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Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) is an integration of HRM and Information

(IS). HRIS or Human resource Information system helps HR managers perform HR functions in
more effective and systematic way using technology. It is the system used to acquire, store,
manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent information regarding an
human resources. A human resource information system (HRIS) is a system used to acquire,
store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent information about an organization's
human resources. The HRIS system is usually a part of the organization's larger management
information system (MIS) which would include accounting, production, and marketing
functions, to
name just a few. Human resource and line managers require good human resource information to
facilitate decision-making. An extensive study by Towers Perrin study revealed the
benefits of,


Information is an important and critical resource in any organization. In this context, the management of
human resources (HR) with the help an information technology based system has resulted in the evolution
of human resource information system (HRIS). This system helps organizations in supporting and
improving the communicational process by significantly reducing the cost and time of human resource
management (HRM) activities. The complicated operations necessary for hiring and retaining top
performers and improving productivity with improved job satisfaction of the employees becomes much
simpler by adopting HRIS. As the implementation of HRIS in some organizations has helped them in
their strategic HRM by improving their HR practices through increasing competitiveness and re-
engineering the entire HR functions (Beckers and Bsat, 2002; Ngai and Wat, 2006), it has also influenced
many organizations, including banks to implement HRIS for effective management of their HR. Although
HRM functions vary across organizations to a large extent, they are similar in nature, as far as the overall
structure is concerned. However, the effectiveness of HRIS along different HR functions might vary
depending on the compatibility of the system with the organizational culture. The structure of HRIS is a
critical factor affecting the performance of an organization. This structure requires the objectives, goals
and strategies of the organization to be in alignment with the design of its HRIS. Apart from its hardware
configuration, HRIS design influences its evolutionary growth in the organization when it takes into
consideration employee satisfaction associated with the system from the beginning to the end. Although
many such systems were directly procured from vendors and implemented for getting positive results,
some of them were truly designed as per the requirement of the organizations. Infact, the implemented
systems were also re-designed after the initial implementation, which was followed by getting feedback
from the stakeholders. However, in order to optimize the effectiveness of HRIS as a whole, there is a need
to know as to how the system achieves users’ satisfaction across various HRM functions. This will help in
modifying the system that will bring maximum employee satisfaction by improving HR practices in the
organization. In this paper, we develop a methodology to assess the effectiveness of HRIS at the State
Bank of India (SBI) in Bhubaneswar city of Odisha. At first, we identify the factors contributing to
employee satisfaction, if HRIS is properly implemented. Then, we apply a multi-criteria decision-making
based methodology to assess the satisfaction level of the employees with the HRIS of the SBI in those
factors across four major HR functions. These values are the contribution of these factors in employee
satisfaction and hence, will be helpful in enlightening the management of SBI to take necessary steps in
order to make the system more effective.


3.2 Research Question

1) How effective and efficiently does the HRIS recruiting application in the organisational planning.
2) How effective and efficiently does the Human Resource Planning HRIS recruiting application in the
organisational planning.
3) How effective and efficiently is the use of HRIS Corporate Communication application in the
) To study the Effectiveness of HRIS Recruitment application in the organisation. 2) To explore the
contribution of Human Resource Information System in Human Resource Planning. 3) To study the use
of Human Resource Information System in corporate communication.


Payroll – This is the most common feature of any HRIS, and included in any of them. A variety of payroll
systems exist in an HRIS including some that are fully automated and synced with external time clocks
and others that allow each employee to enter their time into the system for managerial approval. When
looking for an HRIS be sure that the payroll feature it includes is fully 78 functional and includes the
ability to review payroll information quickly as well as any other additional features your specific HRIS
needs may call for.

Benefits Administration – Some figures state that an HR employee could spend as much as forty percent
of their time managing employee benefits. A great HRIS can eliminate the majority of this time
completely. Many HRIS programs will even allow each employee to manage their own benefits, adding a
spouse to their insurance or checking the total of their FSA when they want without having to bother HR
at all. If you offer employee benefits you shouldn't invest in an HRIS that doesn't provide you with
benefits administration options, and taking it a step further and investing in an HRIS that allows
employee self-service will help your company even more.

