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Piano Repertoire

Online Special Edition 2020

Instructor: Fabio Menchetti Email:

Supervising Teacher: Yeon-Kyung Kim
Office hours – Scheduled online

Instruction delivery
Given the high number of participants, recorded lectures are the best way to continue our
class. I will upload the videos for each class on Monday and Wednesday nights, in a new
page, “Recorded Lectures.” Since a significant part of our class is devoted to listening the
works we are studying, a full class period includes a lecturing (30-35 minutes) and a listening
part (20-25 minutes). In the new “Recorded Lectures” page, there is an introductory video
explaining how to navigate between listening and lectures.

Recorded lectures
In the “Recorded Lectures” page, you will find a folder with the date of the lecture (ex.
March 26 lecture). When you open the folder, you will find a series of videos representing
different parts of the same class (ex. Introduction to Barber; Barber’s Sonata – 1st movement).
I decided to recorded several short videos instead of a long one, so that you will be able to
find the information you need in a faster way.
Since there is no recorded music during the lectures, you must do the listening part on your
own, following along with the score.
The format I created is quite easy to follow:
1. The first video is always a short introduction. At the end of the video, I will tell you what
to listen to before watching the next video.
2. You do the listening part on your own (playlist on Spotify).
3. You watch the next video, which is about the work you just listened to with the score.

Lecture Response
For each online class, I will ask you to submit either a short video or written response (no
longer than 250 words). Ideally, you could alternate between the two (video recording on
Tuesday, written response on Thursday or vice versa). These responses will be graded and
will replace Quiz 4.
You will video record your 7-minute presentation, and you will upload it on blackboard. I
encourage you to use Kaltura for your video recording, so that we can see both you and the
slides on your screen (in case you are using power point).
I will share them in the “Recorded Lecture” folder, so that you will be able to see your
classmates’ work. We will spend two class periods on them, and you will give feedback for
each presentation. More details to follow on a separate email.

Reading Responses
Reading responses are due as follows:
RR#6 due March 31
RR#7 due April 7
RR#8 due April 21

Final Oral Exam

Nothing will change about that, except that it will be through WebEx.


1. 3/26 – Recorded Lecture (Barber)

2. 3/31 – Recorded Lecture (Barber and Gershwin)

3. 4/2 – Recorded Lecture (Copland)

4. 4/7 – Recorded Lecture (Ives)

5. 4/9 – Recorded Lecture (Messiaen)

6. 4/14 – Students’ presentations

7. 4/16 – Students’ presentations

8. 4/21 – Recorded Lecture (Ligeti)

9. 4/23 – Recorded Lecture (Minimalism)

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