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Deakin STEM Scholarship 5 ‘Congratulations on being awarded the STEM scholarship. This scholarship is valued at 20% of the ‘The scholarship has been offered to you subject to the Terms and Conditions detaled below: " 11. The maximum value of the scholarship is 20% ofthe total indicative tution fee payable to Deakin stated in the offer letter 2. Thescholashipionly available forthe course duration indicate inthe offer letter forthe award course and will not be applied to stody beyond the normal duration ofthe course. Any approved credit transferor recognition reduces the number of creit points required to complete your course and therefore reduces the total value of {Your scholarship. Scholarship will not be applied to addtional credit points requited for course completion in the ‘event student ails nits 3, The scholarship wil not be applied to aditional credit points required for course completion nthe event that the “student fas, repeats units or adctional units are undertaken. Adcitional uns to complete the course willbe at Your own cost and the scholarship will not be applicable to these units 4, Thescholaships applicable tothe course detailed in the initial course Offer Letter. Course transfers need to be approved by the Unversity. Transfer of scholarship tothe new course willequire Unversity approval. Inthe event ‘of an approval, the schlarship wll normally only cover the remainder duration ofthe inal course and cannot be’ ‘etended should 2 tranefer to longer course be approved. Scholarship benefit will normally be reduce shoulda transfer toa shorter course be approved 55. The scholarship normally cannot be deferred from the commencement date inthe letter of offer and no benefits payable or financial credit accrued during any period of intermission 6. The scholarship ill not continue tobe applied to students who discontinue their studies at Deakin, Students wha apply for re-admision and wish to be considered for scholarship must re-apply for scholarship and/or meet the scholarship elgblty criteria based on their mast recent studies and have atleast &creit points to complete thee. Deakin course 7. The scholarship does not cover Overseas Student Health Cover or any other costs associated with you stdles at Deakin University 8. The value ofthe scholarship cannot be redeemed for direct payment tothe scholarship holder. Ifyou withdraw Within a refund period, the scholarship is not refundable 9. Meet the condition(s) of your Letter of Ofte (if applicable). A conditional offer ean only be accepted where the ‘conditions either aDUELI (Deakin University English Language Institue) course ar another pathway course offered ‘at Deakin University, Any other corltion(s) outlined in our Letter of Offer must be met prior to accepting this Scholarship 10, The scholarship will be allocate tothe recipient's enrolment record and wil be based on the number of envoled credit points alter each census date, Tuition fee invoices each trimester (shown in Deakin StudentConnect) wil not show the scholarship beneft unt after these dates. Students must ensue that fees ae paid by the invoice ‘de date. Please refer to the following census and invoice dates Scholarshi End of Apri Mid September Ely Januar ayments willbe recorded asa credit agalnst a students fee “Trimester 3-15 Decemb dent Vis, this scholarship for studying in complin ion and return to Deakin International at deakin-int admissions

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