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Medical Image Forgery Detection for Smart Healthcare

Article  in  IEEE Communications Magazine · April 2018

DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700817


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4 authors, including:

Ahmed Ghoneim Ghulam Muhammad

King Saud University King Saud University


Syed Umar Amin

King Saud University


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Medical Image Forgery Detection for

Smart Healthcare
Ahmed Ghoneim, Ghulam Muhammad, Syed Umar Amin, and Brij Gupta

Abstract ed from the data and matched with the orig- The authors propose a
inal watermark. If they do not match, the data new medical image forg-
With the invention of new communication are considered to be forged or changed. In the ery detection system for
technologies, new features and facilities are non-intrusive method, no watermark is added to
the healthcare framework
provided in a smart healthcare framework. The the data. Some algorithms are used to find any
features and facilities aim to provide a seamless, distortion or change in the data by analyzing any to verify that images
easy-to-use, accurate, and real-time healthcare abnormal patterns. The intrusive method some- related to healthcare are
service to clients. As health is a sensitive issue, times is not feasible, because some data may not not changed or altered.
it should be taken care of with utmost security have watermarks intentionally or unintentional- The system works on a
and caution. This article proposes a new medical ly. As the non-intrusive method does not require
noise map of an image,
image forgery detection system for the healthcare any watermark, any data can be verified against
framework to verify that images related to health- change or fraud. applies a multi-resolution
care are not changed or altered. The system works There are many non-intrusive techniques pro- regression filter on the
on a noise map of an image, applies a multi-res- posed in the literature. In this article, we focus noise map, and feeds the
olution regression filter on the noise map, and on non-intrusive techniques to detect image forg- output to support-vec-
feeds the output to support-vector-machine-based ery. A good review on this topic can be found in
tor-machine-based and
and extreme-learning-based classifiers. The noise [3]. Image forgery can be done in many ways,
map is created in an edge computing resource, involving one or more images. The most common extreme-learning-based
while the filtering and classification are done in a image forgeries are copy-move forgery and splic- classifiers.
core cloud computing resource. In this way, the ing. In copy-move image forgery, one or some
system works seamlessly and in real time. The parts are copied and pasted into other parts in the
bandwidth requirement of the proposed system is same image. This type of forgery is mainly done to
also reasonable. conceal some information in the image. In splic-
ing, some parts of an image or more images are
Introduction copied and pasted into another image. This type
Next-generation network technologies such as of forgery is done mostly to defame a person.
fifth generation (5G), edge computing, and cloud In the healthcare domain, image forgery can
computing have revolutionized many sectors be serious. If a mammogram is hacked, and the
including the healthcare sector. Recently, the intruder uses the copy-move forgery to enlarge
healthcare sector has seen drastic improvement the area of cancer, the diagnosis will be wrong,
in terms of facilities [1]. Many new features have and the patient will be in life-threatening trouble.
been added to improve people’s satisfaction. Peo- If there is an image forgery detection system in a
ple can now consult with doctors without visiting healthcare framework, it can detect the forgery
them, check diabetes, heartbeat, voice abnor- before starting the diagnostic process. In the case
mality, and emotion using various sensors. While of a forgery, the system can ask for another sam-
the healthcare sector is booming, several aspects ple from the patient. The intrusive method (e.g.,
need attention to make the healthcare facility embedding a watermark in the medical image) of
more secure and private. For example, if medical forgery detection is not suitable in a cloud-based
data are leaked or altered, the concerned patient smart healthcare framework mainly because of
may face social embarrassment or let down, two reasons:
while other people may gain an illegal advantage. • Embedding a watermark needs extra infor-
Therefore, there should be a system in a smart mation for transmission, which may require
healthcare framework that can check whether the extra bandwidth and cause a delay in the
medical data are changed during transmission by transmission.
hackers or intruders [2]. • Embedding a watermark may decrease the
There are two types of methods to check visual quality of the image, which in turn
whether the data are changed or not: intrusive affects the diagnostic process.
and non-intrusive. In the intrusive method, some There are some existing medical image forgery
information is added to the data in such a way detection systems in the literature, although the
that it does not hamper the message in the data. number is small. Ulutas et al. proposed a forgery
The information is called a watermark. Later, if detection method using a rotation invariant local
any question arises, the watermark is extract- binary pattern (LBPROT) and a scale invariant