Training Systems – With the extra time an HRIS will give your HR department, they'll likely be able to
devote more time and energy into developing training strategies to improve your workforce. An HRIS
with a training system will allow your HR department to track and manage all aspects of employee
training and is a great feature to have in any HRIS.

Recruiting – Your HRIS will also allow your HR department more time to focus on their recruitment
efforts. New hires are valuable, but the recruitment process can be complex. A good HRIS will provide
many different features designed to help your HR department manage each step of the recruitment
phase with ease. It's a vital component to any HRIS, and one that can really improve your overall ROI on
HR Metrics – The best HRIS will give you the chance to review a wealth of data about your company and
your employees. This feature gives you the ability to see where your company thrives and where it
struggles and lets you develop new strategies for improving your company.

Critical Analysis

The general perception about HRIS is that the organization can do without its
Hence only large companies have started using HRIS to complement its HR activities.

But HRIS would be very critical for organizations in the near future. This is because of a
number of reasons.

Large amount of data and information to be processed.

Project based work environment.

Employee empowerment.

Increase of knowledge workers & associated information.

Learning organization
But trends are changing for the better as more and more organizations realize the
importance of
IT and technology. Major HRIS providers are concentrating on the small and middle
organizations as well as large organizations for their products. They are also coming up
with very
specific software modules, which would cater to any of their HR needs.

4) Objective of study:

The objectives of this project report have been manifolds. In general the purpose of the project
is to
have in-depth analysis and knowledge (personal details) about all the employees
of all the
departments. In a larger perspective the project aimed at finding out the complete details of the
employees, so that the HR department can contact them in the case of emergency or official
This study is the starting point for further analysis.

It is hoped that a more detailed study can use a survey instrument developed from the results
found here. Understanding how to teach.

HRIS is more important, as organizations require their employee’s details for

If a given HRIS is to have any value at all to HR then information should be based on two

How many decisions will be improved by the HRIS and

How much values will each improved decision produce.
Understanding these two factors is equivalent to any HRIS

Human Resource Information system is an integrated system designed to provide information

used in HR decision making it is a tool through which an HR department can take the
informations of the employees when company requires any personal or any official

Personnel Management and administration

Industrial management

Manpower management

Organizational management

Cordial employee relations.
HRIS is a new technique which is used in these different fields where HR can make there work
more easy with the help of Human Resource information system they can collect the information
providing them a form of the same format which includes there company details and personal
details also.

What is Human Resource and Information System?


Resources may be the most misunderstood of all corporate departments, but it's also the most
necessary. Those who work in
Resources are not only responsible for hiring and firing, they
also handle contacting job references and administering employee benefits.
It's true that any individual who works in
Resources must be a "people person." Since anyone
in this department deals with a number of employees, as well as outside individuals, on any
given day,
a pleasant demeanor is a must.
Managing employees is a major job, so those in
Resources must be equal to the task. Ten or
twenty years ago,
Resources personnel were rarely seen. Instead they worked behind the
scenes to ensure personnel records were in order and employee benefits were being properly
administered, but the job stopped there. Today's
Resources personnel don't only handle small
administrative tasks. They are responsible for staffing major Corporation.


Human resources managers have a great deal of responsibility within their companies, so prior
experience in the human resources field is essential.
One of the key functions of a human resources manager is leading the company in developing,
implementing, and auditing personnel policies and procedures. In order to ensure the company
its compliance requirements, a human resources manager must have a solid understanding of
applicable local, national, and international employment and Labor Law .Human resources
are also tasked with ensuring that the company’s employees receive adequate training on the
company’s policies and procedures.

resource management's objective, on the other hand, is to maximize the return on investment
from the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk. It is the responsibility of
resource managers in a corporate context to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair,
consistent manner.

