HSE Plan Rev

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the EMP, EMoP of EIA as

12, and 14 have been

HSE plan need to be approved first before CT JV
TOC of all types of reports

team whether or not this is

Hasan and Md. Towhidullslam

13 October 2018



(LOT 1)

(CT Joint Venture)
(Lot 1)






Liao zeye
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Jiang Changjiang ~ ,­ ~
MANAGEMENT PLAN Technical Manager ~~;

P u, l-F,
Jiang Yafei

M~ ~(
Approved by
Project Manager
f·/.9.. 1


Document Status:



WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Revision Control Table

Description Date Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Health, Safety &

A Environment Plan (Part-A 11 March 2018 Liao zeye Jiang Changjiang Jiang Yafei
& Part-B)

Health, Safety &

22 September
B Environment Plan (Part-A Liao zeye Jiang Changjiang Jiang Yafei
& Part-B)

Health, Safety &

C Environment Plan (Part-A 28 October 2018 Liao zeye Jiang Changjiang Jiang Yafei
& Part-B)


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Table of Contents

ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM ................................................................................................... viii

Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE Plan)..................................................... 1

1 Document Purpose, Use and Administration ........................................................................ 1

Document Purpose and Application ............................................................................ 1

Document Status and Revision Control ....................................................................... 1

Document Owner, Approval and Accessibility ............................................................. 2

2 Project Overviews ..................................................................................................................... 2

General ........................................................................................................................ 2

Key Components Of The Works .................................................................................. 2

Project Construction Activities and Health, Safety & Environmental Aspects ............. 3

3 Part A: Health and Safety Plan ................................................................................................ 5

General ........................................................................................................................ 5

Scope of The Health and Safety Plan ......................................................................... 5

References (Legislations and Documentation) ............................................................ 6

Health ........................................................................................................................... 6

Safety ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.5.1 Health, Safety and EmlJronment Management Plan ............................................................ 6

3.5.2 Safety Officer .............................................................................................................................. 9

3.5.3 Personal Protective Equipment .............................................................................................. 9

Site Security ............................................................................................................... 10

Work on Interface with Existing Railway Track ....................................................... 11

3.7.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 11

3.7.2 Applicable Conditions ......................................................................................................... 11

ii | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3.7.3 Penalties for Delays in Block Release .................................................................................. 12

3.7.4 Extended Interface Block ........................................................................................................ 12

3.7.5 Interface Work at Completion Stage .................................................................................... 13

HIV-AIDS Prevention/Awareness Programme ......................................................... 13

3.8.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 13

3.8.2 Scope of Programme ........................................................................................................... 13

Health and Safety ...................................................................................................... 15

3.9.1 Supply of Foodstuffs ............................................................................................................... 16

3.9.2 Supply of Water ........................................................................................................................ 16

3.9.3 Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance ........................................................................ 17

Issuance and Authorized Change ............................................................................. 17

Principle of Health and Safety Management ............................................................. 17

Worksite Safety Measures ......................................................................................... 17

Goals to Achieve in Health and Safety Management ................................................ 18

Objectives and Targets .............................................................................................. 19

Health and Safety Rules ............................................................................................ 21

Safety Discipline ........................................................................................................ 23

Project Organization Structure ................................................................................... 24

Safety Operating Procedures .................................................................................... 31

Safety Training and Education Procedure ................................................................. 31

Safety Communication and Meeting Procedure ........................................................ 33

Safety Patrol / Inspection ........................................................................................... 36

Safety Improvement Procedure ................................................................................. 36

Measures for Compliance of CT-JVs ......................................................................... 37

Emergency Response Procedure .............................................................................. 40

iii | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4 Site Security and Access Control ......................................................................................... 44

General ...................................................................................................................... 44

Boundary Demarcation .............................................................................................. 44

Security Check ........................................................................................................... 44

Supervision / Monitoring of Health and Safety System ............................................. 46

Safety Operation and Safety Implementation Plan.................................................... 48

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) ......................................................................................... 48

Risks Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP) .................................................. 49

Safety Housekeeping, Sanitation and Hygiene Plan (HSHP) ................................... 57

Working at Height Safety Plan (WAHSP) .................................................................. 59

Scaffolding Safety Plan (SSP) ................................................................................... 65

Ladders and Lightweight Staging Safety Plan (LSP)................................................. 68

Equipment / Machinery .............................................................................................. 70

Plant and Equipment Inspection and maintenance Plan (PEMP) ............................. 71

Pressurized Equipment .............................................................................................. 72

Safety Plan for Powered Hand Tools (PHTP) ........................................................... 73

Safety Plan for Compressed Gas Cylinder Handling (CGHP) ................................... 77

Safety Plan for Welding and Cutting Plan (WCP)...................................................... 79

Heavy Lifting and Rigging Plan (LRP) ....................................................................... 85

Excavation Safety Plan (ESP) ................................................................................... 92

Demolition Safety Plan (DSP).................................................................................... 96

Confined Space Entry Safety Plan (CSSP) ............................................................... 97

Electrical Safety Plan (ESP) ...................................................................................... 99

Fire Prevention and Protection Plan (FPPP) ........................................................... 101

Air Emission Control (AEC) ..................................................................................... 102

iv | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Noise Control and Monitoring (NCM) ...................................................................... 103

Hazardous Substance and Materials Treatment Plan (HSMTP) ............................. 104

Chemical Management – Chemical Spill Prevention Plan (CSPP) ......................... 106

Site Traffic and Vehicles .......................................................................................... 108

Safety for Over Water Construction ......................................................................... 110

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation (Sun Exposure) .............................................................. 112

Biological Hazard and Controls ............................................................................... 114

5 Safety Officers ....................................................................................................................... 116

Safety Manager or Safety Officer ............................................................................ 116

6 Safety Reports and Notification of Accidents .................................................................... 118

Safety Documentation ............................................................................................. 118

Safety Reports ......................................................................................................... 120

Report and Investigation Procedure ........................................................................ 121

General Report ........................................................................................................ 121

Incident / Accident Investigation and Reporting ...................................................... 122

Safety Standards and Inspection for Plant and Equipment ..................................... 124

Work Schedule and Safety Instruction .................................................................... 125

7 Safety Equipment and Clothing........................................................................................... 125

Personal Protective Equipment Plan (PPEP) .......................................................... 125

Personal Protective Equipment ............................................................................... 126

Specification for Protective Clothing ........................................................................ 127

Other Safety Equipment .......................................................................................... 128

8 Safety Inspection .................................................................................................................. 128

In-House Safety Inspection Program ....................................................................... 128

Workplace Safety and Health Audit ......................................................................... 128


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Working near Existing Utility .................................................................................... 129

Working at Night ...................................................................................................... 130

Fencing and Indication of Working Area .................................................................. 130

Marine Work............................................................................................................. 130

9 First Aid Base ........................................................................................................................ 131

First Aid Boxes ......................................................................................................... 131

First Aid and Medical Requirement.......................................................................... 132

Medical and First Aid Facilities ................................................................................ 132

Medical Fitness Examination ................................................................................... 132

10 Safety Information and Training .......................................................................................... 133

Safety Information, Instruction and Training on the Job .......................................... 133

Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) Training and Education ........................................ 134

Safety Induction ....................................................................................................... 135

Safety Orientation .................................................................................................... 135

Specific Safety Training ........................................................................................... 135

Safety Training Facilities .......................................................................................... 136

11 Plant, Equipment and Qualified Personnel ........................................................................ 136

Safety Devices ......................................................................................................... 136

12 HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme ........................................................................................ 137

GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 137

Strategies for AIDS Prevention at the Workplace.................................................... 137

Control Measures at the Workplace ........................................................................ 138

HIV/AIDS Education for Construction Workers (Peer Education) ........................... 139

Health Certifications after Screening ....................................................................... 140

13 Temporary Traffic Control Plan / Navigational Safety Plan .............................................. 140

vi | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Purpose .................................................................................................................... 140

Traffic Control Scheme and Stage........................................................................... 140

Management Commitment ...................................................................................... 141

Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP) ................................................................... 141

Appendix – HSP - 01: Health and Safety Policy of CT-JV ........................................................... 143

Appendix-HSP-02: Objectives and Target Records .................................................................... 144

Appendix-HSP-03: Safety Patrol Inspection Report From .......................................................... 146

Appendix-HSP-04: Non-Conformance Reporting Procedure ..................................................... 147

Appendix-HSP-05: Non-Conformance Report (NCR) Form ........................................................ 149

Appendix-HSP-06: Emergency Response Flow Chart ................................................................ 151

Appendix-HSP-07: Crane Detail Inspection Checklist ................................................................ 153

Appendix-HSP-08: Incident / Near Miss Report ........................................................................... 156

Appendix-HSP-09: Incident / Accident Report ............................................................................. 158

Appendix -HSP-10: Monthly Safety Report .................................................................................. 161

Appendix -HSP-11: Risk Assessment and Management ............................................................ 165

Appendix-HSP-12: Countermeasure for Steel Superstructure Erection ................................... 175

Appendix-HSP-13: Countermeasure for Rebar Assembly and Concreting in High Position of

Bridge Piers ........................................................................................................................... 183

Appendix -HSP-14: Air Quality Monitoring and Contingency Plan ............................................ 184

Appendix -HSP-15: Noise Monitoring and Contingency Plan .................................................... 185

Appendix-HSP-16: Sample of Posters, Illustrations and Photos ............................................... 186

Appendix- HSP- 17: Safety Induction Training ............................................................................ 189

Appendic-HSP-18: Site Inspection Template ............................................................................... 196

Appendic-HSP-19: Site Organization Structure ........................................................................... 199

vii | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)


The following list shows the abbreviations and acronym used in this plan.

(In alphabetical order)


AEC Air Emission Control

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
BBS Behavioral Based Safety
BCA Building Construction Authority
CGHP Compressed Gas Cylinder Handling
CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
CSPP Chemicals Spill Prevention Plan
EFAW Emergency First Aid at Work
EHS Environmental, Health and Safety
EMS Environmental Management System
EOHS Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety
ESP Excavation Safety Plan
FPPP Fire Prevention Protection Plan
GCC General Conditions of Contract
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HSE Health Safety and Environment
HSHP Safety Housekeeping Sanitation and Hygiene Plan
HSMTP Hazardous Substance and Materials Treatment Plan
IMS Integrated Management System
ISO The International Organization for Standardization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
LRP Lifting Rigging Plan
LSP Ladders Safety Plan
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
NCM Noise Control and Monitoring
NCR Non-conformance Report
ODA Official Development Assistance
OHS/ O&HS Occupational Health and Safety

viii | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)


OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment

EMP Environmental Management Plan
HSP Health and Safety Plan
PHTP Safety Plan for Powered Hand Tools
PMP Project Management Plan
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PQAP Project Quality Assurance Plan
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QEHS Quality Environment Health and Safety
QMS Quality Management System
RAMP Risk Assessment and Management Plan
SM/SO Section Manager / Safety Officer
SSP Scaffolding Safety Plan
STIs Sexually Transmissible Infections
TBA To Be Assigned
TCP Traffic Control Plan
WASHP Working at Height Safety Plan
WCP Welding and Cutting Plan

The Employer: Bangladesh Railway

The Engineer: SMEC Joint Venture with CANARIL, SYSTRA & ACE Bangladesh In

Association with STRATEGI

The CT-JV: CT Joint Venture

ix | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE Plan)

1 Document Purpose, Use and Administration

Document Purpose and Application

This Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE Plan) describes the processes and
procedure adopted by CT JV to identify, manage and control health, safety and environmental
aspects and impacts associated with the Project.

Because of the labour-intensive nature and the potentially hazardous environment of construction
works, safety has always been important and pertinent concern of the CT-JV. Accidents not only
overshadow CT JV’s reputation but also endanger the lives of workers.

On the other part, the Project area contains significant environmental values, including
threatened flora species and significant amounts of native vegetation. The project also occurs
through hilly and forest areas. Environmental obligations for the project include compliance with
applicable environmental legislation and guidelines.

The CT-JV is committed to maintain a high level of excellence in health, safety and environmental
compliance and diligence. The Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE Plan)
has been prepared to align the construction of the project in respect to health, safety and
environmental issues.

Thus, the CT-JV has prepared this Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE
Plan) for complying the contractual requirements with regard to health, safety and environment
standards in the project as stipulated in the Contract Documents in two parts, viz,

Part A: Health and Safety Plan (HS Plan); and

Part B: Environment Management Plan

Document Status and Revision Control

The first issued for Use version of this plan will start Revision 00. This Plan will be reviewed
periodically and revised if deemed to take account of any amendments. Revision numbers shall
use a sequential numbering system commencing at Revision 01, 02, etc.


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Document Owner, Approval and Accessibility

This Plan, any revisions or amendments to it, and any subsidiary procedures, Tools and
Templates referenced within it, are to be reviewed and approved by the Engineer and the
Employer will be owner of such approved document. On approval, this Plan is to be accessible
by CT JV and its Sub- Contractor for the purposes of implementation of the Project.

2 Project Overviews


The Project Site is located in the South-East region of Bangladesh and within the administrative
districts of Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar. Under the Project, a New Dual Gauge Single Rail Line
from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu will be constructed to extend existing railway network
from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar. The total project has been divided into two lots, viz Lot 1 and Lot
2. The works under Lot 1 will be executed by CT JV and will include;

 Construction of new embankment from Ch (-2) + 000 to Ch 50 + 400;

 Construction of total 79 nos. new bridges and culverts;
 Construction of new five nos. station buildings along with platforms, platform shed,
residential buildings, approach roads etc.;
 Installation of new Dual Gauge Single Rail Line from Ch (-2) + 000 to Ch 50 + 400 along
with loops & sidings in five stations;
 Installation of CBI Signaling and Telecommunication Systems from Dohazari to Cox’s

Key Components of the Works

 Survey & Setting out;

 Setting up of Establishment and Temporary Facilities;
 Utility relocations and associated works;
 Demolition works;
 Treatment of Embankment subsurface;
 Construction of Embankment;
 Construction of substructures of Bridges
 Construction of Box Culverts;
 Construction of Station Buildings and associated works;


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Installation of Track structures along with all associated works;

 Installation of CBI Signaling and Telecommunication Systems;
 Interfacing of newly built track with existing network;
 Storage and stock pile of construction materials;
 Fabrication and erection of bridge super structures;
 Testing and Commissioning.

Project Construction Activities and Health, Safety & Environmental Aspects

The project shall in general consists of the key component of works as described in Para 2.2
above involves the construction activities but will not be limited to the following and have the
potential to impact the health, safety and environment or be impacted by the environment:
 Clearing and grubbing of vegetation;
 Topsoil stripping;
 Removal of waste and contamination;
 Underground and overhead service relocation;
 Temporary & permanent fence construction;
 Site office compound construction and operation;
 Deliveries of Plant and Materials
 Traffic management and road diversions
 Canal diversion
 Piling
 Excavation of Cuttings
 Construction of temporary haul roads and access points
 Earth carrying and haulage
 Construction of embankments
 Construction of Bridges & Box Culverts over waterways
 Construction of retaining walls and structures
 Construction of Approach Roads
 Trenching for laying of Optical Fibre
 Fabrication and Erection of Steel Girders
 Station building construction including platforms, platform sheds, fences etc.
 Rail formation and ballast
 Carrying of construction materials
 Installation of Rail track

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Demolition/dismantling
 Testing and Commissioning


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3 Part A: Health and Safety Plan


The CT-JV is obligated to implement measures to ensure the health and safety of all workmen
and properties affected under its custodianship or contractual commitments and is further
obligated to monitor that these measures are structured and applied according to the
requirements of Health and Safety Specifications.

This HSP is to define the requirements with regard to health and safety standards in the project
as stipulated in the Contract Documents and associated regulations of Government of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Besides, this HSP document is prepared in compliance to the
requirements of OHSAS 18001 standard because the CT CV’s Integrated Management System
which is established and implemented in accordance to ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 and

A strong commitment to safety from the CT-JV management is required for the construction
works. Hence, it is pertinent in this Project that all personnel and workers are required to
understand the safety policy, procedures and implementation of this HSP system. With
authorities and responsibilities as mentioned in this plan, the participation and involvement of all
parties under this HSP system will ensure its effectiveness in the implementation, monitoring and
improvement of the safety system.

The main purpose of the Health and Safety policy is to promote high standards in safety
performance, health preservation, and security through developing and maintaining the
appropriate Health and Safety Plans and Procedures covering such elements as Risk
Assessments, education, motivation, participation, implementation and accountability. It is
designed to enable those involved to enjoy an accident-free workplace and to prevent harm to
the environment. The Contract Management Health and Safety Policy are attached in Appendix
– HSP-01.

Scope of the Health and Safety Plan

CT-JV produces this health and safety plan to address major aspects of occupational health and
safety as affected by the Project contract and outlines the proposals in connection with the
occupational health and safety.


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

The plan will provide the view as to how CT-JV will endeavor to comply with the requirements as
set out in the laws/regulations and Contract Specifications in order to reduce the risks associated
with the Project work that may lead to incidents causing injury and/or fatalities. The intention of
the plan is to prevent incidents and minimize them to a level as low as reasonably practicable.

References (Legislations and Documentation)

This HSE Plan is prepared with reference to the following document:

 Bangladesh Labor Act 2006

 Bangladesh National Building Code 2006 BNBC – Construction Practices & Safety
 Contract Documents; Specifications
 OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
 Bangladesh National Environment Policy, 1992
 National Environment Management Action Plan, 1995
 Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act, 1995
 Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rule, 1997
 National Water Policy, 1999


The CT-JV shall in addition to complying with the requirements of GCC and PCC Sub-Clauses

6.7 [Health and Safety), Sub-Clause 6.13 [Supply of Foodstuf~, Sub-Clause 6.14 [Supply of
Water], Sub-Clause 6.15 [Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance], Sub-Clause 6.18
[Festivals and Religious Customs), as well as the national standards of the Government of
Bangladesh in respect of health and safety, observe and maintain standards, towards the
health and safety, of all of his

. employees, not less than those laid down by his own national standards or statutory regulations.


3.5.1 Health, Safety and EmlJronment Management Plan

The CT-JV shall prepare a Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE Plan) and
submit to the Engineer for approval within 56 days of receiving the order to commence.

Near Dohazari station, the works will be executed in close proximity to existing railway operations.

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

The CT-JV must be in possession of the latest timetable of trains running in the section and the
operating and safety rules of Bangladesh Railway (BR).

The HSE Plan which will address the following issues:

(a) Health and safety risks on the Site including but not necessarily limited to the following:

i. Safety of CT-JV's personnel working by the side of the operational railway tracks;

ii. Obstruction of the kinematic envelope, in particular caused by obstacles falling on the
running track such as construction equipment, fools, machinery, sleepers, ballast, earth,
construction materials and track fittings used in the construction activities;

iii. Excavation may threaten the stability and integrity of the existing embankment, bridges and
culverts which may lead to total or partial collapse of existing embankments, tracks, bridges and

(b) How the CT-JV will implement and comply specifically with all duties responsibilities and
obligations stipulated in the relevant sub-clauses of Clause 6 of the Conditions of Contract and
any other relevant clauses in the Conditions of Contract in addition to any duties, obligations and
responsibilities contained within the Specifications and the EMP;

(c) The HSE Plan shall specify the CT-JV’s organizational structure through which all health,
safety and environmental issues will be mitigated and managed;

(d) Appropriate controls and measures to eliminate and or reduce as appropriate, safety risks in
accordance with internationally accepted good practice;

(e) The requirements for monitoring, recording, communication and reporting;

(f) Specific induction and training needs for:

i. CT-JV's personnel and subCT-JVs’ personnel working on the Site;

ii. Supervising Engineer's personnel working on the Site;

iii. Employer's personnel visiting the site; and

iv. Any other person who are authorized to be on the Site, by the Engineer and or the


(g) The CT-JV shall take all reasonable steps including training and drills to ensure the
safety of all persons on the Site, whether in his employ or not and shall at all times promote the
merits of safety awareness throughout the construction period;


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

(h) Specific arrangements for health related activities such as but not necessarily limited to:

i. Routine matters within the CT-JV's facilities relating to preventative measures to

Mitigate against naturally occurring' outbreaks of disease;

ii. Routine matters within the CT-JV’s facilities including mitigation measures to prevent the
spread of naturally occurring outbreaks of disease;

iii. Minor health related issues arising from accidents or incidents at work or within the

CT-JV's facilities;

iv. Major trauma issues arising from accidents or incident at work or within the CT-JV's facilities;

v. Provision of assistance to members of the public in the case of an accident or incident

involving operating railways; and

vi. Ongoing education relating to sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV/AIDS.

For each location where construction activities are to be undertaken adjacent to an operating
railway track, the CT-JV must engage a safety supervisor who is conversant with the safe
operation procedures as practiced by BR and who has the physical and linguistic ability to
communicate with relevant BR offices and officers to discover the latest situation of trains
running in the section and to report any incidents which may affect the safety of the traveling
public or the CT-JV's personnel.

In addition, the location specific safety supervisor must have the physical and linguistic
capabilities to communicate with the CT-JV's construction supervisory staff and senior
management. Specifically, the CT-JV's construction supervisors and the site specific
safety supervisors shall be provided with suitable equipment to provide an audible and
visual warning to workers and equipment operators in the

Vicinity of the track, about an approaching train and its direction.

Notwithstanding any statements contained in the HSE Plan or any subsequent approval
by the Engineer of the HSE Plan, the CT-JV will be liable for any damage to persons
or property, which may occur as a result of the CT-JV's construction activities or from
any safety related incidents which are wholly or partially attributable to the CT-JV's
construction activities or failure to take proper precautions. The CT-JV will clearly
identify the safety measures and precautions to be undertaken in each of the above


WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3.5.2 Safety Officer

The CT-JV shall appoint both a Safety Manager and an Accident Prevention Officer
at the Site, jointly responsible for maintaining health and safety and protection against
accidents. They shall both have at least 10 years' experience in management of
construction safety issues in general and at least 5 years in construction within
operational railway environments and shall have the authority to issue instructions
and take .protective measures to prevent incidents or accidents. Throughout the
execution of the Works, the CT-JV shall provide whatever is required by this
person to exercise this responsibility and authority. If the Engineer so directs, the CT-
JV shall immediately replace the Safety Officer or any other safety supervisor without
hesitation or appeal.

3.5.3 Personal Protective Equipment

The CT-JV shall provide all his personnel and that of the Engineer and Employer,
with sufficient quantities of personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate to the
work being carried out and ensure its' proper use. For clarification, PPE includes but
is not limited to safety helmets, high visibility reflective jackets, hearing protectors,
safety goggles, gloves, safety shoes, waterproof clothing, full body safety harnesses,
shock absorbing lanyards, self-retracting lifelines, welding gloves and aprons and the
like. The CT-JV shall take disciplinary action against any personnel who do not
properly utilize or who misuse or abuse the supplied PPE.

Where work is in, over or near water, regardless of depth, life vests shall be issued to
all workers, and life belts, lifelines and rescue boats shall be provided. All safety and
rescue equipment shall be fully maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’
instructions and made available at site at all times.

Operations and the general public use of pucca or katcha roads and or footpaths, the
CT-JV shall submit a Traffic Management Plan for the Engineer's approval, 28 days
prior to the commencement of any operation involving such interface.

Each Traffic Management Plan shall include but not be limited to the following details;

(a) A scale plan of the location, clearly identifying the existing road, proposed
diversions of pedestrian and road traffic, locations of warning signs and traffic control

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

(b) Construction details of any proposed diversion(s); (c) Safety measures including
signage and staffing;

(d) Approval letters from relevant authorities who have jurisdiction over or
ownership of the existing traffic way including Traffic Police;

(e) Environmental measures to be implemented, gust suppression, noise abatement, stream

diversion and the like;

(f) Protection/diversion of any existing utilities; (g) Special arrangements for railways; and

(h) Person responsible for overseeing implementation of all aspects of the Traffic
Management Plan.

Site Security

Referring to Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause 4.22, the CT-JV shall be

responsible for the security of the Site and all Site Offices and accommodations which
are provided for his own use for that of the Engineer. The responsibility extends
to maintaining a safe working environment at all times.

The overall Site boundary as well as the specific boundaries of the various site
facilities shall be identified by the CT-JV and he shall submit to the Engineer for his
approval, complete details of the CT-JV's proposed method or methods for maintaining
the security of the various boundaries and for the security of the buildings, personnel,
material and equipment contained therein.

The CT-JV shall erect and maintain at his own expense suitable and approved
boundary fencing and gates to enclose certain areas of the Works being carried
out, the office and accommodation compounds, and-other areas of land as directed by
the Engineer as may be necessary to implement his obligations under the Contract.

The security arrangements shall include security control systems that shall
consist of sufficient equipment and personnel to prevent unauthorized access
and which can meet the prevailing circumstances to ensure safety and security of
persons and property on the Site. These control systems shall be modified to suit
any change in prevailing circumstances.

The CT-JV shall prepare a register of all persons authorized to be upon the Site
which shall include the Employer’s and the Engineer’s personnel. The CT-JV shall

10 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

maintain such register and shall have it available for inspection by the Engineer at any
reasonable time.

There will be no separate payment for the CT-JV's work in relation to Health,
Safety and Site Security and the same costs shall be deemed to be included in all
other pay items of the overall contract Work.

Work on Interface with Existing Railway Track

3.7.1 General

Generally, no permission will be given by the Employer to block the existing track for the purpose
of the new construction.

3.7.2 Applicable Conditions

When it is necessary to carry out work on or which interfaces with the existing
railway track, the Employer may consider blocking train movement in the relevant
section only, for a period to be determined by the Employer subject to operational
demands but in any case shall generally not exceed

4 hours in any given day at a time which is compatible with railway operations. The
CT-JV shall apply through the Engineer for such "block" at least 28 days prior to the
commencement of the work indicating the location(s) where the line will be blocked.
Subject to the Engineer's approval, the application will be forwarded to the Employer
who will have the power to approve, modify or disapprove such application.

Such application shall include but not be limited to the following details; (a) Time
required for block, in hours and date; and

(b) Fully detailed Method Statement including but not necessarily limited to the following:

i. Proposed scope of work;

ii. Methods to be used to carry out the work;

iii. Equipment and tools to be used;

iv. Details of standby equipment in case of breakdowns;

v. Detailed work schedule in 15 minute segments;

vi. Details of manpower;

vii. Details of safety measures to be taken;

11 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

viii. Details of emergency procedures to be followed in the event of an accident or

incident involving BR property;

ix. Communications systems; and

x. Designated person for overall control of operation who has authority to take whatever
emergency action is necessary to expedite the completion of the work or to curtail the work

3.7.3 Penalties for Delays in Block Release

CT-JV shall pay a penalty if any block cannot be withdrawn in time. Such penalty will be
calculated as follows:

Subject to the threshold period of delay as specified hereinafter, CT-JV shall be liable to pay as
a penalty, the amount of BOT 1500 per minute of delay to scheduled train operation which occurs
at the end of a work block or other work period on the track or bridges. However, if the CT-JV is
able to clear the block before a delay of 10 (ten) minutes has occurred, then no such penalty shall
be imposed. If, however, the delay extends beyond the threshold period of 10 (ten) minutes, then
the CT-JV shall be liable to pay for the entire duration of delay at the aforesaid rate of BOT 1500
per minute or part thereof.

3.7.4 Extended Interface Block

If it becomes absolutely necessary to block the existing line for a longer duration, the CT-JV must
construct a diversion line to keep train services operational. Such diversions must be constructed
and operated following BR standards and safety regulations. The CT-JV shall submit a proposal
for each such diversion, which shall include a Method Statement setting out the reasons
for the diversion, drawings showing the details of the diversion, a description of the type of
construction to be undertaken and the staging of the work proposed, the safety measures to be
taken to ensure the safety of train operations while the diversion is operational, the duration
during which the diversion will need to be operated, the anticipated time when the original
track will be reinstated for operations, and details regarding removal of the temporary diversion
works. The CT-JV's proposal for each diversion shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
at least 30 days before the planned opening of the diversion. The CT-JV shall not construct
any diversion without the written approval of the Engineer. The CT-JV shall not be entitled
to claim for any delays to the Work Programme in case any proposed diversions are not approved
by the Engineer. Notwithstanding any approval which may be given by the Engineer for the
12 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

construction of diversions, the CT-JV shall be fully responsible for the safety of trains operating
over the diversion.

At the time of carrying out track laying and yard modification works in the station yards, the CT-
JV must not block train movements and shall make sure that at least one track is available for
passing of trains in an uninterrupted manner.

For stations provided with signaling, interlocking and block working, arrangements to meet the
safety requirements of single line operation of train services shall be made. When yard
modifications are carried out for conversion to double line layout, safety signaling and block
control system will become inoperative. Train movement over the station shall have to be
managed by manual methods. Block operation with stations on both sides shall also revert to
manual methods. Such manual operation, in addition to causing delay to train movement, will
introduce significant safety risks. This period should, therefore, be minimized and the Work
Programme shall be prepared to introduce the new signaling system for double line operation
immediately after the yard works are completed. The new system shall be tested and made
operational within one month from the date that the station signaling becomes inoperative due to
these yards remodeling works.

3.7.5 Interface Work at Completion Stage

Commissioning of train operation (taking over of the CT-JV's work) shall start only when the works
of embankments, track, bridges, culverts, station buildings and related facilities and new signaling
system have been completed and tested and found satisfactory by the Engineer for the safe
operation of train services.

HIV-AIDS Prevention/Awareness Programme

3.8.1 General

In compliance with the requirements of Conditions of Contract, Sub-Clause 6.7, the CT-JV
shall comply with HIV-t-IDS Prevention/awareness programme and engage the services of
an approved service provider.

3.8.2 Scope of Programme

Awareness programme shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following;

(a) Groups to be trained

13 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

i. CT-JV’s Management-duties and responsibilities and methods of dissemination of


ii. CT-JV's HSE Staff - subject matter and methodologies of raising awareness

iii. Community Leaders - intention of programme and their roles in developing and
maintaining programme effort

iv. All CT-JV’s staff and workers - intention of programme and target result

(b) Programme topics shall include following according to the group i. Purpose

ii. Social and religious implications

iii. Preventive and protection methods

iv. Knowledge of effects of other diseases and infections v. Identification and diagnosis

vi. Treatment and future behaviour vii. Home care

viii. Focus on female needs ix. Focus on sex workers

x. Advocacy skills

xi. Sources of ongoing support

(c) Monitoring and reporting shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following i.
Baseline survey

ii. Verification of effectiveness of the following

• Train the trainer programme

• Worker knowledge and awareness

• Local population knowledge and awareness

• Local support organisations knowledge and awareness

iii. Reporting

• Monthly activity report

• Quarterly activity summary

• Annual activity and results summary

(d) Methods of disseminating information

i. Advertisement and promotional activity by personal contact, billboards and public

media ii. Information packs
14 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

iii. Focused meetings by group and subgroup

iv. Advocacy groups

v. Clinics

(e) Scheduling

i. Community awareness program shall be commenced prior to workers arriving on

site and continue until completion of Defects Notification Period

ii. CT-JV staff and workers- on r,-i Obilisation with regular meetings and continue
until completion of Defects Notification Period

(f) Quantum

Adequacy of information in accordance with the number of workers and

geographical coverage to include all population centers within 20 km of all centers of
all construction and construction related activities,to ensure thorough dissemination of
information, guidance and assistance.

Health and Safety

The CT-JV shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to maintain the health and safety of
the CT-JV's Personnel. In collaboration with local health authorities, the CT-JV's shall ensure
that medical staff, first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance service are available at all times
at the Site and at any accommodation for CT-JV's and Employer's Personnel, and that suitable
arrangements are made for all necessary welfare and hygiene requirements and for the
prevention of epidemics.

The CT-JV shall appoint an accident prevention officer at the Site, responsible for maintaining
safety and protection against accidents. This person shall be qualified for this responsibility, and
shall have the authority to issue instructions and take protective measures to prevent accidents.
Throughout the execution of the Works, the CT-JV shall provide whatever is required by this
person to exercise this responsibility and authority.

The CT-JV shall send, to the Engineer, details of any accident as soon as practicable
after its occurrence. The CT-JV shall maintain records and make reports concerning health,
safety and welfare of persons, and damage to property, as the Engineer may reasonably require.

HIV-AIDS Prevention. The CT-JV shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness programme via an
approved service provider, and shall undertake such other measures as are specified in this
15 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Contract to reduce the risk of the transfer of the HIV virus between and among the CT-JV's
Personnel and the local community, to promote early diagnosis and to assist affected individuals.

The CT-JV shall throughout the contract (including the Defects Notification Period): (i)
conduct Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaigns, at least every other
month, addressed to all the Site staff and labor (including all the CT-JV's employees, all Sub
CT-JVs and any other CT-JV's or Employer's personnel, and all truck drivers and crew making
deliveries to Site for construction activities) and to the immediate local communities, concerning
the risks, dangers and impact, and appropriate avoidance behavior with respect to, of Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (STD) - or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in general and
HIV/AIDS in particular; (ii) provide male or female condoms for all Site staff and labor as
appropriate; and (iii) provide for STI and HIV/AIDS screening, diagnosis, counselling and
referral to a dedicated national STI and HIV/AIDS programme, (unless otherwise agreed} of all
Site staff and labor.

The CT-JV shall include in the programme to be submitted for the execution of the Works under
Sub-Clause 8.3 an alleviation programme for Site staff and labor and their families in respect of
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) including
HIV/AIDS. The STI, STD and HIV/AIDS alleviation programme shall indicate when, how and at
what cost the CT-JV plans to satisfy the requirements of this Sub-Clause and the related
specification. For each component, the programme shall detail the resources to be provided or
utilized and any related sub-contracting proposed. The programme shall also include provision
of a detailed cost estimate with supporting documentation. Payment to the CT-JV for preparation
and implementation this programme shall not exceed the Provisional Sum dedicated for this

3.9.1 Supply of Foodstuffs

The CT-JV shall arrange for the provision of a sufficient supply of suitable food as may be stated
in the Specification at reasonable prices for the CT-JV's Personnel or purposes of or in connection
with the Contract.

3.9.2 Supply of Water

The CT-JV shall, having regard to local conditions, provide on the Site an, adequate supply of
drinking and other water for the use of the CT-JV's personnel.

16 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3.9.3 Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance

The CT-JV shall at all times take the necessary precautions to protect the CT-JV's Personnel
employed on the Site from insect and pest nuisance, and to reduce the danger to their health.
The CT-JV shall comply with all the regulations of the local health authorities, including use of
appropriate insecticide.

Issuance and Authorized Change

This HSP Plan is a mandatory document for implementation in this project as per Contract’s
requirements, legislation and regulations of the Government of the People’s Republic of
Bangladesh and OHSAS 18001:2007 or equivalent standard. Any issuance of this Plan is under
the authorization of the Project Manager.

All personnel shall comply with the requirements of this document and the agreement from the
Project Manager must be obtained prior to any amendment is to be carried out.

Principle of Health and Safety Management

All employees shall be trained properly and periodically by the competent organization to work
safely by working with full cooperation and assistance from the Employer and the Engineer,
statutory authorities and local communities.

CT-JV shall consider that Safety and Health as a top priority under any circumstance during the
construction phase of this project. CT-JV shall also ensure that all employers working in this
project are responsible for exemplary Health and Safety performance. Good Health and Safety
performance of everyone who works in this project will be critical to the success of the project by
ensuring that all works shall be undertaken in a responsible manner. Decisions shall be made
with full consideration of Health, Safety and Security factors as a priority in everything we do by
working and cooperating with the Engineer and the Employer at all times.

Worksite Safety Measures

The CT-JV shall enforce and follow as per the below mentioned safety measures at worksite at
all times:

 Maintain control of the work site, all personnel on the work site and all equipment on the
work site;
 Keep worksites as clean and tidy as is reasonably practicable;
17 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Upon completion of the work, promptly clear away and remove from the work site all
surplus materials and equipment and reinstate as required to the satisfaction of the
 Provide continuous adequate protection at the work site, of the property and the
construction site;
 Take responsibility for the safety of all persons on the work site;
 All employees, agents and others entering the premises shall comply with the safety laws,
rules or regulations;
 Ensure all equipment in use is operated in accordance with safe systems of work;
 Provide rest and welfare facilities at work locations;
 Provide Safety officers and/or paramedics at site;
 Provide access to any area as required to conduct investigations, inspections, safety
meetings or any other activity.

Goals to Achieve in Health and Safety Management

3.13.3 Happy Work Site

CT-JV will implement every effort to make all people working in this project must be happy and
to make people happy, we commit to take effort the project site which shall be free from any
accidents and incidents. A safe and healthful work place is the first step to ensure to avoid any
accident or incident for which CT-JV shall take every effort in this regard.

3.13.4 Minimizing of Accidents and Incidents

The key and paramount Health and Safety Management Target shall be placed on “Zero
Incident and Accident”. In order to achieve this objective, CT-JV shall observe the relevant
laws, legislations, regulations and the requirements of the Contract.

3.13.5 Assurance of Consistency

The consistency in regulations and performances in Health and Safety Management shall be kept
throughout the period of the Contract by keeping and getting update on all legislations and
conditions of contract. Strict but reasonable and practicable standards of Health and Safety
regulations shall be established for all procedures and practices covering all activities will be

18 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

followed up. Those include established standards and best practices shall be applied to Safety
Plan and Execution on project site.

3.13.6 Education, Training and Motivation

All Employees shall be educated and trained for the Safety Rules and Regulations and inducted
with projects requirements in terms health and Safety, Environment, Quality and Traffic
management requirements to work in a safe and healthy manner, and also motivated not only to
comply with the applicable procedures, regulations and plans but also to take an active role in
improving health and safety.

3.13.7 Provision of Programs for Health and Safety Management

The CT-JV shall provide Programs, Guidelines and Procedures for Health and Safety
Management in accordance with Clause of Project Safety of the Conditions of Particular
Application and this Health and Safety Plan.

Objectives and Targets

3.14.3 Objectives of Health and Safety Plan

The objective of this Health and Safety Plan is to provide minimum requirements for major critical
activities to identify hazards in each specific construction activities and operations to be carried
out during construction phase. Also, it is intended to provide guidelines to all employees to
safeguard the Health and Safety of the workforce and properties during the execution of the
Project. This Health and Safety Program shall not be treated as a single document; rather, it shall
be observed and implemented in conjunction or parallel with all other Contract Documents.

The main objective is to have an effective control of Sub-Contractors and project plant and
equipment; Involvement of employees and Sub-Contractors in training, groups meeting, safety
promotions, emergency drills and rescue program to:

 Prevent the occurrence of injury to people;

 Compliance with applicable safety rules and regulations;
 Effective implementation of safe work practices and risk control measures;
 Continual improvement in safety performance.

Targets of these objectives shall be set and reinforced throughout the project. Targets will be
reviewed as per stated in the Management Program and will be advised later as we progress
19 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

along the project. The sample of Objectives and Targets form is attached in Appendix – HSP-
02 of this HSP document.

3.14.4 Significant Health and Safety Hazards and Risks

In conformity with OHSAS 18001:2007, CT-JV will conduct the initial analysis on the
hazards/Risks of the health and safety for this Project. The list of items of the significant health
and safety aspects will be reviewed and the analysis on hazards and risks will be included as
soon as the physical work commences.

3.14.5 Management Programme / Management Review

The Project will monitor and control the objectives and targets set for the health and safety with
the management program which will be updated later with analysis. However, the review on the
PHSP system relating to health and safety will be carried once in 6 months or whichever required
earlier as instructed by the Project Manager. This review of system will enable the site to improve
continuously during the construction period.

3.14.6 Strategy to Achieve Objective and Targets

Strategy to achieve the PHSP’s objectives of this Project is as follow:

Providing training, information, instruction and supervision to all staff, workers and CT-JV’s Sub-
Contractors associated with this Project;

Motivating all personnel to achieve best practice through the establishment of consultative and
communication processes and the desire to work in a Health & Safety manner;

The implementation and ongoing practice of risk management program to identify, assess,
control and review hazards and risks control strategies on the Project;

Regular inspections and audits will be performed to work as functions to exposed hazards
associated with equipment, tools, plant, machinery and facilities;

 Ensuring that people with appropriate skills and competency levels are employed;
 Ensuring the dissemination of workplace health and safety procedures, instruction,
policies, control measures and rules and regulations to all those affected;
 Analyses of available information to establish prevention measure and perform a root
cause investigation of major incidents.

20 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Health and Safety Rules

CT-JV management will be responsible for implementing major decisions, policies and safety and
health procedures. A copy of the written safety program will be available on every jobsite, either
in the jobsite trailer, the gang box, or with the supervisor. The required Health and Safety posters
will be posted at strategically visible places on Site Camps.

All of our safety rules must be obeyed. Failure to do so will result in strict disciplinary action.

CT-JV will inform and enforce the following safety rules:

1. Wear appropriate gears and use sun cream to prevent sunburn.

2. Be sure to mind the steps at all times.
3. Use of illegal drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited during shift hours. Advised to inform
your supervisor if it needs to drive or use machineries after taking medicines which may
cause unwanted effects.
4. Do not distract fellow workers during activities. Do not engage in any act which may
endanger someone else.
5. Keep the working area clean and hygienic.
6. Do not use the air compressor to blow dust or dirt from your clothes, hair, or hands.
7. Report to the supervisor for any sign of acrophobia.
8. Be aware of the locations of fire extinguishers and the know-how to use them.
9. Do stretching exercises before commencing lifting activities. If the load is too heavy, GET
10. Stay at least 3 meters away from all power lines, especially from those of high voltage.
11. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to operate equipment of any.
12. Unauthorized personnel are prohibited to operate electric tools or equipment unless
properly instructed.
13. Do not remove, displace, damage, or destroy any safety device or safeguard on
equipment or machinery.
14. Guard rails or perimeter cables are required for barricaded zones. Make no attempt to
entre these areas unless authorized.
15. Be sure to stay in the line of sight of the operator during the work in the vicinity of power
shovels, trucks, rough-terrain fork-lifts, dozers, and other heavy equipment.
 Steer clear of the swing radius of equipment.
 Stay away from the trucks when releasing load straps.

21 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Barricades are required in the perimeter of cranes.

 High visibility vests should be worn in deem light or adverse weather conditions.
16. Be never try to fill with oil, lubricate, or refuel equipment while it is running or in motion.
17. Before servicing, repairing, or adjusting any electric tool or piece of equipment, cut the
power and tug the plug out.
18. Practice the following safety procedures when using ladders:
 Portable ladders in use shall be equipped with safety feet unless the ladders are tied,
blocked or otherwise secured. Step ladders shall not be used as a straight ladder.
 Defective ladders must be properly tagged and removed from service.
 Keep ladder bases free of debris, hoses, wires or materials, etc.
 Build scaffolds if the manufacturer recommends to do so
 Guardrails must be installed with mid-rails and toe boards at the edge of any fall
hazard area over 2 meters of height.
 Scaffold planks shall be properly lapped, cleated or otherwise secured to prevent
19. Use ground fault circuit interrupters at all times with any temporary power supply. Use
only extension cords of the three-prong type.
20. Fall protection is required at 2 meters or higher. Be sure that the harness and lanyard are
always connected to anchorage.
21. No worker shall use a lifeline in a fall arrest system while that fall arrest system is being
used by another worker or provided a rope for use, or permit a rope to be used, as a
lifeline in a fall arrest system where the rope has been used for another purpose.
22. All fall arrest system shall be inspected by the qualified person before each work shift
undertaken by the worker.
23. The qualified person who carries out an inspection of a fall arrest system shall advise the
site engineer where a component of the system is defective in condition or function and
the site engineer shall ensure that the system is not used until the defective component
is replaced or repaired.
24. Appropriate training will be provided in use, serviceability, and integrity of the necessary
25. Never throw anything from above.
26. Making fires in the construction yard is strictly prohibited.
27. Be aware of the emergency equipment established in your job site. (Location of
emergency phone, first aid kit, stretcher, fire extinguisher and exit, etc.).

22 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

28. Never enter a manhole, dredging pipes, well, shaft, tunnel or other confined areas which
could pose danger due to the presence of toxic or flammable gas, or an atmosphere
depleted of or enriched in oxygen.
 Ensure all entrants and attendants have received proper training and equipment.
 A preliminary evaluation of the site’s characteristics must be performed prior to site
entry. Only authorized and properly equipped personnel have the right to access the
confined areas.
 Ensure appropriate PPE is in place and utilized.
 Required procedures have been put into effect, especially the “buddy system”.
 A superintendent should be required to guard the entrance.
 A secondary more detailed evaluation will be conduct to further identify existing
hazards to aid in the selection of appropriate engineering controls and personal
protective equipment for future site activities.

Safety Discipline

CT-JV will implement the following disciplinary system by four steps when safety rules are not

Followed or when unsafe actions endanger her employees.

First level: Oral warning; notating in personnel files.

Second level: Written warning; notating in personnel files by PR.

Third level: Written warning; suspension for 24 hours without payroll.

Final level: Written warning and suspension for 7 days or terminating the contract.

Violations of Zero-Tolerance: Some safety violations are of such serious nature that there will be
no warning. Termination of contract may occur with following acts:

 Consuming alcohol and illegal drugs or, anyone found possession of, or under the
influence of such substances;
 Refusing to use personal protection equipment;
 Theft and brawling.