Ahmed Ghoneim(corresponding author) is with King Saud University and Menoufia University; Ghulam Muhammad and Syed Umar Amin are with Digital Object Identifier:
King Saud University;Brij Gupta is with National Institute of Technology. 10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700817

IEEE Communications Magazine • April 2018 0163-6804/18/$25.00 © 2018 IEEE 33

based classifier. We also use an extreme learning
Patients & Edge Cloud
doctors computing computing machine (ELM)-based classifier and combine the
scores of these two classifiers using a Bayesian
sum rule (BSR) [4].

Proposed Framework
The proposed smart healthcare framework con-
sists of several components. One component
contains patients (clients) and doctors, another
component comprises edge computing, and yet
Protocol VMs another component covers cloud computing. Fig-
ure 1 shows these three components of the pro-
posed framework.
The patients can reside in smart homes in a
smart city, while the doctors and caregivers can
be located at any designated hospitals and clinics.
Figure 1. The proposed smart healthcare framework. They do not need to interact face to face; howev-
er, they do interact via web apps or mobile apps.
Any smart devices or the Internet of Things (IoT)
feature transform (SIFT) [13]. The LBPROT was can capture the images or data from the patients
used to define the texture of the medical image, and upload them via a web app or a mobile
while the keypoints were extracted using the SIFT. app. While uploading, the devices or the IoT can
The forgery decision was made using a match- embed watermarks in the data.
ing between the keypoints. Gao et al. proposed a Some primary work is accomplished in the
reversible data hiding algorithm to detect forgery edge computing to provide seamless and real-
in medical images [15]. This is a rather intrusive time transmission of data to the core cloud. The
technique. In their proposed method, the regions edge computing is designed to provide low-la-
of interest were inserted into the least significant tency and real-time transmission of data by using
bits of the background regions. The regions of limited computing resources [5]. To interact and
interest were represented by different feature-bit synchronize with the core cloud, two manage-
matrices. To verify the authenticity of the image, ment systems are residing on the edge comput-
the feature-bit matrix of a certain region of inter- ing: an edge computing platform applications
est was extracted and matched with the original management system and an edge computing
feature-bit matrix. hosting infrastructure management system.
There are other image forgery detection The edge computing platform applications
methods that involve some texture descriptors management system manages communication
to define the image and run machine learning applications, the wireless network, and the radio
algorithms to detect whether the image is forged access network. In addition to this, it provides
or not. In [11], the authors used a local binary pat- interaction with the applications management
tern (LBP) on different sub-bands of a steerable system (in the cloud) and the infrastructure as a
pyramid transform (SPT). An image was decom- service (IaaS). The edge computing hosting infra-
posed into several sub-bands having various scales structure consists of a virtualization layer and
and orientations; then the LBP was applied to hardware resources. The edge computing host-
these sub-bands to form a concatenated LBP his- ing infrastructure management system manages
togram. This histogram was fed to a support vec- these two components. The application manage-
tor machine (SVM)-based classifier. The accuracy ment system actually interacts with both the edge
was good in different databases. One of the prob- computing and the cloud computing. The system
lems of this method is haveing many sub-bands, includes several virtual machines that do data pro-
which is not suitable for real-time transmission in cessing, feature extraction, classification, record
the cloud-based healthcare framework. In [12], keeping, and processing analysis.
the authors used a Markov chain pattern on the The core cloud consists of storage devices,
intrinsic manufacturer layout in the image. Every virtual machines (servers), a registration and veri-
camera maker has an intrinsic pattern embed- fication unit, and a distribution manager. The reg-
ded in the image. This pattern is destroyed when istration and verification unit registers first-time
there is a forgery in the image. The irregularity in users and verifies already registered users. It is
the Markov chain pattern can reveal the forgery. also responsible for sending data and decisions to
Although this method of detecting forgery is inter- registered doctors and caregivers. The distribution
esting, it may not be suitable for detecting medi- manager distributes the work to different servers
cal image forgery because the intrinsic pattern is to minimize the load on each server.
more prominent in color images, and the medical The edge computing and cloud computing
images are mostly gray images. together provide low-latency communication,
This article presents a new image forgery high-performance computing, and real-time out-
detection system, which can be implemented in put.
the smart healthcare framework. In the system, In the current context, the core cloud also
a noise map is extracted from the image using a contains an image forgery detection module.
Wiener-filter-based noise reduction technique. A This module involves two servers: one for feature
multi-resolution regression filter is applied to the extraction and the other for classification. The
noise map to find an inter-relationship between feature extraction part may require several paral-
a pixel and the neighboring pixels. The output lel units depending on the image; if the image is
of this filter is normalized and fed into an SVM- monochrome, there is no need for parallel units.

