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By Darlene Adoremos

During the early 19th century, women would wear dresses which skirts are long enough to reach
their ankles and sleeves that extend to the palm of theirs hands. Inside these dresses were corsets
to humbly exaggerate the shape of their bodies, bustles to emphasize their lower backs, and
petticoats worn as undergarments for the long skirt. This type of fashion is famously known to be
the “Victorian Era”. Since women were required to wear these types of traditional clothing, they
were also expected to act conservatively. The roles of women on this era were limited to 2 – to
keep their husbands happy and to tend their child/ren.

Image via

Hence, we are now in the 21st century, where men still enjoy the fact that they can control
women, what they wear, what they put on their faces, and who they communicate with. Doesn’t
that feel like the same old Victorian Era in the 19th century?

I once saw this tweet on Twitter wherein a man was seen putting a paper clamp on the blouse of
his girlfriend because it’s “too revealing”. This viral post didn’t stand a chance to a lot of
women, who, without hesitations, voiced out their opinions.
Image via Twitter
image via Twitter

Twitter has a long history of different debates regarding how women should dress up. Because of
these issues, women continue to educate and correct men on how they shouldn’t adjust for the
sake of not being catcalled nor raped. Unsurprisingly, these men, who were debating with
women on Twitter, would start being rude to them and call them names. Also saying that there
isn’t enough equality in a world full of women empowerment – they are always the ones who are
victims when it comes to being called out.

Some men are afraid that women might outshine them in all aspects of life. Since the 21st century
women are now strong headed, they start supporting each other to keep their heads high and to
become one in order to voice out their concerns to people who are mistreating them. Let us keep
being expressive on what we want and like, because this isn’t Victorian Era anymore.

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