Termination of contract may also apply to both employees and supervisors who authorize or
ignore these unsafe acts. A record will be documented of all disciplinary action.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Project Organization Structure

Even though the specific responsibilities of each staff are described in the structured organization
for Health and Safety Management, it should be clearly understood by and educated CT-JV shall
emphasize to every personnel associated in this project that the responsibilities of Safety belong
to every personnel associated in this project, not to only Safety Team.

CT-JV shall implement the recommendation spelled out in the contract of providing required
Safety personnel to ensure adequate supervision of the construction activities, plant, equipment
and materials.

Project Organization Chart is given in Appendix 19

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Health and Safety Organization Chart (Refer to Appendix –HSP-04)

Project Manager

Deputy Project Manager Construction Manager

Section Managers and Site

Health & Safety Team

Safety Manager /Accident

Prevention Officer

Safety Coordinator Medical Doctor Health Assistant

Safety Supervisor First Aider Health Assistant

Sub-Contractors’ Safety Personnel

include Safety Co-coordinators and
Safety Supervisors &

Asst. Safety Supervisors

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3.17.3 Duties and Responsibilities

Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible for the establishment of the Project Health and Safety Plan
program. This program shall be according to CT-JV policies with the recommendations and
assistance of the Deputy Project Manager, Construction Manager and the Safety Manager.
Accident prevention procedures will be included in all activities by the application of good safety
planning. Specifically, the Project Manager shall provide advice to his management staff for
administration, implementation and monitoring of the Project Health and Safety Plan program
with safety advice from the Safety Manager that include the following:

 Direct the activities of the Safety Team as the Project Manager;

 Promote full support of the health and safety program;
 Delegate responsibilities for the various safety functions and authorities with health and
safety promotion at all levels of the Project;
 Maintain active involvement in the Project’s safety status and safety morale;
 Ensure prompt investigation action on any accident investigations with proper reports
completed and follow-up action taken.

Deputy Project Manager

The Deputy Project Manager will be in-charge of the activities with Health, Safety and
Environment aspects after implementation of the site HSE system in this Project. He will oversee
the activities concerning these aspects by reviewing/discussing with the Safety Manager or even
together with the Project Manager to ensure the compliance of the laws and regulations and
OHSAS 18001:2007 or equivalent. The specific health and safety responsibilities of the Deputy
Project Manager include, but are not limited to, the following:

 Responsible for all safety activities on the Project and maintain liaison with the
Construction Manager / Safety Manager;
 Establish and direct the site health and safety plan program and also the rehabilitation
plan whenever requires;
 Ensure and guide Safety Manager to promote activities on site to achieve the Project’s
Objectives and Targets;
 Ensure the Safety Team is formed and actively involved in the health and safe
environment matters in the Project;

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Ensure compliance to the health and safety program by all departments in the Project;
 Establish safety rules with special attention to unusual operations and safety
requirements of the Employer;
 Ensure information and follow-up action of Safety Manager after discussion with Project
 Enforce the disciplinary actions necessary to develop a good functioning safety program;
 Involve with the planning for the operations where the possible hazard may happen or the
safety level is below the normal;
 Oversee the implementation and execution of safety program and their effectiveness;
 Suggest/Support the Safety Manager on the health and safety program such as training
program and obtain approval from the Project Manager;
 Monitor/check any unsafe acts during site patrols.

Construction Manager

The Construction Manager is the team leader of all section within the project when it concerns
the monitoring of the contractual obligations of the various CT-JVs on the job site. One of these
obligations of the program for the site is safety. His duties include but not limited as follow:

 Responsible for the training and instructions to Section Managers, Site Engineers and
site personnel which includes their safety responsibilities;
 Responsible for administering the site safety program during the absence of the Safety
Manager within the project;
 Actively participate in the Safety Team and review the specifications. Advise on the prints
or posters for safety compliance with explanations/guidance to the team after review;
 Coordinate activities with the Safety Manager regarding CT-JVs’ performance and take
whatever necessary action required for proper safety compliance;
 Assist the Safety Manager on problems with technical nature;
 Review/discuss with Section Managers / Safety Manager on proposed rehabilitation plan
for each working area whenever require and thereafter, obtain approval from the Project
Manager prior to submission/discussion with The Engineer/The Employer and site
execution work.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Section Managers / Site Engineers

The Section Managers / Site Engineers are directly responsible for the control of site activities of
this Project. They are the key personnel, assisting the Safety Manager in the implementation and
maintenance of an effective site health and safety program.

The standards for a good safety program are established by the Safety Manager, Project
Manager and Construction Manager. The Section Managers / Site Engineers will be directly
responsible for the success of the health and safety program as they are in direct contact with
the CT-JVs. Their abilities to instill good health and safety attitudes to the CT-JVs will enable the
health and safety program to be successfully executed on site.

Section Managers / Site Engineers are responsible for a wide range of activities. They must plan
their health and safety activities with care and good effort as they have to carry out other portions
of their work program such as cost, manpower allocation and scheduling of the respective work
within this Project.

The specific health and safety responsibilities of Section Managers / Site Engineers include, but
are not limited to, the following:

 Review all work and all new personnel for safety needs. Complete familiarization with
health and safety requirements as an integral part of the total job responsibility;
 Review/Prepare/Discuss with Construction Manager / Safety Manager on the
rehabilitation plan as when require prior to approval from the Project Manager;
 Continual monitoring of the safety attitudes of CT-JVs and their responsibilities towards
the health and safety of their trade and participations in the job safety effort;
 Enforce on compliance with all established health and safety regulations before and
during performance of the work;
 Conduct health and safety inspections and make corrections on a daily basis;
 Ensure that proper trade health and safety training is provided;
 Initiate plans prior to the start of work to supply the tools, materials, and equipment
necessary to do the job safely;
 Assist with accident investigations to ensure proper reporting and documentation with
prompt corrections made after accident and to prevent any recurrences;
 Coordinate planning and work activities with other supervisory personnel performing work
within, or adjacent to, their assigned work areas;

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Section Managers / Site Engineers who have responsibility for CT-JVs’ operations will
monitor CT-JVs’ compliance with the site health and safety program. This activity will be
coordinated with the Safety Manager.

Safety Manager

Safety Manager will be responsible for the administration of the health and safety management
system, the site security plans and must have a thorough knowledge of the safety, fire and health

These responsibilities include:

 Ensure all rules and regulations as stipulated by the various authorities are met;
 Provide safety and environmental information and guidance to supervisors on proper
procedures, current and potential hazards and personnel training;
 Conduct induction programs for new employees and CT-JVs;
 Assist the construction supervisors during the toolbox meetings every morning before
work commences;
 Review method statements and risk assessment and suggest improvements or any safety
requirements that are necessary to be incorporated;
 Inspect and rectify any unsafe place of work and unsafe practices;
 Inspect for fire hazards and check that fire-fighting equipment is available, adequate, and
accessible and in good condition;
 Maintain a register of defects or violations observed and remedial actions taken;
 Liaise with CT-JVs to ensure compliance with the regulations;
 Carry out site safety programs and procedures;
 Ensure that issuance of personal protective equipment is properly documented;
 Conduct investigations on all fatal, lost-time accidents, significant first-aid cases, near
miss accidents and damage to property or equipment;
 Supervise and implement site security procedures;
 Assist in supervising medical facilities and maintain medical records.

Safety Supervisors

The Safety Supervisors will work under the supervision of Safety Manager. They will assist them
to fulfill all their tasks to ensure that the Project target related to safety aspects are met. Safety
Supervisors will assist the Safety Manager and Environmental Specialist on the safety, health,

29 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

environmental and security matters and ensure that liaison and coordination channels are
maintained among the management and the CT-JVs on these issues.

First Aider

First aiders or CT-JV’s duty personnel who has first aid training and can provide lifesaving
assistance including CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) must perform the first aid treatment,
if required. Immediately, after being released, the Emergency Call out Procedure (section 15 of
this HSP) shall be initiated. A first-aider is someone who has undertaken training appropriate to
the circumstances. They must hold a valid certificate of competence in either:

 first aid at work

 emergency first aid at work
 any other level of training or qualification that is appropriate to the circumstances
 Emergency first aid at work (EFAW) training enables a first-aider to give emergency first
aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work.
 First aid at work training includes the EFAW syllabus and also equips the first-aider to
apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illness.

Health Assistant

The qualified health assistant and their Aides will conduct first aide for all minor injuries which do
not require treatment by medical practitioner. They are also tasked to render first aid treatment
for the purpose of preserving life and minimizing the consequences of an injury or illness until
such help is obtained from a doctor. It will also their duty to assist the safety and health personnel
to educate all concerned project members of the procedures related to the emergency situation.

Accident Prevention Officer:

CT-JV shall appoint an Accident Prevention Officer at the Site, who is responsible for
maintaining health and safety and protection against accidents. He shall have at least
10 years' experience in management of construction safety issues in general and at
least 5 years in construction within operational railway environments and shall have
the authority to issue instructions and take .protective measures to prevent incidents
or accidents. Throughout the execution of the Works, the CT-JV shall provide whatever
is required by this person to exercise this responsibility and authority. If the Engineer so
directs, the CT-JV shall immediately replace the Accident Prevention officer.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Safety Operating Procedures

Project Construction Safe Operating Procedure given below in the following sections will be
utilized to assure the possible control and reduction measures for purpose of incident and
accident prevention. CT-JV shall break down the project work scope before any work

CT-JV shall ensure for each element of the breakdown, method statements, systematic
identification of hazards, recording of hazards, performing of risk assessments, and devising risk
controls to eliminate or reduce risk to a tolerable and as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)
level shall be developed.

Detailed guidelines for each Procedure are described in this HSP by giving reference to HSP
procedures separately in the Appendix. However, the CT-JV realizes that, during the actual
construction work it might be necessary to revise/modify to address the specific condition of the
Site Work. If so, the Work specific detailed procedures for all construction process will be
developed further by the CT-JV and shall be submitted to the Engineer prior commencement of
such actual construction work, and it will be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Safe Operating Procedure has been addressed the following but not limited to:

- Safety Training and Education Procedure

- Safety Communication and Meeting Procedure
- Emergency Response Procedure
- Site Security and Access Control Procedure
- First Aid and Medical Procedure
- Report and Investigation Procedure
- Safety Improvement Procedure

Safety Training and Education Procedure

3.19.3 General

The need for safety training is to prepare the employees at all levels with knowledge, skills,
competency and attitudes that will enable them to perform their duties in a safe and efficient

31 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

The site management staff and the Safety Manager will identify the training needs and provide
details for obtaining the approval from the Project Manager which will enable all participation from
the employees and workers on site for some of the following situations:

 No employee shall be required to work in surrounding or under working conditions which

are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to his/her life, health and safety;
 CT JV’s site staff/workers will be responsible maintaining a good health and safety
working site which will comply with the Contract, Engineer’s Representatives and
Statutory requirements;
 No problem/No hazard will be encounter with the CT JV’s Safety Program when
established and implemented together with participation from all staff at all levels;
 Frequent and regular safety inspections of the worksites, material and equipment by
competent person designated by any local authorities or others to monitor/maintain the
safety standard of the site. Results of findings shall be submitted to The Engineer’s
 All staff and labors employed by CT JV, are required to have health check as per the
relevant laws.

3.19.4 New Employees Indoctrination

Each employee shall be provided an initial indoctrination and such continued training will enable
him to perform his work in a safe manner at all time.

Indoctrination and training shall be based on the health and safety program of CT JV or the
government agency in Bangladesh and shall include but not limited to:

 General health and safety policy and pertinent provisions of CT JV Project Health and
Safety Control Plan;
 Requirements for employees and project safety;
 Employee’s responsibilities for property and the safety of others;
 Employee’s responsibilities for reporting all accidents;
 Medical facilities and required treatment;
 Procedures for reporting or correcting unsafe conditions or practices;
 Safe clearance procedures;
 Fire and other emergency procedures.

32 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Safety Communication and Meeting Procedure

CT-JV Management shall ensure and be responsible for the arrangement of Safety Meeting
which is to be regularly conducted at site and on the assurance of following and implementing
Communication procedures.

3.20.3 Health and Safety Meeting - Communications

As part of the communication and availability of Safety-related Documents, CT-JV shall comply
with the Engineer’s requirements insofar as displaying in each of its site offices, workshops and
canteens a copy of such safety and industry health posters and keeping on the Site copies of
such regulations and documents. All regulations and documents shall be translated into
languages which are understood by the workers and operators engaged by our CT-JV or Sub-
Contractors and such translations shall be displayed or kept alongside those in Bengali and
English languages.

All internal and external HSE communications, participation and consultation on the project shall
be managed in accordance with CT-JV Integrated Management System (IMS) procedure
Communication, Participation & Consultation and comply with all local codes and regulations.

The following table lists the various modes that will be used for the internal communication of
pertinent H&S information across all levels to project stakeholders, employees and workers. The
chairperson shall ensure relevant records of the meeting e.g. Minutes of meeting, is documented
and maintained.

Description Frequency Chaired by Participants

Mass Tool Box Meeting Weekly Safety Manager All Construction Team &
Tool Box Meeting/Pre-Task Daily Safety Supervisor/Work Workers
Briefing Supervisor

Risk Assessment/SWP As required, just Task owner Supervisors, Workers

Briefing before prior to
start of work at
Site Coordination Meeting Weekly Project Manager/ Project Team members, CT-
Construction Manager/ JV, Representatives
Section Mangers
Project Safety Leadership Monthly Project Manager Nominated Project Team
Team Meeting members,Client
Representatives, CT-JVs

33 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Description Frequency Chaired by Participants

Safety Patrol Inspection Weekly Safety Manager Nominated Project Team

Members, CT-JVs
H&S Committee Meeting Monthly Project Manager Nominated Project Team
Members, CT-JVs
Sub-CT-JVs Kick-off Meeting At Project Start Section Mangers/ Project Team members, CT-
Engineers JVs

CT-JV staff, Client, CT-JVs and other involved parties may put forth their H&S concerns, issues
or suggestions for improvement through the Safety Observation program or at any of the
meetings above. The Project Manager and Project Health & Safety Manager or Safety Officer
(SO) shall be responsible to ensure the prompt closure of all issues and concerns raised with
immediate corrective actions implemented.

3.20.4 Health and Safety Committee Meeting

CT-JV Health, Safety and Environmental Meeting (HSE Meeting) will be held on monthly basis.
A team shall be formed which is known as Environmental, Health and Safety Committee. The
attendees for this meeting shall be the Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, Construction
Manager, Safety Manager and relevant staff with the agenda of this meeting but not limited to,
as follows:

1) Health and Safety Policy/Program review;

2) Summary of monthly health and safety report;

3) Monthly safety inspection;

4) Any other matters related to Health and Safety.

3.20.5 Tool Box Meeting

Tool Box Meeting will be conducted by Safety Manager and Safety Checkers (CT-JVs’ staff) on
a regular basis such as daily or weekly basis which will be decided later to suit the working site
conditions. This meeting is to address the safety related matters with the workers with regular
reminders on safety issues related to the work in-progress throughout the construction period.
These issues will be raised or identified during the safety inspections and reminded at the Tool
Box Meetings. Safety Manager will prepare the items for these Tool Box Meetings. Section
Managers/Site Engineers will take the necessary action for those issues mentioned at these Tool
Box Meetings to ensure conformity of such issues are carried out.
34 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3.20.6 Pre-Constructing Meeting

Pre-construction meeting will be held between the Engineer and the CT-JV management. The
agenda of the meeting will include issues such as:

 Current and applicable Health and Safety Legislation and Regulations of the local
 Health and Safety requirements of the Employer and the Engineer;
 Pre-construction risk assessment;
 Review of construction plants and equipment intended to be used on the project prior to
mobilization to ensure compliance and condition;
 Review of key project personnel, their qualification and experience;

The CT JV shall acknowledge and undertake the responsibilities to comply with all of the above
requirements to effectively implement this Project Health and Safety Control Plan and other
related programs and procedures developed under this plan.

The CT JV shall also ensure all his employees understood the requirements set forth by
developing and organizing communication program such as those mentioned above.

3.20.7 Ad-Hoc Meeting

CT JV shall organize Ad-Hoc Meeting to ensure the discussion and recognizing of major, non-
routine and hazardous construction activities and operations prior to its actual execution.

Major, non-routine and hazardous construction activities and operations such as installation of a
heavy element (Steel Girder and Deck) or size of load is too large in term of length or width (Extra-
large size formwork) that involves potential risk and consequences shall require the preparation
and submission of a detail construction method statement with a hazard and risk assessment
report. A meeting shall then be organized after all respective personnel involved have thoroughly
studied the Construction Method Statement and Risk Assessment Report.

The objectives of such ad-hoc meetings are:

Discuss and analyze construction method and sequence of work to prevent the occurrence of
incident/accident. Such discussion shall include proposed machinery, equipment and personnel
involved, their capacity, certification, qualification and others;

Identify hazards underlying in activities, the risk of their occurrence, the potential impacts and
significant aspects of an activity;
35 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

The mitigation measures proposed to reduce and minimize the potential impacts.

All matters discussed in these meetings shall be recorded, kept and filed. A copy of the meeting
minutes shall be distributed to the CT-JV’s workforce for the understanding and incorporation of
the matters discussed into the method statement and used subsequently for the supervision of
the actual work. The CT-JV shall notify the Engineer the date/time and subjects of this meeting
well in advance.

Safety Patrol / Inspection

CT-JV and lower-tier should jointly carry out a weekly inspection. They can therefore strengthen
their cooperation and work on eliminating the safety problems found during inspection and define
their respective responsibilities on-the-spot. This can provide information for the management in
their self-appraisal and underline the commitment of the management.

CT-JV and lower-tier (competent persons) also need to inspect their own machines, electrical
installation and scaffolding onsite on a monthly basis to ensure the sound operation of such
equipment and facilities. (Reference: Safety Patrol Inspection Form - Appendix-HSP-03)

Safety Improvement Procedure

As part of the Management review and continuous improvement process of the Occupational
Health and Safety Management System, we seek to improve Safety Promotional activities and
Improvement plan in conjunction with CT-JV shall develop and implement various health and
safety related procedures for improving safety implementation, identification of risks, control
measures, applied solutions and results; each activity shall be fed back into the assessment
process in order to re-evaluate the risk to achieve the reasonable solution. All incidents and
accidents shall be analyzed in detail, and the cause of the accident and prevention measures
shall be inducted to all employees through safety training and education.

CT-JV shall implement a safety improvement procedure, and the following shall be considered:

 Monitor the effectiveness of risk control measures;

 Define and carry out a review, and worksite inspection program;
 Encourage personnel to report hazards and non-conformances in a blame free
 Conduct task observations to ensure compliance with procedures and understanding of
 Provide reports for assessment;
36 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Monitor incident frequency rate;

 Work only to pre-submitted method statements;
 Stop work in the presence of uncontrolled hazards;
 Submit hazard, near miss and incident reports;
 Prepare method statements for all non-routine and critical tasks, submitting these to the
Employer and Engineer;
 Attend HSE meetings;
 Analyze performance indicators and action items and consider how the management
system might be modified to improve future performance.

CT-JV will establish various promotional programs in encouraging and endorsing a good health
and safety and hygienic management. CT-JV shall also develop and implement an incentive
scheme which all employees will receive reward or penalty for their work assessed against
predetermined standards.

Apart from this health and safety performance monitoring and measurement system, CT-JV will
emphasize even more on quality and environmental management system which are required to
ensure that work and activities are performed in accordance with the standards as specified in
the Contract Documents to produce a customer satisfied product or facility in a long-term

The purpose of the scheme is to promote continuous improvement of Health and Safety in every
activity in which CT-JV participates and execute at Project sites. The incentive and rewarding
scheme may involve an assessment of the effectiveness of Health and Safety procedures and
how well they are implemented to yield the Performance.

CT-JV shall conduct monthly mass meeting and safety award to the all laborers and workforces
related to the project to keep the motivation for more health and safety.

Measures for Compliance of CT-JVs

3.23.3 WSH Performance

CT-JV shall identify, develop, monitor, measure and evaluate key performance parameters to
track Quality, Environment, Health and Safety performance improvement, evaluate compliance
with clients' and legal and other requirements, and for corporate reporting. CT-JV will develop a
procedure to evaluate and control of the CT-JV’s safety performance in the work site. The result

37 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

of these evaluation and control shall be used as a factor in selection of CT-JV for a particular job
or project.

3.23.4 WSH Performance Objective

The objective of the sub-contractor evaluation, selection and control is to ensure that CT-JVs who
intent to work in the work site are reputable and fully aware of their safety obligations. Only sub-
CT-JVs who can meet these requirements and expectations shall be selected for the works. It is
also to ensure that CT-JVs maintain and attain a satisfactory level of compliance to the
Company’s Environment, Health and Safety management system during their construction
phase, and the CT-JVs Environment, Health and Safety performance will be used as a reference
for future project(s) awarding.

3.23.5 Evaluation, Selection and Control of Sub-CT-JVs

When a need arises for the engagement of the sub-contractor, CT-JV management will base on
a list of Sub-CT-JVs whom the Company has maintained. CT-JV management will evaluate their
safety standards; either based on their previous work with the company or from reports available
from elsewhere. The following sequences of events are followed to the extent that each step is
necessary. The CT-JV’s site performance will be under constant surveillance by the Site
Construction Manager inclusive of Health and Safety matters. The detailed performance will be
recorded within the Site Construction Manager’s weekly report and also be discussed / observed
by the Project Manager and Safety Manager or Safety Officer.

Carry out regular reviews of the CT-JV’s performance, including safety inspections of their work
and adherence to the Company’s rules, practices and procedures. CT-JV will keep a register of
the CT-JV’s performance, including a record for safety incident involving CT-JVs in the worksite.

3.23.6 Non-Conformance

In the event of deviation from internal, clients', legal and other requirements, the designated
personnel shall bring the issue to the attention of the Project Managers and take immediate
corrective action according to CT-PROC-O-NC-A1 Non-conformance, Corrective and Preventive
Action Procedure. (Details are shown in Appendix-HSP-04)

All non-compliance with safety regulations or codes of practices will be recorded with the sub-
contractor for immediate corrective measures to be taken. Failure to comply with these

38 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

instructions will result in the sub-contractor being removed from site and being deleted from the
“Approved Sub-contractor” listing.

3.23.7 Identification of HSE Performance Parameters

Performance parameters shall be defined at both the corporate and project levels. The Project
Manager shall be responsible for identifying performance parameters required for tracking the
projects' performance, in support of the HSE policy and defining their frequency for monitoring
and measurement.

Proactive and reactive monitoring should be incorporated as follows:

Proactive monitoring should be used to check conformity to the CT-JV’s activities, e.g.

• Work progress, cycle time of processes, productivity

• Cost allocation and reduction
• Training effectiveness
• Status of legal compliance
• Preventive action raised
• Numbers and effectiveness of HSE patrols and meetings

Reactive monitoring should be used to investigate, analyze and record management system
failures including, e.g.

• Incidents, ill-health
• Environmental pollution
• Property damage cases
• Number of Non-Conformance Reports and closed rate

The Project Manager shall create a project-specific list of performance parameters at the start of
each project with reference to the corporate list where applicable, parameters for the project
specific objectives/targets shall be included in the list.

Regular measurements on project site shall be conducted to evaluate the HSE performance
including the status of legal compliance of all sub-contractors.

3.23.8 Monitoring and Measurement

The following shall be included in the performance parameter list or specified procedures:
monitoring and measurement frequency, responsible personnel, period, location, equipment,
target figure, applicable standard, calibration and statistical tools, where applicable.
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

The Designated personnel shall compare the results with the prescribed standards to establish
the status of performance, particularly with legal requirements. The results should be reported to
the Project Manager.

The Project Manager shall monitor the progress and intermediate information for targets and
initiate corrective actions accordingly. The CT-JV’s overall performance will be reviewed twice a
year during the Management Review meeting.

Emergency Response Procedure

3.24.3 General

Emergency response procedure will be prepared and displayed in a prominent position in the
CT-JV’s site office.

The emergency plan will include the following:

 The method to evacuate from the incident area will be given;

 The person who is in-charge of such emergency;
 Location of mustering areas and directions;
 Instructions for people to walk instead of running during evacuation;
 Instruction to turn-off any electrical tools and internal combustion engines and the valves
closed on any oxy/acetylene equipment if safe to do so;
 Instruction to leave powered ventilation system operating, if any;
 Instruction that no person can permit to re-enter unless authorized by appointed senior
project management.

A decision to activate emergency evacuation must be done by in-charge Site Engineer. Any
activation of the emergency evacuation procedure must be reported to Project Manager and the
Safety Manager. The emergency procedure for fire and accident with injuries are illustrated in the
Emergency Flow Chart which is shown in Appendix - HSP-05.

3.24.4 CT- JV Emergency Call Out Procedure


The procedure is intended to be used for CT- JV activities and must be observed by all employees
and Sub-contractors working in this Project.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)


The Site Engineer in-charge / Section Manager / Construction Manager shall take full control of
the situation. First aiders or CT-JV’s duty personnel who has first aid training and can provide
lifesaving assistance including CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) must perform the first aid
treatment, if required. Immediately, after being released, the Emergency Call out Procedure shall
be initiated.

Trigger Definition

Triggering must be done to conform to the following conditions:

 Fatal accidents;
 Any accident that causes serious injury including loss of vital organs or severe bleeding;
 Any accident that cause injury to the public;
 Any severe blockage of public traffic or passageway;
 Any important report incidents/accident to be reported;
 Any significant utility damage or impact.

The emergency situations in this Project shall include:

 Fire;
 Failure and collapse of structure;
 Failure and collapse of heavy machinery and equipment;
 Adverse weather and flooding;
 Explosion;
 Outbreak of epidemic;
 Leakage of hazardous substance;
 Upset of vessel;
 Collapse of scaffolding;
 Collapse of cofferdam;
 Diver accident.

Emergency and rescue procedure and associated equipment is also developed and implemented
in all project construction sites.


1) Initiation

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Site with staff working on day and night works, shall initiate the Emergency Call out Procedure.
The Site Engineer and Safety Manager (2nd Stage) will be called, and if they cannot be
contacted, their level will be skipped and the 3rd Stage will be alerted. In addition, the initiator will
take prompt action to mitigate the situation. When he is released he will report on:

a) The situation in general in compliance with the trigger definition;

b) The number of people killed / injured / involved;

c) Action taken by responsible site supervisory personnel;

d) Other vital information in brief.

The Site Engineer will also report the matter to the Section Manager / Construction Manager and
contact the duty telephone on the situation.

2) Second Stage

Safety Manager, upon receiving information will check the completeness and assess the
situation. If necessary, he will travel to the Site to check himself. Upon verification of all
information involved, he will initiate the Third Stage (3rd Stage) with given telephone number(s).

3) Third Stage

The persons at the 3rd Stage (Project Manager) shall assess the situation i.e. severity of
accident/incident and decide whether they will proceed with Emergency Call Out or not. If the
situation required, he will call.

List of Important Telephone Numbers

Project Personnel

Position Name Office Mobile

Project Manager Mr. ______ ___________ ___________

Deputy Project Manager Mr. ______ ___________ ___________

The Engineer Mr. ______ ___________ ___________

The Employer Mr. ______ ___________ ___________

Emergencies and Authorities

Name Address Direct Line

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

1 Emergency Call

1.1 Ambulance (*Emergency)

1.2 Police

1.3 Fire Police

1.5 Emergency Center

2 Hospital






3 Power Co.

4 Telephone Co.

5 Road and Highway Department

Notes: Additional important telephone numbers shall be updated by each officer for their convenience.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4 Site Security and Access Control


As access into work site by outside parties due to wide range of construction activities including
the river is easily accessible, CT- JV shall control the access to these working areas to prevent
unexpected accidents.

Boundary Demarcation

4.2.3 Right of Way

This Right of Way shall be demarcated the boundary of the worksite excluding the river and on
existing roads with yellow flags at intervals and safety board, informing the public/outside parties
on CT-JV’s worksite.

4.2.4 Confined Area

These confined areas where the construction, mechanical plant, material stockyards, etc. are
located, shall be clearly marked with red flags for the attention of the public/outside parties.
Handrails will be installed along the boundary of these confined areas to prevent
unforeseen/unexpected accidents such as falling. Lighting system shall be equipped at the
handrails for identification of these confined and dangerous areas from the public. Reflective
signboards and lighting equipment shall be used in the river to demarcate the construction areas
to the public using the river. Fencing shall be erected along the boundary of the camp yards to
ensure good security.

Security Check

4.3.3 Guards

Guards shall be employed to check/inspect on all accesses

into the main site office / worksites for security purposes.
They shall be stationed at the designated locations to patrol
the site security.

44 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.3.4 Site Security and Access Control Procedure

CT-JV shall implement and maintain the following Site Security Procedure within the Construction
Site and stockyard/storage facilities: Protection of authorized and unauthorized visitors to the site
including the people of vicinity.

4.3.5 Site Entry Control

The entry of personnel to the construction site shall be controlled through identifying each
individual by identification cards (ID) to ensue he is authorized to enter the site. Any other
personnel of Sub-contractors shall be provided permit upon entry. The permit shall be in Bangla
and English, dated and clearly showing the person’s name and his employer. All persons
(including the Employer’s and Engineer’s staffs, visitors, operators, vendors, agents, workforce
etc.) entering the work site shall wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) as appropriate to the
site and work being undertaken. No one shall be allowed to enter the working areas without
wearing proper PPE. The entries of visitors shall be controlled by the authorized person of CT-
JV and shall be accompanied by the competent guide provided by CT-JV. Visitors include all
those who are not regularly on site and who have not undergone initial safety briefings. All visitors
will be issued with appropriate permits for entry. Non-business visitors shall not be allowed into
the construction site unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. An ID card logbook shall be
maintained by CT-JV until the end of the project. Any vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed
to enter the site without entry permit issued by the Engineer.

4.3.6 Site Property and Material Control

The quantity and type of material shall be checked at the entrance to the Construction Site. The
CT-JV shall designate personnel authorized to check cargoes, properties and material entering
or exiting the Construction Site.

When property and/or material are lost through theft, careless handling or malicious behavior, a
thorough investigation shall be conducted to find the cause factors and the responsible person.
Corrective actions shall be determined, and preventive actions shall be implemented immediately
to prevent any further loss or damage after due investigation.

The Project Manager shall assign sufficient number of security personnel at the Site and CT-JV’s
facilities to prevent theft, pilferage and malicious behaviors.

45 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.3.7 Drugs, Alcohol and Weapons

All personnel under the influence of liquor, alcohol beverages, illegal drugs and other intoxicating
substances, shall not be allowed entry on the construction site. On all security access points and
worksite locations, security guards shall be authorized to stop, search, and check any person on
site for the abuse of such substances.

The use of prescription drugs during working hours is prohibited unless verification from the
prescription physician states that the medication shall not impair the person’s ability to perform
his specific duties. This verification shall be in written from the physician and on the official

The CT-JV shall educate the workforce during Safety Orientation Training and other safety
awareness campaigns to introduce the dangers and consequences of substance abuse during
employment, and to ensure compliance with the substance abuse policy. Any person found to
have committed the substance abuse policy shall be liable to immediate termination of their
contract. Any kind of weapons will not be allowed on site. CT-JV shall strictly implement the above

Supervision / Monitoring of Health and Safety System

Review on the Health and Safety System implemented after the commencement of the system
shall be carried out to ensure its effectiveness and conformity to the objectives of the Project.
Suggestion, if any can be provided at the Monthly Health and Safety Committee Meeting for
Safety Manager to review and take the follow-up action with the approval from the Project

4.4.3 Purpose

The procedure provides a systematic review of the implemented OHS Management System
conforms to the OHSAS 18001 Standards and is effectively implemented and maintained and
review of the company’s OHS management system to ensure its effectiveness and continuing

4.4.4 Responsibilities

The Safety Manager or Safety Officer (SO) together with the Project Manager is responsible for
the convening the OHS Management Review Meeting and also shall be responsible for initiating

46 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

and coordinating the management review and implementing management action. The meeting
shall be chaired by the Project Manager. The meeting agenda shall be circulated well in advance
to participants. Each attendee should be prepared (with facts and figures) to participate actively
and provide positive contributions in the Management Review Meeting. Management review
meetings shall review current performance and improvement opportunities. This will include:

Review Input

The management review input could consist of the followings:

• Review outstanding matters of previous meeting

• Findings of OHS audits (internal and external audit) and evaluation of compliance of legal
and other requirements
• Review of OHS policy and objectives
• External parties’ feedback and complaints
• Results of participation and consultation
• OHS performance and conformance
• OHS policy and objectives, targets and management programmes
• Evaluation of adequacy/suitability/effectiveness of policy and procedure with regards to
changing legislation, evaluation of compliance, with regards to changing activities and
services of the company, with regards to lessons learnt from OHS incidents, evaluation
of emergency preparedness & response
• Status of accident & incident investigations, significant nonconformities and corrective
and preventive actions
• Follow-up actions from previous management reviews
• Planned and changing circumstances, including legal & other requirements; and safety
and health hazards and risks
• Any recommendation for improvement and Proposals/ Improvements/ Suggestions from
• Review procedures address the manner in which OHS management system
modifications and structural changes will be made when deficiencies in the OHS
management system are found

Review Output

During the meeting, discussion shall cover the above-mentioned review input requirements and
output actions will include:

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Improvement on the effectiveness of the OHS management system and its processes
 Compliance with legal and other requirements, including customers’ OHS requirement
 Resources required
 Employee Training Needs/Competence Requirements
 Safety Manager or Safety Officer (SO) shall ensure that they are taken up and action
 Safety Manager or Safety Officer (SO) shall keep proper record of Management Review
minutes and shall responsible to circulate to all related staff and project staff.

Safety Operation and Safety Implementation Plan

Working Hours

To ensure general safety operation, CT-JV shall abide by the regulation covering the working
and rest hours as stipulated by the regulations of Bangladesh.

Shifts, overtime and working on night or on locally recognized days of rest will be approved by
the Engineer. During such overtime work or shift work in the night hours, supporting facilities such
as the lighting, messing etc. shall be provided in order to maintain safe working conditions for the
workforce. The CT- JV shall provide proper arrangements for compliance with all the relevant
requirements of the Contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All work at night shall be carried
out without unreasonable noise and disturbance.

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

CT-JV will utilize job safety analysis to identify potential threats and implement methods to reduce
the chance of exposure to hazards.

Sample JSA Form

Job Title: Page of: JSA No. Date: New Revised

Equipment: Supervisor:
Analysis by:
Department: Approved by:

Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Job Steps Potential Hazards Recommended Procedures for Safety

48 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Trainee(s) Name: Training Date:

Trainer(s) Name: Trainer(s) Signature:

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a method of maintaining safety and

health. There are three components of the JSA:

1. The first component of a JSA is to divide a job or task into

specific steps. The steps are listed in chronological order.
2. The second component is to list all the hazards that are
involved in each step.
3. The third component is to write down how each hazard will be
eliminated or controlled.

Risks Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP)

CT-JV shall provide a Risk Assessment and Management program in all major activities, and it
shall be attached in the Work Method Statements and submitted to the Employer and the
Engineer prior to the commencement of construction works. The following matters shall be
included in the Risk Assessment and Management program:

 Identifications of Hazards
 Hazard Effect
 Risk Ranking
 Mitigation Measures
 Recovery Measures

Reference: Appendix - HSP 06 - Risk Assessment and Management Program.

4.7.3 Definitions

Hazard – Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to
property, workforce, environment etc.
Hazard Identification Risk – Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its
characteristics to provide labor, equipment, facilities or material to be used at the site.
Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a hazardous event occurring.

49 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Risk Assessment – Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or
not the risk is tolerable.
Safety – Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
Residual Risk – Risk that have been reduced to a level that can be endured by the organization
having regard to its legal obligations and its own safety policy.

4.7.4 Risk Assessment Team

A risk assessment team will be formed, headed by the Project Manager to ensure all hazards are
identified and mitigated. Members of the risk assessment team will be CT-JV personnel who are
qualified, experienced, knowledgeable and competent in undertaking the risk assessment.


Project Manager

The Project Manager will have the following delegated powers for risks management, which will
be exercised subject to any instructions, restrictions or requirements from time to time directed
to or imposed upon by him but not limited to the following:
 Designate, assign or appoint a competent person to lead a team of personnel (including
Sub-Contractors/suppliers) associated with the site activities to conduct risk assessment;
 Ensure that the risk control measures are implemented without undue delay after the
completion of risk assessment;
 Inform all persons working at the workplace the risks and the means to minimize or,
where possible, eliminate risks;
 Provide a risk assessment register to record the findings of risk assessment;
 Endorse and approve the risk assessment conducted;
 Keep risk assessment records for inspection and submit the record to the commissioner
for workforce and health, if required;
 Review and update the risk assessment on regular basis, or when necessary, if there is
a significant change in the work, or if there is reason to suspect that the assessment is
no longer valid;
 Ensure personnel are aware of the risk assessment for their designated work activity;
 Develop and implement safe work procedures for the work which poses safety or health
risks to workers;
 Keep a written description of the safe work procedures and produce this for inspection
when requested.
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Safety Manager

Facilitate the hazard identification and risk management sessions for the preparation of safety

 In-charge of the preparation and submission of safety submissions;

 Monitor and update the hazard register to ensure all risks identified are mitigated and
 Recommend appropriate risk control measures to reduce or eliminate identified risks;
 Prepare a record of the risk assessment for the project manager after completion of the
 He may also act as the team leader of the risk assessment team.

Team Members

Participate in the risk assessment or assist in conducting the risk assessment;

 Adhere to the safe work procedures established to reduce any safety and health risks
at the workplace;
 Inform their supervisors of any shortcomings in the safe work procedures or risks control

4.7.5 Risk Management

The purpose of risk management is to identify hazards, eliminate or control them and mitigate
the residual risk. The process combines management oversight and engineering analyses to
provide a comprehensive, systematic approach to managing the system risks.

4.7.6 Risk Assessment Process

In addition to control measures proposed by the Employer, the experience of individual risk
assessment team members, industry experience and codes of practice, past incidents and
accidents records, publications on health and safety and knowledge of processes/activities will
serve as the baseline information in the assumption of the control measures for the risk
All risk assessments conducted are to be approved by the Project Manager:

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.7.7 Hazard Identification

Generally, the hazard identification process can be aided by searching for hazards from the
following (non-exhaustive) types of hazard:
1) Falling from height
2) Struck by falling objects
3) Physical work load
4) Gravitational hazards
5) Machinery and tools hazards
6) Compressed fluid hazards
7) Vehicle and mobile equipment hazards
8) Electrical hazards
9) Noise and vibration hazards
10) Chemical hazards
11) Temperature/heat hazards
12) Biological hazards
13) Work related hazards
14) Housekeeping
15) Illumination hazards
A hazard poses a continual negative threat or risk of an accident/effect on health and the only
practical way of preventing accidents and effects on health is to remove or at least effectively
control the hazards. Workplace hazards are cause by:
1) Unsafe acts – acts that deviate from the specified or generally accepted safe way of
performing a task. Such acts increase the likelihood of an accident, occupational ill
health or disease;
2) Unsafe acts of omission – failures to conform to the requirement of the activity in a
manner that increases the likelihood of an accident, occupational ill health and disease;
3) Unsafe conditions – inadequacies in either the situation or the system of work. It can be
manifested in any aspect of the working environment.

4.7.8 Risk Evaluation

Having identified the hazards, it is necessary to attempt to assess the risk index of each hazard
identified in order to provide a basis to recommend and prioritize preventive actions. High risk
activities require more stringent control measures to mitigate the risks.

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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

The risk management facilitator will assess the risk indices for all the identified hazards.

4.7.9 Control Measures

Appropriate control measures consistent with the risk index will be developed for all hazards
identified to eliminate or reduce risks. The existing safeguards will first be identified and
evaluated as to whether these are adequate to mitigate the risk. If these are not considered
adequate, additional safeguards or control measures are then considered.
These controls are based on the following hierarchy of control:
1) Engineering design
2) Engineering redesign
3) Substitution
4) Administration
5) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Engineering design is the most preferred option with PPE being the last resort.

Some examples maybe:

1) Guarding
2) Isolation procedures
3) Method statements or other work procedures
4) Policies
5) Work practices
6) Training
7) This list is not conclusive and there are many other controls that could exists.

4.7.10 Preliminary Risk Assessment

The Project Manager and Safety Manager, together with risk assessment team, will carry out an
initial risk assessment at the pre-construction phase to identify the health, safety and
environmental hazards and risks levels.
Solutions to address the key safety, health and environmental risks identified are incorporated
into the final engineering procedures, if possible. Otherwise, control measures, safe work
practices and procedures are developed to reduce the risk levels for the identified hazardous
works/activities. The results of hazards identification, assessment and control measures are
attached in the Project Management Plan.

53 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Critical information is communicated to all members of the project team including Sub-contractors
before commencement of the construction work. This is to ensure that they are fully aware of the
potential work hazards and safe work procedures to prevent injuries and damages during the
construction phase.
Sub-contractors are to review the acceptability of the risk levels and allocate the necessary
resources to control these identified hazards. This will be reflected in their health and safety plan
which is to be submitted to CT- JV for approval during the project mobilization phase.

4.7.11 Risk Rating

Risk rating is the product or combination of probability of occurrence, current control measures,
severity of consequences and factor of legal compliance. High risk activities mean high priority
for mitigation and require more stringent control measures.
a) Probability of Occurrence (1 ~ 3)
1. Low Probability
2. Medium Probability
3. High Probability
b) Current Control Measures
1. Require low level of control
2. Require medium level of control
3. Require high level of control
c) Severity of Consequences
1. Negligible – Hazard will not result in serious injury or illness; remote possibility of
damage beyond minor first aide case.
2. Marginal – Hazard can cause illness, injury or equipment damage, but the result
would not be expected to be serious.
3. Critical – Hazard can result illness, severe injury, property and equipment damage.
4. Catastrophic – Imminent danger exists, hazard capable of causing death and
illness on a wide scale.
d) Factor of Legal Compliance
1. Low Factor
2. Medium Factor
3. High Factor
e) Risk Rating
1. LOW: product of the above (a ~ d) from 4 to 12 points
54 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

2. MEDIUM: product of the above (a ~ d) from 16 to 24 points

3. HIGH: product of the above (a ~ d) 36 points and up.

4.7.12 Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Routine Activities

The risk assessment team will assess all hazardous activities before work is permitted to
commence. Examples of hazardous routine activities are:

1) Assembling and dismantling of each type of lifting machine, e.g. cranes;

2) Lifting machine operating within congested areas;
3) Heavy lifting;
4) Work at height;
5) Work in confined spaces;
6) Excavation works;
7) Construction of temporary structures, e.g. formworks or workers access;
8) Working near, over or below an existing carriageway, transit system, major
services or properties;
9) Work likely to generate flammable or explosive mixtures, e.g. spray painting
(flammable solvents);
10) Work on unguarded live equipment, unprotected energized cables or equipment
or work on live electrical equipment outside accepted safe work practice.

CT-JV shall develop and identify the various types of Hazards and Emergency Measures:

o an appreciation of the industrial health hazards, and proposals for minimization of the risks
associated with such hazards, and
o the means by which all hazards associated with working on, adjacent to and above tidal
water shall be accommodated including but not limited to details of proposed rescue boats,
safety nets, warning and navigation signs/lights, search procedures, lifesaving equipment,
watching for persons entering the water and any other appropriate equipment or

Non-Routine Activities

A system will be set up to identify other hazardous work activities and for which there is adequate
control measures, and subject these to hazard analysis. This can be achieved through the daily
coordination meetings where proposed works are routinely reviewed.
55 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.7.13 Implementation and Monitoring

When the risk assessment for an activity is completed, the Project Manager will ensure that
control measures recommended, are implemented during the execution of the work by assigning
responsibilities to the appropriate section managers and site engineers.
Site inspection and hazard identification is carried out as works proceed to assess compliance
with the control measures and their effectiveness. Site inspections are conducted by project team
members by employing a mix of the following method:

Workplace Inspection

Workplace inspection are used to identify hazards and promote remedial actions. Persons
involved in the workplace inspection include the Project Manager, Safety Manager, Construction
Manager, Section Managers, Site Engineers, Safety and Health Committee Members, etc.

Safety and Health Inspections

A routine scheduled inspection of a unit of department that may be carried out by someone from
within that unit or department or by safety and health committee members. The inspection may
check maintenance standards, employee’s involvement, safe work practices, adherence to safe
work procedure, etc. Inspections should result in more immediate actions than the wide-reaching
approach taken by audit and hazard analysis.

Safety Committee Inspections

A monthly statutory safety inspection is to be carried out by the committee members. The purpose
is to identify any hazards that are prejudicial to the health and safety of the workers and to
recommend control measures for implementation.

Safety Sampling

To check on one specific pre-selected safety aspect. The safety sample chosen could be
concerned with plant and equipment, method of operations etc. Safety samples should be carried
out regularly but with a random selection of the subject each time.

Safety Audits

Subject each area of the work site to a systematic critical examination with the objective of
minimizing loss. Every component of the total system is examined, e.g., policy, accident reporting,
emergency plans, personal protection standards, records etc. Formal reports and action plans
are then developed, implemented and monitored.
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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)


The Project Manager, together with the risk management facilitator and risk assessment team,
will review the existing control measures, discuss with the project team members and improve
upon on a monthly basis or in an interval as decided by the Project Manager.

