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We can say you are a veteran of the industry, so we you joined guardian, was that a new leaf in your

career, did you want to do anything differently?

I started my career back in 1991. When I joined insurance industry, I did not have the idea of what I
could do and contribute to the industry, and how long I would sustain in the industry. But after joining
this industry with my mentors I understand that this is a very vital industry for sustainable development
of economy and also to bring social safety at large. To understand the importance of this industry I
devoted myself without looking for other opportunities to focus on this industry. I tried to deliver the
best expectations that people needs to know and expect from the industry. From that point of view,
when I joined guardian, I was carrying almost two and half decades of experience. Although my career I
have an aspiration to deliver the best, giving the best service to the customers, but there was a
challenge. When you are working somewhere and you are in second or third position, sometimes your
idea cannot be turned into reality, because you have to convince the CEO along with the board, to do
something. Sometimes you feel challenged in the bottom line. When Guardian __ (2.14) approaches me,
and when I understood their vision behind formulating this company Guardian Life. When I came to
know that the sponsors of this company, the Apex brand, they are much respected, they have a very
long track record on their commitment and ethical business practice in Bangladesh. When they told me
that they want to set up this company to make this company as one of the trusted life insurance
company, and morse (2.54?) ethical practice they want to do in this company, then I thought this is an
opportunity for me to work with this company, where I can materialize my dream, where I can dedicate
myself. What I have dreamed to do in this industry as a CEO, I would be able to replicate that here. This
was the vital point for considering joining Guardian Life.

Throughout your experience, how do you think the sector has evolved, and do you believe that our
consumers match up to the idea of insurance?

Actually the way I thought this or dreamed this industry will play a vital roled

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