bighth paragraph revised v Committee Roster Updated vii ‘Table of Contents Added 1 2 Title revised 25 Added 3 ‘Table 2, Note (1) Reference updated FOREWORD (This Foreword is not 2 part of ASME A13.1-1996.) This is a revision of the Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems, originally affirmed in 1928, reaffirmed in 1945, revised in 1956, revised in 1975, revised in 1981, reaffirmed in 1985 and 1993, and revised in 1996. Shortly after the turn of the century, with the resultant industrial expansion, it became ap- pparent that some scheme should be devised to identify piping. In 1908, an article on “Identification of Power House Piping by Colors” was read at a meeting of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In 1909, an article called “Standard Colors for Power Station, Piping” was read at the meeting of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, In 1920, the Netional Safety News pointed out the need for a color scheme for pipe lines, and the following year several papers were published and reports made to various committees, notably the Prime Movers Committee of the National Electric Light Association, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the U. S. Navy Department which actually wrote its spec- ifications. In the meantime, many large companies compiled their own scheme with no thought to stan- dardization of pipe colors, even in their own plants. When personnel were shifted, accidents could and did happen. ‘The organization of the Sectional Committee on the Identification of Piping Systems, under ‘the procedure of the American Standards Association (now called the American National Standards Institute Inc.) took place on June 14, 1922, ‘On August 23, 1950, the committee was reorganized to investigate the possibility of a revi- sion to the standard. It was felt that a revision was necessary Because of the tremendous num- ber of different materials being carried in pipes. After many meetings and much discussion, this revision of American Standard, Scheme for Identification of Piping Systems, was approved by the sectional committee and sponsors. It was then presented to the American Standards Association (now called the American National Standards Institute, Inc.) for approval and des- ignation as an American Standard. This was granted on January 27, 1956. In the late 1960's the committee began discussions on the possibility of revising the 1956 Standard. These discussions continued for a number of years, eventually resulting in approval by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. and the secretariat. Approval by the American, National Standards Institute, Inc. and designation as an American National Standard was ob- tained on November 16, 1981. "This latest edition of A13.1 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on August 13, 1996, Suggestions for improvement of this revision will be welcomed. They should be sent to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y., 10017, (96) (96) COMMITTEE ON THE SCHEME FOR THE (96) IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS (The following is @ roster of the Committee at the time of approval ofthis Standard.) OFFICERS RL. Fisk, Chair LM, Mrozek, Vice Chair M, R. Aranzamende2, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL \. Mukherjee, Kuwait Oil Co. GB. Stanton, American Hazard Control Consultants CONTENTS, 2 Definitions and References 2.1 Piping Systems . 2.2 Materials Inherently Hazardous 23. Materials of Inherently Low Hazard 2.4 Fire Quenching Materials 25° References ........ 3 Method of Identification 3.1 Legend 32 Color... 3.3. Visibility 3.4 Type and Size of Leters ..... 3.5 Unusual or Extreme Situations Figure L. Tables 1 Examples of Legend .... 2 Classification of Hazards of Materials and Besgnaion of Colors 3. Size of Legend Letters . . INTRODUCTION Purposes of Standardization ‘Schemes for identification of the contents of piping systems have been developed in the past by a large number of industrial plants and organizations of various kinds. Generally speaking, the standards arrived at in individual cases may have given satisfaction to those using them but they also may have suffered from a lack of uniformity. Numerous injuries to personnel and damage to property have occurred because of mistakes made in turning valves on, or discon- necting pipes at the wrong time or place, particularly when outside agencies, such as munici- pal fire departments, were called in to assist. Furthermore, there has been considerable confu- sion in the minds of those who change employment from one plant to another. In order to promote greater safety, lessen the changes of error, confusion, or inaction, espe~ cially in times of emergency, a uniform system for the identification of piping contents has been established to wam personnel when the piping contents are inherently hazardous. Therefore, while this Standard has been prepared to specify the identification of the conten of piping sys- tems on the basis of legends, it also suggests the use of color as a supplementary means of iden- tifying the type of hazard of the material contained in the system. (36) ASME A13.1-1996 SCHEME FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS 1 OBJECT AND SCOPE 4.1. This Standard is intended to establish a common sys- tem to assist in identification of hazardous materials con- ‘veyed in piping systems and their hazards when released in the environment. 