The Project Manager considers the results of the risk assessments and the effects of the control
measures when setting the health and safety objectives and formulating the management

Risk Assessment and Management are attached in Appendix-HSP-06.

Safety Housekeeping, Sanitation and Hygiene Plan (HSHP)

Housekeeping is significant aspect of daily life style and in particularly at any construction sites.
The clean and tidy conditions of the construction site and all associated areas shall be ensured
to minimize the potential accidents and incidents in workplace (e.g. trips, slips, fires and spills),
and to avoid blockage of important emergency access.

CT-JV shall guarantee that construction waste both hazardous and non-hazardous shall be
properly collected and disposed daily to appropriate waste collection bins at the end of each
day/shift. Flammable and combustible materials shall be properly stored in appropriate containers
located in designated storage area. Spillages of oil, chemical, solvent or any other hazardous
waste shall be clean up immediately and reported to the competent personnel.

CT-JV shall develop and establish Housekeeping, Sanitation and Hygiene Plan (HSHP) to
minimize any safety and health hazards associated with ineffective housekeeping, sanitation and
hygiene measures during construction. This Plan applies to all construction activities and areas,
including the construction site, workshops, warehouses, offices, camps, tank farm, roads and
common areas.

CT-JV shall check that this Housekeeping, Sanitation and Hygiene Plan (HSHP) shall be
thoroughly communicated to all relevant personnel during all construction phases of the Project,
and this Plan is strictly observed and complied with by the CT-JV and our employees to ensure
compliance with applicable laws, legislation, regulations and requirements of Bangladesh.

This Plan includes, but is not limited to, the following issues:

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 General Housekeeping and Site Cleanliness;

 Dust Control;
 Waste Management;
 Toilet and Washing Facilities;
 Sewage Treatment;
 Water Supply;
 Pest Management;
 Rest Areas

4.8.3 Daily Safety Housekeeping Cycle

Cleaning of work places and checking of safety facilities at the end of the day on daily basis
before leaving the site, shall be performed by all workers and checked by their Section
Managers/Site Engineers.

The night shift work following the earlier day work requires the concluded work done schedule
with the daily safety duties carried out. Tool Box meetings or discussion group meetings shall be
held before the start of the night shift work so that the jobs to be carried out are instructed

4.8.4 Weekly Safety Housekeeping Cycle

Before the start of the work on each Saturday morning, the safety information of the previous
week carried out and the activities with the planned schedule for the current week shall be
informed to all staff and workers. Cleaning of work places by all workers shall be carried out after
the group discussion on Saturday morning before the start of that day’s work.

4.8.5 Monthly Safety Housekeeping Patrol/Cycle

Monthly Safety Patrol attended by representatives of CT-JV and The Engineer shall be carried
out with reports prepared by the Safety Manager from these patrols. These reports shall be issued
to all attendees at the Safety Patrols and also to discuss any issues at the Daily Meeting for
follow-up actions. The monthly patrol shall be held at end of each month as part of the monthly
schedule meeting whereby discussion on suggestions for any site safety/work schedule relating
to the patrol can be taken instruction for the following month.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.8.6 Accommodation and Hygiene

CT-JV will provide and maintain, in a clean and sanitary condition, living accommodation for those
employed by him and his Sub-contractors of all tiers on the works. Each building for living
accommodation shall be provided with adequate lights, water supply and sanitary facilities and
be properly furnished. CT-JV will make his own arrangement for any water required for execution
of work as well as for drinking purposes and nothing will be paid extra for the same.

Working at Height Safety Plan (WAHSP)

4.9.3 Person Eligible for Working at Height

Only those persons who have received formal training and instruction shall work on temporary
structures or means of access such as ladders, scaffolding and power operated mobile work
platforms at heights above 2 meters.

4.9.4 Safety Nets and Soft-Landing Systems

The personnel safety net is designed and constructed to minimize fall-arrest injuries sustained in
the course of normal use when installed in accordance to these instructions. The nets shall be
installed below the work area and as close as practical, but not lower than 1m. They shall be
hung with sufficient clearance to prevent contact with any surface below the safety net during full
impact load, which is typically twice the shortest dimension of the net.

Mounting brackets for the net arms must be secured to a suitable working surface, and installation
of all support cabling must follow the instructions. No substitute of material is acceptable. Any
damaged netting, support arms, cabling or fittings must be reported to the work site supervisor

Safety net shall be installed on marine construction platforms where the height is above 5m to
the river surface, full coverage of safety net is needed during construction of platforms; for viaduct
on land safety net shall cover most of the bottom vicinity of pier caps.

Safety net systems shall be inspected by a safety inspector after installation and a handover
certificate prepared to confirm their safety. They should then be inspected on a weekly basis to
ensure they are still fixed correctly and will arrest a fall. When a person falls into a net, the material
deforms as it absorbs the load and it is therefore essential to provide adequate clearance below
the net to allow deformation to occur without the person striking the ground or another object.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

When a fall system has arrested the fall arrest system is removed from service and inspected by
qualified person and is repaired, before it is reused, to the original manufacturers’ specification,
where an inspection reveals that a component of the system is defective.

4.9.5 Safety Harnesses

If work at height cannot be avoided, putting measures in place to

prevent falls shall always be the first consideration. If falls cannot be
prevented by using work equipment that protects all those at risk, make
sure everyone who uses a harness knows how to check, wear and
adjust it before use and how to connect themselves to the structure or
anchor point as appropriate. Safety harnesses must only be used if
there are no other reasonable or practical options that would provide
adequate fall protection. Training and good equipment is essential.

Harness systems can only be used if there are secure anchor points in suitable positions. The
worker’s harness needs to be attached to an anchor point via a single or double lanyard and
connector. Best practice is to have the anchor point as high as possible (above the head) to
reduce the fall distance.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

It is important to inspect personal fall protection equipment on an ongoing basis to ensure safety.
At minimum this involves inspection before use on each work shift, and after each use to arrest
a fall. It is also recommended to inspect equipment just before each use if not already covered
by one of the other inspection scenarios. Such inspections are only one aspect of the overall
review and monitoring of conditions and procedures for the performance of stunts.

Inspections must be done in accordance with manufacturer instructions, if available, and in

conformity with any standards which apply to the equipment. Inspections should cover at least
the following items:

 With harnesses, check on aspects that include the following: Integrity of stitching
throughout the harness, on both outer and inner surfaces;
 Signs of deformation, bunching, or deterioration of pick points on the harness;
 Signs of contact with chemicals;
 Signs of any part of the harness being cut, stretched, frayed, or otherwise damaged;
 Integrity of shackles and straps on the harness;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Harnesses should be removed from service in circumstances such as the following:

 Any part of the harness, including stitching, has been cut, stretched, frayed or otherwise
 The harness has been exposed to temperatures above 200 degrees F (93 degrees C), or
other temperature specified by the manufacturer. Note: The specified temperature is just
below the boiling point of water.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 The harness has been exposed to chemicals (e.g. solvents, acids, alkalis) that may affect
the integrity of the harness
 Any part of the harness has received a shock-load in excess of 1000 pounds (4.5 kilo
newton’s), or another maximum shock load specified by the manufacturer. Note: a fall
arrest system designed to meet the 4G peak arrest criterion in the alternative standard in
this guideline is not likely to experience a shock load exceeding 1000 pounds, except if a
worker's weight exceeds 250 pounds (113 kg). Further, if the system
 Includes a personal energy absorber (PEA), a person should not experience a peak arrest
force exceeding the criterion unless the PEA fully deploys so that the lanyard extends
fully and there is in an abrupt stop. Most PEAs deploy at an average force of 630 - 810
pounds (2.8 to 3.6 kN).
 The age of the harness exceeds manufacturer specifications. For example, one supplier
has specified a maximum 2 years of use beyond the date of manufacture. Note: If a
harness exceeds a specified use life, as an alternative to removal from service, the user
may wish to contact the manufacturer to see if the harness could be submitted for possible
 Manufacturer instructions or standards to which the equipment is manufactured would
otherwise require removal.

4.9.6 Dos and Don’ts - Working at Height

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 as much work as  overload ladders – consider

possible from the the equipment or materials
ground. workers are carrying before
 ensure workers can get working at height. Check the
safely to and from where pictogram or label on the
they work at height. ladder for information.
 ensure equipment is  overreach on ladders or
suitable, stable and stepladders.
strong enough for the  rest a ladder against weak
job, maintained and upper surfaces, e.g. glazing or
checked regularly. plastic gutters.
 take precautions when  use ladders or stepladders for
working on or near strenuous or heavy tasks, only
fragile surfaces. use them for light work of short
 provide protection from duration (a maximum of 30
falling objects. minutes at a time).
 consider emergency  let anyone who is not
evacuation and rescue competent (who doesn’t have
procedures the skills, knowledge and
experience to do the job) work
at height

Scaffolding Safety Plan (SSP)

CT-JV shall develop and ensure that the safe and efficient erection, use, dismantling, and
alteration of scaffold and elevated work platforms are observed and warrant that all employees
are charged with the responsibility to provide full support and act in strict accordance when using
scaffolds and elevated work platforms within the construction site.

Every employee who observes violations of these requirements has the responsibility to report
any unsafe conditions or unsafe practices observed to the supervisor-in-charge immediately and
share with supervision the responsibility for following safety guidelines.

4.10.3 Requirements and Reference

CT-JV will prepare Scaffolding Safety Plan (SSP) for implementing, enforcing, administering, and
monitoring the erection, use, dismantling and storage of scaffolds and elevated work platforms.

The SSP should include some of the key legal and standard requirements for Scaffold
Constructions which are described as below:

• No scaffold shall be erected, dismantled, or altered except under the supervision of the
Scaffolding Supervisor/Inspector;
65 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Guardrails and toe boards shall be installed on all open sides and ends of platforms;
• Access ladder(s) or equivalent safe access shall be provided;
• Scaffold and its associated components shall be capable of supporting its own weight and at
least 4 times the maximum intended load (weight of person or persons, including tools and
materials) applied;
• Direct connections to roofs and floors, and counterweights used to balance or hold a
suspension scaffold, shall be capable of resisting 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the
scaffold operating at the rated load of the hoist, or 1.5 times the tipping moment imposed by
the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist;
• Wire ropes, including the connecting hardware used in suspension scaffolds, shall be capable
of supporting at least 6 times the maximum intended load applied;
• Each suspension rope, including connecting hardware, used on adjustable suspension
scaffolds shall be capable of supporting, without failure, at least 6 times the maximum
intended load applied or transmitted to that rope with the scaffold operating at either the rated
load of the hoist, or 2 (minimum) times the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater;
• The stall load of any scaffold hoist shall not exceed 3 times its rated load.

4.10.4 Scaffold Inspection

All scaffolds shall be inspected immediately upon erection and before use. CT-JV construction
site Safety Management team shall be responsible for conducting such an inspection. The
inspection shall include visual inspection of the scaffold, and its associated components, for the

• Visible defects such as damaged platforms, access, guardrails, toe boards, etc.;
• Missing platforms or guardrails that may create falling hazards;
• Missing or loose parts and components that may affect a scaffold’s structural
• Materials or substances that may create slipping and tripping hazards.

66 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Safe Use of a Scaffold

• Scaffolds shall not be erected, used, dismantled, modified / altered or moved in close
proximity to exposed or energized power lines, unless the following measures have
been taken;
• Sufficient clearance is made for the performance of such work;
- The utility company, or electrical system operator, has been notified of the need to
work in such close proximity and that the power lines has been de- energized,
relocated or installed with protective coverings to prevent accidental contact with the
• Scaffolds shall only be erected, moved, dismantled or modified / altered under the
direct supervision of a Scaffold Supervisor; and by trained and qualified scaffold
• During inclement weather, work on scaffolds shall be suspended or prohibited unless
scaffold is built internally to a building or structure;

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Materials used for construction shall not be left on a scaffold in such a manner that
they may overload the scaffold, obstruct the walking platform or access, or cause
tripping hazards;
• Each incomplete scaffold or completed scaffolds found not meeting with the
requirements shall have a sign attached that shall state: “Unsafe for use. Inspection
required”, “Do Not Use”

These signs shall be placed at the location of the access. It is the responsibility of the CT-JV and
our sub-contractors to make daily inspection of scaffolding ensuring that incomplete scaffolding
is not being used and the inspected scaffolding is maintained in a safe condition.

Scaffolding erection for works shall be carried out at elevated area. Safety concerning the
erection, maintenance and dismantling of these scaffoldings is mandatory to ensure safe
operation on site.

 All scaffoldings to be inspected/checked at regular intervals as required by the

manufacturer or the legal requirements for well-maintained condition;
 Trained and competent workers with supervision for this work;
 Any deflective parts of the scaffolding materials shall be removed from the storage
 Working platform shall be sufficiently strong, properly secured and not overloaded
with toe-boards to prevent falling objects;
 Erect barricades or overhead shelter wherever practicable to prevent person from
being struck by falling objects. Open-sides/working platforms higher than safe
allowable height shall be properly barricaded;
 All personnel working at heights have to wear their personal safety gear (safety
harness) at all times;
 Routine checks on erected scaffoldings e.g. daily site check, monthly safety patrol,
etc. shall inspect such scaffolding to ensure the tag of records of checks conducted
as per requirements.

Ladders and Lightweight Staging Safety Plan (LSP)

CT-JV shall develop and establish LSP as a procedure and the purpose and objectives of this
particular requirement from the contract document is to provide guidelines on the proper selection
of a suitable ladder or lightweight staging for the safe performance of a task to prevent workers
from falling from height.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Inspection of Ladders and Lightweight Staging: Since Ladder and lightweight staging comes in
many different form, size, and height and material, it is important that Ladders and lightweight
staging shall be inspected in accordance with the following frequency by the respective person:

• Daily Inspection by User;

• Weekly Inspection by Immediate Supervisor.
• Such inspections shall be properly documented and filed.

4.11.3 Maintenance of Ladders and Lightweight Staging

• Ladders and lightweight staging shall be effectively maintained in the utmost

condition at all times;
• All joints, steps and fittings shall be securely attached;
• Movable parts shall operate freely without binding or undue play;
• Rungs shall be kept free of grease, oil and chemical;
• Platforms shall be free from cracked, warped and opaque finishing.

Other Requirements, Restrictions and Limitations:

CT-JV shall ensure that all users preferably not to use aluminum or steel ladders and steps when
carrying out any electrical work or where they shall be liable to come into contact with unprotected
electrical conductors. Before use, ladders and steps shall be visually checked for any obvious
signs of damage. If serious faults are evident the item shall be removed from the site.

69 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Access ladders to working platforms shall be firmly secured at the landing. The
ladder shall extend at least 1 meter above the landing platform;
• Access points to ladders and lightweight staging shall be kept free of obstructions;
• Ladders and lightweight staging shall not be set up near doorways or moving
machinery. When necessary, barricades shall be used to protect and guard against
moving vehicles or from mechanical damage;
• Vertically erected ladders shall have a landing/rest place at every 9 meters;
• Damaged or deformed ladders shall be refrained from used and immediately
removed from the site.

Equipment / Machinery

Limitation of working space for works to be carried out within construction site may affect
movements of workers. As a result, accident may happen when the machineries accidentally
knocked/hit workers working too close to them. If such situation arises, the followings must be

 Keep a safe distance depending on the type of work to be carried out by the workers
within close vicinity of machineries. Site Engineer should inform such requirements to
the workers and operators of machineries;
 Appoint signalmen/riggers to control the movement of the machineries during these
 Do not store too many unnecessary items at this congested area. Housekeeping is
 If this situation is dangerous and congested, review work schedule and carry out work
in sequence;
 Reflective personal vest/clothing provided for better visibility;
 Daily inspection on construction machinery, equipment and tools shall be conducted.
The inspection records shall be kept for designated period;
 Heavy machinery such as cranes and bulldozers shall be inspected by qualified
personnel or relevant authorities. Inspection records shall be kept. Safety Manager is
responsible to confirm the inspection status of Sub-contractors’ machines;
 Moving parts of machines shall be covered to prevent human bodies from getting
 Electric machinery shall be properly earthed to prevent electrification accidents;

70 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Properly insulated electric cables shall be wired in good order and identifiable as to the
connection with each electric machine;
 Proactive measures shall be taken to prevent foreseeable accidents, e.g. setting
barricades and handrails, etc.;
 Signals toward the crane operators and riggers shall be determined.

Plant and Equipment Inspection and maintenance Plan (PEMP)

All equipment shall be supplied in a safe condition suitable for its intended purpose, identified
with a unique project ID code, with appropriate valid certification and test records. Equipment
shall be fit for purpose, safe to use and not cause unexpected pollution during its operation or
transport to site.

Equipment brought to site by CT-JV and its Sub-contractors shall be inspected by the Engineer,
any sub-standard condition equipment or plant shall not be permitted entry into the site and
replacement is required with acceptable equipment or plant in a timely manner at no additional

All vehicles, plant and powered equipment shall be well maintained and adequately silenced to
minimize noise, leaks and emissions. Suitably designed Drip trays shall be used to eliminate fuel
release to the environment from all sources of vehicles and fuel-powered equipment in use.

Vehicle speeds shall be kept as low as practicable to minimize dust generation. Pumps,
generators and other mobile equipment shall be sited as far as practicable from accommodation
and other noise sensitive locations. All Equipment shall be switched off when not in use, or if
practicable when left unattended. A variety of mobile construction plants, machineries and
equipment shall be used during the Construction Phase.

4.13.3 Certification and Inspection

Necessary manufacturers or governmental test, inspection and maintenance certificates shall be

submitted to the Engineer and such certificates have been verified current and valid. The required
frequency of subsequent testing after the plants were mobilized shall subject to statutory and/or
manufacturer's requirements. No plants shall be allowed operation in the construction work site
without a current and valid test and inspection certificate.

Operators and owners of construction plants shall be required to performed regular inspection of
their plants to ensure the physical conditions are safe for continuous operation and that it does

71 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

affect the health of workers and the environment. Such inspections shall be properly documented
and filed.

4.13.4 Maintenance

All mobile plant shall be maintained and service in pre-determined period by trained and
competent personnel in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

4.13.5 Operating Procedures

All mobile plant shall be operated only by license operators who have received formal training
with competence certificates all plants, machineries and equipment shall be used in accordance
with the manufacturer's operating procedures. Operators shall be required to carry out pre-
inspection daily before operation.

4.13.6 Hired Plant

All hired plant shall be accompanied by necessary statutory certificates and/or test or inspection
documents of the plants and shall be subject to the same scrutiny and management as above.
Designated service areas for repair and maintenance of vehicles and machinery shall be
established by the CT-JV within the construction site.

These areas shall be properly constructed and fitted out so that waste materials are contained
and segregated according to the waste management procedure and to ensure that there is no
pollution of soil or watercourses.

Pressurized Equipment

1) All pressurized equipment and systems shall be approved, tested and equipped with safety
or relief valves and pressure gauges;

2) All pressurized equipment or systems confirmed to be unsafe shall be tagged “OUT OF

SERVICE”, “DO NOT USE”. Use of such unsafe equipment is prohibited;

3) Pressurized equipment shall be operated and maintained only by qualified and authorized

4) Safety valve setting shall not exceed working pressure. Discharge of any safety valves,
relief valves will blow off and to direct away from the personnel. All air compressors shall
automatically stop before the discharge pressure exceeds the maximum working pressure

72 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

allowable on the weakest portion of the system. Safety value setting shall follow the
manufacturer’s specification;

6) A stop valve shall be installed on each outlet for air hoses. The stop valve on the air hose
shall be closed when a tool is being changed or repair work is in progress. A drain valve on
the air received shall be opened to drain the accumulated oil or moisture before
commencing work.

Safety Plan for Powered Hand Tools (PHTP)

Powered tools or equipment are generally tools powered by explosive, electricity, compressed
air and etc. These tools can be very useful and efficient when they are used in a safe manner.
However, such powered tools can also inflict serious injury to the operator and sometime workers
working in close proximity when they are mishandled or abused.

Electrical Powered Tools: Electric tools are tools powered by electricity and they include the

• Powered drill;
• Powered wrench;
• Portable grinder;
• Portable disc cutter;
• Powered hand saw;
• Inspection lamp.

General Safety Measures are as follows but not limited to;

• Operators of electrical powered tools shall have received adequate training to allow him
to perform a task safely. Qualified Personnel or the Manufacturer shall conduct trainings
as appropriate;
• Modification, repairing and servicing of electrical powered tools and all its attachment
shall only be performed by qualified electrical workers;
• Operators shall ascertain power ratings of distribution panel before connecting an
electrical powered tool to the distribution panel;
• Operators shall perform visual inspection on the tool and its attachment such as
guarding devices, cords and cables, plugs and sockets before use. Any defects shall
be immediately reported and the tool returned for service or repair;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Operators shall not pry open or attempt to tap electrical supply from distribution panel.
Always seek assistance from qualified electrical worker when power is not available;
• Operators shall be provided with and wear adequate protective equipment such as
helmet, goggles, and ear plugs/ear muff and dust mask when necessary.

4.15.3 General

 All personnel who use hand tools must be trained properly to ensure safe operation and
use at all times;
 Hand tools shall be kept in well-maintained condition/places and use them for the work
which they are designed for the purposes;
 Inspections at periodic interval shall be carried out to assure safe operating conditions;
 Defective tools must be placed away for repair and not to be used;
 Tools that are required at elevated position shall be secured or placed in holders;
 To transfer tools/materials from one location to another by throwing or dropping to lower
levels is prohibited;
 Tools of non-sparking nature shall be used where hazardous vapour exists as it may
initiate a fire or explosion. Power tools shall be operated only by qualified personnel;
 Flexible rubber cable shall be used for all portable electric tools. Waterproof connectors
shall be used for cable connections.

4.15.4 Grinding Tools

 Cracked or damaged grinding wheels of tools shall not be used.

4.15.5 Pneumatic Tools

Pneumatic tools are tool powered by compressed air and shall sometimes with water these
include the following:

• Chippers;
• Drills;
• Hammers;
• Sanders;
• Pneumatic Guns (Nails, Rivets, Staples or Similar Fastener)
• Hydro-Blasting Gun.

General Safety Measures are as follows but not limited to;

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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Pneumatic tools are usually operated by high-pressure compressed air and sometimes with water
as in hydro blasting. High-pressure compressed air and water shall inflict serious injury to
operators as well as workers working in close proximity;

 Adequate safety measures shall be considered when such tools are being used;
 Operators of pneumatic powered tools shall have received adequate training to allow
him to perform a task safely. Qualified Personnel or the Manufacturer shall conduct
trainings as appropriate. Records of trained operators shall be properly kept and filed for
audit purposed;
 Appropriate and approved fastener, coupling and restrainers shall be used to effectively
secure all pneumatic tools in its attachments including couplings and hoses;
 Operators shall turn off pressure from compressor before equipment is disconnected or
a tool is removed;
 Operators shall not improvise or attach any devices onto the switch or trigger to allow
pressurized air or water to eject from the nozzle freely. Such action is only allowed on
tools that are designed with such a locking device. However, permission shall be sought
and consideration shall be made depending on the pressure used;
 Operators shall be provided with and wear appropriate protective equipment such as
helmet, face shield, goggles, ear plugs/ear muff and dust mask when necessary
 Compressed air shall be exhausted from the line before disconnecting tools from the
 Air hose shall be labeled with maximum safety working pressure as recommended by
the manufacturer and this stipulated pressure shall not be exceeded. Deflective hoses
shall not be used.
 Hoses shall not be left on ladders, steps, scaffolds or walkways.
 Compressed air to blow dirt from hands, face, or clothing is prohibited.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.15.6 Dos and Don’ts - Hand Tools:

 Use tools designed to allow wrist to  Do not use tools for jobs
stay straight. Avoid using hand tools they are not intended to do.
with your wrist bent. For example, do not use a
 Ensure that employees are properly slot screw driver as a
trained in the safe use of hand tools. chisel, pry bar, wedge or
 Use good quality tools and keep tools punch or wrenches as
in good condition at all times. hammers.
 Inspect tools for defects before use.  Do not apply excessive
Replace or repair defective tools. force or pressure on tools.
 Keep cutting tools sharp and cover  Do not cut towards yourself
sharp edges with suitable covering to when using cutting tools.
protect the tool and to prevent injuries  Do not hold the stock in the
from unintended contact. palm of your hand when
 Replace cracked, splintered, or using a cutting tool or a
broken handles on files, hammers, screwdriver.
screwdrivers, or sledges.  Do not wear bulky gloves
 Ensure that the handles of tools like to operate hand tools.
hammers and axes fit tightly into the  Do not throw tools. Hand
head of the tool. them, handle first, directly
 Replace worn jaws on wrenches, pipe to other workers.
tools and pliers.  Do not carry tools in a way
 Redress burred or mushroomed that interferes with using
heads of striking tools. both hands on a ladder,
 Pull on a wrench or pliers. Never push while climbing on a
unless you hold the tool with your palm structure, or when doing
open. any hazardous work. If
 Point sharp tools (e.g., saws, chisels, working on a ladder or
knives) laying on benches away from scaffold, tools should be
aisles and handles should not extend raised and lowered using a
over the edge of the bench top. bucket and hand line.
 Maintain tools carefully. Keep them  Do not carry a sharp tool in
clean and dry and store them properly your pocket.
after each use.
 Carry tools in a sturdy tool box to and
from the work site.
 Wear safety glasses or goggles, or a
face shield (with safety glasses or
goggles) and well-fitting gloves
appropriate for the hazards to which
you may be exposed when doing
various tasks.

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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Use a heavy belt or apron and hang

tools at your sides, not behind your

Safety Plan for Compressed Gas Cylinder Handling (CGHP)

The safe handling, storage, transportation and use of compress gas cylinders during the
Construction Phase shall be provided by the CT-JV to establish guidelines and instructions to all

4.16.3 Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinder

• Proper handling equipment, such as purpose-designed cradle

or lifting cages, shall be used;
• The protection of valves head by steel protective cap shall be
used during handling;
• Only nylon slings shall be used for lifting or hoisting of lifting

4.16.4 Transportation of Compressed Gas Cylinders

• Gas cylinders are adequately secured in the upright position and transport in open-
backed vehicles within the construction site;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Cylinders shall not be allowed to project over

and out of a vehicle’s body;
• During transportation, all compressed gas
cylinders shall be fitted with their respective
valve protective cap;
• Gauges, hoses and burning/cutting torches
shall be disconnected from the compressed
gas cylinders during transportation.

4.16.5 Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders

• Compressed gas cylinder storage compound shall be

constructed openly with natural ventilation, away from
drains and pits and high activity work zones;
• Compressed gas cylinder storage compound shall be
adequately fenced with emergency gates and sited on
firm and level ground;
• Flammable gases such as Acetylene, LPG, Propane
and Hydrogen shall be stored separately from Oxygen.
The required distances for these cylinders to be stored
apart shall be at least 6 meters;
• Inert gas, such as Nitrogen shall be stored in between
these cylinders;
• Storages where compressed gas cylinders are kept shall be prominently marked as to
the type of compressed gas stored. Emptied and filled compressed gas cylinders shall
also be stored separately;
• Compressed gas cylinders shall always be stored and secured in the upright position;
• Compressed gas cylinders shall never be subject to rough treatment/shock; they shall
always be handled with great care.

4.16.6 Use of Compressed Gas Cylinders

• Prior to installing a regulating valve onto a compressed gas cylinder, blow out or quick
release action to remove impurities such as dust and dirt shall be performed. However,
this action does not apply to Compressed Hydrogen Cylinders and can be dangerous if
it is performed;
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• After connection, regulating valves, hoses, burning/cutting torches and all joints shall be
inspected for leaks by applying soap water and serviceability by visual inspection;
• Flame arrestors shall be fitted between the hoses and the cylinders;
• Gas hoses shall be properly elevated from the ground to prevent tripping hazard and
being damaged mechanically;
• Gas hoses shall not be resting together with electrical or welding cables in the elevated
• Storage area for gas hoses, regulators valves and burning and cutting torches shall be
well ventilated;
• Serviceable fire extinguisher of the correct type shall be used in hot work area.

4.16.7 Before Lifting Cylinders Manually

 Find out the weight of an object before attempting to

lift it. Do a few warm up stretches before lifting
 Use a lifting aid if the object is heavy.
 Protect hands and feet in case the load falls.
 Use a trolley or a mechanical lift to lift or move
compressed gas cylinders.
 Place forward foot around the cylinder if it must be
lifted manually.
 Lower the cylinder across thigh by pressing down with rear hand while holding
cylinder underneath and slightly beyond center point.
 Raise end to desired height.
 Push cylinder forward by rear hand.
 DO NOT lift full or partially full cylinders on your own.
 Get help with heavy or awkward loads if a lifting aid is not available.

Safety Plan for Welding and Cutting Plan (WCP)

CT-JV shall provide guidelines and instructions to perform welding and gas cutting operations.
CT-JV shall also provide the relevant Safety Training for welding and gas cutting operations and
the trained and authorized personnel shall only be allowed to perform welding work. The following
guidelines shall be observed and complied with when performing welding operation:

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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.17.3 General Requirements

• Inspect and check the work area and its surrounding. Remove all combustible materials
as well as protect all plants, equipment and cables before the commencement of the
welding operation;
• Inspect and check welding equipment and its accessories. Replace or repair any
damaged parts when necessary;
• Inspect and check firefighting and prevention equipment. Replace non-serviceable and
damaged equipment before the commencement of the welding operation;
• Wear appropriate type of personal protective equipment for protection against ultra
violet radiation, sparks and hazardous fumes;
• Elevate welding cables from floors and entrances to above a men’s height. Materials
used for the elevating the welding cables shall preferably be a non- conductor. Welding
cables shall not rest on steel structures including metal scaffold and working platform;
• Erect appropriate welding screens to shield workers working in close proximity from the
ultra violet rays;
• The fire watchmen shall extinguish all potential fire hazards during and after the welding
operation before he leaves the work area. This is to ensure the prevention of delay fire
• Employees shall be made responsible for the welding equipment used. Regular
inspection shall be performed to ensure condition of welding equipment and its
accessories are always in good condition;
• Oil and grease shall be kept out of all parts of cutting tools and cylinders. This shall
include the gas cylinders, torch, hoses and flashback arrestor.

4.17.4 Arc Welding

The following guidelines shall be observed and complied with when performing arc welding

• Welding cable shall be connected in an approved manner. There shall be no exposed

metal parts in any cable;
• Welding cable shall be uniquely identified and inspected regularly. Splices shall be
• The grounding cable shall be attached to the work piece by means of a clamp. The
ground cable shall not be attached to equipment or existing installations or apparatus.
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Welding of the ground cable is forbidden. Concrete reinforcing shall not be used for
grounding purposes; Welding equipment shall be installed so that the welder can see it
during welding activities;
• Welding equipment shall not be placed in the path of falling sparks;
• Cables shall be kept clear from passageways, ladders and stairs. When exposed to
possible damage, suitable covers shall protect cables;
• When not in use, diesel welding machines, generators and transformers shall be
switched off;
• When in use, they shall be protected by suitable covers and correctly placed drip trays;
• Refueling operations shall be done with the machine turned off;
• Hot electrode holders shall not be dipped into water, as this will expose the welder to
electrical shock;
• Safety goggles (not glasses) shall be worn at all times when grinding or welding, welding
hoods shall attach to hard hats.

4.17.5 Gas Welding and Burning

• Welding or cutting torches and hoses shall not be connected to cylinders when stored;
• Cylinders shall not be placed in containers or buildings;
• When work is stopped and equipment is unattended, all valves at the gas and oxygen
cylinders shall be closed;
• The hoses shall be bled and a check shall be made five minutes later for possible
pressure build-up;
• Torches shall be removed from the hoses prior to putting them into the toolbox. Smoking
shall not be permitted during this stopping procedure;
• Special care shall be taken during overhead cutting and welding operations to
safeguard and prevent falling sparks from starting a fire;
o Warning signs shall be posted around and at each level below the area of each
overhead welding or burning operation;
o Fire extinguishers / Fire Wardens shall be available and fire blankets shall be
used for protection;
o When welding or cutting, adequate ventilation shall be ensured;
o Hoses shall be kept clear from passageways, ladders and stairs. When hoses
are exposed to possible damage, they shall be properly protected;
o Hoses shall be inspected regularly;
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

o The use of full or empty cylinders as supporting elements for welding activities is
o Unprotected eyes and exposed skin are liable to injury from the intense ultra
violet light emitted during arc welding. Any person who suspects that he/she has
received "weld flash" injuries shall contact a first aide immediately for treatment.


 All welding and cutting apparatus shall be inspected daily by personnel in-charge.
Defective apparatus or equipment shall be replaced or repaired;
 Combustible materials, equipment such as gas cylinders, rubber hoses and debris
shall be removed or shielded from heat, sparks and slag from welding or cutting;
 Welding or cutting in an area where flammable vapor may be present shall be carried
out carefully, under the supervision of Safety Manager after confirming with the person
in-charge of the gas detector that the area is safe.

Welding Works

 Welding machines shall not be placed directly on the ground and must be keep in dry
 Welding machines shall be placed at level surface and secured with a suitable wedge
to keep them in a horizontal position;
 All electric welding machines shall be effectively grounded. The ground lead for the
welding machines shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the
service required;
 Approved connectors shall be used to connect the welding cable between the welding
machine and electrode holder;
 Only electrode holders that have passed the inspection shall be used;
 Welder has to leave the work site whenever his welding work is suspended. He has to
turn-off the power and disconnects the welding rod from the holder;
 All personnel located within 30m at electric welding operations shall be screened from
the welding flash.

Gas Works

 Cylinders shall be stored in well-ventilated location/area and shield from direct

sunlight with steel plates or incombustible canvas. Cylinders in service shall be
secured in portable racks or handcarts;
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Cylinders shall be transported by crane, hoist or derrick in cradles, nets or skid pans
but not in slings or chains or by magnets;
 Cylinder caps shall be placed in the proper area where they are in storage, or during
transfers and whenever the regulators are not in place;
 Acetylene cylinders shall be in an upright position during in use and secured to
prevent displacement;
 Cylinders for use underground must be equipped with flask back arrestor. Otherwise,
it is prohibited to use them in underground;
 Oxygen cylinders and fittings shall be kept away from oil or grease. No oil-greased
hands or gloves are allowed to handle these cylinders. Tags indicating FULL or
EMPTY must be done. Empty cylinders shall be returned immediately to storage
 All connections between hoses, hose and torch and hose to regulator shall be
tightened rigidly with proper hose bands;
 Pressure gauges with cracked glass or damaged regulators shall not be used and
will be replaced;
 Before start of work, leakage test shall be made at all connections with soapy
 Torch valve shall be closed and gas supply shall be shut-off whenever work is
 Cylinder’s block valve shall be closed after work is completed. Regulators and hoses
shall be removed and put in the storage location and cap to be replaced properly;
 Tip for cutting torch shall be of correct type, i.e. proper tip for LPG gas, proper tip for
acetylene gas, etc. to prevent damage to the equipment and workers.

4.17.6 Good Working Posture While Welding

 Learn to recognize symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs;

also called repetitive strain injuries or RSIs).
Repeated uncomfortable postures and tasks can
cause injury.
 Avoid awkward body positions which cause fatigue,
reduce concentration and lead to poor welds which
may need to be repeated.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Always use your hand to lower your helmet. Do not use a "jerking" motion of your
neck and head.
 Position yourself in a stable, comfortable posture.
 Position the welding item as flat as possible, on a
horizontal surface, between waist and elbow height.
 Position scaffolding at a comfortable height to allow
working in a seated position.
 Avoid working in one position for long periods of time.
 Work with material slightly below elbow level when
working in a sitting position.
 Work with material between waist and elbow heights
for comfort and precision when working in a standing
 Use a foot rest if standing for long periods.
 Always store materials and tools within normal reach.
 Use positioning aids to accommodate work posture.

4.17.7 Dos and Don’ts

 Wear clothing made from heavyweight, tightly woven, 100% wool or cotton to protect
from UV radiation, hot metal, sparks and open flames. Flame retardant treatments
become less effective with repeated laundering.
 Keep clothing clean and free of oils, greases and combustible contaminants.
 Wear long-sleeved shirts with buttoned cuffs and a collar to protect the neck. Dark
colours prevent light reflection.
 Tape shirt pockets closed to avoid collecting sparks or hot metal or keep them
covered with flaps.
 Pant legs must not have cuffs and must cover the tops of the boots. Cuffs can collect
 Repair all frayed edges, tears or holes in clothing.
 Wear high top boots fully laced to prevent sparks from entering into the boots.
 Use fire-resistant boot protectors or spats strapped around the pant legs and boot
tops, to prevent sparks from bouncing in the top of the boots.
 Remove all ignition sources such as matches and butane lighters from pockets. Hot
welding sparks may light the matches or ignite leaking lighter fuel.
 Wear gauntlet-type cuff leather gloves or protective sleeves of similar material, to
protect wrists and forearms. Leather is a good electrical insulator if kept dry.
 Direct any spark spray away from your clothing.
 Wear leather aprons to protect your chest and lap from sparks when standing or
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Wear layers of clothing. To prevent sweating, avoid overdressing in cold weather.

Sweaty clothes cause rapid heat loss. Leather welding jackets are not very
breathable and can make you sweat if you are overdressed.
 Wear a fire-resistant skull cap or balaclava hood under your helmet to protect your
head from burns and UV radiation.
 Wear a welder's face shield to protect your face from UV radiation and flying

 Do not wear rings or other jewellery.

 Do not wear clothing made from synthetic or synthetic blends. The synthetic fabric
can burn vigorously, melt and produce bad skin burns.

Heavy Lifting and Rigging Plan (LRP)

Heavy and Awkward Lifting Operations refers to lifting operations involving the following:

• Load exceeding 20 metric tons;

• Shape of the load is awkward (e.g. center of gravity is not conventionally in the center
of the load); or Size of load is too large in term of length or width for a single crane
operation (e.g. tandem lifting operation).

A Comprehensive Lifting & Rigging Plan shall be developed and submitted to the Engineer for
approval by CT-JV before the plan lifting operation. This Heavy / Awkward Lifting Plan shall be
provided to ensure a safe performing a heavy, awkward or tandem lifting operation.

4.18.3 Comprehensive Lifting and Rigging Plan

Heavy lifting operation and the lifting of awkward load is classified as a hazardous operation that
requires careful planning, comprehensive study and meticulous impact and effect assessment.
The Comprehensive Lifting & Rigging Plan should contain, at a minimum, the following

4.18.4 Weight and Loading

• Weight of the load including dressings;

• Total lifting weight including the load (fully dressed) and the weight of lifting equipment
including wire ropes, shackles and spreader beam;
• Impact loading or safety factor for sudden movement during hoisting and weather
condition such as wind velocity, temperature, rain, etc.; and
• The center of gravity in order to ascertain the position lifting point and the design of lifting
eyes or lifting lugs.
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.18.5 Lifting Eyes or Lifting Lugs

The following measures should be considered when designing and installing the lifting eyes or
lifting lugs:

• Material of the load;

• Weight and shape of the load; and
• Installation and testing/inspection criteria.

The quality and integrity of the lifting eyes or lifting lugs should be tested or inspected with
relevant test/inspection certificate from an approved test/inspection center or person.

4.18.6 Cranes and Lifting Equipment

During planning stage, CT-JV Safety management team together with the subCT-JV’s qualified
engineers should prepare a list of all equipment design for installation to identify the heavy
equipment that may be categorized under this plan.

Based on this equipment list and the process in which the weight and loading of the equipment
is ascertained, the following measures should be observed when selecting a crane and its lifting

• Total weight of load including impact loading (safety factor);

• Size of load including height, width or diameter;
• Distance to transverse or swing angle and hoist angle;
• Operation space and site condition; and
• Type and size of lifting equipment including wire ropes, shackles and spreader beam.

4.18.7 Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis

With all the above information all in hand, CT-JV safety management team along with Sub-
Contractor steam shall conduct risk assessment. This assessment should include the following
potential hazards that are common to a lifting operation:

• Working in or near elevated power cables;

• Ground condition (hollow or soft ground condition);
• Weather condition (high wind velocity);
• Violent swinging (failure to use tag line and guide rope);
• Falling from height (access to secure or release rigging points);

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Failure of crane load bearing structure; and

• Failure of lifting equipment.

Site Preparation

The site where the lifting operation is scheduled to take place shall be prepared in accordance
with the following:

• Ground is investigated for soft condition, air pockets and buried services (e.g. power
lines, sewer line or drainage);
• Ground is compacted to ensure it is capable of taking the entire loading during lifting
operation (i.e. crane, total weight of load, weight of lifting equipment and impact load;
• Affected area is clear of obstruction, services (above and underground) and activities.

Pre-Operation Briefing

Before the commencement of a heavy or awkward lifting operation, CT-JV safety management
team shall conduct a pre-entry briefing to all personnel involved in the lifting operation. Pre-
operation briefings may be conducted in the form of a Toolbox Meeting. Such briefings should
include information such as, but not limited to, the following:

• Roles and responsibilities of each individual including verification checks to be

performed before a lifting operation;
• Potential hazards and its associated risks;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• The prevention, control and mitigation measures in preventing the occurrence of an

• Communication, instruction and signs used.

Final Inspection (After Set Up)

Once the crane is set and all lifting equipment attached to the intended load, CT-JV safety
management team shall conduct a final inspection on the crane and all its accessories in
accordance with the checklist in the procedure.

The following shall be considered during the final inspection:

• Working conditions of all mechanical parts on the crane. Mechanical parts referred
to brakes, winches, pulleys and drums;
• Ground condition and stability of the crane including outriggers position and sitting;
• Physical conditions and validity of all lifting appliances and gears.

The “Crane Inspection List” is attached in the Appendix-HSP-07 of this HSP.

Lifting plant must be checked daily by the competent operator with records to be kept by him.
Checks by Safety Manager whenever required shall be carried out. The lifting operator should
note the following:

 Lifting of loads over public areas is prohibited. Clear workers below the lifting operating
 Do not operate lifting work during inclement weather;
 Do not overload beyond the allowable safe lifting capacity;
 Outriggers are fully extended;
 Any sudden movements are to be avoided;
 Loads to be securely slung and no falling/dislodgement will happen.

4.18.8 Hoists

Hoists of various types are widely used on construction sites and include goods and passenger
hoists, inclined hoists and transport platforms. They have become an essential part of almost any
construction project providing the facility for the smooth and rapid movement of workers and

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Thoroughly documented inspection of hoisting

machinery must be carried out by a competent
person on an annual basis.
 In addition to the annual documented inspection, a
visual inspection before and during each shift, and
an additional inspection at least once a month.
 All inspections will be documented with person
responsible for inspections and date inspected. The
document will be made available on site for review
by the Engineer and Employer.
 Properly constructed of sound materials and
capable of lifting the required loads;
 Properly marked as to use either for equipment and
materials only, or for passengers in addition to
goods, and the number that can be carried, together
with a safe working load notice. Never allow
passengers to ride on a goods-only hoist;
 Erected only by trained and experienced people following the manufacturer instructions
and properly secured to the supporting structure;
 All operations must be certifiably qualified to operate a specific type of crane before they
are allowed to do so. Furthermore, all operators must undergo a period of on-the job
training, so as to familiarize themselves with any conditions specific to the workplace;

Prevent people falling down the hoist way by making sure:

 The hoist way is fenced where people could fall down on it;
 The gates at landings are kept closed except during loading and unloading. Gates should
be secure and not free to swing into the hoist way. In addition, to prevent accidents, the
gates must be equipped with a restraining device; and
 The edge of the hoist platform is close to the edge of the landing so that there is no gap
to fall through.

Prevent people being hit by falling materials by:

 Stopping loads falling from the platform, e.g. make sure wheelbarrows are securely
chocked and are not overfilled and that loads are evenly distributed on the hoist platform;
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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Not carrying loose loads such as bricks. Put loose loads in proper containers or use a
hoist with an enclosed platform;
 Not overloading the platform. It should be clearly marked with its working load limit; and
 Not hoist employees if weather conditions are bad, or if any other indication of impending
danger exists. If employees are hoisted and a dangerous situation arises, they should
be grounded immediately and safely; and
 Enclosing the hoist way.

4.18.9 Forklift

A forklift can be used in numerous places such as warehouses, factories, farms, shipping yards
and much more. Forklift is a powered truck used to carry, lift, stack or tier materials. They include
pallet trucks, rider operated forklifts, fork trucks, or lift trucks.

Operator inspect during the visual pre-use check:

 General condition and cleanliness.