Other article The main objective of this study is to examine and analyze effect and effectiveness of
HRIS on the HR function of the organizations. Thus this research paper involves three research questions
that are: (1) What is the effect and the effectiveness of HRIS on HR functions of the organization? (2)
Whether HRIS has created an impact on the HR activities? (3) Has implementation of HRIS brought any
changes or development in the working environment of HR department?
Key functions

Human Resource Management

serves these key functions:

Recruitment & Selection

Training and Development

Performance Evaluation



Industrial and Employee Relations

Record keeping of all personal data.

Compensation, pensions, bonuses etc in liaison with Payroll

Confidential advice to internal 'customers' in relation to problems at work

Career development


A standardized system for collecting, recording, interpreting, analyzing, reporting, and

disseminating data so that the data are available to be used for making critical management

In a general sense, the term Information System refers to a system of people, data records and
activities that process the data and information in an organization, and it includes the
organization's manual and automated processes.

In a narrow sense, the term information system refers to the specific application software that is
used to store data records in a computer system and automates some of the information-
processing activities of the organization.
Computer-based information systems are in the field of information technology.
Information systems support different types of decisions at different levels of the organizational

Major types of Information systems include structural databases and information

management software.

Information system refers broadly to a computer-based system that provides

managers with the tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently running their departments.
In order to provide past, present and prediction information, Information System can include
software,that helps in decision making, data resources such as databases, the hardware,
resources of a system,decision support systems, people management and project management
applications, and any computerized processes that enable the department to run efficiently.

Within companies and large organizations, the department responsible for computer systems
is sometimes called the Management Information System department.


An integrated system designed to provide information used in HR decision making.

The Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) provide overall:

Management of all employee information. Reporting and analysis of employee
information. Company-related documents such as employee handbooks, emergency
evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines.

Benefits administration including enrollment, status changes, and personal information

Complete integration with payroll and other company financial software and accounting

Applicant and resume management

The HRIS that most effectively serves companies tracks:

Attendance and PTO use,

Pay raises and history,

Pay grades and positions held,

Performance development plans,

Training received,

Disciplinary action received,

Personal employee information, and occasionally,

Management and key employee succession plans,

High potential employee identification, and

Applicant tracking, interviewing, and selection.
An effective HRIS provides information on just about anything the company needs to track and
analyze about employees, former employees, and applicants. company need to select a
Human Resources Information System and customize it to meet our needs.

With an appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables employees to do their own
benefits,updates and address changes, thus freeing HR staff for more strategic functions.
Data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career growth and
development, and equal treatment is facilitated.

Finally, managers can access the information they need to legally, ethically, and effectively
support thesuccess of their reporting employees.

Company History

The said CTC package consists of the following elements






Super annuation

Superannuation age is 60 years. Retirement will be on 31st day of March you the completion of 58
years of age.


HRA – 30 % of the Basic Salary

Conveyance Allowance – Provided as per grade of the Employee

Educational Allowance – Employees of S-3 grade and above will be entitled to education
allowance per month as per an amount applicable to grade.

Subscription Allowance – Employees M-1 Grade and above

All employees are entitled to the payment of gratuity on completion of continuous 5 years
of service.

Gratuity Payable

(Basic + DA) * 15 * no of services / 26

Attendance Policy
Wearing of ID Card on Duty
Everyone is requested to mandatory display their ID Cards by wearing the same on duty

Daily Bio-Metric Attendance Registration for both IN & OUT
Everyone is requested to mandatory register their attendance daily in the Bio-metric Attendance
System for both IN (while coming to Office) & OUT (while leaving for the day). Single Attendance
registration will not be considered as Present for the day
Employees going on Outdoor Duty (Entire Day/1SThalf/2ndHalf)

The hard copy of the Outdoor Duty Forms (Annexure-1) should be handed over to the HR Dept.
(Mr. Mukund Sansare) authorized by the Head of concerned department or Immediate Superior
prior to proceeding on such OD .in extreme exigencies such forms can be given immediately on
the next working day. The employee should clearly mention the period/timings of OD for 1
STand 2ndHalf of the day. Please also note ht delay in submission of the same will not be considered.

