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Year 33 No.

60 Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection (A) — White April 12, 2020

s Broken
Morning ha
A popular and well-known
Christian hymn set to a
traditional Scottish Gaelic tune
completely overcome the light
because God does not abandon
humanity. He chose a people -
often sees what evidence would
affirm later. He recalls the
words of Jesus about rising
carries the title Morning Has Israel - through whom the light from the dead, and he begins
Broken. It has been popularized of salvation would shine on to understand and believe. The
by, and identified with, the the Gentiles, i.e., the whole empty tomb is an indication
folk singer Cat Stevens. The of humanity. Through Moses that something wonderful has
opening lines run as follows: and the prophets he made his taken place. When the disciple
“Morning has broken like will known and promised the sees the burial wrappings upon
the first morning. Blackbird coming of the Savior. arrival, he begins to believe.
has spoken like the first bird. Forward now to the events He believes that Jesus will not
Praise for the singing, praise of Easter. The Gospel of Easter remain buried in the darkness
for the morning. Praise for Sunday begins while it is still of the tomb.
them springing fresh from the dark. Mary Magdalene goes to John comments that the
word.” It is easy to detect in this the tomb to mourn her dead two disciples do not as yet
song allusions to the days of Rabbouni. But she finds the understand the Scripture that
creation in the Book of Genesis, tomb empty and runs to Peter Jesus has to rise from the dead.
especially with the word Eden and the Beloved Disciple to Even the faith of the Beloved
in its additional lyrics, “Mine report that somebody has taken Disciple is still incipient. But
is the sunlight, mine is the away the body of Jesus. there is already a stirring of the
morning. Born of the one light There is a beautiful painting, good news that he must have
Eden so play.” We can imagine accessible in the Internet, of the shared with Peter.
here the first morning seen by two disciples running side by When the two leave the tomb
Adam when he opened his side to the tomb. The picture to report to their companions,
eyes to the wonder of God’s of the older Peter is one of it must already be morning. The
creation: God created light he sorrow and perplexity. He passage from darkness to light is
called “day”… and “evening cannot make anything out of an appropriate symbol of their
came, and morning followed this series of tragedies, first experience, which begins in
- the first day” (Gn 1:5). the death of Jesus and then sorrow and ends with stirrings
But it would not always the loss of the body. But the of hope. The light that appears
be light shining on God’s face of the Beloved Disciple in the horizon is no ordinary
creation because with Adam’s shows signals of reflection and light. It is the breaking of the
disobedience, sin entered into hope. He picks up speed as new and more wonderful “first
the world, and with it darkness he runs. He is the “disciple morning” - the Easter morning.
and death. But darkness has not whom Jesus loved,” and love — Fr. Gil Alinsangan, SSP
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES world, receive our prayer; you the living and the dead. To him
are seated at the right hand of all the prophets bear witness,
Entrance Antiphon the Father, have mercy on us. For that everyone who believes in
(Cf. Ps 139 [138]:18, 5-6) you alone are the Holy One, you him will receive forgiveness of
(Recited when there is no opening song.) alone are the Lord, you alone are sins through his name.”
I have risen, and I am with the Most High, Jesus Christ, with — The word of the Lord.
you still, alleluia. You have laid the Holy Spirit, in the glory of All — Thanks be to God.
your hand upon me, alleluia. God the Father. Amen.
Too wonderful for me, this Responsorial Psalm (Ps 118)
knowledge, alleluia, alleluia. R — This is the day the Lord
P — Let us pray. (Pause)
Greeting O God, who on this day, has made; let us rejoice and
(The sign of the cross is made here.) through your Only Begotten be glad. Amante

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Bm Em

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Son, have conquered death and
P — The Lord has indeed risen. unlocked for us the path to eter­       
Alleluia! Glory and kingship nity, grant, we pray, that we who This is the day the Lord has
be his for ever and ever! May keep the solemnity of the Lord’s
    
Bm G A

  
the peace of the risen Lord be Resurrection may, through the

with you all. renewal brought by your Spirit,   
made; let us re joice and be
All — And with your spirit. rise up in the light of life.
Through our Lord Jesus
Introduction 

