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Part: You will hear a short extract about Mars.


THREE WORDS for each blank.

 Mars or the red planet is made from rock, iron,

 Mars and Earth have some similarities: 24- hour day, 4 seasons. Although it has thin air
and its surface is too cold for _________________________________, it is much more
_________________________________ than other planets.
 Its riverbeds, _________________________________and dried lakes speak of a past
more watery than its _________________________________ present.
 The likelihood that Mars used to have life or still have today is one of reasons more
_________________________________ have been sent.
 Elon Musk’s space technology company has plans. Such missions would be among the
_________________________________ humans have ever undertaken.
 Yet the journey is possible in case the planets are
_________________________________, which occurs only every 26 months.
 The challenge of a _________________________________ which can be in operation
for years without resupply is daunting.
 Cost would be high and the _________________________________ immense but the
challenge is fascinating.

1. Fable and myth
 Fable (n):  a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially one with
animals as characters; these stories considered as a group
2. Unsheltered life
 Sheltered: designed for people, especially old people, who can still live fairly
independent lives, but with staff available to help them if necessary
3. Astronaut-friendly
4. Deltas: an area of land, like a triangle in shape, where a river has split into several
smaller rivers before entering the sea
5. Arid: dry
6. Space probes: a spacecraft without people on board that obtains information and sends
it back to earth
7. Biggest technical challenges
8. Properly aligned
9. Life-support system
10. Hurdles: a problem or difficulty that must be solved or dealt with before you can achieve

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