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Chapter: Average

Class Work

1. A batsman has certain average of runs for 35 innings. In the next inning he scored zero runs and his
average got decreased by 0.5 runs per inning. Find the new average.

2. The average amount with the group of 10 elements is Rs.65. Another 4 members joined with Rs.55
each. What is the new average amount with them?

3. The average weight of a group of persons increased from 63 to 66 when 3 men weighing 73kg, 85kg
and 70kg joined the group. Find the initial number of members in the group.

4. The class of 26 students has average height of 160cm and another class of 25 students has average
height of 170cm. Find the total average height.

5. The average of 15 consecutive even numbers is 1008. Find the largest even number from the series.

6. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 62 more than the average of these three numbers.
Find the smallest of these three numbers.

7. Find the average of ( 15 + 15 + 15 + + + + 200 times ) and ( 21 + 21 + 21 + + + + 400 times )

8. 27A + 27B = 810, find the average of A and B.

9. The average temperature on Sun, Mon, Tue and Wed is 34˚C. The average temperature on Mon,
Tue, Wed and Thu is 36˚C. What is the temperature on Sunday if that on Sunday is 33˚C.

10. A class of 30 students has an average weight of 45kg. A student weighing 70kg leaves the class and a
new student weighing ‘x’ kg joins the class where the class’s average weight changes to 45.5kg. Find

11. Virat Kohli has certain average of runs for 25 innings. He scored 125 runs in the 26 th inning and his
average is 3 more than the previous. Find the new average.

12. Dinesh was asked to find the average of 10 two digit numbers, mistakenly he writes a number say
‘ab’ as ‘ba’ and the average goes down by 2.7. Find the difference between ab and ba.

13. What is the harmonic mean of 20, 30, 50 and 60?

14. The average of 9 observations is 70. If the average of first 4 observations and last 4 observations is
67 and 71 respectively, find the 5th observation.

15. Find the average of first 143 natural numbers.

16. Find the average of squares of first 35 natural numbers.

17. The average age of a husband and wife was 25.5 years at the time of their marriage. Today after
eight years they have a 3 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. What is the average age of the
family today?

18. The average age of A, B and C three years ago was 35 years. The average age of B and C five years
ago was 30 years. What will be the age of A three years from now?

19. The average age of M number of people is increased by 2kgs when a person weighing 27kg is
replaced by 57kg. Find M.

20. The bus travels from PUNE to MUMBAI at 40kmph and back at 60kmph. Find the average speed of
the total journey.

1. previous average = change in average x no of innings = 0.5 x 36 = 18
New average = 18 - 0.5 = 17.5

( 65 x 10 ) +(55 x 4)
2. = 62.14

63 x N
3. 63= ; N is the number of person initially.
63 N + 73+85+70
66 =
N +3
N = 13

(26 x 160)+(25 x 170)

4. = 164.90

5. Average of an AP is the middle term ; the middle term here is 8 th term ;

8th term = 1008 ; common difference = 2 ;
largest even number = 15th term = 8th term + the difference of 7 terms = 1008 + ( 7 x 2 ) = 1022

6. Average = middle term ( MT ) ; the common difference = 2

MT + 62
MT =
MT = 31

( 15 x 1 )+(21 x 2)
7. = 19

8. 27 ( A + B ) = 810
A + B = 30
A +B 30
Average of A and B = = = 15
2 2

9. Thursday Temp = Sunday Temp + ( change in temp x no of elements )

Thursday Temp = 33 + ( 2 x 4) = 41˚C

10. The new weight = old weight + ( change in average x no of elements )

X = 70 + ( 0.5 x 30 ) = 85 kg

11. new score = old score + ( change in average x number of innings )

125 = old average + ( 3 x 26 )
old average = 47
new average = 47 + 3 = 50

12. new number = old number – ( change in average x number of elements )

ba = ab – ( 2.7 x 10 )
ab – ba = 27

13. 1 1 1 1 = 33.33
+ + +
20 30 50 60

( 67 x 4 ) + X +(71+4)
14. 70 =
x = 78

15. = 72

( n+1 ) (2 n+1)
16. = 438

17. Today the age of husband = 25.5 + 8 = 33.5 ; wife = 25.5 + 8 = 33.5 ; son = 3 ; daughter = 0
average = = 18
18. 3 years ago ; A + B + C = 105
3 years later ; A + B + C = 105 + (6 x 3) = 123 … (1)
5 years ago ; B + C = 60
3 years later ; B + C = 60 + (8 x 2) = 76 … (2)
compering (1) and (2), Age of A three years later = 47

19. change in weight = 57 – 27 = 30kg

change in weight = change in average x number of elements
30 = 2 x M
M = 15

2 S 1 S 2 2 x 40 x 60
20. Average Speed ( for equal distance with different speeds = = = 48kmph
S 1+ S 2 40+60

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