 Floor - clear of objects that could cause an
 Overhead - no obstructions.
 Nearby objects to avoid as you drive away.
 Fire extinguisher - present and charged.
 Engine oil level, fuel level, radiator water level
(LPG, gas and diesel forklifts).
 Battery - fully charged; no exposed wires; plug
connections not loose, worn or dirty; vent caps
not clogged; electrolyte levels in cells is adequate; secured in place by hold downs or
 Bolts, nuts, guards, chains, or hydraulic hose reels not damaged, missing or loose.
 Wheels and tires - check for wear, damage, and air pressure, if pneumatic tires.
 Forks - forks not bent; no cracks present; positioning latches in good working condition;
 carriage teeth not broken, chipped or worn.
 Chain anchor pins - not worn, loose or bent.
 Fluid leaks - no damp spots or drips.
 Hoses - held securely; not loose, crimped, worn or rubbing.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Horn - working and loud enough to be heard in working environment; other warning
devices operational.
 Seatbelt and/or operator restraint device (if equipped) - belts and restraints work properly;
no visible wear or damage; anchors, buckles, etc. function properly.
 Overhead guard - no damaged areas.

When loading railway cars, what is important to know?

 Cross railway track on a diagonal.

 Set handbrakes, wheel blocks and derailer before entering a
railway car.
 Do not park a forklift within three meters of railway tracks.
 Do not open railway car doors with forklift forks.

Important points of a periodical (six months) fork inspection:

 Check fork blades for wear. Forks are constantly subjected to abrasion by concrete floors,
steel shelving, etc. This abrasion can reduce the thickness of a fork until it cannot lift loads
up to the designed capacity.
 Check for distortion. Forks can be bent out of shape. Depending on distortion, some forks
can be straightened. The fork manufacturer is best qualified to correct this. Your local
forklift supplier can make the arrangements.
 Check for cracks in heel and hanger. Cracks may appear on forks where attachments are
welded on or in the inside radius of the bend area. Periodic inspection using a magnetic
particle or dye penetrant test can detect cracks. Approved grinding methods may grind
out and polish these blemishes, depending on the depth of the crack. Contact your forklift
supplier or the manufacturer for additional information.
 Replace, when necessary, with good quality forks. When ordering or reordering forks,
make sure you are getting high quality forks that will do your lifting jobs safely. Insist on
forged forks or ones with an upset heel.
 Use the proper forks. Custom-designed forks may be needed for:
 unusual lifting conditions

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 spark-free areas
 high heat furnace areas
 special object lifting

Excavation Safety Plan (ESP)

Excavation is an essential operation of the construction process. In the process of carrying out
an excavation operation, it is often necessary to assess the ground condition when determining
the type of shoring necessary as well as the detection of buried services to prevent injury to
person and damage to services.

Specific Excavation Safety Plan (ESP) shall be developed at each work area to ensure that its
individual safety requirements are addressed. The plan shall be considered in the preparation of
work method statements and shall be approved by the Engineer prior to execution.

This excavation safe operating plan outlines the required safety and prevention measures
necessary in the performance of an excavation operation. The following aspects of safety and
prevention measures shall be included in the plan:

4.19.3 Excavation Safety Measures

 Access, Ingress and Egress - Access to the excavation area and pits, metal ladders and
staircases or ramps, as the case maybe, will be provided for safe access to and egress
from excavation where the depth of such excavation exceeds 1.5m. Such ladders,
staircases or ramps shall comply with Bangladeshi standards as appropriate. Access to,
from and over excavation area and pit shall be adequately considered and provided for
the many types of vehicles: Sufficient number of Ingress to and Egress from an
excavation pit shall be strategically provided
 If the depth of a trench and/or other excavation exceeds 1.5m, suitable and appropriate
protection measures will be implemented to prevent people falling into it. Where the
depth of a trench and/or other excavations exceeds 4.0m, such protection measures will
be improved and be in accordance with the design and drawing of an experienced
 Transport and storage of excavated materials and spoil
Storage and Placement:
• Spoils shall be immediately transported to the stockpile or dumping ground;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Materials such as spoils, shoring materials, tools and equipment shall be

stored at a distance of least 1 meter away from the edge of an excavation;
• Excavation plant or machinery shall not be operated close to an excavation
pit unless effective shoring system has been provided;
• Other construction plants including mobile crane shall position at least 2
meters away from the edge of an excavation. In addition to the above, steel
plate of sufficient thickness shall be used to spread the load of the plant
imposed on the shoring.

Excavated materials will be stored at least 1m from the edge of an open excavation or trench
and the banks of such excavation or trench will be stripped of loose rocks and other materials
which may slide od roll and fall upon any worker working below;
 Installation of safety facilities such as guard rails, barriers, warning lights, warning
signage, etc.;
 Barrier and Stop Block
 Effective guarding shall be erected and installed on excavations with depth of
more than 2 meters;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Warning lights, sturdy guarding (water barriers) and warning signage shall be
erected on excavation (regardless of depth of excavation) located adjacent to
public access and vehicular access ways;
 Watchman shall be provided for deep excavation when operators are not able to
see the base of excavation. Watchman plays an important role when both top and
bottom excavation is being carried out concurrently.
 Positioning and location of equipment at excavation areas to ensure safe operation. For
deep excavations and where operators have limited or no view of the work areas, spotters
shall be assigned to assist;
 Lighting installation at excavation areas which shall include excavation pit adjacent to
public access and for deep excavation shall be adequately illuminated;

4.19.4 Support System

The supporting system of the excavation should take

into consideration the method of excavation (Manual
or Mechanical), ground condition (Soft, Hard, Clay,
rock, etc.,) and ground water condition. Depending
upon the above-mentioned factors, CT-JV project
team shall decide the supporting system in both of
shoring or slope system which shall be designed by
a qualified engineer.
 Where any construction worker engaged in
the excavation works is exposed to a
hazard of falling or sliding material or
article from any bank or side of such
excavation which is more than 1.5m above
his footing, the worker is to be protected by
adequate bracing against such bank or
 Where banks of an excavation are undercut, adequate shoring is to be provided to
support the material overhanging such bank.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.19.5 Buried Utility Services

CT-JV shall detect, identify and mark all buried services in the excavation areas. A drawing shall
be submitted to the Engineer indicating the location and depths of these utilities.

Buried services, existing or newly installed, are a major concern for excavation operation in a
construction site. Potential hazards include injury to person and damage to equipment,
unanticipated public impact or loss and delay to work schedule. Common buried services found
in a construction site are:

• Water mains (Fire, Industrial and Common Services);

• Electrical cables (High Voltage and Low Voltage, Permanent and Temporary);
• Drainages and Sewers;
• Fuel pipes (Oil, Gas and Chemical);
• Communication and Fiber Optic cables (Telephone and Instrumentation).

Trial pits, by manual excavation, shall be conducted to accurately locate the services. A full time
supervisor shall attend to the excavation of trial pits. Manual excavation shall be employed until
services are exposed and instruction given by Competent Person before work commences.
Markers, concrete tiles and other warning devices shall be reinstalled before backfilling the utility
trenches. Inspection shall be conducted before the trench is backfilled. Barriers and safety
devices shall be installed at known buried services locations.
Inspection and Examination: The inspection items shall include the following:
• Location of buried services prominently marked and protected;
• Prevention measures such manual digging made to expose and determine exact
location and depth of buried services;
• Barrier erection of at least 2m away from known buried services;
• Attendance of a full-time supervisor during mechanical excavation;
95 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Cable markers and concrete tiles are re-instated after excavation. Inspection shall be
called before a trench is backfilled;
• A trained and qualified person shall perform examination of the atmospheric condition
continuously before and throughout the duration where work is being carried out inside
deep and narrow excavation.

Demolition Safety Plan (DSP)

Structure collapse, fire, explosion, and health hazards when exposed to asbestos dust and
fiberglass insulation are risks involved in demolition works. Pre-planning shall include demolition
method of the structure, the machinery and equipment necessary to perform the job with safety
measures and observed in order to perform the work safely.

The following shall be prescribed in the procedure:

1) All electric, gas, water, steam, sewer, and other energy services or power lines shall be
capped/blinded and/or otherwise cut before the commencement of demolition work;
2) The whole of the demolition site including openings, weak flooring and lower floor where
demolition wastes are collected shall be prominently marked or barricaded before the
commencement of demolition. Operators of machinery and equipment and workers involved
in demolition work shall be informed of such hazardous locations;
3) Demolition work shall commence from the top of structure and progress downward;
4) Proper entrances of adequate strength to protect workers from falling materials shall be
erected for access into the structure;
5) All demolition wastes and debris shall be cleared from the work site as soon as possible.
Excessive debris shall not be allowed to accumulate inside a demolished structure.
6) All asbestos, insulation materials, glass and other hazardous materials and substances shall
be removed. Such materials shall not be stored within the structure to be demolished;
7) The whole of the demolition site shall be effectively barricaded with appropriate safety signs
8) The lower floor where demolition wastes are collected shall be properly barricaded and
guarded to prevent materials from ricocheting and injuring workers or passer-by;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Confined Space Entry Safety Plan (CSSP)

Confined space, such as sewers, pits, holes, flues, manholes

and voids, is defined as any enclosed or partially enclosed
space or trench having a restricted access or egress, a
potential hazardous atmosphere and which due to its nature
will form a trap and become a life-threatening environment.
They also include any space in which dangerous
contaminants can accumulate and ventilation is restricted
e.g. excavation, trenches (normally deeper than 1.5 meters),
sumps, culverts and other poorly ventilated closed spaces.

4.21.3 Hazards Involved in Confined Space

 Fire and explosion involving flammable gases, above 10% LEL (Lower Explosive
Limit), or 0% LEL if hot work is required;
 Asphyxiation or Enrich Oxygen Environment: below 21% of volume and over 23% of
 Electrocution from electrical equipment and shock or ignition of flammable gases from
electrical equipment/tools;
 Injury from mechanical equipment not properly isolated;
 Bodily injury from direct contact with corrosives or irritants and collapse of banks in
excavation pits.

4.21.4 Air Quality Testing

The air within the confined space should be tested from outside of the confined space before
entry into the confined space. Care should be taken to ensure that air is tested throughout the
confined space - side-to-side and top to bottom. A trained worker using detection equipment
which has remote probes and sampling lines should do the air quality testing. Always ensure the
testing equipment is properly calibrated and maintained. The sampling should show that:

 The oxygen content is within safe limits - not too little and not too much.
 A hazardous atmosphere (toxic gases, flammable atmosphere) is not present.
 Ventilation equipment is operating properly.

97 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Air testing may need to be ongoing depending on the nature of the potential hazards and the
nature of the work. Conditions can change while workers are inside the confined space and
sometimes a hazardous atmosphere is created by the work activities in the confined space.

4.21.5 Control Measures

 Authorized Gas Tester makes tests for oxygen levels, toxic gases and flammable
gases prior to entry and during working duration;
 Dedicated ‘Safety Watcher’, shall always be present when the space is occupied and
shall be located outside the confined space, who is able to immediately call for
assistance and who shall inspect and monitor the confined space for the presence of
gases and other hazards e.g. potential trench collapse due to excessive ground water;
 The person entering the confined space shall be attached to a lifeline and buddy
system shall apply;
 If any hazards are present, entry is not allowed;
 Before entering an excavation, either the excavation sides shall be graded to angle-of-
repose or appropriate shoring installed to prevent collapse of earthen walls.
 Buddy system shall apply: person(s) to look-out for each other;

98 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.21.6 Dos and Don’ts

 In a confined space emergency, the first  Do not leave your post at

thing you should do is report the situation the entry point to the
immediately to the entry supervisor, who confined space until the
will notify the emergency rescue team. rescue team arrives.
 If the entrants can perform a self-rescue  Do not allow anyone
safely, keep in contact with them except the designated
throughout the entire procedure, and assist rescue team to enter a
them in any way possible without actually confined space in an
entering the space. emergency.
 If a non-entry rescue is required and you
are trained, equipped, and authorized to
perform a non-entry rescue, proceed with
this procedure, keeping in constant contact
with entrants.
 If the space must be entered to rescue
entrants, keep in contact with entrants, if
possible, let them know that help is on the
way, and wait for the rescue team to arrive.

Electrical Safety Plan (ESP)

An electrical safety plan shall be established to avoid or prevent

electrical hazards which may result in personal injury by electric shock
or burns, and fire and explosion. The plan shall prescribe the following:

99 | P a g e

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Only authorized personnel shall be allowed to work on power substations, switchboards

and sites where high-voltage electric equipment is installed;
 Before carrying out inspection and maintenance of electric installations, the main switch
shall be turned off and the relevant signs shall be posted
 The area around the switchbox shall be kept clean at all times;
 Any inflammable or explosive materials shall not be stored near switches, electric
motors or switch boards;
 All electric machines shall be grounded to prevent leak current;
 Test operation on the circuit breaker on the electric equipment shall be done before
starting daily operation;
 In wet conditions, electrical activities shall be minimized and additional precautions shall
be taken in unavoidable critical cases.

It is the responsibility of the Safety Manager to ensure that statutory inspections on equipment
are carried out appropriately, and that record of the inspection on equipment are properly
documented and kept in the site for reference. CT-JV will submit written report to the Engineer
after each inspection.

Dos and Don’ts

 Use I.S.I. certified appliances.  Don’t use substandard

 Use good quality fuses of correct rating, fixtures, appliances.
miniature circuit breakers and earth  Never have temporary or
leakage circuit breakers. naked joints on wiring.
 Use one socket for one appliance.  Don’t lay wires under
 Switch off the electric supply of the fire carpets, mats or
affected areas. doorways. They get
 Fuses and switches should be mounted on crushed, resulting in short
metallic cubicles for greater safety against circuiting.
fire.  Don’t lay wires under
 Replace broken plugs and switches. carpets, mats or
 Keep the electrical wires away from hot doorways. They get
and wet surface. crushed, resulting in short
 Switch off appliance after use and remove circuiting.
the plug from the socket.  Don’t allow appliances
 Switch off he ‘Main’ switch when leaving cords to dangle.
home for a long duration.  Don’t place bare wire
ends in a socket.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Fire Prevention and Protection Plan (FPPP)

The Fire Prevention and Protection Procedure shall be prepared by CT- JV and submitted to the
Engineer. CT-JV shall provide training to selected employees and nominated personnel on the
principle of fire, prevention measures and the techniques in firefighting. Training requirements
and agreements with external organizations if required shall be established and implemented.
Fire prevention and protection program shall be based on the following objectives:

a) Prevention of Fires: Proper storage, handling, use and cleanup of combustible materials
and thorough inspections of the work areas to detect and eliminate fire hazards or
potential sources of fire;
b) Early Detection: Daily inspection of potential fire hazard areas such as offices,
chemicals and hydrocarbon storage area, waste storage areas and work location
involving hot work; and remain vigilance of their work area and remove any potential
fire hazards prior commencement of work
c) Control of Fire Spread: Adequate number of fire extinguishers of correct type, size, and
based on the class of the potential fire hazard in the area and other firefighting
equipment shall be clearly marked, located and made highly visible; strategically,
regularly inspected and periodically tested;
d) Extinguishing a Fire: Extinguishing a fire should be done by the trained firemen of the
local Fire Department. The nominated site firefighting personnel shall be responsible in
containing the spread of fire;
e) Fire Reporting: The person who discovers the fire shall immediately alert all personnel
in the vicinity and his immediate or nearest supervisors following the flow chart to be
provided by the CT-JV. The emergency phone number for reporting fires are
prominently displayed in the Emergency Response Chart.
f) Fire Extinguishers: CT-JV shall study the proper type and required quantity of the fire
extinguisher, and provide impletion plan, and it will be subject to the Engineer’s
approval. Damaged, malfunction or empty fire extinguishers shall be serviced, repaired
or refilled in a timely manner. The location of temporary mounted fire extinguishers shall
be clearly marked and free access to such fire extinguishers shall be maintained. Based
on the identified potential fire hazards, fire extinguishers located on site shall be suitable
for the various classes of fire and with a content of at least 9 kg.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Air Emission Control (AEC)

Dust control practices shall be applied to all work areas as

required. Dust reduction measures such as: proper storage
and handling of materials that will give to fugitive particles,
stabilizing of the stockpile area, control of dust generation
by wetting methods with water trucks, shall be undertaken.

Dust reduction measures adequate to prevent erosion and

local pollution shall be provided by CT-JV and our subCT-
JV on the followings shall be included but not limited to:

• Proper storage and handling of materials that will give rise to fugitive particles;
• Stabilizing of stockpile area;
• Control of dust generation during site preparation work with wetting methods and
water trucks. Water trucks shall be used to apply water on construction areas and
unsealed thoroughfares for dust control;
• Dust control practices shall be applied throughout all work areas as required;
• Water shall be applied by means of a pressure type distributor equipped with a spray
system of nozzles that shall ensure a uniform application of water. Minimal amounts
of water required to control dust shall be applied such that potential for surface runoff
of sediment is minimized;
• Waste oil, or other petroleum products, shall not be used for dust control under any

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
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entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Noise Control and Monitoring (NCM)

CT-JV shall make every attempt to limit the sound level at

these boundaries to a level that is within the permissible

• Industrial Areas (construction areas): 75 dBA

• Small Business and Commercial Areas: 65 dBA
• Residential: 50 dBA

4.25.3 Noise Preventative Measures

If any limit is exceeded, or if there is a significant risk of exceeding such limits at the boundaries
of the nearest facility, noise screening shall be provided.

Noise screening shall consist of:

• Earth mounds such as spoils between the affected

construction activity and the nearest facility;
• Solid fencing of a height to screen line of sight between
the nearest facility and the affected construction activity.
Such fencing shall be placed close to the site or close to
the facility, whichever offers the most effective screen only
genuine reasons for complaint shall be dealt with by
providing such noise screening.

4.25.4 Construction Noise Monitoring

Noise measurements shall be taken from time to time on any noisy

activity, vehicles and construction plants. If any of such activities or
construction plants is found to have exceeded the limit, all affected
site personnel shall wear ear defenders as a short-term measure.

All necessary procedures will be established and maintained to

prevent people working on the site or neighbors from being exposed
to unreasonable levels of noise.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Hazardous Substance and Materials Treatment Plan (HSMTP)

CT-JV shall maintain a detailed database to track receipt,

storage and issuance of all hazardous materials, including its
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) rating. A separate and
secure storage area that conform to the Health and Safety plan
and procedures, and the Bangladeshi laws and regulations
governing the handling, storage and use of hazardous
materials shall be conformed to as well.

Hazardous materials and waste are defined by virtue of their

concentration of constituents and characteristics such as
flammability, corrosiveness, reactivity, toxicity, mutagenesis,
radioactive that will pose a hazard to human or environment
health and wellbeing if improperly managed. Hazardous
materials and wastes are mainly liquid such as chemicals,
solvents, paints and fuel/oil. Solid hazardous waste includes
radioactive source and medical waste.

4.26.3 Safety Control Measures in Storage, Handling, Transportation and Disposal

• Provision of designed storages to contain spill, protect against run-off and the spread
of fire. Construction of impermeable dike with 110% retention capacity of the largest
container or tank stored.
• Provision of suitable containers or storage tanks of compatible material to hold
hazardous materials and waste prior transportation.
• Hazardous material and waste containers or tanks to be prominently marked and
labeled in accordance to its properties and characteristics in the Material Safety Data
Sheet provided by the supplier/manufacturer prior transportation.
• The amount of waste collected and disposed shall be documented in accordance to
an inventory system.
• The instructions in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be observed. Any
MSDS shall be distributed to the final users of the materials, and read out and fully
understood by them before using the materials.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

• Trainings shall be provided to workers handling hazardous materials and waste.

Training shall include topics such as the selection and used of appropriate personal
protective equipment.

4.26.4 Combustible and Flammable Substances and Materials Storage Area

• No combustible or flammable substances or materials shall be allowed storage in

buildings or places of public assembly, offices, camps, and hazardous work area or
buildings containing source of ignition, open electric motors, motor vehicles or where
welding or cutting or power generation operations are conducted.
• Inside storage of flammable liquids shall be confined to isolated fire-resistant
buildings, except that small quantities, in approved sealed containers.
• Petrol, acetone, alcohol, naphtha and benzene shall not be used for kindling fires or
as a solvent for cleaning clothes, tools, equipment or exterior of buildings. Only
approved solvents shall be used for cleaning purposes.
• On the external of each Combustible and Flammable Substances and Materials
Storage Area, suitable fire extinguishers shall be positioned near its entrances.
• Storage of paints or paint materials, other than in paint storage buildings shall not
exceed 100-liter capacity and shall be in the original sealed containers and be stored
in ventilated metal cabinets, isolated from other materials.
• Fuel cans used for petrol shall be approved safety cans and shall have the upper part
and top painted red to identify them.
• Drums, cans and other flammable liquid containers shall be tightly closed, except
when being filled or emptied.
• Rubbish, brush, long grass or other combustible materials shall be removed from the
immediate areas where flammable liquids are stored and handled.
• Personnel coming into contact with flammable liquids in the course of their assigned
duties shall be thoroughly trained in the hazards of these products.
• “No Smoking” signs shall be placed conspicuously in and around storage locations,
and carrying of open lights, matches, lighters and the like shall be prohibited.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Chemical Management – Chemical Spill Prevention Plan (CSPP)

Effective and well-designed chemical storage is the best preventive measures of hazardous
chemical spilling into the environment. CT-JV shall develop Chemicals Spill Prevention Plan
(CSPP) which shall spill prevention measures shall include the followings but not limited to:

• Regular inspection of storage area to identify

leakage due to poor condition of containers or
damaged to containers during handling;
• Designate area for the maintenance of vehicles
and construction plant and equipment;
• Regular maintenance of vehicles and construction
plant and equipment;
• Provision of spill cleaning materials in hazardous
chemical storage area and plant maintenance area. This shall enable the prevention
of spills from spreading;
• Practice good product storage and arrangement to reduce possibilities of spillage.

4.27.3 Chemical Inventory

CT-JV will prepare inventory for chemical materials and material safety data sheet for each
chemical material such as solvents, lubricant oils, etc. Inventory will be updated once a month or
when the considerable amount of change occurred with stock quantity.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.27.4 Handling Procedures

As for the handling for chemical materials, suitably trained personnel will be assigned for material
control. Also, the storage area will be secured for prevention of intrusion. At the handling area of
storage, concrete slab with concrete dyke may be provided for spill control. In case of spillage,
spilt material will be properly absorbed with unwoven cloth or similar material and treated properly
in accordance with relevant regulations.

4.27.5 Storage

CT-JV also ensure that chemical material will be stored appropriately in accordance with
characteristic of each substance such as flash point, fire point, melting point, boiling point, soluble
characteristic. In addition, to prevent the unsuitable mixture of each substance, each substance
will be properly segregated in appropriate containers when stored. Especially for storage of
flammable substances, CT- JV will provide fire/high temperature protection system for the
storage area utilizing concrete block, plasterboard or similar nonflammable material. For such
storage area, CT- JV will also provide fire extinguishers for emergency case.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Site Traffic and Vehicles

4.28.3 Vehicles in Operation

CT-JV shall limit the number of vehicles on site:

 Provide car and van parking for the workforce

and visitors away from the work area and
strictly control parking within the work area;
 Use gates or barriers etc. to control entry into
the work area and display the procedure for
obtaining entry (e.g. a mobile phone contact
 Plan the location of stores/goods receiving
areas carefully to reduce any need for
delivery vehicles to travel through site. It’s necessary to relocate those areas as the site
progresses. The risks from working plant must be controlled:
 Protect any temporary structures, such as scaffolds or false work, which might be damaged
and made unsafe if struck by a vehicle;
 Protect any excavations and alongside any areas of water if vehicles may approach close
 Take precautions, such as stop blocks, where vehicles tip materials into excavations;
 Make sure vehicles are not overloaded as it may obstruct the drivers view and they may
become unstable, difficult to steer or the brakes may be inadequate to stop the vehicle;
 Segregate the area around plant that slews (e.g. 360° excavators and mobile cranes). Do
not rely on the driver using mirrors, cameras etc. to check that the slewing area is clear, as
their attention will typically be concentrated on the machine boom or jib;
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 If slewing plant is being used in a confined area where there is a risk of workers being
trapped against adjacent obstructions (i.e. less than 0.5 m clearance), consider using a
different type of machine that has zero or minimal tail swing.
 If alternative machines are not practicable, then secure fencing should be used to segregate
the area and prevent access into the danger zone. Many workers, including drivers, are
injured when vehicles unintentionally move:
 Park vehicles on level ground. Avoid parking or stopping any vehicle on a slope, handbrake
malfunctions are a common contributor to run-away accidents;
 Certain types of construction plant can drive up slopes that are steeper than the vehicles
normal handbrake can hold them on – check safe slopes with the vehicle supplier; and
 Turn off the engine before leaving a vehicle. There have been numerous incidents where
drivers have accidentally operated control levers while climbing in or out of the vehicle.
Leaving the engine running also encourages unauthorized use.
 A blind spot (or blind area) is the area around a vehicle or piece of construction equipment
that is not visible to the operator, either by direct line-of-sight or indirectly by use of internal
and external mirrors. If there are blind spots remaining around a machine, decide whether
any further action is required. Consider: What blind spots remain (including any created by
typical loads);
 The ways in which the machine can move and the position of any danger zones caused by
those movements; and
 Whether pedestrians, vulnerable structures, and anything that might cause the vehicle to
overturn are effectively prevented from being in any danger zone that the driver cannot see.
 If further action to control the risks is necessary, review the site layout and management
arrangements for avoiding such risks. If the risk cannot be removed by site changes,
consider fitting operable automatic reverse signal alarm audible at least 15 feet from the
rear of the vehicle or using a properly trained signaler/flagman to assist the driver.
 Make sure drivers are aware of the areas of limited visibility. Warn other workers as part of
their induction.
 Keep cab windows and any vision aids clean.

4.28.4 Inspection and Maintenance

Construction vehicles work in harsh environments and require effective maintenance. A program
of daily visual checks, regular inspections and servicing schedules should be established
according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the risks associated with the use of each vehicle.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Plant hire companies should provide information with all plant and equipment they supply, to
enable it to be used and maintained safely. Vehicles should have a maintenance log to help
manage and record maintenance operations.

Drivers will be encouraged to report defects or problems. Reported problems should be put right
quickly and if they are safety critical, the machine should be taken out of use until they are

Planned inspection and maintenance needs to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and is likely
to include, where appropriate:

 Braking systems, including the handbrake;

 Seat belts;
 Tires, including condition and pressures;
 Steering;
 Windows, windscreen washers and wipers;
 Mirrors, CCTV, and other vision aids;
 Safety devices such as interlocks or isolation devices;
 Warning signals;
 Driver protection, e.g. roll over protective structures (ROPS) and falling object protective
structures (FOPS);
 Lights and indicators;
 Functional checks on controls;
 Correct location of guards and panels;
 Fire-fighting equipment.

Safety for Over Water Construction

4.29.3 Safety of Navigation

CT-JV shall comply with all orders and directions given to him from time to time by the Engineer
in respect of the safety of navigation and with requirements for marking, watching and lighting
any structure, craft or equipment which may be used in the construction of the Works.

River works and any part of the Site in which river works are carried out shall be marked with
marker buoys and lights in a manner agreed with the Engineer. As a minimum all works shall be
marked with yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights visible at a distance of 2 km.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.29.4 Safety Patrol

During the truss lifting operation CT-JV will deploy guard vessels and a minimum of one safety
vessel at the Site. Safety vessel types, sizes, numbers and specifications shall be subject to
approval by the Engineer, and shall be a minimum of a large rigid inflatable type vessel capable
of a minimum 25 knots. Safety vessels shall be on dedicated duty, afloat and manned at the
bridge location at all times during working hours when over-water operations are being
conducted. Safety vessels shall not operate in a guard capacity which is a role to be fulfilled by
other dedicated craft.

4.29.5 Safe Use of Lifejackets and Buoyancy Aids

 Lifejackets/buoyancy aids should be provided to and worn by

workers with risk of falling into water.
 Lifejackets/buoyancy aids should conform to BS EN ISO
12402-1, 2, 3 or 4, or other equivalent international standards
according to working conditions.
 Lifejackets should be thoroughly checked by the user before
each use.
 A lifebuoy with sufficient lifeline (not less than 30 meters)
should be provided and the locations of the lifebuoys
should be at less than 50-metre intervals along the
edges of places where work is being carried out over
side or in an exposed position on vessels where there is
a reasonably foreseeable risk of falling or being washed
overboard. To avoid any delays to rescue operations,
lifebuoys should not be tightly tied to posts.
 The lifejacket/buoyancy aid should preferably be
provided with a whistle and/or a self-activating light (for
night work) in order to aid locating the wearer and
facilitating rescue.
 The lifejackets/buoyancy aids should be inspected and checked periodically by a
competent person. The lifejackets/buoyancy aids should be properly maintained in a good
serviceable condition according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
 All inflatable lifejackets should be serviced by an authorized agent at least once a year.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation (Sun Exposure)

Health effects regarding UV radiation are confined to the skin and eyes. Overexposure can result
in many skin conditions, including erythema (redness or sunburn), photo-allergy (skin rash),
photo-toxicity (extreme sunburn acquired during short exposures to UV radiation while on certain
medications), premature skin aging, and numerous types of skin cancer.

Acute overexposure of UV radiation to the eyes may lead to photo-keratitis (inflammation of the
cornea), also known as snow blindness. Symptoms include redness of the eyes and a gritty
feeling, which progresses to pain and an inability to tolerate any kind of light. This condition can
also occur when working in or around water and other UV radiation reflectors. In addition, long-
term exposure to sunlight is thought to cause cataracts or clouding of the lens of the eye.

4.30.3 Limit Exposure Time

 Rotate staff so the same personnel are not exposed all of the time.
 Limit exposure time when UV radiation is at peak levels (approximately 2 hours before
and after the sun is at its highest point in the sky).
 Avoid exposure to the sun or take extra precautions when the UV index rating is high.

4.30.4 Provide Shade

 Take lunch and breaks in shaded areas.

 Create shade or shelter through the use of umbrellas, tents, and canopies.
 Use fabrics such as canvas, sailcloth, awning material and synthetic shade cloth that
create good UV radiation protection.
 Check the UV protection of the materials before buying them. Seek protection levels of
95 percent or greater and check the protection levels for different colors.

4.30.5 Clothing

 Reduce UV radiation damage by wearing proper clothing; for example, long sleeved shirts
with collars, and long pants. The fabric should be closely woven and should not let light
 Head protection should be worn to protect the face, ears, and neck. Wide-brimmed hats
with a neck flap or “Foreign Legion” style caps offer added protection.
 Wear UV-protective sunglasses or safety glasses. These should fit closely to the face.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Wrap-around style glasses provide the best protection.

4.30.6 Sunscreen

 Apply sunscreen generously to all exposed skin surfaces at least 20 minutes before
exposure, allowing time for it to adhere to the skin.
 Re-apply sunscreen at least every 2 hours, and more frequently when sweating or
performing activities where sunscreen may be wiped off.
 Choose a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF). Most dermatologists
advocate SPF 30 or higher for significant sun exposure.
 Select waterproof sunscreens for use in or near water, and by those who perspire
sufficiently to wash off non-waterproof products.
 Check for expiration dates, because most sunscreens are only good for about 3 years.
Store in a cool place out of the sun.
 Remember that no sunscreen provides 100% protection against UV radiation. Other
precautions must be taken to avoid overexposure.

4.30.7 Heat Stress Prevention

Physical fitness influences a person's ability to perform work under heat loads. At a given level
of work, the more fit a person is, the less the physiological strain, the lower the heart rate, the
lower the body temperature (indicates less retrained body heat—a rise in internal temperature
precipitates heat injury), and the more efficient the sweating mechanism.

Acclimatization is the degree to which a worker's body has physiologically adjusted or

acclimatized to working under hot conditions. Acclimatization affects their ability to do work.
Acclimatized individuals sweat sooner and more profusely than those who are not acclimatized
individuals. Acclimatization occurs gradually over 1 to 2 weeks of continuous exposure, but it can
be lost in as little as 3 days in a cooler environment.

Dehydration reduces body water volume. This reduces the body’s sweating capacity and directly
affects its ability to dissipate excess heat. The ability of a body to dissipate heat depends on the
ratio of its surface area to its mass (surface area/weight). Heat dissipation is a function of surface
area, while heat production depends on body mass. Therefore, overweight individuals (those with
a low ratio) are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses because they produce more heat per
unit of surface area than if they were thinner. Monitor these persons carefully if heat stress is
113 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

When wearing impermeable clothing, the weight of an individual is not as important in

determining the ability to dissipate excess heat because the primary heat dissipation mechanism,
evaporation of sweat, is ineffective.


 Acclimate by slowly increasing workloads (e.g., do not begin with extremely demanding
 Use cooling devices, such as cooling vests, to aid natural body ventilation. These devices
add weight, so their use should be balanced against efficiency.
 Use mobile showers or hose-down facilities to reduce body temperature and cool
protective clothing.
 Conduct field activities in the early morning or evening and rotate shifts of workers, if
 Avoid direct sun whenever possible, which can decrease physical efficiency and increase
the probability of heat stress. Take regular breaks in a cool, shaded area. Use a wide-
brim hat or an umbrella when working under direct sun for extended periods.
 Provide adequate shelter/shade to protect personnel against radiant heat (sun, flames,
hot metal).
 Maintain good hygiene standards by frequently changing clothing and showering.
 Observe one another for signs of heat stress. Persons who experience signs of heat
syncope, heat rash, or heat cramps should consult the SC to avoid progression of heat
related illness.

Biological Hazard and Controls

4.31.3 Bees and Other Stinging Insects

Bees and other stinging insects may be encountered almost anywhere and may present a serious
hazard, particularly to people who are allergic. Watch for and avoid nests. Keep exposed skin to
a minimum. Carry a kit if you have had allergic reactions in the past and inform your supervisor
and/or buddy. If a stinger is present, remove it carefully with tweezers. Wash and disinfect the
wound, cover it, and apply ice.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

4.31.4 Feral Dogs

Avoid all dogs—both leashed and stray. Do not disturb a dog while it is sleeping, eating, or caring
for puppies. If a dog approaches to sniff you, stay still. An aggressive dog has a tight mouth,
flattened ears, and a direct stare. If threatened by a dog, remain calm, do not scream, and avoid
eye contact. If you say anything, speak calmly and firmly. Do not turn and run, try to stay still until
the dog leaves, or back away slowly until the dog is out of sight or you have reached safety (e.g.,
vehicle). If attacked, retreat to vehicle or attempt to place something between you and the dog.
If you fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your head and neck
and protect your face. If bitten, immediately scrub the bite site vigorously with soap and water.
Report the incident to the local authorities. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

4.31.5 Mosquito Bites

Due to the recent detection of the Dengue Fever in the southwestern Bangladesh, it is
recommended that preventative measures be taken to reduce the probability of being bitten by
mosquitoes whenever possible. Mosquitoes are believed to be the primary source for exposure
to the dengue virus as well as several other types of encephalitis. The following guidelines should

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

be followed to reduce the risk of these concerns for working in areas where mosquitoes are

 Stay indoors at dawn, dusk, and in the early evening.

 Use mosquito net when indoors
 Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants whenever you are outdoors.
 Spray clothing with repellents containing permethrin or DEET since mosquitoes may bite
through thin clothing.
 Apply insect repellent sparingly to exposed skin. An effective repellent will contain 35%
DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide). Repellents may irritate the eyes and mouth, so
avoid applying repellent to the hands.
 Whenever an insecticide or insect repellent is used, be sure to read and follow the
manufacturer's DIRECTIONS FOR USE, as printed on the product. Note: Vitamin B and
"ultrasonic" devices are NOT effective in preventing mosquito bites.

4.31.6 Snakes

Snakes typically are found in underbrush and tall grassy areas. If a snake is encountered, stay
calm and look around; there may be other snakes. Turn around and walk away on the same path
used to approach the area. If a person is bitten by a snake, wash and immobilize the injured area,
keeping it lower than the heart if possible. DO NOT apply ice, cut the wound, or apply a tourniquet.
Try to identify the type of snake: note color, size, patterns, and markings.

5 Safety Officers

Safety Manager or Safety Officer

The Safety Manager is responsible for the administration of the CT-JV site health and safety
program with the rehabilitation plan as whenever require. The Safety Manager reports to the
Project Manager and shall promote actively on the site health and safety program to all levels
within the Project. As administrator of the health and safety program, he shall function as the
Safety Coordinator and Advisor to the Project Manager and supervisory personnel in establishing,
implementing, maintaining and monitoring the site to comply with the health and safety program.
Safety Manager shall be a suitably qualified and experienced person with complete involvement
on the safety activities throughout the construction period of this Project.

The Safety Manager’s specific responsibilities include the followings:

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

1) Implementing/Coordinating the site safety program and activities as advised/agreed by

the Project Manager to achieve the short and long ranges of site health and safety
objectives and then, reporting/updating to the Project Manager with consideration on the
Employer’s health and safety requirements;

2) Discussing/Advising/Monitoring on the rehabilitation plan as required;

3) Keeping the site management and the Project Manager informed on the progress of the
health and safety program and also making recommendations on the improvement for
site related safety matters;

4) Administer site health and safety’s policies and procedures within the framework of the
CT-JV Health and Safety Plan with particular emphasis on potential hazardous

6) Motivate and train all employees and persons on site to participate in the safety program
to obtain these objectives set out in this Plan;

7) Preparing, submitting and distributing the required safety and injury reports with records
kept in file;

8) Maintaining a continuing inspection program and reporting the findings and

recommendations to the Project Manager / Managers / Sub-Contractorsfor prompt
corrections after agreement from the Project Manager;

9) Conducting and/or participating in job safety meetings;

11) Coordinating the first aid and rescue services on site with certification to ensure the
appointed employees are equipped with proper first aid know-how in the absence of a

12) Establishing a fire prevention program with training on the actions and participation of
employees for designated duties such as informing the Fire Brigade;

13) Investigating all accidents, injuries, fires, property damage and other safety related
incidents and prepare/submit the required reports;

14) Identify the classification of injuries if they are occupational or time losing, disabling
injuries and take the follow-up actions on the control of injury cases with appropriate
accident forms to be filled;

15) Assisting Sub-Contractors with their health and safety program to meet the various site
health and safety requirements;
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

16) Notify the Project Manager of all health and safety inspections with action, if any to be

17) Evaluating the needs and requirements with regards to safety aspects and request of
safety, first aid and fire protection equipment needed on site. Ensure that safety
equipment is maintained in good condition at all times;

18) Check/provide safety approval for new tools and equipment, including tools needed for
specific job;

19) Effective display and maintain publicity of news of health and safety on the site bulletin
boards, posters, safety signs, banners and distribution of safety literature/handouts to
instill a good and positive attitude on health and safety environment amongst the people
of all levels on site at all times;

20) Administer /Monitor/Update the site hazardous waste program; and the Health and
Safety Act;

21) Attend pre-job meetings with Sub-Contractors and ensure the Sub-Contractors comply
with CT- JV safety policies and procedures during their work in the Project;

22) Maintain an updated knowledge of all health and safety policies, latest concepts of
accident prevention and procedures with knowledge of state, provincial and local safety
laws and regulations;

23) Execute effectively on any other assignments delegated by the Project Manager.

24) CT-JV shall empower the Safety Officer and his staff to instruct employees of our project
management team and of our Sub-Contractors to cease operations and to take urgent
and appropriate action to make safe the Site and prevent unsafe working practices or
other infringements of the Safety Plan or regulations.

25) The Safety manager (Safety Officer) shall carry out auditing of the operation of the HSP
in accordance with a rolling program to be submitted, from time to time to the Engineer
for his consent.

6 Safety Reports and Notification of Accidents

Safety Documentation

The Safety Manager will review the general and specific safe work practices, whether produced
internally or provided by Sub-Contractors. He will ensure the proper documentation of all general

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

or specific safe work practices. It is also his responsibility that copy (copies) of the mentioned
documentation are available at the site offices for easy reference by any interested parties. He
will also ensure that a copy of the safe work practice(s) must be issued to the relevant engineer,
supervisor or Sub-Contractors.

Other safety related documentation including permits, certificates, reports and records will be
kept on site in a readily accessible location using an auditable indexed system. CT-JV shall
provide full co-operation and assistance in all safety surveillance and audit carried out by the
Engineer or the Employer.

CT-JV shall retain records to provide evidence of the operation of the Health and Safety
Management system and demonstrate the extent of compliance with the Health and Safety Policy
and strategic objectives, targets and performance standards.

Records shall include but not limited to:

 Reports of reviews, studies and investigations including any recommendations, actions

and their status (Safety Action Records);
 Situations of non-compliance and details of any notices served by regulatory authority and
the improvement actions to correct this non-compliance’s;
 Details of accidents and incidents with follow up and lessons learned actions;
 Information concerning Sub-Contractors’ Health, Safety, and Security performance;
 Reports of assessments, inspections and tests including emergency response exercises;
 Composition, properties and hazards of chemical substances;
 Personnel development and training records;
 Safety critical elements, performance standards and schemes of verification;
 Safety cases, impact studies and their supporting reports
 Written complaints
 Audit results and follow up actions
 Management reviews

6.1.3 Site Safety Diary

The Safety Manager will maintain a site safety diary. This diary will comprehensively record all
matters pertaining to safety including record of inspections, audits, accidents, dangerous
occurrences, safety violations and rectification, notices of non-compliance and stop orders and
other related matters.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

6.1.4 Non-Compliance Notice System

The Safety Manager will oversee the non-compliance notices for safety violations and procedures
to expeditiously rectify such violations following the system outlined in the Project management

Safety Reports

1) The following definition are used during incident investigation and reporting:

Incident - Any undesired condition that results or could have resulted in harm to people, damage
to property, the environment or loss of product. This includes "near misses", "accidents" and
"dangerous occurrences".

Accident - An incident involving actual loss through injury, damage to assets or environmental

Near Miss - An incident which, in other circumstances, could have resulted in loss through injury,
damage to assets or environmental harm.

Dangerous Occurrence - An occurrence that may endanger people, e.g. toppling of crane,
collapse of excavation, failure of hoists, fire explosion.

Major Incident - The criteria in classifying major incidents are:

 All fatalities involving employees, CT-JVs or third parties.

 Serious injuries requiring hospitalization for more than 24 hours unless detained
solely for medical observation.

 Significant property damage.

 Suspension of work for more than 24 hours.

Serious Injury - Any Injury resulting in:

 Fracture of any bone

 Any other injury (e.g., chemical burns, inhalation of toxic vapors excluding
occupational disease, which results in the person being hospitalized for more than
24 hours, unless detained solely for medical observation.

Minor Injury - Any injury that does not cause the injured person to lose normal job time beyond
the day or shift upon which the injury occurs.

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Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Lost Time Injury - Any injury that causes the injured person to lose normal job time beyond the
day or shift upon which the injury occurs (e.g., hospitalized for more than 24 hours or medically
unfit for at least three working days).

Accident Frequency rate - The ratio of the number of incidents per million-man hours worked.

Incident Severity Rate - The ratio of the number of man-days lost due to incidents per million
man-hours worked.

2) Safety Reports as that indicated in the management review report, shall be submitted to The
Engineer on monthly basis where the site safety inspection results should be summarized with
details on accident/injury or any dangerous occurrence of that month reported.

This report will be submitted as part of the Monthly Progress Return and it shall be endorsed by
Project Manager Prior to submission. As fast as possible, the Site safety reports shall
comprehensively address all relevant aspects of site safety and industrial health regulations and,
in particular, report on all site safety audits undertaken during the period covered by the report

3) Safety Manager shall keep an accurate record of the report on the man-hours exposure of the
Sub-Contractors to The Engineer.

Report and Investigation Procedure

CT-JV shall develop and implement without failure the Report and Investigation Procedure which
is very essential to the improvement of the overall management of Project Health and Safety
objectives. CT-JV correspondingly shall ensure all injuries and accidents and near misses
involving personnel, property, vehicles and the environment are reported, investigated, acted
upon and documented.

General Report

CT-JV management shall regularly report to the Engineer of all Safety concerns and activities
related to the Health and Safety of the Project. Each Guide Forms are attached in the
Appendix10.1. In exceptional cases as described in below, such happenings shall be reported
immediately to the Engineer, and the detail investigation and report shall be followed.

 Any fatality resulted from an accident arising out of, or in connection with the
construction activities;
 Fire;
 Collapse of permanent or temporary structure;
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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Any other serious happenings.

Incident / Accident Investigation and Reporting

6.5.3 Investigation

In accordance with CT-JV procedure for Report and Investigation of all incidents / accidents
happened in the construction site shall be investigated promptly.

The followings shall be considered to be included in the procedures.

 Proceed to scene where an incident / accident has been reported;

 Assess the condition of the affected area before proceeding with investigation;
 Remove injured worker(s) from dangers based on the above assessment;
 Identify potential witnesses before proceeding to interview them;
 Inspect machinery, equipment and affected structure if situation permits;
 Record all evidences including facts and materials, machinery and equipment involved;
 Photographs should be taken as evidence whenever possible;
 Analyze control and prevention measures.

6.5.4 Reporting

All incidents / accidents shall be reported immediately to the Employer and the Engineer.
Preliminary report shall be submitted to the Engineer within 24 hours after its occurrence. A final
investigation report shall be followed after the submission of the preliminary report and be
submitted to the Engineer within 7 days after the occurrence.