34 IEEE Communications Magazine • April 2018

Image Forgery Detection
The image forgery detection algorithms either Multi-
work at the pixel level or at the segment level. In Image Weiner-filter
based noise
Estimated resolution
- noisy
the pixel level algorithm, the relationship between reduction image regression
the intensities of the pixels is captured to define
the texture of the image. In the segment level
algorithms, segments of an image are compared.
The segmentation of the image is considered as

Fusion: BSR
an extra overhead of the algorithms. In the pixel Decision Normalization
level case, the image may be divided into blocks. ELM
This article proposes a pixel level algorithm to
detect image forgery.
There are several pixel level algorithms that are Figure 2. Block diagram of the proposed image forgery detection system.
used in image forgery detection in the literature.
The most famous one is LBP [6], which is fast to
compute, but vulnerable to the presence of noise.
Another one is the Weber local descriptor (WLD) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
[7], which is less prone to noise, but computation-
ally more expensive than LBP. There are other tex- 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
ture descriptors such as a histogram of gradients,
circular LBP, and Markov chain, which are also 3 2 1 1 1 2 3
used in forgery detection.
We propose an image forgery detection
system to be deployed in the smart healthcare 3 2 1 1 2 3
framework. The system consists of several compo-
nents, such as noise-pattern extraction, the realiza- 3 2 1 1 1 2 3
tion of a multi-resolution regression filter, and two
classifiers. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the
3 2 2 2 2 2 3
proposed system. The steps of the work flow of
the system are given below.
Step 1: If the image is a color image, decom- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
pose it into red, green, and blue channels. If
the image is a monochrome image, there is
Figure 3. Illustration of a multi-resolution regression
no need for this step.
Step 2: The Wiener-filter is applied to each
component of the color image or the mono-
chrome image itself. The output of this step SVM and the ELM classifiers, because both of
is an image (or component) free from noise. them are very good as binary classifiers, and they
Step 3: The noise-free image is subtracted from are complementary in nature. In the SVM, a ker-
the original image to get an estimated noise nel projects a low-dimensional data space into a
pattern of the image. The noise pattern is high-dimensional data space so that the samples
considered as the fingerprint of the image. of two different classes can be separated by a
If any forgery is done, this fingerprint is dis- hyperplane. In the ELM, there is only one hidden
torted. layer, the convergence is very fast, and there is
Step 4: The multi-resolution regression filter is no overfitting [10]. Both the SVM and the ELM
applied to the noise pattern. The regression classifiers were successfully used in many image
filter is illustrated in Fig. 3. In this filter, the processing applications; however, their fusion was
nearest eight-pixel positions have weight 1, never explored in the image forgery detection
while the next neighboring pixels’ positions task. In the experiments, we investigated the use
have weight 2, and so on. The characteristic of the SVM and the ELM separately and com-
of this filter is to capture the relative intensi- bined.
ty of a center pixel. The final weight is nor-
malized between 0 and 255 to maintain the Database for Experiments
intensity level of a gray image. We used two publicly available image data-
Step 5: The output of the filter is fed to two bases for the experiments. These databases
classifiers: the SVM classifier and the ELM are CASIA 1 and CASIA 2. The images of the
classifier. We investigated different kernels of databases are available in [8]. Both databases
the SVM: linear, polynomial, and radial basis consist of authentic and forged images. The
function (RBF). CASIA 1 database contains 800 authentic and
Step 6: The scores of the SVM and the ELM 921 forged images. The images are forged by
are fused by using the BSR, and the decision copy-move and splicing. Around half of the
whether the image is forged or not is made forged images are copy-move forged. The
from the score of the BSR. images are saved in JPEG format, and the size
In the proposed system, the Wiener-filter-based is 384  256 pixels. The CASIA 2 database
noise reduction technique is used because this contains more than 7400 authentic and 5000
technique works locally in an image. Other noise forged images. The images are in either JPEG,
reduction techniques may also be used, but we TIFF, or BMP format. The sizes of the imag-
have to be careful about not losing any import- es are not fixed. In both databases, different
ant information, especially when we are dealing geometric transformations such as rotation,
with medical images. In the system, we use the scaling, and flipping are done to the copied

