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1|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison

the capital or to retake possession of the

INSURANCE LAW property alienated, unless there is a stipulation
to the contrary; he shall have only a right
Section 1 – This decree shall be known as the judicially to claim the payment of the income in
“Insurance Code of 1978”. arrears and to require a security for the future
income, unless there is a stipulation to the
Governing Laws
- PD 1460 “A Decree to consolidate and codify all Art. 2025. The income corresponding to the
the Insurance Laws of the Philippines” year in which the person enjoying it dies shall be
- Articles 2011-2012, 2021-2027 and 2166 of the pain in proportion to the days during which he
New Civil Code lived; if the income should be paid by
installments in advance, the whole amount of
Article 2011. The contract of insurance is the installment which began to run during his
governed by special laws. Matters not expressly life shall be paid.
provided for in such special laws shall be
regulated by this Code. Art. 2026. He who constitutes an annuity by
gratuitous title upon his property, may provide
Article 2012. Any person who is forbidden from at the time the annuity is established that the
receiving any donation under Article 739 cannot same shall not be subject to execution or
be named beneficiary of a life insurance policy attachment on account of the obligations of the
by a person who cannot make any donation to recipient of the annuity. If the annuity was
him, according to said article. constituted in fraud of creditors, the latter may
**Article 739 – Donations between persons who ask for execution or attachment of the property.
were guilty of adultery or concubinage at the
time of the donation shall be void. Art. 2027. No annuity shall be claimed
without first proving the existence of the person
Article 2021. The aleatory contract of life upon whose life the annuity is constituted.
annuity binds the debtor to pay an annual
pension or income during the life of one or more Constantino vs. Asia Life
determinate persons in consideration of a - When the life insurance policy provides that
capital consisting of money or other property, non-payment of premiums will cause its
whose ownership is transferred to him at once forfeiture, war does not excuse non-payment
with the burden of income. and does not avoid forfeiture.

Article 2022. The annuity may be constituted Insurance Life vs. Ebrado
upon the life of the person who gives the capital, - Persons who are guilty of adultery or
upon that of a third person, or upon the lives of concubinage are barred from receiving donation
various persons, all of whom must be living at and they are likewise barred from receiving
the time the annuity is established. proceeds of a life insurance contract from each
It may also be constituted in favor of the
person or persons upon whose life or lives the Qua Chee Gan vs. Law Union Rock
contract is entered into, or in favor of another or - Estoppel: It is a well-settled rule that the insurer
other persons. at the time of the issuance of a policy has the
knowledge of existing facts, which if insisted on,
Art. 2023. Life annuity shall be void if would invalidate the contract from its very
constituted upon the life of a person who was inception, such knowledge constitutes a waiver
already dead at the time the contract was of conditions in the contract inconsistent with
entered into, or who was at the that time known facts, and the insurer is estopped
suffering from an illness which caused his death thereafter from asserting the breach of such
within twenty days following said date. conditions.
- Ambiguities: By the reason of the exclusive
Art. 2024. The lack of payment of the control of the insurance company over the
income due does not authorize the recipient of terms of the contract, the ambiguity must be
the life annuity to demand the reimbursement of held strictly against the insurer and liberally in

Reference: Ateneo Notes

2|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
favour of the insured, especially to avoid (2) The term “doing an insurance business” or
“transacting an insurance business” within the
- Storage of flammable oil: It is a well-settled rule
that keeping of flammable oil in the premises, meaning of this Code, shall include:
though prohibited the policy, DOES NOT
(a) Making or proposing to make, as insurer,
INVALIDATE IT if storing the same is incidental
to the business. any insurance contract;

