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Comparison of Adjectives Exercise

Possitive Form Comparative Superlative
Clear Clearer/more clear Clearest/most clear
Late Later Latest/last
Dangerous More dangerous Most dangerous
Small Smaller Smallest
Ill Worse Worst
Careful More careful Most careful
Bad Worse Worst
Good Better Best
Awesome More awesome Most awesome
Dirty Dirtier Dirtiest
Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1. My house is bigger than yours.

2. This flower is more beautiful than that one.

3. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.

5. Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer.

8. Who is the richest woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even worse than last summer.

10.He was the cleverest thief of all.

Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives (as ... as)

Fill in the comparison with as ... as.

1. John is as tall as Glen.

2. Janet is as beautiful as Jeniffer.

3. You are as crazy as my sister.

4. We can run as fast as they can.

5. My mom is not as strict as your mum.

6. Your mobile phone is not as trendy as mine.

7. Matrix II was not as interesting as Matrix I.

8. This yoghurt does not taste as good as the one I bought yesterday.

9. I can do as many press-ups as you.

10.I do not earn as much money as you do.

Form of Adverbs Exercise
Adjective Adverb
Positive Positively
Long Long
Direct Directly
Polite Politely
Nervous Nervously
Noisy Noisily
Close Closely
Quite Quite
Uncomfortable Uncomfortably
Strategic Strategically
Comparison of Adverb Exercise
Possitive Form Comparative Superlative
cheaply More cheaply Most cheaply
cleverly More cleverly Most cleverly
strictly More strictly Most strictly
closely More closely Most closely
dangerously More dangerously Most dangerously
little Less Least
thirstily More thirstily Most thirstily
badly Worse Worst
unhappily More unhappily Most unhappily
warmly Warmlier/more Warmliest/most
warmly warmly
Exercise - Adjective or Adverb

Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb).

1. Tom is slow. He works slowly.

2. Sue is a careful girl. She climbed up the ladder carefully.

3. The dog is angry. It barks angryly.

4. He acted excellently. He's an excellent actor.

5. They learn English easily. They think English is an easy language.

6. Max is a good singer. He sings well.

7. It's awful cold today. The cold wind is awful

8. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell extremely good . If that is true, why does dog food

smell so terrible?

9. The little boy looked sad. I went over to comfort him and he looked at me sadly.

10.I tasted the soup carefully but it tasted wonderful.

Exercise on the Form of Adverbs

Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb. Joanne is

happy. She smiles happily.

1. The boy is loud. He shouts loudly.

2. Her English is fluent. She speaks English fluently.

3. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us angrily.

4. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives carelessly.

5. The painter is awful. He paints awfully.

6. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano wonderfully.

7. This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house quietly.

8. She is a good dancer. She dances well/really good.

9. This exercise is simple. You simply have to put one word in each space.
Exercise on Comparison of Adverbs

Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the adjectives in


1. I speak English more fluently now than last year.

2. She greeted me most politely of all.

3. She smiled more happily than before.

4. This girl dances most gracefully of all.

5. Could you write more clearly?

6. Planes can fly more highly than birds.

7. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives more carefuly than before.

8. Jim can run faster than John.

9. Our team played worst of all.

10.He worked harder than ever before

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