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Comparison of brand resonance model and Kapferer’s Brand-Identity Prism model

1. The brand resonance model essentially describes how to create intense, active loyalty relationships
with the consumers. It looks at building a brand as a sequence of steps, where each steps depends on
the success of preceding step. Broadly the steps are –

1) Identity of the brand

2) Meaning of the brand

3) Response towards the brand

4) Resonance between the customer and the brand

In comparison, Kapferer’s Brand-Identity Prism model is essentially used for assessment of strengths and
weaknesses of a brand using the six aspects of the prism. The six aspects (physique, personality, culture,
relationship, reflection, self-image are divided over two dimensions –

1) Constructed source vs constructed receive

2) Externalization vs internalization

2. As per the brand resonance model strong brands are the ones that are able to reach the pinnacle,
that is the brand resonance step of the pyramid and the customers feel in sync with the brand. As per,
Kapferer’s model strong brands weave all aspects into an effective whole, as a way of coming to clear &
appealing brand identity.

3. The similarity between the two models is that both try to capture the effect a brand has on the
consumer mind-set. The brand resonance model starts with more tangible effects like awareness and
recall (salience step), to observable effects like performance to cognitive steps like judgments and
feelings finally to resonance with the brand. Kapferer’s model operates directly on the cognitive factors
(imagery, judgements and feeling steps in the corresponding brand resonance model). Towards the
constructed source, are the factors which allow brand to be seen as a person that are – 1) Physique
(based on tangible aspects and functionality) and 2) Personality (the brand character based on the brand
elements and both primary and secondary associations). Towards the constructed receiver are the
factors which allow the brand to be seen as a typical user. These factors are – 1) Reflection, which is the
identification of customers possessing qualities similar to the brand (not necessarily the target group)
and 2) Self-image, the aspirational image of the target group.

4. The brand resonance model follows a sequential order of steps, where the level of abstraction as well
as the brand equity increases as the brand traverses successfully up the ladder. Hence, a brand which is
able to create resonance with customers enjoys the benefits of high brand equity (higher price
premium, high elasticity to decreased price, inelasticity to price increase) compared to a brand which is
say stuck at the lowest step of being just able to create salience. However, in the case of Kapferer’s
model the six aspects are not sequential and individually can have an effect on brand equity.

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