Ty vs. Filipinas Compania de Seguros (FNSI) (b) Making, or proposing to make, as surety,
- Where the insurance policies define partial any contract of suretyship as a vocation and
disability as loss of either hand by amputation not as merely incidental to any other
through the bones of the wrist, the insured legitimate business or activity of the surety;
cannot recover under said policies for
temporary disability of his left hand caused by (c) Doing any kind of business including a
the fractures of some fingers. reinsurance business, specifically recognized as
constituting the doing of an insurance business
Del Rosario vs. Equitable Insurance within the meaning of this Code;
- Ambiguities: By the reason of the exclusive
control of the insurance company over the (d) Doing or proposing to do any business in
terms of the contract, the ambiguity must be substance equivalent to any of the foregoing in
held strictly against the insurer and liberally in a manner designed to evade the provisions of
favour of the insured. this code.
Misamis Lumber vs. Capital Insurance In the application of the provisions of this Code,
- The literal meaning of the stipulation must the fact that no profit is derived from the making
control, it being the actual contract provided for of insurance contracts, agreements or
in the policy. transactions or that no separate or distinct
consideration is received therefor, shall not be
Verendia vs. CA deemed conclusive to show that the making
- Verendia, having presented a false declaration thereof does not constitute the doing or
to support his claim for benefits in the form of a transacting of an insurance business.
fraudulent lease contract, he forfeited all
benefits therein. (3) As used in this Code, the term “Commissioner”
means the “Insurance Commissioner.”

Section 2 - Whenever used in this Code, the CONTRACT OF INSURANCE

following terms shall have the respective - Is an agreement whereby one undertakes for a
meanings hereinafter set forth or indicated, consideration to indemnify another against loss,
unless the context otherwise requires: damage, liability, and disability arising from an
unknown or contingent event. (LDLD)
(1) A “Contract of Insurance” is an agreement
whereby one undertakes for a consideration to CHARACTERISTICS OF AN INSURANCE CONTRACT
indemnify another against loss, damage or (CAVE PEC)
liability arising from an unknown or contingent 1. Consensual – perfected by meeting of minds
event. 2. Aleatory – depends upon some contingent
A Contract of Suretyship shall be deemed to be 3. Voluntary – not compulsory and parties may
an insurance contract, within the meaning of this incorporate T&C as they may deem convenient
Code, only if made by a surety who or which, as 4. Executed – as to the insured after payment of
such, is doing an insurance business as premium
hereinafter provided. 5. Personal – each party have in view the
character, conduct and credit of the other
6. Executory – as to the insurer as it is not
executed until payment for a loss
7. Conditional – subject to the happening of an
event insured against