1.2 This scheme concems identification of contents of piping systems in industrial and power plants. It is also recommended for the identification of piping systems used in commercial and institutional installations, and in buildings used for public assembly. It does not apply to pipes buried in the ground nor to electrical conduits. 1.3 Existing schemes for identification shall be consid ered acceptable if such schemes are described in writing ‘and implemented so that the using facility can demon- strate that the basic concerns outlined in this Standard are ‘being met. Forexample, petroleum refineries and primary chemical manufacturing plants, in which hazardous work permit systems and emergency procedure manuals are utilized, wherein effective methods for the identification of pipe contents have been established, and wherein em- ployees are trained as to the operation and hazards of the piping systems, shall be considered as meeting the re- quirements of this Standard, 2 DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES 2.1 Piping Systems For the purpose of this Standard, piping systems shall include pipes of any kind and, in addition, fitings, valves, ‘and pipe coverings. Supports, brackets, or other acces- sories are specifically excluded from applications of this Standard. Pipes are defined as conduits for the transport ‘of gases, liquids, semiliquids, or fine particulate dust. 2.2 Materials inherently Hazardous 2.2.1 Flammable or Explosive. This classifica tion includes materials which are easily ignited. It in- cludes materials known as fire producers or those cteat- ing an explosive atmosphere. 2.2.2 Chemically Active or Toxic. This classifi- cation includes materials which are corrosive, or are in themselves toxic or productive of poisonous gases. 2.2.3 At Temperatures or Pressures. This clas- sification includes materials which when released from the piping would have a potential for inflicting injury or property damage by burns, impingement, or flashing to ‘vapor state. 2.2.4 Radioactive. This classification those materials which emit ionizing radiation. includes 2.3 Materials of Inherently Low Hazard ‘This classification includes all materials which are not hazardous by nature, and are near enough to ambient pressure and temperature that people working on systems ‘carrying these materials run litle risk through the release of these materials, 24 Quenching Materiats ‘This classification includes sprinkler systems and other piped fire fighting or fire protection equipment. This in- cludes water (for fire fighting), foam, CO, Halon, ec. 25 References This Standard is supplemented by the following stan- dard. Since revisions in and additions to this Standard do ‘occur, the edition bearing the latest date of issue shall be used, It is expected that best current practice will prevail. ‘The following standard shall, 1o the extent specified herein, form a part of this Standard. ANSI 2535.1 Safety Color Code Publisher: American National Standards Institute, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street New York. NY 10036 (96) ASME A13.1-1996 TABLE 1 EXAMPLES OF LEGEND “HOT WATER" “HYDRAULIC OIL” “SLURRY” “FOAM” “AIR 100 PSIG* “CARBON TETRACHLORIDE” “ARGON 500 PSIG" “CAUSTIC” "PROPANE" "SULFURIC ACI” *.P. RETURN® “STEAM 100 PSIG" 3 METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION 3.1 Legend ‘This Standard considers legend to be primary and ex- plicit for identification of contents. Positive identification of the contents of a piping system shall be by lettered legend giving the name of the contents in full or abbre- viated form (see Table 1). Arrows shall be used to indi- cate direction of flow. Contents shall be identified by leg- ‘end with sufficient additional details such as temperature, pressure, etc, as are necessary to identify the hazard Legend shall be bref, informative, pointed, and sim- ple for greatest effectiveness. Legends shall be applied close to valves or flanges and adjacent to changes in di- rection, branches, and where pipes pass through walls or floors; and a intervals on straight pipe runs sufficient for identification. Identification may be accomplished by stenciling, the use of tape, or markers. In any situation, the number and location of identification markers shall ’be based on the particular piping system. (See Fig. 1.) ‘SCHEME FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS 3.2 Color Color should be used to identify the characteristic haz- ards of the contents (see Table 2), Color should be dis- played on, or contiguous to, the piping by any physical ‘means, but its use shall be in combination with legend. Color may be used in continuous, total length coverage cor in intermittent displays. 