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Name: Mahdiya Baktyer Ahmed | ID: 191 011 097

Instruction: Self-Assessment Online Assignment (Individual submission)

(Total Marks 30)

Step-1: Assess your skill sets (for the given skills in following sections) and fill out Table 1.
Step-2: Recommend areas of improvement (for the given skills in the following sections) with justification and fill out Table 2.
Step-3: Discuss applicable methods of skills development (for the given skills in the following sections) for you and fill out Table 3.

Mode of submission: Individually submit using Google Classroom (Assignment Submission Option).
Use your ID as the submitted file name and please write your NAME & ID at the top of the first page of your submitted file.
Deadline: Sunday, April 19, 2020 (9:00 pm)

1. Table 1: Self Skill assessment

Skill assessed Conclusions Methods of assessment; justification of conclusion (How

did you come to your conclusions?).
1. Emotional Intelligence I am an emotionally I am able to identify and manage my own emotions, and those
intelligent person. of the people around me. I came upon the existence and
understanding of the term ‘empathy’ early on, and I have
always strived to be an empathetic person.
2. Tolerance of Ambiguity My tolerance for ambiguity A most recent example is when one of my faculty assigned me
is subpar at best, with lots to complete an assignment, and he provided extremely vague
of room for improvement. instructions. I was extremely frustrated by this, and when my
final submission received only criticism, my first instinct was to
blame the faculty and his lack of instructions/guidance.
3. Time Management I have a good grasp of time I procrastinate a lot. Not as much as I used to in my early years,
management in ‘some’ but still more than I would like to at this point in life. I tend to
aspects of my life. But think too much of my own ability at times and face instances
there are many instances when I panic as the deadline approaches, since I have not
where I am lacking. started the work yet.
4. Analytical Skills My analytical skills are of When faced with a problem, my first point of action is to collect
moderate strength and analyze the available information. Based on that I come up
with possible decisions to be made and the outcome of the
respective decisions. I say ‘moderate’ because I tend to rely
upon the advice and or suggestion of others, hinting a slight lack
of confidence on my own decision-taking ability. I am also
impulsive at times, and do and/so say things without giving
much to the consequences.
5. Creative Skills I am not entirely sure how I was a rebel to some extent in my teenage years and got into
to judge this aspect of lots of troubling situations. I was able to use my wit and
myself. There are some creativity to get out of trouble. I am not a rebel now, but still am
instances where I am able able to bypass situations that put me at a disadvantage with
to exhibit high creative creativity.
skills, and some where I I prefer theory to conceptual. A good example is the midterms
struggle with creativity. So and final exams questions with the popular trend of focusing on
maybe, moderate. conceptual questions. If I lack confidence in the subject, I am
most like to struggle with my answers.

6. Communication Skills My communications skills I don’t like drama in my life, and the best way to avoid that is to
are strong, and I would have as few moments of ‘miscommunication’ as possible. I am
strongly agree with that able to communicate my thoughts and opinions to people
statement clearly. I am a very good listener, and I am acutely aware of
moments when I should and should not speak.