Employees leaving early or coming late (for 2 hours concession)
The hard copy of early going/Late Coming Forms (Annexure-2) should be handed over to the HR
Dept (Mr. Mukund Sansare) authorized by the head of concerned department or Immediate
Superior prior to availing such concession. The employee should clearly mention the
period/timings for the said concession. Please also note that delay in submission of the same will
not be considered.

Employees going on Leave
The existing procedure in this regard of sanctioning leave from their Dept,head in the Leave card
shall remain unchanged.

Research Methodology
In order to understand and achieve the objective of the project and to have an in depth knowledge
about the chosen topic of interest it was important to gather the relevant data from various sources.
To accomplish the objective of project, data collected from secondary sources.


Secondary data are the data that are collected by others and is to be "re-used" by the researcher. The
most common sources of secondary data today are books, research journals, internet etc.
To accomplish the objective of this work, secondary sources of data collection were used.
To collect the data, questions were circulated on internet, on a community of HR practioners
and professionals. The purpose was to find the practical application, use and satisfaction derived by
the organization from using these psychometric tools. The various sources from which secondary data
was gathered included numbers of journals, research papers and the internet search
engines,magazines etc.

To sum up and conclude, it helps the HR department to meet the challenge of more than thousand
Many companies have seen a need to transform the way Human Resource operations are
performed in order to keep up with new technology and increasing numbers of employees.
The human intelligence is closely related with the human experience and decision making skills which is
strongly backed by information's.
Now a day's in every field of human working right information is considered as
the most important resource of good decision making. although there was difficulty adapting to a new
way of recordkeeping this but HRIS made it so much easier with a system and it do a lot for us we
don’t always have to visit in the cabinet of other employee for there file just to get the information.These
are the new management tricks to get all the information of other departments

Research findings clearly show that HR executives are well aware that they can increase the efficiency of
HR planning through HRIS, saving time and cost. However, findings do not support the premise that HRIS
increases the efficiency of HR planning other than in functional work such as job analysis. Organisations
should identify the strategic value and competitive advantage that they can gain through HRIS in HR
planning. Strategic planning linked with the HRIS can make the organization efficient for merger,
acquisition and takeover. An effective HRIS solution coupled with a thoughtful succession planning policy
can rapidly boost your organizational performance HRIS outcomes can be applied wherever possible as
deemed fit by the HR professionals, going by their experiences. E-recruiting is not used fully since they
have more faith in traditional methods of recruiting. 187 Corporate Communication through HRIS could
build up strong organization culture, which has been least bother in the organization. Human Resource
Information System will help the organization in building corporate image.


 Creating a holistic platform for learning with digital classrooms, science labs, and rural libraries
 Setting up model Anganwadis operating under the Government’s Integrated Child Development Scheme
 Organizing vocational training for first-generation learners from rural India to increase employability
through Magic Bus Programme
 Facilitating scholarships for the meritorious students through National Securities Depository Limited
 Facilitating capacity strengthening for teachers and introducing innovative pedagogical tools
 Facilitating the distribution of mid-day meals at rural schools through Akshaya Patra and ISKCON
 Infrastructure development including construction of classrooms, toilets/water stations and provisioning of
furniture and study material
 Promotion of engagement in sports by the distribution of equipment and organizing trainings
 Remedial classes for lagging students
 Governed by Jindal Education Trust, 8 operational CBSE-affiliated Jindal Vidya Mandir Schools with an
aim to provide quality and holistic education to children of JSW employees and the community. For more
information, please visit:
 Set up the Tamanna School in 2008, which provides quality education and services to specially-abled
children. The vision of the school is to provide students the opportunity to fulfill their potential and lead
independent lives with self-respect and dignity. The pedagogy focuses on the holistic development of the
student while working on early childhood intervention, special education, individualized education
programs, and physiotherapy & speech therapy. The initiative also provides a special space for nurturing
students’ growth through arts & crafts, sports & games, dance, drama, and music.

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