IEEE Communications Magazine • April 2018 35

CASIA 1 CASIA 2 CASIA 1 CASIA 2 98.8 98.9
100 99
98.1 98.4
97.4 97.5 98.4
98 98.5 98.1 98.2

Accuracy (%)

Accuracy (%)
96 98
93.2 93.5 97.4
94 97.5

92 97

90 96.5
Linear Polynomial RBF SVM ELM SVM+ELM

Figure 4. Accuracies of the system. The left figure shows the accuracies using different kernels of the SVM.
The right figure shows the accuracies using the SVM, the ELM, and the SVM+ELM.

Experimental Results
85 SVM ELM SVM+ELM The accuracies of the proposed system in differ-
80 77.6 ent conditions are shown in Fig. 4. When we used
76.4 75.4 the SVM, the system achieved 98.1 and 98.4 per-
Accuracy (%)

73.5 72.8
71.272.4 cent accuracies by using the RBF kernel in the
70 CASIA 1 and CASIA 2 databases, respectively.
The other two kernels gave lower accuracies.
The system using the ELM as the classifier
60 achieved 97.4 and 98.2 percent accuracies for
Proposed LBP WLD Method [11]
the two databases, respectively. The system using
Figure 5. Accuracies of the proposed system and the BSR on the SVM and the ELM obtained the
other systems. highest accuracies: 98.8 and 98.9 percent, respec-
tively, for the two databases. From the results, we
realize that the proposed system worked the best
340 when combining the two classifiers.
With edge Without edge If we compare these accuracies with those of
320 other existing systems such as those described
in [11, 12], we find the proposed system out-
300 performed the other systems. For example, the
Bandwidth (b/s)

system in [11] had accuracies of 94.9 and 97.3

percent for CASIA 1 and CASIA 2, respectively,
while the system in [12] had an accuracy of 94.7
percent for CASIA 1.
240 The proposed system with SVM+ELM was
applied in the DDSM database images and their
220 forged versions. Figure 5 shows the accuracies
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81
Time (s)
of the system using SVM only, ELM only, and
SVM+ELM. In another two instances, we replaced
Figure 6. Bandwidth consumption in bits per second of the proposed system. the regression filter of the proposed system by the
LBP and the WLD, respectively, and performed
the experiments again. We also ran the system
object before pasting. The images of these two described in [11] using this medical database.
databases are not medical related; we used From Fig. 5, we see that the proposed system out-
them in the experiments to check the accuracy performed the system with the LBP and the WLD.
of the proposed system. Also, the accuracy of the system [11] is lower. It
We used another database where the can be noted that the system in [11] used only
images are mammograms. The database is the SVM as the classifier. The proposed system
the digital database for screening mammog- achieved 84.3 percent accuracy using the data-
raphy (DDSM) [9]. There are more than 2000 base.
mammograms in the database, and the cancer From the above results, we can say that the
regions are annotated by expert radiologists. proposed system was successful in verifying
All the images are grayscale. We applied copy- whether an image is forged or not. The verifica-
move forgery to all the images. The copied tion of medical images has gotten less attention in
parts and the pasted regions were selected the research community, and very few works are
randomly. The copied parts are rotated by dif- available in the literature. Some reasons behind
ferent angles before pasting. The number of that are the lack of proper medical images, the
forged images was 8000. lack of sufficient texture pattern in medical imag-
es, and the poor entropy of medical images. From
Experimental Setup the results, we can also see the deviation of accu-
A five-fold cross-validation approach was uti- racies from natural images (CASIA 1 and CASIA 2
lized for the experiments. The final accuracy was images) to medical images.
obtained by averaging the accuracies of the five The bandwidth consumption in bits per sec-
iterations. For the SVM, we investigated the three ond of the proposed system with and without
kernels mentioned above, and for the ELM, we edge computing is shown in Fig. 6. From the
used the Gaussian mapping function [10]. figure, we understand that the system does not