Reference: Ateneo Notes

3|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
ELEMENTS OF AN INSURANCE CONTRACT (COCI) The married woman or the minor herein allowed
a. Consent – of the insurer and the insured to take an insurance policy may exercise all the
b. Object – the transfer of risk of rights and privileges of an owner under the policy.
loss/damage/liability/disability from the insured
to the insurer All rights and title and interest in the policy of
c. Consideration – payment of premium insurance taken out by an original owner on the
d. Insurable Interest – insured possesses an life or health of a minor shall automatically vest in
interest of some kind susceptible of pecuniary the minor upon the death of the original owner,
estimation. unless otherwise provided in the policy.
- The fact that no profit is derived from the WHAT PERILS MAY BE INSURED
contract or that no separate or direct 1. Any contingent or unknown event whether past
consideration is received for such contract or or future which may cause damage to a person
transaction is NOT deemed conclusive to show having an insurable interest;
that no insurance was transacted. 2. Any contingent or unknown event whether past
- In order for a surety agreement to come under or future which may create liability against the
the purview of the Insurance Code, the surety person insured;
undertaking to ensure the performance of the
obligations must be (a) registered with the
Insurance Commissioner; (b) must have been Section 4 – The preceding section does not
issued by the latter with a certificate of authorize an insurance for or against the drawing
authority; and (c) the person acting as a surety of any lottery, or for against any chance or ticket
is habitually engaged as such for a livelihood. in a lottery drawing a price.
Philamlife vs. Ansaldo
- Based on the Insurance Code, the Insurance CONTRACT OF INSURACE A WAGERING CONTRACT
Commissioner has the authority to regulate the - No. A contract of insurance is a contract of
business of insurance. Since the contract of indemnity and not a wagering or gambling
agency entered into between Philamlife and its contract. Although it is true that an insurance
agents is not included within the meaning of contract is also based on contingency, it is not a
insurance business, the Insurance Commissioner contract of chance.
has no jurisdiction over the legality of the
contract of agency between Philamlife and its ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A LOTTERY
agents. 1. Consideration
2. Prizes
Section 3 – Any contingent or unknown event, 3. Chance
whether past or future, which may damnify a
person having an insurable interest, or create a PRIZES NOT EQUIVALENT TO LOTTERY
liability against him, may be insured against, - If the prizes do not come out of the fund or
subject to the provisions of this chapter. contributions by the participants, no
consideration has been paid and hence, there is
The consent of the husband is not necessary for no lottery.
the validity of an insurance policy taken out by
the married woman on her life or that of her SWEEPSTAKES
children. - A holder cannot insure himself against failure to
win since it cannot be said that he suffered a
Any minor of the age of 18 years or more, may
loss of prize when he did not win.
notwithstanding such minority, contract for life,
health and accident insurance, with any
insurance company duly authorized to do
Insurance Gambling
business in the PH, provided the insurance is
Parties seek to distribute Parties contemplate gain
taken on his own life and the beneficiary
loss by reason of through mere chance or
appointed is the minor’s estate or the minor’s
mischance the occurrence of a
father, mother, husband, wife, child, brother or
contingent event
sister. – no longer applicable since the age of majority is
now 18 years old per RA 8809 Insured avoids Gambler courts fortune
Reference: Ateneo Notes
4|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
Tends to equalize Tends to increase the who is indemnified against, or is to receive a
fortune inequality of fortune certain sum upon the happening of a specified
What one insured gains Essence is whatever one contingency or event. He is the person whose
is not at the expense of person win from a wager loss is the occasion for the payment of the
another insured is lost by the other insurance proceeds by the insurer.
wagering party
Purchase of insurance As soon as the party 3. Beneficiary/Assured
does not create a new makes a wager, he - The person designated by the terms of the
and non-existing risk of creates a risk of loss to policy as the one to receive the proceeds of the
loss to the purchaser himself where no such insurance; the one whose benefit the policy is
since by purchasing, risk existed previously issued and to whom the loss is payable.
there is already an
existing economic loss WHO MAY BE AN INSURER
- A foreign or domestic company may transact
SIMILARITIES business in the PH but must first obtain a
- In both contract, one party promises to pay a certificate of authority for that purpose from
given sum to the other upon the occurrence of a the Insurance Commissioner who has the
given future event, the promise being condition discretion to refuse to issue such certificate if it
upon the payment of, or agreement to pay, a will best promote the interests of the people of
stipulated amount by the other party. this country.
- In either case, one party may receive more than - An individual may also be an insurer, provided
he paid or agreed to pay. he holds a certificate of authority from the
Insurance Commissioner, and provided further
that he is possessed of the capital assets
Section 5 – All kinds of insurance are subject to
required of an insurance corporation doing the
the provisions of this chapter so far as the same kind of business in the PH and invested in
provisions can apply. the same manner.
- Shall include all individuals, partnerships,
Also applies to: associations, or corporations including
- Marine Insurance government-owned or controlled corporations
- Fire Insurance or entities, engaged as principals in the
- Casualty Insurance insurance business, except mutual benefit
- Suretyship associations.
- Life Insurance
- One formed or organized to save any person or
Section 6 – Every person, partnership,
persons or other corporations harmless from
association or corporation duly authorized to loss, damage or liability arising from any
transact insurance business as elsewhere unknown or future contingent event, or to
provided in this Code, may be an insurer. indemnify or to compensate any person or
persons or other corporations for any such loss,
damage, or liability, or to guarantee the
PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT OF INSURANCE performance of or compliance with a
1. Insurer contractual obligations or the payment of debts
- The party who assumes or accepts the risk of of others.
loss and undertakes for a consideration to
indemnify the insured or to pay him a certain *The business of insurance is affected with public
sum on the happening of a specified interest and is subject to regulation by the state by
contingency or event. The business of insurance virtue of the exercise of police power or in the
may be carried on by individuals just as much as interest of public convenience and the general good
by corporations and associations. The state itself of the people.
may go into insurance business.