The final investigation report shall contain at a minimum the following information:

• Details of injured person(s) if applicable;

• Date, Time and Location of incident / accident;
• Details of person(s) involve including person(s) working in immediate vicinity and
• Details of materials, machinery, equipment or tools involved;
• Details of injury sustained. (Medical report shall be enclosed in the report if available.);
• Description of the incident / accident; Results of immediate and root cause analysis;
• Control and prevention measures;
• Status of follow-up action and implementation.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

6.5.5 Notification of Accidents and Incidents

CT- JV will notify the Engineer as soon as possible of any dangerous occurrences or incidents
that result in bodily injury, incapacity or fatality of any person. This will include, but is not limited
to, the overturning, collapse or failure of any lifting equipment or structure. Initial notification may
be verbal but will, in every event, be followed by a detailed resolution report. The CT- JV at the
same time will provide the Engineer with a copy of any statutory accident, injury or dangerous
occurrence report that he submits to any statutory authority under the regulations.

1) Any injury or accident should be investigated and reported to The Engineer if it involves any
of the followings:

a) Injury or accident that resulted in more than 1 day unable to work.

b) Damage to property/equipment or any dangerous occurrence resulting in harm to people or

2) Accident resulted in loss of life, public’s notice and awareness or press coverage shall be
reported immediately to The Engineer by telephone.

3) Further to informing them by telephone as mentioned in item No. 2, CT- JV have to provide by
facsimile the report in advance on the relevant issue within 3 hours to The Employer/The
Engineer with the Incident / Near Miss Report, Incident / Accident Report attached in
Appendix-HSP-08/09. The complete detailed report must be submitted by CT-JV to The
Employer / The Engineer within 24 hours with the form attached in Appendices.

6.5.6 Corrective Actions

This Incident / Accident Investigation & Reporting Procedure are only effective when effective
corrective action(s) are implemented in accordance with the control and prevention measures
recommended by the Investigation Team. CT-JV project management and safety team shall be
responsible for overseeing the corrective action(s) is effectively implemented within the stipulated
time and that such corrective action(s) are communicated to all employees working in the Project
Site and as it congregates on the status of such implementation shall be reported to the Engineer

Injured person shall be responsible to report the injuries to their immediate Section Managers/Site
Engineers and Safety Officers as soon as possible. If injured person is unable to do the reporting,
then the immediate superior has to do the reporting task. The respective Supervisor shall decline

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Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

any report submitted by another person instead of the injured person unless circumstances do not
permit him/her to do so.

Safety Standards and Inspection for Plant and Equipment

CT-JV shall regularly inspect, test and maintain all safety equipment, scaffolds, guardrails,
working platforms, hoists, ladders and other means of access, lifting, lighting, signing and
guarding equipment. Lights and signs shall be kept clear of obstructions and legible to read.
Equipment, which is damaged, dirty, incorrectly positioned or not in working order, shall be
repaired or replaced immediately.

 All plant and equipment including Sub-contractors’ have to be maintained in good

operating conditions and serviced according to the legal requirements and the
manufacturer’s or supplier’s instructions prior to be utilized on site;
 Regular inspections and servicing at regular basis as required by the local legal
requirements or as that recommended by the manufacturer or suppliers must be adhered
 Electrical plant and equipment shall be inspected by responsible electrician at regular
basis which shall not exceed three (3) months or whenever the repair is required;
 Any electrical plant except for the submersible plant, when immersed in water shall be
inspected by the electrician before using it again;
 All powered plants including crawler cranes or any lifting devices must be operated by
trained and competent person. Work schedule for each operator must be recorded and
kept by himself for identification whenever required. Signalmen and riggers to guide
lifting operations shall be trained and certified;
 All plant and equipment shall park on firm foundation and secured before start of
operation. Outriggers should be extended for machineries that required stability to be
carried out properly before start of work. Braking system should be checked to ensure its
effectiveness. Engine shall be turned off during the re-fueling. Proper parking such as
scraper blades or loader buckets must be lowered;
 Use the correct machinery/plant for the work that is used as designed;
 Particulars of responsible person, operator and company of each plant and equipment
are required to be pinned on Equipment Movement Board or other method for

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Safety equipment including scaffoldings, ladders, working platforms, access ramps,

access and other lighting and warning signs must be inspected daily by responsible and
competent person;
 Wire ropes and slings for lifting equipment to be kept in good condition;
 Record must be kept for all inspections carried out.

Work Schedule and Safety Instruction

Site (Safety) Engineer with the assistance from Safety Manager shall review the safety
performance of Sub-contractors with their safety standard or practice on site. If it shows that the
standard is below the requirements set forth in the Project Management Plan and Work Schedule,
instruction will be issued to the management of Sub-contractors for their necessary follow-up
action of rectification. Safety Manager will then check on the completion of the remedial
actions/works and report to the Project Manager.

7 Safety Equipment and Clothing

Personal Protective Equipment Plan (PPEP)

Following the minimum guidelines give in the Health and Safety Plan Specifications of the
Contract document, CT-JV shall develop and implement for each activity separately to ensure
that each and every activity is
designed, safely constructed and
properly used by the workforce
throughout the Construction Phase,
and the Plan shall be submitted to and
approved by the Engineer before start
any actual activity in work site when

The Personnel Protective Equipment

Plan (PPEP) includes mandatory PPEs and Optional PPE’s as well the Mandatory PPE identified
in below is specific to all persons in all Project managed Area include such as Hard Hat; Safety
Footwear / Steel toed Boots.

The following optional PPE is specific to all persons entering in the specific operation area
includes but not limited to;

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 High Visibility Vests

 Eye Protection;
 Reflective Jacket;
 Gloves;
 Coveralls;
 Hearing Protection;
 Safety Harnesses;
 Respirators;
 Breathing Apparatus;
 Face Visors / Shields;

Personal Protective Equipment

CT-JV management shall provide the proper PPE Plan (PPEP) to protect all persons legitimately
on site, and Safety Equipment and Materials to react special hazards. Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) like protective footwear such as safety boots, rubber boots and gloves shall be
worn by CT- JV employees and sub-contractor’s personnel engaged in works that require such
protection. All points of entry for protective headgear (hard hat) must be identified with the sign.
Visitors to site must also adhere to the safety requirements at the site. The following items are
required but not limited to:

 Protection to eyes and face for work that may cause injury due to physical, chemical or
radiation agents;
 Reflective or high visibility jacket should be worn for staff exposed to vehicular traffic e.g.
signalmen, spotters, inspectors, servicemen, etc.
 Safety boots with steel toe caps and steel sole plates shall be provided for the labor who
handles heavy weight material;
 Protective nets for overhead protection shall be provided wherever the public or workers are
subjected to injury due to falling objects;
 Work near protruded vertical reinforcing steel shall not be permitted unless provision to
eliminate possible hazards is carried out;
 Protection to ears with ear plugs or ear muffs are required for sound transmitted at working
area that exceeds 75 dB;
 Insulating personal safety gears such as insulating gloves, insulating line hose, etc. to be
provided for electrical staff;
 Life jacket with reflective material and clothing should be worn for work on the water;
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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Safety harness shall be worn whenever working at heights.

Specification for Protective Clothing

The CT-JV shall provide all employees legitimately on the Site (including the Employer’s and
Engineer’s staff) with protective clothing, such clothing as a minimum shall be as follows;

• Protective headgear (hard hat or similar),

• A reflective jacket
• Safety boots (with steel toe caps and steel sole plate)
• Other items such as safety glasses, gloves, safety harness, rubber boots etc. as appropriate
to the operation being undertaken.

CT-JV shall provide other necessary safety equipment and facilities as instructed by the Engineer
for the purpose of achieving Health and Safety and Security of workforce working in the projects.

Specification for the common personal protective gears is as shown below:

1) Protective headgear: The weight shall be less than 240g.

Non-metallic material

2) Eye/Face Protection: Transparent goggle or face shield with distinct seen

Plastic and can withstand impact

Colored glass for eyes to reduce intensity of light frame

3) Ear Protection: Ear plugs made of plastic, rubber or other material for

Insertion and can reduce the noise level

Ear muffs shall be made of plastic or rubber or other

Material for insertion and can reduce the noise level

4) Hand Protection: Leather gloves to cover up to wrist and fingers

Material of mixed metal foil

5) Footwear Protection: Safety shoes with steel cap at tip of shoes

In addition, CT-JV shall ensure that safety equipment and protective clothing as described in this
PHSP are available on the site at all times and those measures for the effective enforcement of
proper utilization and necessary replacement of such equipment and clothing are incorporated in
this Project Health and Safety Plan as a minimum compliance requirement.
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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Other Safety Equipment

CT-JV shall provide other necessary special Safety equipment or materials to identify the core
hazards as instructed by the Engineer which shall include but not limited to: Test Equipment;
Cable Location Detection Tools; Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA); Rescue

The above specified equipment is minimum requirements. CT-JV management shall ensure and
provide all kinds of additional Safety Equipment to ensure Health and Safety in working areas. A
motor boat (tug boat, pusher boat and passenger boat) and barges/pontoons will be prepared for
site works and inspection on the water with safety operations. This boat must be kept and
maintained in good condition with routine inspections and maintenance to prevent any accident.
And this equipment will be provided with all rescue equipment and other safety control measures
while working on the water and at night times.

8 Safety Inspection

In-House Safety Inspection Program

It is the responsibility of Safety Manager and his safety supervisors to conduct regular safety,
health and environmental inspections to ensure that all works are carried in a safe manner and
that all unsafe conditions and acts are discovered and rectified accordingly.

An effective in-house safe, health and environmental inspection program will be implemented by
the relevant competent safety staffs. Checklists will be formulated to make the inspections
comprehensive. These inspections will be carried out frequently as to suit the dynamic nature of
the construction activities and to ensure that all work activities are effectively covered.

Workplace Safety and Health Audit

In compliance with workplace safety and health regulations, CT- JV will arrange for regular safety
and health audit team at least once in every three months. The audit will be conducted by an
audit team formed by CT- JV and approved by the Engineer. The audit team will be required to
develop audit methodology including the detailed resumes of the audit team and audit checklists
subject to Engineer’s approval before commencement of any audits.

The scope of the safety audits will cover all or any of the following:

1) Safety and health management system of the workplace;

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

2) Any risk assessment relating to the workplace or the work carried out;
3) Any work process at the workplace.

8.2.3 Safety Patrol

Site engineers/supervisors in-charge of particular work will conduct safety patrol to check any
unsafe acts/conditions and, if observed, to order the relevant Sub-contractors/worker to carry out
immediate corrective action.

The Safety Manager will establish the frequency of safety patrol to suit with the actual site
requirement. He will monitor these patrols and ensure that the personnel involved carry out their
tasks responsibly and effectively. The site engineers/supervisors will submit the observation and
safety reports to the Safety Manager.

The Safety Manager will summarize all the safety reports and outputs from these safety patrol
and submit the same together with his comments and recommendations to correct the reported
unsafe acts/condition to the Project Manager and to the relevant manager’s in-charge of
construction activities.

Working near Existing Utility

8.3.3 Existing Utility

Vibration monitoring shall be carried out prior to the work in order to determine a proper
construction method of pile foundation works. The construction method shall be accepted by the
relevant authority for the works nearby Existing Utility.

In case of damage to the existing facility, CT-JV shall immediately inform the person in charge of
the relevant authority through hotline in accordance with Emergency Response Flowchart
attached in Appendix 4.

8.3.4 Overhead Utilities

In case that overhead utility lines inside R.O.W conflict with construction works, CT-JV shall
inform the relevant authority through the Employer and request relocation temporarily or
permanently to the location not to disturb the construction works. CT- JV shall assign flagmen to
control safety clearance between utility line and equipment or facility during working.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

8.3.5 Underground Utilities

CT- JV shall carry out trial/investigatory excavation to confirm the alignment and position of
underground utilities such as optical fiber cable, electric line and small water pipe to minimize
impact to the cables/lines. Survey data from the excavation shall be reflected to relevant working
drawings. CT- JV shall indicate the alignment or position of underground utility to control safety
clearance during construction.

Working at Night

When or where a construction work need to be carried out at night, it is essential to comply with
the legal as well as local regulations and also relevant laws. The followings are the basic
requirements for night work:

 Night time work shall be illuminated by adequate lighting system;

 Reflective signboards or indication devices shall be provided near work area;
 Flagmen shall be assigned where work is executed at public area;
 Flashlights shall be prepared at work site;
 Diversion route shall be clearly indicated by information boards and flagmen where
 In case of working in public area/road, workers should wear reflective vest;
 Meal and rest breaks shall be provided for night shift.

Fencing and Indication of Working Area

Following local regulations and construction requirements in the Special Specification, temporary
fence, barricades or hoardings shall be placed to provide a visual barrier around the work,
especially in the vicinity of public areas or adjacent traffic prior to the start of construction works.
Temporary fences shall be firm and stable against wind load and visible to the public. Working
site shall also be identified by signboards or indication devices.

Marine Work

Following regulations and construction requirements, the condition of equipment, especially in

the case diver working shall be confirmed before operation. And safety special plan for the
navigation shall be prepared and approved by relevant authority.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

9 First Aid Base

The first aid base shall be established in the CT-JV’s offices. A treatment room fitted with suitable
equipment such as sterilizing equipment, bed and sufficient medicines shall be provided and
necessary equipment shall be furnished in the room. Stretchers shall be stored for use whenever
immediately required. The first aid base shall contain a recovery room that shall be furnished with
chairs and footrests.

Selected Qualified first aiders shall render first aid treatment of accidents happened on site.
Qualified nurse and nurse’s aide shall be recruited and available at the first aid base during all
times when work is being undertaken on the Site, including work by any Sub-contractor.

First Aid Boxes

The first aid boxes will be provided at first aid bases at the offices. Contents in the first aid box
shall be:

1) Adhesive dressing 2 boxes

2) Zinc – oxide plaster 2 rolls
3) Sterile eye pad 6 nos.
4) Triangular bandage 4 nos.
5) Safety pins 6 nos.
6) Small gauze bandage 50 mm 6 nos.
7) Medium gauge bandage 75 mm 6 nos.
8) Cotton wool 1 pack
9) Ethyl-alcohol 5 bottles
10) Eyecup 2 nos.
11) Blunt end pair of scissors 1 pair
12) Surgical exam gloves 1 box
13) Plastic waste bag 5 bags
14) Content list 1 sheet

If there is a need of immediate attention by the medical practitioner for injury/illness, the Site
Engineer in-charge shall send the injured/sick person to nearby hospital or polyclinic accordingly.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

First Aid and Medical Requirement

CT-JV shall provide Medical and first aid facility in accordance with contract Specification. First
Aid Base of the Special Specification and staffed as required. CT-JV also shall ensure, through
auditable means that all personnel employed on the project are assessed and passed as
medically for fitness to work, and periodically re- assessed.

Medical and First Aid Facilities

CT-JV shall provide a hierarchy of first aid and medical treatment facilities to rapidly and
effectively treat any personnel taken ill or injured during the course of the work. The rapid
approach to the first aid and immediate trauma response at the casualty location shall be provided
and followed by stabilization and evacuation to specialist medical care in a dedicated facility.

To achieve this, the CT-JV shall provide:

 Basic first aid training for the Supervision;

 First aid kits suitable for trauma response in all working areas;
 A purpose-built clinic staffed with general practitioner level at the site. The facility
shall be sufficient to provide stabilization and resuscitation, and be generally
equipped to cope with emergency situations;
 Air-conditioned, long wheelbase ambulances suitably outfitted and capable of
transporting patients at work site or at a place nearby during working hours.

First aid facilities shall be provided at the CT-JV Site office and it shall be opened and adequately
staffed during working hours.

Medical Fitness Examination

All employees associated with this project shall be subjected to employment medical examination
to ensure the employee is fit to be employed for the project. CT-JV shall provide this examination
procedure. No one suffering from a transmittable disease shall be allowed to work on the project.
CT-JV management shall operate a personal health program in order to prevent illness occurring
or spreading, and this shall include sexually transmitted diseases.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

10 Safety Information and Training

Safety Information, Instruction and Training on the Job

1) EHS meetings scheduled on regular basis shall be held at least once a month at each
work section for all Section Managers/Site Engineers on the Project to review past
activities, to plan ahead for new or changed operations and establish safe working
procedures for anticipated hazards;

2) Everyone required entering confined or enclosed spaces or atmospheres with

immediate danger to life, shall be instructed as to the hazards involved and
precautionary measures to be taken. Training by qualified person on the use and care
of such emergency and protective equipment shall be conducted. All CT- JV staff shall
comply with all specific regulations in dangerous or potentially dangerous areas;

3) All employees who have to handle poisons, caustic or other harmful or hazardous
substances, are required to receive instruction regarding the safe handling and use,
information and knowledge on the potential hazards, personal hygiene, protective
equipment and other personal protective measures involved or required;

4) Personnel who may be required to use the rescue or lifesaving equipment must be
familiar with the locations of the equipment and knowledge with training on using them;

5) Personnel required to provide or receive signals, must be familiar with the proper use
of the signal system;

6) Personnel required handling or using flammable liquids, gases or toxic materials must
be trained in the handling, storage and use of them with specific protection

7) Whenever the employees are likely to expose to extreme temperature or exceed

atmospheric pressure, the following aspects and precautionary measures must be
observed: instructions on recognition, potential hazards, avoidance of injury and first
aid procedures to be applied for any such incident;

8) CT-JV shall provide a trained firefighting team on site if required by Authority, to ensure
the protection of life and property;

9) CT-JV shall provide training on the handling of emergency situations that may arise
from the use of equipment in the Project;

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

10) Instruction to use and operate any heavy equipment will be given by qualified
representative of CT-JV and personnel required to use this equipment shall
demonstrate their proficiency in the operation process;

11) Any personnel required working with energized power and transmission lines shall be
instructed and trained in the live line bare-hand technique and safety requirements
before allowed to use.

12) With regard to the Safety Information and Training CT-JV shall ensure that safety,
rescue and industrial health matters are given a high degree of publicity to all persons
regularly or occasionally on the Site. Posters, in both Bengali and English, drawing
attention to site safety, rescue and industrial health regulation shall be made or obtained
from the appropriate sources and shall be displayed prominently in relevant areas of
the Site.

13) CT-JV shall also conduct regular safety training courses such as Safety Induction
Training, Confined Space Entry, Working at Height, Chemical Management Training,
Hazardous substances storage, handling and control training regularly in which, the
frequency, coverage, and application of all such trainings shall be in accordance with
the project PHSP and organizational requirement.

14) Sub-contractors’ employees will participate in all relevant training courses appropriate
to the nature, scale and duration of their subcontract works.

Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) Training and Education

The behavior of people at all levels of the project is critical to its success and to the achievement
of the Health and Safety goals. It is therefore essential that all personnel are carefully selected
and trained, and that their skills and competencies are regularly assessed. CT-JV shall be
responsible for identifying and providing the appropriate training and procedures necessary to
ensure safe work. Through Safety Training and Education program, all employees shall realize
the importance of attitude and behavior to Safety and Health. The behavioral change program
shall be provided by the CT-JV together working with our sub-contractors to develop awareness
of risk and encourage teams and individuals to build an interdependent safety culture with
personal and team commitment to improving safety.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Prior to commencing any site works, all employees shall have successfully completed the
essential Health and Safety training to ensure competence and safe performance of duties,
appropriate to the work being performed. The major contents of this section are as follows;

Safety Induction

Health and Safety Inductions shall be delivered to all personnel prior to entry to worksite or access
route in their own language and mainly in English. A detail Safety Induction Program shall be
developed and submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of actual
construction activities and operations. This Induction shall cover the followings, but not to be

 Health and Safety rules and emergency procedures;

 General guidance to working site;
 Specific Health and Safety responsibilities;
 General element applicable to all personnel working on site;
 Task–specific training applicable to the work concerned;
 Provided P.P.E (Personal Protective Equipment) and usage;
 Attitude and Behavior to Safety.

As part of the induction, personnel will be required to complete a test questionnaire, again both
in English and in their own language to demonstrate their understanding of the induction. CT-JV
project safety team shall retain a record of Health and Safety trainings, and this record will be
subject to inspection by the Auditors and the Engineer. Only persons who are in possession of
certification after training shall be permitted on site to work.

Safety Orientation

Health and Safety Orientation Training similar to the Induction and Refresher Training shall be
provided and conducted by CT-JV Safety team to all personnel attending the site. The delivery
of such training shall be completed prior to starting any work or being allowed to visit areas of the
site unaccompanied. For visitors and other non-employees visiting to worksites, they will be
accompanied by the Employee of CT-JV within the construction sites.

Specific Safety Training

CT-JV shall organize Specific Safety Training for all employees throughout the Construction
Phase. The purpose of such training is to equip the performing parties or a better knowledge of

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

the specific requirements regulating such specific task. Specific Safety Training may include but
not limited to the followings:

 Working at Height
 Handling of Hazardous Substances and Materials
 Handling of Power Actuated Tools
 Heavy Lifting
 First Aid Treatment

Specific Safety Training can be conducted through External Trainer such as

Manufacturer and Supplier for specific task and equipment operation.

Safety Training Facilities

CT-JV shall establish a fully functional Training Centre within the Permanent Facility Area at our
Head Office as well as at site office locations. The Training Centre shall have the facilities to
provide the training and be provided with relevant audio-visual aids, graphics and multi-lingual
support to enable training to be given effectively to all levels of personnel which includes our sub-
contractors as well.

A training plan for all the staffs of the CT-JV project team and personnel will be developed by the
Project Manager in collaboration with the other section managers and Safety manager which is
described in detail in the Training and Education procedure.

11 Plant, Equipment and Qualified Personnel

Safety Devices

1) Protective guards to be fitted to gears, shafts, pulleys, lifting devices, etc. to prevent
contact to any person when operated;

2) Proper ratchets or other positive locking devices for drums on load-hoisting equipment
are required;

3) Stoppers are required on hook of crane to prevent rope from slipping off;

4) Safety signboard showing safety message and safety records (total accidents to date,
accident free time, remaining days etc.) should be prepared at site offices and/or work
site to address update safety issues to all personnel involved for the works.

136 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

5) Safety devices shall not be removed except to make repairs. Compressors and related
equipment shall be correctly placed in order to provide safe access to workers to
operate, maintenance or repair;
6) Working conditions of all safety devices on the crane. Safety devices referred to limit
switches, load indicator and radius indicator;

7) Effective safety catches for crane hooks and other lifting devices, functioning automatic
warning and locking devices and, where applicable, an up-to- date test certificate, for
cranes and hoists and such construction plants and equipment used on or around the
Site shall be operated by suitably qualified personnel.

12 HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme


AIDS is the late (terminal) stage of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). AIDS
is a major public health hazard that will not disappear in the foreseeable future. There were
approximately 36.9 [34.3 – 41.4] million people living with HIV at the end of 2014 with 2.0 [1.9-
2.2] million people becoming newly infected with HIV globally.

HIV/AIDS are mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood, and from mother to infant.
Most HIV-positive workers have acquired their HIV infection outside the workplace, by sexual
transmission from an HIV-positive partner/spouse. Needle-prick injuries by disposed syringes
are the highest risk at our workplace. The prevention of transmission of HIV through a needle-
prick injury is very important, particularly in high HIV prevalence areas.

This area of AIDs education program is included in HSP system as per requirements stated in
clause of General Specifications of Contract Document.

Strategies for AIDS Prevention at the Workplace

1) Education on AIDS to CT-JV’s staff, Sub-CT-JV’s staff/labor and local community

adjacent to the project.

2) Development of comprehensive education program designed to develop the self-

regulated skills needed to translate knowledge into effective self-protective practices by
the workers;

3) Provision of a supportive environment and the services required to reduce HIV

transmission and the socioeconomic impact of AIDS, e.g. counseling services,
137 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

educational materials on AIDS, accessibility to information on correct and consistent

use of condoms, etc.;

4) Establishment of Peer Education Program in collaboration with The Chief Engineer of

railway Department, Health Information & Education Center, and etc.

5) Awareness about HIV/AIDS will be raised among local people residing adjacent to the
working construction site by Advocacy Meeting, Orientation, and Distribution of IEC

Control Measures at the Workplace

1) Reduce occupational exposure to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other

blood-borne pathogens;

2) Minimize or eliminate this significant health risk using a combination of engineering and
work practice controls, personal protective clothing and equipment, training, medical
follow-up of exposure incidents, vaccination (where applicable), and other provisions;

3) Establish “Exposure Control Plan” designed to eliminate or minimize occupational


4) Engineering and work practice controls shall be used to eliminate or minimize employee
exposure. Where occupational exposure remains after institution of these controls,
personal protective equipment shall also be used;

5) Engineering controls shall be examined and maintained or replaced on a regular

schedule to ensure their effectiveness;

6) Facilitation of Condom access and promotion of condom use is one of the most vital
and important part of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Making condom freely and easily available
and educating people on how to use them.

7) When there is occupational exposure, appropriate personal protective equipment, such

as, but not limited to, gloves, face shields or masks and eye protection, and
mouthpieces, or other ventilation devices, shall be provided;

8) When personal protective equipment is removed it shall be placed in an appropriately

designated area or container for storage, washing, decontamination or disposal.

138 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

HIV/AIDS Education for Construction Workers (Peer Education)

1) Defining peer education

Peer education is a popular concept that implies an approach, a communication channel, a

methodology, a philosophy, and a strategy. The English term ‘peer’ refers to “one that is of
equal standing with another; one belonging to the same societal group especially based on
age, grade or status”. The term ‘education’ refers to the “development”, “training”, or
“persuasion” of a given person or thing, or the “knowledge” resulting from the educational
process. In practice, peer education has taken on a range of definitions and interpretation
concerning who is a peer and what is education (e.g. counseling, facilitating discussions,
lecturing, distributing materials, making referrals to services, providing support, etc.). Peer
education typically involves the use of members of a given group to effect change among
other members of the same group. Peer education is often used to effect change at the
individual level by attempting to modify a person’s knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, or
behaviors. However, peer education may also effect change at the group or societal level
by modifying norms and stimulating collective action that leads to changes in program and

2) Rationale

Recent studies (by Health Information & Education Center) have shown that many mobile
workers have had risky behaviors that can lead them to HIV infection as well as sexually
transmitted diseases (STIs). This is contributed by many factors such as lack of knowledge,
inappropriate attitudes, living away from home, stressful working conditions, etc. Providing
workers with knowledge about HIV/AIDS, STIs, illicit drugs as well as creating among them
appropriate attitudes and safe practices may help them preventing from the health risks
mentioned above. Apart from health information, peer education was proved to be an
efficient approach for educating constructing workers who are influenced strongly by their
peers’ thoughts and behaviors.

3) Objectives

For peer educators: Appropriate knowledge and skills of peer education. For workers:
knowledge, appropriate attitudes and skills for preventing HIV/AIDS and STIs.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Health Certifications after Screening

In addition to the AIDS education program mentioned above, screening of workers for drug abuse
(especially heroin) and drug addicts will need to be carried out and the health certificates to be
kept on site as part of the HSP system.

13 Temporary Traffic Control Plan / Navigational Safety Plan


The purpose of this TCP and Safety Policy is to state clearly the objectives of the project in
relation to Environment, Health and Safety, Quality and Security and also in compliance to
requirements stipulated in the contract documents and legislation and regulations of the
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

This Traffic Control Plan is a mandatory document for implementation in this project as per
Contract’s requirements, legislation and regulations of the Government of the People’s Republic
of Bangladesh and OHSAS 18001:2007 and/or equivalent standard. Any issuance of this Plan is
under the authorization of the Project Manager.

In order to attain these objectives, CT-JV ensures to provide necessary traffic measures such as
traffic routes and patterns, detours, diversionary roads, navigation plan for public ships, etc.
These are accompanied by traffic control facilities and devices for off-shore and on-shore
construction such as sign boards and panels, barricades, traffic cones, lighting devices, signal
men, etc. which are specified in the contract. CT- JV recognizes that traffic control plan properly
implemented would result into safe and time efficient, and a satisfactory level of quality of work
for the project. All personnel shall comply the requirements of this document and the agreement
from the Project Manager must be obtained prior to any amendment is to be carried out.

Traffic Control Scheme and Stage

Generally, this plan is divided into two main parts:

a) Temporary Traffic Control Plan, and

b) Navigation Control Plan.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Management Commitment

The CT-JV Management will monitor and control this plan to attain the overall target of the Project
with regards to quality, safety and environmental aspects in general, and with the traffic
management in particular. According to the Project Management Plan, the CT-JV Management
is committed to review all of the Project’s relevant plans. This review of system will enable the
site to improve continuously during the construction period.

Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP)

Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP) will be developed and submitted to The Engineer
separately for his approval before the start of the site works as specified in the contract
documents. Navigational Safety Plan for existing waterway traffic control of the works will be also
submitted with the detailed method statements of related works for The Engineer’s review and

This document describes the Traffic Control Plan by which CT- JV recognizes the need to
efficiently manage traffic throughout the construction period. CT- JV aims to accomplish the
project in a manner that will provide a high level of safety, minimize congestion, and reduce
human impacts for both workers and the travelling public. Effective traffic control plan is an
important key to achieving a timely completion of the works. CT- JV recognizes that traffic control
plan properly implemented would result into safe and time efficient, and a satisfactory level of
quality of work for the project.

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)


Appendix-HSP-01 Health and Safety Policy of CT-JV

Appendix-HSP-02 Objectives and Targets Record

Appendix-HSP-03 Safety Patrol Inspection Report Form

Appendix-HSP-04 Non-Conformance Reporting Procedure

Appendix-HSP-05 Non-Conformance Reporting Form

Appendix-HSP-06 Emergency Response Flow Chart

Appendix-HSP-07 Crane Detail Inspection Checklist

Appendix-HSP-08 Incident / Near Miss Report

Appendix-HSP-09 Incident / Accident Report

Appendix-HSP-10 Monthly Safety Report

Appendix-HSP-11 Risk Assessment and Management

Appendix-HSP-12 Countermeasures for Steel Superstructure Erection

Appendix-HSP-13 Countermeasures for Rebar Assembly and Concreting of High

Position of Bridge Piers

Appendix-HSP-14 Air Quality Monitoring and Contingency Plan

Appendix-HSP-15 Noise Monitoring and Contingency Plan

Appendix-HSP-16 Sample Posters, Illustrations and Photographs

Appendix-HSP-17 Safety Induction Training

Appendix-HSP-18 Site Inspection Template

Appendix-HSP-19 Site Organization Structure

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to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

Appendix – HSP - 01: Health and Safety Policy of CT-JV

Health & Safety
CT Joint Venture

Our Commitment

We are the Constructor of Rail, Road, Bridge & Other Infrastructures with skill and passion that benefit our Employer, People,
CT-JV values the safety culture and healthy environment on Project Site to establish a
Happy Work Site.

Our Approach
CT-JV addresses its commitment to a safe and healthy environment with a key target on
Zero Incident and Accident through the consistent implementation of an effective Health
& Safety Management System.

Health & Safety Policy in Practice

 Comply with relevant legal obligations, standards, Employer requirements, and
any obligations that CT-JV has adopted voluntarily;
 Comply with the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management

Communities & Stockholders


 Safety and Health Commitment for ensuring the safety and health of all workers
at construction sites and to creating comfortable workplace environments;
 Establish high standards in safety performance, health preservation and security
through developing and maintaining appropriate site-specific Health and Safety
Plan and Procedure;
 Providing safe, healthy and secured work environment and personal protection as
paramount priority;
 Promote a culture of shared responsibility for safe, healthy and secured work
environment outcomes;
 Enhance the awareness, knowledge and skills of employees, sub-CT-JVs and
suppliers in relation to safe, healthy and secured work environment requirements
and practices;
 Achieving Zero Incident/Accident in compliance with legal obligations, standards,
Employer requirements and communication action taken or required to prevent
 Work with peers, partners, the local community, regulators and other stakeholders
to understand their perspective and achieve improved environment regard to
health and safety issues.

(Jiang YaFei)
Project Manager | CT Joint Venture March 2018

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Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-02: Objectives and Target Records

HSP Objectives Action Plan

Sl. No. Objective Action Target Date Action By

1 The Health and Safety Management Target shall be To achieve this objective, the CT-JV shall observe the
placed on “Zero Incident and Accident”. relevant laws, regulations and the requirements of the
2 To reduce the accident frequency and severity rate  Performance parameters
as below at the end of the project by accomplishing  AFR
zero accident.  ASR
To achieve zero accident  Total Working Man-hours
3 To identify hazards in each specific construction
activities and operations to be carried out during
construction phase.
4  Increase EHS committee and staff training and Director / Project Manager to monitor the target to take Top & Site
awareness on EHS issues appropriate action to ensure training hours are met and Management
 EHS Committee (Target 35 training hours for update using training record pertaining to the ISO 9001
EHS committee yearly.) training record & Safety toolbox meeting Record
 Supervisors and workers (Target at least 2 hours
for each foremen and workers monthly during
Site Safety Toolbox meeting)
5 Incident/accident related to working at-height to be Implement and maintain fall protection plan at site. Site Management
6 Ensure Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of all Administrative and
chemicals purchased are obtained, reviewed for Purchasing
acceptance and filed. Department

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Sl. No. Objective Action Target Date Action By

7 Site supervisors should be trained in Working at- Site supervisors were attended WAH course and site Site Management
height course conducted by external parties and site workers were trained on fall protection plan.
workers should be trained by the safety dept.
8 Ensure all site employees are attended site safety Site safety induction to be conducted in regular basis. Immediate Site Management
induction and to understand site safety requirements
to comply.

Prepared By: ____________________ Acknowledged By: ____________________ Approved By: ____________________


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Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-03: Safety Patrol Inspection Report From


Date, Day :

Inspector :

Sl. Location Comment or Instruction Photo Corrective Photo

No. Action

Date: Responsible Person:

Date: Responsible Person:

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-04: Non-Conformance Reporting Procedure

Control of Non-Conformance
Non-conformance is categorized into two types:
 QEHS (Quality, Environment, Health and Safety) System Non-conformance, which
are define as deviations of systems and/or processes that are required in ISO
Standards, Contract Specifications, Plans, Procedures and any other Project
Management documents; and

 QEHS Product Non-conformance, which are produced and detected during the
Project execution.

QEHS System Non-conformance can arise as a result of the following:

1. IMS (Integrated Management System) Audits;
2. Monitoring and measurement activities;
3. Internal and external communication and consultation;
4. Complaint from Project Stakeholders or any interested parties;
5. Incidents occurred at site; and
6. Conditions/incidents that could create significant EHS impacts/risks.

QEHS Product Non-conformance can be detected by any of the following parties during
the course of the Project:
1. CT- JV QA/QC or Construction Team;
2. CT- JV Internal Auditors;
3. CT- JV Suppliers and Service Providers;
4. The Engineer; and
5. The Employer.

When non-conformance in Health & Safety Management system is detected, Non-

Conformance Report (NCR) must be raise within 24 hours using the form as shown in
Appendix 05. The Health & Safety Manager or the responsible personnel shall update the
Register of Non-conformances.
The Responsible Manager will analyze the detected non-conformance and will make
proposals for the corrective and preventive measures to contain and rectify the non-
conformance as well as the appropriate initial disposition.
The Section Manager will review and report the NCR together with the proposed corrective
and preventive measures to the Project Manager for his approval, and the PM will report
the NCR and agreed remedies to contain and rectify the non-conformance to the Engineer.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

After the submission of initial fact report in the form of NCR as mentioned above, CT-JV
will submit to the Engineer the Corrective/Preventive Action Request (CPAR). This will
serve as notice/request to the Engineer or their responsible personnel in-charge for the
particular non-conformities reported. A committee meeting will then be arranged between
the Engineer and CT-JV to discuss in detail the nature of non-conformities, the cause root
analysis, the final decision for the disposition, the corrective and remedy work(s), and finally
the preventive measures to ensure the non-conformances recurrence.
The Section Manager and Project Manager will conduct the verification and close-out of
the NCR after all remedial work(s) are completed satisfactory. The responsible personnel
for the NCR shall provide sufficient and photographic evidence of the remedial work(s) to
enable the Engineer to review the closing of NCR’s
The NCR status will form as part of CT-JV Monthly Returns and will be communicated to
all concerned stakeholders to prevent recurrence. Non-conformance Reporting and
Dissemination System will be utilized as tool for lessons learned for continual improvement
of quality processes in general; and towards the achievements of the overall goal of QEHS
in particular as mentioned in the – Project Management Objectives and Targets.

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Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-05: Non-Conformance Report (NCR) Form


1. NCR Ref. No. 2. NCR Date

3. NCR Category 4. Location
5. NCR Originator 6. NCR Ref. No.
7. Reference Dwg.

8. Found during what activity:

Incoming Inspection Other:

In-process Inspection

Final Inspection

9. Description of non-conformance (use continuation page if necessary)

10. Action taken for prevention (use continuation page if necessary)


11. Use-as-is Return Engineer Responsible

Repair Reject

Rework (Name/Signature/Date)

12. Approval of as is or disposition Section Engineer Engineer

Non-critical NC

Critical (Name/Signature/Date) (Name/Signature/Date)

13. Description of proposed action (use continuation page if necessary)

Proposed by Reviewed by

(Name/Signature/Date) (Name/Signature/Date)


14. Planned disposition has been completed and corrective/preventive action has been initiated
Disposition completed on:
149 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Reviewed by Approved by
Section Engineer Engineer
(Name/Signature/Date) (Name/Signature/Date

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Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-06: Emergency Response Flow Chart



PM: Project Manager Secondary Hazard Yes Caution to Extent Uncontrollable Caution to
likely to occur
CM: Construction Manager evacuate of Fire evacuate
In case of Injury No Controllable
SI: Section Incharge
Report to First Report to Fire Extinguisher
SE: Site Engineer
Aider (FA) Instruction/Advice SE
In case of Env. Impact
Call Fire Station

Major Minor Treatment Report to Report to

Relief Treatment Degree of Report to
Injury ES
by FA by FA SAM SI, CM

Call Ambulance Yes Further

Treatment Report to Direct Emergency

Take Injured Needed
Response Staff
Transport Injured to Hospital Injured Person
to Hospital List of Phone Number
returns to Work
Report to Refer to the next page for the Details
Call Police
of Contact Information of Relevant
(if required) Engineer / Personnel and Authority for
SAM to record in Log Book Emergency Response
151 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN


Sl. Nearest CT- JV

Name of Hospital Detail Address Telephone
No Work Location

01 Chandanaish Upazila Health Complex Chandanaish Sadar 01730324446

02 Satkania Upazila Health Complex Satkania Sadar 01819326425

03 Lohagara Upazila Health Complex Lohagara Sadar 01730324449
04 Chakaria Upazila Health Complex Chakaria Sadar 01730324466


Nearest CT- JV Work Name of Fire Service

Sl. No Telephone
Location Station

01 Satkania Satkania 0303656500

04 Chakaria Chakaria 034225605


Nearest CT-
Sl. Name of Nearest Designation of Contract
JV Work Telephone
No Police Station Person

01 Chandanaish Chandanaish Officer-Incharge 01769694523

02 Satkania Satkania Officer-Incharge 01769694524

03 Lohagara Lohagara Officer-Incharge 01769694526

04 Chakaria Chakaria Officer-Incharge 01865245317

152 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-07: Crane Detail Inspection Checklist

Appendix 5: Crane Detail Inspection Checklist


Name of Contractor
Name of Responsible Person
Type of Crane
Brand / Model / Serial No.
Location of Used
Last Inspection Date

Parts to be Checked Descriptions
Yes No
All exposed moving parts such as gears, chains, reciprocating or rotating
parts are guarded or isolated.
Materials for guarding rear swing area or Warning Lights & Audible
Swing Clearance Protection
Alanns installed to signal movement of crane.
High-voltage warning signs displaying restrictions and requirements
High-Voltage Warining Sign
installed at the operator's station & at strategic locations on the crane.
Shock absorbing or hydraulic type boom stops installed in a manner to
Boom Stops
resist boom overturning.
Jib Boom Stop Jib stops restraints installed to resist overturning.
Boom angle indicator readable from Operator station installed
Boom Angle Indicator accurately to
indicate boom angle.
Boom hoist installed with disconnect safety shutoff or hydraulic relief
Boom Hoist Disconnect, Automatic
to automatically stops the boom hoist when the boom reaches a
Boom Hoist Shutoff
predetermined high angle.
Cranes with telescoping booms equipped with two-blocking damage
prevention feature that has been tested on-site in accordance with
manufacturers requirements.
Two-Blocking Device Cranes hydraulic and fixed boom type used to hoist personnel equipped
with two-blocking devices on all hoist lines.
Anti-two blocking device installed has automatic capabilities for
controlling functions that will cause a two-blocking condition.
Cranes use to hoist personnel equip with power controlled lowering
operation on all hoist lines.
Power Controlled Lowering
Check clutch, chains, and sprockets for wear.
Leveling device provided on crane.
Leveling Indicating Device
Crane leveled during set up.
Sheave grooves smooth and free from surface defects, cracks, or worn
places that will cause rope damage.
Sheaves Flanges not be broken, cracked, or chipped.
Bottom of sheave groove form a close fitting saddle for the rope used.
Lower load blocks equipped with close fitting guards.
Minimum number of wraps to remain on the drum.
Condition of Drum Grooves.
Condition of flanges at the end of drum.
Main Hoist and Auxiliary Drums System
Rope end attachment.
Spooling characteristics of rope.
Rope condition.

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WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Boom jibs, or extensions, not cracked or corroded

Bolts and rivets tightly installed
Main Boom, Jib Boom, Boom Extension Certification that repaired boom members meets manufacturer's original
design standard documented and submitted
Any non-certified repaired to boom members
Hooks and block s permanently labeled with rated capacity
Hooks and blocks are counterweighted to the weight of the overhaul line
from highest hook position
Load Hooks and Hook Blocks Hooks will not have cracks or throat openings more than 15% of normal
or twisted off center more than 10% from the longitudinal axis
All hooks used to hoist personnel equipped with effective positive safety
catches especially on hydraulic cranes
Flexible hoses show no signs of leaking at the surface or its junction
with the metal and couplings.
Hoses show no blistering or abnormal deformation to the outer covering
Hydraulic Hoses Fittings and Tubing and no leaks at threaded or clamped joints that cannot be eliminated by
normal tightening or recommended procedures.
No evidence of excessive abrasion or scrubbing on the outer surfaces of
hoses, rigid tubing, or hydraulic fittings
Outrigger number, locations, types and type of control are in accordance
with manufacturer's specifications
Outriggers visible to the operator or a signal person during extension or
A durable rating chart(s) with legible letters and figures will be attached
to the crane in a location accessible to the operator while at the controls.
The rating charts will contain the following.
A full and complete range of manufacturer's crane loading ratings at all
stated operating radius.
Optional equipment on the crane such as outriggers and extra
counterweight which effect ratings
Load Rating Chart
A work area chart for which capacities are listed in the load rating chart,
i.e. over side, over rear, over front
Weights of auxiliary equipment, i.e. load block ,jibs, boom extensions
A clearly distinguishable list of ratings based on structural , hydraulic or
other factors rather than stability.
A list of no-load work areas
A description of hoist line reeving requirements on the chart or in
operator's manual.
Main hoist and auxiliary wire rope inspection will include examining for
Broken wires
Wire Rope
Excess wear
External damage from crushing, kinking, cutting or corrosion
Contains all crane function controls in additional to mechanical boom
Cab angle indicators, electric wipers, dash lights, warning lights and buzzers,
fire extinguishers, seat belts, horn, and clear unbroken glass

154 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Truck cranes and self-propelled cranes mounted on rubber-tired chassis

or frames will be equipped with a service brake system , secondary
stopping emergency brake system and a parking brake system
The braking systems will have been inspected and tested and found to be
conformance with applicable requirements
Braking Systems
Crawler cranes are prov ided with br_akes or other locking devices that
effectively hold the machine stationary on level grade during the
working cycle
The braking system will be capable of stopping and holding the machine
on the maximum grade recommended for travel. The brakes or locks are
arranged to engage or remain engaged in the event ofloss of operating
pressure or power
Make sure that the rotation point of a crane gears and rollers are free of
damage, wear and properly adjusted and the component s are securely
Turntable/Crane Body locked and free of cracks or damage
The swing locking mechanism will be functional (pawl , pin) and
operated in the cab

The counterwe_ight approved and installed accord ing to manufacturer's

specifications with attachment points secured

Name of Inspector:
Position / Title:
Date Inspection:

155 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-08: Incident
Appendix 2: Incident / Near / Near Miss Report
Miss Report


To: File No.:__________

Details (To be completed by immediate Supervisor / Supervisor-in-Charge with 24 hours)

Project:__________________________________________ Country:_________________________
Contractor's Name:_________________________________ Contact No:______________________
Location of Incident:________________________________ Date:________ Time:________
Types of Occurrence: Dangerous Occurrence [ ] Near Miss [ ]
Description:___________________________________ Sketch (Continued on separate sheet if necessary)

Causing Damage to:____________________________________________________________________

Estimated Cost:_________________________ Repair Time:_________________________

How could this incident have been avoided




(mark x one)
A - Requirements / Guidelines not prepared Does Incident relate to the one
B - Requirements / Guidelines not appropriate of the followings:
C - Requirements / Guidelines not compiled If Yes, mark appropriately

A B C Descriptions Emergency Isolation

Leadership and Accountability Ground Disturbance

Risk Assessment and Management Confine Space Entry

People, Training and Beh aviours Working at Height

Working with Contractors and Others Lifting Operations

Facilities Design and Construction Vehicle Safety

Operation and Maintenance Management of Change

Management of Change
Information and Documentation
Customers and Products Does Incident relate to Dropped Objects?
Community and Stakeholder Awareness Yes
Crisis and Emergency Management No
Incident Analysis and Prevention
Assessment, Assurance and Improvement

156 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Actions to Prevent Reoccurence

Responsible Due
No. Action Priority
Person Time

What Action is being taken to Prevent Reoccurence?