36 IEEE Communications Magazine • April 2018

require much bandwidth. It can be noted that the [6] T. Ahonen, A. Hadid, and M. Pietikainen, “Face Description with
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Conclusion [9] M. Heath et al., “The Digital Database for Screening Mam-
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An image forgery detection system was pro-
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ubiquitous nature of
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mammograms. The system achieved accuracies Steerable Pyramid Transform and Local Binary Pattern,” take advantage these
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the healthcare system
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[13] G. Ulutas et al., “Medical Image Tamper Detection Based
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and to avoid their embarrassment. There is still [14] M. S. Hossain et al., “Toward End-to-End Biomet ric-Based easy to use.
a long way to go in this research. The next gen- Security for IoT Infrastructure,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol.
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take advantage of these technologies to make the Info. Sciences, vol. 385–86, 2017, pp. 250–65.
healthcare system seamless, real-time, trustable,
secure, and easy to use. The future directions of Biographies
this research can be as follows: A hmed G honeim ( received his Ph.D.
degree from the University of Magdeburg, Germany, in the area
• Investigate the use of deep learning tech- of software engineering in 2007. He is currently an assistant
niques in medical image forgery detection. professor at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,and also
• Scramble the medical image before transmit- at the Department of Computer Science, Menoufia University,
ting it to the cloud. Shebin El-Kom, Egypt. His research activities address software
evolution, service-oriented engineering, software development
• Develop a robust forgery detection tech- methodologies, quality of service, net-centric computing, and
nique against a high degree of compression. human-computer interaction.
This will lead to a real-time application.
G hulam M uhammad [M’10] is a professor in the Computer
Acknowledgment Engineering Department, College of Computer and Information
Sciences, King Saud University. He received his Ph.D. degree
This work was supported by the Deanship of Sci- in 2006 from the Department of Electronic and Information
entific Research at King Saud University, Riyadh, Engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. His
Saudi Arabia, through the Research Group Proj- research interests include speech and image signal processing,
multimedia forensics, cloud computing, and healthcare. He has
ect RGP-229 authored and co-authored many journal and conference publi-
cations. He owns a U.S. patent.
[1] Solanas et al., “Smart Health: A Context Aware Health Para- S yed U mar A min is a Ph.D. researcher in the Department of
digm within Smart Cities,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 52, no. Computer Engineering, College of Computer and Information
8, Aug. 2014, pp. 74–81. Sciences at King Saud University. He received his Master’s
[2] C. Bekara, “Security Issues and Challenges for the IoT Based degree in computer engineering from Integral University, India,
Smart Grid,” Proc. COMMCA-2104, Procedia Computer in 2013. His research interests include deep learning, EEG anal-
Science 34, 2014, pp. 532–37. ysis and classification, biologically inspired artificial intelligence,
[3] M. A. Qureshi and M. Deriche, “A Bibliography of Pix- and data mining in healthcare.
el-Based Blind Image Forgery Detection Techniques,” Signal
Processing: Image Communication, vol. 39, Part A, Nov. Brij Gupta is a faculty member at the National Institute of Tech-
2015, pp. 46–74. nology Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. He received a Ph.D. degree
[4] M. S. Hossain et al., “Audio-Visual Emotion-Aware Cloud from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India in the area
Gaming Framework,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for of information and cyber security. He has published more than
Video Tech., vol. 25, no. 12, Dec. 2015, pp. 2105–18. 100 research papers in International Journals and conferences
[5] J.O. Fajardo, I. Taboada, and F. Liberal, “Radio-Aware Ser- of high repute including IEEE, Elsevier, ACM, Springer, and oth-
vice-Level Scheduling to Minimize Downlink Traffic Delay ers. His research interests include information security, cyber
through Mobile Edge Computing,” Mobile Networks and security, mobile/smartphone, cloud computing, web security,
Management, 2015, pp. 121–34. intrusion detection, computer networks, and phishing.

IEEE Communications Magazine • April 2018 37

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