2. Table 2: Area of Improvement

Skills to develop Current Expected level Which areas Expected benefit from these
assessed level required you need to improvements (What are the
professionally focus for potential professional benefits
improvement? for improving these areas?).
1. Emotional Intelligence strong Definitely, strong I need to focus -Continuing to try to understand
on not letting my my emotions better, as well
current situations that incite certain
assessment get emotions will give me a better
to my head. understanding of myself, in the
Overconfidence present and in the future.
in my skills when -Continuing to be aware of the
only cause the emotions of people around me,
strength to will help me limit/reduce
become a unsavory interactions and/or
weakness. situations.
2. Tolerance of Ambiguity weak Also strong. Since I need to learn to -Maintaining calm in the face of
life is full of remain calm in uncertainty will increase the
uncertainty. any and all likelihood of desired result.
situations. -Being resourceful and vocal
I need to be about seeking solutions will better
more resourceful equip me for my career in the
in such Human Resource Management
situations, and field.
be vocal about
seeking answers.
Rather than
whining about
the frustrations
caused by the
3. Time Management weak Strong I need to focus -Focusing on creating a routine for
on creating a myself will help me be more
routine for efficient in setting goals for myself
myself. and achieving them.
I need to focus -The development of my career
on creating goals cannot and will not tolerate
and actively procrastination, hence
working towards understanding this shortcoming
achieving them. and successfully overcoming in
I need to remove will aid in career growth.
the word
from my life’s
4. Analytical Skills moderate Strong -Curb my -Both line of actions mentioned
impulsive will help me become a better
reactions and candidate for my future employer.
responses, since - I will better equipped for my
nothing good has eventual career in the Human
ever come of Resource Management field.
them. -They will help me to tackle
-Aim to foster situations/problems in a more
confidence in my effective and efficient manner.
5. Creative Skills moderate Strong/moderate -There’s a fine -Keeping in line with the society’s
depending on the line between accepted ethical and moral
type of profession I being witty and standards will prevent me from
choose to be in. being deceptive. being in a compromising situation.
So, I must strive -With the hopes of occupying the
to foster and position of a manager during the
maintain my course of my career, I will have to
ethical and moral be an example to my subordinates
standards. and colleagues.
-I need to work -Being able to conceptualize
on improving my various situations and problems,
conceptualization will help me in identifying the
ability solutions and course of actions
that needs to be taken or
6. Communication Skills strong Definitely, strong I need to focus -Strong communications will help
on not letting my me convey my thoughts, ideas,
current opinions, course of action in my
assessment get personal as well as professional
to my head. life.
Overconfidence -Networking is a huge must now
in my skills will for career development, so strong
only cause the communications skills will help me
strength to to connect with various people
become a and maintain those connections.

3. Table 3: Method of improvement

Skills to develop Methods to develop (In what specific and Assessment of progression/feedback
practical way(s) you want to improve?) method (How exactly do you propose to
evaluate your success/improvement?).
1. Emotional Intelligence 1. Foster a positive attitude 1. Start a gratitude journal
2. Practice self-awareness 2. Keep tabs on whether I have had control of
… emotions or whether I let my emotions
control me. Self reflect and come up with

2. Tolerance of Ambiguity 1. Taking part in competitions- ex: BizWiz 1. Such competitions will allow me to obtain
2. Visit a foreign country with an unfamiliar third person objectives from judges or
language coordinators, and will give me a better
… understanding on areas I need to improve.
2. Since, the language is unfamiliar, I will
have to make some effort to learn some key
words for my travel, taking a class to learn
that language will help me to better assess
my learning ability.
Once I am there, how well I was able to
adapt to the new environment and enjoy me
travel would provide feedback on this course
of action.

3. Time Management 1. Setting goals 1. When I know where I am going, I can
2.Scheduling figure out what exactly needs to be done,
3. Procrastination should not be an option and in what order. Whether or not I achieved
… my goals in the pre-planned manner will help
me figure out whether this has worked to my
benefit or not.
2. Scheduling will help me keep me on track
and protect me from stress. Assessing this
course of action daily will help me to
measure its effectiveness.
3. Whether I was able to complete the work
assigned to me in a timely manner without
giving in to panic, will confirm my decision to
forgo procrastination.

4. Analytical Skills 1. Surround myself with different 1. Interacting with various people will help
personalities me come across various interactions where
2. Play Brain-teaser games, such as Sudoku, I’ll need to utilize my analytical skills to foster
chess etc. the interactions
2. Being able to rise up the levels in terms of
difficulty will provide me with feedback

5. Creative Skills 1. Try something I have never done before – 1. Feedback will be gotten from my family
Cooking and whether they were able to consume the
2. Learn Graphic Designing meals I made.
… 2. Join Creative IT and do the online courses
offered there, then judge my progress based
on the courses completed and result

6. Communication Skills 1. Develop my listening skills 1. There’s a website called ‘blahtherapy’,
2. Engage more with my readers in my blog where the user can assume the role of a
… ‘venter’ or ‘listener’, based on how my
3. Learn to understand and interpret body communication/interaction will go with each
languages. venter, I’ll get a better understanding of my
listening skills.
2. For my blog, I can request for feedback
from my readers on pieces I wrote, and
discussions I initiated.
3. Practice it on my friends and family first,
and then get feedback from them.

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