3.3 Visibility Attention shall be given to visibility with reference to pipe markings. Where pipe lines are located above or be- low the normal line of vision, the letering shall be placed below or above the horizontal centerline of the pipe. 3.4 Type and Size of Letters Contrast shall be provided between color field and leg- ‘end for readability. Table 2 gives recommendations for color of legend on various color fields covered in this Standard. Use of letters of standard style.' in sizes 1/2 in, (13 mm) and larger, is recommended, Refer to Table 3 for specific size recommendations. For identification Of materials in pipes of less than 3/4 in, (19 mm) in di ‘ameter, and for valve and fitting identification, the use of a permanently legible tag is recommended. "Sons serif gobie bold lemering provides high readability ‘SCHEME FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS ASME A13,1-1996 TABLE 2 CLASSIFICATION OF HAZARDS OF MATERIALS AND DESIGNATION OF COLORS" Classification Fold for Legend Materials Inhorently Hazardous Flammable or Explosi CChorically Active or Toxic Extreme Temperatures oF Pressures Radioactive? (Materials of inherently Low Hazard Liquid or Liquid Admisture® Gas or Gaseous Admixcure Color of Color Letters Yellow Black Yellow Black Yellow k Yellow Black Green white Blue White Fire Quenching Materials Red whi wat Foam, COp, Halon, ete (96) Notes: () When latest revision, Safety Color Code. olor scheme above is used, the colors should be as recommended in ANS! 2535.1 (2) Previously specified radioactive markers using yellow ang purple are acceptable If already inst ied andlor until existing supplies ere depleted, subject to pertinent Federal Regulations. (9) Markers with bieck letters on a groan coler feld are acceptable if already installed and/or il exieting supplies aro depleted TABLE 3. SIZE OF LEGEND LETTERS ‘Outside Diameter Length of ‘Size of ‘of Pipe Color Feld Letters: ‘or Covering A 8 in. mm In, mm om to Th 19 t0 32 8 200 3 Met02 2810 51 a 200 8 te 64 to 150 2 ‘300 2 Bt0 10 200 to 250 2 600 4 over 10 ‘over 250 32 800 a 3.5 Unusual or Extreme Situations ‘When the piping layout creates or occurs in a limited area of inaccessibility or of extreme complexity, such segments of layouts may require substitute techniques to achieve positive identification. Use of substitute tech- ‘niques shall be limited to such segments and shall not de- vviate from the concept of identification described in 3.1, “Legend,” 3.2, “Color,” and Table 2, “Classification of Hazards of Materials and Designation of Colors. Erratum to ASME A13.1-1996 Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems ‘On page 3, in Table 3, under the third column, Size of Letters B, (in), penultimate entry revised. The complete table appears below. TABLE 3 SIZE OF LEGEND LETTERS ‘Outside Diameter Length of Color ‘of Pipe Field er Covering A in. ram in, am um HIM 1910.32 8 200 % 13 Ty to2 381051 a 200 4 8 2ht06 6410 150 2 200 % 2 8010 200 to 250 2 ‘600 % a over 10 over 250 32 ‘800 Ey 29 Reproduced by Global Engineering ‘Documents With the Permission of | ‘ASME Under Royalty Agreement SD comumanmncrocaas ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 ‘SEPTEMBER 1998 Designation: C 891 — 90 (Reapproved 2003) Standard Practice for Installation of Underground Precast Concrete Utility Structures! ‘This sundad is isued under the ie designation C 94; the mamber immediatly following the designation indicates the year of ‘xigina adoption or, nthe case evsion, the year of ls revision. A number in parathees indicates the yar of ast approval, A superscript epon (indicates an estonia change sac te lst evison or repro 1. Scope 1.1 This practice covers the procedures to be followed in the planning, site preparetion, and installation of underground Precast concrete utility structures. Concrete pipe and box Culverts are not covered under this practice. Also, precast ‘concréte manholes covered in Specification C 478 are excluded from this practice. 1.2 The valucs stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. 13 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- bilisy of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: C478 Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Man- hole Sections” 3. Survey 3.1 The installation area shall be surveyed using the work- print and a checklist to identify the work to be done and to determine that the plans are correct. 