2. Insured
- The second party to the contract; is the person
in whose favour the contract is operative and

Reference: Ateneo Notes

5|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
Section 7 – Anyone except a public enemy may INSURABLE INTEREST
a. Mortgagor
be insured.
- As the owner, has an insurable interest to the
extent of the value of the property even if the
REQUISITES TO BE INSURED mortgaged debt is equal to such value. The
1. He must be competent to enter into contract reason is that the loss or destruction of the
2. He must possess an insurable interest in the property insured will not extinguish the
subject of insurance mortgaged debt.
3. He must not be a public enemy - Cannot recover beyond the full amount of the
Public enemy – it is a nation with who the PH is at
war, and it includes every citizen or subject of such b. Mortgagee
nation. - Has insurable interest to the extent of the debt
secured, such interest continues until the
EFFECT OF WAR ON EXISTING INSURANCE mortgage debt is extinguished.
CONTRACTS - Cannot recover in excess of the credit at the
1. Property insurance – the insurance policy time of the loss.
ceases to be valid and enforceable as soon as
the insured becomes a public enemy. IF MORTGAGOR EFFECTS INSURANCE IN HIS OWN
2. Life Insurance – declared the contract not NAME AND PROVIDES THAT LOSS IS PAYABLE TO
merely suspended but is abrogated by reason of MORTGAGEE
non-payment of premiums since the time of the 1. The contract is deemed to be upon the interest
payment is peculiarly of the essence. of the mortgagor, hence, he does not cease to
be a party to the contract;
Section 8 – Unless the policy otherwise provides, 2. Any action of the mortgagor prior to the loss
where a mortgagor of the property effects which would otherwise avoid the insurance
insurance in his own name providing that a loss affects the mortgagee even if the property is in
the hands of the mortgagee;
shall be payable to the mortgage, or assigns a
3. Any act which under the contract of insurance is
policy of insurance to a mortgagee, the insurance to be performed by the mortgagor, may be
is deemed to be upon the interest of the performed by the mortgagee;
mortgagor, who does not cease to be party to the 4. In case of loss, the mortgagee is entitled to the
original contract, and any act of his, prior to the proceeds to the extent of his credit; and
loss, which would otherwise avoid the insurance, 5. Upon recovery by the mortgagee to the extent
will have the same effect, although the property of his credit, the debt is extinguished.
is in the hands of the mortgagee, but any act
*Same effect if the mortgagee effects insurance in
which, under the contract of insurance, is to be behalf of the mortgagor.
performed by the mortgagor, may be performed
by the mortgagee named therein, with the same Saura Import Export Co. vs. PISC
effect as if it had been performed by the - Actual notice of cancellation in a clear and
mortgagor. unequivocal manner, preferably in writing
should be given by the insurer to the insured so
that the latter might be given an opportunity to
IF BOTH MORTGAGOR AND MORTGAGEE INSURE obtain other insurance for his own protection.
- Allowed. No double insurance. The mortgagor Palilieo vs. Cosio
and the mortgagee each have an insurable - Where a mortgagee, independently of the
interest in the property mortgaged, such mortgagor, insures the mortgaged property in
interest being separate and distinct from other. his own name and for his own interest, he is
entitled to the insurance proceeds in case of
loss, but in such case, he is not allowed to retain
his claim against the mortgagor, but is passed by
subrogation to the insurer to the extent of the
money paid.

