MTCR in The New

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012–1014 was an exception as Army conducted acceptance testings for it’s second regiment.

2015–2016 saw indigenisation of components & newer navigation systems which required the validation tests.

The frequency of tests per year have increased since 2016, when India decided to be a signatory of MTCR. The first test of the air launched variant occurred in 2017.

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is an informal political understanding among 35 member states that seek to limit the growth of missiles and missile technology by controlling exports of goods and technologies.

Since India was not a signatory of MTCR before 2016, the range of the much capable BrahMos Missile was electronically limited to 290 km as the MTCR policy says that the countries which are not under MTCR cannot be given technology by partner nations to
develop cruise missile having range in excess of 300 km.

This changed in 2016 when India came under MTCR & the limit of having range capped at 300 km was removed. Since then the plan to upgrade the range of BrahMos missile to 500 km came into effect & the number of test fires increased to incorporate the
changes after each iteration.

A lot of things change just with the increase in range of the missile:

 BrahMos flies at Mach 2.8. At this speeds the surface generates too much heat due to friction from air. The earlier design was proven when the missile was ranged to 290 km. But now the missile fuselage has to withstand the
increasing heat for longer duration to 500 km.
 A lot of missiles impart a spin to wave off the heat. The rate of rotation has to be carefully calculated after the upgrade now as the heat generated is more.
 The navigation & targeting equipment has to be re-calibrated for the same pin point accuracy at 500 km.
 The next update is increasing the range to 800 km.

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