  
Christ, your Son, who lives and

(These [or similar words] may be reigns with you in the unity of
used to address the assembly.) glad.
the Holy Spirit, one God, for
P — Jesus our Lord is risen, ever and ever. 1. Give thanks to the L ord ,
alleluia! Today, we celebrate All — Amen. for he is good,/ for his mercy
endures forever./ Let the house
the resurrection of the Lord THE LITURGY of Israel say,/ “His mercy endures
Jesus from the dead. This is OF THE WORD forever.” (R)
the central mystery of our faith
as Christians. As the apostle First Reading (Acts 10:34a, 37–43) 2. The right hand of the Lord
(Sit) has struck with power;/ the right
Paul tells us, if Christ has not hand of the Lord is exalted./
been raised from the dead, The resurrection of Jesus is the I shall not die, but live,/ and
our faith in him is useless. heart of the earliest Christian declare the works of the Lord. (R)
We, too, are invited to rise “kerygma,” that is, the public 3. The stone which the builders
with Jesus. But first we have to announcement of God’s rejected/ has become the
die to our old self, our selfish salvation through Jesus’ victory cornerstone./ By the Lord has
desires, hopelessness, and over death. this been done;/ it is wonderful
misery. Only then shall we rise A reading from the Acts of in our eyes. (R)
again as new men and women: the Apostles
repentant, full of hope and Second Reading (1 Cor 5:6b–8)
PETER proceeded to speak
happiness. Our confidence and said: “You know what Christ’s resurrection challenges
lies in Jesus who conquered has happened all over Judea, the Christian to die to his corrupt
the power of sin and death. beginning in Galilee after the and wicked ways and to rise as
United with him, we too can baptism that John preached, how new person, sincere and faithful.
become new persons. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth A reading from the first Letter
with the Holy Spirit and power. of Saint Paul to the Corinthians
(Penitential rite is omitted.) He went about doing good and
Gloria healing all those oppressed by BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
the devil, for God was with him. Do you not know that a little
All — Glory to God in the We are witnesses of all that he yeast leavens all the dough?
highest, and on earth peace to did both in the country of the Clear out the old yeast, so
people of good will. We praise Jews and in Jerusalem. They put that you may become a fresh
you, we bless you, we adore him to death by hanging him on batch of dough, inasmuch as
you, we glorify you, we give a tree. This man God raised on you are unleavened. For our
you thanks for your great glory, the third day and granted that he paschal lamb, Christ, has been
be visible, not to all the people, sacrificed. Therefore, let us
Lord God, heavenly King, O celebrate the feast, not with
but to us, the witnesses chosen
God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus by God in advance, who ate and the old yeast, the yeast of malice
Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord drank with him after he rose from and wickedness, but with the
God, Lamb of God, Son of the the dead. He commissioned unleavened bread of sincerity
Father, you take away the sins us to preach to the people and truth.
of the world, have mercy on us; and testify that he is the one — The word of the Lord.
you take away the sins of the appointed by God as judge of All — Thanks be to God.
Sequence (Stand) who had arrived at the tomb (The priest sprinkles the people with
first, and he saw and believed. water blessed at the Vigil. A fitting
All — For they did not yet understand song may be sung.)
Christians, to the Paschal Victim the Scripture that he had to rise Prayer of the Faithful
Offer your thankful praises! from the dead.
A Lamb the sheep re­deems; P — Christ is the Lord of life,
— The Gospel of the Lord. raised up by the Father; in turn
Christ, who only is sinless,
Reconciles sinners to the Father.
All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus he will raise us up by his power.
Christ. Let us address our petitions to
Death and life have contended the heavenly Father as we pray:
in that combat stupendous: Homily (Sit)
The Prince of Life, who died, R — Father, we beseech you,
reigns immortal. Renewal of Baptismal hear us.
Promises (Stand) C — May the Church proclaim
Speak, Mary, declaring (The renewal of baptismal promises
What you saw, wayfaring. with all courage your Son’s
replaces the Creed.) victory to a world living in sin, in
“The tomb of Christ, who is living,
The glory of Jesus’ resurrection; P — Dear brethren (brothers agony, and in fear. We pray: (R)
Bright angels attesting, and sisters), through the Paschal C — May the ecclesiastical and
The shroud and napkin resting. Mystery we have been buried government leaders die to their
Yes, Christ my hope is arisen; with Christ in Baptism, so that we personal interests so that like
To Galilee he goes before you.” may walk with him in newness of the Good Shepherd they may
Christ indeed life. And so, now that our Lenten serve your people faithfully.
from death is risen, observance is concluded, let We pray: (R)
our new life obtaining. us renew the promises of Holy C — May all the baptized
Have mercy, victor King, Baptism, by which we once believers die to their sins
ever reigning! renounced Satan and his works and live up to their dignity as
Amen. Alleluia! and promised to serve God in children of God. We pray: (R)
the holy Catholic Church.
Alleluia (Cf. 1 Cor 5:7b–8a) And so I ask you: C — May there be new hope
and life for our nation through
All — Alleluia, alleluia. Christ, P — Do you renounce Satan? the advent of a capable and