Reference: Ateneo Notes

6|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
Section 9 – If an insurer assents to the transfer of Section 11 – The insured shall have the right to
an insurable from a mortgagor to a mortgagee, change the beneficiary he designated in the
and, at the time of his assent, imposes further policy, unless he has expressly waived his right in
obligations on the assignee, making a new
the said policy.
contract with him, the acts of the mortgagor
cannot affect the rights of said assignee.
This an exception to the general rule provided in - Is a person whether natural or juridical for
Section 8. whose benefit the policy is issued and is the
recipient of the proceeds of the insurance.
Section 10 – Every person has an insurable
interest in the life and health: WHO CAN BE A BENEFICIARY
a. Of himself, of his spouse and of his children; - General Rule: Any person can be a beneficiary.
b. Of any person on whim he depends wholly - Exception: The only persons disqualified from
in part for education or support, or in whom being a beneficiary are those not qualified to
he has a pecuniary interest; receive donations under Article 739. They
c. Or any person under a legal obligation to cannot be named beneficiaries of a life
him for the payment of money, or respecting insurance policy by the person who cannot
property or services, of which death or make any donation to him. The disqualification
illness might delay or prevent the does not extend to the illegitimate children, and
performance; and as such, they may be made beneficiaries.
d. Of any person upon whose life any estate or
interest vested in him depends. Article 2012. Any person who is forbidden from
receiving any donation under Article 739 cannot
INSURABLE INTEREST be named beneficiary of a life insurance policy
- A person is said to have insurable interest in the by a person who cannot make any donation to
subject matter insured where he has a relation him.
or connection with or concern in it that he will
derive pecuniary benefit or advantage from its Article 739. The following donations shall be
preservation and will suffer pecuniary loss or void:
damage from its destruction, termination, or 1. Those made between persons who were
injury by the happening of the event insured guilty of adultery or concubinage at the
against. time of the donation;
2. Those made between persons found guilty
IMPORTANCE OF THE INSURABLE INTEREST of the same criminal offense, in
- It is essential for validity and enforceability of consideration thereof;
the contract or policy. A policy issued to a 3. Those made to a public officer, or his wife,
person without interest in the subject matter is descendants and ascendants by reason of
a mere wager policy or contract. his office.

*The beneficiary need not have an insurable interest RULE ON THE CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY
in the life of the insured. It must be the one insuring - The insured has the power to revoke the
who has an insurable interest in the life of the designation of the beneficiary even without the
person he is insuring. consent of the latter, whether or not such
power is reserved in the policy.
Castro vs. Insurance Commissioner
- Mere relationship of uncle and WHEN SUCH RIGHT IS LOST
nephew/employer and employee is not - Extinguished at death and cannot be exercised
sufficient to provide an insurable interest on the by his personal representatives or assignees.
life of the insured. - If it is expressly waived in the policy, the insured
has no power to make such change without the
consent of the beneficiary.