3.1.1 The location of the utility structure should be where it will cause minimum interference with waific and shall be clearly defined on work prints 3.1.2 All underground facilities and structures such as gas, water, sewer, power, telephone cable, and so forth shall be located and identified. Location markings shall be placed by the affected utilities before the construction, 3.2 The survey shall identify any obstacles such as overhead wires, building structures, and so forth that will interfere with crane operations, work progress, or create a safety hazard, Precautionary arrangements shall be made before excavation begins. "This protic is under the juisieion of ASTM Conmites C27 on Procest, Concrete Pn, and isthe dest responsiiity of Subcommittee C27.10 00 iy Sites. ‘Curent ediion approved June 10, 2003. Published July 2003. Originally spmroved in 1978 Las previous edition apeoved in 1997 as € 891-90 (1957). * Annual Book of ASTM Standard, Vb 0405 3.3 The survey shall give consideration to the soil structure so that proper shoring, sloping, or both, may be planned in advance of the excavation work. 4, Planning 4.1 Permits required to do work in accordance with the detail plans shall be secured before starting the job. All permits or a record of the permits shall be retained on the job for immediate reference. 42 All utilities and owners of surface and subsurface facilities and structures in the area shall be given advance notification of proposed excavation. Every effort shall be made to avoid damage to the facilities of others. If any damage ‘occurs, the owner of the damaged facility shall be notified ‘immediately 4.3 Planning shall include the coordination of all respon- sible parties to ensure that arrangements for removal of broken ‘pavement, rocks, excess spoil, and so forth have been made. Responsible parties shall arrange for the delivery, distribution, and storage of required material. If such material cannot be stored on the site, other storage areas must be provided. 44 Should it appear that a structure location will intérfere with waffic, review the situation with the engineer and notify appropriate authorities. 45 Provide for access to call boxes, fire hydrants, etc. 5. Safety Requirements 5.1 Safety requirements for construction shall be in sccor- dance with all federal, state, and local regulations 5.2 The utility structure or any sections that comprise the structure assembly shall only be lifted at the lifting poimts so designated by the manufacturer. 6. Excavating 6.1 Coordinate the various excavation operations from the point of opening the pavement to completion of backfill so that the work area thus occupied is kept to 2 minimum consistent with the conditions governing the work. This is particularly important where an excavation is adjacent to hospitals, police and fire department buildings, service stations, and so forth. 62 If unforeseen facilities or obstructions are encountered, stop excavating operations immediately. Expose the obstruc- tions with wood handled digging tools and investigate them ‘cpr © ATA aprons, 100 Bar Mar De, FO Box C70, est Cena, P1808 099, Une Se, ‘Slice srr pare baa a fly c 891-90 (2003) ‘vith caution. If there is any doubt as to the type of obstruction exposed, request positive identification from those suspected of owning the facility and then proceed as circumstances dictate. 63 Buried work frequently requires the use of heavy construction equipment and transport of heavy loads. Certain ‘oil conditions may be encountered that will not support these oads. To avoid hazards and unnecessary delays caused by save-ins or equipment becoming mired, carefully observe the orevailing conditions beforehand and take appropriate preven- ive measures. 64 When excavating across highways, streets, alleys, hrives, and walks, perform the work in @ manner that will ninimize interference with waffic. If necessary, bridge the spening with a structure of adequate strength to support any railic likely to pass over it, Handrails are required for structures bridging sidewalk openings. 6.5 Inspect excavations after every rainstorm or other tzard-increasing occurrence, and increase the protection \gainst slides and cave-ins, if necessary. 6.6 In dewatering excavations, make certain that the dis- hharge is carried to a suitable runoff point. 6.7 The excavation size must allow for the overall as- cembled height of the utility structure plus the height of collar ctions, a manhole frame and cover, and any bedding material cequired. A clearance of 12 in. (300 mm) around the sidewalls of the structare is recommended for ease of installation, ", Shoring 7.1 Shoring for construction shall be in accordance with all ederal, state, and local regulations. 7.2 Install shoring by starting at the top of the excavation ind working down. Take care to place braces and jacks in a true \orizontal position with proper vertical spacing. Braces must ‘¢ firmly secured to prevent kickouts. 7.3 All materials used for shoring must be in good condition ind of the right size. Do not use timbers with large loose knots. ‘refabricated box type shoring is permitted provided itis clean nd structurally sound after previous use. 7.4 Installation of the shoring should follow closely the xeavation work even if no work is being done in the xeavation. The longer an excavation is left unsupported, the seater the chance of a cave-in. 7.5_As soon as the work in the excavation is completed and 2e utility structure has been installed, remove the shoring and complete the backfilling, unless otherwise instructed by au- rorities. Remove the shoring from the bottom up. Release the acks or braces slowly. Use chains or wire ropes to pull out the acks or braces from above. + Installation Procedures 8.1 Consult the detailed plan for the proper orientation of re precast concrete utility structure to ensure proper alignment, ‘ith entering cables, pipes, or conduits. 