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Positive (+) Points Negative (-) Points Interesting Points

The following are the  The reports that the The following are the
concepts discussed by reporters had interesting and “good to
the reporters in their presented to the class know” facts from the
report. were too short. They report”
 The etymology of the should have just at  The statement of the
word “Noise” which is least presented more “World Health
from the Latin word facts about their topic. Organization that
nauseas, meaning Noise must be
seasickness. recognize as a major
 The reporters also threat to human well –
defined “Noise” as being.” It is alarming
unwanted sound, or to know that, too
sound which produces much and frequent
unpleasant effects and exposure to loud noise
discomfort on the can cause severe
ears. damage to our health.
 The unit measurement  The facts presented by
for the scale of the reporters about
Sound/Noise which is “How Noise can Harm
Decibels. your Health?” is very
 The sources of Noise alarming and at the
Pollution which are: same time, I do
Household, Social benefit for this fact,
events, Commercial & knowing that I am
Industrial Activities always exposed to
and Transportation. loud noises for our
 The major health neighbors tend to play
impacts of noise loud music every day,
exposure to health, and after all these
which are: hearing years, I am not aware
loss, sleeping dis- that this exposure of
order, head-aches and mine with noises
migraines, coming from the
hypertension/ people around us is
Cardiovascular issue, one of the main factor
child development why I am suffering
failure and stress. from “migraine.”
 The Signs of hearing  The bottom line of “Too
loss which are: Much Exposure to
misunderstanding Noise” is STRESS. This
people, turning the fact presented by the
radio up, cannot hear reporter is really good
high pitched sounds, to know because
asking people to oftentimes I always
repeat themselves, wonder why I got
problems in noisy stressed even when I
environment, speaking slept early and got
loudly, ringing in the enough rest, then,
ear or head, and when I heard this fact
difficulties in the from the reporter, Ms.
telephone. Joyal, I already
 The factors that concluded that the
accelerate hearing effect of those stress
loss which are: is due to my exposure
exposure to high noise to loud music every
level, drugs and other day from our
hearing problems such neighbors.
as tinnitus, any  The idea of the reporter
condition or activity by using the tray of
that affects blood eggs as noise and
vessels or circulation. sound absorber is very
 The definition of “Noise surprising to know, for
Control or Noise honestly, I am not
Mitigation” as aware of this method
exposure to high noise of noise absorption.
level, drugs and other
hearing problems such
as tinnitus any
condition or activity
that affects blood
vessels or circulation.
 The Basic Technologies
for Noise Control
which are: sound
insulation, sound
absorption, vibration
damping, vibration
isolation and noise
I had evaluated the reporters of the second group in terms of the following
A. Visual Aids/PowerPoint Presentation
 The visual presentation of the reporters are good, the colors they
choose also reflect their topic. The design and the graphics they used
were eye-catchy making their report to get appealing and engaging.
Also, the font size were just enough to make it readable on front and
back row of the seats.

B. Mastery of the Topic

 The reporters, based on their presentation, it clearly manifest that they
do study their report well. They even manage to entertain question.
What’s more good about their report is that they tend to insert some
insights in which we can relate, making us to share our own insights
and past experiences too.

C. Delivery of the Report

 The reporters delivered their reports in the best manner it should be
explained and elaborated. They have a good modulation of voice that
will make you focus on them while they were speaking, especially Mr.
Dangupon who have a good and loud voice making the students who
seems sleepy to get awake.

D. Value Integration/Awareness
 The report made us aware on not to expose our self to places that
have loud noise/sound, or use protective gears if there were situations
that we can’t avoid to be in places where loud music are present,
furthermore, the reporters also recommends that if possible we should
avoid going near the sites that are susceptible to noises for it can harm
our health and can even cause hearing loss. Also, this report helped
me a lot, on how to protect myself, especially my ears whenever there
is a loud noises/music coming from our neighbors.

The reporters of this topic: Noise Pollution presented their report in a simple
and easy to understand way. Every topic was well elaborated and well explained by
every reporter assigned to it. The only problem is that, the topics and scoped they
presented are too brief, they should have included more facts in their report. But
overall, it was a good report and it really made us aware that even noise can harm
ones’ health.

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