Reference: Ateneo Notes

7|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
- Article 43 FC: The termination of subsequent - Every interest in property, whether real or
marriage produces the following effects: (4) The personal, or any relation thereto, or liability in
innocent spouse may revoke the designation of respect thereof, of such nature that a
the other spouse who acted in bad faith as a contemplated peril might directly damnify the
beneficiary in any insurance policy even if such insured.
designation be stipulated as irrevocable.
- Article 64 FC: After the finality of the decree of Harvardian Colleges vs. Country Bankers Insurance
legal separation, the innocent spouse may - The test in determining insurable interest in
revoke the designation of the offending spouse property is whether one will derive pecuniary
as beneficiary in any insurance policy. The benefit or advantage from its preservation and
revocation or change in the designation of the will suffer pecuniary loss or damage from its
insurance beneficiary shall take effect upon destruction, termination or injury by the
written notification to the insured. happening of the event insured against.
- Article 50 FC: The effects provided for in
paragraph 4 of Article 43 shall also apply in the Section 14 – An insurable interest on property
proper cases to marriages which are declared may consist in:
void ab initio or annulled by final judgment a. An existing interest;
under Article 4 and 45. b. An inchoate interest founded on an existing
interest; or
Section 12 – The interest of a beneficiary in a life c. An expectancy coupled with an existing
insurance policy shall be forfeited when the interest in that out of which the expectancy
beneficiary is the principal, accomplice or arises.
accessory in wilfully bringing about the death of
the insured; in which event, the nearest relative
An existing interest: Is the legal or equitable title on
of the insured shall receive the proceeds of said
the property.
insurance if not otherwise qualified.
An inchoate interest: An interest which has not yet
WHO ARE THE NEAREST RELATIVES ripened, such as the interest of a stockholder in the
Those related to the decedent in the order property of the corporation which he owns stocks.
mentioned in the rules of intestate succession such
as: Expectancy: The expectancy must be coupled with
1. The legitimate children; an existing interest in that, out of which such
2. The mother and father, if living; expectancy arises, e.g. a farmer insuring future crops
3. The grandfather and grandmother; or that will grow on his land, or workman insuring the
ascendants nearest in degree, if living; building which he was contracted to repair.
4. The illegitimate children;
5. The surviving spouse; and Zenith Insurance vs. Insurance Commissioner
6. The collateral relatives, to wit: - Mere possession of an equitable title, like that
a. Brothers and sisters of the full blood pertaining to the buyer, gives rise to insurable
b. Brothers and sisters of the half-blood interest in the property in which such title
c. Nephews and nieces inheres.
7. In default of the above, the State shall be
entitled to receive the insurance proceeds.
Section 15 – A carrier or depository of any kind
*If there is remaining beneficiaries named who are has an insurable interest in a thing held by him as
qualified, the proceeds must be paid to them since such, to the extent of his liability but not to
the insurance contract is the law between the
exceed the value thereof.
parties. Section 12 applies only if there is no
stipulation as to who are the other beneficiaries.
The loss of the thing may make the carrier or
Section 13 – Every interest in property, whether depositary liable to the owner of the goods, to the
real or personal, or any relation thereto, or extent of the value of the goods, and the law
liability in respect thereof, of such nature that a therefore allows such a carrier or depositary to
contemplated peril might directly damnify the insure his possible liability therefor.
insured, is an insurable interest.

Reference: Ateneo Notes

8|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
Amount of insurable interest: Up to the extent of his their merchandise since the insurable interest
liability and not to exceed the value of the thing. remains with the insured – the spouses.
- The automatic assignment of the policy to the
Section 16 – A mere contingent or expectant lessor in the lease contract is void for being
contrary to law and public policy
interest in anything, not founded on an actual
right to the thing, nor upon any valid contract for Section 18 – No contract or policy of insurance
it, is not insurable. on property shall be enforceable except for the
benefit of some person having an insurable
*Mere hope or expectation of a benefit which may
interest in the property insured.
be frustrated by the happening of some event
uncoupled with any present legal right will not
support a contract of insurance. *No insurable interest, no contract of insurance.

