YUNG LAM CHENG 4M 02 - F.4 Writing 4 Part A

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Name: _Cheng Yung Lam_ ( 02 )

F4 Composition 4 Part A----a reply to a letter of request

Part A
Write about 180-200 words on the following topic.

You are a sports news reporter for an online youth magazine. You have recently
received a letter from Mr Tse, your old school Principal, asking you to help write a
feature article about three student athletes. The title of the article will be ‘Sport
and exercise help students become well-rounded individuals’. Write a letter of reply
to accept this task. Suggest three subheadings for the three student athletes in the
article and briefly describe what you will write for each.

Useful words and phrases

adversity bridge the gap concentration daily lives dedication develop skills in
discipline excel in inspiring leadership resolution resourceful see things from
different perspectives/angles
set a common goal strategy teamwork

You may like to use the suggested writing plan below to help write your reply.

Salutation/Greeting (address the person you are writing to)

Opening (introduce/describe your purpose, i.e. agreeing to the task)

Body (organize your ideas, e.g. give three subheadings and describe what you will
write for each, in a logical order; start a new paragraph for each new idea)

Closing (write a suitable remark)

Complimentary close (use a suitable complimentary close; give your name as

instructed, if applicable)

Remember: The subheadings and contents you suggest should be relevant to the title
Name: _Cheng Yung Lam_ ( 02 )

of the feature article.

The following articles might be useful for you to brainstorm your ideas:
(some articles are in Chinese only. Please DO NOT USE “google translate” to write
your own piece of writing.)
Name: _Cheng Yung Lam_ ( 02 )

Dear Mr. Tse,

Thank you for your letter. I would love to help with the feature article about three student
athletes. I would like to introduce Chun Yim Wong , Chun Ting Wong and also Stephanie Au in the
article. All of them are some examples of famous student athletes.

The first subheading I suggest for the article would be ‘ Everything is good for something ’. I
would like to write about Chun Yim Wong to elaborate this subheading. Chun Yim Wong is a
disabled person. He suffered from Achondroplasia which leads his hands and feet are shorter
then the others. Because of his appearance he suffered discrimination but his family members
always encourage him. His parents let him go to badminton classes, swimming classes, etc., so that
he could develop his own interest and build an optimistic character. In the year 2013, he joined the
Hong Kong para-badminton team and he joined many competition. He thinks that although the god
didn’t give him a sound body but he had a loving family. Moreover, he believes that everything is
good for something. It’s better to make good use of the talents you have rather than complaining
what you have losted.

The second subheading I suggest for the article would be ‘ Set a common goal ’. I would like to
write about Chun Ting Wong to elaborate this subheading. Chun Ting Wong is a table tennis player.
He is sporty, when he was a little boy, he had joined many sports events for example basketball,
swimming, etc. but he likes table tennis the most. When he was 10 years old, he had already
determined to be a table tennis player and join the Hong Kong table tennis team. At the age of 9,
he started to join a formal training course. After that, the coach suggested him to join the Young
Athletes Training Scheme, since then him started his career as an athlete. The most unforgettable
competition to him is the one when he was in primary six , he won the first medal of a table tennis
match. Although he didn’t won the first place of the competition, but it is the most meaningful
match he had joined. This match had encouraged him to strive for more awards in the future. And
now he had achieve his dream which is being a table tennis player. So it’s important to set goal
yourself and work hard on it !
Name: _Cheng Yung Lam_ ( 02 )

The last subheading I suggest for the article would be ‘ Color your life ’. I would like to write
about Stephanie Au to elaborate this subheading. Stephanie Au is famous swimmer. Her
outstanding performance in the competition allows more people to know her. She had been
invited to participate more events in recent years, for example advertising, branding, charity, etc.. In
fact, when she was just an athlete, she needs to practice repeatedly. However, since she had to
participate in more other events, it brought many new challenges for her. For example, she
needs to learn how to communicate with people from different jobs. She is glad to have the
opportunity to join other events because she could learn more things other than swimming. She
thinks sports and exercise helps her makes her life more meaningful.

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestion.

Best regards,

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