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Media File on Challenges facing Businesses in NSW

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Media File on Challenges facing Businesses in NSW

Alan, O. (2015). Biggest issues Facing Australia Today: Special Report. NAB Group Economics

The article identifies existence of big issues facing Australia today. Important concerns

include cost of living, access to healthcare, employment, the economy and terrorism/security

concerns, while indigenous issues, infrastructure and transport and taxation are lowest. These

issues have a direct negative influence on the Australian businesses,

Amin, G. (2017). Top Challenges Faced by Small Businesses in Sydney. Nirmal

This article focuses on the major challenges that affect the small businesses, which make

over 90 percent of the businesses in Australia. The article notes the significant contributions

made by the businesses in the Australian economy. However, the businesses are faced with

numerous challenges that inhibit their full potential.

Anthill Magazine. (2016). What is keeping business owners up at night? These are the top 10

challenges small business are facing in 2016. Australian Anthill

This article bases its propositions on a survey conducted by the Chamber for Commerce

and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) in 2016 to ascertain the various challenges that face small

business in the entire Australia. Some of the challenges noted in the survey are cash flow,

profitability, productivity, connections, and marketing among others.


Collins, A. & Kennedy, J. (2017). Unions call for summer boycott of Streets ice cream over pay

dispute. Business, ABC News

According to the article, Australians are being urged to boycott some of their favorite ice

creams after a breakdown in negotiations between Streets workers and the company's owner

Unilever. Increased boycotts imply lost markets for goods and thus the businesses record reduced

revenue and ultimately compromised profits.

Harkness, J. (2017). SMEs investment and employment impeded due to electricity price hikes

outpacing inflation. Dynamic Business

According to the study, the price of electricity increased 8.9% last quarter, according

to the latest ABS Consumer Price Index (CPI), prompting the nation’s peak employer body

to warn that businesses are at ‘breaking point’. The implication is increased cost of

production, a burden which is usually passed to the consumers, who already have low

purchasing power.

Hogan, W. (2015). The Opportunities and Challenges Facing Australian SMEs in 2015. The

Executive Connection

This article reviews the challenges and opportunities facing the Australian businesses in

2015. Some of the challenges outlined are high labor costs, inflated energy costs, increased

interest rates, weak Australian dollar against the US dollar, and low demand in the local


Nicholas, J. (2015). This is the biggest challenge facing Australian startups. Business Insider,


This article is written from a survey conducted by Startup Muster for over 600 Australian

startup businesses, regardless of their industry, so as to ascertain the specific external challenges

that the face. The challenges identified by the survey are lack of technical talent, government

scholarships/ grants, non-government funding, legal issues, non-technical talent, community

support, accounting difficulties, as well as limited educational resources.

Nogrady, B. (2017). Age Discrimination: Older Australian Workers Viewed as Slow to Learn.

The Guardian

This article notes that despite an increasingly mature workforce, Australian companies

aren’t addressing the challenges or countering the stereotypes faced by older workers. The older

workers are usually discriminated and their work output end up being compromised.

Rudd, K. (2011). The 10 big global challenges facing Australia: The Sidney Morning Herald

This article presents numerous challenges that face all businesses in Australia from a

global perspective. They include global financial instability, nuclear proliferation, global

governance, global democratic deficit, cyber-revolution, and food security, energy security, and

climate change among others.

Valerie, K. (2012). The Four Biggest Challenges in Business: The Sydney Morning Herald

This article outlines the four major challenges that face all businesses in Australia

regardless of their size or industry. These challenges cut across the board and are thus very

important to be noted. These challenges are increased competition, finding the right staff,

technology gap, and acknowledging the value of each company’s products.

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