8.2 Do not place damaged precast concrete sections unless proved by the customer. 8.3 Do not field modify the structure unless itis determined tat such modifications (for exetmple, cuts to form slots oF oles) will not adversely affect the strength of the structure, Linetacwoare eae hat ato 2 84 Do not install structures under conditions known to result in loads heavier than that for which the structure was designed. 8.5 After the excavation has been completed to the required dimensions specified on the detailed plan, level off the area ‘where the base section will be located. If necessary, to provide ‘a more level and solid foundation, fill in and compact the fine soil, sand, or gravel. Set the base as level as possible so any water in the structure will drain toward the samps. 8.6 Assemble the multisection utility structures by lowering ceach section into the excavation. Lower, set level, and firmly position the base section before placing the additional sections. 8.7 Where the possibility exists of a watertight structure becoming buoyant in a flooded excavation, take necessary steps to avoid flotation of the structure, 8.8 To ensure joint integrity when joining sections of precast concrete structures, give particular attention to remov- ing all foreign materials such as dirt, mud, and stones from joint surfaces and see that all scaling materials are placed properly. 9 The sealing material provided for the joints between sections may be installed atthe job site or at the manufacturer's plant. 8.10 If a mortar grout is to be used as a seal, clean and ‘moisten all surfaces to be grouted. The grout should be of a consistency 0 that it will not flow when applied. Apply the ‘mortar grout in a manner to ensure filling of all voids in the joint being sealed. 8.11 Apply the mortar grout in an amount to provide a ‘minimum of %-in, (10-tam) thickness of mortar on all joint surfaces. After assembly, dress the interior joints to remove excess mortar. 8.12 If a misalignment of sections occurs during installa- tion, remove the appropriate section. If the sealing material is damaged, clean the joint surfaces before repairing or placing new sealing material, Avoid misalignment of sections by using guide devices attached to the lower section to position the ‘upper section into place. 9. Backfilling and Restoration 9.1 Do the backfilling as soon as possible after the utility structure has been placed. 9.2 Excavations shall meet or exceed requirements of the local permit granting authority and backfilled with a granular ‘material free from large stones, rocks, pavement, and so forth. Expansive soil material shall not be used as backfill around the structure, 9.3 When a precast concrete utility structure is placed in an tnpaved area, slope the area around the entrance frame and ‘cover to provide drainage away from the entrance cover. Slope the final grading upward to within 1 in. (25 mm) of the top surface of the frame and cover. 94 Backfill Procedures—Backfilling shall be achieved by using lifts (layers) or flooding (jetting) the excavation to the required compaction. 9.5 Restoration of the area where the utility structure was installed shall meet the requirements of the local granting authority oF the property owner. fly c 891-90 (2003) 9.6 Followup inspections for settlement are required. ‘Should settlement occur, the contractor shall be responsible for the necessary repair to restore the area to its original condition in accordance with the terms of the agreement. conten raid Sorcestubernme [ASTM ierational takes ro poston respecting the vay a! any patent rights assented fn connection wih any hem mentioned intha canal sors otis standard ae expressly advised tat deteminaton of fhe validly of any such patent gis, and te risk Df inkingemedt of such nights, are entely tol ovn responsi. “This taco ubjacto revision at any tne bythe responsble echnical commitee and must be reviewed every fv ars ait eet ccenprovedoritesann. Vout conmant are ied ea or rvison otis stanéarsorfradlional standards cre ad be aderossed 9 AST Itomatonal Headquarters. Your Cments wil recive caret consideration ata reating of the sae erie tactmicalcommitee, which you may aid. I you fel fat your commen have nat received fir aang you Shes ‘make your ows known fo Pie ASTM Commitee on Standard, atte aséress shown belo. ‘This standard is copyrighted by ASTIA lteationa, 100 Br Harbor Driv, PO Box C700, West Gonshobocken, Pa 19426-2958, ee eee ice opine (angle or malls copes) of fis sardard may be obtained by contacing ASTM atthe above cioss or at S10852-9605 (nore), 10832-9555 (lax, or sonice@asimorg (eal): or trough the ASTM website (omasin or)

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