____________________________________________________ Action: Yes [ ] No [ ] Date:____________

Other Comments:______________________________________________________________________

Name:_________________________ Signature:_______________ Title:______________________

Follow-up Review (To be completed by the Engineer's Safety Department)

Do all actions taken meet the Engineer's Satisfaction Yes [ ] No [ ]
If No, please state further actions required:_________________________________________________
Close out: Yes [ ] No [ ]
Name:____________________________ Signature:__________________ Title:_______________

Distribution: The Employer, Construction Manager, Safety Manager,…….

157 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-09: Incident / Accident Report

Appendix 3: Incident / Accident Report


To: File No.:__________

Details (To be completed by immediate Supervisor / Supervisor-in-Charge with 24 hours)

Project:__________________________________________ Country:_________________________
Contractor's Name:_________________________________ Contact No:______________________
Location of Incident:________________________________ Date:________ Time:________
Weather Condition: FINE [ ] RAIN [ ] COLD [ ] HOT [ ]
Visibility:___________________________________ Temperature:_________________________

Name of Injured:_______________________________ Nationality:_______________________

Date of Birth: Day:______ Month:______ Year:______ ID No.___________________________

Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ] Occupation:_______________________________________________________

Acivity at time of Accident:________________________________________________________________


Severity of Injury: Fatal [ ] Refered to Hospital [ ] Sent Home [ ] Return Work [ ]

Pars of Body Injured Types of Injury

Head [ ] Torso [ ] Crush [ ]

Eyes [ ] Back [ ] Fracture [ ]

Ears [ ] Abdomen [ ] Dislocation [ ]
Face [ ] Hip [ ] Sever [ ]
Neck [ ] Rump [ ] Laceration [ ]
Shoulder [ ] Thigh [ ] Puncture Wound [ ]
Arm [ ] Leg [ ] Abrasion [ ]
Elbow [ ] Knee [ ] Bruise [ ]
Wrist [ ] Foot [ ] Sprain / Strain [ ]
Hand [ ] Ankel [ ] Electric Shock [ ]
Finger [ ] Toe [ ] Burn [ ]
Chest [ ] Multiple [ ]
Others:_________________________ Others:_____________


Name:_____________________ Company:____________________ ID No._____________________

Name:_____________________ Company:____________________ ID No._____________________
Name:_____________________ Company:____________________ ID No._____________________

158 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

159 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

160 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix 4:-HSP-10: Monthly
Monthly Safety ReportSafety Report

Monthly Safety Report (1/4)

Project: Country:
Contractor's Name: Contact No.:

Reporting Period Document No.

Start Interrupt
Job Situation
From: To: Year: Continue Complete

Nature of Injury
Type of Accident Eye First Aid TOTAL:
Burn Cut Bruise Contusion Sprain Fracture Other Fatal
Fall to Different Level
Fall on Same Level
Struct againts Object
Struck by Flying or Falling Object
Struck by Moving Object
Caught in or between Object
Cut / Rub
Stepping on Nails, etc
Contact with Exrtreme Temperature
Contact with Poisonous Substances
Contact with Electrical Current
Traffic Accident (Public Road)
Traffic Accident (Other)
Reaction or Overexertion

Approved: Name: Signature: Title:

Prepared: Name: Signature: Title:

161 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

Monthly Safety Report (2/4)

Near- Miss Record
Caused by Damage -Unasafe Act / Human Error
-Unsafe Condition / No Procedure
Date (dd- Time (0- Description of Near-Miss
No. Location -Wrong Direction / Time Pressure
mm) 24) (Briefing)
Work Property Psychological -Lack of Communication
Taks Trade
Category (Yes/No) (Yes/No) -Lack of Education

Approved: Name: Signature: Title:

Prepared: Name: Signature: Title:

162 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

Monthly Safety Report (3/4)

Recordable Work Injuries
Permanent Permanent Last Restricted Medical
Total Partial Workday Workday Treatment Recordable
Sub-Contractor / Near Miss First Aid
Fatalities Disabilities Disabilities Cases Lost Time Injuries Cases Cases Injuries
Work Category Case Case
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)=(5) (6) (7) (5)+(6)+(7)=(8)

This Month Total

Accumulation up to Last Month
Accumulation up to This Month

Approved: Name: Signature: Title:

Prepared: Name: Signature: Title:

163 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s HEALTH, SAFETY &
Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria ENVIRONMENT
including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) MANAGEMENT PLAN

Monthly Safety Report (4/4)

Recordable Work Injuries

Total Lost Time Injuries

Total Mandays No. of Lost Time
Sub-Contractor / Work Category Manhours Recorded Frequency Rate of Frequesncy Rate of
Worked Injuries (Last Rate of Lost
Worked Cases Recorded Cases Lost Workday Cases Lost Workdays Severity Rate
Workday Cases) Workdays
(i) (ii) (iv) (v) (vii)
(iii) (vi)

Note: (i) Transfer the figures calculated in column (8) in sheet 3 of 4. (vi) Rate of Lost Workdays = Total Lost Workdays * 1,000,000
(ii) Frequency Rate of Recordable Injuries =No. of Total Recordable Injuries * 1,000,000 Total Manhours Worked
Total Manhours Worked
(vii) Severity Rate = Total Lost Workdays
(iii) Transfer the figure calculated in column (5) in sheet 3 of 4. Total No. of Lost Workdays Cases and Permanent Partial Disabilities
(iv) Frequency Rate of Lost Time Injuries = No. of Total Lost Injuries * 1,000,000 (Note: Do not include No. of Permanent Total Disability and Fatality)
Total Manhours Worked

Approved: Name: Signature: Title:

Prepared: Name: Signature: Title:

164 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Appendix -HSP-11: Risk Assessment and Management

Register of Aspects and Hazards (Health & Safety)

Project Prepared by: ____________________ Date: __________________

Construction of Dual Guage Single Rail Line Project from

Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu, Lot-1

Approved by: ____________________ Date: __________________

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Site Clearing, demolition of Damage of surrounding Electrocution, injury/ Medium To coordinate closely with Public Medium Acceptable
Mobilization existing obstruction and public utilities specially fatality, third party accident Utility Companies and local
(Site Offices and relocation of existing the buried facilities authorities, and conduct awareness
Laboratories, public utilities training regarding the safety
Material and hazards
Fabrication Machinery and Material Potential of traffic Injury to third party Medium Training to Sub-Contractorsand Medium Acceptable
Yards, Batching Transportation accident with third party suppliers prior to first delivery
Plant Yard, etc.)
Yards levelling Potential collision of Injury/fatality Medium To conduct toolbox meeting and Medium Acceptable
equipment periodic training
Erection and dismantling Potential falling from Injury/fatality Medium Training on safety belt prior to work Medium Acceptable
of Batching Plant height commencement and toolbox
Installation of electrical Handling live electric Electrocution Medium Training and confirmation of Low Acceptable
wiring and facilities cable electrical cut-off before work
Hand tools / power tools Potential of electrical Injury Low Training and toolbox meeting Low Acceptable

165 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Ditto Potential of misuse Loss of limbs Low Training and toolbox meeting Low Acceptable
Common Daily transportation Potential of traffic Injury to third party Low Training and toolbox meeting Low Acceptable
works accident with third party
Lack of awareness for Unsafe action, Injury, disease Medium To conduct indoctrination training Low Acceptable
safety & health inadequate health control and toolbox meeting
Using hand tools / power Potential of electrical Bruise, cut, eye injury Low Training and toolbox meeting Low Acceptable
tools faults
Loading and unloading of Falling from trailer Injury, fatality, damage to Low Providing training to operators Low Acceptable
machinery onto/from plant
Erection and dismantling Getting caught in Injury, fatality Low To conduct toolbox meeting and Low Acceptable
of machinery machinery periodic training on proper erection,
maintenance, repair and
dismantling of machinery
Operating, maintenance, Contact with machinery, Injury, amputation, fatality Medium To conduct toolbox meeting and Medium Acceptable
repair of machinery falling down of machinery periodic training on proper
operation, maintenance and repair
of machinery
Excavation works Collapse of trench, Injury, fatality High To implement proper benching or Medium Acceptable
toppling of equipment any applicable trenching support
and ensure that the ground is stable
prior to start of work
Working at heights Falling down from Injury, fatality High To conduct training and provide Medium Acceptable
scaffolding, staging, stair personnel with safety belt/harness
and openings and to install handrail around
working area
Working at confined space Lack of oxygen, inhaling Oxygen deficiency, gas Medium To provide proper ventilation Medium Acceptable
of toxic gas poisoning system and check the air toxic level
prior to entry at confined space

166 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Welding and other hot Breakdown of machinery Electrocution, burn, fire, High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
works damage to plant and meeting, and provide proper fire
worker deterrent and firefighting apparatus
Lifting works Potential collision with Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
adjacent works and falling plant meeting, and employ certified
down of loads due to poor operators, riggers and signal men
Substructure Cast-in-place concrete Potential of toppling of Injury, fatality, damage to Medium To provide training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
pile and seal concrete equipment due to plant meeting on safe operation; and
inadequate stabilization ensure that the working platform or
of ground ground are stabilized by using MS
plate to distribute the load evenly
Ditto Potential unstable set up Injury, fatality, damage to Medium To train personnel to strictly follow Medium Acceptable
of barges plant the allowable loadings, radii,
anchorage, mooring and support
system to ensure the stability
during operation
Construction of bridge Potential accident due to Injury, fatality, damage to High To train personnel to strictly follow Medium Acceptable
abutments, pier pedestals/ unstable ground and plant all precautionary measure to
columns and pier head unstable set up of barge ensure safe operation of heavy
equipment both on ground and on
Ditto Potential collision of Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
equipment and damage plant meaning; and employ qualified
to temporary structure operators, riggers and signal men
due to uncoordinated
actions and poor
Ditto Potential mishap of lifting Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
works due to poor plant meaning; and employ qualified
operation of equipment operators, riggers and signal men

167 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Ditto Potential accident and Injury, sickness, fatality Medium To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
exposure to hazards of meeting about hazards and provide
personnel due to all personnel with proper PPE
negligence and/or
ignorance of safety
Ditto Potential collapse of Injury, illness, fatality, High To conduct indoctrination training Medium Acceptable
temporary works due to damage to plant to all supervisory personnel about
non-compliance to strict the importance of safety and quality
engineering, overloading, over productivity
unsafe practices, and/or
lack of awareness of any
potential hazards and
forces of nature
Concreting works Potential of chemical Skin disease Medium To provide proper PPE Low Acceptable
contact during concrete

Superstructure Fabrication, transportation Potential breakdown of Injury, fatality Low To conduct training and toolbox Low Acceptable
and handling of Steel equipment meeting to inculcate a well-
Structure informed work force with high
regards on safety practices
Ditto Potential misuse of hand Electrocution, injury, loss Low To conduct training and toolbox Low Acceptable
tools and power tools of limbs, fire meeting about proper use of hand
tools and power tools
Ditto Potential exposure of Illness, injury Medium To conduct training and toolbox Low Acceptable
personnel to hazardous meting about hazardous materials
materials and chemicals and chemicals and provide proper
Ditto Potential accident with Damage to third party Medium To provide training to all personnel Medium Acceptable
third party during involve in transportation

168 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Ditto Potential accident during Injury, fatality, damage to High To employ qualified operators, Medium Acceptable
handling due to plant riggers and signal men
uncoordinated action
Erection and installation Potential unstable set up Injury, fatality, damage to Medium To train personnel to strictly follow Medium Acceptable
of Steel Structure of barge and other lifting plant the allowable loadings, radii,
equipment anchorage, mooring and support
system to ensure the stability
during operation
Ditto Potential collapse of Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct indoctrination training Medium Acceptable
temporary works and plant to all supervisory personnel about
supports due to the importance of safety and quality
inadequate control of over productivity
workmanship and quality,
non-adherence to best
safety practice and
engineering, overloading,
and/or lack of awareness
of the mentioned aspects
Ditto Potential falling down of Injury, drowning High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
personnel from barge and meeting; to provide proper PPE and
steel structure into the stand by life guard
Ditto Potential collision of Injury, fatality, damage to High To employ qualified operators, Medium Acceptable
equipment, temporary equipment riggers and signal men
works, permanent work

169 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Ditto Potential breakdown of Electrocution, injury, Medium To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
machinery and electrical fatality, damage to plant meeting
Construction of Concrete Potential collision of Injury, fatality Medium To employ qualified operators, Medium Acceptable
Bridge Deck transit truck mixer, riggers and signal men
equipment, machinery
Ditto Potential falling from work Injury, fatality High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
platform during meeting; and provide proper PPE
formworks, rebar works and adequate barricade around the
and concreting works working platform
Ditto Potential of breakdown of Electrocution, injury, Medium To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
machinery and electrical fatality, damage to plant meeting; and employ qualified
installation during electrician to maintain safe
working specially at night electrical installation and repair
Earth works Excavation, filling works, Potential of toppling of Injury, fatality, damage to High To provide training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
Mechanically stabilized equipment due to plant meeting on safe operation; and
earth unstable ground ensure that the working platform or
ground are stabilized by using MS
plate to distribute the load evenly
Ditto Potential collapse of Injury, fatality, damage to High To provide adequate barricade and Medium Acceptable
trench due to proximity to plant warning sign; proper trench support
moving loads and and dewatering system
inadequate shoring,
support and dewatering
Ditto Potential exposure to Illness Low To conduct training and toolbox Low Acceptable
contaminated excavated meeting
Ditto Potential mishap Injury, fatality, damage to High To employ qualified equipment Medium Acceptable
between equipment due plant operators and signal men
to uncoordinated

170 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Transportation Potential traffic accident Damage to third party Medium To provide training to all transport Medium Acceptable
with third party personnel
Compaction of working Contact with vibration Injury Low To conduct training and toolbox Low Acceptable
platform compactor meeting
Removal of surplus soil Potential mishap Injury Medium To employ qualified equipment Medium Acceptable
and disposal of unsuitable between the excavator, operators and signal men
excavated materials hauling dump truck

Ditto Potential traffic incident Damage to third party Medium To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
with third party during meeting
handling of these
Approach Sub-base and base Potential collision Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
Road Works course between moving plant meeting
equipment, stationary
machinery and personnel
Ditto Potential traffic accident Damage to third party Medium To provide training to all transport Medium Acceptable
with third party personnel
Asphalt Concrete Works Potential collision Injury, fatality, damage to Medium To employ qualified equipment Medium Acceptable
between moving plant operators and signal men
equipment, stationary
machinery and personnel
Ditto Potential traffic accident Damage to third party Medium To provide training to all transport Medium Acceptable
with third party personnel
Ditto Potential contact with Injury, skin disease Low To provide training and toolbox Low Acceptable
high temperature asphalt meeting; and provide proper PPE
concrete material

171 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Ditto Potential exposure to Injury, skin disease Low To provide training and toolbox Low Acceptable
hazardous chemical of meeting; and provide proper PPE
asphalt and road marking
Drainage Excavation works for Potential toppling of Injury, fatality, damage to High To provide training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
Works drainage equipment due to plant meeting on safe operation; and
unstable ground ensure that the working platform or
ground are stabilized by using MS
plate to distribute the load evenly
Ditto Potential collision of Injury, fatality, damage to High To employ qualified equipment Medium Acceptable
equipment during plant operators and signal men
installation operation due
to uncoordinated actions
Ditto Potential collapse of Injury, fatality, damage to High To provide adequate barricade and Medium Acceptable
trench due to overloading plant warning sign; proper trench support
at the proximity, and dewatering system
inadequate support
and/or lack of dewatering
Electrical Electrical work installation Potential breakdown of Electrocution, injury, High To employ qualified electrical Medium Acceptable
Works machinery, damage to fatality, fire, damage to Foreman
wiring and/or fault of plant
earthing rod
Construction Handling of Rails, Potential mishap during Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
of Track Sleepers & other loading, unloading & plant meeting and provide proper PPE
materials staking
Welding of Rail Joints Potential of electrical Bruise, cut, eye injury Low To conduct training and toolbox Low Acceptable
faults meeting and provide proper PPE
Ditto Potential mishap during Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
loading, unloading & plant meeting and provide proper PPE
placing to position

172 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Linking of Track Potential mishap during Injury, fatality, damage to High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
loading, unloading & plant meeting and provide proper PPE
Ballasting, Tamping Potential impacts on Often get trapped in the High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
health due to dust nose, mouth and upper meeting and provide proper PPE
respiratory tract, thus can
be associated with
respiratory disorders
Working near running Struck by a Site Vehicle / Death High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
Track plant / on track machines, meeting, provide proper PPE and
engineering trains & Serious injury
watchers to ensure workmen safety
running train
Ditto Noise Death High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
meeting, provide proper PPE and
- Whilst / walking Serious injury
watchers to ensure workmen safety
working on or near the
line: from third parties, Injury
construction sites,
adjacent premises etc

Ditto - Using implements or Death High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
small hand tools that meeting, provide proper PPE and
create noise which Serious injury
watchers to ensure workmen safety
makes it difficult to hear
oncoming traffic.

Ditto - Use of Mobile Phones Death High To conduct training and toolbox Medium Acceptable
(including headsets) meeting, provide proper PPE and
Serious injury
and Personal Music watchers to ensure workmen
devices Injury safety.
Use of phones should be kept to
avoided where possible

173 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar HEALTH, SAFETY &
via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to Chakaria including ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT
Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar) PLAN

Activity Sub Activity Aspect/Hazard Impacts/Risks Risk Control Measure Risk Rating (*) Acceptance
Rating after Control Criteria (**)
(*) Measure
Use of person music devises in
Watcher(s) will be deputed to alert.
Ditto Obstacles falling on the  Derailment of Train High  Keep the construction material in High Acceptable
running track such as safe place near to the running
 Serious Accident
Construction track.
equipment, fools,  Damaging of the
machinery, sleepers, Railway property.
ballast, earth,
construction materials
and also track fitting
materials used in the
construction activities.
Working near - Excavation near Partial or full Collapse of High  Ensuring the protective High Acceptable
live track existing embankment, the existing embankments, measure during excavation works
bridge and culverts tracks and bridges and to protect deterioration of
culverts existing embankment, bridges
and culverts.

174 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendix-HSP-12: Countermeasure for Steel Superstructure Erection

1 General
CT Venture will pay particular attention for the safety and health of not only the related persons
who worked in the site but also the public adjacent or passing through the site. For steel
superstructure erection, all of the related work items are intended to be executed strictly in
conformity to proposed countermeasures as stated in this Appendix

2 Understanding the Requirements for Safety Assurance

CT- JV will strictly abide by the clauses on safety in the Contract specifications mentioned
therein as well as will also establish his own safety procedures for the project safety. CT- JV
will appoint a suitably experienced safety manager who will deal with matters regarding the
safety and protection against accidents of all staff and labor, third parties and the public.
CT- JV will comply with all foreseeable issues related to safety and health during superstructure
erection including the rules and regulations of Bangladesh and regulations currently published
and any that might be introduced during the erection works, and any other requirements of a
similar nature instructed by the Engineer.

3 Labor Safety and Project Health Plan

CT- JV will cooperate and comply with Engineer's instructions to have Project Health and
Safety Plan approved by the Engineer before the start of erection works. The proposed safety
plan to be submitted to the Engineer will cover and contain the following, but be modified when
the work commences in accordance with actual site conditions:
a. Safety Management Organization Structure
The Safety Manager will lead the safety team under the instruction of the Project Manager.
The site safety is, however, dependent on the people actually working at site for erection and
related works; thus, the Safety Manager and his staff will be, in a sense, a conductor or a
facilitator the site safety. The site safety team should, therefore, include the Site Engineers.
b. Principal Staff and Their Responsibility
The Safety Manager will be a suitably experienced person who will supervise and monitor
the compliance with the Project Safety Plan and audit the operation of the Project Safety Plan
in a rolling program of erection works. Necessary authority will be delegated to the Safety
Manager by the Project Manager to instruct the employees of CT- JV and the Sub-
Contractor(s) of any tiers to cease any operations and take urgent and appropriate remedial
actions to make safe the work conditions at the site during erection works and prevent unsafe
working practices or other infringements of the Project Safety Plan or the statutory
regulations. The safety staff should be appropriately experienced person. He then is

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empowered by the Safety Manager to take over his power when the Safety Manager is
unavailable at site.

c. Communication Procedure inside the CT-JV's Organization

The safety warning slip will be prepared by the Safety Manager. He will hand the written slip
to the persons in charge at the site immediately. The copy of the slip is filed by him in the
office and is reported to the relevant managers. CT- JV's safety policy is posted wherever
available. The safety meeting held daily, weekly and monthly are also good tools of in-
organization communication.

d. Safety Meeting
CT- JV will hold daily, weekly and monthly safety meeting/ assembly such as:

Daily Meeting:
The Safety Manager precautions the day's would-be dangerous works to be expected and
recommend how to protect from the dangers at the daily general morning assembly. At the
assembly, the persons working on the day including CT- JV's and Sub-Contractor’s
employees will exercise physically for 5 minutes, for waking-up their bodies and make them
flexible. This highly prevents accidents at site. Tool box meeting will be introduced. That is
a mini discussion inside a small group working together. The leader should check the staffs
clothing, safety gears, and address the day's dangerous works and their safety counter-
measures. The Safety Manager has hearings of the next day's safety consideration at the
daily works meeting to be held after the lunch time for the next day's works planning. The
hearings result lead to the next day's safety talk at the daily general morning assembly.
Weekly Meeting:
The daily work meeting on the first day or the last day of the week is functioning also as a
weekly safety meeting, at which all the key participants in the Project gather. The safety
considerations for the week or next week are addressed.
Monthly Safety Mass Meeting (Assembly):
The daily general morning assembly on the first day of the month serves as a Monthly Safety
Assembly. The Safety Manager precautions the month's would-be dangerous works to be
expected and recommend how to protect from the dangers. In order to enhance and
promote the work force safety motivation and to keep in their mind the safety issues, safety
prizes may be awarded to laborers who have well performed during the last month. The
Safety Patrol is also conducted on the same day by the Project Manager, the Safety
Manager, project section managers, and other key personnel; and the Engineer and his key
staff in order to survey the current safety conditions at site. The patrol should be wrapped
up at the meeting following the site tour. The wrap-up summary is reported to the Engineer
in the Monthly Report.
e. Safety Records, Statistics and Reports

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The Safety Manager maintains a daily site diary, comprehensively recording all relevant
matters on the site safety, inspections and audits, related incidents and the likes. His safety
staff and the field construction managers are the source of those kinds of information at site.
The safety statistics is also prepared for the safety audit, in accordance with the Japanese
standard and/or the Bangladesh standard if available.
The Safety Summary Report is included in the Monthly Report submitted to the Engineer.
The report summarizes the safety related activities including the results of the monthly safety
patrol, safety problems, precaution method and restraints, any accidents occurring during
the reporting period. The report also comprehensively addresses all relevant aspects of site
safety and industrial health regulations, all site safety audits undertaken during the reporting

The Safety Report is prepared by the Safety Manager and approved (endorsed) by the
Project Manager for the submission to the Engineer. The sample copy is attached in the
Appendix-PHSP-08 and the duplicated copy is kept and filed suitably.
f. Safety Promotion
The Project Manager will promote the safety first. Good practices by laborers are
recommended by each field manager monthly. Particularly girder erection work will include
various work items at high elevation place, for which the following basic precautions will be
securely prepared or promoted:
 Provide safe working platforms at regular elevation intervals;
 Provide hand railing for safe for safe working;
 Provide fully equipped body safety harness of approved make for every person to
be worked at high elevation place.

g. Hazardous Materials
CT- JV will implement Safety Hazard Identification and Safety Risk Analysis including
safety counter measures for each work item, based on which will provide Material Safety
Data for any hazardous material or chemicals prior to the usage of such at site. Hazardous
materials should be isolated and stored specially. When they are used, the workforce
should wear the special safety gears. Otherwise, the Safety Manager should not allow the
commencement of the work with hazardous materials. When the hazardous materials are
to be used in narrow space, ventilation system should be sufficiently equipped. The Safety
Manager should identify the necessity of the ventilation system and notice to the workers
and their management. Particularly the following items are to be considered:
 Safety precautions for gas cutter-LPG or acetylene fuel supply will be safe guarded
against blast back;
 Cylinders shall be fitted with pressure gauge cap and stored at cool and dry places;
 Quality and applicable rubber horse pipe shall be utilized;
 Cylinders shall be transported by keeping them at upright position on a trolley,
standard grinding wheels should be utilized;

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 The workers using gas cutter and grinder shall be well trained; they should always
equip face shield and helmet during works.
h. Sub-Contractor’s Involvement
CT- JV will provide the Sub-Contractors with the copies of his Project Safety Plan. The full
compliance to the Project Safety Plan should be documented in the Subcontract agreements
and will require the Sub-Contractors to appoint their safety representatives who work for
safety together with the JV's safety team.
i. Emergency and Rescue Procedures
CT- JV will establish a communication lines for emergency and rescue. The flow chart and
the telephone numbers to be noticed are shown on an emergency notice sheet. The sheets
are handed over to the JV's employees and the Sub-Contractors safety representatives and
are posted wherever possible. In order to make the communication line effective, the Safety
Manager and the general affairs manager frequently contact the relevant governmental
offices, fire department, electric power company and the neighbourhood hospitals.
The JV's office will be equipped with emergency first aid kit and stretchers; and Fire
Extinguishers should be provided where cutting & welding work area.
Suitable procedures and drills for emergency situations, including rescue operations will be
prepared by the Safety Manager in conjunction with the Project Manager. The foreseeable
emergencies during superstructure erection works are listed below:
 Flooding of river;
 Traffic accident on the existing bridges;
 Waterway traffic accident;
 Injury;
 Fire;
 Typhoon or heavy rain storms.
Further specific emergency procedures such as heavy equipment falling down or other
relevant accident regarding construction equipment will be developed as necessary. The
effect of emergency situations on specific tasks is considered as part of the risk assessment
undertaken for that task.
j. Safety Education for New Comers
A short safety session will be held by a staff of the safety team every time when a new comer
arrives at site. A safety education kit will be prepared. The major topics of the safety session
are: "Project Introduction", "Site Safety Policy", "Proper Safety Gears", "Safety/Dangerous
Particulars of the Site", "Emergency and Rescue Procedure", and "Safety Meetings”.
k. Safety for Site Visitors
The CT-JV will supply safety gears, helmet, cotton gloves, rubber boots and safety harness
during high-place erection works to site visitors whenever they visit the field work points.
l. Audit of Project Safety Plan/ System

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The project safety plan will be audited periodically by the relevant personnel including the
Project Manger to inspect the suitability to actual site conditions. The plan should be kept
continually improved.
m. Erection Method/ Temporary Facilities/ Heavy Equipment
The site safety heavily depends upon the erection or construction method, design and actual
installation of temporary facilities, field labors wearing safety gears, and heavy equipment's
operators' skill and safety minds. The construction managers should plan the erection and
construction method to secure and respect the work safety. Temporary facilities should be
designed with safety factor enough to secure safety under properly-supposed conditions.
The site engineers then are responsible for verifying whether the actual works are in
accordance with the method statement and whether the temporary facilities are also
complying to the design. The workforce themselves should be sensitive to the safety. They
should be properly equipped with personal protection gears and use them whenever
necessary. The field engineers should warn and instruct the laborers without sufficient
personal protective equipment or remove them if they do not follow his warning/instruction.
The heavy equipment is a kind of frequent source of accidents. The management engineers
should confirm the equipment is well maintained and wire ropes are in good condition.
Together with the Safety Manager, the site engineers should periodically check operators if
they have licenses, and enough skills and capabilities. Additionally, CT- JV will provide
sufficient watchmen to ensure the safety of the public and erection works at all times.
n. Safety Equipment and Clothing
Adequate supplies of suitable Safety Equipment will be maintained, the Safety Manager will
ensure that appropriate Safety Equipment is issued to and used by their respective project
personnel and authorized visitors. The provision of Safety Equipment will be in accordance
with the relevant statutory requirements.
All personnel will be informed at the time of issue, of the need to maintain the equipment
properly and hygienically and to immediately report any defect or damage of the Safety
Equipment. They will also be provided with instruction on the proper use and maintenance
of the equipment where appropriate such as safety helmets, eye protection, hearing
protection, respiratory protection, safety boots, gloves, safety harnesses/safety belts,
reflective jacket, etc.
Every person issued with Safety Equipment is responsible for using, maintaining and
inspecting it regularly to ensure that it remains fit for its intended use. Any defects or
deficiencies are reported immediately to the relevant supervisor. Sub-Contractors will also
be required to regularly monitor the condition of Safety Equipment issued to project
personnel. The failure of any individual to use the Safety Equipment provided as directed by
their employer is subject to disciplinary action that may result in the offender's dismissal from
the site.
o. Notice of Accidents
Within twenty-four hours of the occurrence of any accident, CT- JV will notice the Engineer
of any accidents occurred whether on-site or off-site in which the JV, his personnel or

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Construction plant, or those of his Sub-Contractors and the lower-tier subs are directly or
indirectly involved and which result in injuries to any persons.
p. Medical Facilities and Staff
CT- JV will provide the appropriate personnel, materials and facilities of the following major
components pertinent to medical facilities to render first aid or emergency treatment for any
injuries or illness and for exposures to chemical and toxic substances such as first aid staff,
first aid facilities and stores, first aid report.

4. Foreseeable Hazardous Danger

CT- JV will ensure that the Sub-CT-JV(s) [if any] employed by CT- JV, shall adopt the most effective
and safe working procedures for the following hazardous work during the erection and construction
 Excavation work, more than 1.5 meters deep, such as assemble yard construction;
 Equipment, tank and pipe rack erection;
 Heavy cargo transports and/or cranes;
 Scaffold erection/ demolishing work;
 Jacking up and down work during launching erection;
 High elevation work;
 Vessel entry work;
 Material handling.

5. Basic Measures for Safety of Erection and River Transport

CT- JV will contact the authority of waterway traffic management to get their agreement of safety
measures for waterway traffic. The Employer will, upon the request, coordinate with the JV to clear
the problems ever happening. Whenever any accident happens in the area under CT- JV’s
occupation, CT- JV shall be responsible for rescue and report to the Engineer and the relevant local
authorities to enter the site for finding the reasons of the accidents.
CT- JV will provide and maintain required equipment or facilities directed by the Engineer or by any
duly constituted authority for the safety and convenience of the undisturbed river transport and for
the protection of the Works under construction.
CT- JV will keep his employees and Sub-Contractors highly safety oriented at all times, by preparing
written Safety Manuals, regularly holding safety meetings on the site, and preventive punishing
employees violating the safety rules and will arrange ship, lifebuoy, if necessary, and medical tools
to be ready for rescuing the people.
On relevant note to ensure waterway traffic, navigation control will be securely managed under
detailed examination and discussion with the Engineer or related appropriate authorities particularly
during erection sequence stage over the river to secure legal and practical navigation clearance
including free board based upon the Bangladesh regulation, related law and actual construction
conditions, which are to be submitted to the Engineer to receive official approval.
6. Traffic Management during Construction/Erection Time

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During the execution of erection and related work items, CT- JV will cooperate with the pertinent
agencies regarding traffic control and all details will be subject to the Engineer's approval, if any.
CT- JV will be responsible for investigating and establishing the requirements for traffic control and
safety at each site and level crossing road to be improved and newly constructed and shall submit
such details in the form of a temporary traffic control plan for approval by the Engineer.
CT- JV will refer and comply with the temporary facilities and control specified in technical
specification for girder erection and related work items. In general, any temporary works placed
over roads or diversions used by public traffic should maintain a vertical clearance stipulated for
the roads involved. Where required by the Engineer, CT- JV will erect suitable approved check
gates, fitted with warning signs indicating the vertical clearance. Materials for traffic control devices
shall conform to the requirements and as specified in the contract: retro reflective materials, sign
panels, sign posts, barricades, cones, temporary fences, vertical panel, warning lights (flashing or
CT- JV will keep the length of the project construction areas for girder erection work in such the
condition that traffic will be accommodated safely. Traffic control devices and services will be
provided and maintained both inside and outside the project limits as needed to facilitate traffic
guidance should this be necessary.
Prior to the start of erection work, CT- JV will erect such signs, barricades, and other traffic control
devices as may be required by the plans and specifications or directed by the Engineer. Traffic
control devices will be operated only when they are needed and only those devices that apply to
conditions actually in existence will be operable. Temporary fence will be placed to provide a visual
barrier between the erection work area and adjacent traffic or building and at locations directed by
the Engineer. During non-working hours and following completion of a particular erection or
construction operation, all warning signs, except hose necessary for the safety of the public, will
be removed or entirely covered with either metal or plywood sheeting so that the sign panel will not
be visible.
Retro-reflective sheeting on signs, barricades, and other devices will be kept clean. Stretches, rips,
and tears in the sheeting shall be promptly corrected. Retro-reflective sheeting will have a
maintained retro-reflection. Night time operations (if any) will be illuminated by a lighting system
approved by the Engineer. The lighting system will be positioned and operated to preclude glare.
Incandescent lights will not be permitted.
7. Labor Safety Control Procedure
Erection work consist of complex tasks that not only requires expert tradesmen but also heavy
equipment. Therefore, CT- JV must pay particular attention to all of the work items constituting
complicated stages; furthermore, we consider that there is no more important goal than the
achievement of consistently high standards of health and safety. We consider it is a business
necessity to ensure the safety of everyone who may be affected by our work activities. As a
business, we are committed to the prevention of work related injuries, and to the prevention of
damage or loss property. We minimize safety risks by actively involving our employees, partners
and Sub-Contractors in developing and sustaining a positive companywide safety culture. This will
be achieved by the use of best practice safety management techniques, by setting and
achievement of realistic safety objectives and targets and by compliance with safety legislation as

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minimum standards.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our safety performance and will ensure that
across all our operations there is an appropriate management system in place. This system will
describe the organization and designated responsibilities for safety, the arrangements for planning
and implementing the work necessary to prevent work related injuries, through the identification of
hazards and the assessment and management of associated risks, and will set out the means for
measuring and reviewing performance and auditing the management system.
The Project Manager, who has overall responsibility for this policy, will ensure the provision of
adequate resources for its implementation and review. The policy will be brought to the attention
of the work force and be reviewed at least annually to assess its effectiveness in securing
continuing improvement in the JV's safety performance.

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Appendix-HSP-13: Countermeasure for Rebar Assembly and Concreting in High

Position of Bridge Piers

Rebar Assembling and Concreting and all other works at height in excess of 2m will be
executed within a properly secured and protected area, if such protection is impracticable,
work will only be permitted with the use of well secured safety lines and safety harnesses. All
personnel in such locations must wear approved and tested safety harnesses at all times
secured to such safety lines.
We will comply with the requirements of the Bidding Documents Safety Plan Clauses Working
at Height Safety Plan and consideration of countermeasures for re-bar assembling and
concreting of high position of bridge pier.
Safety Belt or Full Body Harnesses
All workers must use safety belt or fully body harness on the following situation:
 When there is no handrail or guardrail, when there are large openings in the working
platform or suspended working platforms at height of exceeding 2.0m above ground;
 On a slope or roof without handrails and angle greater than 15 degrees to the horizontal,
or on a ladder when the worker's waist is above a protective handrail.
Minimum safety countermeasures
 All unprotected openings in floors, edges, slabs, hatchways and stairways shall be
adequately guarded, fenced, barricaded, or protected with similar means so that any
person will be prevented from falling through such openings;
 All prevention and fall arrest equipment should have suitable and of sufficient strength
for the purpose, and securely attached to the firm part of structure or platform;
 Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to ensure, as far as is reasonably
practicable, that in the event of a fall of any person, the fall arrest equipment or the
surrounding environment does not cause injury to the person;
 Safety belt or full body harness shall be worn at least in the following activities:
a. Formwork, reinforcing, concrete work, installation of rebar's, roof work,
scaffolding and any other work performed at elevated positions;
b. The only exception as a rule is if and when floors are completed with final fixed
and secured hand railing.
 Where the requirements for wearing and or attaching a safety harness are not
practicable, a suitable catch net, which must be able to sustain the weight of a person
working in the elevated position, must be erected.

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Appendix -HSP-14: Air Quality Monitoring and Contingency Plan

An Air Quality Monitoring Plan will be prepared to establish the procedures to monitor impact
on air quality and measures to control air pollution including dust control. The AQMP will
contain descriptions of activities that may cause degradation in air quality, environmental
procedures to manage pollutants, monitoring program, records and reports.
Generally, Sulphur dioxide (S02), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (N02) and
suspended particulate matter (SPM) parameters will be monitored during construction.
a. Period of measurement
The period of measuring will be implemented in accordance with the Contract
requirements and the relevant regulation.
b. Location
CT- JV will determine the locations for measuring based on the air sensitive receptors
location and the areas which generate air pollution based on detailed design and
construction plans.
c. Contingency Plan
A contingency plan for air quality monitoring will be developed to derive the mitigation
measures, identification and remedial action(s) required during occasions when the
monitored results exceed the standard values. Measures to reduce the possibility of a
recurrence will be included.
As an example, where the recorded dust level is significantly greater than the stipulated
regulations, CT- JV will take effective remedial measures such as reviewing dust sources
and taking necessary actions such as spraying water, modifying working procedures etc.in
order to alleviate the situation.

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Appendix -HSP-15: Noise Monitoring and Contingency Plan

Noise and Vibration Monitoring and Control Plan will be developed to establish the procedures
to monitor construction noise and determine when to apply measures to control noise
Generally, a weighted sound pressure level (LEQ) will be measured from noise and vibration.
Two statistical sound levels, L10 and L90, will be recorded during the monitoring. The Lmax, LEQ,
L10 and L90 values will be reported in the noise and vibration measurement along with the
allowable noise and vibration limit.
a. Period of Measurement
The period of measuring will be implemented in accordance with the Contract requirements
and the relevant regulation.
b. Location
The measurement will be at a minimum of one point based on sensitive noise receptors and
any area which may generate noise based on detailed design and construction plans.
c. Contingency Plan
A contingency plan for noise and vibration level monitoring will be developed to derive the
mitigation measures, identification and remedial action(s) required during occasions when
the monitored results exceed the standard values. Measures to reduce the possibility of a
recurrence will be included. As an example, in cases where the noise level is found to be
above the standard required level, the source of the noise level will be investigated
immediately and appropriate remedial action implemented.

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Appendix-HSP-16: Sample of Posters, Illustrations and Photos

Toll Box Meeting Weekly Safety Patrol Gathering

Monthly Safety Awarding Staff training on health and safety

Workers on training LED Safety Sign

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Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Safe drinking water supply at work site Worker on fire drill

Worker used the PPE Housekeeping practice

First aider explain about first aid, motive & activity First aider team on duty

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Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
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Work site sanitation facility for the worker Safety slogan

Safety signages Safety signages

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Appendix- HSP- 17: Safety Induction Training

SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
1 Unloading of Materials may fall to the Personal Injury Secure material
materials using lower level and hit the adequately and use safety
Cranes workers and/or damage Property damage latch when lifting
2 Lifting loose Loose materials drop and Injury to workers Put loose materials in
materials using may hit workers Container.
Lifting supervision to be
3 Lifting by crane Load may jump off from Injury Ensure lifting hook is
using improper hook & fall Causing provided with safety
accessories e.g. injury. Property damage latches, crane on firm
hooks without footing and stabilized while
Rope may snap dropping
latches, kinked lifting.
4 Crane operator Crane may lose control Injury or death to Crane operator must be
untrained and hit workers worker trained
Property damage
5 Crane not Crane may lose control & Property damage Ensure crane operator
operating as per hit adjacent buildings and injury to worker follows manufacturer's
manufacturer's &/or property, injure instructions
instructions workers
6 Workers doing Sparks may hit worker's Cause blindness or Provide proper devices to
welding fail to eyes, cause burn/skin affected worker’s in the welders/helpers and
wear proper rash otherwise ensure other workers keep
protective devices a safe distance from the
welding area
7 Inadequate/unsaf Workers may slip or fall Cause of injury to Provide proper access
e access during worker such as ladder with
strut erection handrail, mid rail, toe
works or at board
scaffolds etc.

8 Handling of crane Worker handling the Causing severe Provide handrail, mid rail,
rope by workers crane rope for slinging injury to workers toe board and safety belt,
while positioning may fall from height, full body harness
the strut or lifting sustain injury
other material
9 Walking on Workers could fall Causing severe Provide handrail, mid rail,
walkers, struts, injury to workers toe board and safety belt,
scaffolds without full body harness
walkway, catwalk
or platform
10 Dismantle or erect Lack of space to lift out Workers/ material Check working radius and
strut and walling in and may hit adjacent falling from height ensure no entry inside or
confined area workers may cause serious barricade the work area
11 Working in the Workers or working Serious injury or Ensure sufficient lighting in
night machines may be hit by death of workers and and around works area.

