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Natural Disaster ; Punishment or Test?

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful.All thanks and praises are due
to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, our beloved Prophet
Muhammad SAW. In this blessed morning, I stand here before you with Islamic

Assalamuala’ikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Thank you to the Master of Ceremony, honorable judges with undeniable

integrity, wise time keeper, respected teachers and friends.

Today, I would like to deliver a speech entitled “Natural Disaster ; Punishment or

Let us find out what is the meaning of natural disaster. According to Oxford
Dictionaries,natural is existing in nature; not made or caused by humans
meanwhile disaster means an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a
flood, or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage.

Punishment is an act or a way of punishing someone by Oxford Dictionary. Test is

a situation or an event that shows how good and strong somebody or something is.

We humans have come a long way. It would indeed seem that we have the ultimate
hold over nature. But this misconception is overturned every time we are faced
with the wrathful power of nature, in the form of natural disasters.

We, humans are not all-powerful. We are the creation of The All-Powerful and are
His servants. When we live our lives with this understanding, we are humble in our
power and use the gifts we’re given from Him to make the world a better place, not
to destroy it. 
As God says about the believers, 

“And those who keep their trusts and covenants… They will be the inheritors of
the highest paradise and will dwell therein forever” (Quran 23:8, 10-11).

The world, however, is not all evil. Beside all these negative things we also see
wisdom, growth and progress. We also see goodness among people, faith,
sincerity, and the spirit of sacrifice.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Point number one which is punishment. The punishment of Allah for those people
who are either disbelievers or cross His limits. On different instances in the holy
Quran Allah SWT has clarified that natural disasters result from His disobedience.
Some of these instances are as follows:

And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands

have earned. And He pardons much. (Ash-Shura 42:30)
Natural disasters are warnings for those who are sinners. This fact has also been
elaborated in the holy Quran. Some of the instances are as follows. Allah SWT
showed his signs to Pharaoh in the form of natural disasters and calamities before
final punishment so that he may reform himself. This fact has been revealed in the
Holy Quran in the following manner,

And indeed We punished the people of Fir’aun (Pharaoh) with years of drought
and shortness of fruits that they might remember.(Al-A’raf 7:130)

Point number two ; natural disasters are one of Allah’s way to show His Mercy.
Recently, we rocked by natural disasters in the form of a hurricane called
Hurricane Lekima has happened in our country. 

As a result of the storm and high winds, a total of nine mosques throughout Kedah
reportedly damaged the roof and dome damaged than some schools and education
institutions in the States affected such as Perlis, Pahang and Terengganu were
damaged as a result of Hurricane Lekima. Therefore, we express our sympathy for
the victims and condolences to the family members of those affected.
Indeed, it is a test of fate and God for His servants is weak and not able to stop
him, as he says in the letter At Tawbah verse 51:

"Say: 'Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our
protector, and (the belief) in Allah let the believers put their trust "(Surah At-
Tawbah: 51).

Point number three ; as Muslims, we must believe that every form of misfortune or
disaster is a test and love of God towards his servants. We must never give up and
ignore the rules and statutes of God. As word of the Prophet Muhammad in
reminding about the state of the believers when misfortune. 

Meaning: "From Abi Bin Yahya Suhaib bin Sinan reported that the Prophet said:"
What a marvelous state of believers, because all (the believers) condition (take)
advantage 8 (for him), and this only in a believer; if he got pleasure she will be
grateful, then that is good for him, and if he touches him will be patient, then it is
good for him "(Narrated by Muslim)

Members of the floor,

Point number four ; natural disaster is a test to field test our love to our brothers
who were afflicted. We live in the world that we need each other.

Imam Muslim narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: Which means:
"From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said:" Whoever relieves a believer of
distress, Allah will relieve him of distress on the Day of Judgment. Those who
facilitate the affairs of others, Allah will make easy for him in this world and the
hereafter. Whoever conceals (disgrace) his Muslim brother, Allah cover (disgrace)
him in this world and the hereafter. God has always helped his servant for his
servant aids his brother "(Narrated by Muslim). Therefore, as Muslims we need to
be concerned and help our brothers who are in trouble. It is hablun minannas the
effort to maintain the relationship between humans and other creatures.

Ending my speech on this day, let us live up to the formulation of my speech :

First: We believe that every incident or disaster is a test and warning applicable to
the power of God.

Second: Have compassion and concern for the victims and extend all forms of help

Third: Recognizing the wisdom behind the disaster by taking the opportunity to
repent and realize for any errors and mistakes made.

With that, I end my speech for today with wabillahi taufik wal
hidayah..wassalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakaatuh.

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