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Positive (+) Points Negative (-) Points Interesting Points

 The introduction of  The reporters  The facts
the reporter with elucidation with presented
their respective water main issues regarding the
topic; Water allied such as percentage of fresh
problems was very tuberculation; water we have on
informative and faulty or earth was really an
would really caught deteriorated joints; interesting one, for
your attention. inadequate honestly, I haven’t
 The presentation of hydraulic capacity; been aware that
the water and internal and/or there were only
percentage around external corrosion few amount of
the world from was not well fresh water
oceans, to ground presented, she existing in the
water, frozen explained it too entire land and
water, lake, rivers, fast and not that water continent, it
streams and up to broad in terms of was really
fresh water was her elaboration. surprising to know
much systemized  The “Problem with that after all these
and well presented. Water Resources” years, I’ve been
 The description of was not well wasting water and
the reporter with explained by the using it without
the word “water” is reporter, maybe realizing that I
very natural and because she’s not might have save
simple making it feeling well that hundreds of life if I
easy to understand time. had been
the phenomena  The reporters did responsible in
behind the not explained well using our water
wonders of water. the “Water resources
 The process of Management especially the fresh
Water Cycle was Strategies”, I know water.
well-explained by that this part is  The presentation
the reporter. really hard to and elaboration of
 The role of water in explain if you’re the reporter about
fishing, long not an expert in the role of water in
distance trade this field for it has the world of
commodities, as a scientific terms and economy was
universal solvent, logical analysis to really an
major component connect every interesting one, for
in cooking, details from one it awakens our
washing, personal feature to another. psyche that
hygiene and up to without water there
recreational will be no growth in
activities was well economy and
presented and economic stability
explained by the of one’s country
reporter, he really may fall.
point out the  The role of water in
importance and the agriculture is also
part of water in one of the
each of these, interesting part of
making it easy for the report, for as a
us to realize how country that had
vital is the role of been too
water in all aspect dependent in
of life. agriculture in
 The role of water trading in the
cycle in renewing World Market, it is
the earth’s water a must for us to
supply was well value our natural
explained by the water resources for
reporter, the our country by the
process from year 2020 might
streams, rivers, face a great
oceans and other challenge on how
sources of water up to renew and
to precipitation conserve our fresh
was well waters.
elaborated.  The facts
presented by the
reporter regarding
the Philippine
Water Supply is a
worthy of note,
well presented,
well explained and
will really make
you knowledgeable
with your own
country’s water
 The statistics
provided by the
reporter regarding
the percentage of
the water used in
the Philippines
from Agricultural,
Industrial and
consumption was
an interesting one
for it really put in
the picture on how
responsible and
irresponsible the
Filipinos are with
their use of water
 The presentation of
the facts regarding
the levels of water
system in the
Philippines is very
informative for
honestly I am not
aware of these
levels and by the
fact that Level One
(hand pumps,
shallow wells,
collectors) is the
major source of
water in the
 Despite that water
composed almost
70% of the entire
world, it had been
surprising to know
that only 2% of
these are fresh
waters and only
30% of these are
consumed by
 The Simple Ways
on how to conserve
our water is really
interesting, it will
really make you
realize that even
from the very
simple thing you
do, like opening
the faucet while
brushing your
teeth, taking
shower too long
and even from the
simple washing of
vegetables, without
being responsible,
we are triggering
the water shortage
and it’s allied
problems in our
country in the near
I had evaluated the reporters of the second group in terms of the following
A. Visual Aids/PowerPoint Presentation
 The reporters had a good and nice visual aids, eye catchy, and colorful.
The only problem is that some words are non-readable for it tend to
blend with its background.

B. Mastery of the Topic

 It is obvious that some reporters, namely: Clover Dacayanan and
Airene Valenton have mastery with their first topic. They elaborate it
well and explained it thoroughly.

C. Delivery of the Report

 The explanation and elaboration of the reporters with their respective
topics was good the only problem is the modulation of their voice.

D. Video Presentation
 The video presented by the report before the class was good and it
concludes their entire report.

E. Listener’s Participation
 The reporters made good strategy to make their listeners participate in
their report by raising questions and reading paragraphs.

F. Value Integration
 The reporters integrate good values after their report by making us
reflect on our misdeeds in using water.

The reporters of the second group was mission accomplished. It is really

obvious that they studied their report, they indeed exert effort and time in making
their report presentable and well explained. Over all, I must say that it was a very
good report.

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