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SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
vehicular traffic due to third-party damage High visibility clothes to be
Poor visibility. to vehicle/ worn by workers
12 No warning signs Traffic may hit barriers, Serious injury to Display adequate and
displayed at workers and working worker/third party clear warning signs at
appropriate machines damage to vehicle appropriate distance
distance ahead of /equipment before work commences
the works site, at at site, guard at Entry and
site entry and exit exit points.
13 Site vehicle Visible particulate matter Environmental Site vehicle to be washed
leaving work site deposited upon pollution of Visible dirt, mud before
roadways exiting the site onto
14 Reversing of site Workers may be hit by Serious injury or to All vehicles/ equipment on
vehicles/equipme mobile plant. worker/third party. site to reverse under the
nt control of a trained and
Collision with other plant Damage to vehicle/ designated banks man.
or traffic. Equipment Ensure reverse alarm
works on all vehicles.
15 Overloaded Breakdown of the vehicle Collision with traffic. No vehicles which are
vehicle on the road way Disruption to traffic. overloaded shall be
leaving the site Serious injury or allowed to leave the site.
Materials may drop down death damage to
and hit pedestrian or vehicle or public
other traffic property
16 Work adjacent to Collision with plant or Serious injury or Erect adequate fencing to
traffic streams worker death of worker and separate work area from
/or public affected traffic flows.
Noise/smoke pollution Hearing damage/ Provide caution signs
due to plying vehicle. health problem Provide adequate lighting
during night shift.
Material protruding/ Traffic may hit the Ensure workers use
stocked outside the material and cause appropriate PPE.
barricade into traffic line accident. Ensure no materials
Boom of working protrude or deposited
machine may go beyond Damage to vehicles outside the barricaded
the barricade and hit the and injury or death of fence.
traffic. any member of the
public Equipment operation to be
done by trained /inducted
workers, reinforce with
safety awareness talks.
Operators must be
experienced and trained
17 No barricade Workers may be hit by Serious injury or Ensure erection of proper
around vehicular traffic Vehicle death of workers barricades around the
the works area may fall into trench/ Serious injury or work area. Barricade all
excavation death to workers work areas exposed to
such hazards with hard or

190 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
18 Cutting and Gas leakage, backfire/ Fire/Explosion Flashback Arrestor to be
burning flashback provided on & cylinder &
cutting torch
19 Nuisance dusts Inhalation, health Respiratory Suppuration by sprinkling
hazard problem of water
20 Welding Fumes Exposure, health hazard Metal fume Fever Ventilation/ Fume mask

21 Compressed Health hazard, Bursting Gas poisoning Gas mask, Anti‐leak

gases of cylinder Measures, carry cylinders’
in trolley, Limit exposure to
strong heat source
22 Demolition Fall of Debris, Collapse of Serious injury/ Death Barricading & Evacuation,
partially demolished Draw out safe demolition
structures plan
23 Earth cave‐in and Fall of loose earth on Serious injury/ Death Shoring to be done, V‐
collapse workers, collapse of shape excavation, if space
sides/excavation available, Overburdens
and spoils deposited at
safe distance from the
edge (1m), machinery to
stay away at safe distance
24 Earthmoving Run over Serious injury/ Death All safety gadgets, controls
Equipment to be in working condition.
25 Earth Clearing Run over by machinery Serious injury/ Death Back horn & other safety
devices installed &
26 Fall Hazards Fall from height Serious injury/ Death Provide safe approach,
platform, egress & fall
arrester, handrails safety
27 Hand Tools Injury in use Finger Injury Use safe hand tools

28 Heavy equipment/ Failure of heavy Serious injury/ Schedule & carry out
machinery equipment in operation property Damage preventive maintenance
29 High winds Dislocation of property Property damages, Carefully inspect work
& lives injury, other losses area
and examine
30 Ladder Broken rungs, slipping/ Fall from ladder Provide ladder with proper
failure of ladder resulting Injury rungs/spreaders and
rubber nonskid shoes
31 Materials Fall of Material Serious injury Develop safe method of
Handling handling by adequately
designed lifting equipment
32 Possibility of While excavating, Property Damages Take excavation permit/
hitting chances of hitting utility clearance, isolate/divert

191 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
utilities, damaging
during excavation

33 Scaffolding Fall of Scaffolding pipe Face of person Clamp to be tight, safety

Face of person from working as from height, slipping of
height, slipping of Scaffolding clamps, wedge, coupler
clamps, wedge, coupler loose
34 Transportation Oversize long objects, May hit "People on Load to be lashed. Red
protruding out of trailer, Road" warning flag
35 Battery Acid Burn, Explosion Acid burns, Acid Use rubber gloves, fume
Fumes, Lead mask, ventilate area of
Poisoning maintenance, avoid
inhalation unprotected
36 Exposed May give electrical Electrical Provide rubber gloves,
conductors Shock if touched Shock/Burn rubber mats, rubber soled
>50 volts (low shoes, avoid work on live
voltage) lines/parts, Training first‐
aid shock treatment
37 High voltage Electric shock, Electrical Follow electrical work
Flashover/ Burn Shock/Burn permit conditions, use
rubber gloves/rubber
soled shoes/ rubber mat,
Training in first‐aid shock
treatment, Display shock
38 Lightning Shock/ Burn Death/ Sever Burn Provide Lightning arrestor
39 Air emissions Health hazard Health Ailment Air Monitoring to keep
emission under limit
40 Drinking water Health hazard Health Ailment Water Monitoring to
quality maintain quality under limit
41 Groundwater Depletion, Health hazard, Obtain Consent, Use
protection contamination depletion of natural Water meter, & Monitoring

42 Hazardous waste Health hazard Health Ailment/ Make Hazardous Wastes

Infection/Environme disposal plan and
ntal Pollution implement
43 Surface water Water Logging Disruption of Provide drainage, rain
Activities harvesting, recycling
44 Fire ‐ electrical Fire Hazard Burn, Serious injury/ Take Fire Prevention
death Measures
45 Fire ‐ flammable Fire/explosion Property Damage, Take Fire Prevention
liquids and gases Loss of Life Measures
46 Mobile structures Contact with power Serious Injury, Install Height & side
lives/conductors disruption of traffic clearance post
47 Welding near Fire/ Explosion Damage to property/ Follow Safety permit
combustibles lives system conditions

192 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
48 Bad road Road Accident Bumps Serious injury Monitor & improve road
conditions/offsite condition
49 Bad road Road Accident Delay in movement Road condition to be
conditions/onsite of Material Improved
50 Fire and Risk to Locality Burn, Sever/ Fatal Take Fire Prevention
explosion/ offsite public Measures, Follow Permit
51 Fire/ explosion/ Fire/ Explosion Death/ Sever Burn Fire Prevention
onsite Measures, Follow Permit
52 Loading and Fall of material Injury Plan Loading/unloading
unloading/ offsite Take Preventive action
53 Loading and Fall of material Injury Plan Loading/unloading
unloading/ onsite Take Preventive action
54 Cranes and hoists Failure of crane & Hoist Fall of load due to Crane & Hoist to be
failure of hook /sling Examine/ test periodically,
Take safety measures,
Limit Risk
55 Falling objects Falling materials may hit Serious Injury, Barricade/cordon off
Property damage operating area, stop
unauthorized entry
56 Hazardous tools/ Injury Personal injury/ Control speed, guard
equipment/machin property damage moving dangerous parts,
ery train operatives
57 Lifting objects Failure of lifting & Hoist Fall of load due to Test, Examine, Develop
failure of hook/ SOPs for Hydra, crane &
Safety measures, Hoist etc.
Limit Risk
58 Moving objects Failure of Heavy moving Serious injury/ Death Take Preventive
machinery during Measures Equipment. ‐
operation Schedule and carry out
Preventive Maintenance
59 Storage and Damage to of Property/ Serious injury/ Death Keep properly & in a
handling of toxic lives systematic safe manner
60 Transportation/ Fall of Materials Serious injury Lash Materials
61 Transportation/ Fall of Materials Serious injury Safety Lash Materials
onsite measures/
62 Intense light Glare Risk of road accident Light should be fitted in
sources reverse direction reflecting
on road
63 Ultraviolet light Irritation/ Infection Injuries in eyes or Use Ultraviolet Protective
body organs glass
64 Machine/rotating Men may come in contact Amputation of limb/ Adequately safe guarding
parts guarding with exposed moving Death of machines

193 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
65 Pressurized tanks, Explosion, Leakage of Health hazard/ Fire/ Certified and tested
containers, contents, gas/ Liquid Explosion containers, pressure
receivers regulators, safety relief
66 Pressurized lines Explosion, Leakage of Health hazard/ Fire/ Certified and tested
and constraints, gas/ Liquid Explosion containers, pressure
piping systems regulators, safety relief
67 Material grinding, Flying objects, sharp Eye Injury/ Electric Use of proper earthling or
cutting, and burrs, clothing caught in Shock/bodily injury Electrical tools/ PPE/
drilling rotating parts guarding of rotating parts
68 Means of egress Fall from Height Serious injury/ Provide safe means of
Death/ Serious injury Egress, Follow safety
69 Special hand tools Flying objects/ Electric Eye Injury/ Electric Proper earthling or
and power-driven shock Shock Electrical tools/ Use of
nail guns, etc. PPE
70 Moving vehicles, Hit/Run over Serious injury/ Death Skilled drivers with Valid
carts license, Back horns,
Brakes ‐ all in order
71 Confined space Lack of Oxygen, other Unconsciousness, Confined Space should be
toxic substances Death well ventilated, breathing
apparatus should be used
72 Hazards requiring All types Health hazard Serious injury/ Death Total awareness required
use of PPE
73 Housekeeping Poor Site Condition Risk of road Maintain high standard of
obstructing movements accidents, fall of Housekeeping
and causing fall of materials, tripping &
materials fall of men
74 Pinch points Trapping of limbs Loss of limps/ Death Guard Pinch point, Provide
Emergency Stop
75 Lifting and Fall from height Serious injury/ Death Safe approach, Working
carrying Platform Fall Arrester,
heavy objects Handrail Safety Harness
76 Slips, trips & falls Fall from height Serious injury/ Death Safe approach, Platform,
Fall Arrester, Handrail
Safety Harness
77 Traffics hazards Accident, Jams Serious injury/ Death Follow safe traffic
78 Vibration Damage to machine Irritation/ Fits Use Skilled manpower,
Maintain Machine
Alignment, replace worn
out parts
79 Working at Fall from height Fatal/ Injury Safe access and egress,
Heights Working Platform, Fall
Arrester, Handrail Safety
Harness, Train workers
80 Hazards on Death or Major Injury Death or Major Injury Using caution tape to
working by the Hazard protect the workers during

194 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

SL. Activities Hazard Consequence Risk Control

No. Measures
side of the the construction works
operational nearby operating railway
railway tracks lines
81 Obstacles falling Train Accident Hazard Train Accident Please be sure to stop
on the running Hazard stacking of railway
track such as construction materials and
construction equipment near from
equipment, fools, running track.
sleepers, ballast,
earth, construction
materials and
track fittings used
in the construction
82 Excavation of Major Accident Hazard Collapse partially Please consider the
existing and fully of the permeable limit of
embankment, existing excavation from existing
Bridge and Culvert embankment, track, embankment, bridges &
area bridges and culverts culverts area which is
close to the running track.
83 Hazardous Health hazard Injury/ Death/ Fits Follow Hazardous Waste
materials Act & Rules

195 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN


Sl. No Name Position Signature

Appendic-HSP-18: Site Inspection Template

196 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Job Site Inspection Form

Job Site: Date:

Inspected By: Signature:

Action Close
Item Correct
Item Priority Action By Out
Yes No N/A 1 2 2 Date

- Access Paths Clear Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Access paths defined (signage tape, Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Prohibited areas display warning signs Yes No n/a 1 2 3
and barricaded
Dust/Air Quality
- Dust suppressed/watered down Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Stock piles protected from wind Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Plant & equipment maintained to Yes No n/a 1 2 3
minimize emissions
- Electrical equipment tested & tagged Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Register of tagging updated Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Portable Generator fitted RCD Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Portable Residual Current Device (RCD) Yes No n/a 1 2 3
tested/ tagged
First Aid/Emergency/Injury
- First Aid Kit provided Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- First Aid Officer available Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Evacuation procedure in place Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Emergency contacts displayed Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Fire extinguisher/equipment available Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Manual Handling
- Trolleys/Aid in use Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Training/ job rotation undertaken Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods
- Register updated Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Storage area bonded Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Refueling safely under taken Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Working at Height
- Safe Work Method Statement followed Yes No n/a 1 2 3

197 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Action Close
Item Correct
Item Priority Action By Out
Yes No N/A 1 2 2 Date

- Use of ladders and scaffolds by trained Yes No n/a 1 2 3

- Fall restraint/arrest system in use Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Appropriate training in use serviceability Yes No n/a 1 2 3
and integrity of the necessary PPE
- Material stacked Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Work area lit Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Bins available & in use Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Signage in place Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Walkway /stairs/work area clear Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Plant & Equipment maintained Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Site hours observed Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Noisy works identified Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Hearing protection used Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Plant & Equipment
- Plant register current Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Maintenance records provided Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Daily log book completed Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Public/ Community Protection
- Work area secured from public Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Overhead protection provided Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Training; All Employees have:
- General safety awareness) training Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Site specific induction training Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Work activity (SWMS) training Yes No n/a 1 2 3
Waste Management
- Waste reduction plan in place Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Bins for litter/cigarette butts/other Yes No n/a 1 2 3
- Hazardous wastes captured & correct Yes No n/a 1 2 3

198 | P a g e

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s MANAGEMENT PLAN

Appendic-HSP-19: Site Organization Structure

Contractor's Representative
Jiang YaFei
Job Description: Act on the
Contractor's behalf under the
Role and Responsibility: Shall, on
behalf of Contractor, receive
instructions under Sub-Clause 3.3
Qualification:M.Sc in Bridge Engr.
Experience: Over 20 years

Project Manager
Jiang YaFei
Job Description: Managing,
supervising, co-ordinating to the
manager of each-subsection and
liasion with consultants and
Role and Responsibility: Managing
all kind of things in order to
execute the whole projects on
time within the approved budget
smoothly and satisfactorily.
Qualification:M.Sc in Bridge Engr.
Experience: Over 20 years

Deputy Project Manager Technical Manager

Lin Guo Jiang Chang Jiang
Job Description: Managing, Job Description: Supervising, co-
supervising, co-ordinating to the ordinating to the manager of each-
manager of each-subsection and subsection and liasion with
liasion with consultants and consultants and Employer.
Role and Responsibility: Assisting Role and Responsibility:
PM in project implementation in Monitoring and reporting,
conformance with over -all project reviewing, ensuring work quality
objectives. etc.

Qualification:M.Sc. in Civil Engr. Qualification:M.Sc in Civil Engr.

Experience: Over 14 years Experience: Over 12 years

QA/QC Manager
Gu Kefeng
Job Description: Quality
Management ,Assurance and
Quality Improvement.

Technical Support Team from CREC-

TCCL Joint Venture Role and Responsibility: Project
quality plan,inspection,test
plans,interactions with employer,
audit and training programs at site,
Qualification: B.Sc. in Civil Engr.
Experience: Over 12 years

Alignment & Survey Manager Bridge & Culvert Manager Earthwork Manager Contractor's Laboratory Incharge Track Manager Station & Ancilary Manager Health & Safety Manager Environmental Protection Specialist Planning & Programming Manager Signalling & Telecom Manager Geological Manager Contract Specialist Quantity Surveyor
Guo Jiwen Deng Pengju Liu Rui Yang PinXiang Yao Zhen Md.Meraj Hossain Liao Zeyu Md Mehedi Hasan Emon Md.Abdul Matin Pk. Md.Mahfuzul Hoque Maruf Yang Changyi Zhong Guangzhou Md.Rokon Uddin
Job Description: In charge of fixing Job Description: Designing the Bridge Job Description: Designing the Job Description: Conducting various type Job Description: Designing the Station Job Description: Designing the Station Job Description: Managing, Job Description: Managing, Job Description: Design a Project Job Description: Designing, Managing, Job Description: Managing, Job Description: Negotiation in every Job Description: Checking the
the proposed Railway Alignment, and Culverts, Managing and Embankment and other related things, testing as per requirement in his laboratory yard and other related things, Building and other related ancilary supervising, Coordinating in supervising, co-ordinating in Schedule and providing the project Supervising, Co-ordinating to the supervising, co-ordinating to the Geo- aspects and act as chief negotiator to quantity of each item as per Drawings
Survey and Design work. Managing controlling own staff and also the sub- Managing and controlling own staff and Managing and controlling own staff works, Managing and controlling own accordance with Health and Safety accordance with Environment progress to Engineer's , Employer and Construction work and liasion with logical Investigation work. conclude contractual obligation with and Specifications,Preparing the IPC
and controlling own staff and the sub- contractors activity. also the sub-contractors activity. and also the sub-contractors activity. staff and also the sub-contractors Plan. Management Plan. own Project Manager. consultants and Employer. Engineer and Employer. (Interim Payment Certificate),
contractors activity. activity. Role and Responsibility: Maintaining Role and Responsibility: Planning of Role and Responsibility: As a part of Recording the financial
Role and Responsibility: Conducting Role and Responsibility: Monitoring, Role and Responsibility: Monitoring, Role and Responsibility: Role and Responsibility: Monitoring, Role and Responsibility: Monitoring, the Health and Safety Plan and Liason Role and Responsibility: Maintaining works, Managing all kind of program Role and Responsibility: Manpower Geological Investigation works, Role and Responsibility: Assist always documentation etc
Role and Responsibility:Preparing the
the survey works and associative Controlling for construction activities Controlling for construction activities and Conducting,Controlling the test report and Controlling for construction activities Controlling for construction activities with Engineer's and Employer's for the Environment Management Plan to execute the whole projects and equipment control, supervising, Managing, Supervising the drilling, to Contractor representative/ Project IPC (Interim Payment Certificate),
works for fixing the Railway and also QA/QC. Liason with also QA/QC. Liason with Engineer's and results of each type experiment and try to and also QA/QC. Liason with and also QA/QC. Liason with completing the project satisfactorily. and liason with Engineer's and smoothly and satisfactorily and also schedule and giving instruction, keep Borehole's log, method statement Manager to negotiate with Engineer Recording the financial
Alignment. Engineer's and Employers for Employers for completing the project ensure the highest level of accuracy. Engineer's and Employers for Engineer's and Employers for Employers for completing the project assist to prepare monthly progress liaison with engineer and employer and keep liaison with engineer and and Employer. documentation etc
completing the project satisfactorily. completing the project satisfactorily. completing the project satisfactorily. satisfactorily report etc. employer etc.

Qualification:M.Sc. in Railway Qualification: B.Sc. in Civil Qualification:M.Sc. in Highway & Railway Qualification:B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Qualification: B.Sc on Railway Qualification:B.Sc. In Civil Qualification: B.Sc. in Civil Qualification:M.Sc In Environment Qualification: B.Sc. in Civil Qualification:M.Sc. in Computer Qualification:B.Sc. in Geological Qualification:M.Sc in System Qualification:M.Sc in Civil
Engineering Engineering Engineering Transportation Engimeering Engineering Engineering. Engineering. Science. Engineering Engineering. Engineering.
Experience: Over 20 years Experience: Over 16 years Experience: Over 15 years Experience: Over 20 years Experience: Over 38 years Experience: Over 20 years Experience: Over 11 years Experience: Over 15 years Experience: Over 10 years Experience: Over 14 years Experience: Over 23 years Experience: Over 14 years Experience: Over 28 years
Bridge & Culvert Manager Earthwork Manager Laboratory T echnician Signalling & Telecom Manager
Bimal Kumar Bimal Chandra Shaha Md.Zakir Hossain Khan Environmental Protection Lab Tae Keon Lim
Job Description: Designing the Bridge Job Description: Designing the Job Description: Conducting various type Md. Kawsar Uddin Job Description: Designing, Managing,
and Culverts, Managing and Embankment and other related things, testing as per requirement in his laboratory Job Description: Conducting various type Supervising, Co-ordinating to the
controlling own staff and also the sub- Managing and controlling own staff and testing as per requirement in his laboratory Construction work and liasion with
contractors activity. also the sub-contractors activity. consultants and Employer.

Role and Responsibility: Monitoring, Role and Responsibility: Monitoring, Role and Responsibility: Role and Responsibility: Manpower
Controlling for construction activities Controlling for construction activities and Conducting,Controlling the test report and Role and Responsibility: and equipment control, supervising,
and also QA/QC. Liason with also QA/QC. Liason with Engineer's and results of each type experiment and try to Conducting,Controlling the test report and schedule and giving instruction, keep
Engineer's and Employers for Employers for completing the project ensure the highest level of accuracy. results of each type experiment and try to liaison with engineer and employer
completing the project satisfactorily. ensure the highest level of accuracy. etc.

Qualification:B.Sc in Civil Engineering Qualification:B.Sc in Civil Engineering Qualification:M.Sc. In Mechanical

Qualification:Higher Secondary School Engineering.
Experience: Over 28 years Experience: Over 25 years Experience: Over 23 years Qualification:B.Sc in Envl. Engr. Experience: Over 18 years
Experience: Over 06 years

Work Section - 2: CH 08+760 (Satkania Station) to 21+500 (Lohagara Work Section - 3: CH 21+500 (Lohagara Station) to 37+460 (Harbang
Work Section - 1: CH -2+000 to 08+760 (Satkania Station) Work Section - 4: CH 37+460 (Harbang Station) to 50+400 (End of Lot 01) Signal & Telecommunication
Station) Station)
No. 1 Subgrade Construction Team

No. 2 Subgrade Construction Team

No. 3 Subgrade Construction Team

No. 4 Subgrade Construction Team

No. 3 Building Construction Team

No. 4 Building Construction Team

No. 5 Building Construction Team

No. 1 & 2 Building Construction

No. 1 Track Construction Team

No. 2 Track Construction Team

No. 3 Track Construction Team

No. 4 Track Construction Team

Signal & Telecom Construction

No. 1 Bridge & Culvert

No. 2 Bridge & Culvert

No. 3 Bridge & Culvert

No. 4 Bridge & Culvert

Construction Team

Construction Team

Construction Team

Construction Team

199 | P a g e


Bridge Engineer and Supervisor Bridge In Charge No. 1 Bridge & Culvert
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Construction Team
Later Later

Sub grade Engineer and Sub grade In Charge No. 1 Subgrade Construction Team
Supervisor Name and Contact: To Name and Contact: To be Notified
be Notified Later Later

Building Engineer and Supervisor Building In Charge No. 1 & No. 2 Building
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Construction Team

Later Later

Track Installation Track Engineer and Supervisor Track In Charge No. 1 Track Construction Team
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified
Later Later Later
Work Section - 1: CH -2+000 to 08+760 (Dohazari Station to Satkania

Bridge Engineer and Supervisor Bridge In Charge No. 2 Bridge & Culvert
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Construction Team
Later Later

Sub grade Engineer and Sub grade In Charge No.2 Subgrade Construction Team
Supervisor Name and Contact: To Name and Contact: To be Notified
be Notified Later Later

Building Engineer and Supervisor Building In Charge No. 3 Building Construction Team

Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified

Later Later

Track Installation Track Engineer and Supervisor Track In Charge No.2 Track Construction Team
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified
Later Later Later
Work Section - 2: CH 08+760 (Satkania Station) to 21+500 (Lohagara
Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for entire Dohazari to Cox’s
WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 : Dohazari to

Bridge Engineer and Supervisor Bridge In Charge No.3 Bridge & Culvert
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Construction Team
Later Later

Sub grade Engineer and Sub grade In Charge No.3 Subgrade Construction Team
Supervisor Name and Contact: To Name and Contact: To be Notified
be Notified Later Later

Building Engineer and Supervisor Building In Charge No. 4 Building Construction Team

Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified

Later Later

Track Installation Track Engineer and Supervisor Track In Charge No.3 Track Construction Team


Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified
Later Later Later
Work Section - 3: CH 21+500 (Lohagara Station) to 37+460 (Harbang

Bridge Engineer and Supervisor Bridge In Charge No.4 Bridge & Culvert
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Construction Team
Later Later

Sub grade Engineer and Sub grade In Charge No.4 Subgrade Construction Team
Supervisor Name and Contact: To Name and Contact: To be Notified
be Notified Later Later

Building Engineer and Supervisor Building In Charge No. 5 Building Construction Team
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified
Later Later

Track Installation Track Engineer and Supervisor Track In Charge No.4 Track Construction Team
Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified Name and Contact: To be Notified
Later Later Later
Work Section - 4: CH 37+460 (Harbang Station) to 50+400 (End of Lot 01)

CH -2+000 to 08+760, HSE CH -2+000 to 08+760, HSE

Monitoring Staff,Name and Officer,Name and Contact: To be
Contact: To be Notified Later Notified Later

CH 8+760 to 21+500, HSE CH 8+760 to 21+500, HSE

Monitoring Officer,Name and Officer,Name and Contact: To be
Contact: To be Notified Later Notified Later

CH 21+500 to 38+460, HSE CH 21+500 to 38+460, HSE

Ch.50+400 Km

Monitoring Officer,Name and Officer,Name and Contact: To be

Contact: To be Notified Later Notified Later
Health,Safety and Environment

CH 37+460 to 50+400, HSE CH 37+460 to 50+400, HSE

Protection Unit from Ch. (-) 2+000Km to

Monitoring Officer,Name and Officer,Name and Contact: To be

Contact: To be Notified Later Notified Later


Lot 1

To be Notified Later
Installation Manager
Engineer 1
S & T Design Manager

Railway Signal

Planning and


To be Notified Later
Test & Comm Manager

Signal & Telecom Construction



QA/QC Engineer

Signal & Telecommunication

Safety Manager
S & T Installation Site

To be Notified Later


Engineer 2
Railway Signal

Lot 2
Telecom Engineer

To be Notified Later
Installation Manager

200 | P a g e
WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

PART B: Environment Management Plan (EMP)

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Project Location .......................................................................................................................... 1

3 Topographic Features ................................................................................................................. 4

4 Project Activities .......................................................................................................................... 4

5 Objectives of the Environment Management Plan ...................................................................... 5

6 Scope of works............................................................................................................................ 5

7 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework .............................................................................. 6

8 Approach and Methodology to Execute EMP ............................................................................. 8

Prior to Start of Construction ..................................................................................................... 8

8.1.1 Engagement of an Independent Organization subject to the Engineer’s approval ................... 8

8.1.2 Preparation of Site-specific Method of Statement ..................................................................... 8

8.1.3 Preparation and Approval of Environmental Management Work Schedule .............................. 9

8.1.4 Preparation and Approval of Environmental Forms and Checklists ........................................ 12

Construction Period ............................................................................................................................. 12

Construction Period ................................................................................................................. 12

8.2.1 Environmental Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................ 12

8.2.2 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Measures ................................................................... 32

9 Execution of Tree Plantation Program ...................................................................................... 46

Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 46

Responsibility ........................................................................................................................... 46

Programme .............................................................................................................................. 46

10 Environmental Training ............................................................................................................. 46

11 Environmental Reporting .......................................................................................................... 46

Monthly Inspection Report ....................................................................................................... 47

Quarterly Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report ........................................................ 47

Semi-annual Environmental Report ......................................................................................... 47

Annual Environmental Report .................................................................................................. 48

12 Environmental Safeguard Implementation and Reporting ........................................................ 48

13 Roles and Responsibility of the Contractor ............................................................................... 49

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)
WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

1 Introduction
Under the proposed Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar Dual Gauge Single Railway Line Project (Project),
an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report has been prepared that contains an
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which specifies a set of mitigative and monitoring
actions to be undertaken by the Contractor, during the Contract Period. The EMP has been
developed based on the requirements of Department of Environment (DoE) and Asian
Development Bank (ADB). This requires to carry out the following tasks by the Contractor of
the project. This includes:
(a) review of the environmental documentation for this Project, specifically the
Environmental Impact Assessment and its Environmental Management Plan (EMP);
(b) organize briefing and training workshop during construction period;
(c) appoint a suitably qualified and experienced person who will be responsible for
implementing the EMP;
(d) implement mitigative and monitoring tasks as specified in the EMP’s mitigative and
monitoring tables;
(e) prepare monthly and quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports, on survey results,
monitoring and mitigative actions and any other environmental related activities.
The EIA includes instructions for the Contractor to prepare an implementation schedule for all
construction period mitigative and monitoring tasks. The EMP defines all the mitigative and
monitoring tasks to be undertaken during the construction period. The Contractor shall prepare
corresponding documents to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
commencement of the field works. Once approved, this schedule will become the focus of
environmental safeguards implementation during the construction period.
Thus, this Environmental Management Plan has been prepared which highlights the specific
requirements that will be required to monitor during the construction activities and should the
environmental impacts not have been satisfactory prevented or mitigated, corrective action
will be taken. The Environmental Management Plan is a dynamic and will be considered as a
flexible document subject to review and updating. During the implementation the Project there
is always possibility that unforeseen issues could arise, this EMP should therefore be revised
where necessary to mitigate unanticipated impacts.

2 Project Location
The start of the Project is approximately 44 km south of Chittagong at Dohazari [Ch. (-) 2 +
000] and extends south to Chakaria (Ch. 50 + 400) on proposed alignment of Dohazari to
Cox’s Bazar and passes through three Upazilas Chandanish, Satkania and Lohagara of
Chittagong district and one Upazila Chakaria of Cox’s Bazar district. The total length of the
proposed single line dual gauge track is 52.4 km. The new rail line will cross agricultural lands,

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

forest land, rivers, canals, khals, ponds, hills, habitant areas and elephant routes. Following
Figure shows the location of the project along with proposed alignment between Dohazari and
Chakaria along with environmental features.

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

3 Topographic Features
According to the topographic features of the proposed alignment, the alignment has been
classified in four categories and distinguishing features of each are described in Table 1.
Table 1 Topographic Features of the Project

Location Description

Dohazari to Satkania The area is mainly agricultural land, river flood plain,
vacant and fallow land with scattered trees coverage and
[Ch (-2)+000 to Ch 08+760]
scattered homestead. Sangu River is 500 m south away
from the existing Dohazari station.

Satkania to Lohagara Stations The area is mainly undulating and hilly with heavy trees
[Ch 08+760 to Ch 21+500]

Lohagara to Harbang Stations This area has low population density and is covered by
[Ch 21+500 to Ch 37+460]

Harbang to Chakaria Stations This area is mainly dense forest and vegetation, with low
population density.
[Ch 37+460 to Ch 50+400]

4 Project Activities
The Project activities will involve the earthworks for construction of railway embankments
including filling of low-lying areas and cutting across hills in the southern section of the corridor
in order to achieve a design grade. This work will also include four new stations, one fully
rebuilt station, their access roads and 16 level crossings, and possibly up to three elephant
crossing structures, installation of ballasted track and signal & telecommunication system, 79
water crossings (bridges and culverts) and other ancillary works. The major key construction
activities area as follows
1. Earthworks
2. Track works
3. Bridges and Culverts
4. Station and Building
5. Signaling and Telecommunications
6. Ancillary Works

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

5 Objectives of the Environment Management Plan

This Project has been classified as Category “Red” by the Department of Environment (DoE)
of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Bangladesh and a Category “A” project by the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), thus an Environmental Impact Assessment addressing the
environmental impacts and mitigation measures needed thereby has been prepared by the
Employer which has been defined in Environment Management Plan (EMP). The EMP
contains a set of mitigation and monitoring actions to be taken, in response to potential impacts
predicted to take place during the pre-construction, construction and operating periods of the
Project out of which, the Contractor is responsible for implementing of the environmental
safeguard requirements during the construction period as per provision of the Section H:
Environmental Safeguards and prepared this Environment Management Plan.

The key objective of this Environment Management Plan is to take well known and best
mitigative measures to reduce, limit, eliminating or compensate for impacts, to
acceptable/insignificant levels. The Environmental Management Plan has the following goals;

 Identifying those construction activities that may have a detrimental impact on the
 Detailing the mitigation measures that will need to be taken, the procedures for their
 Establishing the reporting system to be undertaken during the construction.

6 Scope of works

 Implement the environmental mitigative and monitoring tasks defined in the EMP

 Conduct coordination cum training, workshop/meeting with participation from

Bangladesh Railway and staff working at site.

 Preparation of environmental forms and checklists

 Organize stakeholder consultations and disclose environmental issues during


 Conduct air quality, noise measurement, surface water quality, and groundwater
quality monitoring, testing and analysis, pursuant to Technical Specification

 Maintain a copy of all environment related statutory clearances required for

implementation of the project and EMP.

 Attend all environmental safeguard briefings and training sessions undertaken by the
Engineer and/ or the Employer; and

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

 Preparation of all kinds of environmental reports such as monthly environmental

inspection report, quarterly environmental compliance report, semi-annual report and
annual environmental report and as and when necessary for submission to The

7 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

This Environment Management Plan has been formulated in accordance with the
Environmental Conservation Act, 1995 and Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997 of
Government of Bangladesh as well as Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009 of Asian
Development Bank (ADB). Other than these, two national legislations, following major
statutory requirements also need to be followed.

 National Environmental Policy 1992

 National Environmental Management Action Plan (NEMAP), 1995
 The Forest Act 1927 and the Forest Act (Amendment) Act 2000
 National Forest Policy 1994
 Hill Cutting Ordinance 1986
 Wildlife Protection Act 2012
The Contractor also has his own environment and Heritage policy as presented below those
will consider in this project.

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)


CT Joint Venture
Environment & Heritage

We are the Constructor of Rail, Road, Bridge & Other Infrastructures with skill and passion that benefit our Employer, People, Communities
Our Commitment
CT-JV values the natural environment and cultural heritage, and is committed to
minimizing adverse impacts and enhancing outcomes.
Our Approach
CT-JV addresses its commitment to environmental sustainability and heritage
conservation through the consistent implementation of an effective Environmental
Management System.
Environment & Heritage Policy in Practice
 Comply with relevant legal obligations, standards, Employer requirements,
and any obligations that CT-JV has adopted voluntarily
 Integrate environment and heritage consideration into business planning,
strategy development and operational delivery
 Continually improve the Environmental Management System to enhance
 Maintain the Environmental Management System conforming to ISO 14001

& Stockholders
 Establish environment and heritage objectives and targets, and communicate
performance regularly to engage our employees and other stakeholders
 Continually improve operational resources use efficiency and take all
reasonable and practicable steps to prevent adverse environmental impacts,
including pollution
 Promote a culture of shared responsibility for environment and heritage
 Enhance the awareness, knowledge and skills of employees, sub-contractors
and suppliers in relation to environment and heritage requirements and
 Drive organizational learning by investigating significant environment and
heritage incidents, and communication action taken or required to prevent
 Work with peers, partners, the local community, regulators and other
stakeholders to understand their perspective and achieve improved
environment and heritage outcomes.

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

(Jiang YaFei)
Project Manager | CT Joint Venture February 2018

8 Approach and Methodology to Execute EMP

Prior to Start of Construction

8.1.1 Engagement of an Independent Organization subject to the Engineer’s approval

In order to ensure proper implementation of the environmental safeguard requirements during

the construction period, the Contractor has initiated and nominated an independent
organization namely, Environment and Resource Analysis Center Limited herein after shall be
referred to as ENRAC, having its present registered office at Flat # B1, House # 19, Road #
13, Block G, Niketon, Dhaka 1212. All the necessary documents relating to competency as an
independent organization of ENRAC for the purpose of implementation of the environmental
safeguard requirements is attached herewith in Appendix A for approval.
8.1.2 Preparation of Site-specific Method of Statement

The Contractor realizes that the project will require to produce a number of methods those to
be followed during construction period. This includes procedure to be followed for
environmental mitigation such as hill cutting management, conflict between elephant and
humans, water pollution, air and noise pollution, monitoring procedure and etc. The Contractor
will notify and take approval from the Engineer prior to execute any method at site. Thus, the
Contractor will prepare site-specific methodology for proper mitigation of environmental
aspects at site.

WD-1 : Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Track from Dohazari
to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu&Ramu to Gundum Near Myanmar. ( LOT -1 :
Dohazari to Chakaria including Signalling and Telecommunications for MANAGEMENT PLAN
entire Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar)

8.1.3 Preparation and Approval of Environmental Management Work Schedule

The Contractor is responsible to prepare environmental management implementation work

schedule (EWMS), which is a recasting of the EMP mitigation and monitoring tasks assigned
to the Contractor, into a time-bounded work program where the contractor will define what,
when and how compliance with each task will take place. This will be particularly important for
the construction period field surveys as specified in the EMP. A copy of the EWMP will be
submitted to the Engineer at least ten days prior to commencement of construction to be
forwarded to Department of Environment. A tentative EMWS has been prepared and attached
below, however it will be modified further based on the requirements.

Environmental Management Work Schedule (EMWS)

Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu (Lot 1) 10

8.1.4 Preparation and Approval of Environmental Forms and Checklists

The Contractor will prepare environmental forms and checklists to fulfil compliance
requirements. The Contractor will share all forms and checklist with the Engineer for approval.
Preparation of the environmental forms and checklist will be based on EMP, designed to
record the implementation of each mitigative and monitoring activity, measured against the
timetable defined in the EWMP.
Construction Period
1. Environmental Mitigation Measures
2. Environmental Compliance Monitoring Measures
3. Execution of Tree Plantation Program
4. Environmental Training
5. Environmental Reporting
i) Monthly Inspection Report
ii) Quarterly Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report
iii) Semi-annual Environmental Report
iv) Annual Environmental Report

Construction Period

8.2.1 Environmental Mitigation Measures

A summary of the key potential environmental impacts that will require mitigative measures
during the construction of the Project, are listed below and form the basis of the Environmental
Management Plan. A typical environmental mitigative measure table is provided in Table 1.
Air Quality and Dust

There is potential for construction activities to cause impacts to the community, residential
areas and other dust sensitive receptors. Controls during the construction of the project will
be required including dust suppression via watercart to minimize impacts to receptors.
The Contractor will undertake dust suppression method as defined in Clause 2.2 of the EMP.
All roads, permanent or temporary, pukka or katcha, that become dusty and all areas where
construction related activities are carried out, shall be subject to necessary suppression
measures by watering, sweeping or other measures approved or directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor will not allow waste oil, lubricant or other petroleum derivatives to be used as
dust suppressants and shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidental spillage of
petroleum products, contact of such materials with soil or water course through discharge,
run-off, and or seepage.
The Contractor will take all reasonable measures to minimize dust-blowing from areas under
his control by spraying water on stockpile, bare soil, haul road, un-surfaced traffic route and
any other source of dust when conditions require dust suppression. If the Engineer considers
that the dust suppression measures adopted by Contractor ineffective, Contractor shall in that
case take further measure to minimize dust blowing at construction site as per his direction.
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway
Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu (Lot 1) 12

Construction works for the project have the potential to result in sediment-laden water or
material entering nearby environmental receptors including waterways, storm water and
adjacent areas of remnant native vegetation. Erosion and sediment controls will be developed
for the construction phase of the project.
Topography and Landscape changes

The impacts to site topography will be due to the construction of rail embankment, the access
roads, the need to cut through a number of hilly sections and the placement of 5 new station
buildings and related other infrastructure. The new embankment will have the greatest effect
as it will rise above the mostly flat landscape. Secondly, in order to achieve an acceptable
operating grade, cutting through hills will be required at about 40 locations of the rail corridor,
significantly and permanently impacting the local topography.
Hill Cutting

The project will require hill cutting within the right of way. The cutting of hill can lead to slope
destabilization. The potential effects include landslides, erosion, silt runoff etc. A total 14.7 km
of hilly sections of the alignment need to be cut across of the alignment. These areas will be
highly erosion-prone. Proper protection measure like slope retaining walls and bioengineered
measures such as plant fascines, palisades and brush layering will be applied if required and
suggested by the Engineer. The Contractor will prepare a detail hill cutting management plan
prior to commencement of hill cutting.
Hydrology, Drainage and Surface Water Quality

Embankment that intersect drainage basins generally modify the natural flow of surface water
by concentrating flows at certain points and, in many cases, increasing the speed of flow.
Depending on local conditions, these changes can contribute to flooding, soil erosion, channel
modification, and siltation of streams. These effects are often felt well beyond the immediate
vicinity of the embankment.
An important function of the track bed layers is that they work as a drainage system. Water
primarily enter the substructure in three different ways:
i) Rain,
ii) Water from nearby slopes enters the ballast and the underlying material, and
iii) Water can seek upwards to the substructure.

Poor drainage causes a number of problems with track performance. Water and moisture
content breaks down the bearing power or capacity of the sub-grade. They reduce the shear-
strength of the soil. With water soil can be transformed into plastic slurry. Water pressure
develops in the substructure layers under the repeated train loading which decreases the
strength and stiffness of the materials and increases the deformation. The water content in
the soil increases which also decreases the strength and stiffness of the materials and
increases the deformation under the train loading. A mixture of fine particles in the voids
together with water can form a slurry, which fouls the ballast and makes it difficult to maintain


a smooth track surface. The slurry also erodes the ballast and concrete sleepers. The “mud-
dancing” or “pumping” concrete sleeper crush and mill the ballast stones to fines.
Another problem caused by poor drainage is the hydraulic pumping of the sub-ballast and sub-
grade layers which is one source of fouling of the ballast and also causes geometry
deterioration. Another problem is swelling of expanding soils when they absorb water during
wet (monsoon) season. This is followed by shrinking in periods of dry season when the water
is removed from the soil by evaporation. Since the volume changes on swelling and shrinking
are uneven, they usually result in substantial deterioration of track geometry. This leads to a
“MEMORY” for track-misalignment buried in the sub-grade.
The Sangu, Bakkhali, Matamuhuri, and Tributary of the Matamuhuri Rivers, all originating in
India and Myanmar, dominate the hydrology along the proposed alignment. These rivers,
especially the Bakkhali, Matamuhuri and Sangu exhibit flash flooding during heavy monsoon
rains. The Bakkhali, Matamuhuri and Sangu and its tributaries have no or less than 10% of
normal flow during the dry season (November–April), due to withdrawal of water for irrigation
by low-lift pumps. Generally, ponds remain unchanged from year to year due to rejuvenation
during the rainy season. No protected wetlands were found in the rail corridor.
Based on the 2013 survey, 177 crossing structures (bridges and culverts) need to be built. Of
these, 40 are bridges, with six classified as large, i.e., with length of over 100 m. The other
137 structures are small bridges and single and multi-celled box culverts of various
dimensions, to be installed as prefabricated as well as poured in place structures. Water levels
and discharge rates of the significant large rivers suggest very shallow and mostly seasonal
waterways.Finally, all five large rivers are tidally influenced, but tidal bores do not reach any
of the bridge crossing locations but do cause daily water level fluctuations when there is
sufficient flow.
People living in the corridor use the water from the rivers, canal and ponds for washing, bathing
and for their livestock but generally not for consumption (tubewells are used). In the dry season
local canals and channels are often dry, made worse by the withdrawal of irrigation water for
boro1 cultivation and for growing winter crops


Changes to the natural surface water drainage and temporary degradation of surface water
quality are common at railway construction sites. Embankment drainage and excavation can
lower the water table in surrounding areas, while embankments and structures can raise the
water table by restricting flow. The potential effects include deterioration of vegetation,
increased susceptibility to erosion, loss of water for drinking as well as agricultural use, and
habitat changes for fish and wildlife.

1The boro rice is commonly known as winter rice. The term boro is a Bengali term and originated from the Sanskrit word "Boro"
which refers to a cultivation from November to May under irrigated condition.


Waste Management

The Contractor will undertake disposal of waste materials plan as defined in Clause 2.5 of the
EMP. The work will ensure adequate mitigative measure to limit the impact on pedestrians,
local communities and water bodies within the Project area. The project will not allow any
burning to reduce carbon footprint. No cleared debris shall be left lying on the surface of the
ground or buried in any agricultural land. Man-made construction debris shall be disposed of
in disposal areas the location and nature of such disposal shall be subject to the approval of
the Engineer. All disposal areas shall be finally graded to a uniform and level condition and
left such that they create a minimum impact on the surrounding area.
A number of different waste streams will be generated from the project as a result of
construction and demolition activities as site offices and facilities. The waste hierarchy (avoid
and reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, treat, dispose) will be used to minimize the amount of
waste that goes to landfill. Hazardous substances will be managed in accordance with the
Rules & Regulations of the Country.

Key Project-related noise sources are generators, vehicles, construction equipment, plants
crushing aggregate, mixing concrete and asphalt etc. Potential noise impacts vary based on
the noise amplitude, frequency, distance from receivers, site landscape features, topography,
presence of obstacles, and meteorological effects. There is nothing particularly unique about
construction noise - it's a fluctuation in air pressure oscillating above and below atmospheric
pressure that is produced by construction equipment or activities with sufficient magnitude
(loudness) and within a certain frequency range (audible spectrum) such that human beings
can hear it - just like any other noise. Physical effects related to humans are probably most
applicable to the operators of construction equipment as opposed to people residing adjacent
to construction projects and the potential for hearing loss or physical damage to the human
hearing mechanism is protected by Occupational Safety and Health Plan. While resulting in
the potential to annoy or disturb humans, construction noise is typically not a danger to
people's hearing.
Terrestrial and Aquatic Flora and Fauna

Endangered Asian elephant is the only terrestrial fauna has seen in the Project area. However,
from the initial secondary sources, Contractor realized that none of the active elephant
crossing falls within the Project area of Lot 1. During the construction period, the contractor
will undertake information from local people and also from available secondary sources for the
confirmation of the elephant routes. However, the Contractor will aware it’s all staff working at
site that an elephant may cross through work areas and be ready to accommodate it, record
its movement and sending this information immediately to Contractor office. Slopes of rail
embankments near established elephant routes will need to be gradual enough to permit an
elephant to walk over the tracks or quickly establish new routes along flatter terrain. The
Contractor will take adequate mitigation measures to protect the interest of Asian elephants
including their corridors and habitats, if any.


Elephant travel routes and Elephant population

Although it is unlikely to have elephant crossing in the Project area of Lot 1, the Contractor will
take adequate precaution to identify the elephant travel routes during construction and later
via deep cuts as crossing locations. The Contractor will develop in assistance of the Engineer,
the Elephant Management Plan prior to start of construction and will implement the plan during
construction period to minimize impact including establishing work hours near crossing areas
to only full daylight (0700-1700). The contractor will ensure that the embankments at cut areas
will be kept as low as possible. The Contractor will monitor movement of elephant, if found at
crossing points and ability to move around construction sites, seek cooperation of local
villages, to continue a monitoring program during the construction period at all elephant
crossing areas.
Health and Vector Borne Diseases

Construction leaves depressions in the ground that allow stagnant puddles to form, ideal to
become breeding areas for malaria and dengue mosquitoes. Five types of malaria is prolific
in Dohazari to Chakaria region, such as: i) Plasmodium Falciparum ii) Plasmodium Vivax iii)
Plasmodium Ovale iv) Plasmodium falciparum Malariae and v) Plasmodium Knowlesi.
Necessary public health measures should be taken for this type of vector borne disesses.
Personal and occupational health issues, stemming from unsanitary toilet facilities, lack of
potable water and sanitary washing areas can lead to common disease outbreaks in work
camps. The Contractor will inspect for stagnant water and puddles every three days especially
in rainy season, including stored construction materials such as tires and old empty oil drums
to prevent water ponding. All such sites will be drained and or filled in and tires disposed of or
kept in a covered area. The Contractor will undertake check and cleaning at all sites and areas
where clean conditions should exist. The Contractor will ensure the provision of potable water,
sanitary toilet facility and hygienic accommodation for workers at camp sites. All potable water
supplies will be tested semiannually. The Contractor will make provision of First-Aid facility for
all staff and will ensure that these facilities are cleaned and disinfected regularly. The
Contractor will inspect for stagnant water and puddles every week, including stored
construction materials such as tires and old oil drums–empty to prevent water ponding.
Worksite Safety Management

Worksite safety is important at construction site. Poor safety oversight and management of
the worksites lead to accidents and unsafe working conditions. Therefore, the Contractor will
arrange adequate number of health and safety training for workers and safety officer will
continuously inspect and check the safety compliance at site. The Contractor will also
construct fences separating the construction sites at settlement areas from public access. The
Contractor will at all times ensure that the local people are able to cross the construction area
safety who need to move from one side of the construction area to another.
HIV Awareness

The project will require a large number of workers who may not be available locally. As such
Contractor may need to hire workers outside of the local area. Due to influx of workers in the
Project area, AIDS/HIV may spread in local community. As such, the Contractor will organize


health training Programme for workers during construction period to aware the health and
hygienic issues. Training to be provided by the Contractor engaging a health service provider.
Personal Safety Equipment (PSE)

Nonuse of PSE by workers may lead to accidents. The Contractor will ensure that all workers
have appropriate personal protection equipment, such as safety boots, helmets, gloves,
protective clothing, goggles and ear protection, and also enforce its use, during work. The
Contractor will also organize quick discussion in the morning with workers to motivate them to
use PSE at all times during work.
Safety Training

Lack of safety training can lead to accidents and lost productivity. The Contractor will organize
adequate numbers of health and safety and on specific hazards, training for construction
Labor Standards

Maintaining labor standard is a vital part of any construction work. Non-compliance of labor
standards will lead to infractions of basic labor standards as defined by ILO conventions. The
Contractor will not permit any child labor under the age of 14. 14 year and above may be hired
as general labors, and no workers under the age of 17 are to be hired for hazardous jobs such
work on scaffolding, and structures elevated above the ground, etc. The Contractor will ensure
that there is no bonded labor and forced labor, as defined by ILO Conventions 29 & 105. The
Contractor will consider gender and treat equally and equal opportunity- as defined by ILO
Conventions 100 & 111 and ILO Code of Practice for HIV/AIDS 85. The Contractor will not
discriminate based on race, caste, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union
or political affiliation, or age and also no sexual harassment. The Contractor will ensure
minimum wage to all its employees according to Bangladesh Labor Act standards.
Construction along and across elephant travel routes

During construction, Contractor will fully aware its staff when working in vicinity of elephant
travel routes, taking care not to block this with equipment of temporary storage as EMP clause
2.12. Observance of elephant at working site, no one should irritate the elephant during its
movement around the construction site. The possible elephant crossing areas with GPS
coordinates to be flagged prior to start construction on those areas. During construction,
contractor will conduct a reconnaissance study to be fully aware off elephant travel routes, will
take adequate measures not to block potential elephant routes with equipment and or
temporary storage.
The Construction Period Environmental Completion Reporting

Environmental safeguards Programme of operating period will be weakened if summary report

defining the mitigation and monitoring actions have not been completed and actions for
Operating period have not been defined during construction period. The Contractor will
prepare a completion report and deliver to the Engineer.


