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Fifteen years from now (DRAFT)

a. Where do you want to be?

Fifteen years from now, I see myself as an individual who is working as an

accountant to a firm that is very close to my heart. All my life, blended
with perseverance and faith, I hope for nothing but for the fulfilment of
my dreams and that someday I can also be a boon to my own community. Along
with being an accountant, the following will constitute slices of my fate:

- Starting my own business in Cebu City, Tuguegarao City, and Kalinga.

The reasons why I want to venture on to these places are because I
feel like in Cebu City- it offers me more opportunities than Metro
Manila. Less competition, less pollution and I feel like people there
are sweet and the ambiance also offers beauty of nature. In Tuguegarao
City, it may not be as commercialized compared to other cities, I wat
to start a business here because I also want to help the people in it-
giving more employment privileges and it is where universities were I
spent some of my years was situated. So I see it more of a return on
investment because I can contribute business taxes to the local
government. Lasly, I want to conceive changes in Kalinga because when
I went there, I saw that they do not savour better life-people are
chewing ‘mama’, there are tribal wars and I will put up a business
here not because I want to place my business in danger but because I
want them to feel that along with the businesses and buildings that
will be built there demands civilization coming from them.

b. How do you want to be living?

No one wishes to be in a lowest spectrum of the society. Just like every

one, I want to be wealthy and yet living a simple life. Wealthy in such a
way that I owned companies, charities but still humility and being a down-
to-earth person can be seen on me. Just like Gina Lopez, even if she is
rich, her concern towards nature and humanity is so strong that she devoted
her remaining years showcasing it in the television. I also want to be
living that way, where I can feel the real joy, gratitude and satisfaction
because I used my net worth, not just on myself but for the people who are
in dire need.

c. What do you want to be doing?

Fifteen years from now, I also want to be doing some stuffs aside from the
things I’ve mentioned on Question No.1.
First, I also want to prosper on the field of law. I know that accountancy
is the best prerequisite if you want to take up law. Education is the best
investment that cannot be stole by anyone else. So I want to make myself
knowledgeable with the legalities, provisions and rules that governs our
country because being aware with these truths can be a great weapon in
withstanding corrupt politicians and defending poor people who are always

Second, I want to do charity. I can still commemorate when I was in senior

high school, when I was asked by my teacher, what I want to become in the
future. I said my dreams with saying that I want to become rich because I
want to help my community because I see that there are families who need a
helping hand. Money will be useless if you don’t spend it wisely. So being
decisive where to allocate my wealth can be of great contribution in
lessening the burden that less-privilege people experience.

Lastly, I also want to become a life coach. Every time that I am depressed
and bewildered on what to do, I read my Bible and ask God for forgiveness
and guidance. I also watch inspirational videos on youtube and search for
inspirational stories on how they cope up with life’s dilemma. Just like
me, I believe there are myriad of people who also experience the same. Some
people choose to keep fighting for their lives until the battle is won but
unfortunately, some hastens everything by killing their lives. I cannot
afford to see people hanging their neck, cutting their wrists and taking
poisons. They just need someone to reach out, and giving them empowerment
can save them.

d. What kind of person do you want to be? What qualities do you think you

Being humble- My motto in life is “Humility makes one great in the eyes of
God”. All my achievements and recognitions will all go into waste if my
arrogance will keep people away from approaching me. If I think that I am
to high people will have a hard time reaching me but if I think I am just
like people who step on the ground, I can easily have an interaction with

Being faithful- This is one of the weapons in life. God already made
wonders in my life and these miracles push me to always believe on Him and
keep going no matter what happens.
Being family-oriented. People who are on the peak of stardom or success
tend to forget people who helped them reach their dreams and aspirations. I
want to be a family-oriented because I know that my family is my
foundation. My parents and my siblings are my sources of strength fuelling
me to strive more. Nothing beats a family who is bonded with love and care.

e. How do you want to be viewed by other people?

Of course, I want to be viewed based on how I see myself. People sometimes

have misconceptions about my qualities because I am not that showy and I
rarely talk to strangers or people who I encountered for the first time.
People judge me with their first impression and the way they see me is
really contradicts the genuine me. Only when I already have a deep
connection with people when they discover my real attitudes. I cannot open
myself to all, but hopefully they will not judge me based on the
characteristics that I listed on Question C and based on the things that I
want to be doing in the future, fifteen years from now.

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