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A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour for Baby Products

Abstract: This study emphasis on the consumer behavior towards baby products. The main focus is
given on baby cosmetics like soaps, powder and shampoo. This paper explains the satisfactory level of
the consumer towards the product and also discusses the factors that influence the customer to remark
the product. The study also discusses about the effect on sales due to different consumer behavior.

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Consumer behavior is that the study of however individual customers, teams or organizations choose,
buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions
of the customers within the marketplace and therefore the underlying motives for those actions.
Marketers expect that by understanding what causes the customers to shop for specific product and
services, they're going to be ready to confirm that product square measure required within the
marketplace, which are obsolete, and the way best to gift the products to the customers. The study of
shopper behavior assumes that the customers square measure actors within the marketplace. The
perspective of role theory assumes that customers play numerous roles within the marketplace. Starting
from the data supplier, from the user to the remunerator and to the disposer, consumers play these
roles in the decision process. The roles conjointly vary in numerous consumption situations; as an
example, a mother plays the role of associate influencer in a very child’s purchase method, whereas she
plays the role of a disposer for the product consumed by the family.

The Factors of consumer behavior

To fully perceive however shopper behavior affects promoting, it is vital to grasp the 3 factors that have
an effect on shopper behavior: psychological, personal, and social.

A. Psychological factors
In way of life, consumers are being affected by many issues that are unique to their thought process.
Psychological factors will embrace perception of a desire or state of affairs, the person's ability to learn
or understand information, and an individual's attitude. Each person can answer a promoting message
supported their perceptions and attitudes. Therefore, marketers should take these psychological factors
into consideration once making campaigns, guaranteeing that their campaign can charm to their

B. Personal factors
Personal factors square measure characteristics that square measure specific to someone and should
not relate to others among identical cluster. These characteristics might embody however someone
makes selections, their distinctive habits and interests, and opinions. When considering personal factors,
selections also are influenced by age, gender, background, culture, and alternative personal problems.
For example, Associate in nursing older person can probably exhibit completely different client
behaviors than a younger person, which means they're going to opt for merchandise otherwise and pay
their cash on things that will not interest a younger generation.

C. Social factors

The third issue that encompasses a important impact on client behavior is social characteristics. Social
influencers square measure quite various and may embody a human family, social interaction, work or
college communities, or any cluster of individuals someone affiliates with. It may embody a human
people, that involves financial gain, living conditions, and education level. The social factors square
measure terribly various and may be tough to investigate once developing selling plans. However, it's
crucial to contemplate the social factors in client behavior, as they greatly influence however individuals
answer selling messages and build buying selections. For example, however employing a celebrated
advocator will influence patrons.

Objectives of the study

 To study the demographic profile of the sample respondents.

 To analyze the factors influencing on buying decisions.
 To study the buying process of baby cosmetic products.
 To analyze the effect of media communication on buying behavior.
 To study the main problem faced by the customer.

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