Pilot Program to Test TIC and other Elephant-Train Accident prevention methods

No adequate preventative measures leading to injuries or death to elephant as they try to

cross the construction site when trains are passing during operating period. The Contractor
will undertake a two year pilot program to test options methods and to define the best method
or combination of methods upon approval of the Engineer. The final preferred method will be
implemented by the Contractor that will help to reduce elephant-train accident.
Elephant protection

The Contractor identified the potential railway alignment crossing routes from the secondary
sources and observed that there is no elephant crossing within the project area of Lot1.
However, during construction, Contractor will fully aware its staff when working in vicinity of
elephant travel routes, taking care not to block this with equipment of temporary storage as
EMP clause 2.12. Workers will be trained not to irritate the elephant during its movement
around the construction site and also what to do of observance of Asian elephant. EIA report
of this project shows the approximate crossing areas with GPS coordinates those will be
flagged prior to start of construction on those areas, if there is any.
Elephant Awareness

Lack of basic knowledge about elephant habits and movement, leading to agriculture damage
and potential injury to people and structures. The Contractor will design and deliver an
awareness raising program to BR and staff to Contractor.
Tree Replacement

The Project will require the removal of trees of various sizes and species mainly from forest
area. 139,000 trees to be removed from project construction corridor. Construction of
embankment will potentially lead to reduction of forest cover which can result in loss of habitat
for animal species and can harm ecosystems.
Dredging Site Impacts

The Contractor will follow the plans to protect the borrow and dredging site impacts as defined
in Clauses 2.3.2 and 2.7 of the EMP. The Contractor will secure and restore borrow sites to
control erosion, grounds for pests (Insects or animals), or any further pollution. The work will
be undertaken as each site closes to restore area to conditions specified in the EMP and or
elsewhere in the Contract Documents;
Traffic Management

The Project will impact on the local communities adjacent to the rail corridor. To minimize this
impact, the bulk of the internal mass construction haulage routes as far as possible will be
kept limited to the construction corridor. In addition, site specific traffic management plan will
be made to ensure minimum disturbance to the movement of traffic.
Light Escape

Works at night or any lighting operating overnight has the potential to impact native fauna and
local residents. Security and construction lighting will be directed inwards and downwards
towards the construction site, away from housing and surrounding vegetation.


Table 2 Environmental Management Plan: Mitigative Measures

Project Period and

Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise


1.1 The EMP requirements will not The contractor prepared EMWS N/A Within 1 month of the Contractor Engineer
Environmental implemented properly if EMWS has as provided in 8.1.3 above in successful contractor
Management not been prepared defining details relation to construction plan, mobilizing
Implementation on when mitigation and monitoring Further the contractor will
Work Schedule actions are to take place, in relation prepare;
(EMWS) to the main construction work plan. - traffic management plan,
- health and safety management
- emergency management plan,
- waste management plan,
- hazardous materials
management plan,
- dust management plan,
- noise management plan,
- water pollution prevention
management plan,
-dredging management plan, and
- construction biodiversity
management plan, with method
statements for all works in
protected areas and in-river works
all in accordance with
requirements of the Engineer and
applicable guidelines.

1.2 Air Quality and The ambient levels of CO2, NOx, A dust suppression Programme All sites , as identified One sampling station Contractor Engineer
Dust SOx, PM2.5, and PM10 may increase will be used at all times during in the monitoring per location means two
at busy stations and construction construction of embankment, table of this EMP as sampling points per
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu (Lot 1)
Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
areas leading to temporary localized stations and placement of ballast. well as in the station, quarterly over
air pollution. Dust suppression to include locations specified in the three years
watering and suppression EIA report construction period
equipment on batch plant, as well
as vehicle speed restrictions to
≤35 km/h.

Ambient air quality testing for SO2,

NO2 and PM2.5, PM10 same
locations as ambient baseline
environmental survey, conducted
quarterly at stations and
construction sites throughout the
construction period, including at
sensitive receptors such as
mosque, hospitals and schools,
and immediate remedial actions
taken 2 exceedances occur at any
one site

1.3 Topography, Landscape and Soils

1.3.1 Erosion Clearing topsoil in proposed Topsoil storage areas will be At all work sites, in Inspection as part of the Contractor Engineer
embankment area can lead to loss protected during the dry season the impact corridor, engineering inspection
of nutrient and erosion particularly especially wind erosion by including at cut areas cycle and reporting to
along the >11 km of cut slopes and covering. as shown in land use Engineer
dust from unprotected storage sites. Rapid revegetation and use of map of EIA report.
The erosion risk at embankment hydro-seeding and jute erosion
slopes is possible. Gully erosion protection mats will be applied in
along the exposed track slope areas where erosion is noted
during rainy season may damage during the regular monthly
smother field crops in adjacent inspections


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise

1.3.2 Topography Visual intrusion from large piles of Trees will be planted on the toe of Embankment areas Throughout the Contractor Engineer
and Landscape embankment materials and ballast the embankment to promote of the proposed construction period.
changes obstructing views and excavation natural vegetation; as well as fast alignment area as
along the edge of the alignment growing grasses such as well as at all borrow
leaving large unsafe holes is Vetiver/Napitar. No trees will be areas used during
possible. planted at elephant crossing sites. construction but not
Only low grass and shrub erosion at elephant crossing
protection measures here., using locations
plant material not suited for
Material stockpiles will be removed
as soon as work is completed and
the area re-landscaped. Same
applies to borrow areas.

1.3.3 Hill Cutting Total length of >11.00 km of cuts Hill cutting permission form Prime All hill sections as As work is completed in Contractor Engineer
across hilly sections of the Minister’s Office has been shown on maps in each rail line section
alignment (See Annex 2 of EIA achieved. Proper protection Annex 19
report) will be needed to achieve a measure like slope retaining walls
design grade. These areas will be and bioengineered measures such
highly erosion-prone. as plant fascines, palisades and
brush layering will be undertaken
by Contractor. A Site-specific Hill
Cutting Management Plan will be
provided to the Engineer by
Contractor prior to start of hill

1.4 Water Resources

1.4.1 Hydrology, 1) Earthwork activities during Contractor will ensure all Throughout Inspect weekly to ensure Contractor Engineer
Drainage and construction of embankment may earthworks are constructed alignment that drainage is properly
Surface Water result in drainage congestion. according to design and earthworks maintained at earthwork
Quality specifications. inspection at all work sites


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
camps and major
construction sites
such as bridges and
embankments as
well as at culvert
construction sites.

2) Earthwork activities during If any of the deformation happen

construction may also result in during construction period when
i) Excessive plastic deformation earth work is going into settlement
s, proper engineering and
ii) Progressive shear deformation
necessary measures need to be
iii)Subgrade deformation applied for
i)control of settlement,
ii)retention of stability,
iii)control of deformation of the
surrounding ground,
iv)control of liquefaction-induced
damage, and
v)retention of trafficability
Example of some method such as:
a) Consolidation and
drainage methods
b) Vibratory compactions
c) Induration methods
d) Excavation WQ sampling to be
replacement method conducted quarterly
e) Pore water pressure
dissipation method


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
f) Burden pressure
reduction methods
g) Reinforced banking
h) Structural methods

3) The surface water at workers

camp and Project site areas may Contractor will ensure that all
WQ sampling at all
become pollute due to Faecal, wastes, effluents and other
bridge construction
organic and other contamination. contaminant materials at
sites-upstream and
Disposed wastes and effluents from camp/work sites will be stored,
downstream as well
the construction sites may cause handled, transported and disposed
as at largest work
further degradation of surface in planned manners.Garbage
camp runoff area.
water. disposal service will be provided
that will refuse, reused or disposed
of without habitat loss; All other
effluents not to be disposed of will
directly discharge to natural waters
via settling basins to allow
suspended sediment to settle
down first.
Quarterly surface water quality
testing Programme, with sampling
design as defined in the EIA will be
completed during the construction

1.4.2 Groundwater The potential exists for drinking Contractor will ensure that the Throughout the If new wells are dug and Contractor Engineer
water sources to be contaminated workforce camps will be located alignment, especially toilet facilities built near with
by the seepage of wastes from away from water resources. All where the pile placed wells specialized
workers’ camps through the soil practical measures such as to depths ≥ 30 m, subcontractor


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
profile into the GW aquifer provision of septic tanks, garbage new wells will be dug, will collect
(particularly if wells access the bags, and other sanitation facilities work camp areas. and test
shallow aquifer). will be implemented at the samples
construction camps to prevent the
wastewater and solid wastes from
entering well and groundwater
recharge areas.
Wells used for drinking will be
tested once a year to ensure

1.5 Waste Management

1.5.1 Waste Construction camp wastes are often The Contractor will ensure to All construction camp Complete monthly and Contractor Engineer
Management poorly managed and can lead to contain all solid wastes at and contractor submit to engineer
chronic pollution of surface and designated location within operations areas,
groundwater. construction sites. Service such as batch plants,
machinery and vehicles will strictly vehicle workshop,
disposed of at designated and maintenance
maintenance workshops where yards
waste oils and lubricants can be
collected and recycled. The
monthly monitoring report will
provide compliance update

1.6 Noise Work sites will be noisy due to pile The Contractor will ensure to keep Sensitive sites within Throughout the Contractor Engineer
driving at bridge sites, operation, noise pollution within ≤60 dB 20 m of rail RoW in construction period, and
power generator, rock crushing/ (Bangladesh standard) levels the vicinity of the based on noise
batch plants and movement of especially at mosque, school, sensitive receptors. measurement surveys
construction vehicles. populated area and other sensitive
sites by use of low noise
equipment or erection of
temporary baffles. The Contractor
will also ensure work timing
restrictions if noise levels, based


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
on field measures indicate
exceedances of existing

Contractor will use only well

maintained functioning equipment.

1.7 Terrestrial and The clearing of approx. 139,000 The Contractor will ensure rapid Along the alignment, Throughout the Contractor Engineer
Aquatic Flora and trees and associated understory revegetation through trees cutting, camp construction period
Fauna vegetation and construction of a 2- implementation of tree replanting areas and River site
12 m high by 52 km-long Programme from the construction areas
embankments will reduce the stage to recover the habitat quickly
habitat for mostly birdlife, given that on rail-side
the aquatic and terrestrial faunal is The contractor will reestablish
limited to common species. surface draining quickly that will
help to bring wet areas, somewhat
Small patches of wetland will be reduced (marginally) by the new
covered by the embankment embankment to re-establish
original habitat conditions.
The Contractor will conduct fish
survey during construction period
on fishing and fish at each of the 5
major bridge crossings during the
fishing season, to track changes in
total catch and species diversity.

1.8 Elephant travel Obstruction of elephant travel The Contractor will develop in Five active crossing At all times during the Contractor ENGINEE
routes and Elephant routes during construction and later assistance of the Engineer, the sites and with construction period and its R
population via deep cuts as crossing locations Elephant Management Plan prior consideration for 6 specialist
to start of construction and will other seasonal consultant (as
implement the plan during crossing sites needed)
construction period to minimize
impact including establishing work


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
hours near crossing areas to only
full daylight (0700-1700).
The contractor will ensure that the
embankments at cut areas will be
kept as low as possible, i.e., less
than 4.1m to allow TIC viewing
Contractor will monitor movement
of elephant at crossing points and
ability to move around construction
sites, seek cooperation of local
villages, to continue a monitoring
program during the construction
period at the five active crossing

1.9 Health, Safety and Contractor Camp

1.9.1 Health and Personal and occupational health The Contractor will undertake Contractor Engineer
Vector Borne issues, stemming from unsanitary check and cleaning at all sites and
Diseases toilet facilities, lack of potable water areas where clean conditions
All work sites and
and sanitary washing areas can should exist.
particularly at At least 2X/week
lead to common disease outbreaks The Contractor will ensure the Construction camps
in work camps. provision of potable water, sanitary
Construction work creates areas for toilet facility and hygienic
water to form stagnant puddles; accommodation for workers at
Also, water can collect in old camp sites. All potable water
equipment waste tire dump stored supplies will be tested semi
outside, ideal breeding areas for annually
All work areas and
malaria and dengue mosquitoes.
For five types of malaria which is The Contractor will make provision
prolific in the project area of First-Aid facility for all staff with
the following drug


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
i) Plasmodium
Falciparum : Drug-
Malaria Vaccine
ii) Plasmodium Vivax :
and Mefloquine
iii) Plasmodium Ovale:
Drug-Combination of
Choloroquine and
iv) Plasmodium
falciparum Malariae:
and Malaria Vaccine
v) Plasmodium
Knowlesi: Drug-
Chloroquine and
Needed to be included inside the
First Aid Box and will ensure that
these facilities are cleaned and
disinfected regularly.

The Contractor will inspect for

stagnant water and puddles every
week, including stored
construction materials such as
tires and old oil drums–empty to
prevent water ponding.


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise

1.9.2 Worksite Poor safety oversight and The Contractor will construct All construction Conduct inspections as Contractor Engineer
Safety Management management of the worksites leads fences separating the construction areas part of regular
to accidents and unsafe working sites at rail stations or settlement inspections or at least
conditions areas from public access. every 2 months
Contractor will at all times ensure
the local people are able to cross
the construction area safety who
need to move from one side of the
construction area to another.

1.9.3 HIV Awareness Due to influx of workers in the The Contractor will organize health All construction Conduct at work camps Contractor Engineer
Project area, AIDS/HIV may spread training Programme for workers camps and sites every six months
in local community during construction period to
aware the health and hygienic
issues. Training to be provided by
health specialist of the Contractor

1.10 Occupational Health and Safety

1.10.1-Personal Nonuse of PSE by workers may The Contractor will ensure that all At all constriction Continuously throughout Contractor Engineer
Safety lead to accidents workers have appropriate sites the construction years
Equipment (PSE) personal protection equipment,
such as safety boots, helmets,
gloves, protective clothing,
goggles and ear protection, and
also enforce its use, during work

1.10.2-Safety Lack of safety training can lead to The Contractor will organize All construction At all times during Contractor Engineer
Training accidents and lost productivity adequate numbers of health and areas construction
safety and on specific hazards,
training for construction workers

1.10.3 Labor Non-compliance of labor standards The Contractor will not permit any All work areas under Throughout the Contractor Engineer
Standards will lead to infractions of basic labor child labor under the age of 14. 14 the contractor and construction period
year and above may be hired as subcontractor control


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
standards as defined by ILO general labors, and no workers
conventions. under the age of 17 are to be hired
for hazardous jobs such work on
scaffolding, and structures
elevated above the ground, etc.
The Contractor will ensure no
Bonded labor-All forms of bonded
labor and forced labor, as defined
by ILO Conventions 29 & 105
The Contractor will treat equal and
equal opportunity- as defined by
ILO Conventions 100 & 111 and
ILO Code of Practice for HIV/AIDS
The Contractor will not
discriminate based on race, caste,
origin, religion, disability, gender,
sexual orientation, union or
political affiliation, or age; no
sexual harassment
The Contractor will ensure
minimum wage to all its employees
according to Bangladesh Labor
Act standards.

1.11 Construction Elephant and construction During construction contractor will Focus on five active Throughout the Contractor Engineer
along and across operations interaction, and likely conduct a reconnaissance study to locations and nine construction period
elephant travel severe damage be fully aware off elephant travel seasonal locations particularly when
routes routes, will take adequate working during low light
measures not to block potential periods
elephant routes with equipment
and or temporary storage Initial
crossing routes have been


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise
identified during EIA study those
are shown with GPS coordinates
in EIA report

1.12 The Environmental safeguards The Contractor will prepare a N/A Complete within the last Contractor Engineer
Construction Period Programme of operating period will completion report and deliver to 4 months of the Project
Environmental be weakened if summary report the Engineer.
Completion defining the mitigation and
Reporting monitoring actions have not been
completed and actions for
Operating period have not been
defined during construction period.

1.13 Pilot Program to No adequate preventative The Contractor will undertake a The Contractor in To start planning prior to Contractor Engineer
Test TIC and other measures leading to injuries or two year pilot program to test assistance of the start of construction if
Elephant-Train death to elephant as they try to options methods and to defined Engineer and BR to Engineer and BR agreed
Accident prevention cross the alignment when trains are the best method or combination of identify specific test to do so
methods passing during operating period methods upon approval of the sites, in addition to
Engineer the existing corridor

1.14 Elephant No adequate preventative The Contractor will purchase, NA After successful Contractor Engineer
protection measures leading to injuries or install and test 20 TIC systems on completion of the Pilot
death to elephant as they try to locomotives operating on the program
cross the alignment when trains are project rail line

1.15 Elephant Lack of basic knowledge about The Contractor will design and To be determined After successful Contractor Engineer
Awareness elephant habits and movement, deliver an awareness raising completion of the Pilot
leading to agriculture damage and program to BR and Contractor program
potential injury to people and

1.16 Tree 139,000 trees to be removed from The Contractor will commence All along the As construction in an Contractor Engineer
Replacement project construction corridor tree replanting program such that alignment, and areas ceases but not
for each tree cut three are planted according to a tree only at end of
and all dead trees to be replanted replanting plan construction


Project Period and
Who will Who will
Environmental Project Impact Mitigation Measures Location Timing/ Duration
Implement Supervise

1.17 Dredging Site The work will be undertaken as To perform the dredging activities
Impact each site closes to restore area to the following measures need to be
conditions specified taken
Use of Punaise(The Punaise is a
completely submersible system
which can pump free flowing sand
or silt)

Hydro –cyclones needed to be

employed to sand from fine
grained soils.

Construction of sand silt

separation basin.

Utilization of near bank placement

of dredging material(soil only)

Using Bottom-Dump dredges for

crop field nourishment.


8.2.2 Environmental Compliance Monitoring Measures

A summary of the key potential environmental impacts that will require monitoring measures
during the construction of the Project, are listed below and form the basis of the Environmental
Management Plan. A typical environmental monitoring measure table is provided in Table 2.
The Contractor will follow similar monitoring activities during construction period.
Air Quality

The Contractor will conduct air quality monitoring as defined in clause 2.2 of the EMP. The
EMP defines in detail, the air quality sampling program to be undertaken using portable
electronic sampling system: 10 sample stations @ 2 samples per station, making a total of 20
samples quarterly for four years. However, final date and time of sampling will be determined
by the Engineer. The Air quality sampling parameters are: CO, SO2, NO2, PM2.5, and PM10
and visual check on soot/black smoke. The detail monitoring requirement is shown in Table
36 in EMP along with details of acceptance limits. In case of air pollution from construction
activities, the Contractor will immediately take actions to prevent pollution and reverse or
eliminate the conditions such that they are at least as good as preconstruction or better, at his
own cost.
Noise Measurement

The Contractor will measure noise level during the construction period as define in the EMP
(Clause 2.6). A total of 10 reading measurement stations, with 2 measurements per station
(day and night) at the closest receptors from source; 20 readings quarterly for four construction
years and in parallel to air quality sampling stations. However, final date, time and number of
sampling will be determined by the Engineer.
In case of noise pollution from construction activities, the Contractor shall take immediate
actions to prevent pollution and reverse or eliminate the conditions such that they are within
limits specified in EMP. The Contractor will be required to re-establish conditions that are at
least as good as preconstruction or better at his own cost.
Surface Water Quality

The Contractor will establish a detail surface water sampling program as defines in Clause
2.4.1 of the EMP. A total of 6 sample stations, 2 samples per station, 1.5m below the surface
quarterly for three years. 12 samples quarterly for three years. However, the actual date and
time of sampling will be determined by the Engineer. In case of surface water pollution from
construction activities, the Contractor shall take immediate actions to prevent pollution and
reverse or eliminate the conditions such that they are within limits prescribed in EMP. The
Contractor will re-establish conditions that are at least as good as or better than the conditions
which existed during the preconstruction period at his own cost.
Groundwater Quality

The Contractor will establish a detail groundwater sampling program as defines in Clause
2.4.2 of the EMP. A total of 10 sample tube wells and 1 sample per tube well semi-annually
for two years, if no difference, once a year for rest of the construction years; 20 samples each
year at Year 1 and Year 2 and 10 samples at Year 3, and 10 samples at Year 4. However,
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway
Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu (Lot 1) 32
final date and time of sampling will be determined by the Engineer. Where water abstraction
from boreholes dug by the Contractor results in adverse effects on groundwater that at the
time of commencement of Contract was being used by local people, the Contractor shall
ensure supply of equivalent quantity of safe water to the users as long as the original
groundwater supply has not been re-established, at his own cost.


Table 3: Environmental Management Plan: Monitoring Measures

Project Period Performance

Details of When/ Who
and indicators/ Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target


1.1 The EMP requirements will not The Contractor prepared EMWS in Contractor prepared Within 1 month of Approval of Contractor, Engineer
Environmental implemented properly if relation to construction plan, and submit EMWS Contractor EMWS by the with help
Management EMWS has not been prepared Further the contractor will prepare; to the Engineer for mobilization Engineer before from
Implementation defining details on when - traffic management plan, approval construction Engineer
Work Schedule mitigation and monitoring begins
- health and safety management
(EMWS) actions are to take place, in
relation to the main
construction work plan. - emergency management plan,
- waste management plan,
- hazardous materials
management plan,
- dust management plan,
- noise management plan,
- water pollution prevention
management plan,
-dredging management plan, and
- construction biodiversity
management plan, with method
statements for all works in
protected areas and in-river works
all in accordance with
requirements of the Engineer and
applicable guidelines.

1.2 Air Quality The ambient levels of CO2, A dust suppression Programme will Throughout the At 10 construction Sampling Contractor Engineer
and Dust NOx, SOx, PM2.5, and PM10 be used at all times during construction period: sites, quarterly for Programme being
may increase at busy stations construction of embankment, During dry season three years undertaken as
and construction areas stations and placement of ballast. undertake air quality scheduled/
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu (Lot 1)
Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
leading to temporary localized Dust suppression to include testing for CO, SO2, Completed data
air pollution. watering and suppression NO2, PM2.5, and table and short
equipment on batch plant, as well PM10 at major analysis submitted
as vehicle speed restrictions to ≤35 bridge & station
km/h. construction sites.
Ambient air quality testing for SO2, The Contractor will
NO2 and PM2.5, PM10 same take approval from
locations as ambient baseline the Engineer of the
environmental survey, conducted location of sampling
quarterly at stations and station prior to start
construction sites throughout the sampling
construction period, including at
sensitive receptors such as
mosque, hospitals and schools,
and immediate remedial actions
taken 2 exceedances occur at any
one site

1.3 Topography, Landscape and Soils

1.3.1 Erosion Clearing topsoil in proposed Topsoil storage areas will be The Contractor will As part of regular Evidence that Contractor Engineer
embankment area can lead to protected during the dry season inspect storage construction erosion control
loss of nutrient and erosion especially wind erosion by areas and record inspection, likely measures are
particularly along the >11 km covering. state of storage weekly being applied/
of cut slopes and dust from Rapid revegetation and use of areas with 2 photos, Description of
unprotected storage sites. hydro-seeding and jute erosion and then report level status of erosion
The erosion risk at protection mats will be applied in of erosion and on- control measures
embankment slopes is areas where erosion is noted site dust. being
possible. Gully erosion along during the regular monthly The Contractor will implemented
the exposed track slope inspections also inspect photographic
during rainy season may embankment evidence of
damage smother field crops in construction areas revegetation of at
adjacent areas.


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
for erosion and least 75% of
repair embankment

1.3.2 Visual intrusion from large Trees will be planted on the toe of The Contractor will Construction and Visual evidence Contractor Engineer
Topography piles of embankment the embankment to promote inspect and consult operation stage/ that Programme is
and Landscape materials and ballast natural vegetation; as well as fast with adjacent monthly inspection being
changes obstructing views and growing grasses such as households and / long term implemented/ The
excavation along the edge of Vetiver/Napitar. No trees will be railway authority to Contractor will
the alignment leaving large planted at elephant crossing sites. get opinion on work showcase the
unsafe holes is possible. Only low grass and shrub erosion being completed. progress in
protection measures here., using monthly environ-
plant material not suited for mental progress
elephant report
Material stockpiles will be removed
as soon as work is completed and
the area re-landscaped. Same
applies to borrow areas.

1.3.3 Hill Total length of >11.00 km of Hill cutting permission form Prime The Contractor will During Include as part of Contractor Engineer
Cutting cuts across hilly sections of Minister’s Office has been obtain all necessary construction, inspection report or
the alignment (See Annex 2 of achieved. Proper protection permits and that hill when hill cutting checklist/ state-
EIA report) will be needed to measure like slope retaining walls cutting or will take place ment confirming
achieve a design grade. and bioengineered measures such proceeding in a safe Hill cutting
These areas will be highly as plant fascines, palisades and manner completed in
erosion-prone. brush layering will be undertaken compliance with
by Contractor. A Site-specific Hill GoB specifications
Cutting Management Plan will be and satisfying local
provided to the Engineer by communities.
Contractor prior to start of hill


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target

1.4 Water Resources

1.4.1 Hydrology 1) Earthwork activities Contractor will ensure all Site inspection by Construction and Inspection reporting Contractor Engineer
and Surface during construction of earthworks are constructed Contractor and DL stage/ Monthly or checklist/
Water Quality embankment may result in according to design and Engineer inspection/ Long indicating Earthworks
drainage congestion specifications. term completed according
Contractor will ensure that all to design and
The Contractor will
wastes, effluents and other regulations, at all
2) The surface water at inspect waste and
contaminant materials at disturbed sites
workers camp and Project site field management at The Contractor
areas may become pollute camp/work sites will be stored, camps and record will complete WQ
due to Faecal, organic and handled, transported and disposed actions taken when Include as part of
testing at stations
other contamination. in planned manners. non-compliance inspection report
as defined in this
Disposed wastes and Garbage disposal service will be recorded EIA, quarterly for or checklist/ No
effluents from the construction provided that will refuse, reused or 3 years for the 9 garbage found
sites may cause further disposed of without habitat loss; All parameters listed: strewn in work
degradation of surface water. other effluents not to be disposed of camps and work
will directly discharge to natural sites
waters via settling basins to allow
suspended sediment to settle Conduct surface Test data.,
down first. water quality testing presented in
Quarterly surface water quality for pH, Turbidity, tabular, well
testing Programme, with sampling Temperature, DO, organized form/
design as defined in the EIA will be BOD5, COD, TSS, Completed data
completed during the construction TDS, oil and grease tables available

1.4.2 The potential exists for Contractor will ensure that the The Contractor will Every 6 months or Test being Contractor Engineer
Groundwater drinking water sources to be workforce camps will be located conduct testing for until difference undertaken
contaminated by the seepage away from water resources. All pH, TP, Mn, Fe, As, over 1 years does regularly/
of wastes from workers’ practical measures such as Oil and Grease and not vary Completed data
camps through the soil profile provision of septic tanks, garbage E. Coli where the significantly. table and short
into the GW aquifer bags, and other sanitation facilities pile drilling to 30m analysis


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
(particularly if wells access the will be implemented at the depth is conducted Reduced to once
shallow aquifer). construction camps to prevent the and/or where any a year.
wastewater and solid wastes from new wells are dug or
entering well and groundwater a well becomes a
recharge areas. camp potable water
Wells used for drinking will be supply.,.
tested once a year to ensure

1.5 Waste Management

1.5.1 Waste Construction camp wastes are The Contractor will ensure to The Contractor will At all times Garbage in bins Contractor Engineer
Management often poorly managed and can contain all solid wastes at undertake when inspected/
lead to chronic pollution of designated location within inspection for good Weekly compliance
surface and groundwater. construction sites. Service housekeeping checklist
machinery and vehicles will strictly practices at least
disposed of at designated every 2 months and
maintenance workshops where report results and
waste oils and lubricants can be record what actions
collected and recycled. The taken to mitigate
monthly monitoring report will
provide compliance update

1.6 Noise Work sites will be noisy due The Contractor will ensure to keep The Contractor will Sample Quarterly Noise sampling Contractor Engineer
to pile driving at bridge sites, noise pollution within ≤60 dB sample at least 10 for the construction being undertaken
operation, power generator, (Bangladesh standard) levels sensitive sites within period as prescribed/
rock crushing/ batch plants especially at mosque, school, 20m of rail RoW in Data summarized
and movement of populated area and other sensitive the vicinity of the in to monthly data
construction vehicles. sites by use of low noise equipment sensitive receptors. summary table
or erection of temporary baffles. Take noise readings (one row per date
The Contractor will also ensure at sensitive receptors sampled)
work timing restrictions if noise 2X/day during full
levels, based on field measures work activities,


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
indicate exceedances of existing 2X/month. Approval
conditions. from the Engineer will
Contractor will use only well be sorted prior to
maintained functioning equipment. sampling locations

1.7 Terrestrial The clearing of approx. The Contractor will ensure rapid As part of the monthly Monthly Field evidence that Contractor Engineer
and Aquatic 139,000 trees and associated revegetation through implementation site inspection, the throughout the work is under way/
Flora and understory vegetation and of tree replanting Programme from Contractor will construction Checklist as part
Fauna construction of a 2-12 m high the construction stage to recover the examine period of the monthly
by 52 km-long embankments habitat quickly on rail-side embankments, new reporting
will reduce the habitat for The contractor will reestablish stations, subgrade
mostly birdlife, given that the
surface draining quickly that will help storage areas, to
aquatic and terrestrial faunalto bring wet areas, somewhat confirm these
is limited to common species. reduced (marginally) by the new facilities are not
embankment to re-establish original contributing to
Small patches of wetland will habitat conditions.
be covered by the The Contractor will conduct fish Field check that
embankment survey during construction period on fish survey being
fishing and fish at each of the 5 major The Contractor will undertaken
bridge crossings during the fishing conduct fish surveys At least once per regularly/ Creel
season, to track changes in total at five major rivers at fishing season for census report
catch and species diversity. crossing locations 3 years available


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target

1.8 Elephant Obstruction of elephant travel The Contractor will develop in The Contractor will Complete at 5 The Contractor will Contractor Engineer
travel routes routes during construction and assistance of the Engineer, the check embankment active sites and develop an
and Elephant later via deep cuts as crossing Elephant Management Plan prior to heights and reduce include seasonal elephant
population locations start of construction and will the height if and sites, ate least management plan
implement the plan during where possible monthly and will showcase
construction period to minimize The Contractor will the progress/
impact including establishing work collect elephant activity in monthly
hours near crossing areas to only movement records report
full daylight (0700-1700). from operators and
The contractor will ensure that the local villagers
embankments at cut areas will be contracted
kept as low as possible, i.e., less
than 4.1m to allow TIC viewing
Contractor will monitor movement
of elephant at crossing points and
ability to move around construction
sites, seek cooperation of local
villages, to continue a monitoring
program during the construction
period at the five active crossing

1.9 Health, Safety and Contractor Good Housekeeping

1.9.1 Health Personal and occupational The Contractor will undertake The Contractor will Weekly inspection Compliance Contractor Engineer
and vector- health issues, stemming from check and cleaning at all sites and check at all sites checklist/ no or
borne diseases unsanitary toilet facilities, lack areas where clean conditions and immediate few outbreaks of
of potable water and sanitary should exist. action will be taken vector-borne
washing areas can lead to The Contractor will ensure the if non-compliance diseases reported
common disease outbreaks in provision of potable water, sanitary identified during the
work camps. toilet facility and hygienic construction
accommodation for workers at period


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
Construction work creates camp sites. All potable water
areas for water to form supplies will be tested semi
stagnant puddles; Also, water annually
can collect in old equipment
waste tire dump stored The Contractor will make provision
outside, ideal breeding areas of First-Aid facility for all staff and
for malaria and dengue will ensure that these facilities are
mosquitoes. cleaned and disinfected regularly.

The Contractor will inspect for

stagnant water and puddles every
week, including stored construction
materials such as tires and old oil
drums–empty to prevent water

1.9.2 Worksite Poor safety oversight and The Contractor will construct The Contractor will Once a month Record of Contractor Engineer
safety management of the worksites fences separating the construction conduct regular compliance
management leads to accidents and unsafe sites at rail stations or settlement inspection included in audit
working conditions areas from public access. report/ good
Contractor will at all times ensure record of worker
the local people are able to cross safety and no
the construction area safety who accidents
need to move from one side of the
construction area to another.

1.9.3 HIV Due to influx of workers in the The Contractor will organize health The Contractor will Every 6 months Record of Contractor BR
awareness Project area, AIDS/HIV may training Programme for workers inspect monthly for for the 3-year compliance Engineers
spread in local community during construction period to aware all OHS requirement construction included in audit and health
the health and hygienic issues. looking for poor period report/ specialist
Training to be provided by the enforcement as well Programme of HIV
Contractor engaging a health distribution of awareness and
service provider.


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
proper safety attendance list
equipment filed with Engineer

1.10 Occupational Health and Safety

1.10.1 Personal Nonuse of PSE by workers The Contractor will ensure that all The Contractor will Monthly at all PSEs in use at Contractor Engineer
Safety may lead to accidents workers have appropriate personal inspect and check work sites worksite/
Equipment protection equipment, such as PSE compliance Confirmation note
(PSE) safety boots, helmets, gloves, monthly. in inspection
protective clothing, goggles and ear reporting
protection, and also enforce its documentation
use, during work sighting PSE use

1.10.2 Safety Lack of safety training can The Contractor will organize The Contractor will quarterly Record and Contractor Engineer
Training lead to accidents and lost adequate numbers of health and record of training attendance sheets
productivity safety and on specific hazards, times and for each training
training for construction workers attendance session/ Steady
improvement in
construction safety
record with

1.10.3 Labor Non-compliance of labor The Contractor will not permit any The Contractor will At start of Spot checks to
Standards standards will lead to child labor under the age of 14. 14 check 10% of the Construction confirm
infractions of basic labor year and above may be hired as labor force period and compliance/
standards as defined by ILO general labors, and no workers randomly, and complete every 6 Findings of
conventions. under the age of 17 are to be hired check that laborers months compliance
for hazardous jobs such work on have contract letters presented as a
scaffolding, and structures elevated and check age, table of
above the ground, etc. working conditions compliance
The Contractor will ensure no and documentation against the 4 main
Bonded labor-All forms of bonded factors
labor and forced labor, as defined
by ILO Conventions 29 & 105


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
The Contractor will treat equal and
equal opportunity- as defined by
ILO Conventions 100 & 111 and
ILO Code of Practice for HIV/AIDS
The Contractor will not discriminate
based on race, caste, origin,
religion, disability, gender, sexual
orientation, union or political
affiliation, or age; no sexual
The Contractor will ensure
minimum wage to all its employees
according to Bangladesh Labor Act

1.11 Elephant and construction During construction contractor will The Contractor will Twice during each Prepare and file Contractor Engineer
Construction operations interaction, and conduct a reconnaissance study to visit potential construction year report for review
along and likely severe damage be fully aware off elephant travel elephant crossing by Engineer and
across elephant routes, will take adequate locations and others
travel routes measures not to block potential prepare site report
elephant routes with equipment on elephant
and or temporary storage Initial observations and
crossing routes have been record conditions at
identified during EIA study those crossing
are shown with GPS coordinates in
EIA report

1.12 Environmental safeguards The Contractor will prepare a The Contractor will Once at the end of Report on Contractor Engineer
Environmental Programme of operating completion report and deliver to the prepare completion construction completion of
Completion period will be weakened if Engineer. report and confirm period mitigation and
Reporting summary report defining the compliance monitoring actions
mitigation and monitoring specified in the


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
actions have not been EMP/ Completion
completed and actions for report filed with
Operating period have not Engineer
been defined during
construction period.

1.13 Pilot No adequate preventative The Contractor will undertake a two Monitor work Monthly for two File site visit report Engineer Engineer
Program to Test measures leading to injuries year pilot program to test options monthly by years and
TIC and other or death to elephant as they methods and to defined the best Contractor Contractor
Elephant-Train try to cross the alignment method or combination of methods
Accident when trains are passing upon approval of the Engineer
prevention during operating period

1.14 Elephant No adequate preventative The Contractor will purchase, The Contractor will Monthly Inspection Contractor Engineer
protection measures leading to injuries install and test 20 TIC systems on implement standard inspection report Programme is in
or death to elephant as they locomotives operating on the construction place and
try to cross the alignment project rail line inspection program approved by the
when trains are passing as defined by FIDIC Engineer

1.15 Elephant Lack of basic knowledge The Contractor will design and The awareness Attend program File program, Contractor Engineer
Awareness about elephant habits and deliver an awareness raising raising program delivery and attendance and
movement, leading to program to BR and Contractor prepare and need to evaluate evaluation with
agriculture damage and review and approve Engineer
potential injury to people and by the Engineer

1.16 Tree 139,000 trees to be removed The Contractor will commence tree The proposed tree 3X/year Record trees Contractor Engineer
Replacement from project construction replanting program such that for replacement planted, trees
corridor each tree cut three are planted and program designed healthy and
all dead trees to be replanted by the Contractor locations
need to be approve.
The Contractor will


Project Period Performance
Details of When/
and indicators/ Who Who
Project Impact Mitigation Measures Monitoring Action Frequency/
Environmental Performance Implements Supervises
to be Undertaken Duration
Parameters Target
also inspect
plantation program

1.17 Dreging
site Impact


9 Execution of Tree Plantation Program
There are multiple objective of the tree plantation and replacement program is to compensate
for the loss of trees due to implementation of the Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar single line dual gauge
railway project. Other major objectives are to protect the affected culturally sensitive areas
(within 50 m from the RoW boundary) and to enhance the health of the existing ecosystem.

About 350,000 trees will be planted by the Contractor under this Project. Therefore, a detail
Tree Plantation and Replacement Program (TPRP) will be required to prepare detailing type
of sapling, their ratio, plantation area, nursing and etc. These trees will be planted on both side
of the proposed new alignment, in the proposed station building areas, and new station access
road areas (associated facilities). The following areas have been identified for development of
plantation sites in the project areas:
 Both side slopes of the constructed new railway embankment;
 Back side of the constructed new stations; and
 Along the affected culturally sensitive areas up to 50 m from the RoW.

The Contractor will procure planting and raising saplings until they survive for at least two
years from the date of planting. This period may be reviewed and modified by the Engineer at
the Contractor’s request.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a Tree Plantation and Replacement
Programme for approval, provided that all trees planting is completed at least one year prior
to the time for completion of the works. The species to be planted will be based on consultation
with local residents, the Forest Departments and Bangladesh Railways track maintenance

10 Environmental Training
The Contractor will prepare and deliver five training workshops in entire construction period
on EMP implementation. The participants of these training will be the representatives from
Bangladesh Railway, the Engineer and Contractor. Contents of such training workshops will
be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to arranging the

11 Environmental Reporting
All environmental reporting is mandatory contract requirement between Bangladesh Railway
and CT JV. The Contractor will prepare the monthly, quarterly, semi-annual environmental
monitoring report as well as the annual due diligence reports. These reports will summarize
progress, assess the value of mitigative actions and adjust the existing program as needed by
tracking a set of performance indicators as well as results of field surveys used to establish
define any unwanted changes in the physical, ecological and social environment. The existing
EMP’s monitoring table, defines, in considerable detail, the air, noise and surface and
groundwater quality survey program, specifying a sampling design. The contractor will be
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Construction of Single Line Dual Gauge Railway
Line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu (Lot 1) 46
required to follow this schedule and the Supervision Consultant will assist with implementing
this program.
Monthly Inspection Report

The Contractor will define the reporting format for the safeguards section’s standard monthly
progress report. The Contractor will share the Table of Content of the monthly report with
Engineer to provide feedback and suggest improvement shortly before each report is
submitted. During the construction period, general environmental reporting will be required on
a monthly basis. The monthly reports will consist of a completed environmental compliance
checklist developed using the EMP and approved by the Engineer such that actions necessary
for each relevant mitigative action is identified and a summary of all actions recorded.
Where a monthly report is coincident with a quarterly or annual report, such monthly report
shall be required but may be included with the respective quarterly and annual report. Upon
approval of the monthly report by the Engineer, an environmental compliance certificate will
be issued by the Engineer to the Contractor.
Quarterly Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report

The Contractor will ensure that the environmental sections of quarterly reports, as well as
compliance monitoring checklist including environmental quality results are prepared and
submitted on time. During the construction period, beside the requirements of monthly report,
environmental monitoring inspections, and environmental quality sampling and testing will also
be required.
The quarterly report shall consist of a completed environmental compliance checklist
developed using the EMP and approved by the Engineer, results of environmental monitoring
together with a summary of significant items from the current and previous two monthly reports
showing an indication of trends of any environmental impact. The EIA contains mandatory
sampling specifications that the Contractor will be required to adhere to. In the conditions of
their environmental approval of the project, DOE required that quarterly progress reports be
filed. Therefore, Contractor will developed the Table of Content for the Quarterly report in a
harmonized manner so that it satisfy everyone requirements.
Where a quarterly report is coincident with semi-annual report, such quarterly report shall be
required but may be included with the respective annual report. The Engineer reserves the
right to increase the frequency of sampling subject to a review, which may be carried out at
any time during the Construction period of the results.
Semi-annual Environmental Report

The Contractor will prepare semi-annual compliance monitoring reports on the implementation
of mitigative and monitoring tasks defined in the EIA, its EMP and the contract specifications.
The Contractor shall prepare a semi-annual Environmental Report to include details of all
environment related activities together with a summary of all tests and monitoring activities
and conclusions and include an assessment of effectiveness of current monitoring activities,
possible changes in construction methodologies and any other thing(s) which may contribute
to a reduction in environmental impact.


Where a semi-annual report is coincident with annual report, such semi-annual report will be
required but may be included with the respective annual report. The Engineer reserves the
right to increase the frequency of sampling subject to a review, which may be carried out at
any time during the Construction period of the results.
Annual Environmental Report

The Contractor will prepare an Annual Environmental Report to include details of all
environment related activities together with a summary of all tests and monitoring activities
and conclusions and include an assessment of effectiveness of current monitoring activities,
possible changes in construction methodologies and any other thing(s) which may contribute
to a reduction in environmental impact. Payment of the Annual Environmental Report shall be
made upon approval of the Report by the Engineer.
The annual Due Diligence Report will present the overall progress of the contractor, the
Engineer as well as the Executing Agency in participating in the full implementation of the
EMP and any other safeguard provisions found in the environmental assessment
documentation as well as the contract specifications.

12 Environmental Safeguard Implementation and Reporting

The summary of the above-mentioned methodology and reporting requirements has been
provided in Figure 1.

Department of Bangladesh ADB

Environment Railway

Community Representation/GRC
Environmental and Social
Office of Project
Provide necessary Safeguards Unit, BR
Director, BR

Complete Construction Supervision Environmental Social /Resettlement

monitoring Management Group Management

Technical support
and Supervision Contractor

Independent Environment Manager


EMP Monitoring Training

Implementation Specialist Specialist

Figure 1: Environmental Safeguard Implementation and Reporting Flow Chart


13 Roles and Responsibility of the Contractor
The Project area contain significant environmental values, including in order to comply with
the Contractual obligation and GoB’s Environmental Conservation Act (1995) and ADB’s 2009
Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS).
The Contractor is obligated to implement measures to the potential environmental impacts
ensure the under its custodianship or contractual commitments, and is further obligated to
monitor that these measures are structured and applied according to the requirements of
policy, legal and administrative framework. Therefore, Contractor will hire a full-time
environmental officer who will be responsible for overall environmental compliance of the site.
His/her primary responsibilities will be as follows.
Environmental Officer

 The Environmental Officer will have relevant educational qualification and adequate knowledge
in Environment
 Be on site full-time during all construction activities.
 Undertake daily and weekly site inspections, as and when required as per the EMP
 Fill-up daily/weekly/monthly environmental forms and checklists and take photos as hard
 Conduct site specific environmental awareness training
 Investigate and report on any environmental incidents and ensure that appropriate action is
 Undertake environmental monitoring requirements as required by approvals, licenses and
 Attend all environmental meeting/workshop on behalf of Contractor and liaison with the Engineer
and BR.



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