our paschal lamb, has been All — I do. principled leader­ship. We pray:
sacrificed; let us then feast P — And all his works? (R)
with joy in the Lord. Alleluia, All — I do. C — May the faithful departed
alleluia. share in Christ’s glorious
P — And all his empty show?
Gospel (Jn 20:1–9) All — I do. Resurrection. We pray: (R)
C — Let us pray for the urgent
P — A reading from the holy P — Do you believe in God, concerns of our community and
the Father almighty, Creator of
Gospel according to John. our personal intentions (pause).
heaven and earth?
All — Glory to you, O Lord. We pray: (R)
All — I do.
ON THE FIRST day of the week, P — Do you believe in Jesus P — Father, your Son con­quered
Mary of Magdala came to the Christ, his only Son, our Lord, the power of death. Let our
tomb early in the morning, while who was born of the Virgin Mary, celebration today raise us up
it was still dark, and saw the suffered death and was buried, and renew our lives, through
stone removed from the tomb. rose again from the dead, and Jesus our Lord who lives and
So she ran and went to Simon is seated at the right hand of reigns with you for ever and ever.
Peter and to the other disciple the Father? All — Amen.
whom Jesus loved, and told All — I do.
them, “They have taken the Lord THE LITURGY OF
from the tomb, and we don’t P — Do you believe in the THE EUCHARIST
know where they put him.” So Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic
Church, the communion of Presentation of the Gifts
Peter and the other disciple went (Stand)
out and came to the tomb. They saints, the forgiveness of sins,
both ran, but the other disciple the resurrection of the body, P — Pray, brethren…
ran faster than Peter and arrived and life everlasting? All — May the Lord accept the
at the tomb first; he bent down All — I do. sacrifice at your hands for the
and saw the burial cloths there, P — And may almighty God, the praise and glory of his name,
but did not go in. When Simon Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for our good, and the good of
Peter arrived after him, he went who has given us new birth by all his holy Church.
into the tomb and saw the burial water and the Holy Spirit and
Prayer over the Offerings
cloths there, and the cloth that bestowed on us forgiveness of
had covered his head, not with our sins, keep us by his grace,
the burial cloths but rolled up in in Christ Jesus our Lord, for P — Exultant with paschal
a separate place. Then the other eternal life. gladness, O Lord, we offer
disciple also went in, the one All — Amen. the sacrifice by which your
Church is wondrously reborn
and nourished.
Through Christ our Lord.
All — Amen.
Preface I of Easter
P — The Lord be with you.
All — And with your spirit.
P — Lift up your hearts.
All — We lift them up to the
P — Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All — It is right and just.
P — It is truly right and just, our
duty and our salvation, at all
times to acclaim you, O Lord,
but on this day above all to laud
you yet more gloriously, when
Christ our Passover has been
For he is the true Lamb who
has taken away the sins of the
world; by dying he has destroyed
our death, and by rising, restored
our life.
Therefore, overcome with All — Lord, I am not worthy P — And may he, who re­stores
paschal joy, every land, every that you should enter under my you to eternal life in the Resur­
people exults in your praise and roof, but only say the word and rection of his Only Begotten,
even the heavenly Powers, with my soul shall be healed. endow you with the prize of
the angelic hosts, sing together immortality.
the unending hymn of your Communion Antiphon
(1 Cor 5:7–8) All — Amen.
glory, as they acclaim:
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Christ our Passover has been P — Now that the days of the
God of hosts, heaven and earth sacrificed, alleluia; therefore Lord’s Passion have drawn to a
are full of your glory. Hosanna let us keep the feast with the close, may you who celebrate
in the highest. Blessed is he who unleavened bread of purity and the gladness of the Paschal Feast
comes in the name of the Lord. come with Christ’s help, and
truth, alleluia, alleluia.
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) exulting in spirit, to those feasts
Acclamation (Stand) Prayer after Communion that are celebrated in eternal joy.
(Stand) All — Amen.
All — We proclaim your
Death, O Lord, and profess P — Let us pray. (Pause) P — And may the blessing of
your Resurrection until you Look upon your Church, O almighty God, the Father, and
come again. God, with unfailing love and the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
favor, so that, renewed by the come down on you and remain
THE COMMUNION RITE paschal mysteries, she may come with you for ever.
The Lord’s Prayer to the glory of the resurrection. All — Amen.
Through Christ our Lord.
All — Our Father… All — Amen. Dismissal
P — Deliver us, Lord…
All — For the kingdom, the THE CONCLUDING RITES P — Go forth, the Mass is ended,
power and the glory are yours alleluia, alleluia.
now and forever. P — The Lord be with you.
All — And with your spirit. All — Thanks be to God,
Invitation to Peace alleluia, alleluia.
Solemn Blessing
Invitation to Communion P — Bow down for the blessing.
P — Behold the Lamb of God,
May almighty God bless you
A Grace-filled
behold him who takes away
the sins of the world. Blessed
are those called to the supper
through today’s Easter Solem­nity
and, in his compas­sion, defend
you from every assault of sin.
of the Lamb. All — Amen.

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