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The effects of globalisation

It is often claimed that globalisation has brought numerous advantages to our way
of living. In this essay I will discuss some of the effects of this phenomenon on
travelling and life quality.

Firstly, as the means of transport are now more developed, it is easier to travel to
distant places. At the same time, as the number of people who use these services
has grown, ticket prices are currently cheaper. All of these factors make it possible
for citizens to discover the world they live in. However, some remote areas have
become touristic spots, which compromises the natural balance of those habitats.

Secondly, globalisation has had an enormous impact on quality life. Not only do
we have access to a wider range of products but we can also buy more goods at a
lower price. As there is a growing demand on supplies, there is also a bigger offer,
with producers from all the countries contributing to the global market. Although
the consumers have a better life quality, because they can buy more things,
globalisation is certainly disadvantageous for local producers. The fact that big
companies sell a big quantity of products at a low price makes it hard for small
businesses to compete.

In my view, globalisation had a positive impact on life in the 21st century. However,
it has also brought some disadvantages. On balance, we should be aware of its
dangers, so that we can avoid them.

(245 words)

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