Example: A son cannot insure the property of his Sharuff and Co. vs. Baloise Fire Insurance Co.
father which he expects to inherit from the latter or a - The subsequent partnership did not alter the
husband insuring the paraphernal property of his composition of the firm. The people involved
wife: the reason being that their interest is merely an are actually the same. The change in the firm
expectancy of inheriting, and the rights to succession name was not made to defraud the insurance
are transmitted only from the moment of the death company or some other person.
of the decedent.
Section 19 – An interest in property insured must
Section 17 – The measure of an insurable exist when the insurance takes effect, and when
interest in the property is the extent to which the the loss occurs, but need not exist in the
insured might be damnified by the loss or injury meantime; and the interest in the life or health
thereof. of a person insured must exist when the
insurance takes effect, but need not exist
Rationale: It is against public policy to profit from a thereafter or when the loss occurs.
“In the meantime” – during the intervening period
Note: Anything that reduces or diminishes the loss, between the time of effectivity and the time of loss.
reduces and diminishes the amount which the
insurer is bound to pay, i.e. if the person at fault paid WHEN MUST INSURABLE INTEREST EXIST
the insured for the damage caused, notwithstanding a. Life Insurance – at the time the insurance takes
the insurance; hence, the insurer is only bound to effect, but it need not exist thereafter or when
pay the remaining balance, if any. the loss occurs.
b. Property Insurance – at the time the insurance
Ang Ka Yu vs. Phoenix Assurance takes effect and at the time of the loss, but it
- A person having a mere possession of the need not exist in the meantime.
property may insure it to its full value and in his
own name, even when he is not responsible for Section 20 – Except in cases specified in the next
its safekeeping. The reason is that even if he is
four sections, and in the case of life, accident and
not interested in the safety and preservation of
such because it belongs to a third person, said health insurance, a change of interest in any part
person still has insurable interest because he of a thing insured, unaccompanied by a
stands either to benefit from their continued corresponding change of interest in the
existence or to be prejudiced by their insurance, suspends the insurance to an
destruction. equivalent extent, until the interests in the thing
and the interest in the insurance are vested in
Cha vs. Cha
the same person.
- Insurable interest in the property insured must
exist at the time the insurance takes effect and
at the time the loss occurs. Rationale: To provide against changes which might
- The lessor cannot validly be the beneficiary of supply a motive to destroy the property or might
the fire insurance policy taken by Sps. Cha over

Reference: Ateneo Notes

9|P age NOTES IN INSURANCE Bem Jamison
lessen the interest of the insurer in protecting and Section 24 – A transfer of interest by one of
guarding it.
several partners, joint owners, or owners in
“Change of interest”: Absolute transfer of the common, who are jointly insured, to the others,
property insured such as the conveyance of the does not avoid the insurance, even though it has
property insured by means of an absolute deed of been agreed that the insurance shall cease upon
sale. the alienation of thing insured.

Rationale: The interest is transferred to a co-
- The mere transfer of the thing insured does not
partner; hence, the transfer does not affect the risk
transfer the policy but suspends it until the
because no new party is brought into the
same person becomes the owner of both the
contractual relationship with the insurer.
policy and the thing insured.
Exception: If the policy contains the stipulation that
“In case of ANY sale or transfer or change of title of
any property insured by this company, or of any
Where a change of interest does not suspend the
undivided interest therein, such insurance will be
void and cease”
1. Life, health, and accident insurance
2. Change of interest in the thing insured occurs
after the injury which results in the loss.
- Contract will be avoided because the risk is
3. Change of interest in one or more of several
already affected since a new party is brought
things separately insured by one policy.
into the contract of insurance.
4. Change of interest by will or succession on the
- Ends the contract of insurance only as to the
death of the inured.
interest of the transferor and does not affect
5. Transfer of interest by one of several partners,
the insurance of the other partners, joint
joint owners or owners in common who are
owners or co-owners.
jointly insured, to the other.

Section 25 – Every stipulation in a policy of

Section 21 – A change in interest in a thing
insurance for the payment of loss whether the
insured, after the occurrence of an injury which
person insured has or has not any interest in the
results in a loss, does not affect the right of the
property to be insured, or that the policy shall be
insured to the indemnity for the loss.
received as proof of such interest, and every
policy executed by way of gaming or wagering, is
Section 22 – A change in interest in one or more VOID.
of several distinct things, separately insured by
one policy, does not avoid the insurance as to
the others. THIS SECTION
1. Stipulation for the payment of loss whether or
*If the two or more things are not separately valued not the insured has any interest in the subject
in the policy and the premium was meant to cover matter of the insurance (except life insurance)
both or all things, the sale of one thing affects the Reason: Insurable interest is a requisite of a valid
insurance of the others. contract of insurance. Lack of this avoids the
Section 23 – A change in interest, by will or
2. Stipulation that the policy will be received as
succession on the death of the insured, does not
proof of insurable interest
avoid the insurance; and his interest in the Reason: Insurer is permitted to show lack of
insurance passes to the person taking his insurable interest even after the issuance of the
interest in the thing insured. policy (Section 83)

Reference: Ateneo Notes

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